CPSC 199/499 Computer Network Security

CPSC 499 – Syllabus
Computer Gaming
Instructor: Li Yang
TU 4:00 – 6 :30 pm
EMCS 302
Office Hours: M/W 1:00pm-4:00pm, T: 1:00pm-3:00pm, W 10:00am-12:00pm
Credit: 3 hours
Course Description
This course covers computer game design methodology and implementation techniques.
The focus of this course is hands-on development of computer games with game
programming languages and development environments. Students will learn how to
create computer video games with object-oriented and component-based approaches. A
variety of topics will be covered in this course including game concepts, game engines,
game programming environments, 2D and 3D graphics and animation, sound effects and
music, interactivity and user interface, multiplayer games, and AI approaches to game
Approval of department head.
Course Objectives
 The course covers a wide range of skills for computer game design and
implementation. Upon completion of this course students should be able to
 Design and implement a complete 2D computer game.
 Evaluate a game, game proposal and game design with reference to published
games, game genres, and game play mechanisms.
 Understand core element of a 2D game engine.
 Develop skills in problem solving, system integration and interface design.
 Build a working knowledge of principles and practices in computer game design
and implementation.
 Communicate (written and verbally) about a complex, technical topic simply and
 Work and interact collaboratively in groups to examine, understand and explain
key aspects of computer game development.
Course Requirements
Regular class attendance.
Active class and laboratory participation in all discussions; this means spending
some quality time reading and preparing for class and lab meetings and discussions
One mid-term (and final exam).
Individual extra credit assignments for the purpose of boost a weak grade will not
be given.
Taking notes is encouraged.
Grades will be based on the following:
40% Laboratory (team) projects (Projects will be assigned on a 2 or 3 week-basis
and each project will demand both a 5-page, double-spaced, typewritten report).
20% Mid-term examination – covering text material and content of class
30% Term project and presentation
10% attendance
Final Grade will be determined by the standard UTC grading policy with the exception
that there will be no D grade given. You must make a C or better to continue with your
course work.
Below 70
Letter Grade
Primary texts
Ernest Adams, Fundamentals of Game Design, second edition, New Riders. ISBN: 0321-64337-2
Recommended texts
Introduction to Game Development, edited by Steve Rabin, copyright Charles River
Media Incorporated, 2005. ISBN: 1-58450-377-7
On Game Design, by Chris Crawford. New Riders, 2003. ISBN: 0131460994
Game Architecture and Design - A New Edition, by Andrew Rollings and Dave Morris.
New Riders, 2004. ISBN: 0735713634
Gameplay and Design, by Kevin Oxland. Addison Wesley, 2004. ISBN: 0-231-20467-0
Tutorial: What is a Good Game?, by Mark Overmars. 2004.
Creating the Art of the Game, by Matthew Omernick. New Riders, 2004. ISBN:
Designing Arcade Computer Game Graphics, by Ari Feldman. Out of Print, 2000.
Enhancing the Impact of Music in Drama Oriented-Games, by Scott Morton.
Behind the Mask - Perceptual Coding: How MP3 Compression Works, by Paul Sellers.
Other good reference books include:
On Game Design, by Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams. New Riders, 2003.
ISBN: 1-5927-3001-9
A good book for a "Critical Studies of Games" course, but with some solid game
design material for a "Game Development" course.
The Game Maker's Apprentice, by Jacob Habgood and Mark Overmars. APress,
2006. ISBN 1590596153
From the creator of Game Maker, this book provides detailed tutorials about
creating games, along with general game design guidelines. Comes with a CDROM containing the Game Maker source code for the tutorials.
Audio for Games - Planning, Process and Production, by Alexander Brandon.
New Riders, 2004. ISBN: 0735714134
Information on audio technology and how it fits in with the game development
Game Coding Complete, by Mike McShaffry. Paraglyph Press, 2003. ISBN: 1932111-75-1
On the process of programming computer games, including tips and tricks used
by real game programmers.
Course Outline
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Topic 4:
What makes a good game?
C# and XNA
Game Concepts
Game Design
Topic 5:
Topic 6:
Topic 7:
Topic 8:
Topic 9:
Topic 10:
Game World
Game Play
Creative and Expressive Play
Character Development
Game Balance
Core Mechanics
Computer Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware Requirements
One computer with Pentium 1.5 gigahertz (GHz) or greater processor
2 GB or greater RAM recommended
250 GB or greater hard disk
A graphics card supporting Shader Model 1.1 and DirectX 9.0c
CD-ROM or DVD drive
Keyboard and mouse
Network adapter
Xbox gamepad with USB or wireless connection
 Microphone input and speaker/headphone output
Software Requirements
Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (any version including Visual Studio 2008
Express Edition)
XNA Game Studio 3.0
Audacity (available from http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/)
Paint.NET (available from http://www.getpaint.net/)
Course Website and Communication:
We will be using the Blackboard system. You may access lecture notes, assignments,
and your grades through this system. I will use the blackboard system to communicate
with you via email. I can be reached by email during the week. I generally read my
email on the weekend but cannot guarantee I will read or answer my email on the
weekend. I will also not guarantee I will answer my email after 10pm, which includes
the night before exams.
Makeup/Late Policy
There will be no make-up tests. The final exam grade will replace an exam you miss.
Failure to take the final exam will result in failing the course. All assignments are to
be turned in on or before the assigned due date.
You must demonstrate that your lab or assignment is working properly. To verify you
must have your lab assignments signed by the instructor. A 25% penalty will be assessed
for late assignments for the first week. No assignment will be accepted after the
second late week and a grade of zero will be assigned for that assignment.
ADA Statement
Attention: If you are a student with a disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,
vision, hearing, etc.) and think that you might need special assistance or a special
accommodation in this class or any other class, call the Office for Students with
Disabilities/College Access Program at 425-4006 or go by the office, 110 Frist Hall.
Examples of disabilities might include blindness/low vision, communication disorders,
deafness/hearing impairments, emotional/psychological disabilities, learning disabilities,
and other health impairments. This list is not exhaustive.
*UTC’s Honor Code:
The UTC Student Handbook describes the Honor Code (pages 7 - 9), which includes the
following examples of violations related to computer usage: (UTC Student Handbook
page 7 paragraph B.2)
1. Making use of unauthorized assistance during an examination or in preparing a
graded assignment
2. Plagiarism
3. Making unacknowledged use of another's computer program
4. Unauthorized use, or misuse, of the University's computing facilities such as:
 Logging on to an account without the knowledge and permission of the owner
 Changing, deleting, and adding to the programs, files and data without
authorization of the owner
 Theft of program data and machine resources
 Attempts to thwart security of any computer system
 Attempts to disrupt the normal operations of any computer system
In addition, I will not tolerate the use of cell phones in my class. If you have an
emergency situation please let me know so accommodations can be made.
Any suspected Honor Code violation in this course will be forwarded to the Honor Court
for action, and an F will be assigned for the course grade. All graded work in this course
is subject to the Honor Code, including examinations, programming exercises, and any
written work prepared for the course.
Important Dates for Spring 2010
Class begins
Last Day to Withdraw without a W
Martin Luther King Holiday
Midterm grade notifications
January 6 (Wednesday)
January 15 (Friday)
January 18 (Monday)
February 10
February 15 – 19 (Monday-Friday)
Last day to Withdraw
Spring Break
Last Day of Classes
Reading Day
Final Examination
March 5 (Friday)
March 8 - 12
April 2
April 19
April 20
April 26(Monday)