FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE 1. LODGING MANAGEMENT POC is Ron Witcher, CHA, COM (210) 424-8593 or email ron.witcher@us.army.mil. a. Common Support Services. Financial management guidance and procedures for allocating the cost of MWR and lodging overhead services are provided at Enclosure 5. b. Contacts and Submission. Region points of contact for budget preparation and budget submission instructions are at Enclosure 11. c. Budget Approval. FMWRC Army Lodging Headquarters will review, approve and load all budgets and budget revisions into FMBS for Army Lodging Operations for CONUS and PACIFIC Regions. EUROPE and KOREA lodging budgets will be approved and loaded into FMBS by the appointed Region Army Lodging Assistant Fund Managers. d. Budget Templates. Standard templates will be used for FY 11 Budgets, Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) and Managers Narrative, and all attachments. Detailed Lodging templates in conjunction with the Lodging Manager’s Narrative result in the current and long-range Garrison Lodging Business Plan. 2. Unless superseded, PAL B and C sites will budget for operations through 30 September 2011. 3. Severance Pay and Discontinued Service Retirement expenses associated with BRAC actions or the PAL initiative for Army Lodging NAF Employees will be budgeted at the HQ Army Lodging level. Retention bonuses, based on a formal announcement of a PAL transition, and as authorized by the Fund Manager under separate instructions, will be budgeted by the Lodging operations. This may require a budget and room rate revision based on the date of announcements that may occur. 4. SERVICE CHARGES/ROOM RATES. a. Service Charge/Room Rate Budgets. Service charges/room rates for FY 11 budget submission purposes will be held to FY 10 Average Daily Rate (ADR) levels, plus increases directed by other portions of the guidance. The FY 11 ADR will not be reduced below the FY 10 rate. ADRs will be adjusted to reflect the annual General Schedule wage increase applicable to FY 11 total personnel costs, as well as increases 1 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE in the cost of doing business. Increases more than 5% above the FY 10 ADR, or that exceed 75% of the lodging portion of per diem, must be specifically approved by IMWRHP. IMWR-HP will coordinate exceptions with concerned Army Staff components as appropriate (e.g., G1, G3/5/7, etc.). Room rates shall be adjusted for each room type in order to arrive at the appropriate total adjustment to the ADR. No primary occupant service charge may exceed the local lodging portion of per diem. An example of this calculation, which would be applied to each room rate category follows (figures below are used as an example only; use actual data for calculations): $43.00 $00.98 $43.98 $00.17 $44.15 $44.50 FY 11 Room Rate General Schedule Wage Increase () Subtotal Increase in cost of guest supplies Subtotal Revised FY 11 Room Rate (rounded up to the nearest 50 cents). This methodology ensures a predictable funding stream to lodging activities while providing consistency for those activities budgeting for official travel expenditures. Room Rates are the same for all categories of travelers who occupy a specific room category. They may not be discounted or reduced. Lodging managers may waive room charges for up to three room nights, in order to accommodate efforts to recover from customer service incidents. Waivers of room charges of more than three nights must be processed as a claim against the government, through the Garrison legal office. b. Room Rates For Well Facilities. Room rates for newly constructed facilities and rooms which have been fully renovated under the Wellness Program (Encl 11, Document 5) will be set at 75% of the lodging portion of per diem. c. Additional Occupant Charges. Appropriated funds are not authorized to subsidize lodging costs associated with guests not in an official travel status. Accordingly, an Additional Occupant Charge is required for every additional occupant over the age of one year accompanying the primary traveler. The charge offsets costs associated with each additional occupant, e.g., laundry, housekeeping, supplies/amenities, cots/cribs, increased wear and tear on facilities, FF&E, linens, continental breakfast service, etc. Charges will be standardized as follows: 2 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE The minimum additional occupant room charge is $5.00, for every guest over the age of one year. The extra charge includes Continental Breakfast. Justification for fees in excess of $5 must be included in the manager's narrative and supported with an appropriate calculation. Additional occupant revenue shall be recorded in GLAC 501 – Service/Recreation Activity Income. d. Distinguished Visitors Quarters (DVQs). Distinguished Visitor’s Quarters will be established from existing Lodging inventory, with the approval of the Region Director. Service charges for DVQs reflect the historically lower occupancy rates in these facilities, the higher operating, and capital costs. Service charges for DVQs should normally be set 30 percent higher than other room average rates, to ensure DVQs are not subsidized by other occupants. However, DVQ room rates shall be developed based on the actual costs for operating these rooms to include a pro rata share of overhead and required capital investments. Where DVQs do not maintain a utilization rate equal or above the other facilities in the lodging operation, distinguished visitor services will be reduced and DVQs will be re-designated for use by all guests. Where costs of operation cause DVQ service charges to be higher than per diem, the Garrison must provide sufficient Appropriated Funds support to lower the rates below per diem. e. Pet Fees. In reference to Pet Cleaning Fees and Pet Service Charges please refer to Enclosure 11, DOC 13. f. Lodging Capital Assessment (LCA). LCA rates for FY 11 are as follows: $12.00 for adequate rooms $ 1.20 for foreign students $ .50 for inadequate rooms The LCA was established by the MWR Board of Directors in 2000, as a means of funding Wellness Program to modernize and construct Army Lodging facilities, and to fund centralized programs that support all Army Lodging operations. These include centralized training, procurement, standard products, NAFI administration, and other programs. The LCA will be included in the primary occupant daily room rate for all adequate rooms (official and unofficial travel). 3 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE The room rate charged each guest on official travel (2 primary occupants) sharing an adequate/inadequate room will include the fully applicable LCA for each occupant (e.g., 2 soldiers sharing an adequate room each pay $12 LCA). Families occupying the same adequate/inadequate room will be assessed the LCA on a per occupied room night (primary occupant daily rate) basis for each room occupied, e.g., if the family rents two rooms the LCA applies to the room rate for each room. For LCA purposes, adequate rooms are as reported on the 30 Jun 99 Room Service Charge and Inventory Report and those inadequate rooms that have been made adequate through investment since the 30 Jun 99 report. Justification to reclassify adequate units (as of 30 Jun 99) to inadequate for purposes of the LCA must be reviewed and approved by Army Lodging (IMWR-HP) prior to a reduction in the LCA rate. A copy of the approval, to include the building number and number of guest units affected, must be provided to IMWR-HP as an amendment to the most recent Service Charge and Inventory Report. LCA revenue is recorded in GLAC 501 – Service/Recreation Activity Income. g. Foreign Military Student/Trainee Lodging Rates. Foreign students/trainees are authorized the same lodging as their US counterparts. Furthermore, they are required to pay the same rates as their US counterparts, adjusted only for the LCA as noted in d. above. Garrison lodging activities are authorized to charge each foreign military student/trainee actual lodging rates for single or shared occupancy of adequate rooms including the $1.20 LCA surcharge, not to exceed any specific Garrison ceiling established by the Security Assistance Training Program (SATP). The test for accuracy is: Room rate minus $12.00 LCA plus $1.20 foreign military student/trainee LCA and rounded up to the nearest 50 cents equals the foreign military student/trainee room rate. Garrison specific ceilings are based on Garrison lodging activity input to data calls managed by the SATP. Changes to authorized rates will be forwarded under separate cover as made available by the SATP. This authority applies to foreign military students/trainees on temporary duty attending formal training at Army facilities. Foreign military personnel who are in another status will be charged the rate for unofficial travelers at that Garrison. h. Unofficial Travel Surcharges. Garrison Commanders have the option of implementing a fair market room rate for unofficial occupants in Army Lodging facilities as an addition to the official primary occupant daily rate (including the LCA). Revenues from market rate increases will accrue to the ALSF and shall be recorded in GLAC 501 – Service/Recreation Activity Income. Contractors doing business with or for the Department of Defense may or may not be authorized to occupy lodging. The authority 4 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE will be based on authorizations in their travel orders (from the government) or their invitation letter from the Garrison Commander. This is very important in OCONUS locations, because of host nation’s customs laws and Status of Forces Agreements. If in doubt, request a local legal review before confirming reservations for contractors. i. Continental Breakfast. As of 1 Oct 2006, all Army lodging activities will offer a standardized continental breakfast service. This service may not be contracted out to any other entity or activity without approval from IMWR-HP. Continental breakfast service will be operated on a breakeven basis at a rate NTE $2.50 per person per room night, based on usage, to ensure compliance with the waiver that allows Army Lodging to provide continental breakfast services. Garrisons will record all associated breakfast costs (e.g., labor, food, supplies, etc) under department code 14, in a MISC-AOB or Location AOB in the budget template. For the Garrisons which have more than 2 lodging operations under one installation code, the breakfast charges will be included in the location AOB, and managers will keep a separate spreadsheet, to insure the intent of the waiver is followed, and costs do not exceed $2.50 per occupant based on usage. In accordance with the JTR/JFTR, a continental breakfast is not a deductible meal provided the room charge is the same with or without the breakfast. It does not affect the traveler's meals and incidental expense portion of the per diem rate. Reference JFTR U4165 (uniformed members), JTR C4554-B (civilian employees), and Appendix O: TDY Travel Allowances (JTFR and JTR) T4040 Change 255/509 (both uniformed members and civilian employees). This waiver is considered in the level of service provided and the standardized menu. These standards exclude hot, prepared foods that would typically be accompanied by table service or be prepared by cooks, classified at the NA-8 level. The Joint Service Prime Vendor Program, or AAFES Warehouse in Europe shall be used to the maximum extent as the source of products supporting continental breakfast. All previous waivers will expire on 30 Sep 2010 and requests for new exceptions must be submitted with the FY11 budget packages to IMWR-HP. Management control systems will ensure continental breakfast service is limited to Army Lodging occupants. Continental breakfast service will not be extended to Army Lodging management and/or staff. The continental breakfast service area is a public/patron area rather than one intended for use by employees. Continental breakfast service may be extended to the guests of occupants at a cost of $2.50 per person. Continental Breakfast food and 5 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE supplies may not be given to anyone, other the intended patrons, especially foods left over at the end of breakfast hours. Inventory management should assist in not having perishable foods left over. Additional guidance for development of the continental breakfast budget is found on the instruction tabs of the FY 11 EXCEL budget template. j. Exodus Room Rates. A specific $3 per night "Exodus" service charge/room rate may be established at Army Lodging operations supporting training missions. This rate is applicable only during the Exodus leave period defined as from the second week in December through the first week of January. Costs incurred during leave status are the responsibility of the Soldier and are not reimbursable. Army Lodging operations implementing the Exodus Room Rate will follow procedures outlined in IMWR-BPL Memo, 23 Nov 04, subj: Establishment of Army Lodging Exodus Service Charge/Room Rate and Capital Purchase/Minor Construction Guidance at http://www.army.mil/cfsc/documents/fm/ExodusCPMC.pdf in order to maintain the integrity of occupancy and average daily rate statistics. 5. ARMY LODGING WELLNESS PLAN. POC is Patricia Richardson, DSN 761-7752, COM (703) 681-7752, FAX (703) 681-5363, or email: patricia.richardson@us.army.mil a. Diversion/Conversion of Facilities From or To Lodging Use. Authority to divert/convert facilities from or to Army Lodging shall be forwarded from the Garrison Commander, through the Region to IMWR-HP for approval. Requests shall include information on reimbursement or payment for NAF investments/assets, as well as, an assessment of impact on the lodging of Military Training Support Service students, if applicable. IMWR-HP will coordinate lodging diversion/conversion requests with OASA (I&E). b. Capital Purchase and Minor Construction (CPMC) (1) CPMC Planning. All Garrisons, except those closing under BRAC, will continue to budget for five year CPMC requirements to maintain the Army's investment in facilities and quality accommodations. Currently, an assessment is being completed by FMWRC for PAL Group B locations, to determine needed “Life/Safety” projects and 6 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE facility condition. Once these assessments are completed, they will be shared and a strategy developed to acquire or generate funding for the required projects. Execution of CPMC at these sites will be consistent with those assessments. Refer to the life cycle guidance in the Army Lodging CapEx Life Cycle Template (Enclosure 11, DOC 2) for assistance, with projecting out year capital requirements. When submitting Purchase Requests for CPMC projects, refer to the CPMC Purchase Request Checklist (Enclosure 11, DOC 9 ). All Purchase Requests must follow this checklist to be approved. (2) CPMC Execution. The Europe and Korea Army Lodging Assistant Fund Managers may cross-level CPMC funding/requirements within the approved FY11 cumulative funding level of the Region’s consolidated lodging CPMC budgets, to meet a shortfall. Garrison Commander’s must endorse the project, acknowledge that APF is unavailable, and that Garrison NAF is insufficient. The ALSF Fund Manager will review requests for ALSF funding of Garrison shortfalls for execution of approved CPMC projects after the Region funding capability has been exhausted. CPMC execution will reflect the ongoing PAL initiative, and otherwise transitioning operations. (3) Privatization Transition. The following CPMC guidance applies to sites: projected to transfer to new ownership under the PAL initiative (Enclosure 11, Document 1); closing or otherwise transitioning under BRAC, or undergoing Transformation actions or Re-basing/Stationing actions. (a) Bulk Purchases. Sites targeted to transition or close during FY 11 will program and report like items purchased in a quantity in excess of one, at a total cost of $2,500 or more, as an operational expense regardless of useful life. (b) Fixed Assets. Assets with an individual cost of $2,500 or more and two or more years of useful life, provided purchase is authorized by this guidance, will be programmed in the CPMC Plan, recorded as Fixed Assets, and depreciated over a maximum of two years. If the official lodging activity is closed prior to the asset being fully depreciated, the remaining book value will be expensed at the close of business. (c) Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment (FF&E). Operational and CPMC purchases are limited as follows: 7 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE - Sites targeted to transition or close during or at the end of FY 11, will receive a specific review by the Fund Manager, during the PRISM purchase process. - Purchases based solely on life cycle are not authorized. - Army Lodging operations may replace items upon failure, provided the item is required to provide services as outlined in the Army Lodging standards. - Army Lodging operations will maintain their par-stock/float as needed managing to a zero level at scheduled transition/closure. (d) Capital M&R Purchases are authorized to remediate failure of a component when the failure is likely to cause a shutdown or major disruption of the lodging activity's ability to provide services as required by the Army Lodging Standards. The following work/purchases are not authorized: M&R executed solely to extend the original useful life of the asset; life cycle replacement; hazardous materials remediation; Force Protection; and purchases of new assets other than replacements due to failure (Enclosure 11, Document 8). In order to receive assistance with CPMC, lodge must demonstrate that APF funding is not available . On-going assessments of PAL Group B may require additional CPMC projects. (4) Sites NOT Scheduled to Transition through FY 11. (a) CPMC projects for replacement/repair of FF&E are authorized based on published life cycle guidelines, and the following: - FF&E may not be replaced at end of useful life unless the FMWRC interior design office validates the FF&E as unserviceable. The Army Lodging CapEx Life Cycle Template (Enclosure 11, Document 8) will be used as a guideline for useful life. - CPMC may be repaired when the Garrison demonstrates that repair cost is less than 50 percent of replacement cost and the residual value at divestiture is less than 50 percent of replacement cost. (b) Capital M&R programming for Building Components is authorized when M&R is required to maintain the original useful life of a component. A building component may be repaired due to a component failure, or replaced when the repair 8 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE cost is greater than 50 percent of the replacement cost. No new work as defined at AR 420-1 (Enclosure 11, Document 10) is authorized. Prior to execution, the AFP requirement must be pursued through APF priority execution before NAF funding can be utilized. (c) Wellness Project Start-Up Costs and Operations. Operations projected to move into a new or renovated building during FY 11 as a result of a Wellness Program project, shall use a new, separate location code and Department 82, Army Lodging Rooms, for operations before and after opening of the new/renovated facility (see paragraph (2) below). Estimated completion dates (for budget purposes) for ongoing Wellness projects anticipated for completion in FY 11 are provided at Enclosure 11, Document 3. Actual costs will begin upon the beneficial occupancy date. Budgets for new/renovated facilities shall reflect appropriate staffing and other expenses consistent with the new operation size and level of service. Given these moves are to new/renovated facilities as opposed to the stand up of new operations, annual operating budgets at these locations shall reflect the following as FY 11 operating expenses as opposed to assuming capitalization of these items as part of the total project cost: (1) Pre-opening supplies of consumable and expendable items (program against location code for operations in new/renovated facility). (2) Labor costs associated with pre-opening activities, and refresher training to achieve Army Lodging Standards, should be programmed at 50 percent of one month’s total labor projection for the new facility, to occur in the month prior to scheduled opening/reopening. Labor costs associated with pre-opening activities may be amortized for up to 12 months. (3) Projected severance pay expense associated with the downsizing of an operation (program against location code for operations in existing facility). (4) Garrisons with renovation projects shall reflect periods in FY 11, when these facilities are anticipated to be “off market” (closed) as well as other pre-opening expenses listed at items (1) and (2) above. (d) Wellness Sustainment. Since FY 03, the final phase of the Wellness Plan, “Sustainment,” requires every lodging operation to maintain capital reinvestment in 9 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE buildings made “well” by programming a calculated amount per room annually to support life-cycle replacement. (1) The separate EXCEL workbook, Enclosure 11, DOC 8, will be used for computing capital investment requirements and required Sustainment contributions. The workbook requires entry of multiple variables specific to each building qualifying for sustainment to ensure proper calculation. Operations with multiple buildings that qualify for sustainment will need to complete a separate worksheet in the EXCEL workbook for each building, since the calculation incorporates a building’s size, floors, and room makeup. The aggregate total annual sustainment will be the sum of all the separate building worksheets. The FY 11 calculated sustainment cost per room by building, must be manually transferred to the budget template, Fund/Reserve TAB, which will total the fiscal year sustainment funding requirement. (2) The sustainment funding requirement includes Wellness projects scheduled for completion during FY 11 (Enclosure 11, Document 3), those facilities/rooms constructed/renovated since 1995 prior to the Wellness program (Enclosure 11, Document 4), [Region Army Lodging Assistant Fund Managers should supplement this list] and Wellness projects completed prior to FY 11 (Enclosure 11, Document 5). The life cycle/replacement guidance worksheet supports this requirement by outlining by year specific projects required to ensure facilities are maintained. Budget preparation shall insure CPMC/Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM) schedules reflect an evaluation of the broad life-cycle replacement guidance (under either APF or NAF funding) consistent with the age of the new facility or renovation. Budgeting for valid CPMC/SRM projects scheduled within the 5 year CPMC planning window shall follow the established CPMC process. (3) Budgeting for newly opened or reopened facilities (e.g., where the calculated per room annual requirement is not yet supported by CPMC requirements in the immediate 5 year window), shall reflect a pro rata share of the calculated per room per year Sustainment requirement. The FY 11 Fund/Reserve TAB in the budget template has been designed to calculate sustainment by month in the event the new or renovated room is coming on line for a portion of a year. (4) The FY 11 and prior year accumulations and use shall be reflected on the Fund/Reserve TAB in the budget template. 10 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE 6. PROCUREMENT. Requests for procurement of services such as maintenance agreements, leases for equipment or vehicles, and other multi-year agreements shall reflect planned transition of Garrison lodging activities under PAL (Enclosure 11, Document 4), Base Realignment and Closures, and other transitional actions. OASA (I&E) will provide guidance on limitation of PAL site contract performance periods and base contract terms based on formal announcement of Garrison lodging transition under PAL. 7. ENTERPRISE BUY. POC is Jonina Asmundsdottir, DSN 761-5211, COM (703) 6815211, FAX (703) 681-5363, or e-mail: Jonina.Asmundsdottir@us.army.mil. a. Enterprise Buy. Army Lodging will execute the enterprise buy in conjunction with the November 2010 International Hotel/Motel and Restaurant Show (IHM&RS). The items for the Enterprise equipment and furnishings buy will be identified based on the FY 11 Garrison CPMC budgets and new construction/renovation projects anticipated for opening/reopening in FY 11 under the Army Lodging Wellness Program. In support of the IHM&RS (FY 11) Enterprise Buy, Garrisons are required to complete the form provided at enclosure 11, Document 7, for FY 11 capital purchase items and email to Jonina.Asmundsdottir@us.army.mil not later than 13 Jul 10. FMWRC and Army Lodging Enterprise Buy are the only authorized methods for acquisition of furnishings and other items identified as Enterprise Buy items by FMWRC IMWR-HP after review of the CPMC submissions. Purchase of items outside the Enterprise Buy requires a waiver. Requests will be submitted to Glenn Pietras, via email at Glenn.Pietras@us.army.mil. b. Standard Products Program/Central Contracts. HQ Army Lodging oversees management of the standard product programs as implemented by the MWR BoD in Jan 01. Mandatory contracts leverage Army Lodging buying power by consolidating and standardizing the procurement of routinely replenished products used by all lodging facilities. Currently the mandatory program includes contracts for bed and bath linens, guest amenities (i.e., shampoo/conditioner, soap, coffee condiment kits, etc.), preprinted materials (i.e., registration cards, folios), and credit card processing (CONUS). Current information regarding items and vendors covered by the mandatory sources is http://www.army.mil/fmwrc/lodging_resources.htm The contracts are competitively awarded based on best value, where quality is not sacrificed for cost. Master contracts 11 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE provide equitable solutions for all to include sites that frequently fall prey to exorbitant costs due to their size and location. Deviations from the standard product program require a waiver from IMWR-HP except in the instance when mandatory products are supplied with APF. Waivers will normally be granted only in extreme circumstances, such as inability to meet emergency delivery deadlines. Waiver approval authority for Army Lodging located in CONUS and PARO resides with HQ Army Lodging, IMWR-HP. Waiver approval authority for OCONUS locations (excluding customer credit card processing is delegated to the Europe and Korea Regional Lodging Program Managers, when analysis proves transportation costs would raise the cost of the mandatory contract item above purchasing the same product locally. When granting these waivers Region Army Lodging Assistant Fund Managers shall ensure the substitute product is similar in nature to and provides the same level of quality as the standard product, and inform Army Lodging IMWR-HP. 8. ARMY LODGING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ALPMS) / DEFENSE LODGING SYSTEM (DLS) POC is Jamie VanCourt, COM (210) 424-8594 or e-mail: jamie.vancourt@us.army.mil a. ALPMS Sustainment: (1) Customer Support. Army Lodging will continue central funding of ALPMS software component Customer Support / Helpdesk services for all official lodging facilities. These components include: Galaxy/UX, HP/UX, SQL, SQR and Informix. Additionally, central funding of Customer Support / Helpdesk for the following interfaces will continue: PBX, Voicemail, Call Accounting, Bank and Keylock. Operating budgets shall include any anticipated increases in licensing fees expected due to increases in inventories. Notification of changes and additions to inventories must be provided in advance to ensure support funding: The IMCOM region will provide advance notification of inventory changes and additions for Garrisons located in the Europe and Korea regions. Garrisons located in the other regions will provide advance notification of changes and additions directly to Mr. VanCourt. (2) Hardware/Software. Budgeting for upgraded or new ALPMS services and components to support the current Galaxy ALPMS requires specific approval from IMWR-HP. The central Army Lodging contracting office will manage execution of ALPMS hardware warranty extension/uplifts consistent with the DLS deployment 12 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE schedule. Additional sources for maintenance and support of the HP servers will be sought for FY11. FY 10 costs shall be used for budgeting purposes. IMWR-HP will provide the negotiated schedule of costs for FY 11 coverage and will confirm desired levels of Garrison ALPMS hardware warranty coverage in a data call anticipated in 4th quarter FY 10. (3) Preprinted materials. The purchase of preprinted materials for ALPMS should be closely monitored. It is recommended that orders be placed in smaller quantities and a more frequent interval while still achieving a positive price point. The ALPMS replacement product does not require preprinted materials. b. Defense Lodging System (DLS). (1) Deployment. Army Lodging will provide central funding for the deployment of the DLS. Deployment order will be prioritized utilizing a worst first scenario based on Galaxy and HP service call data as well as extraordinary circumstances. Funding will include cost associated with Trainers, Travel, Licensing, Interfaces, the Interface Processing Unit (IPU) and network equipment. Army Lodging will centrally fund the installation of Front Desk workstations (Wyse Thin-Client Workstations, CAC Enabled Keyboards and Credit Card Readers) based on Army Lodging Standards. Because the DLS is able to print to any existing network printer on plain stock, new printers are not included in the central funding. (2) Sustainment. Army Lodging will centrally fund the Customer Support / Help desk services of the DLS including PBX, Voicemail, Call Accounting, Bank and Keylock interfaces and the Wyse Thin-client Workstation. OCONUS and Phase 1 Phase 1 operations will be notified by email, prior to budget submission deadline. Operations should budget $650 monthly expense for high speed dedicated telecommunications connection between the Front Desk Workstations / IPU and the DLS host facility. The specifics of this communications line will be identified during the Site Survey prior to deployment at each Garrison. This separate commercial communication path will offer redundancy in case of line failure or changes in NEC policy that may affect Army Lodging operations. c. Preprinted materials, other than those used in ALPMS, should continue to be ordered as necessary. 13 Enclosure 6 FY 11 ARMY LODGING PROGRAM GUIDANCE 9. TRAINING. POC is Jonina Asmundsdottir, DSN 761-5363, COM (703) 681-5211, FAX (703) 681-5363 or e-mail: Jonina.Asmundsdottir@us.army.mil The Professional Development program is centrally funded for participation in the following curriculums: Penn State University and ALPMS deployment training program are specific centrally funded items pertinent to the annual Lodging Training Seminar. Reimbursement procedures will be provided to attendees as part of the registration and acceptance process. 10. GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT CODE (GLAC) GUIDANCE. Clarification of GLAC codes/definitions as stated at DFAS 37-1, Chapter 32 for use by Army Lodging activities will be published in the FY 11 budget template at the GLAC DESCRIPTION Tab. 14 Enclosure 6