Tutorial: A comprehensive online learning module (course) that provides guidance in how to assemble and apply standards appropriate to the development of a product or process and that, when linked to a case illustration, demonstrates the selection and application of one or more standards. If the tutorial is successively linked to related case illustrations, it will illustrate the selection and application of standards to a domain (or class) of products or processes.
Tutorial Length: Estimated time for student to complete a tutorial: 45-60 minutes.
Approximately 25 screens of online material.
Case Illustration: A relatively short online learning module (course) that illustrates the need for, and application of, standards in the development of a product or process. The Case
Illustration should be tied to a tutorial module.
Case Illustrations generally include photos, diagrams, animation (and may include audio) that demonstrate how standards are applied to the product or service under consideration.
A case illustration describes the application of standards from some domain of standards and ties it to a realistic challenge with consideration of:
1) Need for standards in the domain;
2) statement of design or development task;
3) product, process, or service expectations;
4) identification of relevant standards; and
5) determination of design and development elements imposed by the standards.
Tutorial Length: Estimated. time for student to complete a tutorial: 30 minutes.
Approximately 12-15 screens of online material.
Primary Author (Subject Matter Expert):
Company and Title:
Phone: e-mail:
IEEE Affiliation (Society, Working Group):
Co- Author (Subject Matter Expert):
Company and Title:
Phone: e-mail:
IEEE Affiliation (Society, Working Group):
* When submitting proposal, please include a brief biography for each Author, including all IEEE affiliations and prior publications if applicable.
Please suggest three individuals qualified to peer review the tutorial/case study:
Peer Reviewer #1
Company Affiliation:
Phone & e-mail:
Is this person a member of the Working Group for the standard?
Peer Reviewer #2
Company Affiliation:
Phone & e-mail:
Is this person a member of the Working Group for the standard?
Peer Reviewer #3
Company Affiliation:
Phone & e-mail:
Is this person a member of the Working Group for the standard?
Are you proposing a Tutorial, Case Study, or Both?
If you are proposing a Tutorial only, could you recommend a subject matter expert(s) we could contact to develop associated Case Studies?
What standard or family of standards will be addressed by the tutorial/case study? Who is the Sponsor the standard(s)?
Please provide an overview of the topic and scope of coverage (including a brief outline if possible).
In what ways will the course(s) directly benefit the reader?
List specific academic and/or industry disciplines that will find your material of particular interest. Write out full name(s) rather than the acronym(s). (List in order of importance.)
What kind of academic preparation or work experience is assumed in order to understand the material?
Beginner: no background or minimal training is necessary to understand course material
Advanced Beginner: basic understanding of topic is necessary to follow course material
Intermediate: prior knowledge of topic is necessary to appreciate course material
Do you believe the course has classroom application possibilities? If yes, how would you classify it?
[ ] Supplemental information
[ ] Introductory information
[ ] Undergraduate level
[ ] Advanced Undergraduate or Graduate level
[ ] Continuing Education for Industry/User Groups
Please identify course titles in which your tutorial/case study could be used.
If applicable, please list the IEEE Societies whose members are a potential audience for your course. Kindly include the name(s) of any appropriate Society contact(s) relevant to this course. (List in order of importance.)
Please list any non-IEEE organizations, societies, educational institutions, etc., whose audience/members may be interested in this content. Use full names rather than acronyms. (List in order of importance.)
Please list professional conferences (both IEEE & non-IEEE) specifically targeted to the primary audience for your course. (List in order of importance.)
Was the content for the tutorial or case study previously presented at a conference, workshop or other venue?
If yes, please provide description:
Please describe the materials used (i.e., PowerPoint presentation, video clips, simulations, assessments, etc.)
Was the presentation captured on video and/or audio? Yes / No
Approximately how many people attended?
Is evaluation feedback available? Yes / No
Please submit proposal to:
Jennifer McClain
IEEE Standards Education Program Manager j.mcclain@ieee.org
(732) 562-6355