Using New Candidate Reports

The basic responsibility of the Candidate Guidance Committee is to assist or guide
CCIM candidates through the entire candidacy process.
The staff at CCIM
headquarters is available to provide assistance and answer any questions candidates
may have about the program.
However, some of the candidate’s concerns can be more effectively met at the chapter
level. This is why each chapter must have a functioning Candidate Guidance
Committee. The chapter Candidate Guidance Committee assists candidates in a
variety of ways, such as:
Informing people who have taken CI courses and are involved in the chapter about
the procedures of becoming a candidate.
Assisting candidates through the process of obtaining the CCIM designation
Sponsoring portfolio-writing workshops prior to each deadline; this should include
follow-up with candidates preparing portfolios. Designees who have recently been
awarded the designation are a good resource for mentoring. Portfolio graders and
CI staff are also available to assist with chapter seminars.
Helping candidates study for the comprehensive exam
Familiarization with the designation process, with CCIM staff and various Institute
events, enables committee members to answer questions candidates may have or
to direct them to the proper person.
Guidelines for Using Institute Candidacy
Candidate members who are pursuing the CCIM designation may not display the CCIM
designation or logo, and may ONLY refer to candidacy status in a portfolio to prospective
employers. Membership in a local CCIM Chapter does not in any way provide any additional
rights or opportunities to use the CCIM logo or trademark.
No mention of candidacy status may be made on business stationary, in advertising, websites,
brochures, contracts, documents, promotional materials, or any other publications. A candidate
may not refer to themselves as a “CCIM candidate” or by any other means imply it.
Inappropriate use of Institute candidacy is defined as:
A person who references themselves as a CCIM designee or CCIM candidate and/or
uses the CCIM logo on communication or marketing—whether it is verbal, written,
electronic, or for personal business—prior to passing the CCIM Comprehensive Exam
and/or payment of annual dues to the CCIM Institute and being certified by the CCIM
A person who uses the CCIM logo in their company or personal business and is not a
CCIM designee because of non-payment of dues or failure to pass the Comprehensive
Ethical Practice
As members of the Institute, candidates and designees are subject to the CCIM Institute Code
of Ethics and Professional Standards policies and procedures. Complaints against Institute
candidates who are REALTORS® may be processed in accordance with the NAR Code of
Ethics through the local REALTOR® organization. Complaints against Institute candidates who
are not REALTORS® are made directly to the Institute. Contact the Professional Standards
Officer at (800) 621-7027, ext 4472, or email
Misuse of the Designation
In order to protect the integrity of the CCIM Designation, misuse of the designation by
candidates is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action including recourse by
the Institute and the National Association of REALTORS to state real estate licensing
Candidate Reinstatement Procedures
A person, who has voluntarily dropped their candidacy for any reason, may reinstate
candidacy status at anytime. To reinstate their candidacy status, a candidate must
reapply for candidacy and pay the current year's dues and the application fee. The
candidate will not lose any credit for courses taken. However, the candidate may lose
elective credit hours that may have been awarded for "continuous candidacy."
Candidacy applications can be found online at:
For further questions, you may contact our Customer Service Specialists at (800)
621-7027 extension 3100.
Using New Candidate Reports
The Chapter President or Regional Vice President's may obtain a roster/listing of new
candidates in their chapter’s respective area from the Institute. These reports can be
run on a monthly basis and should be passed on to the Candidate Guidance Chairmen
for their use. The Candidate Guidance Chairmen can use this report for targeting and
introducing the CCIM Brand to new candidates, the offering of chapter related activities
and marketing programs, scheduling seminars or to set-up a "buddy system" or tutoring
program for candidates.
Further inquiries about the new candidate reports may be directed to our Chapter
Relations Area at (800) 621-7027.
Portfolio of Qualifying Experience
The Portfolio of Qualifying Experience is a standardized means for candidates to verify
the quality of their work as commercial-investment professionals and to document
having achieved at least the minimum level of experience required to qualify for the
CCIM designation.
Portfolio Workshop
Offering a Portfolio Workshop is a great vehicle for gathering candidates who have
finished most of the core courses, yet have not submitted a portfolio of qualifying
experience and completed the designation process. CCIM Institute can help facilitate
this endeavor for all chapters. Please contact us direct at (800) 621-7027 ext. 4535 for
additional assistance.
Course Concepts Review (CCR)
Successfully passing the comprehensive examination is the final challenge for
candidates pursuing the CCIM designation. The Course Concepts Review (CCR)
program prepares candidates for the Comprehensive Examination through intensive
case studies, course reviews and group interaction. This session is held two days
preceding the comprehensive examination and covers the material included in CI 101,
102, 103, 104.
Attending the CCR also fulfills one of the three required elective credits for
earning the CCIM designation.
CCR Course Summary - Review essential concepts from the four core courses:
Market Analysis: Employment and the demand for real estate; vacancy and
absorption; trade area gap analysis; disaggregation to identify market opportunities;
trade area delineation and population; and disaggregating industrial demand
Financing: Review of Financial Leverage: real estate loans; loan components;
underwriting process; and effective interest rates
Taxation: Tax considerations at Acquisition: tax considerations during operations;
cash flow after tax from operations; sales proceeds after tax; and taxation for
Investment Value and Performance: Approaches to investment value and
performance; direct capitalization; internal rate of return; net present value; and
capital accumulation comparison method
User Decisions: Rent terminology and types of leases; cost of occupancy from
leasing; leasehold and sub-leasehold interests; and lease versus own/buy analysis
Investor Decisions: Acquisition- phase and ownership; and disposition - phase
Course Details for CCR
Course Length: 2 days, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Credit: 1 CCIM Elective Credit
Prerequisites: Completion of all education requirements and an approved portfolio
Tuition: $645
Required Calculator: Hewlett-Packard financial calculator. The HP-10BII is highly
recommended because of its reasonable costs and because CCIM course material
illustrates the keystrokes of this model.
Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive examination is the last step in qualifying for the CCIM
designation. The examination is:
1) Conducted at least two times each year, usually in conjunction with Institute national
meetings and conferences.
2) Candidates may take up to six (6) hours to complete the open book examination,
which is based on material contained in the core courses (CI 101, 102, 103, 104).
The typical schedule for the day is:
7:00 am
- Registration (A photo I.D. is required.)
7:45 am
- Instructions are given
8:00 am
- Examination begins
2:00 pm
- Examination ends
Since time is of the essence, no lunch or other breaks are scheduled, though
candidates are free to take them as needed. Following the examination, candidates are
notified of the results. Candidates who successfully completed the exam receive the
CCIM lapel pin from a representative of their chapter or the Institute. The day
concludes with a reception honoring the new designees.
Candidates who do not pass the comprehensive examination may retake the exam the
next day or at another nationally scheduled session. Because of the expenses of travel
and lodging and the stress the exam can place on candidates, another exam will be
administered on the following day if candidates who failed the previous day request it.
The exam will be the same duration, a different version, free of charge and will not as a
fail should the candidate again fail.
The next day comprehensive exam is a service offered only to those who were
unsuccessful the previous day and is not an alternate exam date. To register, indicate
to the proctor your intention to retake the exam the next day. A candidate may retake
the exam at a nationally scheduled session. Up to two (2) retakes may be attempted at
a charge of $75 each.