FEMLAB 3.1 - EARTH SCIENCE MODULE CHEAT SHEET - 8 December 2004 General description of the Earth Science Module The Earth Science Module is a FEMLAB environment for modeling physical processes that operate at the earth’s surface and in the subsurface. The interfaces and models employ formulations and language that researchers in the field need and understand. Most of the application modes underpin multiple physics couplings used to answer questions about subsurface water supplies (aquifers), subsurface oil reserves (petroleum reservoirs), landfills, environmental contamination, nuclear waste disposal, agriculture and irrigation, seepage through dams, streams and estuaries, to name a few. The model library contains model files and step-by-step instructions for examples from famous experts, classic papers, other software manuals. Most of the models demonstrate concepts useful in many applications. For example, the water flow and solute transport models demonstrate tools that scientists and engineers will need to think about the flow of oil, heat transport, and magma migration. Likewise bringing up the unusual example of electromagnetics and fluid flow in the volcano model demonstrates the no-ceiling-on-your-ideas power of FEMLAB at a glance, and it also demonstrates protocols that can be applied when modeling the electromagnetic sensors to assess petroleum reservoirs and aquifers, for example. Benefits of the Earth Science Module Users unfamiliar with FEMLAB will never have seen: o Easy to use equation templates or application modes to model variably saturated flow (Richards’), saturated flow (Darcy, Brinkman), free flow (Navier-Stokes), solute transport, and heat transfer in a single package; o A package flexible enough that they can modify equations, create their own PDEs, and link physics arbitrarily and get an automatic finite element code; o Just-type-it-in expressions for material properties, postprocessing, and more; o Access to application modes in FEMLAB that will allow them to think about nonstandard physics couplings, such as linking between flow, temperature, structural deformation or linking between surface and porous media flow. Folks already using FEMLAB will need to know: o The module combines variably saturated flow, saturated flow, free flow, solute transport, and heat transfer in a single package; o Variably saturated flow with Richards’ equation has never been seen in FEMLAB before. o The application modes automatically account for multiphysics that comes from having either or both solids and fluids in one volume (dispersion of chemicals and heat, chemicals that attach or sorb to soils) o Tools to keep track of properties of the fluids, solids, and gases in the porous media. What do you get? EQUATIONS: Seven easy-to-use application modes set up just for earth sciences: 1. Richards’ equation (pressure, pressure head, or hydraulic head) – slow flow in variably saturated porous media, where the pore space is not completely filled. For example, irrigation of dry soil, water disappearing into the sand at a beach; seeking a physics-based position for the water table. Leigh Soutter, leigh.soutter@comsol.com, phone: 781.273.3322, cell: 650.776.3910 FEMLAB 3.1 - EARTH SCIENCE MODULE CHEAT SHEET - 8 December 2004 o 2. Darcy’s law (pressure, pressure head, or hydraulic head) – flow in porous media. One Darcy’s law for systems saturated with a single liquid. As in an aquifer or oil reservoir. Multiple Darcy’s law equations for two- and three-phase flow. As in a water injection to mobilize oil toward an extraction well, simultaneous flow of oil and gas. 3. Brinkman equations (pressure and velocity) – flow in porous media that is fast enough that shear is important. For example, fast flow near the perforation of a well; 4. Navier Stokes equations (pressure and velocity) – free flow outside of porous media, in channels for example. Includes options for density driven (“non-isothermal”) and “swirl” flows. For example, flow in wells, rivers, fractures. 5. Solute transport (concentration) – transport of one or more chemical species in fluid, solid, or fluid-solid systems. Support for defining velocity dependent dispersion and sorption. For example, pollution, gas transfer, microbial activity. 6,7. Heat transfer (temperature) – transport of heat in systems with immobile constituents (conduction) with or without moving fluids (convection and conduction). Supports defining effective properties for media with fluids, solids, and gases; velocity dependent dispersion; and geotherm generated by radiogenic decay. Seamless access to FEMLAB and its Modules for multiphysics couplings. If they want to, they can link to MATLAB and run FEMLAB from the MATLAB command line instead of using the FEMLAB graphical user interface; set up FEMLAB models from the MATLAB command line and import them into the FEMLAB GUI; use MATLAB routines and commands inside the FEMLAB model; use MATLAB analysis tools inside FEMLAB during postprocessing; export FEMLAB results to MATLAB and simulink, and so on. MODELS: 22 models with physics couplings that cover many types of investigations: Pore scale flow – Navier-Stokes flow in the interstices of a microscale porous medium, geometry from scanning electron microscope image (example from important research group) Variably saturated flow and transport examples o Interpolation – flow with material properties from experimental data (example from Hydrus and SWMS manuals) o Variably saturated flow – flow example from Arizona hydro group o Sorbing solute – chemical attaches to solids as it moves (Hydrus and SWMS ) o Reaction chain – variably saturated flow and transport of parentdaughter-granddaughter decay chain involves volatilization (Hydrus and SWMS manuals) Aquifers and petroleum reservoirs o Examples that match important analytic solutions (Theis, Hantush and Jacob, Cooper and Papadopolus), including a wellbore storage model that accounts for how the fluid in the well influences withdrawals from the reservoir o Oil flow to a perforated well from petroleum engineers at Heriot-Watt Univ Leigh Soutter, leigh.soutter@comsol.com, phone: 781.273.3322, cell: 650.776.3910 FEMLAB 3.1 - EARTH SCIENCE MODULE CHEAT SHEET - 8 December 2004 o Flow that transitions from subsurface to free flow shown for petroleum flow to a well, also applies to groundwater-surface water, and fracture flow o Two-phase flow – compares results from flow simulations for air-water, air-oil, and oil-water systems (duplicates USEPA study) Flow and deformation o Biot poroelasticity - deformation of reservoir when fluids are pumped out (USGS study) o Freezing soil describes deformation related to volume change of icewater phase change (Netherlands transportation study) Chemical transport, pollution, remediation o Variably saturated flow and transport examples (from Hydrus and SWMS see above) o Solute injection – point source fluid injection with chemicals migrates through aquifer (example from MT3D manual) Electromagnetics - volcano shows water flow coupled to electromagnetics – a multipart example involving 3D geometry generated with real topographic data (published study) Leigh Soutter, leigh.soutter@comsol.com, phone: 781.273.3322, cell: 650.776.3910