1 Jamaica Constabulary Force Orders “We Serve” “We Protect” “We Reassure” KINGSTON, 12TH JUNE, 2008 SERIAL NO. 3184 PART I - ADMINISTRATION AND NOTIFICATIONS Sub. No. 1 POLICE ASSISTANCE IN THE EXECUTION OF WARRANTS OF DISTRINGAS AND CAPIAS, WARRANTS AND COMMITMENTS The Ministry of Justice continues to receive adverse reports from the Auditor General regarding warrants and commitments. The problem arises from cases where the Resident Magistrate imposes a fine and/or custodial sentence and the offender is held in the custody of the Police if he/she is not in a position to pay the sums immediately into court. The person may later be handed over to the correctional institutions if the sums are not paid during the period granted by the court and the person is being held at the station. The specific problems are that the sums are not being handed over to the court in a timely fashion, or the documented returns made to the court as is required by law. Indeed, the External Auditors have indicated that when they visited the police stations they often find several sums that should have been properly handed over to the courts. Commanding Officers must also ensure that members under their command exercise diligence to secure the terms of bail in accordance with the Law. There is also the need for police assistance to the Court Bailiffs for the execution of warrants of Distringas and Capias. Compensation to police officers in this regard only applies to civil cases, however outlined below are some of the main documents that are issued by the courts to be executed by bailiffs and which allows the Constable to be compensated, but is dependent on recovery of the cost. Supreme Court - Order for Seizure and Sale Order for Commitment Order for Recovery of Possession RM Civil Court - Warrant for Recovery of Possession Warrant to Levy Warrant of Commitment The following pieces of legislation are relevant – Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act, The Recognizance and Sureties of the Peace Act, Financial Administration and Audit Act and Justice of the Peace Jurisdiction Act. The Police must submit to the court a monthly report reflecting the returns on the Orders given by the court and the sums collected are to be appropriately turned over so that they can be lodged in accordance with the Financial Administration and Audit Act. (See forms at Appendix ‘A’). Success at the Ministry of Justice in this area can only be achieved through full cooperation, assistance and compliance with the law by all sections of the Criminal Justice System. Divisional Officers are to ensure that the relevant returns are made in due time to the appropriate courts office, failing which they will be held accountable. This matter is to form the subject of lecture for the next three (3) months. / Sub. No. 2………………………………………… 2 FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D) KINGSTON, 12TH JUNE, 2008 Sub. No. 2 SERIAL NO. 3184 APPLICATION FOR JUSTICE SUPPORT UNIT The Jamaica Constabulary Force is to establish a Justice Support Unit (JSU) which will give professional advice to police officers on how to deal with victims and vulnerable witnesses, as well as to provide support to witnesses prior to their going on the Witness Protection Programme (WPP) and to persons who refuse the WPP or do meet the necessary criteria. This unit will be headed by a Superintendent of Police and will offer him/her a unique opportunity to build the JSU by selecting the best members of the JCF and administrative staff to compliment him/her in delivering an excellent service to victims, witnesses and investigators. The successful applicant is expected to build strong partnership with key stakeholders in the Criminal Justice System, Civil Society and the JCF; these include the Office of the DPP, Judges, Counsel, Clerk of Courts, NGO’s, CISOCA and the Victim Support just to name a few. The successful candidate should possess: o o o o o o o Excellent written and oral communication skills Investigative skills/experience is important, but not essential He/She should have a good knowledge of the Criminal Justice System High level of integrity, trustworthiness and confidentiality is required, due to the sensitivity of the post Must be self-motivated The incumbent must be able to make decisions, solve problems and be innovative in the sphere of his/her duty This candidate must be flexible and should be prepared to be on call to respond to urgent needs of witnesses or victims at short notice Interested officers should send written application no later than June 27, 2008 to: The Senior Director Human Resource Management and Administration NCB South Tower 3rd Floor, 2 Oxford Road Kingston 5 Tel. 920 3460 Email: forclrain1@yahoo.com Fax: 908 2115 Sub. No. 3 APPLICATION FOR POLICE TRAFFIC AND HIGHWAY DIVISION Applications are invited from suitable qualified personnel to join the Police Traffic and Highway Division, 16 Lower Elletson Road, Kingston 16. o o o o Mobile Traffic Section Highway Patrol Unit Road Safety Education Unit Traffic Accident Analysis Unit CRITERIA Applicants must have: o o o Not less than two (2) years service Have a flair for Traffic Management duties No disciplinary convictions for the past three (3) years A knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Access would be an asset for persons applying for the Traffic Accident Analysis Unit. Applications must be submitted through Commanding Officers to reach the Superintendent of Police in charge Traffic no later than 2008-05-30. / Sub. No. 4…………………………………. 3 FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D) KINGSTON, 12TH JUNE, 2008 Sub. No. 4 SERIAL NO. 3184 POLICE YOUTH CLUB NATIONAL ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP The Police Youth Club Movement under the supervision of Community Safety and Security Branch will be hosting its Annual Athletics Championship on Saturday the 2008-06-21 commencing at 9:30am at the Police Sports Complex, 16 Lower Elletson Road, Kingston. Approximately six hundred (600) police youth club members are expected to be in attendance of which two hundred (200) will participate in twenty six (26) events. Area Officers are to ensure that transportation is provided for the participants. Police Youth Club Members and Co-ordinators participating in the Meet are required to be on location at 9:00am. All available personnel and their spouse as also members of the civil staff and the general public are invited. Area and Divisional Officers are encouraged to give their full support to this event. For further information contact can be made with Woman Sergeant Sheryl Brown at 356 5692 or Corporal Dorrell Burgher at 485 6452 or 926 6003. Sub. No. 5 TIME OFF – BUSINESS HOUSE NETBALL ASSOCIATION COMPETITION The Business House Netball Association is schedule to begin on Thursday June 12, 2008 with the uniform parade and opening rally at the Leila Robinson Court, National Stadium. The Jamaica Constabulary Force will field two teams in this competition. The under mentioned players were selected to represent the Jamaica Constabulary Force in the Competition. Cons. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Reg. No. Rank Names Division 7470 8916 7467 2236 9366 9608 10137 10149 11967 12446 12144 9831 11633 11384 11388 11642 11153 11196 10930 12470 12504 12438 12467 12562 D/W/Sgt. W/Cpl. W/Cpl. D/W/Cpl. W/Cons. W/Cons W/Cpl. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. D/W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. D/W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Cons. W/Dist. Cons. W/Dist. Cons W/Dist. Cons. W/Dist. Cons. W/Dist. Cons. W/Dist. Cons. W/Dist. Cons Ava J. Lindo Jennifer D. Duncan Pauline S. Drummond Maud E. Rhoden Christine A. Coley Alicia C. Reid Deian N. Edwards Janet V. Higgins Cindy Brown Antoinette S. Thomas Stacy-Ann S. Gordon Susan A. McNeil Deonie K. Gordon Cherry A. Malcolm Nichola N. Ranger Lattoya N. Redden Ann-Marie N. Christie Rhoda E. Moulton Nekeisha R. Williams Trullian K. Brown Tenesha Stewart Antoinette W. Edwards Fiona K. Bartley Tameka T. Scott Heather Thomas Jacqueline E. Williams Emla Bennett Coreen D. Young Sharnette S. Walker Michelle A. Daley Karen A. Brown Crime Portfolio Personnel N.I.B/Kingfish CIB Ops. St. Catherine South Mobile Reserve Training Branch St. Andrew Central Mobile Reserve Mobile Reserve Mobile Reserve Mobile Reserve Motorized Patrol Motorized Patrol N.I.B./Kingfish Motorized Patrol Traffic Operations (Control) N.I.B/Kingfish Clarendon St. Catherine South Mobile Reserve St. Catherine South St. Catherine North Kingston Eastern Mobile Reserve St. Catherine North Kingston Eastern Traffic Kingston Western St. Catherine South The training sessions are been held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30 pm at the Elletson Road Sports Complex, under the supervision of Mrs. Foster-Turner, Mr. L. J. Taylor, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Managers) and Woman Inspector Joan Benjamin (Coach). 4 FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D) KINGSTON, 12TH JUNE, 2008 SERIAL NO. 3184 TIME OFF – BUSINESS HOUSE NETBALL ASSOCIATION COMPETITION (CONT’D) Matches are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Officers and Sub-Officers under whose command these persons fall are being asked to afford them the necessary time off to attend training sessions and matches. N.B. Other personnel interested in becoming members of the team can contact the following persons. Mrs. P.B. Foster-Turner W/Insp. J.A. Benjamin W/Cpl. J.D. Duncan W/Cons. A.N. Christie Sub. No. 6 Manager Coach President Secretary 382-5538 460-1512 438-8030 570-1512 St. Catherine South Kingston West Personnel Traffic PROGRAMME OFFERINGS – JAMAICA CONSTABULARY STAFF COLLEGE 2007/2008 Applications are invited from qualified persons to pursue the following programmes: o Associate Degree in Police Management Studies o Associate Degree in Criminal Justice Commencing: September 2008 Duration: Two (2) years part-time, inclusive of Summer Sessions. Matriculation Requirements o Minimum 4 CXC/GCE subjects, including Mathematics and English Language at Grades 1 – 3 (Grade 3 after 1998) or A – C respectively or o Mature Entry based on Professional experience and interview or o Other recognized Tertiary Level Institutions Certificate Required Documentation o The original and one copy of the following documents must be submitted with the application: o Birth Certificate or Passport (pages 1 – 4) o Academic Certificates/Grade Slips o Professional certificates/diplomas (where applicable) o Marriage Certificate/deed poll, if present name is different from that on the documents o Two passport size photographs Application forms are available at the College, cost ($450.00) For additional information on all programmes contact:Jamaica Constabulary Staff College Twickenham Park, Spanish Town Telephone: 984 2005 or 984 2775 / Sub. No. 7………………………………. 5 FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D) KINGSTON, 12TH JUNE, 2008 Sub. No. 7 SERIAL NO. 3184 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR NO. 8493 WOMAN CONSTABLE LURLINE D. WILSON – ST. JAMES The assistance of members is being sought for No. 8493 Woman Constable Lurline D. Wilson of St. James whose dwelling house situated at Land Top District, Chester Castle, Hanover was completely destroyed by fire on May 30, 2008. Woman Constable Wilson lost her belongings and the house was not insured. Area, Branch and Divisional Commanders are asked to encourage personnel under their command to contribute towards her rehabilitation. Contributions should reach the Superintendent of Police, Personnel Division by 2008-06-30 for acknowledgement in Force Orders. Sub. No. 8 LETTERS OF APPRECIATION Attached to these Orders as Appendices ‘B’ to ’H’ are letters of appreciation from the following persons for general information: ‘B’ Mrs. Claudette Wilmot, Secretary, Jamaica Surfing Association, P.O. Box 167, Kingston 2. ‘C’ Mrs. Verna C. Lindo, Principal, Eltham Early Childhood Development Centre (Basic School), Eltham Highway, Eltham Park, Spanish Town P.O., St. Catherine. ‘D’ Mrs. Nerline Haye, Job Placement Officer, Portmore Community College, P.O. Box 233, Waterford P.O., St. Catherine. ‘E’ Ms. Rosemarie Greene, Spanish Town Citizens Against Gun Violence, 2 Hanover Street, Spanish Town, St. Catherine. ‘F’ Mr. Morin Seymour, Executive Director, Kingston Restoration Company Limited, 3 Duke Street, Kingston. ‘G’ Dr. Joseph A. Woolcock, Ph.D, Professor, 327 Grau Drive, Fremont, California 94536. ‘H’ Mr. Clayton Hall, Principal, Four Paths Primary and Junior High School, Lawson Boulevard, Four Paths P.O., Clarendon. Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin, CD, JP Commissioner The Jamaica Constabulary Force Per: Mr. Baldwin C. Burey, Dip. HRM, pjsc Actg. Assistant Commissioner of Police (ADMINISTRATION BRANCH)