
INSC 20263
“Transformation Age”
Surviving the Technology Revolution with Robert T. Cringely
A PBS Documentary - http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/transformationage/downloads.html
The video shows samples of IT being used to solve business problems. Please watch Lesson 1-5 segments and
answer the questions below. When finished, please deposit to ecollege dropbox called Transformation Age.
Anina’s Industry:
What Problem Did She Solve?
Point-B: http://www.pointb.com/
Point-B’s Industry:
What Problem Was Solved?
Halo: http://www.hp.com/halo/introducing.html
Who are Halo’s Customers?
What Problem Was Solved with the Technology?
Google Apps: http://www.google.com/a (not search engine!)
Who are Google Apps Customers?
What Problem Do the Apps Solve?
Store Report: http://www.storereport.com/
Who Are their Customers?
What Problem Was Solved?
RFID: http://www.rfidjournal.com/
Who Uses RFID?
What Problem Does It Solve?
Second Life: http://secondlife.com/ http://www.webkinz.com/us_en/
Who are Second Life Customers?
What Problems Can It Solve?
Kodak: http://www.kodak.com
What Technology Did Kodak Create, But Miss The Early Opportunity?
Craig’s List: http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites
What Industry Does This Technology Threaten?