The Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI) is a private organization established on July 30, 2004. It is composed of young and dynamic social entrepreneurs who were previously employed in non-government organizations. SEDPI’s niche is to provide management services for microfinance institutions and microenterprises. To date, SEDPI has reached out to 120 microfinance institutions in the Philippines, Pakistan, Laos and Cambodia. Vision: Sustainable social enterprise for the economic empowerment of the poor in the Philippines Mission: To be the leading capability-building institution providing innovative and excellence-driven services for microfinance stakeholders. Institutional Values: Social Entrepreneurship Shared Leadership and Teamwork Commitment to Innovation and Excellence Honesty and Transparency Ateneo – Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights, Quezon City Most of the resource persons of the Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services of the Ateneo de Manila University are from SEDPI. The Microfinance Capacity Building Services aims to extend capacity building interventions designed to meet specific needs of microfinance stakeholders Asia. It also plans to establish knowledge resource base to facilitate dissemination of information; updates and trends in the microfinance industry. The Ateneo de Manila University is the premier private university in the Philippines. It seeks to form persons who, following the teachings and example of Christ, will devote their lives to the service of their fellowmen and, through the promotion of justice, serve especially those who are most in need of help: the poor and the powerless. The Development Studies Program seeks to form competent development professionals who are able to analyze changing social conditions, and effectively contribute to the continuing effort to improve Philippine society. The Consuelo Foundation and Peace and Equity Foundation have sponsored participants from all over the Philippines to attend the training programs. International participants have attended the training programs and an increasing number of participants from Asian and African countries have expressed interest to attend. Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services delivers services in English and are designed both for local and international microfinance stakeholders. SEDPI SERVICES Organizational Appraisal pertains to the diagnosis of an organization’s financial performance, human resource management, information systems, products and services, governance structure, marketing and general operations. The end goal of the appraisal is to determine capabilitybuilding intervention needs as identified by the organization and expert’s recommendations on relevant interventions. Customized Training is developed to suit the needs of organizations. A Training Needs Assessment is employed to exactly determine gaps that need to be addressed. Customized training is more cost effective on a per participant ratio. At the same time, interventions directly address gaps to improve institutional policies and practices in operations. MFIs have the option to receive Ateneo certificates for customized training. Technical and Mentoring Assistance is delivered on a mentor-learner approach. Capabilitybuilding interventions are customized to the needs of clients. SEDPI social entrepreneurs closely supervise and monitor an institution’s progress towards sustainability. SEDPI facilitates Strategic Planning process that undergoes thorough external and internal analysis. The end product is a medium-term plan that specifies the vision, mission, objectives, key result areas, performance indicators, strategies, programs, activities, tasks and resource requirements. It also conducts researches that employ scientific methods in microfinance and microenterprises. SEDPI has recently ventured to software development. It envisions to provide affordable off-the-shelf software that provides extensive information system solution to microfinance solutions. TRACK RECORD 2006 Projects Implemented A training and mentoring assistance was conducted in Tagbilaran, Bohol with Process-Bohol on January. The training and mentoring assistance provided enlightenment to management staff and officers as to Process-Bohol’s strategic positioning in microfinance. The first training for the year of the Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services was also conducted. The Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement – Camiguin Branch, Cotabato Branch and Stichting Kapatiran Philippines contracted SEDPI to provide training and mentoring assistance to their management staff and officers. During the training, both organizations were able to install an efficient bookkeeping system for client’s individual ledgers using SEDPI’s color-coded bookkeeping system. They were also able to measure the magnitude of delinquency of their respective organizations. The three organizations have also finished conducting their market research. SEDPI assisted the organizations in interpreting the market research results. These were used to craft the product manual of the organization. The delinquency rate of the organizations has been steadily declining in the past three months. A financial performance monitoring system is also being installed. SEDPI has recently concluded documenting microfinance best practices of cooperatives in the Philippines. The research project was carried out in partnership with the National Confederation of Cooperatives, the largest national federation of cooperatives in the Philippines. SEDPI regularly extends capacity building services to organizations that the Peace and Equity Foundation supports. These include appraisals, mentoring assistances and subsector research. Plan International has also accessed the services of SEDPI to evaluate their village-banking model in Isabela in partnership with Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. It is currently facilitating community-based business planning for microenterprises in Plan International’s project units. An impact assessment has also been held for Good Shepherd Home in Legaspi and the Financial Systems Approach of Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. in partnership with Plan International. It is currently conducting another impact assessment with Barangka Credit Cooperative through the Peace and Equity Foundation. The Bank of the Philippine Islands Foundation is currently under negotiation with SEDPI through Ateneo de Manila University to implement a capacity building based loans. The partnership aims to bridge the gap of capacity among microfinance institutions to enable them to access larger loan funds that will ultimately benefit the poor. Summary of Trainings Held (2006) Organization Process – Bohol Held in Ateneo de Manila University PRRM-Camiguin and Kapatiran Philippines Tribal Leaders Development Foundation, Inc. Magsaka-CA and Malaya Ka Held in Ateneo de Manila University PRRM-Camiguin, PRRMCotabato and Kapatiran Philippines Anak Dagat MPC Held in Ateneo de Manila University PRRM-Camiguin, PRRMCotabato and Kapatiran Philippines PALFSI Held in Ateneo de Manila University Plan International Simbag sa Pag-asenso Training Course Delinquency Management with Mentoring Assistance Financial Analysis Date January 4 – 8 Fundamentals and Principles of Microfinance with Mentoring Assistance Mentoring Assistance Phase 1 January 24 – 28 Mentoring Assistance Final Phase Managing, Supervising and Developing MFI Staff Financial Product Design and Development February 6 – 11 February 16 – 18 Mentoring Assistance Phase 5 Information System Training Fundamentals and Principles of Microfinance Product Design and Development Delinquency Management with Mentoring Assistance February 28 March 23 – 25 April 6 – 8 April 20 – 22 April 24 – 28 Monitoring and Evaluation Training Delinquency Management Training May 4 – 6 May 11 – 13 Community-Based Participatory Business Planning for Microenterprises Delinquency Management Training May 17 – 20 January 19 – 21 January 30 – February 2 February 21 – 25 May 29 – 31 2005 Projects Implemented SEDPI has implemented five public courses with the Ateneo de Manila University. The overwhelming acceptance and satisfaction of participants led to the formalization of the Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services. A total of 52 organizations have attended the course with an average of 25 participants per training. Both local and international microfinance stakeholders have attended the courses. Customized training programs have been implemented as soon as the Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services was launched. These were conducted in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The participants received Ateneo certificates. Summary of Trainings Held (2005) Organization See List of Participating Organizations Alay Buhay Community Development Foundation Mindanao Capital Corporation Sustainable Economic Activity Development Kanlungan Centre Foundation See List of Participating Organizations Training Course Fundamentals and Methodologies in Microfinance Financial Product Design and Development Delinquency Management Financial Analysis Delinquency Management Date April 7 – 9 April 21 – 23 May 12 – 14 May 26 – 28 July 14 – 16 Delinquency Management Financial Product Design and Development August 30 – September 2 September 19 - 21 Strengthening Microfinance Operations Delinquency Management September – October December 8 – 10 SEDPI facilitated the crafting of Kasanyangan Mindanao Foundation – Microfinance Program in Zamboanga City from May – June 2005. It has also evaluated and assisted in the development of its microinsurance product. In November, SEDPI assisted the same organization to craft a capacity building proposal proposal with a donor organization based in the Netherlands. The funds have been released and the proceeds of the grant amounting to approximately PhP3 Million (USD60,000) are used to buy additional equipment and contract the services of the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development. The National Confederation of Cooperatives, the Philippine’s largest federation of cooperatives contracted SEDPI’s services in October to document microfinance best practices of Philippine cooperatives. The research involved three leading cooperatives – Novaliches development Cooperative, Barangka Multipurpose Cooperative and Panabo Multipurpose Cooperative. The research aims to design appropriate microfinance service delivery for Philippine cooperatives. In December, SEDPI facilitated a workshop with the Christian Children’s Fund (CCF). The workshop aimed to provide strategic planning inputs for CCF’s Microenterprise Development program. In the same month, SEDPI was invited as a reactor to MFI partners of Consuelo Foundation during its annual general assembly. Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF) is one of SEDPI’s largest clients. SEDPI was able to implement several projects with PEF last year. It has implemented a Training and Mentoring Assistance to five organizations in Southern Luzon – Sandigan ng Magsasaka, Malayang Lapian ng Kababihan, Magsaka-CA and Joint Enterprise Development for the Indigent. PEF Luzon Regional Office supports all these organizations. Two of the organizations are currently undergoing rehabilitation. SEDPI also provided mentoring services to Anak Dagat Multipurpose Cooperative (ADMPC), a PEF Luzon Regional Office supported cooperative. ADMPC, as a small cooperative, has demonstrated improvement in its Portfolio at Risk Ratio from 74% to 17%. For 2005, ADMPC was able to post modest financial performance compared to industry standards. A subsector research to identify the appropriate interventions needed to support coastal-based microenterprise was also implemented in Iloilo, Bohol and eastern Samar. The output of the research is now being used to implement identified interventions that goes beyond microfinance. SEDPI has also conducted appraisals to seven microfinance institutions for PEF. PROFILE OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS Mr. Mariel Vincent A. Rapisura is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Social Enteprise Development Partnerships, Inc. He holds a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship for Social and Development Workers from the Asian Institute of Management. He is currently enrolled at the Southern New Hampshire University in the United States of America to complete another Masters Program in Microenterprise Development. In a span of 18 months, he was able to grow the portfolio of a microfinance program seven-fold from PhP 16 million to PhP 134 million. At the same time, he reduced the Portfolio at Risk Ratio from 54% to 0%. Mr. Rapisura was also chosen as the national leader of the Philippine delegation to Japan’s 21st Century Renaissance Leadership Program. Aside from this, he was granted a scholarship by the Netherlands Embassy to study Rural and Agricultural Finance in the Netherlands. Mr. Rapisura’s fields of expertise are on social entrepreneurship, financial analysis and conducting mentoring assistance to microfinance institutions and micro-enterprises. He has conducted and facilitated various researches in the areas of impact assessment, client satisfaction and program evaluations. Mr. Rapisura also teaches social entrepreneurship and microfinance at the Ateneo de Manila University. He also leads the Development Studies Program’s Microfinance Capacity Building Services that has reached out to 87 MFIs in the Philippines, Pakistan, Cambodia and Laos. Ms. Agnes B. Raña – Chairperson has a 20-year experience in the social development world. She has been trained in Malaysia and the United States. Ms. Raña has worked in Vietnam and for an ADB project in East Timor. She is a mentor and trainer. Her expertise includes institutional building and delivering capability-building interventions. Ms. Raña is now the representative of Asia in the pool of trainers of Development Alternatives International, an international consulting firm. Mr. Edwin Salonga is a current lecturer at the University of the Philippine’s Extension Programs in Subic and Clark. Mr. Salonga teaches graduate students taking up business and public management. He graduated Cum Laude in his bachelor’s degree and now holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from the University of the Philippines. He has likewise conducted performance appraisals and mentoring assistance to microfinance institutions and has written papers on microfinance for his doctoral program. Mr. Salonga’s expertise is on organizational development in government and development organizations. He is responsible in developing training manuals and materials for the Ateneo Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services. Mr. Salonga has been consistently evaluated and awarded as excellent in his conduct and delivery of training and mentoring services to MFIs. Ms. Trina Pineda worked as a volunteer of the Jesuit Volunteers of the Philippines for two years and was posted in Mindanao. She has also worked for the same organization for two years while taking her masters degree in industrial psychology at the Ateneo de Manila University. She is currently working on the enhancement of human resource practices of Meriam College. Ms. Pineda adds her expertise on research methods and statistical analysis to SEDPI. Her industrial psychology background and extensive experience on research work were applied in the course of SEDPI’s conduct of impact assessment with Good Shepherd Home’s and Plan International’s microfinance initiatives. Ms. Emilenn Kate D.S. Sacdalan is SEDPI’s program officer. She graduated with two majors at the Ateneo de Manila University – Development Studies and Economics. She has worked on a research project commissioned by the National Confederation of Cooperatives to document microfinance best practices. At the same time, she was also able to deliver training events with SEDPI in Metro Manila, La Union, Cotabato, Camiguin and Bohol. Ms. Aleli I. Silva is a software developer by profession. She has designed and rolled out several software applications to various industries. Recently, she was part of a team in developing an application for the Philippine Business for Social Progress, one of the biggest non-government organizations in the Philippines. Ms. Silva has designed a loan monitoring system that produces timely, accurate and relevant reports to prevent delinquency and aid in decision-making. Ms. Diana Rodriguez has a degree in Social Work. She has recently been trained in Bangladesh to master the Association for Social Advancement’s microfinance methodology. She has also served the British Volunteer Service Organization and was posted for a year in Nigeria. Ms. Rodriguez has an extensive experience in community organizing and project implementation. Ms. Raquel Reyes is a current lecturer at the De La Salle University. She has a degree in Social Work from the University of the Philippines. Ms. Reyes is a prolific writer and has an extensive experience in project assessments in the development world. She once carried out assessing microfinance institutions all over the Philippines for the Department of Agrarian Reform. Ms. Reyes was also trained in India for Financial Analysis under the supervision of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest. Ms. Aida Batingan holds her expertise in bookkeeping and auditing. Her expertise is on strengthening internal controls in administrative policies and procedures. Training Modules Ateneo-Development Studies Microfinance Capacity Building Services Fundamentals and Methodologies in Microfinance Risk Management, Internal Control and Audit Delinquency Management Financial Analysis Managing, Developing and Supervising MFI Staff Information System in Microfinance Market-Based Financial Product Design and Development Designing and Implementing Microinsurance Savings and Product Costing Marketing Microfinance Products and Services Social Entrepreneurship Business Planning for Microenterprises