Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? Georgia Georgia will be The participating All of the plans ERS and TRS will have their allocation schedules audited by This information isn’t known at this In early conversations, reporting on 6 cost employers in each plan being reported in in external auditor. We are still working through the details of time. This being the first year in our external auditor for sharing multiple range from 91 to 833. our CAFR have our small plan schedules. addition to not knowing 100% of the our largest plans employer pension The total for all plans special funding necessary audit procedures makes it indicated that it would plans (3-ERS, 1reported is around situations. difficult to provide an accurate take about a month TRS, and two 2,250 employers. estimate. after they received the additional small allocation schedules. plans) in the state That was with some CAFR. additional prep work ahead of time such as mailing confirmations, etc. Plus we do not believe that the external auditor would be working exclusively on our engagement during that time period. With the anticipated issuance of the AICPA Audit Guide, additional procedures may be necessary. Idaho Two. We report We have approximately No Our PERS contracts with an independent, non-state entity to $25,000 for the PERS Base Plan; quite extensively on 666 employers audit their financials. The same entity audited a ‘Schedule of $5,000 for the Firefighters’ Retirement our PERS Base discounting state Allocations and Net Pension Amounts by Employer’ report Fund Plan; however, we employers for the which contained contribution and liability allocations for each simply report that PERS Base Plan. employer in the system. The schedule also includes notes to we have a the schedules. Firefighters’ Retirement Fund and refer the reader to the Plan financial report (the state does not employ any firefighters). Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? Iowa One Our cost sharing No Auditor of State Our office does not have access to this Our office does not multiple employer plan information. have access to this reported approximately information. 2,000 employers in their 2014 comprehensive annual financial report. Montana Seven. Montana The number varies Several plans have The Legislative Audit Division will opine on the allocation The cost associated with opining on N/A has seven cost significantly between special funding schedules. the allocation schedules is unknown. sharing multiple plans and depends on situations. Our work will conform to AU-C 805, employer plans: membership provisions. The state’s independent auditor, the Legislative Audit Division Special Considerations – Audits of Public Employee At June 30, 2013, the PERS-DB; (LAD), will perform reviews of the allocation schedules. Single Financial Statements and Retirement System number ranged from 25 MPORS; FURS; However, I have not been made aware of whether a formal Specific Elements, Accounts, or Items – Defined Benefit to 506. TRS; and VFCA all opinion or related attestation report over this specific data was of a Financial Statement, and the (PERS-DB); have a special or is intended to be provided; rather, as the lead auditor over Auditing Interpretation at AU-C 9805. Sheriffs Retirement funding situation. the plans, LAD performs this work in relation to the various We do not plan to prepare an System (SRS); However, the VFCA pension plan’s financial statement amounts and disclosures attestation report; it is our Game Wardens does not receive and will tender an opinion for the same. Therefore, it is understanding a service organization and Peace Officers any employer or unclear, to me individually, what form other non-state report is required only for agent Retirement System employee employer auditors will obtain their assurance from in relation to multiple employer plans. (GWPORS); contributions; the allocated items. Municipal Police rather, it only Officers Retirement receives nonSystem (MPORS); employer Firefighters Unified contributions from Retirement System the state based on (FURS); Teachers fire insurance Retirement System premium tax. We (TRS); and have a PERSVolunteer Defined Firefighters Contribution plan Compensation Act with a special (VFCA). funding as well. Nevada One 190 No PERS Independent Auditor $52,000 6 to 8 weeks Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? New Mexico Two ERB 230 Participating ERB funded by ERB IPA Unknown at this time Unknown at this time Employers investment growth PERA 580 Participating & contributions. Employers North We have 4 cost Teachers’ and State Yes, we have 2 The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) audits pension plans OSA cannot confirm how much time or However, OSA can Carolina sharing, multiple Employees’ Retirement pension plans with included in the state’s CAFR and will also be opining on the how much the cost was with the local speak to the work that employer pensions System – 258 special funding schedules. There will be three plans: Teachers’ and State employer auditors on the census data. was performed on the plans: situations: Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), the Local TSERS plan, which Local Governmental Government Employees’ Retirement System (LGERS), and has taken 1) Teachers’ and Employees’ Retirement 1) Firefighter’s and the Register of Deeds Supplemental Pension Plan where OSA approximately 1,600 State Employees’ System – 886 Rescue Squad will audit and opine on schedules for each. The OSA has hours to date for OSA Retirement System Workers’ Pension contracted with an actuary to gain assurance on the actuarial to audit that data. 2) Local Firefighters’ and Fund assumptions used to prepare the schedules. Governmental Rescue Squad 2) North Carolina Employees’ Workers’ Pension Plan National Guard To prepare for the audit of the plan in the CAFR and the audit Retirement System – 1,811 Pension Fund of the schedules under GASB No. 68, OSA performed audit 3) Firefighters’ and (Single Employer procedures related to the underlying census data at the Rescue Squad Register of Deeds Defined Benefit employer level used to support the net pension liability Workers’ Pension Supplemental Pension Pension Plan) disclosed and allocated in the schedules. OSA performed Plan Plan – 100 procedures on both the 2013 liability (beginning balance) and 4) Register of the 2014 liability. The OSA selected a sample of employer Deeds participants in both the TSERS and the LGERS plans based Supplemental on the guidance in the Whitepaper Series. (NOTE: the Pension Plan Register of Deeds plan is a supplemental retirement plan and all members are also a part of LGERS). For the TSERS plan, the OSA performed the required procedures on the census data. For the LGERS plan, the employers are local governments and as such, OSA instructed each employer auditor to conduct an examination engagement in accordance with AT section 101. NC’s local governments’ financial statements are audited annually by independent CPAs. The results were provided to OSA in the form of an attestation opinion that was used as substantive evidence to support the audit opinion on the pension plans and to support the net pension liability that was utilized in the allocation schedules. Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? North Two 250 & 300 No We contract for the audits of these two plans (PERS and We amended the prior contract to do Dakota TFFR). The auditors of the financial statements will be also the first audit of the allocation opining on the GASB 68 schedules (following the AICPA schedules. Each firm’s 2015 contract PERS CLA RFP whitepaper guidance). was amended in the amount of Number 117-14-11.pdf $75,000. This includes auditing the census data. We competitively bid these for the 2015, 16 and 17 audits (last year was the last year of the RIO CLA RFP Number contract). Both contracts were 117-14-10.docx awarded to CLA. Proposals attached, you can see the hours and dollars. Oklahoma 4 State – 287 No Each pension plan’s auditor Unknown – each pension plan Unknown Police – 137 handles. Firefighters – 615 Teachers – 607 Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? Pennsylvania Pennsylvania For SERS, there are For the SERS plan The SERS plan auditors are opining on the SERS allocation The Attestation Report the The Commonwealth’s reports two cost 103 participating there are no special schedules, and the PSERS plan auditors are opining on the Commonwealth has received is not independent audit firm sharing multiple employers, of which 54 funding situations. PSERS allocation schedules. specifically related to the allocation prepared an estimate employer pension are considered part of For the PSERS The Commonwealth’s independent auditors are performing schedules that will be provided by the of 190 total hours to plans in its CAFR. the primary government plan, the attestation engagement and opining on the completeness and Plans; as discussed in Question 4 complete the One plan, the State of the Commonwealth, Commonwealth accuracy of the pension related census data the above, the allocation schedules Commonwealth’s Employees’ and the 54 primary pays 50% of Commonwealth provides to SERS, and the amount of provided by the Plans will be covered attestation engagement Retirement System government employers various non-school contributions the Commonwealth sends to the SERS plan on a in the opinion issued by the Plan’s and issue the (SERS) is total approximately 83% entities’ weekly basis. auditors. associated report. established for of the total contributions contributions, which Please note that our Commonwealth coming into the plan. is considered a attestation engagement employees; the For PSERS, there are special funding was not related to other, the Public 789 participating situation. opining on the School Employees’ employers. allocation schedules, Retirement System as noted in question 4. (PSERS), the Commonwealth contributes to as a non-employer. Attestation procedures were performed only for the SERS related census data. Pension Standards Implementation Work Group GASB 68 Attestation Costs Massachusetts Office of the State Comptroller March 31, 2015 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is looking for responses from other states regarding estimated costs for attestation services related to the GASB 68 Allocation Schedules required for cost sharing multiple employer pension plans. Massachusetts has two cost sharing multiple employer pension plans (Teachers Retirement System and State Employees Retirement System). The purpose is to determine if quoted costs of this attestation service are in line with other states. If your state is comfortable providing How many cost such information, how much (ballpark) sharing multiple For each pension plan, Are there any are firms charging to opine and employer pension approximately how special funding prepare the attestation report for the What is their estimate plans does the many participating situations related to Who is opining on the allocation schedules, the state’s allocation schedules? Please indicate of the time required to state report in its entities are in the plan, any of the pension independent auditor, another auditor, each participating if the cost is either in total or per each complete the State CAFR? excluding the state? plans? entity’s auditor, or other? If other, please explain. pension plan. attestation reports? Washington 1. Washington has Excluding the state, I believe there is The State Department of Retirement System’s (DRS) Please contact DRS directly with Our time budget per 14 cost-sharing, there are 1,148 one special funding independent auditor is opining on the allocation schedules. questions about its contract with its employer (site visit and multiple-employer participating employers. situation. DRS has contracted with the State Auditor’s Office to conduct independent auditor. attestation report pension plans Employers may census data testing at state agencies and local governments. preparation) is reported in its state participate in multiple The testing sample was provided by DRS’s independent approximately 40 CAFR. plans. Participation per auditor. hours. This is an plan ranges from average based on approximately 45 to consultation with 765. DRS’s independent auditor. Depending on the size of the employer, actual ranges from 30 to 80 hours. Wisconsin 1 1,400+ No The state’s auditor is opining on the allocation schedule. The Our office does not have that Our office does not Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau is the state’s auditor. information. have that information.