Why Sponsor a Green Economics Event?

Green Economics Institute
progressive economics
The Green Intern
picture in here
Reclaiming economics for all people everywhere, other species, nature, the planet and its systems!
This lovely picture is from our annual conference July 2009 at Oxford University – which was opened
by Lord Rothschild pictured right and others and Gaile Walters environmental lawyer delivered a
speech on the first evening which was very well received.
(Members Journal)
(Intens Journal) please split these into 2 and replace the pictures – as they are from last time
The Economics of Doing
Green Jobs special issue
The Magazine of the Green Economics Institutewww.greeneconomics.org.uk
Issue Editors: Naomi Baster, Michelle Suzanne Gale de Oliveira
Editorial Board:
Volker Heinemann, UK and Germany; Miriam Kennet, UK; Dr Jeff Turk, Brussels and
Slovenia; Dr Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi, Brazil; Hirofumi Azaiwa, Japan; Jacob Sanders,
UK; Mauro Reyes, Columbia; Ben Haworth, UK; Johnathan Essex, UK; Dr Chidi Magnus
Onuoha, Nigeria; Enrico Tezza, Italy; Mark Partington, UK; Judith Delheim, Germany;
Professor Gustavo Vargas, Mexico, Max Marioni Italy and Uk, Graciela Chichilnisky, USA.
To subscribe to the GE:
The Green Economist is free to paid up members of the Institute,
and is distributed twice yearly. Interns receive an e-copy free of
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -1-
In the first instance please send an email to Volker Heinemann
greeneconomicsinstitute@yahoo.com or send a cheque
payable to “The Green Economist” to Green Economics Institute, 6
Strachey Close, Tidmarsh, Reading RG8 8EP for £40 for one years
membership subscription to the Institute to include The Green
Economist Magazine.
Contributions for GE:
Send to the Editor at greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk
maximum 2 pages A4 in word format
Subjects can be anything connected to our work, especially topical,
political or about implementation of Green Economics, and practise.
We especially like information for members and also features of
members own activities and local or country area and its economics
issues or green issues and articles about empowerment and social
and environmental justice, provisioning for needs, human rights and
also economics access and distribution and inclusion aspects of
Views expressed are not necessarily the views of the Green
Economics Institute and the Editor reserves the right to edit all
The Green Economist is a publication of The Green Economics Institute ©
Institute website: www.greeneconomics.org.uk
Email: greeneconomicsinstitute@yahoo.com
Directors: Volker Heinemann
Miriam Kennet
Address of the Institute
Green Economics Institute
6 Strachey Close
A. Networking
The team
Welcome from The Green Economist 's Editor
Word from the Green Economics Institute Directors
About The Green Economics Institute
B. Articles
Post Copenhagen – Miriam
Post copenhagen naomi
Green economics and chemistry- rebeca -speak to alan hutton and kaisu tai and rapheal levy
Green Jobs initiative david and miriam
Green Jobs philosophy enrico
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -2-
Green Jobs david muir
Leonardo bids- Grit
Youth in action bids -and partners features grit
Feature interns David Muir
UN small island states michele
Grit paul colier and development economics perspectives
national government school – womens day miriam
Foundation of interns college- and biographies for interns- David Muir
members college -meeting – foundation – biogs of some paid up members
C. News from the Institute and around the world
Grit equador
David malta
france – euro med etc
bordeau Heterodox economics Miriam arturo jack jeff bordeau
Green Economics in the Balkans –Makedonka miriam cafe scientifque
british council miriam
Report on our november 2009 confernece oxford
Copenhagen explained miriam
Feature- members of the GEI team- nigerian institute, and their two events 2010
venice international university-feature forthcoming conferences
greens in italy ask monica frassoni MP
bolzano green jobs – Miriam
malta michael
charles- miriam – Lu wei china
mahalet ethiopia
africa book – everyone
Armenia news margarita
serbia news
Brazil and british council miriam
galapagos Grit
david – green furniture and green building
resource economics david=
D. Forthcoming Green Economics Institute events
April venice 2010
Euro med august 2010
Oxford main conference july 2010
Information on July 2010
Retreat November 2010
E. Publishing with the Green Economics Institute
Call for papers for the International Journal of Green Economics -Publisher Inderscience
Special issues africa and green accounting
special issue on italy
special issue on green jobs and industry
Green Economics and Sustainable Growth Book Series- Gower and Ashgate Publishing
Call for papers for The Green Economist and The green intern
F. Membership information
new sponsorship scheme miriam michele grit
new acreditation scheme grit NETWORKING
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -3-
Green Economics Institute
progressive economics
Welcome from the Editors
Editor – Naomi Baster is a graduate of Strathclyde University, where she gained a First Class
Honours BA in joint Economics and French, achieving distinction in spoken French and a prize for
outstanding performance in Economics. She grew up in Orkney, Scotland, a small island community
where nature greatly influences daily life, so that it is impossible not to be environmentally aware.
She is currently working at the Green Economics Institute: the perfect place to combine her
economics skills and passion for the environment. She is a deputy editor of the International Journal
of Green Economics (IJGE), and has recently begun speaking on growth issues. She is the
organiser of the Green Economics November 2009 conference, and will edit a future issue of the
IJGE on ‘Managing the economy and society for lower growth and lower consumption’.
Dear members,
Welcome to the autumn 2009 edition of the Green Economist.
I would like to extend a special warm welcome to new members, as each addition to the network of
like-minded people from around the world is extremely valuable. In the current climate with the world
economy being so interconnected and climate change being a global challenge, it is especially
important to make these links and bring together people who want to change the world for the better.
Each person is important and can bring about change. As Anita Roddick says:
“If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”
The Green Economist is a magazine for all of our members. We provide news about the activities of
the Green Economics Institute around the world, and the magazine facilitates networking between
our members. Please remember that we collect articles from members on a rolling basis, and we are
always glad to include your work. We currently have members in 47 countries around the world and
are enthusiastic about the opportunities we see here.
In this issue we give the members an insight into the events and achievements of the Institute over
the last few months. Firstly we introduced you to some members of the team, which will have given
you an idea of the range of backgrounds and specialisations that make up the Institute. The articles
included are a taster of the subjects we cover in the International Journal of Green Economics. The
second half of this year saw two special issues of the journal: the women’s issue and the climate
change issue. Inevitably, with the COP15 meeting at Copenhagen just around the corner, climate
change is a hot topic. Michelle Gale de Oliveira and myself have prepared a small article on this
subject, which is followed by a brief note by Miriam Kennet with information on the Green Economics
Institute and our presence at Copenhagen. Jack Reardon then takes this issue forward, looking
beyond Copenhagen and to the future of green economics.
The News section gives a smattering of reports from around the world, including the Institute’s work
in the Balkans, and a report on the summer conference, along with a couple of featured members. If
you would like to be featured in the next issue of the Green Economist we welcome input from all –
email greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -4-
We are always delighted to receive articles and letters for The Green Economist and encourage all of
you to write in to the magazine and talk about what you are doing. If you send it via email we can put
it into the spring 2010 issue of the journal.
Since joining the Green Economics Institute at the end of summer, I have been plunged into a
fascinating world of diverse talented people and new and exciting ideas. I look forward to meeting
more of you and to many more stimulating and enlightening discussions.
Naomi Baster, Editor.
Joint editors for this issue,Naomi Baster and Michele Gale are pictured here at Kings Cross St
Pancras Station seeing off Miriam Kennet Green Economics Institute Director on her train journey to
teach Balkan governments sustainable development economics at Venice International University
and to visit The Green Economist Editorial board member Enrico Tezza of the International Labour
Organisation in Turin Italy.
The Green Economics Institute Directors
Volker Heinemann, UK and Germany
Volker Heinemann is an economist who studied at the Universities of Goettingen, Kiel and
Nottingham. He is a specialist in international and developing economics, monetary economics and
macroeconomic theory and policy. He is author of the book ‘Die Oekonomie der Zukunft’ ”The
Economy of the Future,” a book outlining the principal structure for a modern economy that accepts
the undeniable changes that are required to the outdated current economic thinking. He is cofounder of the Green Economics Institute and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales. Most recently Volker has lectured at Campinas University in Brazil, and in the
past spent 6 months in Chile writing.
Director - Miriam Kennet, UK
Miriam Kennet is Co- Founder and Director of Green Economics Institute and the Founder and
Editor of the International Journal of Green Economics, Published with Inderscience Academic
publishers and is the leading green academic journal. She has recently worked with a team to create
a pan European Economic policy for the European Greens. In the last year she has run training
courses in the Cabinet Office, the National Government School, and most recently at Admiralty Arch,
and in elsewhere around Europe. She has spoken in the Austrian and Scottish Parliaments, in the
French Senat and in the Oxford Union and recently launched our Institute and Green Economics in
the United Nations. A member of Mansfield College, Oxford University, and the Environmental
Change Institute, Oxford University, she lectured at Birkbeck College, London University, in
environmental economics and policy and recently at Venice International University and Montengro
to the Balkan Governments. Miriam has published very widely on Green issues, business and the
economy, from the Harvard College Economics Review, to the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -5-
Welcome from the Directors of the Green Economics Institute
Dear Green Economics Institute Member,
Welcome to this autumn 2009 issue of The Green Economist, which is being sent as we all prepare
for our delegation to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. We are extremely lucky to have
a wonderful Green Economics Team going to Copenhagen, and actually includes the inventor of the
Carbon Market, and author of the recent book Saving Kyoto. We have also produced a special
double issue of our academic journal featuring 18 articles on climate change including the leading
negotiators from Copenhagen. Please advise us if you are going to Copenhagen.
Following on from our launching the Green Economy in the UN in Geneva last December, we are
now working on the Green Jobs Initiative with the International Labour Organisation in Turin and will
be running an event there too and also we are going to run a green week in Bolzano in the Italian
Alps focusing on green jobs.
We have more new partnerships and so we will be running two events in Venice in Italy at the
Venice International University which is extremely exciting. We hope you will join us in the lovely
Our trainees enjoy 5 minutes break in the sun in Budva, Montenegro between workshops at our
Balkan officials sustainable Development Economics Training week in Montenegro
We have been very active in the Balkans this year with a major training course in Montenegro for
Balkan governments officials. Our course was under the auspices of REC an intergovernmental
initiative. It was extremely exciting to meet people from all over the area. Montenegro is incredibly
beautiful- and is a good example of a country caught between the economics demands of
development as it has one single main employer- the aluminum smelting company and the tension
with its change to a country becoming a centre of eco tourism. Michele from our management team
got back last week from Macedonia. We hope to return and run another course in Macedonia on
Green Economics, and had representatives from Albania, and Serbia at our annual Green
Economics Conference in July this year. We are speaking at Friends of Europe in the European
Commission later this month too. We also need lots of local teams for our projects in the Balkans
and in Italy.
Our interns college has really developed this year, with an absolutely superb range of interns from all
parts of the world and extremely able young people. At our annual conference we had a special
interns evening run by Sophie Henstridge from Cambridge University and a previous intern. Some
highlights are Michele Gale who is working with Landless peasants in Brazil, Naomi Baster who is
creating a wonderful book and journal on lower growth, both of whom have now joined our
management team. Charles Yu Li, who is working with Professor Zhang from China on a special
issue of the journal about Green Accounting.
We have been fortunate to be asked to speak at the Institutes of Mechanical and Chemical
Engineering including in their Great Climate Change Debate in Reading and many other events, and
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -6-
to be able to comment amongst the leaders of eco tech innovation and geo engineering. The Battle
lines about the future economics directions are drawn along the lines of the Stern Review- for geo
engineering and carbon trading versus life style changes.
The Great Climate Change Debate, University of Reading.Institutes of Mechanical and Chemical
Engineering, Green Peace, Royal Meterological Society.
As a result we are using Slow travel and our Directors and team have been using the train or bus,
Miriam Kennet went by Train to Montenegro and to Venice which was an amazing experience.
Regional Environment Centre Hugary Tamara Nikolik and our team in Kosovo
We have also recently become more active in the European Network of Political Foundations
attending a meeting at the Conrad Adenhauer Foundation and attended an exciting meeting in the
Luxembourg Parliament planning for activities. Naomi Baster represented us in Sweden at the
European commission's high powered event there. Miriam Kennet will speak at the Rosa
Luxembourg Foundation in Berlin next week. We have the most recent head of the European
Greens joining our team too – who is an economist from Germany and Argentina.
Our academic journal The International Journal of Green Economics, is really taking off and we are
inundated with excellent articles. We are able as a result to have a special women's issue- edited by
Michele Gale and a special climate change double issue. There will also be a special issue on Africa
and on lower growth.
We have also written chapters in several books – including Greening the Academy from Syracuse
University, and Jack Reardon's Impressive book by Routledge on Pluralist Economics Teaching an d
Judith Delheims book from the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation. We are always looking for writers- so
do let us know if you'd like to help.
Our women's campaign is gathering speed- and we are preparing a book on this – please email if
youd like to contribute. Our slow travel campaign received a boost as The Man on seat 61 came to
our summer conference. Mark the owner of the website is changing the way we use transport and
making it easier to use the train and we are supporting this.
We have also put lots of photos of our activities on a flickr site on our website – please do visit it and
have a look, including lovely photos from our main conference and our interns. Please send in any
photos of your activities- we are always pleased to feature members work and activities and ideas
and thoughts if you'd like to send them in – I thought we should have a special page about the
members on the website. Don't forget to look at the news tab on the website which gives you details
of what we have been doing and also news about green economics and other relevant information.
We are pleased to have such fascinating and varied members so do please write in with letters and
comments and ideas and news of what you are doing from all around the world.
We are especially keen to come and visit and talk about our work in your locality if you would like us
to do that.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -7-
This year has been one where we have developed many of our earlier projects. Our journal has
matured and is receiving many many wonderful articles, our book series is expanding and about 20
books are in the pipeline. Our core management team is much expanded with Sophie Christopher
Bowes running the fund raising and hosting events, Jeff Turk regularly representing us in Brussels at
the European Commission, Naomi Baster editing and writing and speaking to crowds several
hundred at a time, and Michele Gale managing books, journals and speeches. Judith Felton is
running our database and also our diaries organising us to ensure we make the most of the huge
interest in our work. Our team is really lovely and we are very pleased indeed and it is supported by
Antara Sen in the USA and Marie Louise Seeberg in Norway, and Ben Haworth working on energy
futures, and Dr Susan Canney who gave a wonderful after dinner speech at the Oxford Conference
on the unexpected ecology and survival of the Prairie Dog. There are lots of brilliant people heavily
involved in the Institute, including Oliver Tickell, who does a wonderful job as administrator of the
Institute’s website, www.greeneconomics.org.uk. We’re very grateful for the talent of all of our
members and for their continued support.
Some of the delegates at our annual conference in July 2009 at Oxford University
We were especially pleased with our annual conference this year at Oxford University, pictured here,
with delegates from China, Mexico, Kenya and Albania amongst others. We had a wonderful line up
of speakers, including being opened- by Lord Rothschild and including Enrico Tezza from the
International Labour Organisation and Rakesh Kumar VP, of Gartners IT Department which drives
the software industry.
We will run a special members dinner for members to get to know each other, so we thought this
year we would meet at Il Gusto in Paddington, London, round the corner from the station for a meal
– in the evening. We will be emailing dates around very shortly and it will be before the end of 2009.
We are delighted that the “ Age of Green Economics” has now arrived and is featured everywhere.
There is lots to do in terms of what that means and how its implemented. If you would like to get
more involved please email..or better still please come to the members dinner where we can plan
Green is regarded as the one beacon of hope after the credit crisis, and green is regarded even by
the mainstream at the key to the recovery. It is about reworking the economy for the benefit of all
people everywhere, other species, the planet and its systems. Its a fascinating and responsible
position and we are very proud of the green economics institute's contribution to this vision and
these debates.
Miriam Kennet and Volker Heinemann Directors of the Green Economics Institute
The Green Economics Institute Team
Sophie Christopher Bowes is new to the team and is running our fundraising and bids, and is also
head of the Ethical Business Club in Oxford. She co hosted our conference in Oxford this year and
also our Glastonbury Festival Stall.
Judith Felton (UK Manager of Institute) has a background in healthcare. She has a masters in
complementary health studies and now works as a complementary therapist in Somerset. She is
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -8-
interested in a Buddhist approach to green economics. Judith works with the Green Economics
Institute as co-coordinator and administrator.
Sophie Henstridge is about to enter her second year reading for a BA in geography at St
Catharine’s College, Cambridge. Her passion lies in physical geography, especially glaciology,
Quaternary environmental change and contemporary climate change. This summer she travelled to
Switzerland with the Department of Geography at Cambridge to study the Arolla glacier. After
graduating, Sophie hopes to read for a masters in Polar Studies at Cambridge University.
Jacob Sanders is an activist, campaigner and an economist and former Oxford City Councillor.
Jacob works at the Canadian High Commission and is Trustee of our Green Economics Institute
Ben Haworth, UK is currently studying Innovation Management and Technology Policy at Birkbeck
College, University of London, having previously graduated from Birkbeck with a first class BA (hons)
in Management. The focus of Ben’s current research is on the effects of energy policy instruments
upon the diffusion and diversification of renewable energy technologies in the UK electricity regime,
where he is using a socio-technical approach to analyse this technological transition. Ben also works
full-time as an Analyst for Gemserv, providing expertise on electricity market mechanisms and
matters of sustainability, and contracted support to the Carbon Trust’s Solutions programme.
Dr Jeff Turk (Brussels and Slovenia Head of Research at the Green Economics Institute)
earned his first doctorate in experimental particle physics at Yale University in 1994. After working as
a physicist at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), he earned an MA in transition
economics at the Central European University in Budapest (1997) and then a DPhil in contemporary
European studies from the University of Sussex (2003). He is now a research fellow at the Scientific
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Mahelet Alemayehu Mekonnen from Ethiopia ran the Training Day in May 16 Oxford Conference.
She also worked incredibly hard at the annual conference even though she had just had an
operation the day before. Her article on remittances will be in the academic article in 2010. She is in
her final year of studies at Richmond, The American University in London. Her interest includes
developmental economy, role of education in an economy, the role of gender bias with regards to
women, international economy and environmental issues. “I believe in one thing amongst many and
that is, If we don’t protect the planet we live in, how can we better our economy. An economy is
better put if we use the natural resources we have in order to maximise our potential. If our
resources at hand are being lost and endangered by our own self greed then how can we flourish?
My future plans are to study at postgraduate level and henceforth, work in my country show the idea
that one person can make a difference especially women and further exemplify goals and ideas of
Green Economics to those that are not aware of its importance.”
Dr Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi, Brazil, holds a PhD in Economics. Professor at the Institute of
Economics at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Author of Monetary Policy in
Brazil : a Post Keynesian interpretation; her recent publications include: After financial deregulation,
and social exclusion, expectations from micro-credit proposals in Brazil ; Corporate social
responsibility: credit and banking inclusion in Brazil ; Labour conditions and syndicalism in the
Brazilian banking sector.
Dr. Graciela Chichilnisky (New York, USA – Argentina) is a world renowned economist and
mathematician, the creator of the carbon market of the Kyoto Protocol, and Basic Needs as the
cornerstone of Sustainable Development - both of which are now enshrined in international law since
1992 and 1997 - and financial instruments known as "catastrophe bundles." widely used in the
reinsurance industry. A chaired professor at Columbia University for many years, she advises
national governments and international organizations such as the United Nations, the IMF, and the
World Bank, and has been the founder and CEO of two global financial companies in New York,
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -9-
London and Tokyo. A prolific author she has taught at Harvard and Stanford Universities, held the
Keynes Chair at the University of Essex in the UK, and her most recent books are "Saving Kyoto"
New Holland and "Beyond the Global Divide: from Basic Needs to the Knowledge Revolution" Yale
University Press.
Hirofumi Aizawa (Japan) is deputy director of Environmental Management Bureau, Japanese
Ministry of the Environment. He has worked for environmental management, chemical safety and
recycling of waste electronic and electrical equipment in Japanese government. He studied
environmental science and risk management in Harvard University, and psychology and chemical
engineering in University of Tokyo.
Mauro Reyes (Columbia) BSc in Economics, MSc in Holistic Science (s) - is a 29 years old
Colombian national. His developing ideas regarding a Holistic Economics perspective have been
recently published in the Proceedings of the Green Economics Conference at Mansfield College.
Currently he is looking for alternative economic systems in a co operative work with the Tikunas
Indigenous people from the south of the Colombian Amazon.
Jonathan Essex, UK is a chartered civil engineer and environmentalist with a broad range of
construction experience in the UK (road construction, CHP design, railway maintenance) and
overseas (development assistance in Bangladesh and Vietnam, ports and harbours). Jonathan
works for BioRegional Development Group promoting reuse of construction materials and strategies
to achieve more sustainable construction. Jonathan is also on the advisory board of the Green
Economics Institute and member of the Institution of Civil Engineers Environment and Sustainability
Dr Chidi Magnus Onouha (Nigeria) is a Development Economist, and Public Policy Analyst. He
holds a Masters Degree from University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria and a member of Green Economic
Institute, UK. He taught Economics at the Institute for Continuing Education Programme, Imo State
University, Nigeria before he left for National Assembly, Abuja Nigeria where he served as a Senior
Legislative Aide to the House Committee on Petroleum (Upstream). He also served as a National
Expert in the United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO) / Institute for African Studies, Oxford
University, UK collaborative effort on the Survey of the manufacturing sector of the Nigerian
Economy in 2004. He is the author of Fiscal Policy and Poverty Alleviation: The Nigerian Experience.
He has published scientific papers in local and international journals. He is presently a Research
Fellow, African Institute for Applied Economics, Enugu, Nigeria. His research interest includes
poverty, green economics and Fiscal Issues. He is currently researching on Climate Change and
Poverty Reduction in Africa.
Enrico Tezza (Italy) is a Senior Training Specialist at ILO Turin Centre and has a background in
Social Research and Evaluation studies. Subjects covered at the ILO Turin centre vary from Training
Policy to Employment and Active Labour Market measures. His current focus interest is on Social
Dialogue for Green Jobs. While being member of the Scientific board of the Italian Pedagogic
Institute, his most noteworthy publication was Evaluating Social Programmes: the relevance of
relationships, 2004. His latest publications include Dialogue and Bargaining (2008) dealing with
Local Polices against Offshoring. Enrico is working with us on the Green Jobs Initiative in Bolzano
where we are running a week long workshop in Italy in May 2010 and also on the Green Jobs bid to
the European Commission.
Mark Partington (UK) is a consultant to EEA Fund Management Limited and is engaged primarily in
advising EEA on developments in Japanese policy in relation to emissions markets as well as
marketing Trading Emissions portfolio of emissions credits to Japanese buyers. EEA is a UK based
asset manager with $1billion under management specialising in UK equity and Global Emission
Markets and is regulated by the FSA.Trading Emissions plc is also the largest shareholder in Sun
Biofuels a company active in Africa,(predominantly in Mozambique and Tanzania) in the full cycle
development of Jatropha, a tree that grows on marginal land in arid conditions and produces a nut
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -10-
with a high oil content that can then be crushed to produce bio fuels. Mark is a Director of SBF.
Judith Delheim (Germany) studied political economy in Leningrad from 1973-1978. She was an
assistant of the High School for Economy in Berlin from 1978-83 and was awarded a PhD in 1983.
From 1983-90 she worked as a researcher and an economist in foreign trade of the GDR. From
1990-1995 she worked in different projects and from 1995-2003 she has been an elected member of
the executive board of the Party for Democratic Socialism. Since 2003 she has been a freelancer of
the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and a speaker of the commission for economical policy of the Party
for Democratic Socialism and later the Left Party since 2004. She published a book with us and the
Rosa Luxembourg Foundation on socio- ecological transformation.
Professor Gustavo Vargas currently a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM) School of Economics, Mexico City. He was awarded a PhD in Economic Sciences and is a
member of the National Researcher System. He has coordinated several conferences including
“Microeconomics and Competitive Strategies” at the School of Economics at UNAM and has
published many books including ‘Introduction to the Economic Theory (A Latin American approach)’
in 2006
Maret Merisaar - see the special feature on this team member.
Tutorial via webcam at the Green Economics Institute's Office
Interns College of Interns and Former Interns
Web tutorial with Charles Yu Li, Nathan, Matthew, and Naomi Baster and Miriam Kennet
Max Marioni was an Intern at the Green Economics Institute, a political economist, he researched
the impact of the Euro at University in Düsseldorf in Germany, and in the UK at Reading University.
He has British and Italian dual nationality, and lectured at our Berlin training and the Green
Economics Training in Reading and will help us lecture in Italy
Miriam Prasse from Germany is one of our youngest interns and she worked very hard at the
annual Oxford University conference and we hope very much she can return next summer as
everyone thought she was great. She is pictured with the other interns wearing the special Green
Economics Institute T shirt.Her article is featured here and was published by the European Council.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -11-
Elliot Mbiko, a Ford Foundation scholar and Adrian Nel both from Southern Africa are featured
wearing our new Green Economics Institute T shirts. Their work will be featured in a special issue of
our academic journal about Africa out in 2010, please contribute to the issue if you would like to.
Monika Junicke lectures for the Green Economics Institute, and currently a PhD. candidate in
economics at City University, London. Her main areas of research are Macroeconomics, particularly
DSGE models and Small Open Economy models. She is a graduate of Humboldt-Universität Berlin,
where she received the diploma in economics and where she has taught economics. She attended
an economics training course for teachers held at the University of the West of England to teach
teachers with most up to date techniques for economics teaching.
She taught game theory such as prisoner's dilemma, micro economics and Keynesianism and public
economics on our course in Berlin and our training day on May 16th at Reading International
Solidarity Centre.
Yann Raineau, was an Erasmus scholar,who designed our interns programme and was our first
intern is visiting us this month from France where he entered the Ecole Polytechnique, the top
school in France as a result of his internship with us.
Dr Antara Sen is our star economist from the USA and is talented critiquer of articles and assessor
of quality of our econmics output.
David Nicholsby is studying economics at Manchester University. David has lived in the UK and in
Cyprus and enjoys travelling. David will be helping with reviewing articles and enjoys running events.
He will be organising the proceedings of the Annual Conference and also wants to visit Nigeria.
David ran all the technicals at our annual conference in July and prepared the climate change
special double issue of the academic journal and all the proceedings for the annual conference in
July. Thanks to him we were able to have Professor Graciela Chichilnisky and Professor Constance
Crawford speaking to us via web cam from the USA with a much reduced carbon footprint. .
David Amos holds a first class honours degree in Economics & Management from Oxford
University. He was one of the brightest students in his year. He has previously worked with People
& Planet, a UK student campaigning network, on government climate change policy. He was an
consultant at the Green Economics Institute and we are very proud that he got into the fast track
government civil service Economics route as a result of working with us. He lectured for us at
London University and Oxford University.
Samir Jhutani is a current final year undergraduate student studying PPE at St Edmunds Hall
Oxford and interested in public and development economics particularly issues of poverty and
inequality.. Samir after his internship with us is now working for the prestigious UK government
economic service and is the second of our interns to join the service.
Charles Yu Li is studying accountancy and has been extremely active in promoting the
Green Economics Institute in China and got us in the Green China Weekly.
Matt Morgan has applied to do economics at university, hopefully specialising in the areas he thinks
to be most relevant to today’s economy: globalization, development and green economics.
“I studied economics, German and maths for A-level, but most of my inspiration for economics (and
particularly green economics) comes from my travels, notably Morocco and Romania. In Morocco I
was struck by the social divisions between the people living in the city and the Berber people of the
mountains, often living on the cusp of absolute poverty. In Romania I volunteered for two weeks in
an orphanage for disabled children, who were not only neglected by their government (they were
seriously under-funded and were finding it difficult to even give the children enough food when I was
there), but also by society as a whole- hospitals would put the disabled children at the back of
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -12-
queues, people would avoid us in the park and they have a handful of people willing to volunteer in a
city of many thousands.
These two experiences have led me to become interested on the effect economic policy and aid can
have on social inclusion and development, as well as the education and support systems in a
country. I hope to develop this interest during my internship with the GEI, whilst seeing as much of
the world I can during my gap year.”
Beautiful mid summer meeting in the Green Economics Institute garden with David Weinberg
Australia, Elliot Mbiko South Africa and Charles Yu Li, UK Hong Kong and China
This section is now getting really full and we have had to leave out several excellent interns- who we
will feature in more detail next time.
What are: Green Economics and the Green Economics Institute?
The age of
Green Economics has arrived!
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -13-
Green Economics is pushing mainstream economics to become more trans-disciplinary and
interdisciplinary so that it can factor in all the aspects of complexity into economics. It seeks to
provide all people everywhere, non human species, the planet and earth systems, with a decent
level of well-being based on practical and theoretical approaches targeting both methodology and
knowledge and a comprehensive reform of the current economic mainstream. The current narrow
economic approach based on convention and on purposively designed methods is challenged to
bring into its scope areas and concepts so far neglected by conventional economics. Existing
outdated or inappropriate suggestions and solutions are examined and revised to provide a realistic
and more comprehensive understanding of the subject. We are currently training UK Government
departments and speaking all over the world as Green Economics is regarded as the sole ray of
hope and the means for developing to the future of economics during the current deep downturn in
the global economy.
Green Economics is reworking the philosophy behind economic theory adding more recent
philosophical discourses and ideas of "difference". It builds on its enlightenment roots, adding
feminism, postmodernism, and the ideas about institutions and scientific investigations. It adds back
the social and ethical element to decision making, while acknowledging the pivotal role of women
and nature in real wealth creation. Green Economics opposes the simplistic undifferentiated growth
imperative and many of the uncritical technical and social methods of economic propositions
currently dominating economics but which are implicated in Global Environmental Change (GEC)
and poverty. History, time, social and environmental justice are all incorporated back into the
discourse to develop a truly "real" social and natural science, together with new learning from
environmental science and philosophy. Green economics reclaims economics from the preserve of
purely quantitative measurement, graphs, statistical data and the assumption of "homo economicus"
to create a complex, interdisciplinary, holistic, long term, social science which is informed by
qualitative and quantitative data from natural science. Its long-termism describes the evolution of
societies within archaeological and palaeontological time frames, which provides a better setting and
better tools for understanding such problems as climate change than are offered by current
conventions and short-term business cycles. Economics is reclaimed as an independent science
from business administration studies
Green Economics is concerned with establishing definitions of an overall well- being and happiness
for all people everywhere and the planet and earth systems, rather than deriving simplistic
quantitative statistics. The purpose of economics is redefined, positive and normative statements are
clearly differentiated and a distinction is made between destruction on the one hand, calculated and
hidden as economic "growth" and on the other hand the true growth and abundance of natural
resources for people and nature. The Institute critically discusses Green Economics alternatives and
suggestions. Green Economics builds on insights from environmental and ecological economics,
feminist theory, welfare economics, development economics, post structuralism and post Keynesian
ideas but moves beyond them to create a discipline that seeks to nurture new alternatives based on
inter-generational equity, and social and environmental justice. It is a discipline which replaces
stewardship, dominion and dominance over other people, nature, the planet and its processes, with
an economics philosophy which shows concern for and co-operation with each other and
acknowledges its embededness within nature. It also seeks to provide actual benefit for other
people, non-human species, the earth systems, and planetary processes.
The Green Economics Institute argues for economic development based on economic access and
decision making for all, including respect for cultural diversity and normative freedom. It does this by
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -14-
bringing together all the interested parties who want to help in developing this progressive discipline
by inviting them to its events, and conferences, and by means of such activities as writing books and
publications and its research, its campaigns and its lobbying. It is extremely active in promoting
gender issues at the heart of social justice discussions and economics in theory and practise, and
puts this issue very near the beginning of most of its talks and lecturing believing it to be a core
concern of economics to correct the disastrous imbalance in this area. Directors Miriam Kennet
Volker Heinemann
Green Economics Institute
progressive economics
Climate change: economics or science? The importance of the
Copenhagen Summit. Which solution?- the world at a cross roads.
In October, the Institute was invited by Makedonka to speak at the 5th Annual Green Week, hosted
by the Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency (MACEF). In Macedonia, Michelle S. Gale de
Oliveira lectured at the University American College Skopje to a group of 100 students. The audience
was particularly interested in the Green Economics concepts of intergenerational, gender, and
regional equity. Loads of students signed up to receive further information from the Institute, and
we’ve been asked to come back to the College to give further lectures. Overall, the Green
Economics launch in Macedonia was an excellent experience and the Green Economics Institute will
be providing courses and conferences in Macedonia and also in Armenia over the next year.
In September Miriam Kennet Green Economics Institute Director was invited to train more of the
Balkan officials as a guest of the Italian government in Venice for a week long training course in
Sustainable Development Economics. We will also be returning to Italy for our conferences at the
Venice International University and also for Green Week providing information about green jobs with
the International Labour Organisation and EURAC Research Centre in Italy.
Miriam Kennet Green Economics Institute Director in Montenegro teaching Balkan Government
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -15-
Report on Brazil
by Michelle Gale de Oliveira
From May to August, Brazilian winter means weeks of cold rainfall and nearly freezing temperatures
at night, followed by blazing sunshine during the day. Sometimes there’s enough rain to wash away
the foundations of poorly built houses, causing landslides and leaving large numbers of people
without shelter during the most uncomfortable time of the Brazilian year. It’s especially difficult if
you’re already living in make-shift housing, either in the favelas, or urban slums, or if you’ve
relocated to the special camps and settlements based on Brazil’s large tracts of “under-productive”
or “unproductive land.”
I spent my own “Brazilian Winter” in the interior of the State of São Paulo, in a small town called
“Rancharia,” where I toured the local camps and settlements with a branch of the National Institute
for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). The people I met there were all very kind and
welcoming, proudly showing me their black-sack roofing, their lean-to toilets, miniature brick ovens,
and home-made plumbing systems. In an interview with Viviane, mother of 2-year-old Pedro, she
explained her reasons for abandoning urban life in nearby Rancharia. “I felt depressed and
unempowered in that situation – I was living with my father and his wife, raising my little boy with
very limited resources, no room for him to play or just be a kid. I was constantly struggling to find
employment, because there’s almost no work in the city anymore – all of the industry has shut down,
and I was so dependent on everyone else.” When asked how she felt about her move to the
countryside, Viviane smiled widely, pointing to her little son playing nearby in the dirt. “Well, it was
difficult to move here, because at first Pedro was getting sick from being closer to nature than ever
before, and I had to take him to the dermatologist in Rancharia all the time. But now his immune
system has gotten so strong, and he’s the healthiest he’s ever been. We eat the food we grow, and
we are surrounded by a community of other people who also have rejected destitution in the city for
a harder but more dignified life here on the land.” I asked her what was the most significant aspect of
land reform campaigns, to which she responded, “It’s not the easiest life, but I know that this land will
one day be mine, if all goes well, and I can raise my son with dignity, self-respect and autonomy. It’s
very liberating and empowering, and I’m so glad I’ve done this.”
The land reform movement in Brazil is a highly debated issue in social justice today, and very
important to Green Economics. There are many historical reasons for why this issue has emerged,
and you can read more about it on our website, as well as see my photos from the camps and
settlements on the Green Economics Institute’s FLICKR.
Forthcoming Green Economics Institute event:
Oxford conference November 2009
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT/ Bookings now open/Booking form attached
Green Economics Institute
Progressive economics
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -16-
In association with Ashgate Academic Publishing, Gower Management Books, Inderscience Publishers of academic journals,Venice
International University,Italy, The International Journal of Green Economics, Purchasing and Supply Management Ltd., Green Economics
Institute Brazil, Campinas University Brazil, and Green Economics Institute Nigeria, European Network of Political Foundations, Brussels,
Member of the Green European Foundation,Luxembourg.
A Green Economics Conference/ Symposium
Greening the Economy
Forthcoming Green Economics Institute events: Venice conference April
Conference Announcement
Call for papers
Green Economics Institute
In association with Ashgate Academic Publishing, Gower Management Books, Inderscience Publishers of academic journals, The
International Journal of Green Economics,The Green Economist, The Green Intern, The Green Economics Institute Brazil, Campinas
University Brazil, and Green Economics Nigeria, The Green Economics Institutes Serbia and Macedonia, ENOP European Network of
political foundations- The Ten Centre at the VIU Venice International University, Venice,Ceratonia Green Foundation Malta, Green
European Foundation
1st ever
Green Economics Conference
in Venice
in the beautiful setting of
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -17-
Venice International University- San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy.
April 23rd and 24th 25th 2010
This is the first ever Green Economics Conference in Italy. The Green Economics Institute is
very active in Italy this year, writing books for the Italian Government, and also providing
events in several parts of Italy from the Italian Alps down to the Sicilian area. Venice is
particularly hard hit by climate change and this conference is an attempt to provide
solutions that various parts of Italy are experiencing under global environmental change.
We had our own delegation to the Copenhangen Climate Conference and will be going to
the COP16 Mexico Summit and the conference will prepare ideas to take to Mexico.
The conference will also focus on Green Economics and Green Jobs and a Green New
Climate change
The Green Economics Institute has been lucky enough to lead a delegation to the Copenhagen
Conference on climate change. Assessing how Kyoto has worked up to now and suggestions for
changes and for the next few years. How will businesses have to adapt? What are the solutions to food
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -18-
and fuel issues? What are the implications of climate change and sea level rise for the economy of
Venice? What can we learn from the experience and case study of Venice?
Subjects the conference will cover amongst others:
Legal Aspects of Environmental Law and climate change implications, gender equity, environmental science,
costs of climate change, costs of biodiversity loss, how to asses an project from an environmental point of
view, environmental impact assessment, The Green New Deal, switching to renewable energies, energy
security and availability, Global Institutional issues and governance, Global corporation and corporate social
responsibility, whole life costing, water management, water scarcity, Hydro electric power, eco taxes, carbon
taxes, lower carbon economies,poverty, equity, aid, international trade and development, slow travel and green
transport, green accounting, resource management, green procurement, development economics, recycling.
How to run a green economy. Gender and environmental and social justice discourses.
It will discuss Green solutions to the global financial crisis, the global ecological crisis, the global biodiversity
crisis and the climate crisis, green construction and green planning issues, and green tourism.
It will also introduce and explain the different strands of environmental, and green economics newly emerging
disciplines in economics
What is green economics? Progress towards a definition
As a fast moving, visionary and topical field, it is always necessary to continue to ask this fundamental
question; something orthodox economics fails to do, which has lead to the distortion of its aims and
its disjointedness with the real world.
So what are the latest research findings and discussions on this topic?
Heterodox and Pluralist Economics Streams
Dr Arturo Herman "The Role
of Policy Co-ordination in Fostering Sustainable Development". Green
Economics Institute and University of Rome
Professor Jack Reardon Economics USA Hamline University, writer and editor of recent book with
Routledge on Pluralism in Economics
Gender and Green Jobs and Climate Change Stream
Green Building Streams
David Muir Resources Economics and Green Buildings Green Economics Institute
Luca Bergo, Greening the building sector”. Italian architect based in Milan with a long experience in green
buildings, such as "La Casa Ecologica", a 53 apartment building in Milan, and the new twin towers of the 400
rooms Hotel at Milan Fair.
Consultant of the main agency of the Italian Ministry of Labour's Agency for ecological buildings, for a
project promoting craftmanship, small industries and tourism sectors toward a more sustainable
production and behavior.
This conference is part of the world's leading conference series in green economics. Internationallyrenowned composite, multidisciplinary scientists, economists, campaigners, policy makers and
directors, professors, social scientists and researchers from all over the globe continue to attend this
very popular series, to present their frontier research findings and to keep up to date with latest
achievements and developments in this fast moving, leading, and topical field.
Green economics views the current downturn as a clash between ecology and economy and argues that the
commodity instability is a symptom of the exhaustion of natural resources. The markets are correctly reflecting
that and are indicating that traditional economics instruments and derivatives are no longer working, and new
methods of creating a natural economics of abundance need to be urgently developed.
The world has changed and green economics is a school of economics that is comfortable with long term-ism,
equity, climate issues, biodiversity costs and poverty prevention. Green economics has been waiting to take on
the mantle and that time has now arrived!
We look forward to welcoming you to Venice, one of the most beautiful cities in the world with its famous,
outstanding and atmospheric conference facilities, excellent travel connections and accommodation.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -19-
Green Economics Institute
Speakers include:
Prof. Ignazio Musu President and Director of Venice International University,Italy
Professor Graciela Chichilnsiky UNESCO Professor of Economics, Columbia University USA and Argentina
Dr Ilda Mannino Environmental Economics Specialist and Senior Programme Co-ordinator and Researcher
Venice International University Thematic Environmental Network Italy
Green Economics and the Green Jobs Programme
Green Jobs, a Green New Deal: a Green Economics solutions to the current economic crisis
The current crisis provides the opportunity to align consumption with resources and rebalance
towards services rather than goods. How can we act on the new opportunities the crisis provides?
What are the short term and long term solutions? What is the future of financial markets? – Ethical
investments? Many of our speakers are working on the Green Jobs Programme and will present its
latest findings.
Keynote speakers include:
Dr Enrico Tezza International Labour Organisation Author of books on the labour market Turin Italy
Dr Philip Lawn Australia Author and Editor of International Journal
Dr Guenter Cologna Director EURAC European Research Institute, Academic Research Bolzano Italy,
Miriam Kennet Director and Co- Founder, Green Economics Institute and Editor International Journal of Green
Monica Frassoni, Spokesperson European Greens and Former Italian MP Talks about the Green New Deal
Sustainable Development and Economics Methodology, Law and Practice:
Green Economics:
Lucia Ceccato
Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development
School for Advanced Studies in Venice Foundation (SSAV) - University Ca' Foscari,
and Natural Resources Management, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Responses to cope with Flood Risk, a comparison with two river basins
Michael Briguglio, Sociology Department, University of Malta
- Perceptions of Maltese Environmental NGOs on EU Accession and Empowerment and
The Social implications of Plastic bottles,
Renato Maduri Director of The Lancaster University Economics Journal and Green Economics Institute and
Lancaster University Economics specialist
Naomi Baster (Orkney) University of Strathclyde: Award winning Economist. Green Economics Institute - Lower
Growth Economics
Daniela Petrovic from GTZ Serbia, Macedonia and Germany
Max Marioni -Green Economics Institute, Italy, Berlin and UK
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -20-
Volker Heinemann Green Economics Institute
Sophie Henstridge Cambridge University
Gender and Green Jobs and the climate change discourse
Miriam Kennet
Michele Gale
Dr Giancarlo Barbioli
Department of Business Science, Technology and Resource Valorisation, Bologna University
The economics consequences of the transition process towards green and sustainable economies,: costs and advantages
The main costs and advantages consequent to the transition toward green and sustainable economies
and societiesincluding issues of non-renewable and renewable resources, technological and production
trends, features of sustainable products, mission, size and relations of enterprises, levels and distribution of
wealth, buying power and life-styles, sustainable cities, transportation means.
Green Economics and Development :Methods of achieving the Millenium Development Goals
Mahalet Mekonen Ethiopia Remittances
Michele Gale USA, Chicago and Brazil
Jampel D'Angelo Development specialist University of Rome
This conference will be run with members of the TEN Centre
The Center for Thematic Environmental Networks (TEN) is a Center for education and research in
the fields of environment and sustainable development.
TEN Center promotes the exchange of knowledge and information on the environmental field
and offers tools and supplementary approaches in order to solve environmental issues with
specific reference to sustainable development.
TEN Center
promotes education and advanced training programs on sustainable development and environmental
develops research activities on the main areas of environmental protection, with specific focus on developing
hosts initiatives which provide a meeting platform for the competent authorities, researchers and those who are
involved in environmental and sustainable development issues.
Since 2003, TEN manages and coordinates advanced training programs devised for director
generals and managers of public administrations, researchers and private sector experts from
the People’s Republic of China and Eastern European countries. The aim is to augment and
improve the capabilities of policy-makers and to facilitate knowledge transfer in order to
promote sustainable environmental, social and economic policies.
Since 2002, TEN has also coordinated an EU-endorsed research network on themes regarding
contaminated sediments (SedNet); the goal is to identify guidelines to deal with the problem
using modern technologies and coordinating studies in European Union countries.
Registration fees
Conference Attendance and Registration Fees:
Fees are £200 a day or Euros 250 a day for days 2 and 3 – the conference
some concessions are available as follows:
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -21-
£100 or 130 Euros per day for Undergraduate student fees on production of full time student card
£100 per day 130Euros for Pensioners and disabled on production of valid card and must be pre booked
£150 or 200 Euros per day if paying personally and paid by bank transfer or paypal
£150 200 Euros per day if paying personally by end of February 2010
£100 130 Euros per day if invoiced from a Least Developed Country.
£200 or 250 Euros per day if invoiced by institution, University, NGO or Company or any other invoicing.
Evening of day one including dinner is £40 or 60 Euros
Field Trip day 4 fees are £100 or 150 euros.
Accomodation if required :
Double room at the price of € 135,00 per room per night
Single room at the price of € 95,00 per room per night
beautiful and modern en suite accommodation on stunning campus location right next to the
conference venue.
Please email for details
Conference Papers and Proceedings:
High quality Conference Proceedings will be provided to all fully paid up conference participants on arrival at
the conference to use throughout the conference. All speakers are invited to send in paper for the proceedings.
Papers must be between 800 words- 6000 words in .odt or .doc format. They must be fully referenced in
Harvard Referencing format and not contain footnotes. They can be in English or Italian but it is preferred that
if they are in Italian they are accompanied by an English translation where possible.
All papers will be submitted to the International Journal of Green Economics for double blind peer review for
potential inclusion in a special issue resulting from the conference and featuring Italy, if they are within 2000 7000 words and fully referenced and of sufficient quality.
International Journal of Green Economics
The Green Economics Institute
Booking form
1st ever
Green Economics Conference
in Venice
in the beautiful setting of
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -22-
Venice International University- San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy.
April 22nd 23rd and 24th 25th 2010
Institution ( if applicable)
Postal Address.
Email address.
Office Phone.
Mobile Phone
Home Phone Number
Registration fees
Conference Attendance and Registration Fees:
Fees are £200 a day or £250 euros a day for days 2 and 3 – the conference
some concessions are available as follows:
£100 or 130 Euros per day for Undergraduate student fees on production of full time student card
£100 per day 130Euros for Pensioners and disabled on production of valid card and must be pre booked
£150 or 200 Euros per day if paying personally and paid by bank transfer or paypal
£150 200 Euros per day if paying personally by end of February 2010
£100 130 Euros per day if invoiced from a Least Developed Country.
£200 or 250 Euros per day if invoiced by institution, University, NGO or Company or any other invoicing.
Evening of day one including dinner is £40 or 60 Euros
Field Trip day 4 fees are £100 or 150 euros.
All speakers to pay the Fees in order to provide for the widest opportunity for everyone to speak
All fees must be paid before papers can be included in the proceedings documents
All fees to include all conference dinners, all lunches and all refreshments (except bar drinks).
Accomodation not included but beautiful and modern en suite excellent value for money
accomodation is available right on campus. Accomodation prices are 135 Euros for double room per room
Single room 95 euros per room
Please indicate which currency you are paying in
We can accept Euros or Pounds Sterling
.Currency ..........................................................................................
Which days are you coming?
Thursday evening 22nd April 2010 £40 or 60 euros introduction and networking
23rd April 2010 £200 or 250 euros conference
24th April 2010 £200 or 250 euros conference
25th April 2010 £100 field trips 150 euros
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -23-
A Pounds Sterling
Per person No of attendees
Fee amounts
Attendees / fees per person per day
Which days are you coming
Thursday evening £40 introduction networking
£200 conference
£200 conference
£100 field trips
Deduct 10 % if you are a member of the Green Economics Institute
Registration Fee
Associate Membership of The Green Economics Institute
Includes subscription to The Green Economist
Membership 2010 calendar year @ £40
Total payment in Pounds Sterling
B Euro Payments
Per person No of attendees
Total Fee amounts
Attendees / fees per person per day
Which days are you coming
Thursday evening 22nd April 2010
23rd April 2010
24th April 2010
25th April 2010
60 euros introduction and networking
250 euros conference
250 euros conference
150 euros field trip
Deduct 10 % if you are a member of the Green Economics Institute
Registration Fee in Euros
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -24-
Associate Membership of The Green Economics Institute
Includes subscription to The Green Economist
Membership 2010 calendar year @ Euro 45
Total amount payable in Euros
Please indicate the method of payment and also what is the paying entity
Will you be paying personally or do you require an invoice?
Sterling Bank account
Green Economics Institute
Bank details:
TRIODOS BANK, 10 The Promenade, Bristol BS8 3NN, UK
A/C 200 22 190 Code: 16-58-10
Euro Bank Account: details being posted – or email us
If so please provide full invoicing address and information on this form.
All fees need to be paid before the conference in order to reserve a place
Do you need details of pay pal (outside EU) or bank transfer (EU)?
Have you paid by bank transfer- if so please give reference- and date?
Please ensure your payment reaches us before the conference and email us to advise
payment situation.
Are you a speaker?
If you would like to speak please put your possible idea/ title of speech here
If you are a speaker, please put title of your proposed talk and please indicate if you need
power point. Speaker slots are filling up very fast.
Please check your details on the conference information and put them down here as you
would like them to appear in the format- Name, Title, Institution, Name of speech
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -25-
Accommodation information is available and bookings for staying overnight on the
exceptionally beautiful campus in the lagoon right next door to the venue.
Venice uses River Buses to get there and conference attenders receive free river bus
tickets. River taxis go from right outside the mainline station to right outside the venue
Please help us by providing the following information so we can ensure we create the
right conference for your interests and requirements.
How did you hear about the conference?
Have you been to one of our Green Economics Institute events before?
Which talks are you specifically interested in attending?
Economic subjects you are generally interested in?
Are you a member of the Green Economics Institute?
Your interest in economics (NGO membership, training, experience etc.)
Special dietary requirements (all our conferences are vegetarian- but we will be using the
Islands Italian style canteen, which is very typical, and so other choices will be available)
Special mobility requirements.
Please email a soft copy of this form greeneconomicsinstitute@yahoo.com or
greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk to reserve a place.
Then please send a hard copy of this form, together with your cheque or payment or
advise of internet payment, made payable to ‘The Green Economics Institute’, to:
The Conference Manager, The Green Economics Institute,
6 Strachey Close, Tidmarsh, Reading RG8 8EP
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -26-
Our new team member Daniela Petrovic from Serbia in Venice during the recent sustainable
development economics training for Balkan Governments
Forthcoming Green Economics Institute events: July 2010 conference
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -27-
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT/Call for papers/ Bookings now open
Green Economics Institute
Progressive economics
In association with Ashgate Academic Publishing, Gower Management Books, Venice International Univerisity,Italy, Inderscience
Publishers of academic journals, The International Journal of Green Economics, The Green Economist, The Green Intern, The Green
Economics Institute Trust, The Green Economics Institute Brazil, Campinas University Brazil, and Green Economics Institute Nigeria ,
Serbia and Macedonia, ENOP European Network of political foundations- EU: Green Foundation; Ceratonia Foundation,Malta.
5th Annual Green Economics Conference
Greening the Economy
Green Jobs
week long -July 26th to July 30th 2010 Mansfield
College Oxford University
One week 26th - 30th July 2010
at Mansfield College, and the Oxford University Club
Oxford University, UK
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -28-
(with student exchanges with Belgrade-Serbia-Macedonia, Armenia,Germany, Brazil,
Nigeria, China and Italy)
Participants at the Green Economics Institute, Preparing for Copenhagen Climate
Conference November 2009 Oxford University, COP15
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -29-
Participants at Berlin Green Economics winter school -Course December 2008
Gala Dinner Friday July 29th 2010
and new for 2010
Green Economics 2 day Summer School July 26th 2010 - July 27th 2010
at Mansfield College Oxford University
Back by popular demand:Green Economics Institute Interns Day
Presentation Friday 30th July 2010 at the Friends Meeting House Oxford
and field trip
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -30-
Our wonderful Gala Dinner at Oxford University Club at the Green Economics Institute Conference
November Conference with 70 people preparing for the climate change conference in Copenhagen
COP 15
The Green Economics Institute
invites you to join the conference
Climate change
Exploring the new world order after Copenhagen, what does it really mean.?
Discovering the new political blocks and power structures in international global
Reporting back from our lively delegation at Copenhagen COP15 Conference.
Civil Society
Where are we now? What is the meaning of protest? Who is really running the climate
change debate. Where the world bank and the Universities and Scientists are excluded
from climate debates, we discuss who is really in charge? And why it really matters.?
Sceptics—how they delayed an agreement, who are they?
New world order involves civil society, how will this work?
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -31-
Reforming the United Nations, who is equiped to run the climate and global governance,
Legal reforms needed in the 21st century,
21st century economics- beyond the Stern Report. How do we plan to prevent, adapt and
mitigate for global environmental change. The future of civilisation and the future of
humanity, at the cross roads. Which road have we taken and what are the implications?
Gender issues in the 21st century- why it really matters -the most urgent and pressing
problem. Why the people featured on the climate change train, and in the media for
Copenhagen were all men? Why did the chair resign?
What is green economics? Progress towards a definition
As a fast moving, visionary and topical field, it is always necessary to continue to ask
this fundamental question; something orthodox economics fails to do, which has
lead to the distortion of its aims and its disjointedness with the real world.
So what are the latest research findings and discussions on this topic?
Green economics solutions to the current economic crisis
The current crisis provides the opportunity to align consumption with resources and
rebalance towards services rather than goods. How can we act on the new
opportunities the crisis provides? What are the short term and long term solutions?
What is the future of financial markets? – Ethical investments?
Lower growth or de-growth, lower carbon economics, sustainable
development economics?
BRIC economics,
Small island states
Africa and Green Economics
Green Economics Summer School July 2010
Monday Tuesday Wednesday lectures workshops case studies
including field trips
Thursday Green Economics Institute Interns day
Friday and Saturday Main conference
Friday evening main conference gala dinner
This conference is part of the world's leading conference
series in green economics. Internationally-renowned
composite, multidisciplinary scientists, economists,
campaigners, policy makers and directors, professors,
social scientists and researchers from all over the globe
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -32-
continue to attend this very popular series, to present their frontier research findings and to
keep up to date with latest achievements and developments in this fast moving, leading, and
topical field.
Green economics views the current downturn as a clash between ecology and economy and
argues that the commodity instability is a symptom of the exhaustion of natural resources.
The markets are correctly reflecting that and are indicating that traditional economics
instruments and derivatives are no longer working, and new methods of creating a natural
economics of abundance need to be urgently developed.
The world has changed and green economics is a school of economics that is comfortable
with long term-ism, equity, climate issues, biodiversity costs and poverty prevention. Green
economics has been waiting to take on the mantle and that time has now arrived!
We look forward to welcoming you to Oxford University, one of the most beautiful cities in
the world with its famous, outstanding and atmospheric conference facilities, excellent travel
connections and accommodation.
Miriam Kennet
Director, Green Economics Institute www.greeneconomics.org.uk
Editor, International Journal of Green Economics www.inderscience.com/ijge
Speakers include:
Sir Alan Knight OBE,
University of Exeter, Former Commissioner at the UK Government Commission for
Sustainable Development, formerly Head of B and Q Corporate Social Responsibility and
Business in the Environment
Professor Graciela Chichilnisky
Columbia University New York
Dr EJ Cilliers,
Urban Green Compensation, Urban Planning issues, North West University, Potchefstroom
Campus, South Africa
Environmental compensation is an alternative approach towards urban green planning. Green
compensation is defines as replacing or relocating ‘green-values’ in an urban area an action to ensure quality enhancement and urban green protection.
Dr. Chow Fah Yee
The social cost benefit analysis (SCBA). Generally, SCBA is used for public projects evaluation. In
this proposed paper, it is used on a sample of private sector firms to see if resources are allocated in
an efficient and equitable manner.
Professor Phillip Lawn Australia
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -33-
Miriam Kennet Editor International Journal of Green Economics, Director of the Green
Economics Institute,
No time to loose, we need action now?
Explaining the extraordinary experience of COP15 Copenhagen and how it actually
changed the world. Exploring the new power blocks, the new world order, the new role of
civil society, can it step up to the role? Global governance for the 3rd millenium- who is
actually in charge now?Climate instability- whose responsibility is it really? What's
happening at COP16 Mexico? Time to act now on economy, biodiversity, climate and
poverty before its too late.
Shahla Khan,
Researcher at UWIC,Cardiff
Doaa Salman,
Associate Professor, Economics Department, MSA University, Egypt
Nighat Urpani
President of Ceratonia Anthropologist and specialist in European Studies
Professor Jack Reardon Hamline University
Nicholas Haworth Carbon Markets specialist
Dr Michael Briguglio
University of Malta and Head of Green Foundation; Ceratonia Foundation,Malta.
David Muir
Green Economics Institute Economist
Rebecca Moor
Oxford University and The Green Economics Institute
Grit Silberstein
Economist University of Goettinghen
Naomi Baster
(Orkney) University of Strathclyde: Award winning Economist. Green Economics
Institute - Lower Growth Economics
Charles Yui Li
(Hong Kong): Green Accounting Specialist
Miriam Prasse
Volker Heinemann
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -34-
Director Green Economics Institute
David Nicholsby
Green Economics Institute UK and Cyprus
Sophie Henstridge
Cambridge University Head of Interns College
Mahalet Mekonen
Ester Armitage Wildlife
Michele Gale D'oliveira
Director The Green Economics Institute, USA, Chicago and Brazil
Daniela Petrovic
GTZ Serbia, Macedonia and Germany
Bezmir Geziqi –
Plus many more. Please email us as soon as possible to ensure you get a place.
Requests to speak are invited, as are prospective authors to submit abstracts. This conference is designed to
share the latest information on green economics issues. All speakers will be required to pay the conference
fees and there will be a special gala dinner at the very attractive Vaults and Gardens Restaurant - the oldest
building in the University.
All papers and abstracts must be submitted in word or odt format and must include title of paper, all authors’
email addresses, full names and affiliation and each paper must include a five-line biography of each author.
Each paper must include full references and citations wherever these have been used.
Conference Papers and Proceedings:
High quality Conference Proceedings will be provided to all fully paid up conference participants on arrival at
the conference to use throughout the conference. All speakers are invited to send in paper for the proceedings.
Papers must be between 1000 words- 6000 words in .odt or .doc format. They must be fully referenced in
Harvard Referencing format and not contain footnotes.
All papers will be submitted to the International Journal of Green Economics for double blind peer review for
inclusion in a special issue resulting from the conference, if they are within 2000 -7000 words and fully
referenced and of sufficient quality.
International Journal of Green Economics
Abstracts should be submitted to greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk as soon as possible as speaker
slots are popular and filling up fast. If you know you would like to speak but have not prepared an abstract
please email us as soonb as possible so that we can reserve a slot for you. Our management committee will
decide on acceptance and let you know as soon as possible.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -35-
All presenters are requested to consider presenting with a Powerpoint or other visual material and also using
any case studies, examples or other illustrations of their ideas and to allow at least half their session time for
questions and discussion.All the papers will be published for distribution to delegates at the conference in the
high quality Conference Proceedings and can be cited as an academic publication if accepted.
All successful presenters papers will be considered for inclusion in our academic
journal International Journal of Green Economics, IJGE published by Inderscience
Publishers. www.inderscience.com/ijge – the first green academic journal in the
Please send all PowerPoint presentations at the conference at least 7 calendar days prior to
the event to ensure we can put them on the laptops for presentation.
Please email us on greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk as soon as possible to let us
know you are interested in participating.
Details for Registration
Conference attendance fee £ please email for full details
Conference Attendance and Registration Fees:
£100 per day for Undergraduate student fees on production of full time student card and must be per booked
by March 30th
£100 per day for Pensioners and disabled on production of valid card and must be pre booked by March 30th
£125 per day if paying personally and paid by bank transfer or paypal and if received before end of January
£150 per day if paying personally by bank transfer and if received before February 15th 2010
£175 per day if paying personally and if received before end of March 2010
£185 per day if paying personally and if received before April 5th 2010
£100 per day if invoiced from a Least Developed Country. All such invoices must be paid before February 15th
to reserve a place.
£200 per day if invoiced by institution, University, NGO or Company or any other invoicing. All invoices must
be paid before February 15 th in order to reserve a place.
All speakers to pay the Fees in order to provide for the widest opportunity for everyone to speak
All fees to include all conference dinners, all field trips and all requirements, all lunches and all
Accomodation is not included in the fees. However beautiful and modern en suite accomodation is
available on campus. Please email for details greeneconomicsinstitute@yahoo.com
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -36-
The lively, cutting edge discussions will be followed by a
Gala Dinner
This event is an occasion to socialise with like-minded people in a more informal
setting, enabling you to further benefit from this gathering of forward thinkers.
Special Membership Offer
If booking for the conference, a reduced membership fee will be available for £35 for 2010
(if requested at time of booking for the conference)
All paid up delegates and attendees at the gala dinner and the conference will receive a
copy of the Conference Proceedings on arrival at the conference.
All speakers are required to pay the relevant registration fee.
Full Speaker Proceedings Papers, to be between 2000 and 6000 words each to be sent to:
Further information from
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT/Call for papers/ Bookings now open
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -37-
Green Economics Institute
Progressive economics
In association with Ashgate Academic Publishing, Gower Management Books, Venice International Univerisity,Italy, Inderscience
Publishers of academic journals, The International Journal of Green Economics, The Green Economist, The Green Intern, The Green
Economics Institute Trust, The Green Economics Institute Brazil, Campinas University Brazil, and Green Economics Institute Nigeria ,
Serbia and Macedonia, ENOP European Network of political foundations- EU: Green Foundation; Ceratonia Foundation,Malta.
1st ever Green Economics Conference in France
Greening the Economy
Green Jobs
field trips etc
August 2010 Euromed University, Cassis France
1st ever Green Economics Conference in France
Greening the Economy
Green Jobs
Sustainable Development
Developement Soutenable
field trips etc
23rd - 28th August 2010 Euromed University,
Cassis France
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -38-
Les Calanques French Mediteranean near Marseille
Keynote speakers ( being invited)
Vinca Bigo
Freddie Shamwarie
University of Surrey
Congo and Namibia and UK
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -39-
Michele Gale
Chicago and Brazil
David Muir
Rebeca Moor
Grit Silberstein
Miriam Kennet
Green Economics Institute Director
Volker Heinemann
Candice Stevens OECD
Alain Lipietz MP being invited
Naomi Baster
Vanessa ?
France Sorbonne
Pascale Canfin MP
Yann Raineau
The Green Economics institute
Polyteqnique Agronomie ? Paris
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -40-
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -41-
Green Economics Institute Calendar of Events 2009-2010
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -42-
Please enquire about all events by emailing us at
for more
information on
our website or
email us
Bookings now
being taken
(see below)
Green Economics
Institute Conference
in Venice Italy
Green Jobs,
Green Solutions to
April 22
2010 April 23
The Green
at the Italian:
San Servolo
Call for papers and
please email us for
details Speakers
Sir Alan Knight
Monica Frassoni
Miriam Kennet,
Jempell Dangelo
Dr Arturo Herman
Dr Ilda Manino
Venice International
Dr Philip Lawn
Australia Author
and editor
Professor Jack
Reardon USA
Professor Graciala
Chichilsnisky USA
and Argentina
Climate Negotiator
from Copenhagen
Call for papers and
Bookings now open
the effects of climate
change on the local
and regional
Greening Industry
and Sustainable
Practical case
Issues in action
Small Island states
and their current
for details see flyer on
left hand tab at top left
hand corner of each
page of this website
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -43-
Green Economics
Institute Conference
at Oxford University
July 26th 30st 2010
5th Annual GEI
Green Economics
and Green Jobs
Employment, Labour
MarketsEconomics crisis,
Lower growth
lower carbon
future proofing and
planning your career
for global
environmental and
economic changes
Call for papers now
Call for speakers,
abstracts, papers and
Bookings now open
all welcome
for booking information
please look at tab on
left hand top of pages
on this website
5th 6th 7th
1st ever green
conference Nigeria
Institute of Mechanical
Mid August
Abuja Nigeria
Green Economics
April 2010
Berkshire UK
Transition towns
April 2010
Saffron Waldon
Green Economics
Institute Conference
with the United
Nations in Geneva
April 2010
UN Geneva
We speak about
green economics and
geo engineering
Speech about green
economics and
transition towns
Environmental Impact
Euromed Businss
School near
Cassis – sea side
Green Jobs:
Conferences and
training including
Basic Income,
Green Labour
22nd - 30th
Mediteranean on
the french riviera
Green Jobs and
Green Economics
Green Economics
Institute Conference
Enquiries now open
Dates in
2010 being
c) International
training and
workshops on:
Green Jobs
Basic Income,
Green Labour
Enquiries open
Back by popular
Green Economics
Institute Retreat
Call for speakers,
papers, abstracts,
workshops, music,
dance, art, therapy,
biodiversity, field trips
and workshops now
bookings now open
Bookings now open
please email for details
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -44-
Green Employment
Turin Italy
Miriam Kennet and
Professor Jack
Reardon to lecture
Lectures in China on
green economics and
green production
May 29th
and 30th
National China
MBA Forum
and Hafei and
Green Economics
Lectures at
University of
Yerevan Armenia
Conference in
Green Economics
with the United
Green Economics
Institute Conference
in Malta
Green Jobs
proofing your
career- your
institution, your
Green Economics
University of
Department of
Sharm el Sheikh
Bolzano, Italy
First ever green
economics and
environmental and
climate change
conference and
green jobs
Ibis, Osnabrueck,
First ever green
conference in Africa
Breakwater Lodge
methods and
European Policy
– 18.04
2010 2010
Lecture in Campinas
University Brazil
Delegation to COP16
Climate conference
Galapagos Field Trip
Cape Town South
Leuven Belgium
Local workshops
Lectures at Bolzano
Training and
conferences and
workshops for
sponsored by the
European Green
Please enquire for details
Call for papers and
Call for papers
Bookings now open
Miriam Kennet is
keynote speaker on
European Policy
with Dr Jeff Turk and
Professor Mary
Equador and
Galapagos Field
Enquiries open
Please enquire for details
Grit Silberstein leads
a field trip to explain
about how Green
Enquiries now open
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -45-
The economics of
biodiversity and
rainforest loss
Economics works on
the ground
Participants will be
given the opportunity
to help in
conservation projects
Please enquire about all events by emailing us at :
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -46-
Forthcoming Green Economics Institute events: weekend retreat
November 2010
The Green Economics Institute presents
Back by popular demand:
Green Economics Retreat and
Green Economics Well Being Conference
Earth Spirit, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK
5th, 6th and 7th November 2010
This is a relaxed and reflective weekend based on the practical and physical aspects of economic
well being, ranging from discussions of economic methodology to field excursions to local
environment and archaeology sites.
Exploring 10,000 years of human economic activity and its impacts using the farm and the ancient
landscape of the Somerset levels as examples. This year we will feature the ecology, physical
changes and their impacts on economics as well as the impacts of human economic activity on the
Focus on Green Economics Solutions to social and environmental justice and a focus on the
developing world : exploring the cases of South Africa, Nigeria and Nepal, Pakistan
Photo: Glastonbury Torr
For further details please email greeneconomicsevents@yahoo.co.uk
Photo Earthspirit,Somerton Near Glastonbury, The Vale of Avalon: The Conference Venue
Green Economics course in Berlin -participants December 2008
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -47-
Green Economics Institute
progressive economics
International Journal of Green Economics
Our journal at the American University in Macedonia
Inderscience Academic Publishers: The Green Economics Institute
Call for papers and invitation to submit articles for the International Journal of Green
International Journal of Green Economics (IJGE): A double Blind Peer Reviewed Academic Journal.
This first Green Academic Journal has now been running for several years and is publishing 4 times
a year. For a list of the very significant and large international and multi country editorial board
please see the website www.inderscience.com/ijge
Please submit articles between 2,000 – 7,000 words or a 1,000 words book review
Papers up from 2,000 to 7,000 words should be sent as Word or .odt open source files by email to
the Editor (see Contact Details below). Papers are reviewed on an on going basis as the journal is
published every three months. Papers on these themes are a feature of the journal and can be
accepted at anytime.
ust follow the Inderscience Journal guidelines https://www.inderscience.com/ijge
In all instances send a copy to the Journal Editor Miriam Kennet
Special issues of the International Journal of Green Economics - Call for papers and
highlights of forthcoming issues
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -48-
The field of green economics is vast, multidisciplinary and complex. Therefore, in addition to our general
sections which we think are most important for encouraging genuine innovation and new writers, we believe a
themed approach also delivers useful benefits. Papers are therefore invited of a general nature on any subject
in green economics at any time for submission to the journal, as we publish 4 issues a year. We also are
currently producing special issues on the following themes and invite articles to be sent in as soon as possible
on any of these subjects and more general subjects:
4. There will be a special issue on Green Accounting with Professor Zhang from the Forestry University in
Beijing and it will be edited by Charles Yu Li of our Green Economics Institute and will also include special
perspectives from China and Asia.
5. • There will be a special issue on Green Economics:A beacon of hope for Africa, with articles from all
over the continent including the impact of social and environmental change from South Africa, Nigeria,
Ethiopia and Zimbabwe amongst others. This follows from a special conference in South Africa in 2011
and another one in Nigeria also 2010 to launch our Green Economics Institute branch there.
There is also a special section on the economics of care in our next issue.
There will be a special feature in the next issue on managing the economy during the economic crisis and
linking that crisis to a crisis between ecology and economy. This will explore some of the issues raised in
this current paper especially the cross roads between choice of growth, eco technology, and lower growth
and lower consumption life styles in developed countries and convergence with developing countries in
terms of GDP growth and consumption of fossil fuels but above all in provisioning for basic needs. This
issue will be edited by Naomi Baster. Papers are especially invited on the role of growth, what is should
mean and the future alternatives in managing the economy.
There will also be a second special issue on the economics of climate change and global environmental
change as we have received so many articles including an article by Lord Nicholas Stern as part of it.
This issue will also mark the special conference on the economics of climate change we are holding in
the spring of 2010 in Venice at the International University. We are delighted with the contributions to this
current volume focusing on the economics of the climate and have received even more contributions
which will appear in a follow up edition of the journal next year including the article by Lord Nicholas Stern
and several others. Please feel free to submit article for that issue vol 4 no 4. 2010.
We are also running a special conference in Leipzig on the ontology methodology and meaning of green
economics and invite any articles to be in a special feature to contribute to this debate.
6. There will also be an issue featuring business, industry and Green Economics to mark the launch of
our first book in our series, Green Growth and Sustainable Economics with Gower Management and
Ashgate Academic Publishers, by Ian Chambers. (Chamber 2010).
7. We are also producing special feature on the importance of Remote sensing and Geo engineering
and forestry and REDDs.
Finally we are producing a special section on transport and slow travel as well as the slow travel movement
and invite articles for that issue.
If you would like to contribute a paper on any of the above and more general papers, please email your idea
to the Editor, Miriam Kennet, greeneconomicsinstitute@yahoo.com. We also are committed to having at
least half the papers being of a more general nature, so do submit your idea, as soon as possible on any
related subject. All articles are at least double blind peer reviewed sometimes more if they are of an
interdisciplinary nature.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -49-
Green Economics Institute Books Publishing
Gower Publishers series :
Our Sustainable Growth Series
Gower Management Publishers and Ashgate Academic Publishers
The Series
The series is designed to provide business decision makers, policy makers and academics with
realistic and dispassionate guides to the implications of green economics, uncertainty and
transformation in social, environmental and financial systems, for the future competitiveness (and
even survival) of business operations.
The series will include cutting edge applied research along with detailed and proven working models
from leading businesses around the world; the whole to provide a credible, detailed and
commercially realistic agenda to engage leading businesses, regulators and policy makers, in
accordance with the Four Pillars of Green Economics, Policy, Business, Academia and Civil
Society,including social and moral issues and campaigners.
Series editor
Miriam Kennet, Director, Green Economics Institute, and Editor International Journal of Green
Business Planning in an Age of Change
A book written by a Director of a large company, Ian Chambers, and written for Directors of large
companies using business principles to manage the planet.
Womens Unequal pay and poverty - the costs to business and the economy of the lack of
inclusion of women
This book arises from our very successful Womens unequal pay and poverty conference on May 7 th
2009 and will be a contributed volume from those attending including speakers and participants and
anyone who would like to contribute. It is being worked on at the moment so please advise us
quickly if you would like to write a chapter.Michele Gale and Miriam Kennet are editing this with
mahalet mekonen
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -50-
Green Accounting and Auditing
This book will explain the issues and how to navigate this new field and its implications. The Green
Economics Institute has specialists in this area We have a lively group producing the book which has
begun to meet and develop this exciting field- please email if you would like to join it.Charles Yu Li is
editing this book
Lower growth, lower carbon economics: the end of high mass consumption.
How companies can achieve high performance in a lower growth economy situation- a
practical guide to the implications, pensions, social issues, running a company
After many years of accelerating growth in the global economy, there is currently a slow down and
high street spending is the lowest ever recorded in recent times, with falling property prices recorded
all over Europe. How do businesses and policy makers cope with this situation. Is this a recession,
stagflation or in fact a completely natural, or cyclical adjustment to the economy. The book will cover
such issues as structural economic aggregates, employment, debt, investment and growth issues.
Specialists have come together in an initiative to redesign the economy and the Green Economics
Institute is leading in this area of modelling the way forward for managing the economy and
managing for business in an age where growth in our bottom line may not be possible. This book
helps you make the most of this exciting stage into a period of green growth -and sustainable
growth. Naomi Baster is editing this book
The Economics of Abundance Wolfgang Hoerschele:This book is now finished and is being
The economics of climate change is currently in progress with Miriam Kennet and Michele Gale
editing it. Please email if you would like to contribute
Most of the above are contributed volumes so members are warmly invited to write for us.
Jack Reardon a member has just published a book with Routledge on Heterodox Pluralist
Authors and editors
For all these books we are seeking co-authors and contributors.
If you are interested in authoring a book, or editing a contributed book with the Green Economics
Institute, please contact Miriam Kennet, the series editor in the first instance,
Membership of the Green Economics Institute
There are a number of benefits in becoming a member of the Green Economics Institute including:
 The Green Economist members magazine twice a year
 Excellent reductions rates at all our exciting events
 Preference for other openings and launches and speeches in parliaments around the world
 Invitations for speeches and workshops on topical themes.
 Member representation at our advisory board meetings held regularly in Oxford and London.
 Invitations to join our team of researchers/ consultants, as we bid for work from EU and other
agencies, including government & business
 Regular membership emails updating you on current events
 Free Events at our offices, including members drinks, and guided wildlife walks and policy
evenings to be held in our brand new offices
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -51-
 Events for members to meet other fascinating, international and multidisciplinary people who
are also members of one of the fastest growing global networks.
 All members are entitled to use a page on our website to write about the issues of their
choice and publicise things of interest to them. Our website receives over 10 000 visitors a
 Preferential publishing support and preferential consultancy support and jobs network
 Allocation of interns to work on your special projects if required.
 Speaking engagements - as we are always looking for speakers on topics we work on.
 Publishing with the Institute in a very wide variety of publications.
 Reductions for places at our regular award winning training on latest current topics
There are many benefits of membership, for specific enquiries please write to us at
UK rate for one calendar year (2010) is £40 per annum
Additional Rates. These differ for overseas membership as follows:
For overseas payments please email the above address for payment information
Overseas membership: 2010
Europe (general), USA, Australia and New Zealand
Eastern Europe, Russia, Central and South America
£40 plus £5 p &P (equivalent)
India, China, Africa and others
If you are living outside the UK please send us your membership form and email address. We will then
send you the international payment instructions. Please email and we will advise you.
Part A: Information
Name: ..............................................................
Address: …………………………………………………………………………
Tel.No: ……………………………
Mobile: ………………………..
e-mail: ......................................................
Special economic interests: ………………………………………………………
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -52-
Part Β: Membership fee
Membership (calendar year 2010) @ £40 (concession rate £20)
If you join now your membership will run from the day of joining up to the end of 2010
Membership fee
Optional donation
Please return the form together with your payment (cheques made payable to the
Green Economics Institute) to:
The Membership Secretary
The Green Economics Institute
6 Strachey Close, Tidmarsh, Reading RG8 8EP
In association with Gower Management Books, Ashgate Academic Press, Inderscience Publishers of academic journals and CIPS Chartered
Institute of Purchasing and Supply and The International Journal of Green Economics and Purchasing and Supply Management Ltd, Campinas
University Brazil, and Green Economics Institute Nigeria, Green Economics Institute, Norway, Green Economics Institute Serbia, The Ink
Collective, Green Events Magazine, Venice International University, Ceratonia Foundation Malta, The Green European Foundation, ENOP The
European Network of Political Foundations, The Green Economist Magazine, The Green Intern Magazine,European Village, Athens Greece.
Reclaiming Economics for all people everywhere, other species, nature, the planet and its systems
New for 2010:
Sponsorship Opportunities with the
Green Economics Institute Conferences
The world’s leading conferences on Green Ideas and Innovation
Interested in sponsoring a Green Economics Institute Event? Tell us more...
1st ever Green Economics Conference in Venice, Italy
April 2010 at Venice International University, Italy
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -53-
We are bringing our varied, rich and complex and multi disciplinary presence from the Green
Economics Institute to Italy in 2010 in a variety of different activities with a variety of different
institutions and part of all 4 areas of our Four Pillars approach, policy, business, NGO
campaigning and academia all together in Venice for the first time this year.
Environmental Impacts, Climate Change, post-Copenhagen,
Green Economics, Green Business, Innovation, GeoEngineering, Green Jobs in Italy, Venice Lagoon and Green
Solutions. Green New Deal. A range of activities of the
Green Economics Institute in Greening Italy in 2010.
What our Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Participants are
“Just to say a great event this year, as last - so glad I stumbled across your website last year! A
plethora of fantastic sessions and speakers, and excellent networking - definitely the one event I
would move mountains to attend in the year. Thank you!”
– Manda Brookman Director, CoaST: Cornwall Sustainable Tourism Project
“Excellent delegates' feedback, it was a very successful event with 92% of delegates rating the event
as very good or excellent. “
– EWorld Purchasing Team
Thank you for the event, which I absolutely loved. It was fun, nourishing and the discussions hit the
nail on the head of exactly what we need to survive this bizarre age we live in.
-Dr Sacha Norris Biodiversity Specialist, author and former BBC announcer. 2009
One of the best students of our Department, has recently attended the training organized by you and
held in Berlin from 12 to16, December. She was very impressed and found the training very
informative and effective. Let me thank you, and congratulate with the big success of the training
course. - Head of Economics Faculty,University of Yerevan, Armenia
“It was a pleasure to present to and meet with your gathering - and being at Oxford was a pleasant
bonus for me! Your Green Economics Institute seems to have many parallels to our own GIST.” –
Pavan Sukhdev, Managing Director Deutsche Bank, India, and Leader of TEEB Economics of
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, UNEP.
Thank you for the Green Economics Institute special conference on climate change policies,
Preparing for Copenhagen COP 15 on November 2009 at the Oxford University Club, Oxford
University last week: it was absolutely fantastic and had such an interesting dynamic I really really
enjoyed it - Kate Campbell Ireland
Many thanks for excellent speech and very useful answers to questions on the panel
The Head of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -54-
“Great conference ... and lots of contacts.”
Ian Chambers, Director, Orange
May I congratulate you and indeed all the staff and management of Green Economics Institute U.K
on the tremendous success of year's Conference. Green Economics Nigeria was represented at the
conference, as we are trying to lay a strong foundation in Nigeria and indeed Africa, towards
promoting a low carbon, resource-efficient economy.
- Dr Chidi Magnus Onahua, Green Economics Nigeria
Thanks for a lovely conference. I have never felt such an intense positive energy floating in the air.
The minute the event took off I knew that was it - this was the group, the people and the topics that I
identify with. Although coming from far away, I felt actually like coming home - really blending with
the rest of the participants which were from as many as 19 countries as we counted then J. Maybe it is
the variety of people, the mixture of cultures and ideas that contributes to the uniqueness of the event.
It was an enormous honor to address the main panel and have the presentations at the panel sessions
and imagine all that in one of the oldest colleges in Oxford. That is something unforgettable for me.
-Daniela Kostadinova Petrovic,Serbia and Macedonia,GTZ German Technical Cooperation
I would like to thank you again for the Café Scientifique very interesting and interactive
presentation. Reactions from our audiences are very positive and people are asking for more similar
events in the future.
-Žarko Koneski , British Council Macedonia
“Thank you for allowing me to participate in your conference. The link between Green and
technology is up most in people's minds.”
– - - Rakesh Kumar VP Gartners IT and Hi Tech Research
Thank you for the conference. This proved most useful; you managed to convene a wonderful
audience, congratulations! I look forward to participating in discussions in the future.
- Nicolas Bertrand United Nations Environment Programme Geneva
10 Reasons to Sponsor a GEI Conference
Your profile is enhanced by our targeted marketing of your name, speech and
information to our global network, one of the largest global green networks in the world,
with millions of different web site presences.
Function/market specific social media portals and event sites provide you with
multiple opportunities to communicate directly with your target audience before and after
the conference. Commercial attendees have advised us that attendance has directly led to
major institutional sponsorship, brilliant strategically important, and lucrative new
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -55-
clients, and an enhanced customer base as a simple result of attending and presenting at
our conferences.
Many attendees, often at extremely high levels of professional achievement
already- for example Professor Level, have told us that attendance has actually changed
their lives and their careers in significantly important and beneficial ways, for example
led directly to new higher level jobs, sought after opportunities, professional dreams
come true. We believe this is due to the unique blend and mix we provide due to our
“Four Pillars” operation and analysis, bringing together high achievers and shakers and
movers and great innovators and the worlds best thinkers with people working completely
outside of the “ box”.
Direct contact with key decision makers and qualified participants via our niche
conferences with a measurable return on your investment. You will receive a special
stream targeting your own subject interest area during the conference.
We are now able to provide for all major sponsors, that their logo/information is
featured in all conference packs, conference badge ribbons can be sponsored, if
appropriate, and on all web conference advertising before the conference and will
receive a special area on our website with links to your own sites.
Our work has significantly advised and informed- many of the major global
institutions,who have then been able to enhance their own strategy significantly in this
Your products, services and executives as key players are positioned in front of
major industry leaders.
You can sponsor webinars, podcasts, online newsletters to deliver your sales
message in a bold new way, boosting your customer acquisition and lead generation
You can purchase high-yield online displays that reach your target audience on our
expanding number of portals and event sites.
Some organizations can offer some of these things...
...But only Green Economics Conferences can offer ALL of these things!
Why Sponsor a Green Economics Event?
"When asked which advertising mediums are most important to meeting your company’s
key marketing objectives today? 45 percent said conferences and events."
The Economist magazine's Global CMO report, 2008
Have you noticed?
Conventional advertising practices have been thrown out the window.
Every day we hear more about:
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -56-
Using conferences to make direct contact with new customers and strengthen relationships with
existing ones
Sponsoring events to provide live support for branding initiatives
Sponsoring niche-based online newsletters to attract new customers
Maximizing qualified lead generation via usage of carefully constructed webinars, podcasts,
virtual conferences, web seminars short videos & more
Targeting online display advertising to responsive buyer niches
Developing and using customer feedback from dedicated social media portals to improve
product/service offerings
The Message Is Clear...
Any organization not using alternative media is going to be dead in the water. The returns on
traditional advertising just can't cut it anymore. It's a new era.
The Green Economics Institute is on the cutting edge of today's measurement-managed advertising
revolution. We offer sponsors of our conference programs, a total set of integrated value-added
services unmatched by direct and indirect competitors.
These services can be purchased individually or bundled together to help conference sponsors convert
indifferent prospects into solid paying customers.
The ultimate outcome?
Decreased customer acquisition costs for sponsoring organizations.
Innovation must translate into new value for customers.
That's precisely what we've done. The Green Economics Institute can now offer sponsors in many of
our programs new and superior benefits.
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What Makes the Green Economics Institute Sponsorship Package
Superior to All Others?
There's really no magic, it is merely patient attention to what our sponsorship customers want, expect,
need and value. Every sponsor wants to create customers, develop qualified sales leads, convert leads
into sales and retain customers. Our tailored sponsorship packages help you to achieve these
I am writing to you to thank you and your team at the Green Economics Institute for organising such
an inspiring event. Not only was the event very highly informative, providing insight into the way the
environmental perspective is developing, but it was also very supportive, providing me with
encouragement to continue with my own research.
The event brought together people who have important roles in finance, energy and IT, but also new
entrepreneurs, academics (known and unknown) and admirably humble people, who keep us
connected with the practical. From economics to ecology, psychology to gardening, engineering to
finance. I am certainly intending to come next year!
- Marek Zeremba Pike
It was lovely to meet you both on Friday and Saturday and real pleasure to be involved with your
highly relevant and worthwhile event. I made very good contacts at the event, and I learned a great
deal. (.from ..)... your amazing and important institution. - Steve P.
Our sponsors want to create and keep customers. They want to spend their money on
those things that produce paying customers. And they want to be able measure their
We believe that our total package conferences, webinars, podcasts, short videos, newsletters when
married to our social media portals and event sites, produces the synergistic effect required for costeffective advertising in today's turbulent economy.
Our participants receive immediate and significant benefits networking with targeted and interested
clients who can help them in many different ways and all benefit significantly in terms of increased
client profile and directly increased new customer bases.
If you are interested in discussing sponsorship or exhibition opportunities, please contact us.
The Green Economist Vol 4 Issue 2, Autumn 2009 -58-
Packages range from euros 1500 per day payable in advance.
To total suggested sponsorship of euros 5000 for an event
and 10 000 euros for one calendar year's sponsorship.
Other packages are available, please enquire
The Green Economics Institute:
“The World’s Leading Green Conferences”
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