From Prentice Hall…

Prentice Hall
Review Questions
R. Glenn Hubbard, Columbia University
Tony O’Brien, Lehigh University
Matt Rafferty, Quinnipiac University
Please return to: *as you complete each chapter’s review* with all
chapters complete by April 23rd, 2010
Please answer the questions below for each individual chapter.
1. Chapter Introduction
The authors open each chapter with real-world material to help pique student interest and highlight that
the material relates to economic activity they hear about in their lives. The opener is sometimes drawn
from the business world and sometimes drawn from a policy topic. The authors revisit the example in
several places in the chapter to reinforce the link between macroeconomics and the real world.
a. Do the current openers fit well in their chapters? If not, please recommend a replacement, keeping in
mind that the authors will need to revisit that topic within the chapter.
b. If you like the current opener, please identify if the authors can improve how they integrate the topic of
the opener within the chapter.
Are there any topics missing from the chapter?
Are there any topics the authors should either delete or trim back?
Are there any sections that are too wordy?
3. Accuracy
Please identify any problems with the accuracy in the text, figures, figure captions, or equations. Note
that the Pearson art department will render the graphs in color once they are final.
4. Math
a. Is the presentation of the math appropriate for your class? If not, is the presentation too high or too
b. How can the authors improve the presentation of the math? Please be as specific as possible and
include page numbers if possible. For example, do the authors need more explanation leading up to an
equation? Do they need to cut some derivations of equations or move derivations to a footnote or
appendix? Etc.
5. End-of-Chapter Review Questions, Analytical Problems, Data Problems
a. How does the quality of questions and problems compare to those in the intermediate macro book you
now use?
___Prefer my current book’s questions and problems
___Prefer the Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty questions and problems
___No preference: the questions and problems in my current book and Hubbard are comparable
b. If you prefer your current book’s questions and problems, please explain why.
c. What changes should Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty make to their questions and problems? Please be as
specific as possible.
d. Identify any key concept within the chapter that is not properly reinforced by questions and problems.
e. Identify any questions or problems that test a concept the authors have not discussed in the chapter.
6. Strengths & Weaknesses
Please list the major strengths and weaknesses of each chapter.
7. Ranking of Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty
Using the scale of 1-5 noted below, please rank each chapter:
5 = Excellent / “This chapter is a superior supplement to my teaching and a superior aid to my students.”
4 = Very Good / “This chapter is an above average supplement to my teaching and an above average aid
to my students in learning the necessary material."
3 = Adequate / “This chapter covers the necessary material, but it is on par with others in the market.”
2 = Poor / “This chapter does not adequately cover the necessary material.”
1 = Unacceptable / “This chapter is a detriment to the teaching and learning process.”
8. Ranking of the Book You Now Use in Class
a. Which book do you use in class?
b. Using the scale of 1-5 noted above for question 6, please rank the comparable chapter in the book you
now use.
Please answer the question below based on the batch of chapters you are reviewing
9. Using the scale of 1-5 noted below, please rank how likely you are to switch from the book you now
use to Hubbard/O'Brien/Rafferty when it is available in published book form with a full set of
supplements, including the online tutorial program, MyEconLab:
5 = Will adopt
4 = Very likely to adopt
3 = Likely to adopt
2 = Somewhat likely to adopt
1 = Not likely to adopt
Briefly explain your selection.
10. Describing the book….
How would you describe Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty to a colleague? “Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty is the
book that…..”