Tutorial planner (Word doc, 56 kB)

Inaugural IEEE PES 2005 Conference and Exposition in Africa

"A new contribution against global warming"

Introducing Africa's Electric Power Engineering Renaissance

July 11 - 15, 2005

University of Kwa- Zulu Natal

Durban, South Africa

Planning for Tutorials

General Guidelines

 Plan for ½ day tutorials only.

Limit the number of tutorials to six (6); to be scheduled over 2 days

Plan to add the IEEE PES Tutorial for Non Engineers on the Tuesday following the

Plenary Opening. This would be an extra and would not clash with the conference proceedings

There will be no payment to suppliers of tutorials.

All rights reserved and IEEE PES will publish the tutorials.

Delegates attending to be charged for lunch, teas and coffees plus a copy of the printed tutorial / CD disk.

Registration for Tutorials to be included on the registration form; On site late registration will also be provided.

Topics of Interest

Power System Engineering – Category Transmission Lines o Line Engineering Design offered by Eskom, South Africa

Power System Engineering – Category Substations o HVDC and FACTS offered by HVDC Center, University of Kwa Zulu Natal

Power System Operations – Category Modelling and Control o Computational Intelligence offered by Georgia Institute of Technology and

University of Missouri-Rolla

Power System Protection – Category Relaying and IEEE Standards o Generator Transformer Protection offered by Beckwith Electric

Customer Quality of Supply o Causes and Management of Voltage Dips offered by Eskom South Africa

Power System Economics o Short Term Energy Markets offered by the Southern African Power Pool and


Under New Technology o Pebble Bed Modular Nuclear Reactor Technology by the PBMR Company of


Planning for the Tutorial Days

Tuesday 12 July 2005

IEEE PES provided tutorial for non-engineers.

Thursday 14 July 2005

Thursday Morning Parallel Session

Pebble Bed Modular Nuclear Reactor Tutorial

The PBMR Company

IEEE Tutorial on Synchronous Generator Protection

Charles J. Mozina - Member of the IEEE Power System Relay Committee (PSRC) and the past chairman of the Rotating Machinery Subcommittee.

Thursday Afternoon Parallel Session

Transmission Line Engineering Design

Dr. Dhevaz Muftic: Eskom, South Africa

Computational Intelligence for Identification, Control and Optimisation of power Systems:

Generation and Transmission

Dr. Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy: University of Missouri-Rolla

Dr. Ron Harley: Georgia Institute of Technology

Friday 15 July 2005

Friday Morning Parallel Session

Customer Quality of Supply - Causes and Management of Voltage Dips offered by Eskom

South Africa

Robert Koch: Eskom, South Africa

Power System Economics: Short Term Energy Markets offered by the Southern African

Power Pool and Nordpool

Drs. Lawrence Musaba/ Knut Fossdal

Friday Afternoon Parallel Session

HVDC and FACTS offered by HVDC Center, University of Kwa Zulu Natal

Professors Nelson Ijumba and Antony Britten

Tutorial Abstracts






July 11-15, 2005, Durban, South Africa


Dr. Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy Senior Member , IEEE

Director of the Real-Time Power and Intelligent Systems Laboratory and Assistant Professor of

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, MO 65409, USA gkumar@ieee.org

Dr. Ronald G Harley, Fellow, IEEE

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA and University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa. ron.harley@ece.gatech.edu


Neural Networks

Fuzzy Logic

Evolutionary Computing

Swarm Intelligence

Adaptive Critic Designs

Nonlinear System identification

Adaptive Neurocontrol

Optimal Neurocontrol

FACTS Control

Power Systems Generation and Transmission Control

Optimization of Power System Controls


The objective of this tutorial is to expose researchers from the academia and industry to the field to computational intelligence and its applications in system identification/modeling, nonlinear control and optimization for power systems.

System characterization and identification are fundamental problems in systems theory. The identification problem is to infer relationships between the past data and future ones of unknown time series and dynamical systems. In both cases the ultimate goal is to provide a time-dependent model approximating the behavior of the system generating the data. In classical approaches the search for the optimal approximation model is carried out within a parameterized identification family (usually linear such as Moving Average (MA), Auto-Regressive (AR), and/or their combination ARMA for time-series or with an eXogenous (X) variable e.g., ARX or ARMAX for dynamical systems) and it is chosen to optimize a given figure of merit (e.g. a mean-squared error function). Because of its simplicity, a linear model does not always adequately approximate a generic nonlinear system

throughout its entire working environment. Therefore, to improve approximation accuracy, various solutions have been envisaged which generally encompass system linearization around a set of working points and expansions in series of functionals (e.g. Volterra’s series): the bottleneck with this is the computational load. Obviously, difficulties increase when the model ruling the system is unknown; in this case, the system needs to be treated as a black-box model.

For this purpose approximators like neural networks, fuzzy systems, because of their intrinsic nonlinearity and computational simplicity, are natural candidates to approximate a given model. In fact, the nonlinear parametric family obtainable with neural structures extends the linear one by nonlinear models; among them are the NAR and NARX subfamilies. Identification of dynamic systems with neural networks has been suggested for example by Narendra where, under the stationarity hypothesis for the system generating the data, it is shown how NARX neural networks are able to solve the problem. Neural networks of the multilayer feedforward and recurrent types are employed for systems identification.

Nonlinear control has been proposed using intelligent systems such as neural networks, fuzzy, reinforcement learning and many others using inverse models, direct/indirect adaptive, or cloning a linear controller. There are merits for each approach adopted. There is a wide-gap between applications of these methods in real time and in simulation. Issues such as stability, processor speeds, learning time, types of training algorithms etc. arise when it comes to real time implementations.

Adaptive Critic designs are neural networks capable of optimization over time under conditions of noise and uncertainty. The optimization technique is based on a combination of the concept of reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming. The Adaptive Critic method determines an optimal control law for a system by successively adapting two artificial neural networks, an action network (which dispenses the control signals) and a critic network (which ‘learns’ the desired performance index for some function associated with the performance index).

Swarm intelligence based algorithms are powerful where a team effort is required to achieve a local or a global task. The communication among agents using the particle swarm optimization algorithm is fast and convergence of the algorithm on suitable selection of its parameters can be achieved.

The primary aim of this tutorial is to provide control and system engineers/researchers from industry/academia, new to the field of computational intelligence with the fundamentals required to benefit from and contribute to the rapidly growing field of intelligent systems. In particular, a clear understanding of the different strategies for designing intelligent identifiers and controllers will be developed by means of examples for the electric power system.





July 11-15, 2005, Durban, South Africa


Robert Koch

Corporate Consultant: Power Quality, Eskom Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Resources & Strategy Division,

Johannesburg, South Africa robert.koch@eskom.co.za


The causes and propagation of voltage dips (sags) in power systems

Voltage dip (sag) measurement and assessment standards and guidelines

The impact of voltage dips (sags) on industrial plant

Voltage dip (sag) testing

Solutions to voltage dip (sag) problems

Simulation of voltage dip (sag) performance

International approaches to the management of voltage dips (sags)

Economic considerations


Together with supply interruptions, voltage dips are one of the primary concerns of industrial, commercial, and agricultural customers as far as power quality is concerned. The objective of this tutorial is to expose practitioners and researchers to the state of the art in voltage dip management – from the perspectives of a wires company (transmission & distribution), a customer, a supplier of enduse equipment, a retail company, and a Regulator.

Significant developments in international approaches to dip characterization and management have occurred in the last five years. These impact the manner in which plants are designed and operated, and the manner in which voltage dip performance is reported and managed by the supplier (wires company and retailer)

The tutorial focuses on the technical responsibilities and options that each of the role players (a wires company, a customer, a supplier of end-use equipment, a retail company, and a Regulator) have in managing dip performance and impacts.

The technical interaction of system faults and equipment connected to the power system is reviewed both theoretically and through examples of practical measurements. In particular, the various factors that impact the immunity of customer equipment (motor contactors, variable speed drives etc) are detailed. Simulation techniques are discussed.

The tutorial makes use of case study reference material, dip measurements, and laboratory test results to explore actual performance levels and solutions.

Guidelines and standards relating to voltage dips in power quality standards and recommendations

(IEEE, IEC, SEMI, CIGRE, CENELEC and NRS) are reviewed. Approaches taken by wires companies and regulators in addressing voltage dips are also discussed.

Economic considerations relating to voltage dip management are reviewed.



Robert Koch is a professional engineer and an active member of various international power quality committees and working groups: IEC 77A Working Group 8 (Convenor), IEC 77A Working Group 9,

Cigré Study Committee C4 - System Technical Performance (PQ Advisory Group convener and member of various working groups), and member of the NRS 048 Working Group - Power Quality

Standards. He is the recipient of a Cigré Technical Committee Award for his contribution to the work of Cigré Study Committee C4, the SABS / Eskom award for contributions to power quality standardization, and the SAIEE/ABB Young Achievers Award for his contributions to power quality management in South Africa. He has published over 70 local and international journal, magazine, and conference publications related to power quality. He regularly presents courses and tutorials on power quality management throughout the world. He has M.Eng and B.Eng degrees from the University of




July 11-15, 2005, Durban, South Africa

IEEE Tutorial on Synchronous Generator Protection


Charles J. Mozina

Member of the IEEE Power System Relay Committee (PSRC) and the past chairman of the

Rotating Machinery Subcommittee .


This intensive full day tutorial seminar will build the background you need to understand the complex subject of generation protection, even if you have a limited knowledge of protective relaying.

Generators, whether large or small need to be protected not only from internal short circuits, but from abnormal operation conditions, such as overexcitation, overvoltage, loss-of-field, unbalanced currents, reverse power, and abnormal frequency. When subjected to these conditions, damage or complete failure can occur within seconds, requiring automated detection and tripping. This tutorial addresses the methods, practices and industry standards used to provide the electrical protection of generators. This includes a discussion of insurance implications on generator protection. The IEEE Power System Relay

Committee developed this tutorial which will be modified to highlight international generator protection practices.


Engineers, technical personnel and operators involved in the design, engineering, operation, and maintenance of generators in power plants.


Introduction-basic concepts, industry standards and generator grounding, hybrid grounding

Generator stator phase fault protection

Generator turn- to- turn fault detection

Field ground protection

Stator ground fault protection—Hybrid generator grounding protection

Abnormal frequency protection/ Low frequency relay response

Overexcitation/overvoltage protection

VT signal loss protection

Loss-of-field protection

Out-of-step protection

Negative sequence (current unbalance) protection

System backup

Off-line generator inadvertent energizing

Generator breaker failure

Generator tripping/shutdown options

MATERIALS: An 80 page IEEE tutorial book will be provided to each


Charles J. Mozina

Chuck Mozina is a Consultant for Beckwith Electric. He is an active 20-year member of the IEEE

Power System Relay Committee (PSRC) and is the past chairman of the Rotating Machinery

Subcommittee. He is active in the IEEE IAS I&CPS and PPIC committees, which address industrial system protection. He is a former U.S. representative to the CIGRE Study Committee 34 on System

Protection and has chaired a CIGRE working group on generator protection. He also chaired the IEEE task force that produced the tutorial “The Protection of Synchronous Generators,” which won the

PSRC’s 1997 Outstanding Working Group Award. Chuck is the 1993 recipient of the Power System

Relay Committee’s Career Service Award and he recently received the 2002 IAS I&CPS Ralph Lee

Prize Paper Award. His papers have been republished in the IAS Industrial Applications Magazine.

Chuck has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and is a graduate of the eight month GE Power System Engineering Course. He has authored a number of papers and magazine articles on protective relaying. He has over 25 years of experience as a protection engineer at

Centerior Energy, a major investor-owned utility in Cleveland, Ohio where he was the Manager of the

System Protection Section. In that capacity he was responsible for the electrical protection of the

Companies generating plants as well as the transmission and distribution system that served over 1.2 million customers. For the past ten years he was employed by Beckwith Electric, a manufacture of protective relays, as Application Manager for Protection Products. He is also a former instructor in the

Graduate School of Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University as well as a registered

Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio.

Other Abstracts Requested: To Follow