Chapter 3, Sec 4 chapter_3_section_4

a. Olaudah Equiano: an enslaved African…
b. Triangular trade: 3-legged international trade network
(Europe, Africa, America) – slaves
c. Middle Passage: second leg in the triangular; slaves are
being transported to the Americas…
d. Mutiny: revolt or rebelling of the captives (slaves) over
their captors
2. Africans: states and societies were torn apart; lives were cut
short and brutalized
Europeans: brought wealth;
3. Triangular trade: Slaves came from Africa. Merchants came
from Europe. Brought the slaves to the Americas
Slave: taken from Africa, sold to plantation owners in the
Merchant: traded guns, clothes for slaves
Plantation Owner: owned the slaves
4. The assumption that Europeans had about Africans which
allowed them to use Africans as slaves was that they were
somehow better than them. Africans weren’t considered humans
by the Europeans. Thought they were good workers and used to
a hot climate.
5. Yes, it would be a lot different because the merchants
wouldn’t have so wealthy and therefore the colonies would have
grown slower. Africans wouldn’t have been slaves in the