A. Integumentary System
1. includes skin, hair, fur, wool, feathers, scales, claws, beaks, horns, nails
and some glands.
B. Skin
1. epithelial tissue
a. epidermis
b. dermis
2. combining form is dermo or cutaneo
3. keratin = protein that waterproofs the skin
a. combining form is kerato
4. melanocytes = contain black pigment
a. combining form is melano
5. albinism = absence of normal pigment
6. collagen = fibrous protein found in the skin that gives skin elasticity.
7. SQ = subcutaneous…….common injection site
C. Glands
1. sebaceous glands = oil glands
2. sweat glands = regulate body temperature
a. hyper thermia vs. hypothermia
3. ceruminous glands = in ear canal and produce ear wax.
D. Hair, nails, claws and hooves
1. combining form is pilo or tricho
2. piloerection = hair standing straight up
3. coronary band = where hoof meets skin
E. Diagnostic Terms
1. biopsy
2. culture & sensitivity
3. skin scraping
4. intradermal testing (for allergies)
F. Pathology Terms
1. abrasion = superficial injury
2. abscess = localized collection of pus
3. acne = skin inflammation caused by plugged sebaceous glands
a. chin acne in cats
4. moist dermatitis = inflammation of the skin with an exudates…”hot spot”
5. alopecia = loss of hair
6. carcinoma = malignant neoplasm of epithelial tissue.
7. cellulites = inflammation of connective tissue….more swelling & heat.
8. contusion = injury that does not break the skin……bruise
9. dermatitis = inflammation of the skin
10. contact dermatitis = inflammation of the skin due to touching an irritant.
11. pododermatitis = inflammation of the skin of the foot.
12. dermatomycosis = abnormal skin condition caused by a fungus.
13. mycosis = refers to a fungus
14. dermatophyte = superficial fungus on the skin
15. ecchymosis = purplish, flat patches of bleeding into the skin
16. erythema = skin redness
17. fistula = abnormal passage between two areas
a. ex: oronasal fistula, rectovaginal fistula
18. gangrene = necrosis due to loss of circulation
19. necrosis = dead tissue
20. granuloma = area of healing tissue
21. hyperkeratosis = increased growth of horny layer of skin
22. ectoparasite = located on the external surface
23. pediculosis = lice infestation
24. mange = infestation of mites in the skin
25. laceration = cut in the skin
26. melanoma = tumor of the pigmented skin cells
27. cyst = closed sac containing fluid or semisolid material
28. ulcer = open sore or erosion of tissue
29. papilloma = benign growth on the skin that is lobed…”.wart “
30. petechiae = small, pinpoint hemorrhages
31. polyp = growth from mucus membrane (MM)
32. pruritis = itching
33. pyoderma = pus in the skin
34. purulent = contains pus
35. seborrhea = skin condition with overproduction of sebum ( oil).
36. urticaria = localized areas of swellings that itch….( hives )
37. debridement = removal of tissue and foreign material to aid healing.
38. cryosurgery = destruction of tissues using extreme cold