ENTENTE INTERNATIONALE DES MAITRES LUTHIERS ET ARCHETIERS D’ART INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF VIOLIN AND BOW MAKERS UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE DEI MAESTRI LIUTAI E ARCHETTAI D'ARTE INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGNG DER GEIGENBAU-UND BOGENMACHER-MEISTER General Meeting Minutes Scottsdale Arizona May 7, 2009 1. Members who send their regrets that they were not attending this meeting Robert Ames, Tim Baker, Jacques Bauer, Christian Bayon, Charles Beare, Michael D. Becker, Ingeborg Behnke, Luiz Bellini, Eric Benning, Francesco Bissolotti, Martin G. Bouette, Serge Boyer, Wolfgang Bünnagel, Edda Bünnagel, Fausto Cacciatori, Pascal Camurat, António Capela, Pierre Caradot, Carlo Chiesa, Roberto Collini, Edith Dittrich, Philippe Dupuy, Johannes Finkel, Andrea Frandsen, Christopher Germain, Peter Gibson, Fabrice Girardin, Francisco González, Christoph Götting, Joseph Grubaugh, Klaus Grünke, Gian Carlo Guicciardi, Pierre Guillaume, David Gusset, Lynn Armour Hannings, Roger Hargrave, Andrew Hill, Lambert Houniet, Lise Jørgensen, Hieronymus Köstler, Francis Kuttner, Otmar Lang, Roger Lanne, Nicola Lazzari, Loïc Le Canu, Silvio Levaggi, Laurent López Morales, François Malo, Lorenzo Marchi, Junji Matsuoka, Toshyuki Matsushita, Thomas Meuwissen, Peter A. Moes, Wendela T. Moes, Gio Batta Morassi, Simeone Morassi, René A. Morel, Gerhard Neubauer, Walter Neubauer, Bernard Neumann, Per Sonny Ovesen, Jean-Jacques Pagès, Jean-Marc Panhaleux, Philip Perret, Henrike Perret, Jean Petitcolas, Tomás Pilar, Ramon Pinto, Jordi Pinto, Primo Pistoni, Yury Pochekin, Luca Primon, Guy Rabut, Jean-François Raffin, Jean-Jacques Rampal, Günther Reuter, Patrick Robin, Jean-Yves Rouveyre, Karl Roy, Conchobhar Ruiseal, Joachim Schade, Jean-Frédéric Schmitt, Raymond Schryer, Renato Scrollavezza, Sigrun E.H. Seifert, Norbert Seifert, Davide Somenzi, Nabuhiro Sonoda, Elisa Scrollavezza, John W. Stagg, Serge M. Stam, Jan P. Strick, Patrice Taconné, Iwai Takao, André Theunis, John Carass Topham, Alessandro Tossani, John-Eric Traelnes, Peter Tunkowitsch, Christian Urbita, Étienne Vatelot, William D. Watson, Ute Wegerhoff, Amnon Weinstein, Michael Weisshaar, Adam Whone, Derek F. Wilson 2. Resignations: Rudolf Neudörfer (Germany); Francois Malo(Canada) 3. New Full Member: Wolfgang Schmidt 4. New members introduce themselves 5. Delegates are to notify Treasurer if a member has not paid their dues by deadline and the Treasurer will contact that member and assess penalties. 6. Scrutiners continue 7. Changes in Delegates: Hans Benning steps down as American Delegate Gregg Alf is the new American Delegate Iwai Takao becomes Japanese delegate 8. Executive Board Continues with exception of the General Secretary who resigned 9. Treasurer’s Report: Jan Ullern: See Attachment 10. Jan Spidlen presents Prague as next EILA Conference site 11. Desire for more gatherings – informal events to gather EILA members. Like Cremona – if you know of expositions let General Secretary know and we will notify all the members. No obligation but would be nice to meet as small groups. 12. May want to consider workshops for stress and help with health 13. Stéphane Thomachot & Yung Chin – pernambuco report 14. Thomas Wilder – conservation book. Pre-subscription order 15. Roland Baumgartener Personal thoughts concerning the current EILA situation Mr. President, Dear Colleagues The International Society of Violin and Bow Makers has been created with a view to tightening the bonds of friendship between the makers, adopting all the measures necessary to safeguard their working conditions, increasing familiarity with their art, improving the methods of training their pupils and pooling the whole of their resources and skill in order to restore violin making to its pristine greatness! I’m very sure that you will and you should all agree with these words, because it’s not a personal text by myself, but word for word article no. 2 of the bylaws of our association which we call EILA today! With your kind permission I would like to draw your attention for a couple of minutes to some personal reflections and remarks concerning the current EILA situation: I‘m a proud member of the EILA since exactly 30 years now. A part of this time I served as treasurer, national delegate, member of sub-committees, vice-president and president. So knowing our association from various points of view, I’m very sorry to say that it has never been in such a difficult and delicate situation as today. Here in Scottsdale, only about 1/3 of our members are present, an absolutely negative record since the EILA was founded in 1950. In the same time the congress 2009 will apparently be the most expensive ever for the EILA accounts! What are the reasons for this? I think there are a number of different ones: There are of course always members who cannot attend for personal-family, personal-health or even personal-economic reasons. We really miss these people today and our thoughts are with them. I know there is also a significant number of members not participating today because they don’t consider Scottsdale as an ideal city for a congress or did not think the congress program interesting and attractive enough to travel to Arizona; it may also be that it took a very long time - too long - to receive the information about what was planned for this meeting. I’m not sure if the decision not to participate for these reasons is a good one, but we definitively also miss these members today. 2 of 6 And, last but not least, there are members who applied once to become a member. After having been accepted, their only interest is to put on the business paper “member of the EILA”. Personally I don’t miss these people! Communication from the administration to members, especially from the executive members of the Committee, such as the President and the General Secretary, has for nearly one and a half years since the meeting in Strasbourg been rather bad or nearly non-existent. So even if the administrators were of course working for the EILA, but not communicating anything, members could have got the impression they belonged to a non-existent organisation, whilst paying a not inconsiderable annual fee. Information concerning the Scottsdale meeting only began to come through very slowly and without much detail, very late in the year 2008. The internal problems with or between the President and the General Secretary are not normally meant to be solved by the members. If a member were appointed General Secretary on the proposal of the President and felt unable to fulfil his job, not having read or knowing himself the articles and bylaws, he should not accept the nomination for this function at the very beginning. Somewhat better then resigning overnight, with absolutely no respect for the bylaws of the EILA, re: article No. 9 “Resignations”! This afternoon, there will be a workshop in small groups, guided by our PastPresident Jean-Christophe Graff. He will first give you a summary of the brainstorming he organized during our last congress in Strasbourg together with Pascal Camurat. This shows that already two years ago discussions about the future of the EILA were judged important! But nothing has happened since then. The problem today will be that 2/3 of our members are not here, even if a significant number of these absentees would be greatly concerned by this subject. From my point of view the following questions should be considered and discussed: Do we, does our profession still need an association like the EILA? Is the goal outlined in article No. 2 since 1950 still relevant? You remember the beginning of my speech: “The International Society of Violin and Bow Makers has been created with a view to tightening the bonds of friendship between the makers, adopting all the measures necessary to safeguard their working conditions, increasing familiarity with their art, improving the methods of training their pupils and pooling the whole of their resources and skill in order to restore violin making to its pristine greatness!” Beside this, various points used to argue the necessity for the existence of the EILA existence are not working or are no longer absolutely necessary: 3 of 6 All matters such as legal questions, VAT and tax questions cannot be treated by an international organisation, but only by national ones, which I think every country represented in the EILA has. Years ago events like working days, conferences and internal exhibitions were highly important for our professional education. Today such events are organised and open for a much wider public internationally. Let me mention as examples the 1987 Strad exhibition in Cremona, the 1998 Guarneri del Gesu exhibition in New York, the various activities and exhibitions in Cremona every year during Mondo Musica and the Tourte symposium and exhibition last year in London. Of course EILA members were involved in all these events, but not just them… Contact between colleagues: the world has become very small, travelling and also modern technical means of communicate have become very easy and less expensive. At the same time, the violin world in general has become very big. A very important number of makers, dealers and experts are also active and successful in our profession without being EILA members. Our biannual congresses, as here at Scottsdale, are of course still very important, but not only as social events. But knowing the immense work undertaken by a few people only, led by the President and investing a lot of time with such little success and feedback from the members like this year cannot be the goal for the future. You are all invited to participate in the afternoon discussions, to put forward your ideas, proposals, wishes and especially your arguments why we should rescue the EILA in a common interest, transforming it into a modern, functional organisation, without ignoring the ideas of our founder members. I’m prepared to put some practical proposals in this discussion, too. We have to revise and specify our goals, to review the articles, the functions of the administration and of the committee and - importantly - their duties. Our current President will serve for another period of two years. I learned that he will not be involved in the 2011 congress organisation; this should be a great opportunity to give him enough time to lead and execute, but importantly, also to communicate with his Vice-President, General Secretary, General Treasurer, Committee-Members and with all members to arrange these important points. Once this is done, it will make it much easier in the future for a member, nominated for a function, to execute his job perfectly and in a continuous way. But at least also important: I encourage every member to become a really active one. I know that my short statement from today has included some not so nice and provocative points. It was absolutely not my aim to insult or offend any of our members, but to demonstrate clearly the strength of my feelings about the very dangerous situation in which we find ourselves; believe me, the EILA is currently standing on very thin ice! I know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. 4 of 6 I would like to take this opportunity to thank our President, my old friend Paul Schuback, for all the work he did in cooperation with Jeanne and other people for this event here in Scottsdale, and I hope that the EILA member who will be asked to write a preface in the year 2025 for the 75 years jubilee of our association could use the following text: “Much more than 400 years have passed since the first Amatis and Gasparo da Salo, and 75 years since the founding of the EILA! Scarcely important historically, but nonetheless we are celebrating our Jubilee in this year 2025, and we should perhaps be proud of the way our professional activities and our international association have developed.” Additional remark: I wrote this text for the 50th jubilee publication in the year 2000, I only changed 50 to 75 and 2000 to 2025! I asked our President for the opportunity to present these personal reflections during the General Meeting, so it will be part of the written minutes, which all of the approximately 180 members will receive and hopefully, thinking positive, more than one of those 120 not present today will read it, perhaps with the feeling: “Les absents ont toujours tort!” (The absent are always in the wrong). So I used at least 5 words in French, the official EILA language. And as a tribute to our host country and its new President Barack Obama, one should add: “yes we can!”, not just lean back and think “yes weekend!” Thank you for your attention! 16. J.C. Graff speaks: EILA is current name – but it is really ENTENTE which means understanding. Thank you for participation in Strasbourg. Again we will brainstorm here. People don’t use the website. We have a big variety of interests Two parts – internal life and external image/activities of EILA -external possibilities: organize competitions/hiring musicians/EILA guarantees -internal issues: investing time and money in new techniques, creating a library, restorer v. new makers discussions Strengthening EILA identity – Camurat’s notes: Open or close group? Opening conferences to public? Publicity may be needed. Committee members to be involved, they are the heart of the organization. 5 of 6 17. Acknowledge Carl Becker’s attendance. 18. Charles Rufino is now the General Secretary of EILA 19. Afternoon meeting: divide into groups and discuss J.C. Graff will present summary of discussion 6 of 6