Today, Ch. 5

Monday, December 1
1. Collect Ch. 12 Crossword
2. Collect Psychology
Ornaments Complete
3. Discussion of
Parts of the Eye
4. Formative Assessment:
Complete Eye Diagram
5. Demonstrations
Learning Target: Describe the major
structures of the eye, and explain how they
guide an incoming ray of light towards the
eye’s receptor cells.
Tuesday, November 25
1. Discuss Parts of the Eye
2. Formative Assessment:
Complete Eye Diagram
 Ch. 12 Crossword Puzzle (Due 12/1)
It can be done in pencil but please use all
capital letters
 Psychology Ornament (and description )
due 12/1
Learning Target: Describe the major
structures of the eye, and explain how they
guide an incoming ray of light towards the
eye’s receptor cells
Monday, November 24
1. Collect Ch. 5 Reading Activity
2. Discuss Difference Thresholds
and Sensory Adaptation
3. Guided Practice
4. Begin vision
Ch. 5 reading activity: Due Monday, 11/24 (in INK)
Ch. 12 Crossword: Due Monday, 12/1 (pencil is fine, use CAPS)
Psychology Ornament (Extra Credit) Due 12/1
Learning Target: Describe sensory adaptations,
and explain how we benefit from being unaware of
unchanging stimuli
Friday, November 21
1. Discuss the basic principles of
2. Complete “Ticket to Move On”
3. Demonstration
4. Ch. 5 reading activity: Due Monday, 11/24
(in INK)
Learning Target: Distinguish between
absolute and difference thresholds, and discuss
whether we can sense stimuli below our
absolute thresholds and be influenced by them.
AP Psychology
Wednesday, December 11
1. Return Ear Diagrams
2. Ch. 5 Quiz
3. Complete discussion of taste
4. Tongue Wars
5. Discuss Kinesthesia
Learning Target: Distinguish between
kinesthesia and the vestibular sense
Tuesday, December 10
1. Collect Ear Diagram and ?s
2. Demonstration
3. Discuss Hearing Loss
4. Discuss Touch
5. Touch “experiment”
6. Ch. 5 Quiz: Wednesday, 12/11
Learning Target: Describe how cochlear
implants function, and explain why deaf
culture advocates object to these devices.
Monday, December 9
1. Discuss Audition
2. Complete Ear Diagram and Questions
Due in INK: Tuesday, Dec. 10
Learning Target: Describe the 3 regions of
the ear, and outline the series of events that
trigger the electrical impulses sent to the brain
Friday, December 6,
1. Discuss Color Vision
2. Do Mix and Match?
Learning Target: Explain how the YoungHelmholtz and Opponent-process theories
help us understand color vision
Thursday, December 5
1. Review Parts of the Eye
2. Activities/Demonstrations
3. Begin discussing color
Learning Target: Describe the major
structures of the eye, and explain how they
guide an incoming ray of light towards the
eye’s receptor cells.
Tuesday, December 11
1. Return Ear Diagrams
2. Complete discussion of taste
3. Taste tests
4. Discuss Touch
5. Touch Demonstration
6. Discuss Kinesthesia
7. Ch. 5 Quiz tomorrow
Learning Target: Distinguish between
kinesthesia and the vestibular sense
According to Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg
____ year old Zoe is
developing cognitively,
socially and morally.
Thursday, November 29
1. Return Ch. 4 (make notations)
2. Fill in the “Before you read” column in
the reading activity. This reading activity
is due Monday, December 3 (in INK)
3. Begin discussing sensation
Learning Target: Contrast sensation and
perception, and explain the difference
between bottom-up and top-down processing