prayer & praise - november 2010

“I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will
listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” John 10: 16
Jordan JETS - A signature that changed the Middle East
Fifteen years ago, a small government office in Jordan was the site of a miracle. That day, a new
employee in the government licensing office issued an approval for a new seminary to be registered. Our
partner, Rev Imad Shehadeh, and his team had prayed, planned, and petitioned for four years, asking the
government to approve their registration for an interdenominational, evangelical seminary for Arab
students. But their requests had no effect, and they had almost given up. Unaware of the long battle for
registration, the employee signed the approval. He served in that role for only a short time and then was
transferred elsewhere. Little did he know the impact that signature would have. "It was a window of
opportunity that opened and closed quickly," said Rev Shehadeh. "It was a miraculous answer to
continual prayer." Today, that seminary is called the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS), our
partner since 1997. ... JETS' impact on the advancement of the Gospel in the Middle East is unmistakable.
Of approximately 60 evangelical churches in Jordan, 36 are pastored by graduates of JETS. … "I thank the
Lord from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance to be a JETS graduate. … JETS is a blessing to
all of the Arab world." says E (a JETS graduate serving in a closed country). These students have been
used by God to bring untold numbers of people into God's Kingdom. Praise for this ministry that is
bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to the Middle East.
“… so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and He will appear
a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.”
Hebrews 9: 28
MON 1 - ALGERIA: Praise for the success of House of Hope’s micro enterprise loans program. Pray for
new workers to serve at the Timothy School. Pray for boldness and faithfulness for each of the Timothy
School graduates. Pray for wisdom as House of Hope plans a second training location.
TUE 2 - AUSTRALIA: Pray for our Melbourne team, Phil Arnold, Jenny Crameri and Phil Cogger as they
relocate their office this month. Pray for a smooth transition to their new location and for God’s enabling
strength as they continue to manage their workloads amidst the move.
WED 3 - CHILE: Praise for God’s blessings on Peñalolen Church and His generous provision of their
needs. Pray for the upcoming youth convention and three houseparties. Pray for families in the
congregation who will sponsor needy families in the local area. Pray for Ani Guzman in her grief after
the recent death of her father.
THU 4 - CHINA: Praise for the ministry of the China Medical short term team and that many people came
to know Christ through this practical care of people in need. Pray for these new believers to grow in their
faith and for the local churches as they follow up with discipleship and care.
FRI 5 - CHINA: Pray for local outreach workers who are witnessing to animist villagers. Pray for wisdom
and protection as some villagers are violently opposed to the Gospel. Praise for new believers in NW and
YY villages and pray for their spiritual growth. Pray for continuing support for the Sending Workers
SAT 6 - DR CONGO: Pray for students and staff at Ephphatha School for the Deaf. Pray for the process of
mechanisation of the Ephphatha Centre. Praise for Chris Ling’s recent partnership management visit to
the school. Pray for wisdom and increased funding to meet the school’s needs.
SUN 7 - DR CONGO: Pray for Noella Katembo after the sudden and violent death of her older sister; her
sister is the fourth family member to have been shot. Noella looks after the grandmothers program and
the Sponsor A Child program in HEAL Africa. She has just completed her degree in Community
Development. Pray for them all.
MON 8 - DR CONGO: Pray for the short term team from St Hilary’s Kew as they prepare for their visit to
HEAL Africa in December. Pray for Jenny Crameri as she leads this team from her home church. Pray for
Colin Peet as he completes his three month visit supervising some of the construction of the new hospital
TUE 9 - INDIA: Pray for Joshua Vision India and for each of the Master Trainers to be a blessing to their
communities. Pray for open hearts among the people. Pray for the women who have been trained in
the Holistic Development Program. Pray for the success of income generating businesses to help trainers
become self-supporting.
WED 10 - INDONESIA: Praise for Terry McKeown’s partnership management visit to UKRIM University and
opportunities to develop our relationship with them. Pray for Steve and Merilyn Mayhew as they
investigate the potential of sending short term teams to help with English teaching.
THU 11 - INDONESIA: Praise for opportunities for Terry McKeown to develop CNEC’s involvement with
YJHB/Bridge of Hope during his partnership management visit. Praise for Yanto Sutianto and all the work
he has done in recent months as the CEO of Bridge of Hope. Pray for the communities being helped by
this ministry.
FRI 12 - INDONESIA: Praise for Hohidiai and the reduction in patients at the hospital now that the malaria
season is over. Pray for God’s grace and the ongoing care of 11 tuberculosis patients and 2 HIV/AIDS
patients living at Tama Riska, along with 6 family members. Pray also for increased support for this vital
and strategic ministry.
SAT 13 - INDONESIA: Praise for Sundanese Christian Fellowship with 31 church planters serving 69 house
churches. Praise for new Christians and pray God would strengthen their faith and commitment. Pray for
boldness and wisdom for the men and women being trained for Muslim ministry. Pray for the right
person to oversee SCF’s community development programs.
SUN 14 - JORDAN: Praise for Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary which has built a reputation for
academic excellence and practical application. More than 230 graduates have earned bachelors and
master degrees and are now serving in 14 countries. Pray for their ministries and for God’s strength
amidst opposition and persecution.
MON 15 - KENYA: Pray for Peace Makers Fellowship and the pastors’ training which begins on 25th
November. Pray for the 14 children who will graduate from the PMF Nursery School and move to class
one in the public schools next year. Pray for the children and staff in the Nursery School.
TUE 16 - KYRGYZSTAN: Praise that AO Children’s Centre harvested 3000kg of potatoes in October which
will provide food for the children, pay the labourers and the remainder will be sold for profit. Pray for five
new children at the centre that have come from difficult circumstances with three of the children having
serious health needs.
WED 17 - KYRGYZSTAN: Praise for Y Foundation’s Sewing Workshop and for the great improvement of
the workmanship of the women and girls involved in this project. Pray for the preparation of an
afterschool program at the Family Shelter to help the women participating in the project.
THU 18 - KYRGYZSTAN: Pray for YCDC’s Healthy For Life Program and for the two new workers to learn
quickly and perform their work well. Pray for collaboration with Crossroads to provide goods and
resources for needy communities. Pray for wisdom and protection as YCDC reaches out to Muslim
villages through the health training courses.
FRI 19 - LIBERIA: Pray for AICA-Liberia that through their church services and evangelistic outreaches
many will come to know and love Christ. Pray for the spiritual growth in the lives of many Christians that
they will press on to know our Lord more profoundly. Pray for resources to complete AICA’s construction
SAT 20 - MALI: Pray for Tahanint N’Massinag E Tinbuktu (TNT) as they share Christ and build up the
church in Mali. Praise for the many listeners of TNT’s Christian radio programs. Pray for trainees who
bravely attend the vocational training centres despite strong opposition. Pray for the children being cared
for in Elijah House.
SUN 21 - MICAH: Praise for an estimated 60 million Christians from more than 70 countries who
participated in the first global Micah Challenge campaign. On 10th October Christians prayed for the
poor. Handprints were made as a symbol of the pledge to fight poverty and these will be delivered as
petitions to our politicians.
MON 22 - NEPAL: Pray for good health and protection of church planters from Good Friends of Nepal.
Pray for the Unreached People Groups graduates in their ministries throughout the country. Pray for the
children being cared for in New Vision Orphanages and for the widows in the New Vision Tabitha Home.
TUE 23 - NTH AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST: Pray for the students being trained at the Augustine Theological
Institute that God may increase their passion and vision for serving Him. Pray for protection and blessing
on AWEMA’s church planters, particularly those working in areas closed to the Gospel.
WED 24 - RWANDA: Pray for APRID’s annual convention being held this month. New converts to
Christianity are invited to this special event. Pray for women who are rejected and persecuted by their
families because they have become Christians. Pray for APRID as they pray for and evaluate their outreach
to Muslims.
THU 25 - TANZANIA: Pray for the Discipleship and Development Program in the Diocese of Mara as
CNEC’s involvement will draw to an end in June 2011. Pray for the three local churches currently in the
program that they will continue to work towards self-support and provide help to their communities.
FRI 26 - TANZANIA: Pray for Morogoro Bible College and the current intake of students. Praise that 51
students who graduated this year are now posted to various congregations throughout the Diocese of
Morogoro and are serving as catechists. Pray for their new ministries and for the 10 students who are
planting new churches.
SAT 27 - UGANDA: Praise for Wakisa Ministries and the life skills being taught to the girls. Praise for Ruth,
a Mothers Union worker from the Kampala diocese, who is enthusiastically teaching the girls some
valuable agricultural and cooking skills. The girls will be able to use these new skills when they return to
their villages.
SUN 28 - UGANDA: Pray for Christian Fellowship Ministries and the church planting program in Orapuki
village in Kenya from 21st to 25th November. Pray for the completion of the roof for the Multi Purpose Hall
by December as per council requirements. Pray for the sponsored children as they commence their end
of year exams.
MON 29 - UGANDA: Praise that the final evaluation of the anti malaria project (LAMPS) has now been
completed. Pray for the follow up work over the next few months establishing local anti-malaria
committees. Pray for wisdom for the Community Management Teams as they develop income
generating activities within their villages.
TUE 30 - UGANDA: Praise for Mothers’ Union Mbale and their ministries to those in need. Praise that 305
patients at the Mbale Hospital received visits and were given some basic items. A bible message was also
shared encouraging the patients to pray and seek God’s help in their lives. Pray for God’s grace and
Some ministry leaders and organisation names are referenced by an initial [e.g. A. for Alexander] to protect the safety of the person or
organisation where hostility to Christianity is a reality.
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