Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 7 SCOPE OF WORK 1. GENERAL SCOPE Contractor agrees to provide pre-employment, annual, and first aid evaluations, including lab testing and administration of required vaccinations, required for the determination of whether or not the applicant or current employee is physically qualified for a specific job. 2. CONTRACT MANAGERS The Contract Managers during the term of this Agreement will be: Department of Developmental Services, (CS) Canyon Springs Ann Larsen (760) 770-6248 Contractor: 3. LICENSE REQUIREMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS Contractor, and/or Contractor’s employees who perform the physical examinations required in this agreement must be: a) licensed as a Physician and Surgeon by the California Medical Board; or b) licensed as an Osteopathic Physician by the Osteopathic Medical Board of California; or c) licensed by the California Medical Board, Physician Assistant Committee, as a Physician Assistant; or d) licensed as a Nurse Practitioner by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Contractor must retain such licenses for the term of the contract. Contractor and/or Contractor’s employees who perform the physical examinations required in this agreement must not be considered an excluded practitioner per the Medicare Office of Inspector General’s (OIG), List of Excluded Individuals/Entities. Contractor must provide prior to the implementation of this contract contact information for three (3) references who can verify that within the past ten (10) years Contractor performed services similar to those outlined in this Scope of Work. Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 7 Contractor’s employees performing phlebotomy services under this agreement must have and maintain a California Phlebotomy Certification. Contractor’s employees must be trained and certified by the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) to collect blood for testing for candidates for employment into designated “sensitive” positions at Canyon Springs (see #7c). Contractor’s employees performing physical examinations under this agreement must meet the license and qualification requirements noted above and the provisions outlined in Exhibit D “Special Terms and Conditions.” 4. CONTRACTOR’S FACILITIES If the pre-employment physicals and/or annual physical examinations are done at the Contractor’s facilities/office, Contractor’s facilities/office must be within a fifteen (15) minute drive from Canyon Springs, and all required testing equipment (radiology, phlebotomy/blood draws, other specimen collections, etc.) must be available at the one location, to ensure Canyon Springs’ staff time away from the Canyon Springs facility is minimized. Contractor may use mobile facilities to complete the required pre-employment and annual physical examinations at the Canyon Springs facility. However, such mobile facilities must be self sufficient regarding water and electrical/power sources, as Canyon Springs does not have the means to connect mobile facilities to the Canyon Springs’ infrastructure. 5. DUTY STATEMENTS AND STATE JOB SPECIFICATIONS The CS Contract Manager will furnish the Duty Statement and State Job Description applicable for the person being examined. Contractor shall determine whether an applicant is physically qualified based on the Duty Statement and/or State Job Specifications, and the Definition of Qualified Applicant included in Exhibit A under item #10. 6. SCHEDULING The CS Contract Manager shall be responsible for scheduling examinations or tests at a date and time mutually agreed upon. Contractor agrees to notify the CS Contract Manager of no shows and cancellations. The CS Contract Manager will inform Contractor at the time of request for testing which tests are to be performed. 7. PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 7 Pre-employment physical examinations shall comply with California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 8, Section 76539 “Employees’ Examinations and Health Records.” a) b) Employment candidates shall complete Pages 1 and 2 of the form STD. 610 Health Questionnaire. Contractor shall conduct a physical assessment and document findings for the following items on Page 3 of the STD. Health Questionnaire form: #1 Height & Weight #2 Vision #2a Color Vision if required as a Minimum Qualification for the specific position #3 Hearing (Audiometry is not required) #4 Head #5 Resting Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure #6 Lungs #7 Heart and Circulatory System #8 Nervous System #9 Abdomen & Hernia #10 Genitourinary System Including Kidneys #12 Spine #13 Extremities #14 Skin and Lymphatics, Significant Scarring #15 Varicose Veins #16 Urinalysis #17 Specify Any Work Limitations #18 Psychiatric Evaluation (Any mental disorder observed) #19 Physician’s Signature and Date Signed Note: #11 Rectal is specifically NOT required. c) Specific classifications designated “sensitive” require that the candidate undergo a pre-employment drug screening test. Classifications designated as sensitive are: Health Services Specialist Hospital Peace Officer I Hospital Peace Officer II Investigator Licensed Vocational Nurse Nurse Instructor Nursing Coordinator Painter I & II Physician and Surgeon Pre-Licensed Psychiatric Technician Pre-Registered Nurse Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 7 Program Director, DD & MD Psychiatric Social Worker Psychiatric Social Worker (HF) Psychiatric Technician Psychiatric Technician Apprentice Psychiatric Technician Student Psychiatric Technician Trainee Psychiatric Technician Training Candidate Psychologist (Educational) Psychologist (HF - Clinical) Psychologist (HF - Counseling) Psychologist (HF - Education) Psychologist (HF - Experimental) Psychologist (HF - Social) Registered Nurse I & II Rehabilitation Therapist/SH (Art) Rehabilitation Therapist/SH (Dance) Rehabilitation Therapist/SH (Music) Rehabilitation Therapist/SH (Occupational) Rehabilitation Therapist/SH (Recreation) Senior Psychiatric Technician Senior Psychologist Senior Psychologist (HF) Senior Special Investigator Social Work Associate Special Investigator Supervisor, Sheltered Workshop Teacher Unit Supervisor Drug testing shall be done using a split sample collection method, reserving one sample for retesting at applicant’s request, if original test results are positive. d) Contractor shall offer the pre-employment candidate vaccinations/immunizations required by California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5199, Aerosol Transmissible Diseases: - Influenza (One dose annually) Measles (Two doses) Mumps (One dose) Rubella (One dose) Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 5 of 7 - Tetanus, Diptheria, and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) (One dose, booster as recommended) Varicella-zoster (VZV) (Two doses) If the candidate declines the vaccination(s)/immunization(s), the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the candidate sign and date a Vaccination Declination Statement(s) that complies with Title 8, Section 5199. e) Contractor shall offer the pre-employment candidate the opportunity to be tested for Hepatitis B and C (titer), and if needed, offered the Hepatitis B vaccine series. If the candidate declines the Hepatitis B vaccine series, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the candidate sign and date a Vaccination Declination Statement. f) Contractor will complete the following screenings: a. CBC b. UA dipstick c. UA microscopic evaluation if indicated by the UA dipstick d. Comprehensive Chemistry Panel 14 e. Hepatitis B titer f. PPD (TB) skin test (if no earlier history of a positive reaction) g. Chest X-ray for TB screening (if the candidate has a history of positive PPD, the Contractor must determine if a chest x-ray is indicated; if not indicated, the Contractor must document that determination in the “comments” section of the questionnaire form). h. Hepatitis C titer i. Rubella Titer j. Rubeola Titer k. Mumps Titer l. RPR Titer Candidates for classifications requiring food handling (Food Manager, Cook Specialist I & II, Food Service Technician I) are required to have an Ova and Parasite Stool Culture. 8. ANNUAL EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Results of annual employee physicals will be documented on the “Annual Health Questionnaire” form. Employees will complete the questionnaire, providing information regarding changes in their health status over the past year. The annual physical will consist of: Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 6 of 7 A. B. C. D. Recording of height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure. PPD or chest x-ray (TB screening) as clinically indicated (if the employee has a history of positive PPD, the Contractor must determine if a chest xray is indicated; if not indicated, the Contractor must document that determination in the “comments” section of the questionnaire form). Optional lab tests at employee’s request: UA dipstick and/or CBC. Contractor shall review the employee’s immunization record, and offer the employee recommended vaccinations/immunizations required by California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5199, Aerosol Transmissible Diseases: - Influenza (One dose annually) Measles (Two doses) Mumps (One dose) Rubella (One dose) Tetanus, Diptheria, and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) (One dose, booster as recommended) Varicella-zoster (VZV) (Two doses) Hepatitis B titer and/or vaccination series If the candidate declines the vaccination(s)/immunization(s), the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the candidate sign and date a Vaccination Declination Statement(s) that complies with Title 8, Section 5199. Upon completion of the physical examination, Contractor shall document pertinent findings, and a determination whether or not the employee can physically perform the functions of his/her position at Canyon Springs. 9. PRELIMINARY RESULTS At the request of the CS Contract Manager, Contractor agrees to provide the preliminary results of work performed to the CS Contract Manager as the results become available. Contractor agrees to provide the CS Contract Manager with written confirmation of verbal communications within 24 hours of said communication. 10. REPORT REQUIREMENTS FOR DISQUALIFIED APPLICANTS Should an applicant be found unqualified for employment at Canyon Springs because the medical history, physical examination, laboratory test(s) and/or x-ray results discover a condition that would preclude execution of those duties described in the State Job Specification and/or Duty Statement, Contractor will furnish the CS Contract Manager a concise, concrete statement which sites the reason(s) for disqualification. Contractor CS119006 EXHIBIT A Page 7 of 7 11. DEFINITION OF A QUALIFIED APPLICANT a. An applicant for employment at Canyon Springs whose medical history and physical examination determines no condition(s) that would preclude the execution of those duties described in the State Job Specification and Duty Statement provided to Contractor; and b. Whose laboratory test and chest x-ray results have no abnormality that remains unexplained and unclarified by the applicant’s personal physician; and c. Whose laboratory tests and chest x-ray have discovered no abnormality that would preclude execution of these duties described in the State Job Specifications and Duty Statement provided to Contractor; or d. Whose laboratory tests and chest x-ray are normal*. (*Note: Presence or absence of immunity to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Varicella, Measles, mumps and rubella of itself does not disqualify an applicant.) 12. FOLLOW UP In the event that during the physical examination it is discovered that the applicant or employee is in need of immunizations/treatments beyond those immunizations required per this contract, the applicant is to be referred to the applicant’s private physician. Canyon Springs will not reimburse Contractor for follow-up tests, treatments, or immunizations not specifically included in this agreement. 13. FIRST AID – EVALUATIONS Contractor will provide first aid and evaluation of employees’ injuries to determine if they are work related/Worker’s Compensation issues or to be referred to the employee’s personal physician. 14. TIMELY REPORTING Contractor agrees to furnish a complete file of results of history, physical examinations, laboratory tests, and x-ray readings, as well as a statement as to applicant’s qualification or disqualification within fourteen (14) days of applicant’s initial visit to Contractor’s Facilities. If Contractor is unable to meet the fourteen (14) day deadline, Contractor agrees to notify the CS Contract Manager immediately of the delay.