June 2006 - Humanists of Idaho

The Humanists of Idaho is a chapter of the American Humanist Association and the
Council for Secular Humanism. We are a nonprofit corporation organized to promote
ethical, democratic, and naturalistic Humanism in the state of Idaho through public
awareness, education and community involvement.
May/June 2006
Humanism is a
rational philosophy
informed by science,
inspired by art, and
motivated by
compassion. It affirms
the dignity of each
human being and
supports individual
liberty consonant with
social and planetary
Humanism advocates
democracy, the open
society, human rights,
and social justice. Free
of supernaturalism, it
recognizes human
beings as part of nature
and holds that all
values—be they
religious, ethical, social,
or political—have their
source in human nature,
experience, and culture.
Humanism thus derives
the goals of life from
human need and interest
rather than from
theological and
ideological abstractions,
and asserts that
humanity must take
responsibility for its
own destiny.
—The Humanist,
Official publication of the
American Humanist
President’s Report:
Annual Meeting May 22nd
HOI Elections
What is your concept of what a humanist group should do? What are your
priorities for promoting humanism in our own communities? How do you think our
organization should operate? Have you wanted to make a difference for Humanism
in Idaho?
Your big chance is coming up Monday, May 22! That’s when Humanists of
Idaho will hold our annual elections meeting at 7:00 p.m., prior to the general
interest program at 7:30 p.m.
Now don’t panic – you won’t be roped into doing anything you don’t want to do!
We have at least one agreeable nominee for each office: President Paul Rolig,
Vice President Doug “Van” Van Curen, Secretary Nancy Rolig, and Treasurer
Laurie Rollins have all agreed to stand for reelection. However, Laurie has let it be
known that she may be returning to Connecticut later this year, so another candidate
for Treasurer would be welcome. Nevertheless, Laurie has said she will serve as
long as she is in Idaho.
More nominees for these offices are certainly welcome. None of us would be
offended by anyone else stepping up to run. All of us are committed to making HOI
a success.
General Interest Program: Boise’s Homeless Sanctuary
For the general interest program for our May meeting, we have invited one of the
leaders of the Sanctuary project to describe that effort this past winter to provide
shelter for the homeless in Boise. The leaders of The Interfaith Alliance of Idaho
spearheaded the Sanctuary project. As of press time, we are not sure exactly which
one of these leaders will attend, but whichever one does will share with us the
efforts that went into making Sanctuary a reality.
Since one of the driving forces behind this effort was to provide a shelter that did
not require beneficiaries to submit to proselytizing by fundamentalists, it seems that
humanists should try to help support this project. Please come and hear firsthand the
challenges of making a program like this work.
The Idaho Humanist
May/June 2006
Page 2
HOI Annual Meeting
Program on the Boise Sanctuary Project
Monday, May 22nd Meeting
The Flicks in Boise 646 Fulton, at 6th and Myrtle
6:30 PM Board/ 7:00 PM Business meeting/Elections 7:30 PM Program
All Humanist of Idaho members in good standing please come to this meeting to support our organization
and vote for officers for 2006-07. Nominations for officers are all incumbents:
Board of Directors:
President: Paul Rolig.
Vice President: Doug Van Curen
Treasurer: Laurie Rollins
Secretary: Nancy Rolig
Non Board officers
Permanent Building Fund: Paul Rolig
Newsletter Editor: Nancy Rolig
Publicity: Doug Van Curen
Charitable Giving: Jan Rowe
Membership: Nancy Rolig
Webmaster/Email: Doug Van Curen
Nominations will be taken from the floor on Monday night. As you can see, some people have offered to
continue to do multiple jobs, so any other volunteers would be appreciated.
We will have a speaker from the Interfaith Alliance who has been one of the leaders in this last winter
Sanctuary project to find the homeless in Boise shelter that did not require any religious commitment. You can
find out more about what humanists can do to help in our community.
After the meeting, we can stroll over to the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial at the end of 8th
Street behind the Boise Public Library, and admire our new brick! It is engraved, “HUMANISTS OF IDAHO”
and is on the east side of the brick-paved area.
.BUUF Discussion Group
Second Sunday of the Month at 9 AM
Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 6200 Garrett, Garden City
Sunday, June 11th Meeting
The June meeting will begin at 9:00 am sharp so we can finish before the 10 am (summer schedule) BUUF
service. We will have a planning session for the group to present Humanism to the Unitarian Univeralist
regional assembly in February. The event will have UU members from all over the West attending. We are
hoping to find an interesting and entertaining way to present our philosophy and tenets. Bring your ideas and
we will get the ball rolling to get the program organized.
At the May meeting the discussion of Modernism vs Post-Modernism was continued. We examined where
Humanists fit in the Modernism and Post-Modernism world. One of the conclusions we came to was that
Humanists seem to be for the most part Modernists. We see the rise Post-Modernism and religious
fundementalism as both reactions to Modernism and the Enlightenment.
HOI Brochure
By the time you read this article, you should have found two copies of our newly revised HOI brochure tucked
inside your newsletter this month. Credit for the composition goes to various folks who have been active in HOI
over the years. This edition is just slightly updated from editions from a few years ago.
Please keep one copy for your own ready reference, and distribute the other copy to a friend or relative who
may have expressed curiosity about humanism, or leave it in a public place. Of course, more copies are
available. Just let Nancy or Paul Rolig know how many copies you would like!
The Idaho Humanist
May/June 2006
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"The Humanist Perspective" on TVTV Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
Those of you with CableOne will now be able to watch an explicitly Humanist TV program on a weekly basis!
Sorry to say, this does apply to cable only, not to satellite dish systems.
The Council for Secular Humanism (CSH) produces a weekly half-hour television program exploring issues
of interest from a humanist point of view. These are recorded and made available to local affiliates to sponsor
on local TV channels.
Boise's local cable access television station, TVTV, is carried as Channel 11 on the local cable provider,
CableOne. TVTV carries locally produced programs, such as the one done each week by the Idaho Atheists,
and they fill available time with programs not necessarily produced locally, but sponsored by local groups.
About 50% of TVTV's current programming is religious in nature.
"The Humanist Perspective" now airs each Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and then repeat at 8:008:30 Wednesday morning. “Atheist Viewpoint” is Thursday 6:00 p.m., and Idaho Atheists’ local “Uncommon
Sense” is Saturday at 9:30 p.m. To check on programming schedules, see the website at www.tvpatv.org.
World Humanist Day
Wednesday June 21st
Come celebrate World Humanist Day on Tuesday, June 21 at 6 PM
at Jullion Park at 3801 Jullion Way in West Boise. It is next to
Summerwind Elementary School. If it rains or is too windy we will
move the party to Nancy & Paul Rolig’s house nearby at 9877 W.
Ripley St about a block away.
Bring your own picnic dinner and a chair perhaps. The park has
a couple of picnic tables and playground equipment for the kids.
The day is a way to spread information about humanism and to
celebrate the global community of humanists. The origins of the day
date back to the 1980s, when humanist groups in the U.S., Belgium
and elsewhere began celebrating World Humanist Day, although not
always on the same date! In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the
American Humanist Association (AHA) and the International
Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) passed resolutions declaring the
solstice, June 21, as World Humanist Day.
Summer Solstice Celebration
Saturday, June 17th
Announcing Idaho Atheists annual Solstice Celebration picnic. Please come join us for some fun in the sun
with fellow freethinkers.
When: June 17, 2006 from 12 –- 4 p.m.
Where: Boise Municipal Park, (off Walnut St. south of Warm Springs Ave near Fish & Game)
Burr Oak Site #8
What: Idaho Atheists will provide the food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Please bring a side dish or dessert.
If you choose to bring alcoholic beverages, they must be kept in non-breakable containers.
Idaho Atheists will have books and materials to give and sell.Note:
No dogs are allowed in the park.
The Idaho Humanist
May/June 2006
Page 4
Program for Secular Education
This e-mail was written by Marvin Straus, 303-494-4926, cocore3@cs.com, the producer and director of
The Last Presentation (TLP). I am writing to your organization to introduce an exciting and ambitious project.
The project will distribute a secular educational DVD to 16,000 public high schools in the United States.
With assistance from many people in the secular world, work has already been completed on the video.
TLP is a 38-minute educational video that targets social science high school classes on diversity, sociology, and
comparative religion. This video depicts a speaker, Sara Price, presenting a nonbeliever's point-of-view to a
comparative religion class. The 35 students have already heard from five speakers representing major religions.
Sara's talk about freethinkers, atheists, and secular humanists is The Last Presentation given to the class. If you
would like to read the TLP script, go to www.cocore.org. The download is available either as a word doc or an
Adobe pdf file. Feedback from beta showings of the video have been positive, ranging from "an excellent
video" to "I'm so thankful someone is doing something."
Some nonbelievers, including myself, have made similar presentations to high school classes. When other
speakers and I shared notes, we identified common themes. Generally, students at these social science
1) Were very interested in the opinions of nonbelievers.
2) Wanted to know more about the subject.
3) Were supportive of the speakers and his or her views.
4) Asked identical questions at different schools.
A few students did display deep-seated negative feelings such as "all atheists are communists" or "since
nonbelievers have no religious background to guide them, they are probably immoral and unethical."
After the presentations, many students said they had a more positive view of nonbelievers.
The problem: It is difficult to obtain an invitation to speak to a social science class. Teachers seldom invite
nonbelievers, sometimes because they do not think of it. Attempting to contact each school or school board to
ask for the opportunity to address high school students would be inefficient and time consuming.
The solution: Send TLP directly to the 16,000 public, high-school teachers. By doing so, with help from
your organization, we can open young minds to the secular world of logic, reason, and compassion, encourage
the separation of church and state, and encourage the teaching of evolution instead of Intelligent Design.
These students are future voters and potential supporters of Jefferson's wall. They will become citizens who
hopefully will protect the rights of minorities, including nonbelievers. After watching the video, we hope the
audience will think of nonbelievers as friends, not possible enemies.
WE CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT HELP! Although the video has already been created, the cost of duplicating
and mass mailing 16,000 DVDs will be $25,000. The task of raising that much money is staggering and to date,
we (The Colorado Coalition of Reason-COCORE) have only received $1,100. The Fund to Distribute The Last
Presentation has been established by the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs (a 501C3 organization) to receive
tax-deductible donations. The fund is open now and will close September 4. If we can raise enough money, the
mass mailing to high schools will take place on October 4, 2006. COCORE volunteers will pay all
administrative costs, including PayPal charges, so that one hundred percent of all donations will go to the fund.
Your organization can support this worthwhile project in three ways:
1) DONATE (and encourage your members) to the fund by: Mailing your check to:
 The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Fund to Distribute The Last Presentation
 PO Box 3481
 Boulder, CO 80307-3481 or
Or use the Internet. Go to www.cocore.org and click on PayPal.
2) Copy this appeal to your e-mail list. Ask your members to do the same.
3) Post a link on your website to www.cocore.org.
If your organization is willing to be involved in this project, please have an interested member contact me so
that I can immediately send them a copy of the DVD.
Thank you for your consideration.Marvin Straus, 303-494-4926,cocore3@cs.com
The Idaho Humanist
April/May 2006
Page 5
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: More Tools in the Anti-Choice Arsenal
By ELAINE FRIEDMAN HumanistNetworkNews.org May 10, 2006
According to Planned Parenthood of Indiana, a 17-year-old girl mistakenly walked into a so-called "crisis
pregnancy center" (CPC) thinking it was a Planned Parenthood clinic, which was located next door. The "clinic"
took down the girl's confidential personal information and told her to come back for her appointment, which
would be in their "other" office, the real Planned Parenthood office.
When she showed up for her nonexistent appointment, she was met by the police, who had been erroneously
tipped that a minor was being forced to undergo an abortion. The CPC staff continued their harassment by
staking out the girl's house, phoning her father at work, and even telling her classmates about her pregnancy,
urging them to harass her.
According to the Feminist Women's Health Center, anti-abortion groups have set up crisis pregnancy centers
throughout the United States. They are often located near high schools or legitimate reproductive health clinics,
following a format suggested by the Pearson Foundation in its manual How to Start and Operate Your Own
ProLife Outreach Crisis Pregnancy Center. Nearly all of these centers are operated by churches or religious
Going by such names as Crisis Pregnancy Center, Pregnancy Aid, Birth Right, Open Door or Pregnancy
Counseling Center, these "clinics" are listed in the yellow pages under abortion alternatives, clinics, medical
services, or family planning although they do not provide abortions. Most offer free pregnancy tests, pregnancy
"counseling" and/or ultrasounds to lure desperate or confused women
According to the Feminist Women's Health Center, most CPCs will insist the woman come to their facility to
obtain information and take a pregnancy test when contacted by phone. Women have reported being forced to
watch grossly deceptive antiabortion videos and being bombarded with anti-choice propaganda while waiting
up to an hour for their results. Some women have been denied the results of their pregnancy test when they say
they want an abortion or that they need the test result to apply for medical assistance.
Crisis pregnancy centers can be not only psychologically damaging but physically dangerous. Blue
Carreker, vice president of public affairs and marketing for Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, told the Institute
for Humanist Studies that CPCs are staffed solely by volunteers yet take confidential patient information. Not
being accountable to a professional medical organization, they can then use this information to wreak havoc
with a patient's life
Even more troubling is that CPCs purport to provide sensitive medical information and care. They refuse or
fail to provide contraceptive information, telling unmarried women that abstinence is the only way to avoid
pregnancy. They provide blatantly false information that abortion leads to great psychological and physical
More and more CPCs are performing ultrasounds without the aid of a medical professional, which could
lead to misinterpretation of vital patient data. Patients who believe that they have received sound medical care
may not go elsewhere for prenatal care.
Many crisis pregnancy centers are funded by U.S. tax dollars. Because of the Bush Administration's
emphasis on abstinence-only educational programs, there is growing legislative support to direct taxpayer
money towards CPCs and away from clinics that provide actual reproductive services to low-income women.
Money is also raised in several states through the sale of "Choose Life" license plates. According to Planned
Parenthood, there are currently six CPCs in the U.S. for every legitimate clinic that provides abortions.
Carreker believes that CPCs have every right to exist but argues against their deceptive practices and abuse
of confidential patient information. Although Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) recently introduced the
Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women's Services (SDAWS) Act, which would apply truth-in-advertising
standards to CPCs, Carreker believes that passage of SDAWS is a low priority in the legislature. One hopes that
disseminating the truth regarding deceptive and harmful crisis pregnancy centers will alert women to their
existence so that they can avoid misguided interference in their reproductive health care and decisions.
Elaine Friedman is the editor of Humanist Network News, the weekly ezine of the Institute for Humanist Studies.
The Idaho Humanist
April/May 2006
Page 6
Humanist Humor: Heaven Can't Wait
HumanistNetworkNews May 10, 2006
An 85-year-old couple, having been married almost 60 years, died in a car crash. They had been in good
health the last ten years, mainly due to her interest in health food and exercise.
When they reached the pearly gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion, which was decked out with a
beautiful kitchen, master bath suite and Jacuzzi. As they "ooohed and aaahed," the old man asked Peter how
much all this was going to cost.
"It's free," Peter replied, "this is Heaven."
Next, they went out back to see the championship golf course. They would have golfing privileges every
day and each week the course changed to a new one representing the great golf courses on earth.
The old man asked, "What are the green fees?"
Peter's reply, "This is heaven, you play for free."
Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch with the cuisines of the world laid out.
"How much to eat?" asked the old man.
"Don't you understand yet? This is heaven, it is free!" Peter replied.
"Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol foods?" the old man asked timidly.
"That's the best part...you can eat as much as you like of whatever you like and you never get fat and you
never get sick. This is Heaven."
The old man looked at his wife and said, "You and your bran muffins. I could have been here ten years
Humanist Calendar
First Saturday of each month: Demonstrate in
support of Planned Parenthood’s program at the
Applebaum Mental Health Center in Nampa
May 22, 2006 – HOI: Election of Officers (every
year, at May meeting)
Jun 10, 2006 – Gay Pride parade in Boise
Jun 10, 2006 – Paint the Town – Boise
Jun 21, 2006 – International Humanist Day
Jun 21, 2006 – Summer Solstice
Sep 22, 2006 – Fall Equinox
Oct 15, 2006 – CROPWALK Boise:
Nov 18, 2006 – Rake Up Boise
Dec 21, 2006 – Winter Solstice
Dec 25 – Isaac Newton born (1642)
Jan 15 – Martin Luther King born (1929; holiday:
3rd Monday in January)
Feb 12 – Charles Darwin born (1809)
March of each year: Idaho Public TV pledge drive
Mar 21, – Spring Equinox
May 5, 2006 – National Day of Reason
Humanists of Idaho T-Shirts
You can buy a shirt with the HOI logo at www.zazzle.com. Our logo is on the pocket,
AHA motto on the back. Navigate through the site by going to “All Product Categories”,
click on “Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy” and then “Philosophy.” You will find it
displayed there or further narrow the category by going to “Secular Humanism.” You can
order your shirt in your choice of color and style. You can buy a basic t-shirt for $16.95(+
tax & shipping) or other styles up to the most expensive, a hooded sweatshirt for $34.45.
there is a 10% if your have Van order your shirt. Contact Van at: 376-5475 or
The Idaho Humanist
Page 7
May/June 2006
HOI Membership
To those of you who have received this newsletter complimentary, I hope you will decide to join our group.
Please fill out the form below and send in the payment for the level of involvement you wish to the address
You are invited to join the Humanist’s of Idaho’s yahoo group. Go to idaho-humanists@yahoogroups.com
and follow the links to join.
Nancy Rolig, Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Membership Administrator
Humanists of Idaho Board
President: Paul Rolig ……………………………377-0535 or roligpd@spro.net
Vice President: Van Van Curen:……………376-5475 or saw2thking@aol.com
Secretary: Nancy Rolig…………………………… 377-0535 or nrolig@spro.net
Treasurer: Laurie Rollins ……………………………………………….841-1601
Auxiliary Positions
Webmaster/Yahoo Group Administrator:……………………. Van Van Curen
376-5475 or saw2thking@aol.com
Newsletter Editor/membership Administrator:…………………..Nancy Rolig
377-0535 or nrolig@spro.net
9877 W. Ripley St. Boise 83704
Charitable Giving Coordinator: ………………………..……………..Jan Rowe
376-5475 or janiejolee1@aol.com
Publicity Chair:………….Van Van Curen: 376-5475 or saw2thking@aol.com
Permanent Building Fund: …………………………………………....Paul Rolig
roligpd@spro.net 9877 W. Ripley St., Boise 83704
Organization Information
Your support of this local chapter with
your membership, donations and ideas is
greatly appreciated.
Mailing Address:
Humanists of Idaho
P.O. Box 44913
Boise, ID 83711-0913
Yahoo Group: idahohumanists@yahoogroups.com
Email Address:
Humanists of Idaho Membership and Donation Form
Mailing address
City, state, zip code
Phone and e-mail address
[ ] $25 Individual annual membership and Newsletter subscription
[ ] $45 Couple annual membership and Newsletter subscription
[ ] $15 Newsletter subscription only
[ ] $___ donation to help promote public awareness of Humanism
Mail to:
Humanists of Idaho
P.O. Box 44913
Boise, ID 83711-0913
[ ] $___ Humanists of Idaho Permanent Building Fund Donation
You are invited to join the Humanist’s of Idaho’s yahoo group.
Go to idaho-humanists@yahoogroups.com and follow the links to join.
The Idaho Humanist
May/June 2006
Page 8
Mark your Calendar!
Monday, May 22nd
Annual HOI Meeting and Elections
7 PM Business Meeting
The Flicks 646 Fulton, at 6th and Myrtle in Boise
6:30 PM Board/, 7:30 PM Discussion Group
Sunday, June 11th - 9:00 AM
BUUF Humanist Group
Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 Garrett, Garden City,
Monday, June 26th HOI Monthly Meeting
The Flicks 646 Fulton, at 6th and Myrtle in Boise
6:30 PM Board/Business Meeting, 7:30 PM Discussion Group
Humanists of Idaho
P.O. Box 44913
Boise, ID 83711-0913