Course Number: PSYC 2301

Spring Semester 2010
Course Number: PSYC 2301.RW1/ PSYC 2301.S24/ PSYC 2301.S25
Course Title: General Psychology
Course Description: Introduction to scientific psychology as applied to human behavior,
including research methods, physiological factors, learning, motivation, emotions, personality,
adjustment, stress, psychological disorders, and therapies. These principles will be applied to the
human experience.
Course Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: None
College Repeat Policy: A student may repeat this course only once after receiving a grade,
including “W”.
Course Delivery Method: Class sessions will consist of a variety of formats, including
multimedia presentations, group exercises, lectures, on line assignments, and open discussion.
Instructor: Patricia Prewitt Coble
Office Number: Spring Creek Campus K237
Office Hours: By Appointment Tuesdays and Thursdays
Contact Information:
Office Phone: 972.881.5759
Division Office: 972.881.5800
Cell Phone: 972.722.6253
Email (preferred method of contact):
RW1 11:30 am –12:45 pm Room 605
S24 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Room I 112
S25 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Room I 112
RW1 meets at the Higher Education Center of Rockwall
S24 and S25 meet at Collin College Spring Creek Campus
See room numbers above
Class Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class Meeting Location:
Textbook (and websites):
Myers, D. (2010). Psychology 9th edition. New York: Worth Publishers.
ISBN: 1-4292-1597-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-429-21597-8
A copy of the textbook will be on reserve in the library
Textbook Website :
Coble Psychology Class Instructional Website:
Supplies: Course textbook, student ID, library card, scantron forms, folder for portfolio,
sharpened pencils, paper.
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be
able to do the following:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history of psychology and its development.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific methods used to study behavior and
mental processes.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic vocabulary of psychology.
4. Describe the basic theories of psychology, how they are used, and their current status in
the discipline.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of basic process such as motivation, learning, emotions,
group processes, personality, and human development.
6. Demonstrate an appreciation for the uniqueness of the individual.
7. Demonstrate a respect for cultural differences in the human experience.
8. Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply the above to everyday life.
Course Requirements:
1. Class attendance and participation.
2. Reading of all assigned materials.
3. Completion of exams and projects.
Method of Evaluation:
Class Attendance and Participation: Weekly in class documented activities are completed and
reviewed and are to be organized into a “participation portfolio” that will be turned in (use
folder) at the end of the semester. These activities will be worth up to 10 points each. The total
number of points you can earn is 130. Designated on your psychology course calendar plan as
“class participation and activities for portfolio”.
Assignments: In addition to required textbook reading, out of class interactive reading
assignments include online activities (or approved alternative) that are documented weekly! On
line assignments earn up to 10 points each. The total number of points you can earn is 70.
Designated on your course calendar plan as “homework assignments”.
Exams: There will be 4 exams each worth 100 points toward the final grade.
Exams will consist of multiple-choice questions and short answer questions. Make up exams are
offered on the day of the final exam immediately after completing exam 4. Other times for
approved make up exams are at the discretion of the instructor. Designated on your course
calendar plan as “exam”.
Psychology News Reports: This semester long project explores current events and current
research related to psychology and connects it to topics in your textbook. In addition to
expanding your knowledge and understanding of psychology, the project promotes continuous
development and use of skills in evaluating different sources of information, reading, writing,
speaking, critical thinking, collaborating, and other skills. Project instructions are provided in
writing on a separate form, verbally in class, and digitally on the instructional web site.
Designated on your course calendar plan as “Psychology in the News”.
Alternative Assessments: Opportunities to earn extra credit are posted on the instructional web
site: Some additional opportunities will only be announced in class! Up
to 70 points can be earned! Your final course grade may increase up to one letter grade based on
these alternative assessment opportunities.
Grading (points available):
Exam #1
Exam #2
Exam #3
Exam #4
Participation Portfolio
Project (Psychology in the News)
Alternative Assessment
A = 630 pts and over
B = 560 – 629 pts
C = 490 – 559 pts
D = 420 – 489 pts
F = <419 pts
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend each class session.
The last day to withdraw is March 12, 2010. Students who decide to not complete the course
are responsible for officially withdrawing themselves from the course; failure to do so will result
in a performance grade of "F".
Religious/Holiday days: Please refer to the current Collin Student Handbook
ADA Statement:
It is the policy of Collin County Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for
qualified individuals who are students with disabilities. This college will adhere to al applicable
federal, state and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s
responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD:
972.881.5950) in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
Academic Ethics: The College District may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student
accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements,
acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the
submission as one’s own work material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve,
but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of
annotated texts or teacher’s editions, and/or falsifying academic records.
Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving
credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation.
Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an
examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, copying computer or Internet
files, using someone else’s work for the assignments as if it were one’s own, or any other
dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course.
Collusion is intentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty,
including but not limited to, providing a paper or project to another student; providing an
inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate during an examination;
removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers.
At a minimum, the consequence of academic dishonesty will result in a “zero” grade on the
particular assignment or test. A report is filed with the Dean of Students if further investigation is
Frequently asked Questions:
Can electronic devices be used in the classroom?
Electronic devices may be used in the classroom to enhance learning of the day’s psychology
topic. If you plan to use electronic devices in the classroom you will be assigned to seating that
will complement the use of the device for you as well as minimize distraction to others. Playing
games, text messaging, listening to music, using cell phones, etc would not be considered as
appropriate use of an electronic device in a learning environment. Please turn off the audio
features of these devices before you enter the classroom. Violation of appropriate use of devices
will immediately disallow your use of them in this class for the rest of the semester.
How do you handle disruptive students?
The classroom is a scholarly environment and students are expected to behave accordingly.
Expression of ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc. is encouraged, but has to be done in a respectful
manner. Students who express willful disrespect towards their classmates or the instructor may
be asked to leave the classroom.
Do I have to type my work?
Semester reports, reaction papers, extra credit reports are all required to be ‘typed’. Typed
papers should be double spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt times roman font.
What if I have to leave class early?
If you must leave class early, please let me know before class starts. Also sit close to the door so
that you do not disrupt class (or me) when you leave. Thank you for your respect!
Spring 2010 Psychology Course Calendar (subject to change):
*Instructions for Homework Assignments are given verbally in class and digitally online at the instructional website: Class Participation Activities are
conducted in class, handouts and instructions are passed out in class.
Week Number
Week of:
Classroom Topics and
Exam Dates
Reading Assignment
Myers Psychology 9e
1 Jan 18
-Course Design & Mgmt.
-Your Assignments
-Navigating the course web
Introducing Psychology
Psychology’s history,
contemporary perspectives,
and enduring issues
Prologue -”The Story of
Chapter 4- Nature,
“Nurture, and Human
Diversity” (reference)
-Identifying Perspectives
-Enduring Issues
PsychSim5 Tutorial
“Psychology’s Timeline”
Psychological Science and
Research Methods
Chapter 1“Thinking Critically with
Psychological Science”
-Research terminology
-Identifying types of research
-Designing research studies
PsychSim5 Tutorial
“Helplessly Hoping”
Chapter 2 – “The Biology
of Mind”
-Brain Users Primer
Chapter 16-“Social
Psychology” (reference)
-Psychology in the News
Critique/Group Activity
Group Photo Shoot
-Personal examples of Sensation
2 Jan 25
3 Feb 1
Feb 1 - Census
4 Feb 8
5 Feb 15
Tues -Exam One
Group Processes
Class Participation and Activities
for Portfolio +
DUE dates for Psychology in the
News Papers and Presentations
-Preview of Psychology
Homework Assignments
-Student Questionnaire
- Review Syllabus and Class
Instructional Web Site
-Review and register at Myers Psychology 9e
Textbook Website
STUDY for next week’s exam 1
6 Feb 22
Sensation and Perception
Chapter 6-“Sensation and
Perception “
7 March 1
Chapter 7-“Learning”
-Classical and Operant
Conditioning worksheets
8 March 8
Chapter 8 –“Memory”
-Interactive Memory notes
Psychology in the News Report 1
Presentations and Peer Reviews
Begin Psychology in the News Report 1 Written
report and presentation due March 11
PsychSim5 Tutorial
“Visual Illusions”
PsychSim5 Tutorial
“Mind Reading Monkeys”
STUDY for exam 2
Spring Break Week of March 15 - 19
9 March 22
Tues- Exam Two
Thurs – Motivation
Chapter 11-“Motivation
Motivational Concepts
pgs 444- 446
-Human Nature Debate
Begin Psychology in the News Report 2
Written report and presentation due April 15
10 March 29
Chapter 12 – “Emotions,
Stress, and Health”
Also see pg. 412
Emotional Intelligence
-Universal Emotions
PsychSim5 Tutorial
“All Stressed Out”
11 April 5
Chapter 13–
-Personality Case Study
Personality Trait Assessment
12 April 12
States of Consciousness
Chapter 3 “Consciousness and the
Two Track Mind”
-Circadian Rhythms
STUDY for next week’s exam 3
13 April 19
Tues- Exam Three
14 April 26
Thurs – Human Development
Psychological Disorders
15 May 3
16 May 10
Exam Four
Thurs May 13 11:30 to 1:30
Thurs May 13 2:30 to 4:30
Tues May 11 4:00 to 6:00
Chapter 5- “Developing
through the life Span”
Chapter 14-“
Psychological Disorders “
Chapter 15“Therapy “
Psychology in the News Report 2
Presentations and Peer Reviews
-Reflective Questions
-Identifying Disorders
*Portfolios due*
Psychology in the News Report 3
Begin Psychology in the News Report 3
Written report due
PsychSim Tutorial
Mystery Client
STUDY for next week’s exam 4