ministerial mission to china - Enterprise and Advanced Education

October 31 – November 6, 2008
Alberta’s ties with China are well-established and continue to grow. Chinese students are
the largest group of foreign students in Alberta and account for approximately 35 per cent
of all international students in the province. China is Alberta’s second largest trading
partner behind only the United States. Trade with China has more than doubled since
2003 to over $4 billion annually. Since 2005, a variety of agreements have been signed
between Alberta and science and technology commercialization authorities in China and
Hong Kong.
Mission Objectives:
Minister Horner’s mission included opening a business partnership office, launching a
$1.1 million e-health project, and announcing a $1.4 million collaborative life-sciences
technology commercialization project. Minister Horner also met with Chinese graduates
of the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and the University of Lethbridge;
and attended a graduation ceremony marking the University of Alberta’s centenary. He
also met with officials from key educational foundations, selected schools and institutions
as well as government representatives to profile Alberta and expand opportunities for
students, faculty and research exchanges
October 31 – Hong Kong
Luncheon meeting with Investors
 Met with a group of 15 investors to provide an overview of Alberta’s Action Plan:
Bringing Technology to Market.
 The investors are members of Monte Jade Hong Kong, whose mission is to promote
Hong Kong as a hub for investments and as a China gateway for the rest of the world
in the science and technology sector.
 The Chairman of Monte Jade identified clean technology and environmental
technology as opportunities for Alberta companies and investors in China.
Meeting with Canadian Consul General in Hong Kong, Doreen Steidl
 The Consul General gave insight into the current political and economic issues
relating to Hong Kong SAR.
University of Alberta School of Business Reception
 Networking with approximately 50 expatriate Albertans, university alumni and
friends of Alberta.
 Promoted and discussed investment and business opportunities with business leaders.
November 1 – Hong Kong
University of Alberta Centenary and Convocation
 Participated in the ceremonies for the convocation for approximately 250 graduates
from the University of Alberta
November 3 – Hong Kong/Macau
International School of Macau
 Met with representatives of the International School of Macau (TSI), an Alberta
certified school. The Minister toured the school and discussed strategies to profile
Alberta as a destination of choice for TSI students interested in pursuing postsecondary studies abroad.
Croucher Foundation
 Met with the Director to review the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
between the Foundation and Alberta Advanced Education and Technology and
highlight Alberta’s areas of research excellence.
 The proposed MOU creates opportunities for Alberta’s post-secondary faculty to
deliver lectures in Hong Kong in order to: profile Alberta’s post-secondary education
and research excellence to prospective graduate students; facilitate connections
between researchers in Alberta and Hong Kong; and work within respective
jurisdictions to encourage the exchange of academic knowledge, collaborative
research activities and the internationalization of research and learning.
University of Calgary Alumni Reception
 Networking opportunity with approximately 50 expatriate Albertans, university
alumni and friends of Alberta.
 Promoted and discussed investment and business opportunities with business leaders.
November 4 – Hong Kong
Alberta International Business Partnering Program Office Opening
 Officially opened the Alberta offices at the Hong Kong Science and Technology
 Announced that Alberta’s Red Engine will be the first company to participate in the
program and locate within the offices.
 This program will provide Alberta enterprises involved in life sciences and
information and communications technology with a cost effective and efficient means
to target Hong Kong and the China market.
Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (HKITC)
 HKITC provided a presentation on the programs that they are spearheading to drive
Hong Kong’s knowledge-based economy. Discussed how Alberta is also developing
similar programs and how we can work together to exchange ideas and identify areas
for joint collaboration.
K.C. Wong Foundation
 Met with two of the Directors of the K.C. Wong Foundation to profile Alberta’s
university sector and its areas of research excellence.
 Explored potential areas of collaboration between the Foundation and Alberta.
Canadian Business Interview
 Conducted an interview with Canadian Business Magazine on Alberta’s activities in
Hong Kong and China.
University of Lethbridge Reception
 Networking opportunity with approximately 40 expatriate Albertans, university
alumni and friends of Alberta.
 Promoted and discussed investment and business opportunities with business leaders.
November 5 – Shanghai
Meeting with the Shanghai Education Commission
 Met with representatives from the Shanghai Education Commission and shared
information about respective education and research systems and discussed ways of
facilitating educational linkages.
 Explored opportunities for the exchange of faculty and graduates students on future
joint research projects.
Meeting with Canadian Consul General Susan Gregson
 The Consul General gave insight into the current political and economic issues
relating to Shanghai. Discussed how we would continue to work together to promote
November 6 - Shanghai
Meeting with the Shanghai Science and Technology Department
 In follow-up to the memorandum of understanding signed between Alberta and
Shanghai in October 2007, reviewed cooperation possibilities in the area of wind
power, solar power, bioenergy wastewater treatment and nanotechnology.
 Discussed possibility of a nanotechnology workshop in fall 2009.
 Explored the possibility of an Alberta and Shanghai exchange of students and
professors on key projects to be identified.
 Announced the collaboration of a project that will use leading-edge bioscience
technology to enhance the canola eaten by livestock.
Meeting with the Shanghai Advanced Vocational College
 Discussed the possibilities of student exchange and teacher training.
 Discussed opportunities to work with Shanghai and China to address the skilled
workforce requirements in Alberta (i.e. certification).
 Toured the training facilities.