Teen Winter Camp 2016 presented by Lighthouse Baptist Church Camp Dates for Teens: Registration Fee: Departure Time: Return Time: Camp Location: Tuesday, 2/16, thru Saturday, 2/20 $125 per teen for the first two teens in a family, then a decremental $10 cost for each additional teen (Example: 3rd teen is $115, 4th teen is $105, etc.) Probably around 1 pm, but verify ahead of time Leaving from Lighthouse Baptist Church 383 Wheatfield St, North Tonawanda, NY 14120 716-693-8285 Saturday around 2-2:30 pm @ LBC Bethany Baptist Camp 1633 Bates Rd, Sinclairville, NY 14782 You need to confirm your registration ahead of time, and prepare to have your full registration fee when you come down to Camp. You may prepay ahead of time to Jim Kariman. Any questions, contact Jim @ 716-998-8057, or Heather Kariman @ 716-998-7328. Things to remember before heading down: Winter gear: hats, gloves, scarves, boots, coats, etc. o Plan for some cold days, regardless of the weather on the day you come to Camp. Bring your Bible!!! Electronic Bibles will not be allowed. Bring the old fashioned Book! No electronics, except for watches and cameras. This includes no phones, music, music players, tablets, e-readers, radios, and the like. o You cannot keep your phone, iPod, or the like, to use as a camera. o If your watch is a phone, music player, or network connected, it will not be allowed. Bedding is NOT provided for the boys or girls, so bring everything you need to sleep and stay warm on a bunk bed. Towels and washcloths are NOT provided by the campground! Each room has a bathroom and shower, but you must bring your own towels for the week. As usual, you may bring your own snacks or drinks to keep in your rooms. Teens can request one partner to have on their team before Camp, but it is not necessary. Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” All Campers Code of Conduct NO alcoholic beverages, tobacco of any kind, electronics (as discussed above), books (besides your Bible), magazines, knives, video games, skateboards or roller blades, fireworks, nonprescription drugs or medicine (any prescription meds must be approved by the Camp Director), pets, or weapons of any kind. No physical contact is allowed between male and female campers. Male and female campers are not allowed to be alone at any time. No gothic dress or makeup, or any other clothing with questionable lettering/logos. Bring clothes appropriate for preaching services, but suits and/or ties are not necessary for the guys. Dress appropriate at all times, whether it is an all-guys atmosphere or all-girls. Ladies Code of Conduct Modest, loose-fitting culottes (skirt-like) are allowed for activities (no walking shorts). Skirts or dresses must touch the floor when kneeling, and should also be modest and loose-fitting. Closed hem required on all dresses or skirts (no slits). Modest, loose-fitting tops or blouses. No sleeveless tops. No pants or jam shorts. No faddish style clothing. No piercings outside of the earlobe can have jewelry in them. Please make sure skirts/dresses are appropriate, regardless of any type of stockings/tights that are worn underneath. Gentlemen’s Code of Conduct No see-through or mesh-like shirts. No sleeveless shirts. No shorts. Sweatpants are allowed in your dorm room at night, but otherwise only for other pre-approved activities. Jeans or casual pants are allowed, and expected for the most part. No faddish style clothing. No sagging pants……bring your belts, and pants that fit! Men will not be allowed to wear earrings, necklaces, or any other jewelry (this includes any piercings, which cannot have jewelry in them). Hair must be off the ears and the collar. What Else to Bring BIBLE. A good attitude! Boots or an extra old pair of tennis shoes/sneakers. Flashlight. Soap and shampoo. Towels (as noted above). Deodorant. Toothbrush and toothpaste. Shower shoes. Modest clothing, as outlined above. Notebook. Pen or pencil. Sleeping items, as outlined above. We may have access to the camp store onsite for snacks and drinks, so you might want to bring money to spend (keep it secure!!). Registration Form This registration form must be completed and submitted upon arrival at camp, along with any remaining camp fee. Each camp and parent MUST sign a registration form. Name:___________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________ Date of Birth:_____/_____/_________ Address:________________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:______ Zip:___________ Date(s) attending Camp:_________________________________________ Home Church:____________________________________________________ Home Church Pastor:_____________________________________________ Home Church Phone:______________________________________________ Emergency Contact:______________________________________________ Emergency Phone:________________________________________________ Last Tetanus Shot:______________________________________________ Allergies (medicinal or otherwise):_____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Please note that the Camp medical personal will administer the following over-the-counter medications as deemed necessary: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, antacids, Alka-Seltzer products, cough medicine, Neosporin, and Benadryl. If someone has an allergy to these medications, it must be noted on this form! Medications taken regularly:____________________________________ Reason for taking medication:___________________________________ Special physical conditions (diabetic, asthma, etc.):___________ ________________________________________________________________ Insurance company:______________________________________________ Principle policy holder’s name:_________________________________ Policy Identification Number:___________________________________ Principle policy holder’s employer:_____________________________ I authorize the director of Lighthouse Baptist Church Teen Winter Camp, and appropriate personal, to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I will not hold the Camp or Camp staff liable for any injuries incurred by my child. I also understand that in the event of an emergency, my insurance will be used, and that the Camp insurance is purely secondary. I also give permission for the Camp medical personal to administer the medications listed above. Signatures: Parent or Legal Guardian:_______________________________________ Camper – I agree to abide by all Camp rules, and to be a willing, cooperative camper:____________________________________