Indecent Proletarian Sci-Fi Roleplaying Game
Author: Briza von der Lagerbauer (1.2.2002)
Translation, support and occasional co-author: Sir Jake mcHill (20.7.2003)
Contents 2/63
Character 3/63
Rules of the game are not too clearly explained (or translated either), so understanding the game mechanics may require prior experience of RPGs
It does not matter if the circumstances of the game are physically, biologically or historically probable, as long as they are somehow logically possible. Proles uses mostly D6 and D20. In addition, D100 is sometimes required.
(Translators remark: Warning! This game is extremely Satanic, vulgarly chauvinistic, lewdly obscene, atrociously violent, ardently Nazist and anti-Semitic and contains extremely distasteful satirical depictions of historical persons living or supposedly dead. It may offend the strongest sensibilities and confound the most steadfast mind. What follows is a bunch of very distasteful, mind-twisting rubbish and cruel jokes about public personages and humanity in general. If it feels very funny, you may need to seek professional help. Knowing this and being ready to read a text whose meaning is to ridicule, offend and slander simply everything and everyone in or out of existence, you may proceed further.
If you are offended by the following content, write us a letter. I’m sure we’ll find it extremely hilarious.)
Typical character is a real Aryan man. Of course you are given complete freedom choosing your character type. Nerds, pygmies and baboons are recommended.
Character is composed of four basic statistics.
Movement for equal character creation requires the players to throw 3D6 for each of their statistics
Reflects character’s health, stamina and strength.
How dexterous, fast and agile the character is.
Intuition, memory and logical capacity.
Self-control, courage and presence.
There are four genders: (1-2) male, (3-4) female, (5) neuter and (6) hermaphrodite, throw D6 (or choose if GM is feeling particularly generous).
Characters usually start actively raising hell when 2D6+15 years of age.
It is usual to be born in Germany, but other countries are possible.
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Character’s personality
In Proles, describing the character’s personality can be a difficult prospect. Personality is composed of Mind, Empathy and Fanaticisms.
Mind is character’s state of mind and clarity or cloudiness of thought. Starting level is 3D6+WIL modifier.
Mind reduction
Below are some examples of things that can lead to Mind reduction. Test Zen skill. If the test fails, Mind is lowered one point. If the test fails by over 5, Mind is lowered by 2 points.
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When Mind is lowered by over a point, a shock follows. Shock is so called ’quiet moment’ which goes on for D6 minutes. Release from shock usually feels euphoric, which may raise Empathy for 1 point (chance is 1/6).
Raising Mind
Below are things that may raise the Mind. Make a Zen skill test. If test fails, mind is raised by one point, if it fails by more than 5 points Mind is raised by two points.
Over a point rise in Mind leads to a Trance. In Trance, you sense without suffering for D6 minutes, which often feels very purposeful. Coming down from a trance is very depressing and may lower Empathy for a point (chance 1/6).
Successful therapy (psychoanalysis-skill test) can raise or lower Mind. This however requires psychedelic drugs and therapy sessions.
Empathy is character’s sociability; openness and ability to sense emotions. Starting level is 3D6+INT modifier.
Lowering Empathy
Below are some examples of things that can lead to lowered empathy. Test Dianetics(skill). If the test fails, Empathy is lowered one point. If the test fails by over 5, Empathy is lowered by 2 points.
If Empathy is lowered for more than one point, there are often hysterics, character begins running amok for 1D6 minutes. Recovering from hysteria is often felt as psychologically unfettering and as such, can raise the Mind by one point (chance 1/6)
Raising Empathy
Below are some things that may raise Empathy. Make a Dianetics skill check, if it fails empathy is raised by one point, if failed by more than 5 points, Empathy is lowered by 2.
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If Empathy is raised by over one point, he either has an orgasm or behaves like a loon. This ecstatic state goes on for D6 minutes. Coming back from this state is often felt as anxious, which may lower Mind by one point (say, 1/6)
Successful therapy (psychology-skill check) can raise or lower empathy. Sometimes a cauterization treatment (Treating the brain with red-hot irons) is necessary.
Character begins his life with D6 fanaticisms. Always when character has to make a decision about something that is associated with one of his fanaticisms, he has to test against his demonology skill. If he fails, he has to behave as ordained by the stupid fanaticism. Beings that have
Willpower of 20 and any fanaticism are called saints.
Common Fanaticisms:
Character can also believe in something insane, like being persecuted, sick, or being afraid of the foam of piss.
Fanaticisms can be consciously altered, for example with psychoanalysis (hypnosis-suggestion)
If character can get rid of all his Fanaticisms, he starts to show signs of being a real Ũ bermensch
Hit Points
Character can take his constitution score in damage (=Hit Points). When Hit Points fall to zero or below, character dies.
Targets armor points are reduced from the incoming damage.
Character is naturally healed by d3 points in a day when resting, if active d3-2 points.
Bleeding: from getting 5 to 10 point wound character has to test his CON or starts to get 1 point of damage every round; 10 point or bigger wounds bleed 3 points every round.
Characters suffer d6 points of damage for each 3 meters fallen.
Normal acids do d3 points of damage per round for d6 rounds after contact.
Characters can hold their breath for 2d6 + CON modifier rounds. After that character suffers d6 points of damage every d6 rounds.
This damage can “subdue” character.
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Small fires, like torches cause d3 points of damage. If character is engulfed by fire, he will get d6 points of damage per round for d6 rounds. Burned in bonfire causes 2d6 damage per round.
Most poisons will kill character in d6 rounds if he fails CON test.
Character can move his DEX meters in a round when walking. Running speed is DEX times 3.
Skills are tested by testing the ability associated with the skill. Skills have to be bought with experience. If character has not bought the skill, test is made with half the ability. You can buy a skill over and over again, getting a cumulative +1 bonus to your skill checks.
Skill list :
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Forbidden skills
Radiation and overall weirdness has built the human body to an unnatural direction. Characters may naturally buy forbidden skills. It is forbidden to use them in backward and conservative circles even when there is nothing strange about them.
Buying forbidden skills may lead to mutation. Chance on D6: price 100=1, 200=1-2 and 300=1-3.
Tests 10/63
Warning: understanding tests requires an inordinate amount of intelligence. Usage of common sense recommended.
Success tests
You add difficulty to ability/skill to be tested, and then throw D20; if the result is under or exactly the modified skill, it is successful.
If you wish to know how well you did, check by how many points you did. If you threw exactly the required roll, you succeeded critically.
In the case of tested skill being over 20, skill points over 20 are added to the roll and critical results on the roll of 20 or over.
Opposition tests
Both throw D20, the one who makes his roll by wider margin succeeds. If both fail, larger roll succeeds. Critical wins always. If both roll a critical, an astounding, but unnecessary display of skill forces all spectators to stand with their mouths open for one round (stun all spectators for 1 r)
Skill checks
Skill checks can be success- or combat tests. Value to be tested is the statistic associated with skill. If one does not have the skill, half the value.
If the skill has been bought more than once, each time gives a cumulative bonus of +1 to skill.
Difficulty levels:
Remember this: Each point of value over 10 gives +1 modifier to tests and every point less than 10 gives –1 modifier to tests.
Modifiers are counted from the appropriate value, for example: CON score to damage modifier.
Initiative:[DEX- modifier] + [weapon init.] + D20. Highest result goes first.
Thrown weapons, firearms and bows
Difficulty of the shot is mainly influenced by distance and visibility. Damage is also affected by the firing range.
Automatic, multishot and burst weapons
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Automatic weapons are indicated with an asterisk “*” in the weapons list Initiative. Automatic fire takes number of bullets declared by the shooter, up to the maximum salvo of the gun (which is shown in brackets next to the asterisk). Skill test is rolled normally, but the number of hits target gets is the amount of points that the skill roll is under the required score to hit.
Guns indicated with two asterisks “**” in the weapons list Initiative can be used to fire more than once in a round, as most of them have more than one barrel. Separate skill test is made for each firing. Maximum range width is 90 degrees if shot at different targets.
Guns with burst fire always fires 6 shots and target takes d6 hits with successful fire skill test. Either burst fire weapons’ ammo round contains 6 bullets or pressing a trigger always releases this amount of bullets. Burst fire capability is mentioned as “(b” in weapons list Special.
In all cases, armor protects separatedly against each hit.
Melee/unarmed combat
Melee- and unarmed combat utilises a combat test if opponent tries to block or dodge the attack.
Each 5 kgs of weight carried reduces dodge by 1 point.
Using two melee weapons. Both hands have -1 penalty to hit, in addition to left hand penalty of -3. Take separate initiatives for both weapons with –1 modifier for both.
Critical hit
Critical hit results when to hit roll is exactly the required amount or when the skill is over 20, on result 20 or over. Damage from critical hit is multiplied by two. Critical hits also damage target’s armor protection by 1 point.
Character has to make a targeted hit with blunt weapon to head with -5 penalty. In addition to normal damage the target has to test his CON reduced by the damage taken. Helmets provide +10 bonus to the test. If the test fails, target falls unconscious for damage amount number of rounds.
Game master rewards players with experience points which can be used for various things detailed below.
Beginning experience
Starting characters get (2d20+WIL modifier)x10 points of experience.
Buying skills
Skills are bought with the cost of the skill. You can buy a skill over and over again, getting a cumulative +1 bonus to your skill checks.
Raising statistics
Raising a statistic takes its value times 10 experience points.
With Mind times 10 experience characters can have or get rid of desired fanaticism.
Enlightenment is nice, so it also raises empathy by one.
Experience amounts
Recommendable amount of experience per adventure is around 30 points, depending of course what characters experience. Successful tests
~5, killing ~10, decent roleplaying ~15, finishing a goal ~20, religious awakening ~25, running Amok ~50, dying ~100.
The abrasive world of final times 12/63
The insanity of the living world has reached the point where citizens of the world have become indecent. They have abandoned all honesty. Noone cares about the drained junkies, freaks, commies, pygmies, nerds, mutants, cultists, ghouls, lycanthropes or whores - or in other words – normal citizens. God and Devil reject mortals if they can. Their insensible motives drive the least of the souls to ends of hellishness, to a state in which all is lost. Year is 2007, you are in Berlin and things are truly not well. Hell has opened, there is betrayal and lusting going on, suffering and meanness can be found, and horrors and unrest are sawn everywhere. Citizens live only to survive for tomorrow, caring a little, questioning nothing, and just trying to continue their former routines, sensibilities dimming and suffering alone in their personal hells.
The violent upheaval which was the result of the alien races so obnoxiously appearing, has made the entire concept of holiness to disappear.
Nothing is true and everything is allowed. Truth only serves the strongest.
The history of the final times
In the year 1996 everything started to change most unsettlingly.
What led to that which was going to come:
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Organizations and other such things
The abrasive world of final times
Different exciting and mysterious groups and orders are very popular in the future.
New world order
World is being led around by Illuminated Daan(Ancient devilish order). Illuminated Daan-order (or party) has for years affected politics from behind the curtains – sometimes very rudely. With its vandals and busy mercenaries the order sows discord and self-deceit everywhere. All are to whore themselves, everybody has to be on sale and all have to jump to the other side. Only those with no shame can momentarily deflect the inordinate reality.
In the beginning of the millennium, the discontent in democracy led to the establishment of German dystopic imperium. The bold people of
Germany remembered their old days of glory and new national movements gained popularity. In the year 2000 the leader of illuminated daan,
Castor Hohenstauf was crowned as the emperor of the new German imperium, and one of his sect leaders was chosen as the general secretary of UN. The power of Illuminated Daan grew out of hand and the great upheaval happened – the rest is history.
Since -96 Terra has known several new alien races. Their appearance was the shock that started the final times. Alien’s plans for earth seem to be dishonourable and they may secretly be on the side of Satan.
Large bodied, three-legged, three-eyed and completely wacked-out beings; their colour is black. Their leaders have a large spherical object where their heads should be. They came here to warn us about Mekolites who were approaching earth.
Thiamata have been around us for thousands of years. They have boldly masqueraded as humans and eaten them when they happen to wish.
They haven’t cared about earth’s philosophies, which they sometimes run across, but give themselves completely to Thiamatism, life in insectlike society fulfilling their role in it.
Thiamata like to dress themselves according to human culture, and try to blend to the mass. Usually they wear jumpsuits and false moustaches.
These days they do not care much about hiding their true appearance.
Thiamata have nicely soft and warm tummy, it is slightly fuzzy and it is nice to touch.
They are telepathic, and have other strange abilities like mind-reading and ability to alter their physical size.
Thiamata and Epsios are old allies as nations.
CON 17, DEX 6, INT 12, WIL 18. Skills: Driving, Anthropology, Astronomy, Appraisal, Biology, Diagnosis, Dianetics, Electronics, Geology,
Chemistry, Torture, Languages (at least 8), High mathematics, Fucking, Read/write, Disguise, Acting, Hiding, Persuasion.
Mystical alien race. Detonics resemble like an enormous hairy pus-excreting filthy piece of leathery shit which suddenly quivering, approaches slowly pulling itself forward with its muscled ailerons. Newborn detonic can be held in hand and stroked gently. From far away, it may look like a beast.
Detonic ships are obscenely stiffened cigar-like organic shapes, covered in pus and hanging droop, strangely twitching and pulsing, obscene organic objects whose frantic twitching occasionally approaches a crescendo, releasing an animalistic scream and a salty gas cloud.
CON 25, DEX 20, INT 20, WIL 25. Skills: Astronomy, Biology, Electronics, Geology, Chemistry, Wrestling, Hiding, French, Swimming.
Unknown alien race. They are like unintelligent corpses who wander around on the streets in the night. They came to earth in a large and completely sealed object, which has not emitted anything since that; it just goes around in its pained orbit around the earth.
Zombies dress officially and uniformly, they all wear a black suit and a clever tie.
Zombies are contemptuous of consciousness, saying it is not real enough.
CON 12, DEX 7, INT 10, WIL -. Skills: Archaeology, History, Hiding, Wrestling.
First aliens that came to earth. They are large-eyed, tight-bodied and green. Their thought-processes and attitude are not very different from humans, which is why they usually get along with humans very well. Epsios have very low self-preservation instinct which often surfaces as quite self-destructive style of life.
The dress of epsios is largely reminiscent of 70’s fashion: They have platform shoes, bright and psychedelic billowy clothes and they use a number of different wigs, scarves and jewellery.
A large part of young Epsios has come to earth to live as bums. Epsios leaders usually just spank these individuals well and good.
It is said that they are from Betelgeuse.
The abrasive world of final times
CON 9, DEX 12, INT 12, WIL 9. Skills: Pharmacy, Streetwise, Chemistry, Cooking, Mechanics, Gambling, German.
Spirit-beings who come from planet ZX 432. A typical theta is true of heart, but mean. They possess human bodies, which they then repress and order around most uncaringly. They smell like sex organs. They are held as beings that do not question anything. Thetas often possess humans, detonics, mekols and machines. Possession happens via strange beliefs theta feeds to his victim. Fanaticisms are almost always thetas.
Theta’s astral body is light brown soft mix of crab, spider and fungus which breathes hate and desperation.
Someone has said that thetas and demons are of same origin or just alike.
CON 4, DEX 6, INT 11, WIL 13. Skills: Anthropology, Stalking, Parapsychology, Persuasion.
Alpha Centauril lap-being
Alfa Centauri, three suns which revolve, or more like slither around each other randomly. Earth mathematicians are nonplussed about which one of the suns is revolving around which one and how they reflect on universe in general.
Who can understand that earth like planet which bounces around those three suns? Who understands lap-being from Alpha Centauri? If you learn to understand it, you understand yourself! But just as you are on the brink of understanding yourself this impulsive being scratches your eye out! You cannot do violence on it, because even then it overreaches you, because aforementioned animal can suffocate itself! Yes, this
Alphan, as it is sometimes called by earth people is warm and cuddly and perfectly fits your lap, pink like a teddy bear that completely fills people’s thoughts but care, because if you stroke it the wrong way you are going to tear your hair out! And this Alphan laughs and cries with the voice you laugh and cry with or otherwise you squeak.
CON 5, DEX 16, INT 7, WIL 17. Skills: Stalking, Climbing, Hiding, Brawling, Swimming.
Mekol in heat
Mekol (Drunken pronunciation: mhegg'kholeit)
Almost three meters in length, black and yellow-eyed things which have long appendages of which there are six. Their body is full of pustules and smells terrible. Their heads resemble old men’s heads although they have needle-like inflamed drill tusks. Mekols came to earth to kill all
Thiamat Mekols have strange abilities, like stretching their neck and limbs to almost 4 meters and infra-red sight. They are afraid of all flying things and high places. Mekols are beings slaved by couple of prideful thiamat traitors. 2 points of natural armour.
CON 21, DEX 7, INT 6, WIL 14. Skills: High pain threshold, Cooking, Swimming.
These beings follow people who suffer from serious hallucinations, and are a being most often encountered by people who use hallucinogens. It tries to make its victim believe he is an important person in a very serious story, and tries to drive a person on the move. Usually these victims either disappear or are found in Morocco.
Mugwump looks very much like epsios and they are said to be of same race. They have light green skin covered in horny bumps, large eyes and a small mouth that may stretch suddenly and several tubes in its head, of which two secrete an intoxicating liquid.
Mugwumps swallow large amounts of hallucinogenic substances.
CON 12, DEX 8, INT 7, WIL 4. Skills: Pharmacy, Streetwise, Chemistry, Cooking.
There are so many cults that none knows all, but here are some examples.
Kirke Order Of Dog Blood (or Movement of the Rainbow)
Indecent witch-cult whose members would do anything to reach mystical experiences. Cult’s base is in southern France, in an abandoned rock quarry. Among the visitors have been scientologists who support the occult and nazist government of Germany, drug dealers and prostitutes.
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Kirke Order Of Dog Blood has spread to almost all mentionable cities of the world and amongst their number are reclusive perverts interested in sexual magick. In a rough estimate, there are 144.000 members. Supporters of the cult are cheated by the devil, although they believe they are serving the God.
CONR 7, DEX 8, INT 14, WIL 9. Skills: Astrology, Read/write, Acting, Occultism, Parapsychology, Persuasion.
Brotherhood of Pazuzu (or Four Ram Movement)
Obscene religion which honours the god of disease. Leader of the cult, ’absolute personification of obscenity’ Rääkkä, Owns large plots of earth near Berlin, like cemetery, where he and other cultists do unspeakable things to corpses.
Brotherhood of Pazuzu worships devil half-consciously, Pazuzu is one of the arch-daemons of Satan.
CON 13, DEX 10, INT 12, WIL 13. Skills: Driving, Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Cooking, Screwing, Read/write, Melee, Occultism, Theology,
Pathology, Psychology, Brawling.
Conservative-Compassionate Lestadians
Widespread excetologic brotherhood of quakers which advocates a very strict style of life. They want world peace and are staunch advocates of the rule of masses, a cause for which they are ready to lay their lives for. Conservative-compassionate lestadians are very nice and gentle. They worship god whatever is heaped on their way.
CON 9, DEX 12, INT 11, WIL 10. Skills: Read/write, Media, Teaching, Persuasion.
Neo-Conservative Lestadians
Uncouth people, having a wide experience in life. They were not accepted as Conservative-compassionate or Conservative-conservative lestadians, that is why they took over their first church and performed their first ceremony in which was christened the first high priestess of the church, “virgin” Betty (Ex-philharmonic mormonic).
Neo-conservatives are still lazy, bitter, mean and stoop towards alcoholism; but they try to fight these sinful habits. Nowadays they have started to behave according to Conservative-conservative lestadian’s beliefs; however, they cannot stand Leo Meller.
They say they are born-again but cannot perform any miracles.
Their symbol is Virgin Mary crucified. They also laud Christian communism. Neo-conservative churches are prime places to rouse a rabble.
Mostly they are abandoned houses.
CON 10, DEX 10, INT 10, WIL 9. Skills:-.
Children of Nebo
Children of Nebo walk around in their billowing robes. Dancing, singing and playing exotic instruments. They tell of the coming destruction of the world while wearing transcendental scarves. Cult has connections to Krshna-cult; they just think that aliens are gods or their buddies. Cultists flaunt themselves, saying that they are better than others and smarter. Children of Nebo are children of God, even though they do not look at
Satan with proper amount of contempt.
Their teachings are self-conflicting and exaggerated.
INT 10, DEX 10, INT 13, WIL 13. Skills: Archaeology, History, Read/write, Occultism, Teaching, Persuasion, Theology, Psychology.
Conservative-Conservative Lestadians
Pentecostal cult whose advocates live a very strict and frustrated, even violent style of life. Composed of people who cried when god did not save them in the year 2000. They are very bitter towards believers and curse the name of Jesus. Now Conservative-conservative Lestadians try to find meaning in nihilism. They attempt to beat just everybody down.
Conservative-conservatives dress according to their mindset, which is dark. They can be recognized by their black or ash-grey suits, whiskers and their dour expressions.
Cultists have taken a liking to Ketamine(wrong substance)
CON 15, DEX 10, INT 9, WIL 12. Skills: Driving, Shotguns, Handguns, Read/write, Mechanics, Melee, Heavy weapons, Heavy Machinery,
Brawling, Theology.
Disciples of Durgan
Durgan’s disciples are widely known to be bad news, they follow all destructive pursuits. Not afraid of anything, they have abandoned all of their fanaticism except the belief in God.
Disciples brook no ineptness. They worship god, but do not accept any other schools of belief.
Their clothing composes of a rubbery sweat suit, high rubber boots and a balaclava made of black rubber. In ceremonies they dress in a primitive loincloth, straps, and a golden mask. Golden jewellery and khopesh is included. The khopesh are enchanted with exploding ticket to
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hell which only works when in hand of a disciple of Durgan. The Khopesh do not scream, but mumble doomsday messages, like ”Sacrifice all sinners to Durgan in bonfires!”
CON 16, DEX 14, INT 13, WIL 16. Skills: Shotguns, Throwing, Climbing, Read/write, Melee, Theology, Psychology, Brawling.
Raelians (UFO believers)
Rael movement started when their leader got abducted by mugwumps who introduced him to Yahwe. Many Raelians have had experiences with
“higher” alien intelligences. They deny the allegations of malignant plans aliens have for humanity, proving these only with their inane beliefs.
Raelians hope for contact with aliens, be it abduction, artificial insemination or body mutilation. There are some who believe that they are apt to be New Ageans or theosophically inclined, even thought atheistic.
Raelians have ruined their credibility by being born in most amusing and simple bodies. Their style is not either exactly cool. Raelian symbol is the star of David with Swastika inside it.
CON 8, DEX 9, INT 14, WIL 11. Skills: Archaeology, Astronomy, History, Read/write, Media, Theology, Parapsychology.
Black Dawn (Neo-Cainites)
Gnostic hedonistic and profane movement, whose ideology abandons the God and the Devil. They aspire to godhood by the means of secret rituals. They sometimes meet in secret places, hiding in the folds of the black satin of the night when they begin their frantic chanting and obscene movements. In appearance they are very serious and strong-willed.
CON 11, DEX 11, INT 12, WIL 10. Skills: Driving, Handgun, Read/write.
Magister Magistri
CON 10, DEX 9, INT 17, WIL 15. Skills: Driving, Biology, Perception, Yoga, Machine pistol, Read/write, Meditation, Melee, Disguise, Occultism, wrestling, Theology, Pathology, Parapsychology, Hiding, Brawling. Spells: Astral demonstration.
Berlin contains numerous gangs; here are the most common ones. Gangs and cults have no discernable differences.
Los Genitals
Cruel and hated gang of Turkish men which has its fingers in politics. They hang around various mafias, which use Los Genitals for different dirty work. Government is also known to use Los Genitals in its murky operations. Gangers have a coarse skin which is covered in greasy pores and long black hairs. They like to dress in brown leather jackets, black ties and in pants that smell of old urine.
CON 13, DEX 10, INT 9, WIL 12. Skills: Driving, Shotguns, Handguns, Wrestling, Brawling.
Purge is composed of normal working men in age range of 20-35 years who, for some reason have turned into active hooligans. When they are on the move, they use large showy black plastic bag to cover their face. They like satanic black hardcore techno. Nothing else is known.
CON 14, DEX 13, INT 11, WIL 11. Skills: Driving, Streetwise, Melee, Heavy machinery, Brawling.
Peaceful and lazy gang which has concentrated to computer crime and paedophilic pornography. Their rooms are filthy, and they have several small habits in which they indulge in them, like eating candy, smoking, beer, drugs, masturbation and pederasty. If they have nothing to do, they read jokes. They have to be at ease everywhere.
Gangers like to dress in electric blue and neon green fabrics which have small blinking varicoloured LEDs.
Most renowned member is Josef Pamsa himself.
CON 12, DEX 8, INT 13, WIL 9. Skills: Driving, Special skill (sate a child’s penis), Shotguns, Read/write, Programming, Teaching, Gambling,
Computer use, Forgery.
Violence supporters (formerly Evil skids)
Group of young chaos-worshippers who seek cheap thrills from occasional vandalism. They can be recognized from their filthy tattoos and cruel behaviour. Violence supporters are led by sour and quite fat Kahti Starttimaari, who is known to be a drunkard. Violence supporters are said to be punks.
CON 15, DEX 11, INT 10, WIL 9. Skills: Stalking, Streetwise, Climbing, Read/write, Hiding.
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Mainly composed of fat people suffering from allotriophagy (garbage-eating). Gang often holds large eating and sex orgies in stadium of
Brasser, when naïve trip hop music is playing in the background giving some spice to orgies. Sometimes Maws get too excited in their orgies and start rending each other, if thus happens the music is quickly changed into violent and satanic heavy metal. Philharmonic Mormonics are usually playing the music in their orgies. It is known that they have difficulties fitting their pants when masses of fatty flesh wobble on the stadium in unholy heat.
Maws clothing is quite meek, they cover their lower body with green cotton underwear, their upper bodies with a batman-shirt and their feet are adorned with sneakers. Perched on their heads are small hats. In orgies, a tricot is worn. Their tempers are easily inflamed.
CON 13, DEX 6, INT 9, WIL 12. Skills: Streetwise, Cooking, Screwing, Read/write, Wrestling, Brawling.
Philharmonic Mormonics (or Chaos Hure; or Pustwats)
Gang who finds its reason from the joy of music and dance. Members are bisexual(13%), homosexualists(15%), paedophiles(10%), hermaphrodites(6%), transvestites(24%), trans-sexuals(26%), hetero(5%) and other (1%). Gangers are sympathetic towards all living things.
They approve all as friends, whom they from time to time however try to persuade to come to their beds to be caressed. They have horrible base needs, and their life is thus scaldingly painful in nether regions. There are diseases festering in gang’s orifices.
Drugs, music, freaking out and being free have been on the list for the gang since 2002, when it was established. Philharmonic Mormonics take part in all kinds of sexual contact, suchly announcing their shamelessness. They think shame is unhealthy.
Dressing is very important to Mormonics. They like to dress trying to accentuate scary things in themselves, and their dress is very opulent.
Glam rock and gothic make up is popular, as are different schools of decadence and sado-masochistic apparel. Clothing is very opulent.
Philharmonic Mormonics use baphomet which others do not like, as their symbol. Gang is also satanic in other ways.
CON 11, DEX 15, INT 14, WIL 10. Skills: Appraisal, Biology, Electronics, Electronic security, First aid, Pharmacy, Stalking, Streetwise, Screwing,
Handguns, Read/write, Music(instrument), Persuasion, Dance, Seduction. Forbidden skills: Potency.
Morbid Flesh (or Anal Flesh)
Quite unthreatening, this is a gang widely known for experimenting quite carelessly with various psychoactive chemicals, the members of which are ugly or disabled. They desperately follow the fashions in a childish attempt to rectify their grotesque shortcomings. No member of Morbid
Flesh will undergo plastic surgery, because they are more afraid of pain than any other suffering. Split Lips, a hangaround gang of Morbid flesh does not accept beauty. However, no action is ever taken. Members of Morbid Flesh dress according to the subculture that is fashionable at the time. This year, the fashion has been the uniform of a hotel bellboy. Stephen Hawkings represents well the gross appearance of Morbid
CON 5, DEX 4, INT 12, WIL 8. Skills: Appraisal, Electronics, First aid, Pharmacy, Read/write, Riding (Wheelchair), Computer use, Gambling.
Neo Bees
Group of moronic hip hoppers. Some of them (the ugliest) are New age-activists. They disdain Purge members for their proletarian background.
Neo Bees dress casually and pretend to be cool.
Gang organizes funky parties which is nice.
CON 11, DEX 12, INT 10, WIL 11. Skills: Streetwise, Read/write, Music (keyboards), Persuasion, Dancing.
Another gay gang, which is also well organized. Members of bears are stocky, hairy and large gay men. They like manly things like swimming, hugging and fucking. Usually some kind of bikers. Very nice and helpful people. They do not like Philharmonic Mormonics, and have become tired of their inane attempts at seduction. Like Maws and Conservative-Conservative Lestadians, who try to evade them if possible.
When a bear rises from his puppy status, he usually contracts the bear lycanthropy.
Young Bears. Excitable. Confused and in need of a father figure.
CON 14, DEX 9, INT 9, WIL 12. Skills: Wrestling, Driving, Swimming.
Very hairy, fat and sweet bears.
CON 17, DEX 7, INT 10, WIL 17. Skills: Cooking, Swimming, Screwing, Driving.
Polar Bears
Old grey Bears.
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CON 14, DEX 5, INT 12, WIL 15. Skills: Cooking, Screwing, Shotguns, Read/write, Driving, Wrestling, Swimming, Seduction, Brawling.
Forbidden Skills: Toughness.
Fatherly older teacher Bears.
CON 15, DEX 6, INT 13, WIL 18. Skills: Cooking, Screwing, Shotguns, Read/write, Driving, Swimming, Wrestling, Brawling, Oratory. Forbidden skills: Toughness, High pain threshold.
Hooligans (Slander: CumKids, Douche Bags)
There have formed vandalist groups of 3-600 youngsters. These groups are always on the move, occasionally destroying state or private property. They are not drawn together because of a hatred for the society, but battling boredom with wrongful means. They are usually from middle-class families and are at least moderately educated, although there are exceptions to the rule. Lowly Hooligans still support some football team. Groups usually have a despotic leader and one or more idiots. They approve of culture in their own way. Use of narcotics in groups is common.
CON 11, DEX 11, INT 10, WIL 10. Skills: Stalking, Streetwise, Read/write, Disguise, Acting, Art (style), Lock picking, Seduction.
Hell opened permanently in -99 when large groups of Demons moved on earth. In Berlin, they took control of Teufelmarkt’s Harbour area, which is now controlled solely by them.
Demons are bodiless beings, bunches of fanaticism particles which form their bodies by compressing air and adding fumes rising from earth and water. These bodies resemble living beings, but in reality are like automatons. Although complete enough to perform basic actions of human body.
Whole world is like one place for them. They know everything that happens and can shout it out with all their heart, at least everything not told in confession. Demons have no spirit, which is why they hate all that is holy. This is what differs between Demons and all other living beings (but not dead). Demons are immune to psychological effects.
Some Demon breeds:
Offalfleas or begetors
Obscene giant crickets with human faces and telescopic penises with scorpion-like stinger. Offalfleas roam the countryside in humongous swarms causing pain and destruction. An uncomfortable storm goes before them.
CON 20, DEX 8, INT 5, WIL 15. Skills: Screwing, Wandering, Brawling.
Gobsters or beasts
Stinking mass of unquantifiable meat, dead skin and hairy patches – no ears or consciousness. It swarms with beetles.
Gobsters wander in the sewers in small packs, emanating bizarre noises and spitting goo. Berlin’s sewers lead down to Hell, from whence the
Gobsters have come to do as they are meant to, meaning freaking out. Gobster meat is valued in among Ghouls. Eating it is quite a trip:
Empathy drops to 0.
CON 22, DEX 12, INT 5, WIL 11. Skills:-.
Boasters or ruffians
Muscled beings with a reptile’s head and who often carry large cannon. They are known for their dreadful war-scream: “Unga Bunga Timba An
Kaua!“, whose blood stopping timbre makes the strongest submit. Who hear the scream understands his human limits in the front of gods. 4 points of natural armour.
CON 30, DEX 10, INT 8, WIL 18. Skills: Heavy weapons, Brawling.
Winged and miserable-looking little demons with a face of a bat. They are used as pets or mascots.
CON 5, DEX 11, INT 11, WIL 7. Skills: Language (Enoch), Acting, Occultism, Hiding.
Either black perverted angels or ram-headed giants who have enormous genitals. They seem to be the leaders of the Demon society.
Alcoholism is gapes main area of expertise in tempting. They won’t easily refuse a pint themselves. Gapes take their role as maddest dudes in the world seriously. They are irritable of the weak and demand blood-sacrifice.
The abrasive world of final times
3 points supernatural armor, 2 points natural armour.
CON 25, DEX 10, INT 15, WIL 16. Skills: Read/write, Language(Enoch), Screwing, Occultism, Parapsychology, Brawling.
Cacodemons or mothmen
Winged mean devils or cool black smoke clouds. Cacodemons crave respect and practice destructive acts. They have limitless imagination in pride. Cacodemons can transform into human form. They are afflicted by mutations when they do so. Working as humans, they seek recent news and are active in societal functions, especially the church. Personality of a Cacodemon, if it so can be called, has romantic tendencies.
CON 18, DEX 17, INT 16, WIL 15. Skills: History, Read/write, Language(Enoch), Melee, Acting, Occultism, Oratory, Parapsychology,
Psychology, Brawling, Theology.
Drool cheek deamons
Beings equipped with strong lower legs. They seem to be like strongly decomposing deer carcass. Backs of their necks are covered with shrunken heads, whose faces reflect extreme pain or just look miserable. They have black greasy shell, piercing black empty eyes, mouth that looks like an anus in their heads and millions of black greasy pores on their thighs.
Drool cheek deamons work as mercenaries and practise trade, which is not very successful. Baskers, bras and polo shirts are used by the Drool cheek deamons.
CON 14, DEX 6, INT 7, WIL 10. Skills: Shotguns, Throwing, Read/write, Language (Enoch), Rifles, Melee, Wrestling, Brawling.
Hoofed, stooped not-funny fiends. Their skin is light pink and covered in black veins. Only thing they like aside from killing is cocaine.
CON 20, DEX 9, INT 7, WIL 17. Skills: Language(Enoch), Brawling.
White skinned, walrus-like bastards which seem to be in great agony. They demand rectification for their sufferings through violence. Moomins go around naked in an attempt to offend people’s sensibilities. However, this does not make sense because their sexual organs are hidden in the body for storage. Their slanderous songs are equally inane. No one takes Moomin’s hatred seriously.
CON 13, DEX 7, INT 8, WIL 12. Skills: Language (Enoch), Melee.
Secret societies
Secrets societies which decide the fate of humanity in secret.
Illuminated Daan
Ancient satanic society whose members include many of the historical persons, like pope Pius XI, several Roman emperors, Dalai Lama, and couple of antichrists. Society’s main leader is Castor Hohenstauf (recently assassinated), but the main power has been Satan’s for years. For the new main leader, Bokor has the most support.
Illuminated Daan works in secret, attempting to bring one unholy goal into realization: destruction of the society, after which the Satan began ruling the world. Some of the organization’s fronts have been YMCA, OTO, Gideons, Zion’s abbey, Albigensians, Rosicrucians, Freemasons,
Network sales companies, Scientologists and Knights Templar. Their symbol is strange eagle-like bird which is like some creature with its thighs opened.
Defiant communists living on Phobos, moon of Mars. They were quiet anarchists when living on earth. In the end they became very tired of earth and its society, and moved to Phobos where they live in a happy communist society. Some strange phenomenon has changed the Martian’s mindset, they seem to lead very selfless lives, and they have same goals and are quite blind for new beliefs. Of the captured Martians, only three have been successfully woken from dream-like state they were in, and after that they just lazily demanded that they be released to normal life. They clothe themselves in cubistic uniforms, red baskers and army boots. They look up to Ernest ”Che” Guevara and Juha Päiväniemi. They hate the Communist Russia’s president, Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Red Martian
Always ready, bold and resolute but alienated in human relations.
CON 12, DEX 12, INT 11, WIL 13. Skills: Sign language, Perception, History, Concentration, Language (Esperanto), Read/write, Mechanics,
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Jewish secret society whose purpose is Jewish world control. Hasids sometimes worship the God who they believe to favour them. Hasidians perform cabbalistic magic, which really works. Hasidians have founded the Trilateral Commission.
Society whose purpose secretly advance Satan’s agenda by spying and performing secret operations. Trions abducts human and animals, to which they graft strange organic sensor arrays. Sometimes they also insert a tiny thiamata who lives in its host’s bodily cavities. Trionis has infiltrated the government of Germany. Several high-ranking commissars have a small thiamata living in their colon. Trionis is aware of all other secret societies except Majestic-23.
Majestic-23 (or Prozess Dom auf Äusserste Strafe)
New society established by nerds whose members like all kinds of secrecy and shadowy deeds. Majestic-23 is continually trying to infiltrate all large organizations and try to gather information about different citizens which they then use against the world. Majestic-23 is interested in Satan and would like to reach an agreement with him. Majestic-23 has several symbols, but the most widely known is an ear which has a coppery halo.
Red Proletarians
Filthy Communists. They hate capitalists, and are ready to destroy the whole earth if people and other meat do not turn to communism. Their leader Stykki Habibi has awaited the end of the world for a long time.
Red proletarians have never read a page of Marx, but are very fanatical and know a lot about communism.
Criminal leagues
Chinese triads, Japanese tongs, Russian and Italian mafias still control the underworld surprisingly well. Nothing more is told about them here.
Beard Mob
Large criminal organization which controls the extortion business with information about people’s intimate hygiene. They also tempt youngsters to grow beards with transferred hairs. Young body is transformed into older and more honourable form by implanting body parts from those who died of great age.
Schreien Geizhals
Meaning soul traders. Bodies do not sell well now that a lot of merchandise has come from Africa, which is why former slave traders have turned to selling souls. Sometimes they sell body parts of exceptional quality. Schreien Geizhals is a group of stocky older men although younger dealers disappointed with drug trade may be accompanying them. Trades are always performed by a bitch Baboon with beautiful face. League owns all the art galleries in the city.
van Schie family
They are easily the most obnoxious league in Berlin. Their trade includes, beating, walloping, etc. But they also take advantage of monopoly of giving mercy, and illegal trade of memories. Van Schie is warring with Rääkkä who has raped all pets of the family. League is well equipped for killing.
Chronozon Club
Led by Madame Mickey. Their operations include kidnapping children and forcing them to reveal illegal things of their parents, that the mob would use to blackmail them. Chronozon Club controls all still operating daycare centers. Each mob member dress completely on their given color, but Madame Mickey wardrobe is rainbow coloured.
Comparable with organizations, since they are no longer characterized with just gathering profit.
Alcohol Products
Humongous, Multinational Corporation whose main headquarters are in Hell. Company largely controls the world’s finance while enjoying the
Emperor’s protection. Illuminated Daan owns a large part of the company, which is why many Americans protest against in. Alcohol Products
The abrasive world of final times 22/63 owns among other properties: Moray Eel fast food chain whose hamburgers are addictive, Death Games Incorporated (DGI) whose games cause paranoia, Nuke-cigarette factories whose cigarettes cause nausea, Thrombi Music Company whose records contain backwards messages, and Tsunami television factory whose TVs monitor citizens. Company’s head secretary is Ahriman Alcohol from Woodlake who is also known as Josef Pamsa .
Goloka Industries
This giant corporation was formed when several multinationals underwent a fusion. It is led by Yakuza and its assets rival even Alcohol
Products, which is its most hated enemy. When Japan turned to anarchy, Goloka lost its footing there. Company is known for its ruthless methods. Goloka manufactures electronics, space technology, cybernetics, computers and Baal-operating system. Goloka’s most known product is Cybernet. Also well known is PCSD™ (Pleasure Centre Stimulation Device, requires brain cable), a small gadget that produces good wibes.
Delirium Incorporated
Continues the honourable traditions of eugenics. Delirium Inc. deals with human cloning among other things. At first they tried to create an ideal slave, but when it was revealed as a Demon, they gave up on the project citing moral reasons, and are going to start cloning angels. Delirium
Incorporated also performs the ethical breeding in sperm banks.
Delirium Incorporated is in passive control of Rääkkä Hema, he owns majority of the stock. The personnel of Delirium Incorporated are cloned from the same source, a young slightly retarded gay man who committed suicide in the army. Creative planning section is entirely composed of
Nerds that are pumped full of water.
Other stalkers
Their origins are obscure, but they came with other refugees from Africa. They hid themselves in the Berlin’s sewers where they still live. They are very small and like human meat. Their appearance is very obscene and egregious, they have inordinately large heads and they always move naked, a small rumpled willy hanging on their hips. Some Pygmies have unnatural (meaning supernatural) abilities.
CON 5, DEX 16, INT 12, WIL 9. Skills: Stalking, Language(Pygmy), Cooking, Hiding, Wandering.
Mandrils, or baboons
Common player characters. When hell opened, some people started to be reborn as dog-apes, meaning baboons for unknown reasons. They do not look like normal dog-ape. These baboons have better postures and they walk upright. Dog-apes detest their bodies and praise the human body, which tends to make them sad. Enraged baboon is almost psychotic. People have not yet become accustomed to baboons, especially their carmosine-red asses of which they themselves are not interested in any manner. Long coats, sports equipment, sideburns and 50’s hairstyle are their material trappings.
CON 12, DEX 13, INT 7, WIL 12. Skills: Climbing, Brawling.
Lumberjacks wander in the forests surrounding Berlin. They move alone or in groups, felling trees here and there randomly. 25.7.2004 Military police rounded up all the bums they found from back alleys, parks and garbage dumps. Then the bums were trained to be lumberjacks. They have now forgotten about their easy bum days and take their challenging job very seriously, having to wrestle with mutants almost daily.
Emperor is worshipped almost as a deity. They try to prove their allegiance in all ways bringing the word of Emperor to mutants. Emperor in turn loves the lumberjacks, he sends them food, cigarettes and medicine. Emperor also occasionally meets some lumberjacks in person, at that time there is conversation and drugs are used. Lumberjack’s uniform is opulent red-gold suit with ruffles.
CON 14, DEX 14, INT 10, WIL 14.
Droopy-eared beings with round stomachs, long limbs and long nose. They live in abandoned buildings, forming herds which have no leader.
They do not know anything about honourable behaviour and as such, cannot get along even with hippies. Nerds live by looting or their slavery.
They are very cunning but there are lots of other things they are ignorant of.
Nerds appeared in the middle of destruction, like in houses abandoned in the war. They can withstand radiation, toxins and diseases very well.
CON 10, DEX 12, INT 12, WIL 6. Skills:-
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Hungry people that have abandoned their humanity and started eating corpses. They like to lie next to recent corpses for warmth, which they also like to abuse. Many ghouls are possessed by evil spirits.
CON 8, DEX 9, INT 5, WIL 4. Skills: Cooking, Screwing, Pathology.
Militia forces
Emperor Castor revived the old SS-tradition, changing it according to his erotic wishes. Nowadays SS-troops have nice Lugers and Kevlar vests.
Militia uniform is nice; it includes thick-soled leather boots, black leather jackets, black 8-point cap, black breeches, knee and elbow protectors.
Eyes are covered by black mask.
Commander of SS-troops is national commissar Oskar Narbe, officer accomplished in world war and possessing even supernatural features (he is rumoured to have jackal’s head.)
Militia has sworn an oath of fealty to the Emperor and is so on the same side, although often unknowingly.
Militia is led by commissars who have undergone long training in war, and who are responsible only to four national commissars. These four are
Simon Pornaie, Oskar Narbe, Gothard Krieg and Kaiser von der Lichen. They all have undergone deadly surgery in which they were wholly cybernized except for the brain. They are human-brained cyborgs, whose mental functions are controlled by soma and despacho. These four national commissars ride the streets of Berlin on their doomsday steeds.
CON 13, DEX 12, INT 10, WIL 12. Skills: Driving, Perception, Shotguns, Throwing, Stalking, Streetwise, Climbing, Machine pistol, Handgun,
Melee, Wrestling, Gambling, Forgery.
People search for acceptance in organizations.
Victims of Godlessness – VOG support religion in order to get laid with God’s worshippers. Members are romantics.
Fraternal Nihilists – Hedonists. Membership fee is 2000 marks. Members gather at April’s fools’ day.
Anonymous Junkies – Resigned junkie-doctors who spread the word of the reality of withdrawal effects.
Zuschauen – Bums who demand that street children be transported to USA or be killed.
Life Donors – Spokespeople for suicide and euthanasia.
Ugly Ducklings – Insomniac people who resist measuring time, like certain opening times for stores or TVs programming.
Fairy Confederate – Supporters of the German empire. Have not been born for naught.
All noncivilized races are counted among animals.
Desert Butterflies
They came from small offal piles which have accumulated on the streets of Berlin. These disturbingly erotic insects are beautiful butterfly-winged veined penises, you could even say perfect specimens. Their wing strokes shoot forth small black spermatozoons that at later time proudly rise from offal as a beautiful full-grown Desert Butterfly.
They float at the tops of high buildings and around rivers where they boldly whack each other with their stalks. They are a new species in Berlin, but have lived at the site thousands of years ago.
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Gazelles mistakenly got their name from African gazelles, although they do not resemble (even) them in the least. Berlin’s gazelles are small and tiny-eyed shy pig-like ruminators. Gazelles are fat, and their ass is big just like pigs, but they have small, insignificant head which has a small pig-like snout. They pass out from loud noises, and can easily die from fright. Their flesh is completely inedible blue ink.
Gamma monkeys
These agile beings flash from wall to wall, and hide themselves at the same moment. They are monkeys that have a cat’s sleek features. Their heads resemble cats, but their posture is monkey-like. They run on all fours and then have inordinately long body. Tail is very fluffy and striped black and white. They endlessly chant “Hee!”.
Blue Beings
Blue beings are the same size as pygmies but resemble slugs. Flies are excited in their presence. Nothing else is known of these beings for they are always killed on sight.
Primal shermite
Hermaphroditic animal being that is half human, half woman. Dress in loincloths. Very rare, only couple individuals wander near Berlin. Although shermite is part woman, they are interested sexually only in people of female persuasion.
Jungle birds
This mixed breed of birds is composed of parrots, bats, three-eyed blackbirds, ravens, doves and pelicans. They can all interbreed. They live in large flocks in the jungle around Berlin. When eating they coo constantly. Carrion birds, each and every one.
Certain areas of Berlin are infected with Lycanthropy. It possesses different groups of citizens and in some places all people are infected.
The sickness always surfaces on full moon, when infected turn into their companion species. Certain mushroom allows the change to begin also.
In the beginning Lycanthropes were connected with old zodiac but in the upheaval the zodiac was changed transforming the old Lycanthropes in the process. There are gazelle, giant slug, bear, giant cockroach, pixie, magpie, giant fly, platypus, opposite gender, orangutan, giant squid and superhero lycanthropes. In the morning, only proof that something happened are fur patches, lint and propaganda lying on the streets.
Lycanthropy is contracted by the bites of the infected. Silver can kill Lycanthropes in animal form, but not very easily. Giant slug lycanthropes are allied and irresponsibly spread their disease. They do not think of it as a disease, but as a personal belief or lifestyle. Bear lycanthropes once speculated that possibly even 11% of the citizens of Berlin are infected with some form of lycanthropy. Lycanthropic is a nightmarish state, freedom from the terrors is only attainable when a connection with its species is established. Sufferers are most afraid of the unreal perception of the world that develops slowly as the disease proceeds. State is also characterized with extremely violent behaviour and paranoia. First symptoms are nightmares and stifling flashbacks. When the disease is far gone the sufferer’s symptoms start to worsen, his physical condition detoriates and his features start turning apish. Hands also grow unnaturally large. Lycanthropes lead a hermit-like existence almost without exception. They praise their companion species, which in turn seem to be mortally afraid of them.
Ghouls and Moomins get some kind of sick joy when they hunt Lycanthropes, and make this very clear to them.
El Chupacabra
Scaled dog-like alien beast that enjoy goat blood. They have line of horns in back and huge claws. El Chupacabras are known of their blood sucking noises. Not much else is known as not a single one has been caught alive.
Mutants and chaos spawn
Outside Berlin there are so mutated beings that citizens have decided to allow killing them. Chaos spawn are mutants who are so incredibly ugly that even seeing them can lead to shock and nausea. Chaos spawn are completely emotionless, which is shocking. They are also often connected to other worlds. Chaos spawn are born from too much shamelessness. Chaos spawn are led by Lemuridae, group of four-armed apes (no legs), which can be recognized from their curving nostrils. First talon in their lower arms is a rending spike. Lemuridae control chaos spawn with micro chips, theta control or small flies, all of which are showed in the backs of the victim’s brains, which is often aware of them.
Lemuridae are known to be in connection to Berlin’s city officials
Chaos spawn have no awareness of self, instead it is replaced with false self-image which is usually very negative, even though the real image is very flattering because chaos spawn are unhealthy-looking mutated monsters with no conscious aspects.
Chaos spawn’s statistics are usually rolled with just D6.
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Normal citizen has 1/6 chance of personal mutation.
Growth of the mutations is a very dramatic process to follow, especially if it happens to be you who is mutating. Roll D6 mutations from personal mutation table for real mutants.
Roll Mutation
1 shrunken limb: does not work can change its features, +3 Disguise holes through body humongous limb
6 can spit acid by causing D6 damage to self: range 10m, damage 3D6. To-hit roll is made using Throwing. grows sluggish in cold, -1 to DEX in room temperature. devilishly ugly: extremely distasteful appearance demon neutrality. demons are neutral towards character’s existence
9 sheds skin once in a week
10 diseased: body marked by sickness, sores oozing pus, etc..
11 alien empathy: aliens are positively influenced concerning the existence of the character.
12 humongous genitals
13 grotesque body part
14 can buy forbidden skills at half price.
15 Siamese twin, CON –1, DEX –1, INT +1, WIL -1
16 egregious body odour
17 immune to spells
18 looks confusing, -1 to hit for opponents
19 looks horribly old
20 reflects darkness, bad visibility in a 10m radius, Hiding +3
21 repulsive touch
22 albino
23 emits pleasant odour
24 by taking D6 points of damage, can get the same amount of mana.
25 bizarre skin colour
26 every D6 days, all limbs change place randomly
27 missing joints: DEX -1
28 gigantic: CON +3, DEX -2
29 explodes at the moment of death, dealing 2D6 damage to all within 5m radius
30 thick skin: 1 point natural armour
31 just dies when eventually fails a WIL-test
32 poisonous and strange-looking blood: even a small dose kills
33 enormous, cancerous growth: if removed grows back in a week
34 extra limb: 75% chance it works
35 dies in one day if cannot get fresh blood
36 animal body part
37 if takes at least 8 points of damage in one hit, grows a limb on the wound’s place.
38 foaming mouth
39 does not suffer from pain
40 satanically fat: DEX –2, 1 point natural armour
41 brittle-boned and goes into pieces if takes more than 1 point of damage
42 additional joints: DEX +3
43 bony spikes grow around the character’s body, damage +2
44 stalked eyes: 180 degree visibility
45 transforms physically into ideal representative of his fanaticism
46 pores excrete slime
47 physically exact copy of the person most on the mutant’s mind
48 dwarf: CON -4, DEX +1
49 changes his appearance to match nearest person
50 anaerobic: does not have to bother to breathe
The abrasive world of final times
51 somehow happy
52 humongous extra testicle
53 cannot stand daylight: takes D6 damage in a minute
54 additional eye: perception +1
55 third eye (on ass): character can see magical effects and spiritual energy
56 regeneration: heals 1 point in a minute, detached limb grows back in D6 days
57 senses in disarray: cannot distinguish anything with normal senses
58 spastic: trembles like hell: DEX -3
59 extremely hairy: hairier than gorilla
60 features rearrange randomly on face
61 limbs change place randomly
62 twisted bones
63 completely hairless
64 missing limb
65 Siamese twin
66 develops into a pile of bulging muscles: CON +2, DEX = 1
67 humongous maw: bit damage D6+1
68 idiot: INT -3
69 +D3 fanaticisms
70 -d6 INT
71 +d6 INT
72 -d6 WIL
73 interbred with a random animal
74 raving berserk
75 hunchback
76 bloated head: INT -1
77 you mindless: character is in a coma
78 rotting flesh
79 enormously strong: CON +4
80 transparent skin
81 worm-filled body
82 tongue of a toad
83 immunity to disease
84 immunity to poison
85 inflamed wound that is ugly, unhealable and painful
86 eyebrows grown together
87 weird
88 split lip
89 antennas on head: +2 perception
90 hanging colon
91 insides hang partly outside the body.
92 very horny
93 ghoul-like hunger
94 udders of a cow
95 generates indecent noises when moving(like sloshing, sucking sounds and farts)
96 epileptic
97 skin hanging in folds
98 hermaphrodite
99 roll twice again
100 roll D6 times again
Berlin 27/63
City has been badly ruined, it is feels like ‘after the bomb’, looking at the abandoned blocks. City is very dark and partly deserted. Berlin can be experienced only in one way: really.
Visions of Berlin
Berlin through eyes of an outsider
Capital of the German empire and centre of the world. Berlin is at the moment c. 1 500 000 citizen (human) metropolis. Its industry leans toward medical, electronic, pornographic and drug industry.
It is very wealthy even if only minority of remaining citizens work anymore. All the riches are divided equally between the aristocracy. Normal citizens live alone in deserted apartment buildings, barely daring to come out of their houses. Emperor’s bodyguards and militia patrols the streets and check 666-tattoos randomly. If it cannot be found, they order you to take it or hint threateningly. Berlin is divided into several sections, all of which have their own rulers
Berlin through resident’s eyes (Bhlifz, Nerd, Age 32-y, bitch)
It normal to spend months in a cellar here in Berlin, moving only at night, not knowing anyone and to live in filth. You can survive in Berlin. Fear of failure prevents outsiders from understanding that there is nothing to lose in Berlin.
Visitor’s impression of Berlin
Six times a day, you can hear a mosque call that comes from Teufelmarkt. TV continually shows same hypnotic cartoons, which are all forgotten in a day. Streets are rife with dirty trash and undergrowth. Pouring rains that can go on for weeks or minutes. Sometimes a catastrophe siren calls, at other times you can hear crackling radio signal. Exciting whispers. Ground seems to move under the feet, at other times earth does not seem to turn at all. At night outside of the city is icy cold. Centre of the city is warm, and because of which the mornings are stifling. Roaches and other cool insects move around. Hanged people left next to the road. Fires, flaming crosses, unsteady flow of time, religious parades and brawls.
Berlin as announced by a representative of Illuminated Daan
Germany’s dude Friedrich, who is cloned from an ID member has highest authority and is only responsible to other members of ID, in which he does not hold equable position. Mayor S. Ewald, who seems to be the city’s leader, is an ID probationary member. Perfect law of Berlin has been finished at last and everything has a cash value, even the value of law, which god of the mortals cannot afford.
Berlin as seen by unknown resident
Getting into Berlin without becoming public prey is meaningless. Berlin is a large polluted area which has been mobbed by all the thrash in the universe. It is a place where there is practically no other law than law of ownership. Price of every thing and every one is in large database –
“Black Room”, which physically resides somewhere under ground. All of Berlin is in complete chaos, continual building and change. It seems to be surrounded by skyscrapers although their lines maze around the area. Everywhere you can see heavy machinery, building ruins, abandoned/liberated buildings, and half-finished buildings, old or even ancient constructions. Citizens themselves seem to be indifferent towards everything that happens. They are from around the world, most of the original population having disappeared a long ago. No one can endure
Berlin for long, and bygones are rarely remembered. Oldest Berliners, who are probably clued onto what is happening, are voracious beings who live only at night when they meet in their mystical usual places. Other beings are aliens, “superstitious” primitives, demons, ghosts, hallucinations or other lost people, most of them however masquerade as humans. Berlin also has its own species which is encountered nowhere else. These beings are not well known and it is better not to speak of them, and their appellation - witches - is not accepted. They supervise the ruthless commerce of Berlin. In practice normal people do not meet them except as a main course. They work as highest
Berlin 28/63 lawmakers, complaining to whom is in vain because all the laws have been ratified and eternal judges are in their form already in power. Militia cannot do anything except obey or be trampled on the way. Satan has given highest power in Berlin to these creatures. They are upwards of three meters tall horrific beings. They have very long and slim appendages, and a large beaked head which sometimes has snout-like or expressionless human features.
Sewers of Berlin have mostly caused the detoriation in the area. Because sewers lead to Hell, is the affect of chaos very strong from that direction. From sewers often come mutants and some blue things that are killed on sight.
One strange feature of Berlin is that because of the reality-twisting chaos emanations, constructions from strange civilizations, even blocks or larger areas just pop up overnight. Most do not take note or care about the phenomenon, others immediately start considering the possibilities of profit concerning the new areas. These transferred locations usually blend in very quickly and original residents are often replaced the very next morning. Below is the map of Berlin, at least today’s.
0 -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- 500 m
1 Secret police, 2 Propaganda office, 3 Science and Research Centre, 4 Looney bin, 5 Sewer central, 6 Brasser stadium, 7 Dianetics centre, 8
Humboldt university, 9 Space research centre, 10 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedänchtniskirche, 11 Bavarian Hall, 12 Graveyard.
Looney bin
Solid fort on top of a muddy hill. Fort was built by Berlin-society which later disappeared and whose purpose was fusing Berlin with the netherworld. Afterwards used as a mental asylum.
Looney bin is partly abandoned and in ruins. Some cells still contain madmen forgotten there, some of them have escaped and now wander around the halls of the fort. Fort’s personnel are composed of frankesteins, wakened soulless undead, former loonies who have been programmed to keep strict order.
Fort is crawling with spiders, spirits, demons and aliens.
Secret Police Headquarters
Closed underground group. Above ground building is strongly guarded brothel which looks like a giant washing machine, named ’Glitoris’. You can buy all kinds of services in the brothel, from necrophilistic fantasies to the playground of pederasts. It was established so that secret Police could spy on what the customers tell the whores. Brothel is purported to be private club, insides of which appears to be decorated warehouse.
Members of Purge keeps (dis)order here, hired by the Secret Police.
Underground is a scene of frantic action. The place is its own microcosm, where you can find malls and other shops and services. It can withstand several ground zero nuclear blasts. From here, the Secret Police monitors the citizens, spies on other countries and practices sabotage. National chancellor Simon Pornaie is in charge of the facility. Operations are jointly led by Waterhead and Adolf. In addition, ID and
Trionis have their own representatives here.
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Propaganda office (Preisend Zeitung)
Established into Preisend Zeitung’s office(leading daily newspaper of Berlin). Building is a ruined sphinx surrounded by a flower garden. There is a negative atmosphere in the garden. You can find Castor’s opulent crypt here.
In the beginning of the millennium, its connections to Berlin government were severed by Juhan Af Grann who ascended to the leadership with the help of mugwumps. Juhan Af Grann practices heavy-handed brainwashing here.
Berlin Science and Research Centre
Building looks like a hotel from another time. Its front is curving heavy railing or wall, it has large black windows and its walls are like melting dark plastic. At the sides and back, the building’s walls are high, built of dull red-brown hardboard which has fist-sized holes in it, which in turn have downward facing pyramidal corners stiking out. Behind the building there is a drop to abandoned gulley which contains old junk. Behind the gulley, there are other buildings. Site is surrounded by continual darkness.
The research being done in the facility is a far cry from former logical science and humanity. Delirium Inc. sponsors this activity. Building is situated in the borders of Ruuttana, blending in. Originally, facility was established by nazcas in the third century. Later the building has been used as a sanitarium and a base for Trionis. Now it is Berlin’s Science and Research Centre. In addition to facility personnel, mutants, freaks, aliens, demons and other such things. Building is closed to outsiders and guarded by dangerous machines.
Sewer Central
Diseased refining plant which was meant to be one of the most impressive buildings in Berlin. Plant dribbles disgusting gunk into the environment, it oozes and spurts from bulging tanks. Because Sewer central has access to all parts of the sewers, the place is chaotic. Beings that are quite something wander in the facility, whose construction phases impressively from paradise to hell, usually just for long enough to notice it. You can even find chaos spawn there. Place attracts filthiness.
Brasser Stadium
Great Brasser stadium. Brasser stadium is a centre of seething activity day and night. All of Berlin gathers there to party. Activity is frantic, just like the final times were upon us. Public orgies, butchery and worship of heathen gods.
Dianetics Centre
Official clean office building, which has a large screen on top of it, which shows merciless truths about the person who happens to gaze at it. It receives anyone of the people of streets, promising a new meaning for life. These people are re-educated to work for Dianetics Centre. They forget everything about their former life very soon. This means an eternal divergence from the teachings of our lord. The people of highest authority are Nazis.
Humboldt University
University buildings are almost completely ruined because of violent protests and ensuing police activity, but you may find some traces of civilization, research and knowledge of things past. University mainly teaches Gnosticism. Professors are long age snapped maniacs who continue teaching while scary strange beings, like gargoyles, minotaurs and gorgons(cacodemons) roam the campus.
Space Research Centre
The Space Research Centre is a large dome covered with black plastic foliage. Dim light shimmer from the foliages holes. Boulimansis, divine artificial intelligence, whose personality was partly copied from Spencer Ewald and partly from Kiki, controls the centre. Goloka Industries provides financial support to it. Space Research Centre is now constructing the Great MF II, which will be used to send certain people to Mars
(whose fate are analyzed from the zodiac) to establish a connection with the Phobos communists. In additional to the construction of the Great
MF II, institute offers the study of Alpha Centaurian lap-beings.
Bavarian Hall
Degenerated great palace, which covers a large area with its side buildings. Works as SS-troop’s base and apartments for twenty witches.
Emperor Friedrich Hohenstauf lives here in abandonment. Bavarian Hall controls the German empire. Its chancellors are Spencer Ewald,
Waterhead, and national commissars Oskar Narbe, Kaiser von der Lichen and Simon Pornaie. Friedrich’s rise to power is questioned from all sides, but he is a perfect clone of his predecessor, and as such has chancellors respect.
Impressive, broken church in the heart of city centre. In the day of upheaval, tons of the blood of martyrs stained the streets near the church, and at the same time all the priests of the church went into coma.
Church is inhabited by Conservative-Compassionate nuns, whose killing and raping has become a common amusement among citizens. Alien presence can be sensed in the church. Floors are filled with garbage, walls are covered in graffiti. Church is holy, it radiates supernaturally. In the centre hall of the church, archangel Michael languishes.
Graveyard is guarded by militia as there has been too many corpse thefts. Area is covered in black smoke that comes from burning bonfires of bodies. Graveyard is surrounded by tall electrical fence giving deathly shocks. In its center is a morgue building filled with piles of naked corpses, some in rotting state. Morgue workers make macabre trophies of bodyparts in morgue walls. In morgue cellars Delirium Inc employees create strange creatures in test tubes.
You can buy a coffin from here with 1000 marks, a sarcophagus with 10000 marks, a burial costs 500 marks, freezing costs 50000 marks, euthanasia costs 500 marks and urning 50 marks.
City blocks of Berlin
Every area has its own government which changes daily. Bureaucracies disappear as often as they are born.
Area contains large official buildings and company headquarters which have detoriated as years go by. Area is filthy and ugly, its streets seething with rats and other disgusting vermin. Most of the buildings are closed, but most infamous of still operating offices are scientologist’s great dianetics centre, bureaucracies of Satan (in the former STAS offices), registration centre for world citizens, propaganda office of ID, main offices of multinalonal Alcohol Products and the offices of secret police. In Ruuttana, many cultures are represented. Area is patrolled by militia, and irascible office workers can be encountered randomly. Ruuttana’s site and order is believed to change continually. Next to the former Berlin wall, a chain of abandoned buildings have been inhabited by Nerds. Kaiser von der Lichen is the highest official in the area.
Former middle-class area, abandoned buildings, shops and malls can be found there. Couple of inhabited buildings can be found. In the north, old, ruined upper class apartments where you can find ghosts and the insane, Homeless, disabled, bums and junkies live in its abandoned apartments where crime is rife and fetuses dangle from windows.
Lots of people with drug problems are in the area, wealthy and successful people feel they are under uncomfortable scrutiny in there. Only nightclub still in operation “Ass Balls” caters mainly to gay people who are interested in extreme sadomasochism.
Area is pretty nice. It is controlled by the Beard Mob and their hired goons, Los Genitals.
1 Nightclub “Ass Balls”, 2 Temple of the Children of Nebo “Dharma, in nomine Dei”, 3 “Plastic Bank” (bank), 4 Alcohol Products branch office, 5
Schöneberg civic building “Magistralis Grotto”, 6 Alien embassy, 7 Attorney’s “Turbo & Art”, 8 Restaurant “Shangri La”, 9 Commercial centre
“Xanadu”, 10 Mega mall “Katholisch Zilbert”, 11 Golokan chirurgery center, 12 Base of the Supporters of Violence, 13 Electronics store
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“Bevatron”, 14 Pawn shop “Punk Fungi”, 15 Head Shop “Dr. Benway”, 16 “Nach Eiszeit Warenhaus” (used third world war equipment and weaponry), 17 Brothel “Fröhlich Schnurrbart”, 18 DGI-arcade “Imperial Toys”, 19 “Nightgaunt” satellite centre, 20 “Moray Eel” fast food restaurant, 21 Radio station “Timme”, 22 “Gentleman’s Cover” apparel shop, 23 Chocolate factory, upstairs is luncheonette “Epidermis”, 24
Movie theatre “Cockerel” (old bakery), 25 Casino “Twilight Corner”, 26 Sewer central + Nest rental, 27 Hotels “Stork” (**) and “Casanova” (*).
Slum area – poor and immorally hatful place. Wilmersdorf has many bodypart fleamarkets.
Garbage heaps, slum buildings, strange plants and government offices for moral. Well-known ’Adam & Eve’ nightclub is situated here.
Purge and Violence Supporters are fighting for the control of the area
Minisuu has many stores and government offices, and a great market square in the middle. You can even meet other people in the day – terrible people – who gossip on the square in the mornings about aliens and fresh horrid news. Couple of months ago militia brought tens of thousands of uncivilized people from Africa and Asia who stand in the middle of the square in large groups. These people are confused and just watch passers by fearfully. They have long sharpened teeth and are covered in dried mud. No one seems to know what is going to happen to these people. Los Genitals members are seen often in the area, just moping around. Anderes Ufer is only active restaurant in Minisuu, menu is horrid of course.
General Phineas governs the area.
Large area inhabited by lower and lower middle class. Farther you go to northeast, the worse things you see. Jäykkäkersa is composed from sub-urban areas and large apartment buildings. Old east Berlin. Area feels gloomy and its few inhabitants are filled with dread. Suicides are common. Widespread epidemic which still lingers in the area has killed a lot of people. Bulgarian immigrants reside in the worst areas. Next to former Berlin wall a line of abandoned buildings have been taken over by nerds. Sky above Jäykkäkersa is filled with chaotic patterns, between which you can see beautiful planets and symbols. Bokor controls the area.
Centre of the city. Not everyone (like aliens) is permitted here, and the area is sometimes even unnaturally difficult to approach. Merirosvo is filled with high buildings, mostly government and corporate offices. It is almost always covered in mist.
Area is governed by Goloka Industries, Delirium Inc. Greenwich Foundation and Alcohol Products.
You can find many nightclubs and striptease joints here, most popular is Tem'tashun.
Industrial area – filled with large power plants, factories and warehouses. There are businesses and apartments here too. You can’t find much life here unless you count mutants, cats and other freaks. Actually, the area is so polluted that overnight stay there may lead to serious lung damage. There are also secret government laboratories where beings clad in protective gear commit their secret research. Clash is poisonous to human beings. Sky over clash is like a view in turning kaleidoscope and its multicoloured lighting varies and glows in an interesting ways.
Trionis governs the area.
Area is composed of dreary apartments, small stores and factories. You can also find militia base here, where obnoxious militia and other suchlike reside. ‘they just break everything’ the normal residents usually think. Great Mormon church lies abandoned here, and an area where experienced characters have built their castles.
Emperor Castor’s palace is somewhere in Section, it is big.
Area is governed by Simon Pornaie.
Abandoned harbour area, nowadays swarming with demons. Horrid church has been built right in the middle of it. According to rumours it is situated east of Tiergarten, north from Wilmersdorf, north from island.
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Comfortable and peaceful park, where you can even meet normal drunken people and animals. You can kill the animals, which is done in certain circles for experience. Zombies sometimes wander here at night, sniffing and wondering fearfully at everything exciting. Animals found wandering in here are moved to Zoo.
Night-time control of Tiergarten is contested between hooligans, Neo Bees and moomin.
Large zoo, where you can find mutants in addition to more or less normal animals. Famed for sphere-headed Thiamat, baby Detonic(which they think is a pussy cat!) and two-headed dog (Zoso). Area is teeming with aliens and leaders of the Epsios have their embassy here.
Sewers lead to Hell. There are many levels in sewers, the lowest of which are natural caves. Sewers are inhabited by pygmies, demons, ghosts and ghouls.
Metro tunnels circle among the sewers. Berlin metro is dilapidated, and thus does not work properly. In addition the metro is used by passengers, and sometimes even metro workers who are mean to other passengers and the metro itself. Metro workers are very frustrated people as a result. They are hired straight from the Looney bin. To the horror of all, the fabric of the seats is not compliant with any safety code.
Berlin surroundings
Berlin surroundings
Berlin is surrounded by wilderness and wasteland. You can find eternal ruins, broken war gear, mutants, brontosaur, concentration camps and industrialized small towns.
Museum of Forbidden Art
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This museum contains ID’s secret art collections which are mainly composed of books withdrawn from print before publication, and some rare important writings that went through the sieve. In addition, there is a large video archive and a collection of paintings that are seen only by members of ID and few others (among them, a Nelimarkka’s portrait of Epsios and Da Vinci’s sketches of a flying saucer).
Tegel International Airport
Militia keeps the airport in a dignified order. Getting a ticket requires filling a form that tests your fanaticisms and a passport. Airport is clinically clean, and there is not much life there. Flights are rare and often you are the only passenger in the plane. For some reason, when you step to the runways, the sky seems to be filled with colourful chemical shapes which flow down to the horizon. Same kind of thing continues for the whole flight. You can also spy floating plateaus, on which are standing ancient beings. Majestic-23 supervises the functioning of the airport.
Encounters in Berlin
A large part of people believe that they are only one who has a soul (Solipsism) and encounters may become quite imaginative, especially when you take into account the fact that most of the people have no soul. Others, quite many actually, are suffering from Capgras delusion, they stolidly believe that all of their close acquaintances are replaced with frauds. This really happens. Paranoia is common and many do not believe in other’s history, rights or even existence. Officials just pin everything on too little self-control. Almost everyone carries a some kind of weapon.
That is why disturbances are not very common. Only the disabled, insane and ghosts go around without any self-defence implements.
Following are some examples of encounters.
Euthanasia-abolitionist’s violent demonstration against mercy killing; 3 gangsters armed with SMGs looking for something to eat; blind lumberjack; Ku Klux Klan members hunting down enormous rat swarm; lost dimensional traveller looking for the ark of the covenant; someone looking for sanctuary, pursued by Durgan’s disciples; fallen conservative-compassionate in midst of self-loathing; some nut exploded last night on the street, leaving a thick bag of sperm (flowing with moomin sperm); group of Durgan’s disciples snatched from the 20’s; drool cheek daemon gathering scrap; diarrhoeic crazy man with a meek expression who has a tart candy in mouth; woman in bridal suit, carrying a torch, shouting after the character; Mugwump at the end of an alley, pushing its crotch toward the character; disabled cook, feeling his folds; riot of
Maws who lost their temper; Martian terror bombing (bomb filled with flies); mortal commits suicide with overdose of GABA in front of the characters; cow with a tie, collecting stuff from the street and wearing them; beautiful dainty lady angel, hermaphroditic(manga-style); collector of body hair; drowsy man with a wild baboon accidentally sewn inside him; optimistic woman who has been stuck into a metal grill from her head for weeks; old couple on a shopping trip, looking for young flesh; insane man driving a bus; large-scale search expedition, Black Dawn members are looking for archangel Michael; girl with low INT demanding love; blood merchant; flood; shy agitator.
Berlin personages
Proles characters are usually quite personal and very strange. They may seem completely mindless, and nothing has to have any meaning behind it. Following are some great things they may have. You are allowed to use these.
Humongous cockroach tied to back with bandage; tie made of foreskin; speculum hanging from nipple; brains of shy, mad, and sentient boy inserted into chest cavity; brain piercing; carries uranium ball; patch of flea-infested hair under lip; flashing lights follow the character; spiderfilled sore in the neck; cursed bible with crotch-hair covers; string of love bites from neck to crotch; jogging suit of a hooker suffering from premenstrual syndrome; screaming soul under arm; ponytail kept tightly between ass-cheeks; mulligan; rotten lizards halfway sunken in the back; hemp remote control sewn into the hand; elementary school class photo tattooed into shoulder; angry anal praying muscle; yellow batman tshirt; shirt made from sackcloth, text ‘potatoes’ in the back; musket – shining eternally with red light; bronze mittens; ingrown testicles; pulsing vulva; plastic bag of poems about loneliness; filled with microchips; stigmata on hands and feet; crutch which has built-in laser targeter; foreskin peeled back; always when one goes to toilet, something red comes out; bunch of injection needles sticking from face; skin full of deep, wet wounds; looks concentrated at a piece of offal; fear-inducing drunken shaved porcupine inside a large bread; CD-player that plays Leo Meller’s speeches continually implanted in neck; insane bitch always follows, continually showing the middle finger which has an engraved symbol of ancients in the nail, bitch is followed by a dog which is continually teased; used steel pipe bought in a religious awakening(holy); religious crap which interests; own ears in pocket; ring of light overhead; little lips of vulva insolently on show; massive machinery that moves circulation outside the body; purple film on teeth, very painful; other hand locked behind the neck, holding a sunflower; funny hand stained in semen; roof of the mouth in brain because of a failed suicide attempt.
Leo Meller
Stocky, paranoid man, which is a prisoner of pleasure and a success theologist. For years he has been seeking proof that the final times are upon us, and has now found a devilish purpose from communism. Leo was interested in the Bible as a small child, when his auguries had come
Berlin 34/63 true: he just guessed right. Later he became the establisher of conservative-conservatives and now he leads them to certain doom. Leo became a Devil’s henchman a year ago and wishes that all go to Hell. Jesus still speaks through him. His mouth has started to foam because of a strange mutation. His shaved shins are very sexy if the opinion of ladies is believed. He wanders through Potsdam, either with a backpackhelicopter or a zeppelin.
Herren. CON 17, DEX 11, INT 14, WIL 15. Skills: Driving, History, Library search, Screwing, Read/write, Media, Occultism, Teaching, Oratory,
Psychology, Persuasion.
Ronald Reagan (alias Cowboy)
Reagan in power an again and more surprising than ever. He works as the wild president of USA. After the economy of US collapsed, he allowed aliens to immigrate, hoping they would bring advanced technology. He has allowed US to sink into a great depression which has divided the country into east and west parts. Wes part is controlled by various cults and aliens, and he himself controls the east coast with his cult, conservative-compassionates. His embassy is situated at Merirosvo. Ronald swallows large amounts of LSD to medicate his dementia. He is in a spiritual bind and has a reputation to be a faggot.
When he visits Berlin, he travels by metro, accompanied by a couple of bodyguard punks. He stays at nests.
Free Man. CON 7, DEX 7, INT 10, WIL 11. Skills: Driving, History, Read/write, Media, Acting, Oratory, persuasion. Also knows many spells.
Rääkkä Hema (alias Mabus)
Slim young man clad in refined apparel, whose appearance is very deceiving. Even if his behaviour is courteous and caring, his private life is shocking. Rääkkä fucks corpses! Jeffrey Dahmer is nothing compared to him. He is a very sick and twisted personality, for whom nothing is sacred and he enjoys soiling anything beautiful. He works as Magister Magistri in the brotherhood of Pazuzu and has great influence in the underground of Berlin. Rääkkä carries many diseases and mutations, like a large varicose vein in his testicles. He also moves among the north
African chaos circles.
Rääkkä can be met in Bernau in his hovercraft.
Free Man. CON 11, DEX 16, INT 15, WIL 14. Skills: Driving, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Shotguns, History, Streetwise, Handguns,
Screwing, Read/write, Media, Teaching, Pathology, Automatic weapons, Persuasion, Gambling, Swimming, Language(English, Swedish,
Russian, French, Spanish, Esperanto, Italy, Hebrew, Arabic).
Dr.Kiki Spreitzel (alias Blutmöse)
Berlin’s forefront of scientific pursuits. He is greasy, bald fat man who wears creased leather jacket, yellow batman t-shirt, rubber gloves and thick glasses. He has hellishly painful disease of demonic origin, which colours his face ghostly white. He will die of this sickness soon. He also suffers from growing boils. He is also cannibal. Kiki knows everyone. He moves in homosexual circles and sold his body sometimes, although he is not natural or even consensual homosexual. He knows most of the chancellors, emperor’s advisors, ID members, head of the secret police, personnel of the science centre and the leader of the propaganda office. Kiki’s scientific activity is brutal and efficient.
Ritter. CON 12, DEX 8, INT 21, WIL 17.
Forky O’Donnell
Cute freckle-faced chubby boy, who is clad in psycho-billy apparel. His jokes suck and his seduction attempts are laughable, but he is one of the toughest private demon-catchers of Berlin. Forky does not get scared easily, and he butchers Satan’s henchmen just because he enjoys violence. He is not very interested in God, but demons do not fit in his world-view.
Forky plays guitar is one of the most popular rock-bands of Berlin, Bionic Symmetry. Band’s latest album, Swallowed Genealogy sold over two million copies. Band has a public war going on with another popular group, Goth-rock band Gene Girls.
Free Man. CON 16, DEX 12, INT 15, WIL 17.
Chao-Chou Kilgore Junior
Chao-Chou is partly wooden large Irish whaler. His eyes are surrounded by white make-up and he has lips like those of a clown. He is clad in rumpled leisure suit, which has stains here and there. He wears clown shoes. Chao-Chou is experienced old Berliner, who always goes around night clubs drinking booze. His attitude towards everything is neutrally cold, being indifferent to other’s destinies. He has visited all dimensions.
Sometimes he gets involved in shady business in his travels, and as such is hunted by many. He may be helpful if he notices that you are sincere. He does not like any cults or gangs and especially not mega corporations.
Free Man. CON 17. DEX 10, INT 14, WIL 20.
Larva-Kurt Ewald (alias Izzu)
Larva-Kurt is large chubby male, who has shiny red round cheeks. His eyes stand on his head like he was hypnotized. He wears long coat and has a cap drawn deeply onto his head. Larva-Kurt wanders around Berlin alone, muttering something one quite can’t make out. He lived in the
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Looney bin earlier in his life. He seems to be a scary, insane man as he mutters death-threats to his imaginary listeners, but is surprisingly nice to strangers. He is very dangerous when teased, does not hesitate for a moment to rip out anyone’s throat, and he never backs up. He is
Spencer Ewald’s son, but he is disowned and his father does not want to hear about him. He does not even pretend to know anyone even after meeting them, except Chao-Chou. He knows everything about Berlin and just about everything. He has perfect memory. He returns to Looney bin at night.
Ritter. CON 19, DEX 8, INT 5, WIL 8.
Mr.Caitanya (alias Herr Natürlich)
Caitanya is Hindu guru and henchman of God who tours around Berlin. His skin is golden and he is clad in opulent ceremonial gear. His face is still very ugly. He is a prophet of many faiths and enjoys much respect among believers. Mormon-angel is one of his many side personalities.
Aliens are very interested in killing him for some reason.
He has some baboon blood in him, which he tries to hide.
Caitanya wanders Potsdam surrounded by a group of stupid but loyal disciples.
Free Man. CON 8, DEX 9, INT 12, WIL 21. Spells: Eckt Ack.
Waterhead Waterbay (alias Mono)
Waterhead is short, cute, raven-haired, green-eyed young vamp from Berlin. She is missing one ear and as such is seen often holding her hand on her missing ear. She works at Satan’s offices in the highest capacity and is the matriarch of the Kirke Order Of Dog Blood, and also Kiki’s dominatrix. She sees Kiki as a means to fuller and more real life. She eats only rice.
She may be seen in Berlin’s night clubs with a large menagerie, which includes deformed people, feminists, beginners, students, acrobats and artists.
Herren. CON 9, DEX 12, INT 10, WIL 11.
Archangel Michael (alias Atheist)
Archangel Michael is a shocking personality. His nature is completely impulsive and extremely hysteric. His body is tall and slim, his hair black and straight and his eyes are like cold ice. He has wings growing from his back like other God’s demons. He has tattooed nude female torsos on his arms. Other one has nun’s headgear and a halo over her head, other one has horns and red skin. His role is to be a neutral judge between
God and Satan. He will never be able to do this, because the pressure made him go insane. Now he scrambles around the area naked, leaving a wake of popped minds after him. Only little cherubs may suck his horridly long penis. He only comes when he is frightened.
Michael may appear from anywhere!
Juhan Af Grann (alias Man of the Future)
Juhan was earlier an accomplished actor and popular movie director in Finland, until he grew bitter of the harassment of the people there, starting a lonely ufo hunt in Berlin. He is strangely clad big-headed man with a moustache and is known well for his large blond shock of hair.
This man communicated publicly with aliens before they came to earth, learning about Theosophical religion introduced by the Mugwump, whose messiah he was. He is an excellent artist, circus performer, historian and writer – but a very bad liar. He has been compared to Picasso for his art and Marlon Brando for his acting. His personality is overbearing and prejudiced and he has no sense of humour.
Juhan Af Grann, Leo Meller and deceased Vladimir Zhirinovsky are good friends.
Herren. CON 12, DEX 10, INT 12, WIL 13.
John Paul II (alias Herr Moral)
This man has had more attempts on his life than a bee at allergic convention, but none have succeeded. He is one of those rare popes that were on God’s side. He had to leave his chair for masturbation scandal that actually was a Satan’s plot. Ronald Reagan is his good friend, actually they were fuck-buddies one time. He has dignified godly destiny and a violent nature.
He wanders Berlin’s streets alone on his skateboard wearing ancient Egyptian garments.
Ritter. CON 5, DEX 5, INT 16, WIL 13.
Adolf Hitler (alias Führer)
Almost 120, senile Adolf spends his time in Berlin, having retired. He did not commit suicide, just went to hiding. He survived like Jesus, without digestive tract. Others say that he came forth from Hell at the time of upheaval. He has shaved his funny moustache. Eva Braun gave birth to his child Kolli Hitler, now aged 60, who works in the war ministry. Tens of clones have been made from him with alien technology, first of which was emperor Castor.
Adolf wheels around Berlin on his wrecked wheelchair.
Ritter. CON 7, DEX 8, INT 13, WIL 16.
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Boulimansis (alias Moloch)
Berlin’s central computer and the artificial INT that supervises the cybernet. Personality of Boulimansis was copied equally from Spencer Ewald and Kiki. Physically its hard- and software is situated in space research centre. Virtually it is a humongous cockroach clad like dandy. He arranges tea-parties for cybernet users, which it also suckles.
Phineas Ishmael Theodorus (alias Kumpel)
Small Epsios general who drives around the city in his blue Saab, giving rides to UFO believer. Phineas grew up in a Conservative-
Compassionate’s owned warehouse in a small box and spent his youth in extreme alcoholic intoxication. He successfully escaped and joined the
Epsios army. He is a spy for his race’s leaders now. Phineas is a real pain in the ass. He watches everyone and then flees retaliation with his car or running like hell, just to stay and watch farther away. He can get very annoying, things like thinking can be difficult if Phineas watches your every moment, listening at the same time to your smallest gurgle and slap. He is large-eyed, big-toothed and has a bad posture. He is afraid of strong personalities and is happy for the smallest attentions.
Gabriel von der Lagerbauer (alias Bokor)
This Afro communist nigger Ju-Ju priest represents his race well: he is nice, selfish and black. Bokor is an old man in politics: he is the source of all evil in it. Nothing can be believed if it comes from his mouth, mouth that is surrounded by moist lips. Bokor has cheated his way to one of
Jäykkäkersa’s most influential persons. Bokor’s influence can be felt even in Emperor’s court, where his web of lies manipulates the young emperor. He has this strange compulsion about making Jäykkäkersa a free market area, where he would lead the trade. He is indifferent towards everything and has never even heard about universe. His crotch-hair has been cut like a moustache. Hair surrounding his mouth resembles a twat’s hair.
Bokor moves among north African chaos circles, but originates from Nigeria.
Elvis Presley (alias the King)
Rock’n roll’s king is not dead! Couple of years before his ”death” manager of his, ”the Colonel” who was a member of ID, slipped a goodly dose of lysergic acid dimethylamine –25 into his cheeseburger for the PR, the trip that followed showed Elvis how empty his life was and changed identities with one of the leading impersonators of Cal area. After this he froze himself cryogenically to come again when he was needed. Elvis takes a lot of STP and barbiturates because he believes they are the salvation of humankind. Elvis and Hitler have a lot of differences, in politics as well as music. Elvis moves on Potsdam in a pink Cadillac convertible –56. His style is magic.
Herren. CON 9, DEX 8, INT 9, WIL 13. Knows karate.
Spencer Ewald
Spencer has civilized features which have a whiff of Roman decadence. He wears blue overcoat which has a lightning bolt sewn on chest. His moustache sticks up like he stuck his finger into electric socket.
Spencer is the mayor of Berlin, Moloch fan club’s chairman, advocate of Carpocratic Gnosticism and the professor of university of unnaturalism.
His activity of the moment is art crime, which he sponsors.
Spencer owns a home at Section, where large parties for the cream of Berlin are held, and where he takes a hold of Berlin’ upcoming stars.
Spencer is a fat ninja, murderer, frank man, criminally inclined, rich and active.
Ritter. CON 16, DEX 15, INT 18, WIL 17.
Other places 37/63
Only Berlin contains a lot of life, other places are almost empty. From the following map, you can easily see how ruined the whole world is.
These areas contain mostly ruins.
America is an evil land. The evil came before Indians. It hides under ground and waits.
USA has divided into east and west parts. East is governed by Ronald Reagan and Conservative-Compassionates, while west part is controlled by different cults. Country suffered a lot from the nuclear exchange with China and Iraq. Land is empty, citizens have disappeared, and you can hardly find people anywhere. Alcohol Products controls the slight remaining economy, and the people do not like that.
South America is inhabited by aliens, mostly Mekolites and Thiamatas who wage their own war on the continent. Thiamata have conquered many cities, although they are not very suppressive towards humans, at least yet. People are useful to them in the war against Mekol.
Thousands of UFO’s circle above South-American cities. They have gone back to old shamanism, mushroom cults and dream worlds.
Typical American is self-important. They wear leather jumpsuits and boots or superhero apparel.
There has been nothing special lately for this poor country as it’s warring with Pakistan. India is very poor country, as Gods are the greatest authority. India is in complete poverty, and even the hippies do not like it there anymore. Everyone tries to get somewhere else by killing, whoring or trading. Nobody cares for others in India anymore.
Russia (Gog)
Knocked-out country, People of Russia still live like there’s no tomorrow, the whole land is corrupted, and mobs have a large influence in the country, also the foreign mafias have started their activities there. Russia has more cults than any other country. Its people are very enthusiastic about the supernatural and at the turn of the millennium almost everybody started worshipping something strange. Also at the change millennium, Russia returned to communism surprising everyone. It had a massive war force in reserve, which attacked the surrounding countries in the world war. President is coat-turner Vladimir Zhirinovsky, red and wild man from the manors of Hell, which has been recently killed.
Russians are known to be lazy and crooks, although they value decency, but in name only. Some of them wear suits and shave their hair, some have dark robes, and some are clad in tattered sackcloth.
China (Magog)
Land of the hysteric people. At some point China split all their relations to foreign states. It had decided to live self-sufficiently which has not succeeded very well and smuggling is rife.
Other places 38/63
China was the greatest loser of the world war. It was bombarded with nuclear missiles and the area is fucking polluted, that is why there are a lot of mutants around there. For some weird reason ID has virtually no power in the country, although China is one great chaos circle.
Chinese have found a dimensional gate on their soil where they move their overpopulation. Everyone who turns 30 has to start running towards this gate or he is punished by the execution of his family. After reaching the gate, they have to rush in, probably after hours of waiting in the line.
Japan is in anarchy. Almost all companies and corporations were run out of the country in 2002. Japan is a funny land for they know cyber technology completely but do not want to profit economically. Japanese live enjoying the small pleasures of life, worrying over nothing. They are in retirement, for now they have money and time. Some day a dangerous group of demons or aliens attack. Nothing has been done to prepare for this, and it is quite strange why the demons have not yet gone there. Most of them play golf or watch colour TV.
Heavy continent. Population is centred to north Africa while other parts of the continent are abandoned. Famine forced people to emigrate from their homes and many have gone missing. In South-Africa, white people have decided to kill all the black men. North African drug business is in
Alcohol Product’s control.
AIDS has polluted African flesh.
Area has made it through the war with little or no damage. This does not mean that there would be a lot of people, because over 99% of the population has been abducted by the UFO men. Australia is a popular tourist attraction for its unpolluted nature and peace. People who still remain there are clad in tattered far-fetched clown apparel. A new race of humans can be found in Australia, a two-headed male and female
Siamese-twin creature.
The war between Iran and Iraq, when both nations bombed each other to radioactive stone age. Most influential man in Middle east is ancient witch Abaddon, who lives with his cats (detonics) and pygmies in a really cool castle. He rules all of Persia with his devilish power. Middle east is one of the largest producers of wrong substances. Most of middle eastern buildings converted into whorehouses, hotels, casinos or bars. These places are meant for the very adult crowd.
Europe is in German Empire’s dystopic control and all kings of all lands bow down to it. EU was going to be ended as the first thing after the establishment of the German Empire, but the experiment still continues. According to Leo Meller, God has abandoned Europe. In Bulgaria,
Albany and Macedonia, the main religion is Satanism. Jerusalem and Paris are inhabited by Raelians.
Finland is recognized as the womb of humanity, the land of the primal ooze.
Antarctica is no longer covered in just ice.
Chaos circles
From outside, it may appear that Chaos circle have no order. It has hid itself in worthless secrets or overbearing openness. There is a strict order, but it is unclear even to the most dedicated member. Chaos circles may begin from the strong emotional content that results from some certain things are thought over. Sometimes the things are sensible, but all are marked by a certain eccentricity. Chaos circles are unreal, dreamily surrealistic and are born in one night, and can disappear at any time like they never even were. They are born in clubs, vacation spots, festivals, courthouses and overall in any place ideologies are tested in action. Places start to flow with anomalies and mutants. Great Christian awakening in which hell and heaven were opened, and upheaval came, was one of the most impressive Chaos circles. We are not yet through it. Leo Meller was behind it all.
Chaos circles usually end very quickly. When Chaos circle ends, nothing fun is left behind.
Chaos circles:
Other places
Satan and God 40/63
Being which is missing its soul (i.e. ghoul or a demon) is possessed completely by its wants and fanaticisms; and their actions are mostly meaningless. Soul-owning being has a free will. If a character can get rid of all his fanaticisms he is damn spiritual.
God is worshipped by many names, and often called by different names, of which the most evocative are Chaos, Demiurge, Krishna, Ukko,
Ahura-Mazda, Yahwe and the Supernatural. God does not appear on earth, but instead works indirectly through his henchmen.
Devil is lauded by all those who deny God or destiny. He has many names, like Dionysus, Damb Allah, Tiamat, Louhi, Eris, Mister Entropy and
Lucifer. He has much influence on earth, and is respected by almost all the important people. For some reason Satan is interested in teaching atheism. He would also like to be God.
Satan’s henchmen
Satan sometimes takes mortals as his servants. Satan’s henchmen get immortality from their lord for whom they have to swear loyalty the end, whenever that may be. Most of them control a group of mortals, who hold the henchman as their teacher. Satan’s henchmen are very diseased and/or bitter individuals. Their main interest is evil and inordinate anger. Their immortality is fun: They may booze up, have intercourse, urinate, take drugs and do whatever indecent without any fear of retaliation. Fuck do they care about other people and God’s henchmen they always like to bother.
Henchmen learn strange abilities(f.e. necromancy, demonology, mesmerization, telepathy), which are accompanied by strange gestures, swearing, horrid noises, dancing lights and stutering movements.
There are many groups of Satan’s henchmen, the following are part of or subgroups of ID.
Catholic Discordians
Cold, unpredictable and wacky group of occultists. They practice orderly revolutionary activity with their black sheep-leader, Thiamat-bohemian
Vissingen in control. Catholic Discordians appear almost always to gain from Chaos circles being born. They can be recognized by their strange clothing, and some of them take the inverted ankh tattoo. Very satanic.
CON 16, DEX 18, INT 18, WIL 20.
Holy Fire
Group led by harsh Heraclites zarathustran. Originally composed of mutated headbanger-heteroes, but now is also joined by Rääkkä, who first was sentenced to Hell for wasting life by witches, from whence the Lemuridae freed him to carry the ark of the covenant. Ark contains the law of ownership. Not much is known of this group.
CON 19, DEX 19, INT 17, WIL 18.
Carporatic Gnostics
This group troubles the Berlin aristocracy, because mayor Ewald advocates them and permits many perks for them, like the use of his apartment for the manipulation of Berlin’s upcoming stars. Carpocratic Gnostics dress in tuxedoes and always wear a pigskin mask that is most often filled with puke, snot and sweat.
All least Herren. CON 16, DEX 15, INT 19, WIL 20.
God’s henchmen
God sometimes emanates mortals as his servants which he then uses for his own, sometimes seemingly mindless ends. God’s henchmen often control a group of mortals, who hold the henchman as a messenger from their God. Additionally some mortals still believe in higher truth and have attained immortality after coming to light with god(abandoning all fanaticisms except the worship of God). They travel filled with joy, killing mutants, guilty ones and free thinkers. They have a strange penchant for causing trouble to Satan’s henchmen.
They are taught cabbalistic magic(f.e. create food/wine, water walking, healing, demon banishing etc.) Only the Lord and the Satan itself know where dead God’s henchmen go.
Following is some God’s accepted henchmen.
Satan and God 41/63
Aryans have been predestined to a mystical mission. They are slim, wide-shouldered, big-dicked and they have hair in their face, sometimes quite long. Their skin is weather-beaten. They dress like ancient wizards. They carry a two-bladed sword, which they use to batter everything they see as wrong. They fly around in sky, on stars and on astral level.
CON 14, DEX 16, INT 18, WIL 20.
Durgan’s avatars
These Durgan’s disciples’s highest priests who have reached an unprecedented level of illumination are completely psychotic fatalistic schizoids.
When they reach ultimate level of illumination, their body explodes into small chunks and at its place appears a middle finger-sized strong beast of Godly origin. Creature’s head is an oblong ball that has a gaping maw and one elongated eye. Its claws are enormous.
Durgan’s avatars are to the liking of God. They are related to demons, and are interested in them. Just about nothing else is known about them.
CON 16, DEX 17, INT 10, WIL 21.
Enlightened Conservative-Compassionate
Compassionate’s size of course grows when he is enlightened. Other changes are golden skin and thick light grey coat, wearing which and sandals on his feet Compassionate rushes through the streets after otherworldly spirits. Otherwise enlightened Compassionate builds fortifications, which it crams full of Conservative-Copassionates to hide them from sin. They guard their fortresses jealously.
CON 16, DEX 15, INT 14, WIL 20.
Death (meiosis)
Killing is fun. Because Hell opened in upheaval and the nest of God is closed to many, sinners have the option to continue their lives on earth after the death. People do not usually know about this though, so they just try to get used to Hell, from where soul usually understands to go to the Abyss. Character’s being tells where the soul goes: those with worship-of-God fanaticism get to God’s nest, the place of absolute zero/nirvana, if God just allows it. If not, the soul goes to astral womb where it generates another body according to its fanaticisms and is reborn.
Cowards and wrongdoers are usually born as women. Swallowing a naked astral soul gives good wibes.
At the temple of the children of the Nebo in Schöneberg performs reincarnation rituals for those who want it. This costs five thousand marks and theoretically means that character may roll new attributes except WIL, INT, fanaticisms, skills, mind and empathy. They do not always remember or get around to performing the ritual after killing the character.
Those souls who do not worship God go to Hell. In Hell, the souls wander around being tortured by demons, this causes mutations and destabilizes the mind. Those who literally run away like Hell, are seen as dead, but the body is still functional. Going around being dead is easy: animals are hostile, holy things disturb horribly, children and spiritual people are afraid and plants wilt in his presence.
Nagual vision of death. You need a third eye to see this.
Moment of death. In exactly three minutes astral soul excretes above the body shivering in cold. If God is active, some inorganic angel flows from the sky to the astral soul resembling a traditional angelic shape. If it does not get excited about the soul, it leaves for the stars, cursing loudly. Otherwise it takes the soul to some God’s holy planet. At the full moon, shadow-beings attack the astral soul. This attack resembles instantaneous chemical reactions, in which the astral soul flees in terror. If it has to surrender, it stays to haunt the area.
If Pazuzu is active, it comes as a suffering angel with its rotting genitalia, laying a twat-like tentacle on astral soul, which has been frozen from astonishment at this. If the soul has low WIL, Pazuzu sucks it in. A soul strong enough scares him away, when he spurts the fluids from his tentacle, releasing accidentally some souls whose bodies will soon wake as mindless beings. Those whose souls go to Pazuzu, are animated and angry.
In other cases the astral soul gets sucked into a star pool, appearing at astral level.
There are strange dimensions in this multiverse. Bodily needs in these dimensions are dependent on the state of mind. Soul has a need to visit in all dimensions.
Happy hunting grounds (Astral womb)
Resembles stringy organic cave, a bright light shines through the walls. Seethes with astral soul flocks which wrestle and couple. Have puddles of primal ooze on the floor.
God’s nest (Tuonela)
Frozen hell filled with suns. Like some desiccated planet, which is inhabited by the most imaginative and suspicious sentient beings. Chaos waits its inner explosion here. God’s saints are frozen in the icy seas.
Hell (Gehenna)
Satan and God 42/63
Quickly flashing complex panorama, whose characteristics are insides of a building, containing horrid beings and general terror. Part of Hell seems to be caves or sewers. Pressuring demons choke mortals, which causes stress that may drive the mortals into madness or mutation.
Absu (Abyss)
Deep that flows emptiness. Slight winds and moments that are very boring. Occasional feelings of rage sweep everything before them. Souls here are eternally removed from all records of other dimensions. Pazuzu sometimes crosses the region.
Xilka (Dimension X)
Like multiverse needed this dimension. It is exotic place originally inhabited by blue beings. Now the dimension has been taken over by Chinese, aliens, lost scientists and hippies. Dimension is like a steep rolling incline on which bounce bright meteorites. There is no sky, because land circles like a screw. Everything proceeds at hair-raising speed, which can be stopped only by concentrating. Concentration is cripplingly difficult to attain. When you try to look at something, the view wheels past avoiding consciousness. When you are there you can’t be even sure of your existence, everything is disconnected and you can’t grasp anything. Someone may suddenly come with surprising demands. Chinese usually want to perform some horrible surgery on your skull. They themselves have a row of blue stitches that grow plastic hairs on their heads.
Magan (Limbo)
Humid tropical jungle, which visitors usually liken to a paradise. Visitors are overcome with feverish, dreamy state which is most like an opium experience. Laziness deepens the condition. Magan’s sky is always very dark and windy, but the place is very warm and pleasing. Tropical plants, exotic animals, great temples and erotic demigods, nice angels and demons.
Cybernet (Matrix)
Brain link allows human consciousness to be transferred to internet-based virtual electronic matrix world, Cybernet. Cybernet resembles a vast dark forest, in which undergrowth the visitors roam. The forest usually resembles a children’s nightmare fantasy world, but especially the schizophrenics are at home there. There are just a small group of Cybernet users, half of which are system operators. Some visitor’s personality melds into the Cybernet, assuming a permanent role there.
Cybernet users usually look like teddy children in school uniforms. The systems connected to Cybernet resemble dollhouses.
Stuff 43/63
Characters have D6x1000 German marks of beginning assets. Prices change for quality, rarity and other such crap. If the character wishes, he can have +D20x100 marks (if he is nice to his parents).
If character cannot afford clothing, Berlin’s government offers his sackcloth pants, ”Ich bin ein Berliner” T-shirt and Velcro sneakers.
Army boots
Ballet dress
Budo suit
Camouflage suit
Chastity belt
Clown dress
Collar shirt
College shirt
Cowboy boots
Feather cap
Fur hide
Hooded shirt
Jogging suit
Ku Klux robes
Lady’s underwear
Leather jacket
Long coat
Ripstop jacket
Rubber boots
+3 to hiding
Short pants
Shower coat
Shower jacket
Snow smock
Spring shoes
Stovepipe hat
Straight jacket
Suction shoes
Swimming suit
Teddy bear suit
Turbo^2 sneakers
Wedding dress
Wool cap
Wood 1/5
Plastic/rubber/synthetic/s.leather x1
Asbestos x1.5 x2 x3 x3 x5
+D6 meters to jumping distance
+5% movement
1 point of armor
Changes colors
Protects from heat and fire
Flea market
Generic brand
Earthclad Perk
Egregior Bark
Gentleman’s Covers
Nodens’ Pall
Macho International
Real Parcheds
½ x1 x1.5 x2 x3 x5 x10 x20
Seduction -1
Media +1
Persuasion +1
Oratory +1
Disguise +1
Screwing +1
Seduction +1
High fashion is not in fashion at the moment. Guns come in designer brands too.
Calib. Price
Damage Initiative Accuracy Clip/Load Range Special d3 0 0 d3+1 0 0
Stuff 45/63
Black Jack
Butcher knife
Baseball bat
15 d6-1 d6 d6+1 d6 d6+1 -2
2d6-1 0
Cattle prod
Laminated bow
Double Derringer pistol
Corer pocket pistol
Pipe pistol
Ronin revolver
Luger Mauser pistol
Maddragoon pistol
Nambu Fifo pistol
Colt Negative pistol
Cook revolver
Winchester gauss musket
Needle pistol
Needle rifle
Random machine pistol
Corporal machine pistol
Uzi machine pistol
Coldkiss assault rifle
Svetlana assault rifle
Trinket 2 assault rifle
Utero far-killer assault rifle
Machine gun
Heavy machine gun
Stunner gun
Pump shotgun
Shotgun, double-barrel
Heavy shotgun Sg
Heavy shotgun, double-barrel Sg
Precision rifle
Sniper rifle
Thr rock
2d6 d6 d3-1
3d6 d6-1 d6 d6
20 d6 d6
-1 bomb bomb bomb -1 needle 50 d6-1 -1 quarrel 300 arrow 350
5 mm 200
5 mm 500 d20
2d6 d6 d6
+2** (2) +1
+3 +2
8 mm 90
8 mm 400
8 mm 600
8 mm 800
11 mm 1100
11 mm 1500
13 mm 2000 cartridge 3500 needle 300 needle 700
5 mm 800
5 mm 1200
5 mm 2000
8 mm 2500
8 mm 3000
11 mm 3400
11 mm 4500
5 mm 4500
8 mm 6000
11 mm 8000 battery 1000
15 mm 1100
15 mm 700
15 mm 1150
20 mm 1200
20 mm 1900
5 mm 1500
8 mm 3000
4d6 d20 d6-1 d6+1 d6 d6 d6
3d6 d6
3d6 d3-1 d6+4
+3** (3) 0
+2** (3) 0
+1* (5) 0
+1* (6) -1
+1* (6) 0
+1* (4) 0
0* (5) -1
-1* (3) -1
-2* (4)
-2** (3)
-1** (2)
-2** (2) d6+4 d6+4
0** (2)
2d6+4 -1 +2
2d6+4 -1** (2) +1
1 / 3r
1 / 0r
2 / 1r 50m
10 / 1r 50m
150m (g
1 / 1r
6 / 1r
8 / 1r 100m
10 / 1r 80m
8 / 1r 120m
10 / 1r 100m
4 / 1r
5 / 1r
300m (h
10 / 1r 20m
20 / 1r 40m
30 / 1r 40m
40 / 1r 40m
30 / 1r 60m
30 / 1r 150m
30 / 1r 200m
30 / 1r 300m
30 / 1r 400m
100 / 2r 150m (b
100 / 2r 300m (b
100 / 2r 500m (b
4 / 1r 15m
10 / 2r 40m
(j (l
1 / 1r
2 / 1r
1 / 1r
2 / 1r
10 / 1r 500m
10 / 1r 800m
(j (l
(j (l
(j (l
(j (l
Elephant rifle
Screw harpoon
Lightning gun
Flak cannon
Microwave cannon
Laser blaster
Rocket launcher
Bomb mortar
13 mm harpoon 4000 battery pack cell gas
10000 battery 5500
4000 missile 3000
2d6 d20 d6
-5 warhead 15000 varies -7 bomb 5000 varies -3
1 / 1r
1 / 3r
30* / 1r 50m
9 / 2r 200m
(b (j
30 / 1r
50*/ 3r
(d (f
20*/ 3r 20m (a (f
1 / d6r 200m (h
1 / d6r
3 / d6r
Types - Mel: melee, Thr: Throwing, Hg:Handgun, Sg:Shotgun, Rif:Rifle, Hvy: Heavy weapon, Mp: Machine pistol, Mg: Machine gun, Bow: Bows. Damage –
Damage dice roll. Initiative – Bonus or minus to init. roll. Gun is automatic if Initiative has an asterisk “*” after it; the number of shots it can salvo in a round is shown in brackets. With two asterisks “**” in Initiative, gun can be fired for the number of times shown in brackets. Accuracy – Bonus or minus to hit. Clip/Load
Stuff 46/63
– Ammo in clip/Loading or changing clip time in rounds. Damage done is drain on clip if Clip score has an asterisk after “*” it. Range – Normal range of the weapon. Special – a) When hit, the victim takes D6 fire damage per round for d6 rounds. b) Burst fire, target is hit by d6 separate shots. c) Target has to make
CON test or be stunned for D6 rounds. d) Cyber wear D6 = 1-5 goes offline, 6 broken. e) Depends on ammo. f) Target armor does not protect. g) Target armor protects x2. h) Target armor protects at ½. i) Character can choose damage dice from 1d6 to 5d6. j) Target armor is damaged by d3-1 points. k) Roll d20, if equal or less to damage target is stuck and cannot move away from character. l) Sawed-off shotgun: range is halved, on short range +2 to hit and damage. m) Weapon has to warm-up for 1 round before use.
Ammo clip
Machine gun ammo belt
5 mm bullets
8 mm bullets
11 mm bullets
13 mm bullets
Dum Dum bullets
Armor piercing bullets
Gauss ammo cartridge
Drugged Needle
15 mm shotgun rounds
15 mm shotgun slugs
20 mm shotgun rounds
20 mm shotgun slugs
Flak cannon pack
Power battery
Power cell
Gas container
Bazooka missile
Impact warhead
Anti-tank warhead
Napalm warhead
Heat-seaking warhead
Mininuke warhead
Price Quantity Special
1/1 shot 1
30 1 Machine guns rounds use x6 shots
X 20
X 20
20 5
+2 gun damage, -1 to hit
Armor protects only at ½
Includes a battery for gauss gun
4000 1
+ cost of the substance
Shotgun damage D6+6; +0 Accuracy
Shotgun damage 2d6+6; +0 Accuracy
For bows, 1/6 chance to break after use
Contains 9 rounds of flak projectiles (each with 6 shots)
30 power
50 power
Feeds fire to a flamer.
D6 damage at 5 meter radius
2d20 damage
D20 damage, armor does not protect; penetrates damage*5cm of iron
D6 damage at 50m radius for d20 rounds
D20 damage; +10 to hit in warm targets, d6=1 locks on wrong target
Range 5km; 100m blast radius 2d20 damage, 1km radius d20 damage, 2km d6 damage
Pressure bomb
Shrapnel bomb
Phosphorus bomb
Smoke bomb
Big bomb
Pacifier bomb
Price Special
Damage to 5m 2D6, 10m D6
Damage 10m 3D6, 20m 2D6, 30m D6
2D6 damage for D3 rounds in 20 m diameter
Emits a protective smoke cloud line, diameter 10x50m
Range D6*10m, damage D6*D6 x d6.
Everything in 10 m diameter move D6 m towards the implosion
Plasma bomb
Molotov cocktail
Plastic explosive
Stink bomb
Remote control
Creates D6 plasma balls that move D20 meters to random direction. 2D6 damage
D6 fire damage for D3 rounds (no armour)
Explodes from D6 kg of weight, d20 damage
Explosion diameter pcs x 10m, damage D6/pcs
Intolerable urine smell, 30m diameter, D6 minutes
Timed explosions
Distance max 5 km
Thrown bombs have D3-1 round fuse. Bombs always have 1/6 chance of being duds.
Stuff 47/63
Muscle boat
Price km/h
7500 260
25000 300
3340 235
21800 120
20000 120
45000 222
52000 352
Goliath hovercraft 120000 250
Jet backpack 6500 60
+1/0 1(2)
-1/+1 1(4)
Psngr A/HP Type
1(12) 7/25
2 (15)
1/4 motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle boat bus helicopter prop plane propfan transporter backpack helicopter
10/30 truck Truck
45250 140
12000 140
450000 80
2000 50
1/7 car tank motorbike
4000 60
15000 220
Skoda dictator 6000 130
-1/0 1(2)
0/-1 1(2)
+2/+1 1
-1/0 1(5)
3/15 small car small car car
Volvo okra ghost 25000 210
Buick roadster 10000 150
Volkswagen hunter 60000 250
Vorwärts 7500 150
Schlepper 13000 190
Ice cream truck 12095 100
Kick bike
80000 160
-1/-1 1(10) 6/25
+1/0 1(8) 7/25
+1/-1 1(2)
0/3 car automobile sports car car car wagon fine car bike steed wheeled board
A/H – Acceleration/Handling
Psngr– passengers (max)
A/HP – Armour/Hit Points
Car breaks down when its hit points drop to 0. Armour is deducted from damage. With a critical hit the car explodes causing 2D20 damage to passengers.
Speed Acceleration
-10% -1
-25% -2
-50% -4
In crashes, damage is dependent mainly on the speed, and passengers take D20 +/- 1 per 10km/h over/under 100 km/h.
Miscellaneous equipment
Air cushion
Anthropine injection
Attaché case
Body scanner
Breathing mask
Price Special
20 Inflatable air cushion
Antidote for nerve gases
Stops 1 point bleeding in d6 rounds with first aid
Enlarges times 10
5300 Scans for internal injuries
5 One-use mouth mask
Stuff 48/63
Cd-radio player
Cell phone
Chemical metal
Chirurgeon’s box
Climbing set
Remote control mole
Colored marker
Function calculator
Film 5mk/24 pcs
Audio-cd 3mk/1 pcs
Mostly works inside the city and suburbs
48 Hardens in 10 minutes, 1dl
10000 Different surgical equipment
10 Shows time and date + other normal functions
150 Rope, bolts, etc..
10000 Computer used in cybernet
3500 This rat-sized robot can be controlled remotedly. It has video cam and audio mike. Speed 3m/r.
With refillable ink container. Ink 1mk, disappearing ink 10 mk.
Points north
4 litre plastic container
Kettle, gas burner etc..
For real twisting
Cooking kit
Directional mike
Drug sniffer
Electrics toolkit
First aid kit
Gives interest into listening
For pills
Identifies wrong substances
Contains electric tools
Investigates character’s problems in the light of previous incarnations
Bandages, painkillers..
Ikaros flare gun
Gas mask
Geiger reader
Glass eye
Hearing aid
Infra-red glasses
Injection needle
Kevlar vest
Brings light to darkness for d6 minutes; as pipe pistol but damage d6-1; flares cost 10mk each
For strangling
Keeps strange smells away
Detects radioactivity
Shaped like a real eye
Held on head, before eyes
Locks tight (Strength:20)
Used by lumberjacks and doctors
Enables one to hear what one should not.
3800 Receives infra-red light
Gives injection
6 point protective armor. Cumbersome: -1 to DEX
3060 Portable computer Laptop computer
Laser cutter
Laser targeter
Lead vest
Cuts through any metal (couple of centimetres)
+1 to hit in ranges under 20 meters
4 point protective armor. Heavy: -2 to initiative.
Light amplification goggles 2000 Can see in almost total darkness
Light stick 20 When twisted lights for d20 mins
Lock pick
Magical proclamation
Magnet shoes
Memory recorder
Mesh Exoskeleton
Metal detector
Metal saw
Microwave heater
Motion detector
Nitrogen bottle
Optic targeter
Orgone battery
Pack of cigarettes
Required for lock picking
Spell in paperback grimoire
Velcro fastenings
50 With brace or handle
28550 Plays and records memories. Empthy 1 hour memory disc costs 4000.
8000 Finds spiritual energy
6500 8 point protective armor. Cumbersome: -2 to DEX and character can run only at x2 speed
Finds concentrations of metal
Real nice
Enlarges everything
1700 Detects movement in a 60m sphere
For cryogenics
100 blank pages of graph paper
+2 to hit with rifles with one full round targeting
Being inside the battery regenerates spiritual energy 1 point in a hour
20pcs real Nuke-cigarettes
Pencil blowtorch
Plastic flask
Pocket vest
Power gloves
Protective glasses
Rubber boat
Satellite receiver
Scuba equipment
Sentinel helmet
Sleeping bag
Spike sticks
Suction cup
Swiss army knife
Telescopic grasper
Testicle massager
Ultra microscope
Ultraviolet goggles
Video camera
Wig + false moustache
Body parts
110 Opens
1500 Cuts through almost anything.
20 Cuts nicely
0.65 l
For carrying
For emptying bowels
STR 20 for crushing
Protects the eyes
Emits ear-piercing sound
2 person (children)
23500 Connection to satellites. Portable model.
20 For measuring weight
1650 Oxygen for 3 hours
200 +1 armor protection; -1 to perception tests
For digging
For 8 mm/5 mm weapons, breaks with d20=1
Wonderfully warm
Stick with a spike in one end. Very popular.
Spoon/fork, knife, holy symbol, lock pick, screwdriver.
Can grasp from up to 3m away
Contains 3-4 persons
Relaxes in stressful situations
Contains various tools
Stops up to 3 points bleeding in d6 rounds with first aid
Bumps up for about 5m
440 Digital 15”
3231 Really accurate microscope
10000 Can see ultra-violet light
23734 For star-watching
25 One litre
Vibrates indecently. As a weapon D3 vibration damage
Audio/video-cassette 5mk/4h.
Range is 40 km
Only for disabled
Sticks with stickers, suction cups or stitches
3200 (contains internal organs)
2000 (one can sell parts of own brain for 1500mk; this lowers INT for –2d6)
200/whole body
40/pair (bonus for good genes)
Stuff 50/63
Whole body 10000 (living)
There are no immunological reactions to my knowledge, they are just doctors lies. Character can implant any pieces he wants, even animals.
Character can also sell his own pieces, which are replaced with prostheses or body parts from others.
Random body part: D20: 1-2 Head, 2-4 Right hand, 5-7 Left hand, 8-10 Chest, 11-13 Stomach, 14 Genitals, 15-17 Right leg, 18-20 Left leg.
Wrong substances
Price Test
40 0
200 -2
1000 -4
20 +2
Increases senses
Mutation hormone
Hightens conciousness
Growth hormone
Hightens conciousness
Black Goop
Mother’s Fat
Stops bleeding
Spiritual recovery
Clears mind
Mystic hallucinogenic
Increases manhood
Malonyl urine
Childs Sap
Mystic hallucinogenic
Wrong substances may be damaging. Roll 1d6 with triple doses, 2d6 with double, 3d6 with normal doses, 4d6 with weak doses, 5d6 on very weak doses; add CON modifier and substance test modifier, check:
0 or less Overdose, death in d6 minutes
1 Coma for d20 days and permanent -d6 points to INT and CON
Fits causing permanent -1 to INT
Nervous damage –d6 to WIL for d6 months
User becomes ill for d6 days with halved stats
Irritant, halved CON for d6 days
6-15 Normal effect
16-20 No effect
21+ Character gets immunity to this dose of the substance and has to take stronger doses to get effect
Wrong substances do not cause addiction. Character may just think that he will not survive without them. If character has WIL of over 20, he does not suffer from withdrawal.
Wrong substances may be combined, which is very damaging but can also be very rewarding. Combining certain substances causes quite some new activity. Each combined substance tests for tolerance separately.
Substances are injected straight to the brain through skull.
Gives energy rush by activating CNS. Character gets quickened responses, +5 to Initiative rolls and +1 to WIL and CON for d6x10 minutes. After use, confused for D6 hours, when WIL-tests –1 (1/6 chance of being permanent).
Stuff 51/63
Gives +d6 to perception tests. Makes characters eyes weary.
Reduces penalties from sicknesses. Relieves also from stun. Makes brain vibrant as a side effect.
Gives +d6 to WIL and relaxes. Effects last for D6 x 10 minutes. After effects, character’s limbs grow reddish. Fingers may come loose (1/6 chance D6-1 fingers) and under them show new small red fingers.
Removes terror, shock and depression. Relaxes well and good. Affects WIL and DEX somewhat, WIL +1 and DEX -1 for d6 hours.
Synthesized God’s flesh. Character develops a personal mutation. Causes Nausea for D20 days when –1 to all attributes. Some people(who have WIL 20+) gain insights to other dimensions after use of the substance.
Gives +D6 INT. Effects last for D6x10 minutes. If used more than once a day, there is 1/6 chance of INT lowering by d6 points permanently.
Raises CON by +1 permanently. Alters mood to more aggressive and causes intense sexual interest in females.
Second dose of this stuff within a year crushes heart, third brain.
Mind can’t change during the next 24 hours. Its side effects include horrible visions.
Sweat of a certain frog species. Universal antidote for poisons.
Painkiller. Character endures +d6 more damage for d6x10 minutes.
Heals d6 points of damage. This stuff is also used for fighting bacterial infections and cleaning toilets.
Black Goop
Lowers bleeding rate by one point in every round until it stops. Character’s skin is puffy and smells of dead fish for this time.
Give +d6 bonus to Empathy for d6 days.
Anti-nausea and relaxing medicine. Stops Amok-run.
Mother’s Fat
Black coaly tablet. Spread under tongue. Opens pores, which grow red for the next 24 hours. Character recovers d6 points of spiritual energy.
Character gets constipated for a bit. Character emits very much spittle for this time.
Gives +d6 Mind and -1 INT for D6 days.
Injected to genitals. Enhances blood flow in genitals. Sexual ability and desire grows and intercourse is easier. WIL-test or fucks the next even slightly eligible target. Withdrawal causes reddening and terror vision of wedding night.
Stuff 52/63
Occultism and dianetics +d6, effects last for D3 days. Sometimes Benzilate users spasm and twitch strongly, which may damage the muscles
(1/6 chance -1 to CON). After effects last for month and include headache, vertigo, confusion, visual and auditory hallucinations and mania.
Testosterone is the white stuff that excretes under foreskin. When injected into brain, it makes one feel very manly. Character is completely in control of chauvinism and fatalism for the next D6 hours.
Malonyl urine
Character goes unconscious for D6 minutes, which equals complete rest. Character is also healed for 1 point.
Child Sap
Child sap is first born’s first dark green and gristly excretions. Mixing child sap to sperm prevents pregnancies.
Breaks character’s personality: Empathy and Mind change place. Character has to test WIL for each of his fanaticisms, if failed, the fanaticism is lost for good. In addition, soma raises occultism skill by 1.
Synthesized from substances used in voodoo-rituals. WIL -2 and INT -2. For D6 hours character thinks he is dead and is easily led. He experiences extreme cold. He may sense dead spirits. Developed by Goloka industry’s Boulimansis for fighting the EMP changes when implanting cybernetics. Virus of the psyche by its chemical composition.
Hotel room
Restaurant meal
Fast food
Boor beer
Rotgut wine
Kahlua drink
Green Sabbath absinth drink 5
Rasputin vodka drink
Satori sake drink
Dayton rum drink
Halitosis ouzo drink
Isopropyl gin drink
Belsebub whiskey drink
Public transport
First aid
Gender change
Hospital care in a 1 litre plastic container
1 litre bottle cheap thrill for d20 minutes sweet deliriums for d20 minutes burning sensations for d20 minutes fun for d20 minutes slight heat for d20 minutes disorientation for d20 minutes burst of calmness for d20 minutes
4 drowsy for d20 minutes
5/under 2 km trips. 20mk/area
Anal rinse
Stuff 53/63
Cybernet connection
Hotel room/Nest
Hotels are traditional dumps. Hotel rooms are usually in horrible condition and people often prefer Nests for sleeping. “Der Bau”, nest is a collection of glass tubes nest to sewer central. Tubes are human-sized and have a screen and a connection to internet. People languish in their tubes for days watching each other. Tube accommodates intercourse.
Restaurant food is often poisoned, drugged, spoiled or diseased. Blubber; human flesh, nails and hair is sometimes used, even raw. Only really dependable food chain is Moray Eel, whose food causes dependency. Moray Eel HairBurger costs 5 mk. Milk bars have cheap meals, but the quality is assuredly low. Cartilage gruel costs 3 mk there.
Listed are alcoholic drinks that are still produced. Other brands might still be found from somewhere.
Public transportation
5 marks buys a 24 hour ticket which allows for all public transportation, meaning underground, train or bus. Just a return ticket is 2 marks.
Monthly ticket is 70 marks.
Whoring allows penetration to slimy cervix. Whores have large amounts of diseases, lice and filth. They will not use a condom. If whore gets pregnant, the child is born from twat.
First aid
Heals d6 points of damage and stems the flow of blood.
Cures crushed/diseased organs or bones.
Gender change
Changing gender is easy. Virgin’s are those who have not changed their gender at any time. Modifying genitals is possible from circumcisions to lengthening, implants, decorations and straight mutilation.
Anal rinse
Characters that have gotten poisoning from wrong substances. Anal rinse with Nalorphine may help. After relaxing operation character may not walk for D6 days. Rinsing can be done only once a week.
You get paid 500 mk for euthanasia, some which are really harsh may pay even ten times that. In the centre of Section, there is death centre where euthanasia is done by immersion in acids. Bloodier ones are usually committed by maul in the backyard. Euthanasia is allowed only to atheists.
Character may rise or lower his mind or empathy. Therapy can be done only once a week. Unsuccessful therapy lowers the character’s WIL for one point.
This service is based on self-degradation, in which character is freed of false pretensions. He gets +1 empathy but mind is disrupted –1 to mind.
Character may develop fanaticisms in this uncomfortable operation. May cause brain cancer, glioma.
Trepanation in a hole drilled into skull. People with a hole in their head are known to be happier: +1 to mind.
Stuff 54/63
Jumble is ancient irresponsible operation of zombies, in which brains are filled with mystical lesbosteron and blood is changed into diabetic’s urine. Next night the character is overcome with the character. He sees there. Spike boosts character’s CON by +1. Character has to make a
CON-test once a month or go comatose. If this does not happen in 2D6 months, it never happens.
When character is cloned, a child is produced that has same attributes as character, except INT, WIL and fanaticisms. Clones are also used for spare parts for original.
Cybernet connection
Goloka Industry’s boys come with a drill and cable to connect a link plug into the apartment. Connection is not established if buyer’s face does not please the Goloka boys. To prevent fraud, Goloka personnel come to check the hardwired log which is part of the connection agreement.
Some rudimentary cybernetic applications are developed
Brain cannon
Price Difficulty
12000 -5
Adrenal cannon
Neuroprocessor 25000 -4
8500 -3
Brain cable
March flutter
Pain editor
Lung vacuum
Brain cuffs
Memory chip
2000 0
45000 -4
11000 -3
12000 +3
18000 +1
5000 -2
20555 -5
Diaphragm Sprinkler
PC Cyberhands
Cartilage claw
6800 -2
7770 -1
9900 +1
6200 -2
8500 0
7250 +4
1145 +2
2500 -2
6100 -1 Spinal capillary
Implanting cybernetics may lower empathy. Empathy test with the difficulty of implantation. Cybernetics are not implanted into just about anyone.
That is why black market is thriving.
Brain cannon
Permanent +1 to INT, causes headaches, epilepsy(1/6 chance in stress, D6 rounds) and occasional bleeding ears and nose. Brain cannon have to be charged for 5 mins at 8 hour intervals or it does not work. Connections dangle from character’s temple for recharging.
Adrenal cannon
Activated by pressing the switch in the back of the head. +2 CON, +1 DEX, -1 INT and +1 WIL. Spastic after use (DEX-2), which lasts for D6 minutes. If used for more than 3 minutes. chance of cardiac arrest is 1/6 per minute.
For skill programs. Skills cost the experience cost times one mark. Program chips are inserted into sockets that are on the back of the head.
Under the sockets, there is a small keyboard with a joystick or trackball sticking out. For each inserted program chip, the character’s empathy is lowered by one. Chips can be loaded/removed in one hour.
Brain cable
Implanted in brain, used to connect brain to tools planned for this. The cable itself, thick as a watering hose is sticking out of the temple. When cable is in use it glows with a blue light. Brain cable sometimes shorts out, and so the skin surrounding it is broiled black. Brain link is required for PCSD™ use and for connecting to cybernet.
Stuff 55/63
March flutter
When defibrillator user dies. It takes control of character’s body, which moves for the next D6 hours. During this time the corpse performs an amok run. In this state the corpse can wake up dead, or take control of his body even if it is rotting. This can be done with a successful WIL test once per hour.
Pain editor
Activates with a switch in the back of the head. Character’s head contains a meter which shows how much pain the character should be. Side effects may include lowered empathy.
Lung vacuum
By implanting lung vacuum, you do not have to think about when to breathe, because all damaging particles are filtered out. Under character’s eyes and mouth tubes and a fan stick out.
Implanted character does not have to worry about eating. All unhealthy things leak out of his pores. Even brains are cleansed from delusions of wrong substances. It is a hard bulge in the stomach which emits a great noise when working.
Brain cuffs
Enhances concentration, WIL +1. Implantee loses early memories. Metallic band that circles the head, which has an electric field about it.
Memory chip
Character may buy INT skills for half price. It is a small metallic 2x2 cm steaming cold box which sticks out of the chararacters’s forehead, also half of the back of the head is removed. Character’s face spasms randomly.
Peg is implanted into spine, from where cables snake under the skin around the body. Strengthens muscles, +2 to CON. Activated by pulling the string in the navel, after which it works for D6 rounds. Activation takes a round’s activity. Sometimes the muscles may be damaged, 1/6 chance in CON tests, which causes D6 damage.
This unclear iron thing is implanted into throat and forehead, and it joins in the nasal passage with a thick carbon acid container and orange plastic tubes which flow with pure opossium. Doubles the effectiveness of Opossium: character can take additional +6 points of damage per dose.
Diaphragm Sprinkler
With a Diaphragm Sprinkler Character can take more hits when its vents release the pressure of the hit into outside. All physical damage is deducted by 2. Diaphragm Sprinkler is a round wheel-like construction in character’s lower back. When taking hits the vents release a loud pressurized bang.
Defibrillator attempts to restart a stopped heart. It activates D6 minutes after cardiac arrest and restarts the heart unless the soul has slipped away.
PC Cyberhands
PC Cyberhands are only sold in pairs and do not work when one is missing. They are half smaller than normal hands and made of plastic, steel and a small quantity of chaos-stuff Absus(STR 15, DEX 6). Their heads ends have 16 fingers in all, composed in a circle. In the middle of the fingers are controllable balls(Swiping power +3).
Alcohol Products hedeyes replaces the eyes and resembles a small Camera lens which is surrounded by red skin. Powers: Enlargement x3, targeting +1, perception +2.
Hodgator is a bow made of wooly steel which is implanted into some body cavity. In addition, on the temple is implanted a small satellite receiver. Between the two pieces of equipment, flashing plastic tubing snakes, inside which flash lights like it was Christmas. With Hodgator has
Stuff 56/63 been had a straight connection from internet to atheists. Implantation does not always go well(D6 1:dies, 2:loses a random sense, 3:-1 INT, 4-5: character knows that something strange has happened to his attitude to reality).
Cartilage claw
Very strong hand made from Keratin and cartilage, which has a metallic skeleton. It is very strong but clumsy. Just displaying the middle finger requires an INT test. It may be implanted anywhere. Strength 19, DEX 4.
Spinal capillary
With this equipment character may twist around himself for couple of times and dive onto his crotch and give oral sex to himself. Use of this implant may result in bruising. Wrestling and acrobatics +5.
Free man
Free man
Free men have a theoretical right of ownership and they may not be killed without good reason.
Like free man, also a right to wander anywhere unless specifically forbidden. They are not required to pay taxes or take part in governmental labour. May use ‘von’ preposition.
Like herren, also permitted in government’s official gatherings. They may kill with no good reason. They cannot be judged for small crimes. To be a ritter, you must have two atheist ritters to as backers.
Dormitory, 2-3 persons
1 room
2 rooms
3 rooms
Apartment house
Berlin suburbia
Price rent/month
17500 350
25000 500
40000 800
60000 1200
80000 1600
150000 3000
1000000 20000
Flights cannot be taken just to anywhere anymore.
From Berlin Price
Hong Kong
Cape town
Kuala Lumpur
San Francisco
Tel Aviv
Stuff 57/63
Spells 58/63
Character controls chaos with his will and evil spirits, and basically may do just about anything.
Spells are ancient, written by different cultists, mainly Black dawnians, theurgical techniques and rituals which are from Pangaea, beyond 200 million years old. First spell was written by lemurs who were establishers of Black Dawn. They recognized god but called him a demon. They broke the 10 commandments to gain something. Succubus who turned from god gave supposed knowledge of spells to first lemur, Cain.
Spiritual energy
Spiritual energy is counted from the Mana skill. Each skill rank in Mana skill gives d6 + WILL modifier (with minimum of 0) of spiritual energy.
Spells deplete this energy by Mana. All creatures with souls have least 1 point of spiritual energy.
If spiritual energy gets to zero or below, character’s soul stallings and forces the character into coma. One can wake from coma if one just can. If spiritual energy falls below zero over character’s WIL score, character dies. Spiritual energy regenerates if character empties his mind. A hour’s meditation and successful skill test returns d6 point of mana. Mana does not regenerate in places where people pray.
Character loses spiritual energy if he never fasts or swallows sperm, the elixir of life. Characters should find a source where they can get their daily sperm, like their own or somebody other’s testicles.
Learning a spell
Learning skill ranks in spells are learned like any skills with experience points at the cost of spell. Learning a spell takes a proclamation of spell, which contains the mystical formulae. Many spells may be found in the public library, but he line is very long. From bookstores, one may buy the spells at 100 marks in paperback.
Casting a spell
Spells do not have relevant statistics and are tested just by their skill rank degree. Spell skill tests are otherwise normal success tests.
Spells also require a mana roll, which is reduced from the Spiritual Energy. In addition to mana cost, caster must make a demonology test against the target’s demonology. If one does not wish to resist a spell, one does not have to. Unintelligent targets rarely resist spells. Spells targets must be at least at visual range of the caster. Spells also require reagents and do not work without them.
Name Cost Mana roll Required reagents
Berlin paincontrol matrix enchantment
Morbid flesh’s death energy
Transcendental sight
Conservative-conservative dementia
Unholy Chaldean energy
40 d6
2d6 d6 d6 d6
7-pointed star made out of corrugated iron, width 2 meters
Fetus of own child in black plastic bag
Ladle of guard’s semen, a fossil
Saliva of brain fever patient, terrapin’s shell
Mule’s offspring, mummy powder
Male ecokinetic menstruation
Astral demonstration
Practice of drunken style
Absu’s metaphysical fashion
Absu’s modelling
Samadhi Laard
Leo Meller’s chaotic mesmerization
Heathen heterosuggestion
50 d6 d6 d6
2d6 d6
Jew’s foreskin, praying beads
Two-headed giant squid or blind’s eye
Urine of a patient suffering from kidney rocks
Wolfsbane-herb and speculum made out of corrugated iron
Skull of a nerd or a boil of a rich person
Autistic cat’s eye and wormwood
Fresh corpse-like pseudo art
Jagrat’s final flourish
Cosmic healing
Predestination for penitence
Superficial absolution
Regurgitation of competence
Exploding ticket to hell
Tamas rajas
Mleccha maya
4d6 d6
4d6 d6 d6
A record of Leo Meller’s speeches and weird eyes
Lizard which’s eyes are sown closed
Foam from ghoul, an own bone
Oil from drool cheek daemon
A guinea pig
Some living person
Nerd’s testicle, sap
Hermaphrodite’s pubic hair
Warm cookings of own mother
Black lamb’s horns, cactus roots
Feather of an angel
Spells 59/63
Childish voodoo malediction
Eckt ack
Memetic hangover
Meth Avidya
Absu’s entropy ray
Lateral chaos power
2d6 d6 d6
Rattle tuned by devil
Third eye
Saint’s tail bone
Tourist’s fat, a mallet
Clock from a corpse
Bucket of vomit, a whisker
Rotten corpse of platypus
Xilka Bese
Emeth Vidya
Berlin pain control matrix enchantment
Blessed hearing aid
Goat’s hypothalamus, peace pipe
Clay ball, ink marker, alien antennae
Spell controls incoming injury. After casting, the next reduction in hit points disappears (at most 15 points), but the ugly wound remains. Spell is seen as ghosts surrounding the character. Effects last for 14 minutes and within that time the wound has to be healed.
Morbid flesh’s death energy
This spell is cast when death is near and it sucks the power from one’s death. If the spell is cast before the soul leaves the corpse, character’s body keeps on working, leaving the injuries leading to death forever shown but healed.
Transcendental sight
In transcendental sight the character sees victim’s lighted egg, energy self, which shows victim’s fanaticisms, empathy and mind. When cast, inflammable things usually burst in flames which are common in astral connections.
Conservative-conservative dementia
Conservative-conservative’s use this spell to protect their minds from horrid experiences. Brains get into a fugue and character forgets everything about recent events. Spell’s effects go on for D6 hours, when the victim get –1 to INT; also the victim does not remember anything that happened d6 hours from casting.
Unholy Chaldean energy
Unholy energy damages the target. Damage done is spiritual, victim loses 2D6-2 points of spiritual energy. Spell can be recognized from demonic maws around the victim.
Male ecokinetic menstruation
Curse develops a uncomfortable feeling in the crotch which inhibits movement, giving –3 to DEX. Feeling lasts until next erection. Spell can be recognized from ectoplasm stain on victim, and a strange rustling surrounding him.
Astral demonstration.
Spell brings spirits from astral womb, which show in caster’s preferred form or work as singular hallucinations for one victim. There is a fire hazard with the spell. Some hallucinations may be permanent, but usually they last for d20 hours.
Usual level of hallucination: incomprehensible being in the corner of the eye. With additional d6 Mana, the target’s brain conjures up shapes and forms and sounds whirling by endlessly, perception test penalty of -5.
Practice of drunken style
Lumberjack’s common morning ceremony. Character may develop himself temporarily. He gets +2 to chosen attribute. Effects last for D6 hours.
Only one PODS may affect the character at time. The character magnetizes slightly after the effects.
Absu’s metaphysical fashion
Patented by Goloka industries. Character learns wanted skill for D6 hours. During this time character gets a glowing halo.
Absu’s modelling
Magical theory patented by Goloka Industries. The spell fixes mechanical items by d6 points (for example car damage). Fixing takes d6 rounds during which mathematical shapes surround the target.
Samadhi Laardi
Mix of Morbid flesh’s death energy and unholy Chaldean energy, where victim’s soul is thoroughly confused and may escape to astral womb.
Spell may be recognized from his body which momentarily changes to a pulsing pile of skin.
Spells 60/63
Spells steals D6 x 10 experience points from victim which may be deducted from earned experience. If experience goes to 0, character’s soul escapes to astral womb.
Leo Meller’s chaotic mesmerization
When cast, the victim obeys a one word long order for D6 rounds. Victims may only obey orders he is capable of committing. For example, the order ’die’ causes the victim to think about death for D6 rounds. That should not be thought about before.
Heathen heterosuggestion
Character gets +3 to all tests. Spell lasts for D6 x 10 minutes. When spell’s effects stop, the character suffers fear for rest of the day (WIL -1), he is visited by dead spirits. If the spell is made more than once on same target, he takes D6 points of spiritual damage.
Fresh corpse-like pseudo art
Spell has been used traditionally by Pazuzu’s brotherhood for animating corpses. Dead body becomes a bloodthirsty living undead, which cannot be controlled without Meth Avidya-spell. Living undead gathers his life energy from living brains, which it craves wildly. Spell effects last to next morning.
Jagrat’s final flourish
This ritual summons evil spirits under the earth. Summoned spirits creates a dark storm and destructive hurricane. This ritual is only used by most dedicated and burnt-out Satanists. Evil spirits appear in characters daily life. At least d6 random spirits will come.
Cosmic healing
This spell heals d6 points of physical damage instantly. For some reason caster’s empathy has to be over 10.
Predestination for penitence
Spell makes destiny forgive a certain action and turns the time back for D6-32 minutes. Spell causes catastrophes.
Superficial absolution
If this ceremony is done on dead body before soul leaves the body, character can summon the astral soul. It appears on top of the body, resembling a cartilage bag of semen. Soul may be swallowed if wanted.
Regurgitation of competence
This spell fulfils one biological need. Fulfilment is not very full – orgasms leave something to be desired.
Exploding ticket to hell
May be cast on any melee weapon. When weapon causes at least 8 points of damage, the target explodes into gobbets. Spell lasts for a minute.
For this time, the weapon screeches at full volume.
Tamas rajas
Victim becomes gradually insane. Character loses one point of mind per week until a successful WIL test is made. Victim is visited by demonic spiders. If victim has a trepanation, the spell does not work.
Mleccha maya
Character loses his trust at other people. Victim loses one point of empathy per week until a successful WIL test is made. Victim is visited by small gossiping flies.
Childish voodoo malediction
Changes target’s random appendage to that of a baby. Effects last until next time the character excretes offal. Offal is Child sap.
Eckt Ack
Don’t care, it is not important
Memetic hangover
Finds reason to a happening. Only übermensch understand very complicated reasons. Usually one has to have at least a guess of what the reason might be before the spell can function. In addition, character loses/gains (D6-D6) x 100 experience points.
Meth Avidya
Spells 61/63
This spell controls animated corpses. The demon that possesses the corpse obeys the character if he sacrifices one point of his own mind or a living creature with Mind over 10. The control is effective as long as the corpse functions.
Demons may not come nearer than 70 meters if they fail WIL versus WIL test. Effects last for an hour. Spell makes a mutated character take D3 points of spiritual damage.
Absu’s entropy ray
Creates a sparking ray that soars at the target with an ear-piercing sound, causing 2D6 points of physical damage. Also, if the 2D6 is more than victim’s WIL, he collapses into primal ooze. Ray changes at D6 x 10 meters to a harmless wavering flame.
Lateral chaos power
Everywhere around character starts happening. Items move. After this character may move with teleportation an item weighing D6 kilograms to his hand. Item may not be farther than D20 meters. After this, character may change the item’s size to double for 10 seconds, or may lose the item for a minute. Item may not be lead, chaos stuff or silver. If chaos stuff is attempted to transport, character gets D6-D6 INT and there is a 1/6 chance that a dimensional gateway is opened.
Creates a small bright green man that starts to tell character what to do. It lives inside the character’s clothes.
Man can turn demons, which like it. Man’s advise is geared for character’s survival in situations, but. Advice can give +10 to tests but lowers the mind by 1 point. Man has a third eye.
Man appears at situations he sees best. Several men can be summoned. One can never be rid of them. Man is called Mescalitogoblin. He does not like to be called such. He asks the character to invent a name for him.
Xilka Bese
This impressive spell opens a gate to Xilka dimension. Portal is a invisible sphere a meter in diameter which moves by its own accord at walking speed. Those who intersect the sphere find themselves in Xilka dimension.
If two spheres collide, another reality is born, in which the casters are left alone without other people. You can only escape by killing the other sphere’s creator. Spell may be cast more than once, but the character has to implant a new hypothalamus, which may lower the mind.
Hypothalamus is a part of the brain which does not regenerate. After the spell, if the hypothalamus has been surgically removed, the incision scar turns blue.
Emeth Vidya
Creates a human shaped golem from flesh, whose CON is rolled with 2D6, DEX with D6, INT with D6, it has no will. Golem is in complete telepathic control of the caster, unless possessed. If possessor attacks golem, it gets control in an instant because the golem cannot defend itself. Possessed golem may drain one point of spiritual energy from its creator once in 24 hours if possessor wins a WIL – WIL test. Golem has normal functions and requirements of human body.
Golem is created from own plasma, which is unhealthy(-1 to CON) Caster may also give golem his WIL, when it can function on its own and is not so open to possession.
This game is made in honour of God.
Absu .................................. 43
Absu’s entropy ray ............. 62
Absu’s metaphysical fashion
...................................... 60
Absu’s modelling ............... 60
Adam & Eve ...................... 31
Adolf Hitler.................. 29, 36
Adrenal cannon .................. 55
Africa ................................. 39
Age ...................................... 3
Albigensians ...................... 20
Alcohol .............................. 54
Alcohol Products .. 22, 30, 31,
38, 39
Alfa Centauril lap-being .... 15
Aliens................................. 14
America ............................. 38
Ammunition....................... 47
Anal rinse .......................... 54
Anderes Ufer ...................... 31
Animals ............................. 23
Anonymous Junkies ........... 23
Antarctica .......................... 39
Apartments ........................ 57
Archangel Michael ............ 35
Aryans ............................... 41
Astral demonstration .......... 60
Auditing ............................. 54
Australia ............................ 39
Baal-operating system ....... 22
Baboons ............................. 22
Battles ................................ 10
Bavarian hall...................... 29
Beard mob ................... 21, 30
Bears .................................. 18
Beginning experience ........ 11
Benzilate ............................ 53
Berlin ................................. 27
Berlin pain control matrix enchantment .................. 60
Berlin science and research centre ............................ 29
Bernau ............................... 33
Betelgeuse .......................... 14
Black Dawn ....................... 17
Black Goop ........................ 52
Blue beings ........................ 24
Boasters ............................. 19
Body parts.......................... 50
Boisters .............................. 19
Bokor ..................... 20, 31, 36
Boulimansis ........... 29, 36, 53
Brain cable ......................... 56
Brain cannon ..................... 55
Brain cuffs ......................... 56
Brainwash .......................... 54
Brasser stadium ................. 29
Brotherhood of Pazuzu ...... 16
Bufotenine ......................... 52
Buying skills ...................... 11
Cabal ................................. 41
Cacodemons ...................... 20
Carporatic Gnostics ........... 41
Cartilage claw .................... 57
Casting a spell ................... 59
Castor Hohenstauf ............. 20
Catholic discordians .......... 41
Chao-Chou ........................ 35
Chaos circles ...................... 39
Chaos spawn ...................... 24
Character .............................. 3
Child Sap ........................... 53
Childish voodoo malediction
...................................... 61
Children of Nebo ................ 16
China .................................. 38
Chronozon Club ................. 21
Clash .................................. 32
Cloning .............................. 55
Clothing ............................. 44
Conservative-compassionate lestadians ....................... 16
Conservative-conservative dementia ........................ 60
Conservative-conservative lestadians ....................... 16
Constitution.......................... 3
Cosmic healing................... 61
Crank ................................. 52
Criminal leagues ................ 21
Cults ................................... 15
Cybernet ....................... 43, 55
Cybernetics ........................ 55
Damage modifier ................ 10
Death .................................. 42
Death Games Incorporated . 22
Defibrillator ........................ 56
Delirium Incorporated . 22, 29,
30, 31
Demons .............................. 19
Desert butterflies ................ 24
Despacho ............................ 53
Detonics ............................. 14
Dexterity .............................. 3
Dianetics centre .................. 29
Diaphragm sprinkler .......... 56
Disciples of Durgan ........... 16
Drool cheek deamons ......... 20
Durgan’s avatars ................ 42
Dynapse ............................. 52
Eckt Ack ............................ 61
El Chupacabra .................... 24
Elvis Presley ....................... 36
Emeth Vidya ...................... 62
Empathy ............................... 5
Encounters ......................... 33
Enlightened conservativecompassionate ............... 42
Enlightment ........................ 11
Epsios ................................. 14
Europe ................................ 39
Euthanasia .......................... 54
Evil spirits .............. 23, 59, 61
Experience.......................... 11
Exploding ticket to hell ...... 61
Explosives .......................... 47
Fairy Confederate ............... 23
Fanaticisms .......................... 6
Fichtenwalde ...................... 33
Fiends ................................. 20
First aid .............................. 54
Flights ................................ 58
Foods .................................. 54
Forky O’Donnell ................ 34
Fraternal Nihilists ............... 23
Free man............................. 57
Freemasons......................... 20
Fresh corpse-like pseudo art
...................................... 61
Friedrich Hohenstauf .......... 29
Gamma monkeys ............... 24
Gangs ................................. 17
Gapes ................................. 19
Gazelles ............................. 24
Gender ................................. 3
Gender change ................... 54
Gene Girls .......................... 35
Ghouls ............................... 23
Gideons .............................. 20
Glitoris ............................... 28
Gobsters ............................. 19
God .................................... 41
God’s henchmen ................ 41
God’s nest .......................... 42
Goloka Industries ......... 22, 31
Graveyard .......................... 30
Greenwich Foundation....... 31
Happy hunting grounds ..... 42
Hasid ................................. 21
Heathen heterosuggestion .. 61
Hedeyes ............................. 56
Hell .................................... 42
Herr Caitanya .................... 35
Herren ................................ 57
Hit points ............................. 6
Hodgator ............................ 57
Holy fire............................. 41
Homeland ............................ 3
Hooker ............................... 54
Hooligans........................... 19
Hotel room/Nest ................ 54
Hovel ................................. 56
Humboldt University ......... 29
Illuminated Daan ......... 20, 22
India ................................... 38
Initiative ............................ 10
Intelligence .......................... 3
Jagrat’s final flourish ......... 61
Japan .................................. 39
John Paul II .................. 12, 36
Josef Pamsa ................. 17, 22
Juhan Af Grann ................. 35
Jumble ............................... 55
Jungle birds ....................... 24
Jäykkäkersa ....................... 31
Kahti Starttimaari .............. 17
Kaiser von der Lichen ........ 30
Gedänchtniskirche ........ 30
Ketamine ........................... 52
Kiki .................................... 34
Kirke Order Of Dog Blood 15
Knights Templar ................ 20
Königs Wusterhausen ........ 33
Larva-Kurt Ewald .............. 35
Lateral chaos power ........... 62
Learning a spell ................. 59
Leo Meller ................... 12, 34
Leo Meller’s chaotic mesmerization ............... 61
Lesbosteron ........................ 52
Life Donors ........................ 23
Looney bin ......................... 28
Los Genitals ................. 17, 30
Lumberjacks ...................... 22
Lung vacuum ..................... 56
Lycanthropes ..................... 24
Magan ................................ 43
Majestic-23 ........................ 21
Male ecokinetic menstruation
...................................... 60
Malonyl urine ..................... 53
Mandrax ............................. 52
March flutter ...................... 56
Martians ............................. 20
Maws.................................. 18
Megacorporations .............. 21
Mekol ................................. 15
Melee/unarmed combat ...... 11
Memetic hangover.............. 61
Memory chip ...................... 56
Merirosvo ........................... 31
Mescalitogoblin.................. 62
Meth Avidya ...................... 61
Middle-East ........................ 39
Militia forces ...................... 23
Mind .................................... 4
Minisuu .............................. 31
Miscellaneous equipment ... 48
Mleccha maya .................... 61
Modifiers ........................... 10
Moloch ............................... 36
Moomins ............................ 20
Morbid Flesh ...................... 18
Morbid flesh’s death energy
...................................... 60
Morphine............................ 52
Mother’s Fat ....................... 52
Movement ............................ 7
Mr. Caitanya ...................... 12
Mugwump .......................... 15
Multishots .......................... 10
Museum of Forbidden Art .. 33
Mutants .............................. 24
Mutations ........................... 25
Nauen ................................. 33
Neo Bees ............................ 18
Neo-conservative lestadians
...................................... 16
Nerds ............................ 22, 30
Network sales companies ... 20
Neuroprocessor .................. 55
New Age ............................ 18
New world order................. 14
Novocaine .......................... 52
Offalfleas...................... 19, 33
Opposition tests.................. 10
Organizations ..................... 23
Oskar Narbe ................. 23, 29
OTO ................................... 20
Pain editor .......................... 56
PC cyberhands ................... 56
PCSD ................................. 22
Peg ..................................... 56
Personages.......................... 33
Personality............................ 4
Phentyline .......................... 52
Philharmonic Mormonics ... 18
Phineas ......................... 31, 36
Podophylline ...................... 52
Poopauo ............................. 17
Postadam ............................ 33
Practice of drunken style .... 60
Predestination for penitence
...................................... 61
Primal shermites ................. 24
Propaganda office .............. 29
Prozac ................................ 52
Psychotherapy .................... 54
Public transportation .......... 54
Purge ............................ 17, 31
Pygmies ............................. 22
Raelians ............................. 17
Raising statistics ................ 11
Range ................................. 10
Ranged weapons ................ 10
Red Proletarians ................. 21
Regurgitation of competence
...................................... 61
Reincarnation .................... 42
Ritter .................................. 57
Ronald Reagan .................. 34
Rosicrucians ...................... 20
Russia ................................ 38
Ruuttana ............................ 30
Rüdersdorf ......................... 33
Rääkkä Hema ........ 16, 21, 34
Saints ................................... 6
Samadhi Laardi .................. 60
Sarsaparilla ........................ 52
Satan .................................. 41
Satan’s henchmen .............. 41
Schreien Geizhals ............... 21
Schöneberg ......................... 30
Scientologists ..................... 20
Secret police headquarters .. 28
Secret societies ................... 20
Section ............................... 32
Services .............................. 53
Sewer central ...................... 29
Sewers ................................ 32
Simon Pornaie .............. 30, 32
Skill checks ........................ 10
Skills .................................... 7
Soma .................................. 53
Space research centre ......... 29
Spells .................................. 59
Spencer Ewald........ 29, 36, 41
Spinal capillary .................. 57
Spiritual energy .................. 59
Statistics ............................... 3
Status ................................. 57
Stuff ................................... 44
Stykki Habibi..................... 21
Success tests ...................... 10
Superficial absolution ........ 61
Surgery .............................. 54
Tamas rajas ........................ 61
Tegel International Airport 33
Templum ........................... 62
Tem'tashun ........................ 31
Teonanacatl ....................... 52
Testosterone ....................... 53
Tests .................................. 10
Teufelmarkt ....................... 32
Thalidomide....................... 52
Theta .................................. 15
Thiamata ............................ 14
Thorazine ........................... 52
Tiergarten .......................... 32
Transcendental sight .......... 60
Trepanation ........................ 55
Trionis ............................... 21
Trotblister .......................... 56
Ugly Ducklings .................. 23
Unholy Chaldean energy .... 60
Untergrundbahn ................. 32 van Schie family ................ 21
Waterhead .................... 29, 35
Weapons............................. 45
Vehicles ............................. 48
Velten ................................. 33
Victims of Godlessness ...... 23
Willpower............................. 3
Wilmersdorf ....................... 31
Violence Supporters ..... 17, 33
Wrong substances .............. 51
Xilka .................................. 43
Xilka Bese .......................... 62
YMCA ............................... 20
Yohimbe ............................ 53
Zion’s abbey....................... 20
Zombies ............................. 14
Zoo ..................................... 32
Zuschauen .......................... 23