requirement on paper formatting

Title of paper (18 pt bold, not longer than 2 lines)
Jan Novák, Františka Horáková
Abstract: Please, leave two blank lines between the affiliation of authors and the abstract.
Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. The maximum length of the abstract is 150 words or 10 lines.
Leave one blank line between the abstract and Keywords. Version of the paper in Czech
language must contain abstract in English language.
Keywords: Use 3 – 5 keywords. Leave 2 blank lines between them and the following heading.
1. Introduction (main heading, 14 pt, bold)
Please, try to adjust the appearance of you paper to this sample. Use A4 format (210×297
mm), with margins 25 mm everywhere (top, bottom, left and right). The only exception is the
first page, with 3 blank lines at the top (above the title). For the text, use Times New Roman,
12 pt, spacing 1 (single line).
Individual sections may be numbered. Please leave blank space 6 points between the heading
and the following text, and also between paragraphs. Leave one blank line between text and
any following heading. Titles of sections are left-justified.
1.1 Secondary heading (12 pt, bold)
The text continues. Try to be brief! The total length of the paper (including abstract, figures
and references) should not exceed 6 pages.
1.1.1 Third grade heading (12 pt)
All equations must be set or clearly typed and consecutively numbered. Leave 6 pt blank
spaces above and below each equation.
y 
B  C / x2 
Figures must be clear (do not use reprints). If possible, use formats with only moderate
demands on memory; the complete paper should not exceed 2 – 3 MB! The figures should be
numbered, and each figure should have a caption (written in italics) at the bottom, such as:
Fig. 1. Beam deflection as a function of load
Also tables should be numbered and have a legend:
Tab. 1. Water level in the Danube river in the period 1980 - 1995.
Please leave 1 blank line below the table.
The text of the paper continues… The references should be numbered and quoted in the text
as [1, 2…], and listed at the end of paper. Please, look at the style below. Use standard
abbreviations for journal names.
4. Conclusions
This section (or Summary) is recommended, but not compulsory. Leave one blank line
between Conclusions and Acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment. The work was supported by the project No. ABC 123-456. Financial
support from the XYZ Foundation is also appreciated. Please, leave one blank line between
the acknowledgment and References.
1. Choi, C. K. and Kim, S. H. (1989) Coupled use of reduced integration and nonconforming
modes in improving quadratic plate element. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol. 28 (4), pp.
1909 - 1928.
2. Marek, P., Guštar, M. and Anagnos, T. (1996) Simulation-based reliability assessment for
structural engineers. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
3. Menèík, J. (2001) Failure mode and effect analysis - a tool for increasing the reliability
and quality of constructions. Proc. Int. Conf. Quality and Reliability in Building Industry,
Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic, pp. 346 - 351.
4. ISO/FDIS 2394 (1998) General principles on reliability for structures.
Ing. Jan Novák, CSc.
University of Pardubice
53210 Pardubice
Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Františka Horáková, Ph.D.
Czech University of Agriculture in Prague
165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol
Czech Republic
Please send your paper in format MS Word and Adobe Acrobat on the address:
Deadline for sending: 2012-09-15