MECH 351/ X Lyes KADEM Fall 2008 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS II (MECH 351), FALL 2008, SECTION X Instructor: Lectures: Tutorials: Dr. Lyes Kadem, Room EV 4.207 Email: Tel: 848-2424 #3143 Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 am Website: Mondays and Wednesdays 13:15 – 14:30 SGW, H-520. XA XB H-625 CL-235 16:15-17:05 16:15-17:05 Objectives This course applies the fundamental principles of thermodynamics presented in ENGR 251 to areas of particular interest to mechanical engineers. Topics covered are: advanced cycles, real gases, non-reacting gaseous mixtures, and related theory. Prerequisites of this course are COMP 212 & ENGR 251. Textbook “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach” by Cengel and Boles, 6th edition (SI units), McGraw Hill. Recommended References 1- "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics" by Sonntag, Borgnakke, and Van Wylen, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998. 2- “Thermodynamics” by K. Wark, 6th edition, McGraw Hill, 1999. 3- “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N., 3 rd ed., Wiley, 1995. 1/4 MECH 351/ X Lyes KADEM Fall 2008 Design Soft Skill Teaching: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research and solve complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions. Practice Evaluation: Quizzes (based on assigned problems) Laboratory Midterm exam Final exam (closed book and notes) 15% 15% 20% (Tentatively Oct. 22, 2008) 50% However you must pass the final examination with a 50% grade to pass the course. Main Topics Introduction and brief review of Thermodynamics I Vapor and combined power cycles (Chapter 9) Gas power cycles (Chapter 8) Refrigeration cycles (Chapter 10) Thermodynamic property relations (Chapters 11&12) Gas-vapor mixtures and air conditioning (Chapter 13) Chemical reactions and phase equilibrium (Chapter 14) Lecture notes, Assignments, Labs and General notes: Lecture notes will be available on the course website. Problem solving is an essential part of this course; you are encouraged to discuss the general principles involved in the homework sets with one another. Solutions will be available on the web after the due date of each assignment. Quiz one (during Monday’s tutorials of October 06, 2008) will cover assignment problems from topic numbers 2, and 3, and quiz two (during Monday’s tutorials of November 17, 2008) will cover assignments 4 to 8. The laboratories will start on Monday, September 15, which is week 2. A lab manual describing all experiments and providing instructions concerning each one, can be downloaded from the course website. To take full benefit from the lab., the students are urged to study carefully each experiment before performing it in the lab. The students have to get the lab. instructor's signature on their data sheet. 2/4 MECH 351/ X No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lyes KADEM Fall 2008 Thermodynamics II Assignments Topics Problem nos. 9.38, 9.56, 9.84, 9.88, 10.16 Review on ENGR251 10.C, 10.18, 10.19 Ideal Rankine Cycle Reheat Rankine Cycle, Regenerative Rankine 10.35, 10.49, 10.70 Cycle and Cogeneration 9.25C to 9.32C, 9.35, 9.37 Otto Cycle 9.54, 9.55, 9.57, 9.72, 9.93, 9.170 Diesel, Dual, Stirling, and Brayton Cycles 11.4C, 11.5C, 11.14, 11.17 Refrigeration Cycles 13.1C to 13.8C, 13.12, 13.16C, Gas mixtures 13.17C, 13.30, 13.45, 13.55, 13.73 14.1C to 14.5C,14.18, 14.21C to Gas-Vapor Mixtures 14.24C, 14.32, 14.36C, 14.40, 14.69, 14.72, 14.76, 14.80, 14.95 15.19, 15.25, 15.32, 5.34, 15.66, Chemical Reactions 15.76. 15.89 No. Topics Problem nos. 1 Review on ENGR251 2.49, 4.9, 4.41, 4-70 2 Ideal Rankine Cycle 10-16, 10-20 3 Reheat Rankine Cycle, Regenerative Rankine Cycle and Cogeneration 10-35, 10.49 4 Otto Cycle 9.35, 9.39 5 Diesel, Dual and Brayton Cycles 9.54, 9.93 6 Refrigeration Cycles 11.11, 11.17, 11.23 7 Gas mixtures 13.55, 13.71, 13.73 8 Gas-Vapor Mixtures 14.40, 14.69, 14.91 9 Chemical Reactions 15.58, 15.70, 15.79 3/4 MECH 351/ X Lyes KADEM Fall 2008 Teaching Assistants MECH 351 Position TA (XA) Name and email Ms. Zahra Motamed Mr. Minhquan Pham Mr. Andrey Bunames TA (XB) Lab Instructor XK XL XP Lab Instructor XM Mr. Didier Wongmewwan Lab Instructor XO XR Lab Instructor XI XJ XM Marker Mr. Ramin Motamadi Mr. Arman Motaghi Ms. Toka Ziani 4/4