EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Key Area C. Provide learning services, infrastructure and resources to organisations CA Manage the provision of learning services and products ....................................................................... 3 CA 1 Promote learning services and products to organisations 5 CA 11 Establish communication with prospects and clients 5 CA 12 Promote learning services and products 5 CA 13 Get and act upon feedback from prospects and clients 6 CA 14 Handle complaints from prospects and clients 6 CA 2 Respond to tenders 6 CA 21 Respond to tenders 8 CA 22 Agree customer requirements 8 CA 23 Ensure products and services meet customer requirements 8 CA 3 Plan the delivery of learning services and products 9 CA 31 Evaluate the client’s circumstances and situation 10 CA 32 Agree the position and possible course of action with client 10 CA 33 Design proposals to meet client needs 10 CA 34 Present proposals and negotiate with clients 11 CA 4 Plan the development of learning services and products 11 CA 41 Define learning objectives and assessment 11 CA 42 Define learning and instructional strategy 12 CA 43 Produce general specifications 12 CA 44 Define the delivery environment 13 CA 45 Decide to buy, adapt or develop new services and products 13 CA 5 Test and review learning services and products 14 CA 51 Plan tests of learning services and products 14 CA 52 Implement tests 15 CA 53 Review and edit solution to meet the specifications 15 CA 54 Pilot learning services and products 16 CA 55 Identify and implement improvements to enhance the quality of future services and products 17 CA 6 Implement and monitor learning services and products 17 CA 61 Prepare the learning environment for the use of KILT 19 CA 62 Secure property and distribution rights of learning resources 19 CA 63 Manage the delivery of learning services or products 20 CA 64 Implement and co-ordinate projects and programmes 20 CA 7 Integrate an maintain a learning infrastructure 20 CA 71 Implement a learning infrastructure 22 CA 72 Integrate a learning infrastructure in an information system 22 CA 73 Maintain and update a learning infrastructure 23 CA 8 Assess the effectiveness of learning services and products 23 CA 81 Monitor and review the effectiveness of learning services and products 24 CA 82 Evaluate and improve learning services and products 24 CA 9 Evaluate and complete projects 24 CA 91 Evaluate projects outcomes 24 CA 92 Complete projects 25 CB Provide assessment support systems, services and resources .............................................................. 26 CB 1 Design assessment support systems 26 CB 11 Identify and evaluate the most commonly used assessment instruments 26 CB 12 Choose assessment schemes for organisational learning performance 26 CB 13 Choose assessment schemes for individual performance 27 CB 2 Design tests, questionnaires, surveys, and other assessment support resources 27 CB 21 Design questionnaires, surveys, and other assessments 27 CB 22 Develop, implement and maintain assessment support resources 28 CC Provide learning and knowledge infrastructure ................................................................................... 29 CC 1 Design learning and knowledge infrastructure to support learning activities 29 CC 11 Design learning and knowledge infrastructures 29 CC 2 Develop learning and knowledge infrastructures 29 e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 1 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CC 21 Customise learning infrastructure CC 3 Implement and maintain competence management system CC 31 Select standards of competence CC 32 Integrate standards of competence in the information system CC 33 Customise standards of competence CC 34 Review standards and their implementation 29 29 29 29 30 30 CD Provide learning and development programmes and services ............................................................ 31 CD 1 Identify performance gaps and their solutions 31 CD 11 Identify performance gaps 31 CD 12 Identify organisational and individual learning needs 31 CD 13 Identify potential solutions for closing a performance gap 31 CD 14 Specify learning strategies 32 CD 2 Plan learning services 32 CD 21 Conditions d’intervention (tuteur, expert, etc.) 32 CD 22 Condition de réunion des événements (tutorat, temps, délai de réponse) 32 CD 3 Design and implement a curriculum 33 CD 31 Design a learning programme 33 CD 32 Develop challenging learning 33 CD 33 Support authentic learning 33 CD 34 Value diversity 34 CD 35 Provide an implementation plan 34 CD 4 Select and implement learning resources 34 CD 41 Identify sources of KILT-based learning materials 35 CD 42 Select learning and support resources 35 CD 43 Assess the quality and appropriateness of learning resources 36 CD 44 Obtain, customise and integrate learning resources 36 CE Provide learning resources and performance aids ............................................................................... 37 CE 1 Prepare the development of learning resources 37 CE 11 Select authoring environment and tools 37 CE 12 Plan learning resources production 37 CE 13 Determine, obtain and select media and tools for producing learning resources 37 CE 14 Identify and agree manufacturing, assembly and delivery requirements 38 CE 15 Identify the requirements for localisation 38 CE 16 Set the design standards of learning resources 39 CE 17 Specify and agree the formats for delivery 39 CE 2 Design learning resources 40 CE 21 Develop ideas for learning resources 41 CE 22 Design relevant practice 42 CE 23 Design feedback 42 CE 24 Design learning support system 43 CE 3 Develop learning resources 43 CE 31 Produce detailed specifications 45 CE 32 Develop learning resources according to specifications 45 CE 4 Develop simulations 46 CE 41 Write simulation specifications 46 CE 42 Collect subject matter expertise 47 CE 43 Develop simulations 47 CE 5 Develop simple learning resources 47 CE 51 Use authoring tools to adapt learning resources 48 CE 52 Use authoring tools to create basic learning resources 48 CE 53 Integrate authored learning resources in the learning environment 49 CE 6 Develop performance aids 49 e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 2 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA Manage the provision of learning services and products Introduction This Unit is about managing KILT as a learning enabler. This requires being able to identify how KILT can best support learning activities, taking into account learners’ abilities and learning styles, and the organisational constraints. It also requires identifying and agreeing to provide suitable services, infrastructure and learning resources and often customising these to the unique environment of the client. This competency is about managing projects and programmes within an e-learning environment. This includes a very wide range of projects, such as developing e-learning materials or setting up an elearning resource centre, and learning programmes which may be of short, medium or long duration. Managers carrying out this function need to take a systematic approach to project management. This requires close working with the project’s sponsors, project team members and other stakeholders to plan, co-ordinate and complete projects according to cost, time and quality criteria. Knowledge and skills required In addition to the core knowledge requirements, to perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Communication the importance of agreeing all work methods, schedules, evaluation methods, deliverables and procedures for handing over deliverables with the sponsors the importance of communicating regularly with colleagues and stakeholders on progress, problems, any changes to plans and completion of the project or programme Continuous improvement the importance of using the results of your evaluations to improve the effectiveness of future projects and programmes Financial resources how to identify and obtain the necessary financial resources for the project or programme the necessary procedures to be taken on completion of the project or programme Information handling the importance of maintaining accurate records about the project or programme, and how to do so Involvement and motivation the importance of involving all relevant people, including the programme’s stakeholders, in developing plans, and confronting and resolving any problems encountered Monitoring and evaluation the importance of monitoring progress against plans, and how to do so how to make adjustments to plans and programmes in response to monitoring how to evaluate a completed project or programme against the objectives People management the importance of clarifying and agreeing your own and other people’s roles and responsibilities, and how to do so how to delegate responsibility e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 3 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Planning and prioritisation the importance of establishing the scope, objectives and deliverables of the project or programme with the sponsors, and how to do so the importance of ensuring the feasibility of the project within the constraints, and how to do so the importance of breaking work down into manageable, measurable and achievable tasks, and how to do so Providing support the importance of providing support to help colleagues fulfil their responsibilities, and how to do so Physical resources how to identify and obtain the necessary physical resources for the project or programme Working context the procedures for handing over and obtaining agreement from the sponsors that all specified work has been completed Project management how to assess the feasibility of projects project management principles and methods, and how to apply these the project’s sponsors and their requirements the project’s deliverables and handover procedures the importance of carefully monitoring the progress of projects against plans, and how to do this. methods of documenting and tracking project plans and progress the importance of maintaining complete and accurate records and how to do so. the importance of evaluating projects and using the results to improve the effectiveness of future projects. People management the range of different stakeholders in a project and how to reconcile their interests How to share tasks and responsibilities the principles and processes of effective delegation and how to apply them the importance of establishing limits of authority, and how to do so the importance of involving relevant people in the development of project plans, and how to do so effectively the importance of obtaining agreement from the project’s sponsors that all specified project work has been completed, and how to do so the importance of confirming to project team members that the project is completed and of acknowledging their contributions the importance of keeping stakeholders and project team members fully informed about the development of the project, and how to do this how to involve stakeholders and project team members in confronting and resolving any problems the types of advice and guidance project team members may require, and how to provide these Finance and costs procedures relating to finance, resources and personnel how to establish and obtain the necessary resources the project’s costs, schedule and quality criteria (running and fixed costs) e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 4 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS KILT providers and how to assess them how to ensure that the organisation’s KILT systems are appropriate for the project maintenance, technical support, hotline CA 1 Promote learning services and products to organisations Introduction This competency is for individuals, services and organisations that provide learning services, infrastructure and resources to organisations. Providers can be internal or external to the organisations commissioning these services, infrastructure and resources. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Communication the importance of communicating effectively, and how to do so the requirements of confidentiality: what information may, and may not, be given to whom Involvement and motivation the importance of involving relevant colleagues in identifying needs and planning Monitoring CA 11 the importance getting feedback from clients and prospects, and how to do so the potential of technologies for supporting monitoring of clients and prospects how to handle complaints and solve problems on behalf of clients Establish communication with prospects and clients 1. define the themes and subjects on which to listen clients and prospects to improve services or provide new services 2. define indicators on how clients can express their satisfaction orders renewed website access responses to online polls inquiries after a publicity or an article 3. define communication channels: resellers, partners, direct marketing website, newsletter, publicity 4. set-up communication systems to provide information to clients and prospects and get their feedback 5. encourage and facilitate communication with prospects and clients CA 12 Promote learning services and products 1. get a clear idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your learning services or products 2. identify targets and define the elements to promote to the different market sectors 3. construct messages in relation with the right marketing mix e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 5 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS message channel price media product 4. put in place communication channels – e.g. resellers, partners, etc. 5. define promotion supports – e.g. publicity, website banners, leaflets, etc. 6. monitor the results of promotion – e.g. tracking website activity / hits CA 13 Get and act upon feedback from prospects and clients 1. define the objectives of the feedback collected from clients and prospects, and how it is going to affect your operation 2. define channels for clients and prospects to provide feedback facilitating spontaneous expression mail and e-mail surveys and polls – face to face, telephone, online online feedback forms 3. collect feedback and analyse the results 4. make recommendations based on feedback in order to improve services, products and communication with clients and prospects 5. monitor the impact of the recommended changes on the results and the relation with clients and prospects CA 14 Handle complaints from prospects and clients 1. define policy to handle clients complaints 2. define reporting systems and channels to get complaints handled by the right person first level : reassure the person diagnostic + organise the following steps second level: experts 3. ensure that staff maintain a positive attitude when facing a complaint, and solve the problem on behalf of the client – not ‘dumping’ the complaint on someone else! 4. respond to complaints in a timely manner and maintain communication proactively with the person complaining 5. monitor reporting system and channels and make recommendations for future improvements CA 2 Respond to tenders Introduction This unit is about responding to tenders or requests for learning services, infrastructure and resources. The tender or request can be issued by an external or internal client. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 6 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Knowledge and skills required In addition to the core knowledge requirements, to perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Agreements and contracts different forms of agreements which may be used and their relative advantages and disadvantages to your area of work organisational and legal requirements regarding contracts and other forms of agreement and their implications for your work how to record agreements and what information these agreements should contain. Communication the principles and processes of effective communication and how to apply them. Continuous improvement the importance of regularly reviewing customer agreements; the processes used and how to do so. Customer relations the importance of a focus on customer requirements and quality issues, and your role and responsibilities in relation to this the difference between internal and external customers how to negotiate with and influence potential and actual customers how to reach agreements with customers on their needs and requirements. the importance of customer feedback and how to encourage it· Information handling the principles of confidentiality: types of information which should be regarded as confidential and how this information should be handled. Monitoring and evaluation how to monitor the quality of work taking place in your area of responsibility. Organisational context product information relevant to your area of responsibility the standards and organisational policies relevant to your area of responsibility. the standards, customer and organisational requirements which apply to the activities for which you are responsible how to interpret organisational values and policies and determine the implications for quality assurance the records which need to be completed and how this should be done. Quality management· the principles and methods of quality assurance the meaning and importance of quality in the management of activities and your role and responsibilities in relation to this the importance of encouraging team members and others to monitor quality processes and recommend improvements to practice deficiencies in quality that are likely to occur and the appropriate corrective actions to take, whilst minimising the impact on customers. Tenders How to collect relevant information in an ethical way How to present your bid in a clear and concise manner that takes into account all the expressed needs of the potential client e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 7 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA 21 How to gain the cooperation of potential colleagues, partners or suppliers in order to carry out the work indicated in the tender Respond to tenders 1. collect all available information from the client to assess the resources available: budget, people, existing infrastructure, learning vision. 2. respond to the tender in time, giving clear and accurate information regarding the features and benefits of products and services. 3. response to the tender reflects the expertise and resources actually available in your organisation. 4. gain the agreement of all persons likely to be affected by your undertaking the project: colleagues, partners, suppliers etc. CA 22 Agree customer requirements 1. give customers opportunities to specify their requirements. 2. give customers clear and accurate information regarding the features and benefits of products and services. 3. the agreements made with customers contain all relevant information to specify the work activities necessary to meet their requirements. 4. the agreements made with customers meet legal and organisational requirements. 5. record, store and use information provided by customers in ways which are consistent with legal and organisational requirements. 6. regularly review customer agreements and the process of reaching these agreements in order to identify improvements which can be made. CA 23 Ensure products and services meet customer requirements 1. monitoring of the quality of products and services is continuous and complies with organisational procedures. 2. give opportunities to relevant people to monitor the quality of products and services and recommend improvements to the processes involved. 3. give support to relevant people so they can maintain and improve quality. 4. give opportunities to your customers to provide feedback on how effectively their requirements are being met. 5. communicate with customers clearly, accurately and promptly when there are significant changes to products and services. 6. the products and services within your area of responsibility normally meet your customers’ and organisation’s requirements. 7. where products, services and the processes involved do not meet agreed requirements, you take prompt and effective action. 8. records relating to customer service and quality comply with organisational procedures. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 8 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA 3 Plan the delivery of learning services and products Introduction This Unit is about planning the use of KILT as a learning enabler. This requires being able to identify how KILT can best support learning activities, taking into account learners’ abilities and learning styles and organisational constraints. It also requires identifying, and agreeing to provide, suitable services, infrastructure and learning resources and where required, customising these to the unique environment of the client. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently in this Unit, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Communication How to disseminate information on trends and best practice in learning technologies, as well as organisational and personal experience How to identify and inform the stakeholders in an organisation Health and safety regulations, recommendations and the specific requirements to make the learning environment suitable for KILT the importance of security where equipment is involved, and how to ensure security in the learning environment used Learning technologies provision How to access reliable sources of information on trends and developments in learning technologies, service providers, tools and techniques The range of KILT that can be used to support organisational and individual learning How to evaluate the sources of free and priced learning technologies resources in respect of the range and quality of resources, quality and speed of service, and value for money Learning technologies design how to develop KILT plans to meet learning objectives how to select appropriate learning methods and technologies on the basis of learning theory how to perform a media selection in order to support different learning activities how to use KILT to support relevant practice how to use KILT to support collaborative learning how to manage the relationship between learners’ abilities, learning styles and KILT Practice How to access reliable sources of information on developing practice in KILT How to evaluate whether developing practice in KILT is relevant to the organisation and may be considered “good practice” How to identify and disseminate the benefits gained from using KILT and the problems encountered How to evaluate the impact on the organisation of the use of learning technologies Organisation The contribution that the use of learning technologies can make to achieving a learning organisation and how to promote this How to link organisational objectives to individual objectives in investing in training and development The organisation’s policy and procedures for purchasing, customising and using KILT e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 9 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS resources CA 31 Evaluate the client’s circumstances and situation 1. monitor current technological trends in hardware, networks, software such as ERP, LMS, CMS, conferencing systems, groupware, knowledge management, CRM, etc 2. identify the clients particular circumstances and legacy in term of: needs aptitudes for using tools and methods people and competencies and learning infrastructure culture and facilities to cooperate providers 3. compare the situation with similar organisations and the ability to cope with current trends and future requirements 4. assess the organisation IT infrastructure in regard to its needs and the state of the art in similar organisations, trends and report accurately the gaps to the right people 5. assess the ability and options for improvement and change 6. build a global view of the situation, linking all the different components with a specific attention to the infrastructure 7. assess the organisation’s staff work pattern and IT literacy level in regard to the organisation’s needs and to current practice in similar organisations, trends and report accurately the gaps to the right people CA 32 Agree the position and possible course of action with client 1. evaluate the extent and nature of the solution needed 2. establish the resources available: finance, people, abilities, etc. 3. determine the methods, and steps of achieving the objectives 4. identify reliable partners or suppliers (new or already working with the client) to provide parts or a complete solution (e.g. infrastructure, services, contents, support). 5. write a proposal including a detailed description of the technology and processes describing what’s going to happen 6. suggest alternative solutions – e.g. ‘modularise’ the proposal or suggest different scenarii – providing all the information in order to make an informed decision to select the most effective solution CA 33 Design proposals to meet client needs 1. check that you have all the information about clients needs and resources (e.g. budget, people) 2. identify current solutions available on the market 3. identify the different steps (e.g. incremental, complete, partial) and the impact/implication 4. built agreement on the implementation plan 5. consider the use of one or a combination of potential solutions, tools, methods, processes and their relevance to the client’s situation e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 10 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS KM tools, services, products reengineering, change management 6. Evaluate the potential impact on the client’s organization in terms and include solutions in order to minimize negative impact and maximize positive results: CA 34 competences infrastructure resources operations Present proposals and negotiate with clients 1. present the solution to the clients with the levels of details required to make an informed decision on basis of : investments running costs change potential risks and benefits success conditions 2. suggest alternative solutions and justify the different solutions 3. make sure that the client understands the different solutions, and adjust them if necessary 4. establish a contract formalising the relation with the client. CA 4 Plan the development of learning services and products CA 41 Define learning objectives and assessment 1. collect the results of learning/training needs analysis 2. identify what the measurable performance outcomes are 3. define what the learner has to do by practising the essence of the objective, what are the different components of the learning activities e.g. facts – identify / recall tasks – identify / recall / perform concepts, principles, methods – identify / recall / apply / derive new problem solving working with others other 4. define the different types of performance required, e.g. identify recall apply perform derive new communicate calculate or evaluate other 5. formulate the learning objective(s) by providing measurable and unambiguous performance criteria 6. define the different components of the assessment e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 11 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS formative summative 7. compile all the information produced to deliver a specification document; store and communicate the learning objectives to the relevant people for feedback and further action. CA 42 Define learning and instructional strategy 1. based on the knowledge of the target population, the project sponsor and stakeholders and the nature of the objective, identify different relevant instructional strategy eg.: experiential / drill instruction / problem based learning / case study / lecture online course / blended learning self-study / group learning / community of practice knowledge base other 2. cross th instructional strategy with means situations and procedures synchronous / asynchronous communication between tutor and learners virtual classroom or webconference 3. analyse the different strategies and situations in terms of intrinsic value, expected results, environmental constraints, user requirements, ability for innovation, potential support with technology, etc. 4. weigh the different criteria and get feedback from colleagues and different stakeholders 5. agree with the project’s sponsor on the solution which is the most efficient and the most likely to get the support from the different stakeholders 6. produce a training plan and a schedule of training. CA 43 Produce general specifications 6. production information is reviewed systematically and factors which are likely to contribute to determining the product's functionality and ability to enable learning are recorded accurately. . 7. Determine the complexity of the production required to support the learning activities – starting with the ‘relevant practice’:. simulation and modelling tools exercisers activity supports knowledge and information support tests and assessments 8. the product's functions, learning activities interface, and their inter relationship, are analysed, and key design features are identified accurately. 9. based on the specifications understood how the resource will be used and define what are the functionalities required to facilitate learning support:. how the resource will interact with the information system (LMS, ERP) how the learner will interact with other learners, tutors or other people 10. a user interface is selected and specified which offers the greatest potential for realising the product's function, satisfying end users and meeting customers' needs within the available budget. 11. take into account the special needs of people with disabilities who might use the learning resource. 12. the design is presented clearly to colleagues and decision makers in a manner most likely to gain e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 12 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS commitment to realistic decision making. 13. agree on the functionalities, user interface, activities support; record accurately, store securely to make the specifications available to the instructional designers. CA 44 Define the delivery environment 1. based on the learning objectives and the instructional strategy, agree with the project sponsor and colleagues on the criteria for selecting a delivery system existing systems benefits scope limitations availability ease of use cost quality usability maintainability 2. collect accurate and sufficient information about delivery systems from relevant and reliable sources to determining their performance characteristics, identify their strengths and weaknesses. 3. comparisons criteria are based on realistic assessments of the product's intended uses and operating characteristics; they match similar characteristics accurately elicit significant differences take into account all users and stakeholders 4. select delivery systems which meet agreed criteria. 5. estimates of the service benefits of distribution systems are justifiable in terms of customers' perceptions and end-users' preferences for specific distribution systems are identified accurately. 6. colleagues are given sufficient information about selections and opportunities to ask questions to enable them to identify why systems have been selected and what their implications are for design and development. CA 45 Decide to buy, adapt or develop new services and products 1. identify existing services and products in line with specifications 2. obtain an assessment of current provision of learning resources. 3. establish the list of pros and cons for the different options (if the provision is not adequate):. using existing resources and developing an add-on. agreeing with a publisher terms for the adaptation of external resources. developing your own material . 4. establish the pros and cons for. developing resources wholly in house. sub-contracting / commissioning part or whole of the proposed resources. 5. Take a decision on buying, adapting or developing in line with organisational constraints. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 13 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA 5 Test and review learning services and products Introduction This competency is about testing, piloting and reviewing learning services and products, especially how KILT are being properly used. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Learning technologies the range and coverage of KILT resources available the range of opportunities that can be made available for colleagues and learners to try out the KILT resources types of support colleagues and learners may need to use KILT resources, and how to provide this support the range of relevant KILT resources available. Assessment differences between monitoring, validation and evaluation evaluation models, approaches and methods, and their use in different learning situations. how to establish the monitoring process and agreeing on how to resource it. systems for gathering information on the use of KILT resources and evaluating their how to identify the benefits colleagues and learners may derive from using KILT resources, and any how to develop and use criteria for assessment and evaluation. establishment of success criteria. the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of the designed resources in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of abilities, and how to do so the importance of involving learners and colleagues in evaluation, and how to do so criteria to apply in designing evaluation measures (eg. information needed, purpose, expectations of stakeholders etc.) Communication the organisation’s policies and procedures for the acquisition and use of digital resources how to present information in formats that allow recipients to understand it and use it to support their actions and decisions Organisation CA 51 the law regarding copyright and requirements regarding license for the use digital resources how to adapt resources for particular uses the facilities and limitations of the organisation’s KILT infrastructure. users and potential users of KILT resources and their requirements responding to contingencies: typical issues, problems and responses. Planning and carrying out training audits and ensuring action on outcomes. Plan tests of learning services and products 1. the purpose of tests is identified and confirmed clearly. 2. the tests selected are capable of evaluating the performance of information technology solutions used. 3. the criteria and performance indicators to be used in testing learning resources and programmes are determined accurately from analyses of design and production information. They should cover: e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 14 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS malfunctions and dysfunctions strengths and weaknesses of products' functionality respect of standards, interoperability with resource management systems (LMS, LCMS, etc.) accessibility for people with special needs 4. sufficient information is obtained from reliable sources to confirm that the proposed criteria are consistent with end-users' criteria; mismatches between end-users' criteria and proposed criteria are identified accurately and the proposed criteria amended to improve the match. 5. criteria are agreed, clarified, reviewed and confirmed with all those involved in evaluating design solutions. 6. the availability of existing standard tests or the need for new test designs is determined accurately. 7. test methods, measures and administration regimes are selected which are reliable and valid. 8. appropriate test environments are selected and prepared. 9. test protocols used are valid and reliable. 10. the location sequence and frequency of tests is determined in order to produce a valid data set which allows reliable interpretation. 11. safeguards are implemented to protect and maintain persona! and commercial confidentiality and property rights. CA 52 Implement tests 1. tests are administered as designed. 2. subjects who accurately represent the target audience are identified and recruited, including learners with a diverse range of abilities 3. sufficient representative samples of end users are recruited to provide valid data for use in predicting the effectiveness for the target audience and sufficient time and resources are made available to enable assessments to be thorough and valid. 4. suitably qualified test administrators are selected. 5. the preparation required by subjects and administrators is identified clearly and administrators and subjects receive adequate preparation. 6. tests are administered at specified times and within agreed timescales. 7. assessment results are collated for analysis of the effectiveness; when results are inconclusive, additional assessments are planned and implemented promptly. 8. test reports are complete, are recorded clearly and stored securely and made available to those who have a right to them. 9. decision makers are given sufficient time and opportunities to review the edit decision list and to offer constructive feedback on it. CA 53 Review and edit solution to meet the specifications 1. to evaluate the effectiveness of learning resources in meeting learning objectives, you use your own judgement and get feedback from relevant colleagues and experts. 2. only the agreed criteria are used to assess learning resources. 3. improvements and recommendations identified by tests results are identified, evaluated and e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 15 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS prioritised for their implications; they are realistic and clearly identify what action is to be taken and who has responsibility for it. Improvements cover: design and specifications development 4. weaknesses in specifications, which are identified when reviewing editing decisions, are evaluated for their impact on the resource and constructive alternatives are proposed to correct significant weaknesses. 5. a final edit decision list is agreed with decision makers, recorded accurately and stored securely. 6. edited content which fails to meet standards is brought to an acceptable condition within agreed deadlines and budgets. CA 54 Pilot learning services and products 1. Define the objectives of pilot programme and the size of the target population in relation with a global project testing a new method of delivery? testing a new infrastructure? testing a new programme? a new module? other? 2. agree on the criteria used to validate a pilot session and take into account all the criteria that might have an impact on the outcomes of the pilot session, including those which are not directly linked to the specific programme, module or resource being piloted infrastructure availability and reliability competences of staff acceptability by end users and management other criteria… 3. take into consideration the difference between the results of a pilot session and the dissemination to a larger audience in terms of infrastructure functionalities, such as registration management, delivery and management of resources, etc. quality of resources used in different context, by people with different abilities learning support quality and availability quality and costs 4. Select a panel representative of the target audience and in line with the objectives of the pilot sessions 5. prepare a pilot environment from which it will be possible to derive relevant conclusions for the future full deployment of the programme or solution 6. select prepare the documentation to collect observations and prepare the participants and administrators of the pilot session 7. run the pilot and collect the information. Secure and deliver the information collected to the relevant people in order to get their feedback and derive improvements and recommendations 8. improvements and recommendations identified by the pilot session are identified, evaluated and prioritised for their implications; they are realistic and clearly identify what action is to be taken and who has responsibility for it. 9. required changes are made in order to maximise the chances of success of a full size deployment. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 16 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA 55 Identify and implement improvements to enhance the quality of future services and products 1. relevant evaluations are reviewed to identify improvements to product quality and production processes and proposals for implementing improvements are presented clearly. 2. clients and colleagues are given sufficient opportunities to assess and critique proposals constructively. 3. the improvements selected for development are those most likely to add value to the product. 4. discussions and judgements of proposals are conducted and concluded in a manner that encourages support for enhancing the product quality and achieving value for money. 5. proposals which have the support of colleagues are implemented within agreed timescales. 6. modifications to products or processes are realistic and are justifiable in terms of production requirements. CA 6 Implement and monitor learning services and products Introduction This Unit is about providing the learning resources required to support learning activities. People carrying out this function need to identify sources of relevant learning resources and assess the quality and appropriateness of these resources to meet the specifications. They might acquire learning resources, format them and provide them to their clients. They also need to evaluate how effective learning resources are in meeting learning objectives. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Analytical techniques· the principles of risk assessment and how to ensure that the work environment is effectively monitored· methods of assessing current working conditions and identifying possible areas for improvement. Communication how to communicate effectively with team members, colleagues, line managers and people outside your organisation. Communication how to communicate effectively to colleagues, team members and higher-level managers and sponsors on quality assurance issues. Customer relations the importance of customer focus in managing quality. Involvement and motivation how to develop and present an effective case for the introduction of quality assurance systems the importance of consulting on the introduction of quality assurance systems and how to do so effectively how to gain the commitment of staff for quality assurance systems. Copyright law sources of information about ownership and costs e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 17 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS legal forms and formats to use how to establish ownership and rights for component assets how identify any necessary permissions and copyright clearances how to obtain reliable information on the costs of obtaining rights how to protect the organisation's interests in relation to copyrights how to secure clearances for using assets finding alternative assets when original selections cannot be got establishing the ownership of interactive multimedia products keeping records of agreements how to confirm own copyrights to productions Health and safety· the importance of health and safety at work and your role and responsibility in relation to this the organisational and legal requirements for maintaining a healthy, safe and productive work environment· industry or profession specific codes of practice relevant to healthy, safe and productive work environments· the types of support it may be necessary to provide on health and safety issues and how to provide such support· how to respond to contradictions between health and safety requirements and organisational constraints. Organisational context the types of work environments which are most conducive to productive work methods of engaging learners interest and fostering creativity how to provide strategies for learners of different abilities how to reinforce knowledge and understanding Quality management the importance of quality assurance and your role and responsibility in relation to this the meaning of quality in the context of managing activities the principles underpinning effective quality assurance systems and how to apply them the range of quality assurance systems available and their relative advantages and disadvantages to the activities for which you are responsible how to analyse work processes and determine the most appropriate quality assurance systems and measurements Specification how to draft clear, concise and comprehensive specifications the importance of checking with commissioners that specifications fully meet their requirements, and how to do so the importance of obtaining acceptance by commissioners of finished resources, and how to do so the importance of developing and maintaining effective working relationships, and how to do so the importance of reviewing processes to identify ways in which they can be improved, and how to do so. sources of information about distribution, what distribution systems are available and what are the current and future trends how to specify criteria for selection of distribution systems how to judge the strengths and weaknesses of systems how to assess audience preferences how to compare the costs of different distribution systems e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 18 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Sources who the suppliers of learning infrastructure are and how to measure their reliability how to identify relevant current research and trends in learning technologies and how to track them efficiently the sources of specialist and technical expertise and advice sources for free, open and priced infrastructure and how to measure their reliability Standards interoperability and standards: IMS, SCORM, IMS, AICC operating systems Windows, Linux, MacOS, Unix and how they affect interoperability the advantages and disadvantages of standards (e.g. reduce innovation) Costing CA 61 how to measure the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an e-learning solution Prepare the learning environment for the use of KILT 1. check that the learning environment meets health, safety and security requirements and is suitable for the use of KILT. 2. check that equipment is working correctly. 3. obtain support and advice from others (including subcontrators or partners), where the learning environment does not meet requirements or equipment is not working properly. 4. prepare contingency plans – make alternative arrangements, where the learning environment cannot be made suitable for the use of KILT. 5. when the learning environment or equipment does not meet requirements report promptly to the appropriate person. CA 62 Secure property and distribution rights of learning resources 1. develop strategies with regard to rights which optimise the revenue for the organisation. 2. agree strategies with colleagues which are recorded accurately and used to identify negotiating positions in protecting and securing rights in the product. 3. obtain reliable information on ownership and the costs of obtaining copyright for component assets. 4. confirm and accurately record the requirements of copyright holders using appropriate legal documentation . 5. obtain the necessary permissions and copyright clearances for component assets . 6. suitable alternative component assets are identified for use where original choices prove too difficult or expensive to obtain. 7. negotiations over rights and clearances are conducted in a way which promotes cooperation, goodwill and outcomes advantageous to the organisation. 8. agree the ownership, nature and extent of all rights held in the production with other parties who have an interest. 9. keep detailed and accurate records using appropriate legal documentation. 10. Negotiate and establish production contracts that guarantee the achievement of the production phase, the appropriate dissemination, and right negotiation. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 19 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CA 63 Manage the delivery of learning services or products 1. establish clearly the project’s scope, objectives and deliverables with the project’s sponsors or client. 2. clearly identify all contingencies, risks and constraints and ensure the project or programme is feasible within these constraints 3. identify the project’s stakeholders and reconcile their interests. 4. establish clearly the project’s contingencies and risks, and the organisation’s KILT constraints, and ensure the project is feasible within these constraints. 5. break the work down into manageable, measurable and achievable tasks. 6. establish links, dependencies, work methods, schedules, evaluation methods, deliverables and handover procedures. 7. involve relevant people in the development of your plans, consistent with the project’s or programme’s scope and objectives. 8. break work down into tasks which are manageable, measurable and achievable and identify the links and dependencies between different tasks. 9. agree work methods, schedules, evaluation methods, deliverables and procedures for handing over deliverables 10. identify and obtain the resources necessary for the project. 11. establish clearly the limits of your own, and other people’s, authority within the project. CA 64 Implement and co-ordinate projects and programmes 1. agree on project operation structures: steering group or committee including decision makers and organise regular steering group meetings 2. agree systems processes and methods of working 3. ensure that decisions are taken in a timely manner and get the support of the sponsors, clients or stakeholders. 4. keep stakeholders and colleagues fully informed about the development of the project or programme, and involve them in confronting and resolving any problems. 5. delegate responsibilities for different tasks to colleagues in ways which make the best use of their abilities. 6. provide advice and guidance to help colleagues meet their responsibilities. 7. carefully monitor the progress of the project or programme against plans and make any necessary adjustments with the knowledge and agreement of colleagues and sponsors. 8. keep safely accurate records of steering group meetings and communicate them to the relevant people CA 7 Integrate an maintain a learning infrastructure Introduction This Unit is about maintaining the learning infrastructure required to support learning activities. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 20 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Analytical techniques· the principles of risk assessment and how to ensure that the work environment is effectively monitored· methods of assessing current working conditions and identifying possible areas for improvement. Communication how to communicate effectively with team members, colleagues, line managers and people outside your organisation. Customer relations the importance of customer focus in managing quality. Involvement and motivation how to develop and present an effective case for the introduction of quality assurance systems the importance of consulting on the introduction of quality assurance systems and how to do so effectively how to gain the commitment of staff for quality assurance systems. Health and safety· the importance of health and safety at work and your role and responsibility in relation to this the organisational and legal requirements for maintaining a healthy, safe and productive work environment· industry or profession specific codes of practice relevant to healthy, safe and productive work environments· the types of support it may be necessary to provide on health and safety issues and how to provide such support· how to respond to contradictions between health and safety requirements and organisational constraints. Organisational context the types of work environments which are most conducive to productive work methods of engaging learners interest and fostering creativity how to provide strategies for learners of different abilities how to reinforce knowledge and understanding Quality management the importance of quality assurance and your role and responsibility in relation to this the meaning of quality in the context of managing activities the principles underpinning effective quality assurance systems and how to apply them the range of quality assurance systems available and their relative advantages and disadvantages to the activities for which you are responsible how to analyse work processes and determine the most appropriate quality assurance systems and measurements Specification how to draft clear, concise and comprehensive specifications the importance of checking with commissioners that specifications fully meet their requirements, and how to do so the importance of obtaining acceptance by commissioners of finished resources, and how to do so the importance of developing and maintaining effective working relationships, and how to do e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 21 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS so the importance of reviewing processes to identify ways in which they can be improved, and how to do so. sources of information about distribution, what distribution systems are available and what are the current and future trends how to specify criteria for selection of distribution systems how to judge the strengths and weaknesses of systems how to assess audience preferences how to compare the costs of different distribution systems Sources who the suppliers of learning infrastructure are and how to measure their reliability how to identify relevant current research and trends in learning technologies and how to track them efficiently the sources of specialist and technical expertise and advice sources for free, open and priced infrastructure and how to measure their reliability Standards interoperability and standards: IMS, SCORM, IMS, AICC operating systems Windows, Linux, MacOS, Unix and how they affect interoperability the advantages and disadvantages of standards (e.g. reduce innovation) Costing CA 71 how to measure the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an e-learning solution Implement a learning infrastructure 1. obtain support from all stakeholders – IT specialists, trainers, line managers etc. 2. secure an appropriate level of support for the safe and effective implementation and maintenance of the e-learning infrastructure. 3. monitor the installation and testing of hardware and software. 4. organise a pilot e-learning programme to establish the smooth functioning of the infrastructure. 5. provide access to ongoing guidance and support to ensure optimal use of the infrastructure. 6. establish a system of evaluation of results obtained . 7. disseminate the results to stakeholders. CA 72 Integrate a learning infrastructure in an information system 1. identify the different components of the organisation’s information system to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the integration of the learning infrastructure and avoid duplication, e.g. enterprise resource planning (ERP) HR information system, payroll system knowledge management systems communication, conferencing systems 2. identify the information to be shared and exchanged between learning system and resources and the global information system, e.g. learners’ profile for registration, competency model attendance to learning events, outcomes documentation, software applications e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 22 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 3. establish how communication between the different components of the information system will be ensured – e.g. synchronisation, shared databases, etc. 4. define a global architecture describing the different components and their interaction and taking into account future evolutions of technology and practice 5. define the different phases of the integration such as pilot and general deployment, and the responsibilities associated with the implementation 6. monitor the integration, keep records of the process and make recommendations for future improvements CA 73 Maintain and update a learning infrastructure 1. define a general plan for the learning infrastructure indicating the expected life duration of its different components, the expected replacement solutions, and update regularly this plan from the monitoring of the infrastructure and the monitoring of the evolution of technology and practice. 2. ensure that this plan takes into account the concurrent needs for reliability (minimise the changes to the infrastructure) and innovation. 3. define a maintenance policy indicating: the different levels of responsibility, internal and external – e.g. providers, publishers equipment monitoring, security and maintenance checks escalation procedures when a component is faulty upgrade and customisation policies – e.g. download of new software on organisation’s equipment 4. negotiate a maintenance contract (with internal or external provider) for learning infrastructure in order to ensure optimal performance of equipment. 5. take timely and effective action, consistent with quality assurance procedures, to rectify unacceptable variations in services provided by the infrastructure. 6. ensure that full maintenance records are kept and that regular maintenance reports are provided . 7. update equipment in line with learning requirements and within organisational policies and constraints. CA 8 Assess the effectiveness of learning services and products Introduction This Unit is about assessing the effectiveness of learning services and products. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Communication how to communicate effectively with team members, colleagues, line managers and people outside your organisation. Organisational context methods of engaging learners interest and fostering creativity how to provide strategies for learners of different abilities how to reinforce knowledge and understanding e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 23 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Quality management the importance of quality assurance and your role and responsibility in relation to this the meaning of quality in the context of managing activities the principles underpinning effective quality assurance systems and how to apply them the range of quality assurance systems available and their relative advantages and disadvantages to the activities for which you are responsible how to analyse work processes and determine the most appropriate quality assurance systems and measurements the importance of reviewing processes to identify ways in which they can be improved, and how to judge the strengths and weaknesses of systems Costing CA 81 how to measure the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an e-learning solution Monitor and review the effectiveness of learning services and products 1. analysis of processes involving the learning services and products is sufficient to determine appropriate quality assurance systems, procedures, responsibilities and measurements: identify expected outcomes identify key processes that have an influence on the results identify key factors influencing changes, e.g. technology, people, practice, standards 2. provide opportunities for those involved in using or operating the learning services and products to contribute the improvement – e.g. tracking, polls, feedback mechanisms, etc. 3. encourage all stakeholders to suggest improvements and analyse those suggestions in regard to organisation’s policy and resources, and the environment – market trends, practice, etc. 4. collect and evaluate information, and report the results at required intervals, using agreed methods and against specified performance measures. CA 82 Evaluate and improve learning services and products 1. define structures and people who will evaluate the learning services and products 2. define and agree on the criteria against which services and products should be assessed 3. analyse the information collected using the agreed criteria and identify potential improvements 4. present suggested improvements to relevant people at a time and place and in a format appropriate to their needs, and confirm their understanding. 5. agree on changes, get the support of all stakeholders, resolve conflicts of interest and implement changes timely . 6. make recommendations on the assessment procedures. CA 9 Evaluate and complete projects CA 91 Evaluate projects outcomes 1. establish that the project’s objectives have been achieved according to the agreed costs, schedule and quality criteria. 2. get feedback from sponsors, clients and end-users group test surveys e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 24 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 3. interpret results, analyse the lessons learned 4. publish the results according to organisational procedures and communicate to the relevant people 5. communicate recommendation for future improvement of project management to the right people 6. use the results of project evaluations to improve the effectiveness of future projects CA 92 Complete projects 1. hand over deliverables according to agreed procedures. 2. obtain agreement from the project’s sponsors that all specified project work has been completed. 3. confirm to project team members that the project is completed, acknowledging their contributions. 4. complete all necessary procedures relating to finance, resources and personnel. 5. maintain and store complete and accurate records about the project. 6. involve the project’s sponsors and project team members in evaluating the project. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 25 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CB Provide assessment support systems, services and resources CB 1 Design assessment support systems Introduction Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: CB 11 range of purposes and stakeholders for evaluation criteria for choosing and using appropriate, efficient, effective and timely evaluation methods assessment for prerequisite, course assessment, post course assessment assessment for on the job performance and for business improvement the difference between performance and knowledge assessment how to infer knowledge from performance evidence Identify and evaluate the most commonly used assessment instruments 1. obtain information about those instruments that are most commonly used to assess intelligence, aptitude, achievement, personality, work values, and interests, including computer-assisted versions and other alternate formats. 2. agree the dimensions along which assessment instruments should be evaluated, including purpose, validity, utility, norms, reliability and measurement error, score reporting method, and consequences of use. . 3. work with the support of individuals skilled in assessment. 4. Evaluate the quality of those assessment instruments and report to the appropriate people. CB 12 Choose assessment schemes for organisational learning performance 1. Define the different levels of assessment that should be covered:. learners satisfaction learners achievement transfer to the workplace impact on business 2. identify factors which have an impact on the assessment process. 3. define and agree the assessment criteria. 4. identify and make the best use of technology to support the assessment process. dissemination collection of evidence reporting… 5. provide clear accurate and complete guidelines for the people in charge of the evaluation and the verification. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 26 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CB 13 Choose assessment schemes for individual performance 1. Identify the objective(s) of the assessment scheme:. measuring training results annual appraisal hiring other 2. identify the different assessment, formal and informal, including:. questionnaires, checklists, tests observations , interviews, 360° inventories, surveys portfolio performance and knowledge assessments 3. identify the types of information most readily obtained from different assessment approaches. . 4. take into account the assessment requirements for people with special needs. 5. critically evaluating each type of assessment and can use them in choosing appropriate assessment strategies. 6. write specification for:. collection of evidence communication between the participants of the assessment process reporting on assessment 7. advise and assist others in choosing appropriate assessment schemes. . CB 2 Design tests, questionnaires, surveys, and other assessment support resources CB 21 Design questionnaires, surveys, and other assessments 1. write specifications for assessment resources in line with organisational assessment policy:. Tests Surveys Questionnaires… 2. design and implement scoring processes and procedures for information feedback. 3. identify what part can be automated and how it make use and is integrated in the organisation’s information system. delivery use treatment reporting 4. write a guide to provide directions for the use of the assessment resources. learner assessor, trainer, tutor training manager… 5. communicate the information to the interested parties. 6. Assemble an assessment into a usable format and. . e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 27 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CB 22 Develop, implement and maintain assessment support resources 1. Select test, questionnaires and surveys authoring tools. 2. Coordinate with the information system , with actors and users activity in order to optimise the time spend for assessment and the quality of data collected 3. juger et améliorer la fiabilité et fidélité des données collectées 4. Juger a améliorer la pertinence par rapport aux objectifs de l’évaluation e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 28 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CC Provide learning and knowledge infrastructure CC 1 Design learning and knowledge infrastructure to support learning activities CC 11 Design learning and knowledge infrastructures 1. identify and agree on the changes that have to be implemented and on the priorities:. hardware equipment: buy servers, rent space on an application service provider (ASP)? network: going wireless? Wifi pourquoi pas : en tout cas local ou global managed learning environment: invest in an LMS? Definer l’architecture entre lms, lcms, portail virtual learning environment: buy or rent a virtual classroom, conferencing system? knowledge management, groupware 2. design several solutions combining the required components – using open or not open solutions, etc. 3. measure the total cost of ownership of the different solutions accurately and present reliable estimates, proposals and recommendations. 4. agree with the client (internal or external) the option that provide maximum return on investment obtain specialist or technical advice to determine the required resources. 5. identify alternative solutions where the first choice is not available or suitable. 6. negotiate and agree proposals. CC 2 Develop learning and knowledge infrastructures CC 21 Customise learning infrastructure Evaluer les usages actuels Définir les fonctions nécessaires et manquantes en tenant compte des différentes stratégies de formation et des organisations retenues pour les différents publics Etablir un diagnostic et proposer une ou plusieurs solutions CC 3 Implement and maintain competence management system CC 31 Select standards of competence CC 32 Integrate standards of competence in the information system 1. Import standards. 7. link standards to learning activities and resources. 8. Customise reports. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 29 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 9. …. CC 33 Customise standards of competence CC 34 Review standards and their implementation e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 30 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CD Provide learning and development programmes and services CD 1 Identify performance gaps and their solutions CD 11 Identify performance gaps 1. Identify learning needs. 2. Identify sources of performance improvement. CD 12 Identify organisational and individual learning needs 1. analyse and interpret the broader organisational context in order to establish and maintain stakeholder support and meet business needs. 2. assess the organisation’s KILT infrastructure in order to benefit from it and recommend required changes. 3. assess target and learning support public level of IT literacy and equipment. 4. advise and assist clients in investigating and identifying performance and learning needs at individual, departmental and organisational levels, using appropriate investigative and analytical methods. 5. determine the performance gaps, and separate the performance gaps which can be addressed by training from those which require other strategies such as job aids, electronic performance support systems, communication tools, databases. 6. identify financial and non-financial costs and benefits involved in each option, and how resources might be obtained. Ensure that chosen solutions are feasible, given wider context and culture, and resources available. . 7. identify the knowledge, skills and qualities required to close the performance gap. 8. define learning programme success indicators at an organisational and individual level. 9. design feasible, risk-assessed, cost-effective and timely performance improvement and / or learning solutions to meet those needs making the best use of technology support. 10. gain and maintain agreement with stakeholders on overall purpose and specific performance and learning objectives for learning activities and environment, training events and programmes that will meet the needs of different target groups. CD 13 Identify potential solutions for closing a performance gap 1. Identify options and scenarii 2. identify different options in terms of. training infrastructure organisation … 3. Assess the financial and organisational impact of the different options. 4. Get feedback from your colleagues. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 31 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 5. Provide specifications to the relevant person/organisation CD 14 Specify learning strategies 1. clearly establish the scope, objectives and deliverables of the project or programme with the sponsors, identifying, choosing and using approaches that best fit organisational/workplace culture and provide value for money. 2. stimulate and create the conditions for self-managed learning and individuals' ownership of their development plans through personal training plans that meet individual learning needs and are consistent with the individual's learning styles, skills and motivation to learn. . 3. agree learning strategies with the client, subject matter experts and instructional design specialists, ensuring that the design of a learning environment, or event, is well fitted to the needs and characteristics of the learners for whom it is intended and the context in which they have to operate. 4. specify learning strategies which provide opportunities for groups and individuals to learn through formal and informal experience, reinforce knowledge and understanding, engage learners’ interest and foster creativity. 5. match learning strategies to abilities, learning styles and desired learning outcomes of the range of potential learners. 6. specify learning strategies to meet the needs of a wide range of learners, including those with mobility, hearing, speaking or sight impairment. 7. evaluate learning strategies with the client, subject matter experts and instructional design specialists, benchmarking your results with good practice and innovation in learning technologies. CD 2 Plan learning services CD 21 Conditions d’intervention (tuteur, expert, etc.) Définir les différents rôles en tenant compte des services à assurer (hot-line, aide, accompagnement, animation, expertise, etc.) , des conditions d’efficacité, de l’échelle du dispositif, du coût, des ressources humaines disponibles Définir les activités de chacun et ses conditions d’intervention Paramétrer la plate-forme de formation Mettre en place les aides, les moyens d’encadrement Informer les usagers CD 22 Condition de réunion des événements (tutorat, temps, délai de réponse) Définir les procédures de recours aux différentes situations et les implémenter Définir les critères de qualité Mettre en place les outils de suivi de l’activité, Former e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 32 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CD 3 Design and implement a curriculum CD 31 Design a learning programme 1. create a climate that encourages and supports change. Dialogue with all stakeholders to gather ideas for strengthening learners achievement in line with standards and benchmarks. 2. examine information about ALL learners. Desegregate learner achievement data by gender, linguistic proficiency, special education, attendance, geographic location, learner drop out rate by ethnicity, and other factors that provide you with information about learner achievement. 3. review current curriculum and determine how well it aligns with the standards. Ask if it matches what is really being taught and if it reflects what learners should know and be able to do. 4. identify gaps in the curriculum and work as a team within and across grade levels and content areas to make necessary additions and adaptations to the curriculum. 5. make provision for the learners with special needs 6. review instruction and assessment to see how well they match the standards and benchmarks. 7. make modifications and enhancements in instruction and assessment as necessary. CD 32 Develop challenging learning 1. the curriculum is organized around core ideas central to a topic that emphasize depth with sufficient time provided to achieve depth of understanding and for learners to think about their own learning. 2. learners have access and use rich information resources. 3. a wide variety of learning experiences and media are provided to increase the potential for acquiring knowledge. 4. essential questions are raised to guide inquiry. 5. learning activities include research and evidence-gathering opportunities. 6. opportunities are provided for learners to use creative thinking to generate solutions in the context of real situations. 7. opportunities are provided for learners to speak, write, and reflect on their own learning. 8. provide a social context for learning, with effective use of cooperative learning and learner interaction. CD 33 Support authentic learning 1. leaning situations are authentic (in relation with objective,?): the work learners do is based on the roles adults play as workers and citizens, the products they create can be used in the real world. The emphasis is on making sure learners learn how to produce beyond the school/university. 2. opportunities are provided for learners to learn in meaningful contexts. Learners acquire real-world skills and knowledge by developing their abilities to read, write, solve problems, and apply concepts in a manner that prepares them for their lives beyond school/university. 3. all learners are able to apply what they learn to settings beyond the school/university door. 4. learners have access to and use the kinds of information sources that people use in their careers and lives. Emphasis is on primary sources of information, rather than traditional textbook-based e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 33 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS learning. 5. authentic learning situations extend reading, writing, and speaking skills in those genres most likely to be useful to learners in the real world. Authentic learning asks the learner to consider the ultimate audience and how work produced needs to account for the audience’s needs and demands. 6. situated learning: learners interactions with problems and issues leads them to adjust and deepen their understanding. CD 34 Value diversity 1. provide a variety of assessments to ensure that all learners have an equal opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. 2. provide opportunities for learners to use a rich variety of learning strategies to maximize learner acquisition of required learning. 3. provide choice among activities to nourish learners’ interests, talents, and multiple intelligences and learning styles. 4. incorporate a rich and representative mix of contents and cultural contributions to help mould active citizens who respect themselves and others. CD 35 Provide an implementation plan 1. prepare a communication strategy and plan 2. promote the most effective ways to organize and deliver instruction and assessment, and coordinate learning support services, and foster strong community relationships. 3. manage resources by redirecting or reallocating money and human resources, equipment, materials, supplies, and time (length of classes, presence/day and/or year) to support the curriculum. 4. coordinate funding, services, and programs within the organisation. 5. provide a plan for professional practice that is used to engage and motivate learners to acquire, practice, and apply the learning in varied meaningful contexts. 6. the curriculum include a monitoring a systemic evaluation plan 7. determine to what extent the curriculum has been implemented. Measure CD 4 skills learned knowledge gained, understanding Select and implement learning resources Introduction KILT specialists need to identify sources of relevant KILT-based learning materials and assess the quality and appropriateness of these materials to meet user requirements. They need to acquire relevant KILT-based learning materials, format them and make them available for use within the organisation’s physical and virtual environments. They also need to encourage people to use the materials by publicising how they can be used and the benefits they may provide. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 34 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: CD 41 the importance of organising information in ways that make it accessible, and how to do this how to present information in formats that allow recipients to understand it and use it to support their actions and decisions how to communicate clearly and concisely how to develop and use criteria for assessment and evaluation. the range of networks and learning communities involved in developing and using KILT-based learning materials sources of free and priced KILT-based learning materials how to evaluate sources of KILT-based learning materials in respect of the range and quality of materials, quality and speed of service and value for money staff who are likely to use KILT-based learning materials. users and potential users of KILT-based learning materials and their requirements the range of relevant KILT-based learning materials available. the organisation’s policies and procedures for the acquisition and use of KILT-based learning materials the law regarding copyright the particular requirements of any license for the use of KILT-based learning materials the ways in which the materials will be used in the organisation how to adapt the materials for particular uses the facilities and limitations of the organisation’s KILT infrastructure. Identify sources of KILT-based learning materials To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that you : 1. identify sources of learning resources and keep updated about current and future development. 2. participate actively in networks and learning communities involved in developing and using KILTbased learning materials. 3. identify a sufficient range of sources of both free and priced KILT-based learning materials to meet the organisation’s current and anticipated future needs. 4. evaluate sources of KILT-based learning materials in respect of the range and quality of materials, quality and speed of service and value for money. 5. publicise recommended sources of KILT-based learning materials in formats which are easily accessible to staff who may use the materials. CD 42 Select learning and support resources 1. define learning activities required to acquire the competence and the and learning resources necessary to support activities. 2. assess current provision for learning resources and tools, and commission and manage the production of new resources and tools to meet identified needs –taking into account possible constraints and legal requirements in using or commissioning learning resources. 3. assess the ability of the organisation’s KILT infrastructure to support learning delivery - and collaborate with KILT if necessary. 4. integrate in the organisation’s information system – create links with competency database. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 35 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 5. recruit supporting staff (trainers, tutors) who demonstrate an appropriate range of technical, interpersonal, presentational and general communication skills and respond and adapt delivery techniques to individual learning styles. CD 43 Assess the quality and appropriateness of learning resources 1. agree on the specifications of learning resources with the relevant people. 2. establish criteria, based on the requirements of, clients, colleagues and learners, to assess the quality and appropriateness of current learning resources provision. These criteria can be linked to requirements about. hardware or software accessibility or mobility delivery (self study) adaptability, customisation other criteria 3. assess the quality and appropriateness of available KILT resources against established criteria and present your assessment resources in ways that allow clients, colleagues or learners to decide whether and how to use them. 4. present information about the quality and appropriateness of available KILT-based learning materials in formats that allow learners and learning facilitators to decide whether and how to use them. 5. if no suitable resources can be found, commission them to a professional. 6. carry out feasible, timely and cost-effective evaluation of learning programme and make any necessary changes to training provision and practice. CD 44 Obtain, customise and integrate learning resources 1. acquire KILT resources in line with the organisation’s policies and procedures. 2. take reasonable steps to ensure they comply with the copyright or license requirements . 3. identify and prepare the requirements, resources and schedule for integrating content accurately . 4. if problem arise during the integration, records of defects and shortfalls are complete and accurate and are made available to those responsible for remedying the defects. 5. once integrated, resources are fully tested from the different roles involved (administrator, tutor, learner, manager, etc.) as required – accessibility, media quality, interaction with LMS. 6. problems or faults in equipment are identified and remedied promptly with the technical support if necessary. 7. adapt the resources for particular uses within the organisation, as required. 8. make the resources available via the organisation’s KILT infrastructure. 9. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 36 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CE Provide learning resources and performance aids CE 1 Prepare the development of learning resources CE 11 Select authoring environment and tools 1. know the nature of documents available and potential role in pedagogy 2. List internal documentation available 3. List tools available 4. Identify what needs to be produced nature simulation tutorials collaborative space professional documents (Excel, autocad) 5. Specify integration in the organisation’s documentary system 6. Specify delivery modalities: platform 7. assess the relevance of standards 8. Take into account the delivery method 9. update CE 12 Plan learning resources production 1. resources required are identified from reliable sources of information and estimates of resources to be acquired are accurate and take account of resources currently available. 2. potential sources of supply are identified accurately and assessed for their reliability . 3. cost calculations are accurate. 4. budget proposals are clear and complete and reflect accurately the resource requirements identified for the production. 5. budget proposals are presented in agreed formats and within agreed timescales. 6. activities and deadlines are identified clearly within schedules. 7. timescales are realistic and justifiable in terms of the production requirements. 8. plans and schedules are presented clearly and within agreed timescales. 9. changes made to schedules are communicated clearly and promptly to those affected by them. 10. production teams are briefed fully about production plans and budgets and given adequate opportunities to ask questions and suggest improvements. CE 13 Determine, obtain and select media and tools for producing learning resources 1. identify and collect the media required. text sound still and moving images e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 37 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS graphics and animations videos 2. select the media and the relevant combination to meet requirements. 3. develop, evaluate and refine design options which are most likely to meet requirements within agreed budgets. 4. ensure that selected software solutions are compatible with the intended operating systems and platforms and meet the required technical standards. 5. ensure that selected software solutions are capable of realising agreed designs. 6. obtain alternative media when original selections cannot be obtained or used. 7. specify and record accurately amendments required by decision makers . 8. ensure that designs for end user features are developed, assessed against specifications, tested and refined until designs emerge which meet specifications designs are completed within agreed timescales and budgets. 9. ensure that completed designs are stored securely and made available for integration into the completed product. CE 14 Identify and agree manufacturing, assembly and delivery requirements 1. a complete analysis of learning resource components to be bought and manufactured is produced, confirmed against design specifications and recorded clearly and accurately. 2. resources required to produce the learning resource are selected based on the required functionalities, current trends, standards, development team prior experience or policy, client specification, etc. authoring tools and authoring platform delivery platform people – instructional designers, graphic designers, programmers, 3. the level of service and level of quality required for the different components are identified accurately from analyses of design information - tolerances are defined:. graphic design and layout sophistication video or sound quality realism of a simulation standards (SCORM, etc.) 4. the defined outcomes are achievable within the available production capacity and capability within the budget and time frame. 5. production planning accurately specify the most efficient use of resources and alternative – contingency plans are being defined. 6. production and delivery requirements are recorded clearly and accurately. 7. specified quality assurance arrangements conform to recognised industry standards. 8. requirements are explained clearly to decision makers, recorded accurately and stored securely when agreed. CE 15 Identify the requirements for localisation 1. accurate information about target audiences is accessed from reliable sources and non-factual e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 38 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS information is verified by reference to authoritative sources. language socio cultural organisation’s culture, international spread special needs policy 2. information about target audiences is analysed and the impact on the design of products is identified and assessed accurately. 3. the content to be created, modified and edited to achieve localisation is identified accurately and recorded early. 4. options for immediate or future localisation of content are developed and evaluated in terms of their impact on profitability and the marketability of the product. 5. options for localising content are selected and adopted which offer the best match between minimising additional costs and achieving the product's specified standards. CE 16 Set the design standards of learning resources 1. collect accurate and up to date information about marketing and current production standards from reliable and diverse sources . market demand customers' and end-users' preferences competitors' standards trends in technology for delivery and authoring tools 2. information is analysed and key factors influencing the product's standards are identified accurately:. customer and end-user expectations value of the market planned life of the product level of competition planned budget and profit targets 1. match accurately current standards with learning resources requirement; when current standards do not match requirements, suitable modifications are made to produce a specification that matches requirements. 2. the implications of selected standards for production budgets and schedules are estimated realistically and recorded accurately and explained clearly and agreed with colleagues. CE 17 Specify and agree the formats for delivery 1. the preferences of end user for operating systems and platforms are identified accurately. 2. the implications of the client and users preferences are assessed thoroughly:. interaction with LMS or virtual classroom interaction with other resources in house server or ASP 3. the risks associated with different distribution formats are investigated, assessed, recorded accurately and made accessible to the relevant people. technical quality due to bandwidth, end-user workstation or other cause. copyright infringement. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 39 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 4. distribution formats which provide the best match between client and user preferences and the learning objective are selected. 5. information about risks is recorded accurately and fully and made available to those who need them. 6. agreements are conducted and concluded in a manner that promoted commitment to realistic decision making and customer satisfaction. CE 2 Design learning resources Introduction This Unit is about designing KILT-supported learning services for organisations. Target Group This competency describes the standard of performance expected of trainers, training consultants and consultancy services either internal or external to your organisation. Glossary of Terms Used Colleagues refers to all those you work with, including people working at the same or different levels of responsibility; Deliverables are measurable outputs to be delivered at various points during a project. Learning programmes is a generic expression covering any structured approach to learning that may involve a range of different learning activities, resources and technologies. Sponsors are those who have commissioned the project or programme and/or will decide whether the required outputs have been delivered. Stakeholders are all those groups of people with a legitimate interest in the e-learning strategy. They will certainly include learners, teachers, technicians, e-learning designers and developers and the management of the client organisation. They may also include customers, suppliers, shareholders, local interest groups, representative associations, government bodies and the media. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Analytical techniques· Top-down/strategic and bottom-up approaches to use in order to identify and analyse training needs related to the job, and learning needs of the individual. Criteria to use in selecting and using approaches best suited to the particular situation and context. Common models and frameworks for relating training to the business; their strengths and weaknesses; the skills and processes that they require for their effective use. Demand-led approaches to training, whether within or outside employing organisations: its typical positive and negative influences on training decisions. How to achieve relevance and value for training in a demand-led training culture. Organisational context· organisational factors that will influence the design of programmes e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 40 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS competency frameworks or equivalent in current or planned use in organisations; their implications for training strategies and initiatives, and for the training practitioners' role the choice, use and monitoring of appropriate approaches and methods of training needs analysis. discriminating between training and non-training related solutions how to gain commitment to training proposals and plans for individuals and groups how to achieve shared and realistic views among stakeholders about the design, content, learning strategy and methods Learning theory CE 21 a range of formal and informal training and learning methods to use in the design of programmes, their advantages and disadvantages and criteria for their selection how to select appropriate instructional techniques, media and technologies how to judge the appropriateness & effectiveness of methods & techniques in terms of skills transfer the difference between internal and external feed-back and when to use them most appropriately how to keep learner motivation how to carry out a self assessment how to combine self-study and group study the range of formal and informal methods that can be incorporated into training programmes, what each can contribute, and how to integrate different methods into programme design Develop ideas for learning resources 1. use appropriate tools and techniques to obtain from commissioners the information required regarding the content, learning objectives and learning strategy of KILT-based learning resources. 2. establish the characteristics of the learning environment in which the KILT resources will be used. 3. collaborate with subject, learning and design specialists to develop specifications for KILT resources. 4. establish with commissioners the nature of the content and the format in which it will be provided . the hardware requirements the software platforms to be used programming and authoring tools and methodologies to be used documentation standards and requirements 5. draft clear, concise and comprehensive specifications for the content of KILT-based learning resources and you check that the specifications are capable of you define who are the contributors required for producing ideas for learning resources – it might involve customers, colleagues, IT specialists, instructional designers, management. 6. define with contributors what the constraints are – the IT infrastructure of the user, the organisation culture etc. – the criteria proposed are valid indicators of the worth of the type of ideas under consideration. 7. develop and agree with contributors sufficient criteria against which to evaluate and select product ideas to make realistic and valid judgements. These criteria might include:. ability to deliver the specified learning objectives learning style and modalities (self-study, trainer led, group learning, blended, distance) learning environment (asynchronous or synchronous, competence based or not) access and integration to the workplace (though a portal, within an application) 8. proposals are collated and ideas which match the criteria are selected for further development and e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 41 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS evaluation – only the agreed criteria are used to judge proposals. 9. when evaluations differ, the judgements leading to the differences are clarified, and unjustifiable judgements rejected. 10. when no ideas can be found which match all the criteria, a further search for ideas is initiated and when further searches reveal no ideas that match the criteria, the criteria are reviewed and modified or the idea is abandoned. 11. discussions are conducted in a way that creates a climate conducive to fair judgement and realistic decision making. 12. check with commissioners and subject, learning and design specialists that the specifications fully meet their requirements. CE 22 Design relevant practice 1. define what the learner has to do by practising the essence of the objective defined in the specifications. 2. define the conditions and the resources you have to supply so that practice can take place – simulation, work experience, theory, models etc. 3. define internal feedback: how you will supply a feedback about the quality of the learner’s performance at the moment or practice takes place. 4. define an external feedback - if needed. Given good answers, check lists, models or descriptions of the desired performance, can the learner decide by himself if performance is correct or not? If it is not the case, you should supply an external feedback. 5. define an external source of diagnosis - if needed. If the learner understands that his performance is not good, do you think that he will be able to identify what is wrong? If it is not case, you should supply an external source of diagnosis. 6. define an external source of correction - if needed. Knowing what is wrong in the performance, will the learner know what he has to make to improve it? If it is not the case, you should have to supply an external source of correction. 7. build a short description of the relevant practice by assembling your answers to questions above and for each of objectives. CE 23 Design feedback 1. define the different levels of feedback that will be provided to the learner during practice (see relevant practice) lectures, readings exercises others 2. define the level of interaction between the learner, other learners and the learning support staff (trainers, tutors) – from self-study to group learning. 3. define when different types of feedback will be provided during learning activities at the end of learning activities at the end of the programme 4. define the different types of feedback e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 42 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS intrinsic / extrinsic self-assessment exercise tests comparison with a reference model others 5. define how the different types of feedback will be provided the learner the learning resource the learning management system a teacher; a tutor other learners other 6. define interaction with organisation’s information system, reporting data – learning management system, enterprise resources planning, etc.; define how the results of the feedback will be tracked and reported to the management system (manual or digital) and provide collectable evidence (e.g. for a digital portfolio) CE 24 Design learning support system 1. based on the instructional strategy and the different types of feedback required synchronous / asynchronous self / other learners / tutor 2. identify the different options for implementing them self-correcting exercises and tests other learners tutor simulation 3. identify the different options for implementing them in the target audience environment learning management system virtual learning environment learning centre other 4. select the options which will provide the better result / value and get feedback from colleagues and project’s sponsor. CE 3 Develop learning resources Introduction This competency is about developing learning resources. Target Group This competency describes the standard of performance required of anyone who has the responsibility for producing learning resources and assessing their effective use. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 43 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Glossary of Terms Used Colleagues refers to all those you work with, including people working at the same or different levels and subordinates. Deliverables are measurable outputs to be delivered at various points during a project. Learning programmes is a generic expression covering any structured approach to learning that may involve a range of different learning activities, resources and technologies. Learning resources refers to all resources used to supporting learning activities in order to acquire skills, knowledge to improve performance. This includes documents (digital or analogical), tools, job aids, electronic performance support systems, etc. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Legal and contractual legal and contractual implications of using media and software legal and organisational requirements regarding the provision of a healthy, safe and secure environment for working and learning the law of copyright and how this may restrict the use of certain resources Learning technologies how to access reliable sources of information on developments in KILT The value of different media (text, image, sound, simulation) and how to select and combine them in an optimum way to provide relevant learning experiences Organisational context the organisation’s ethical code and/or equal opportunities policies to ensure the suitability of KILT timescales, deadlines and budgets those responsible for the learning environment and equipment, and how to obtain their support and advice To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: how to define indicators of value which are relevant to judging different types of learning resources how to agree criteria against which to evaluate products how to gain the support from others to the development of ideas, criteria and the selection how to asses ideas how to deal with disagreements positively how to promote a climate conducive to fair judgement and realistic decision making the range of indicators that are applicable determine strategies for user interaction sources of information about the product, and about intended end users the intended purposes of the product and the overall design concept storage and security facilities and requirements for agreed proposals the ways in which the characteristics of the learning environment may impact on the design of KILT resources, and how to minimise any negative impact Software and hardware the range of software platforms that may be used, and how to select appropriate ones how to establish the hardware requirements for KILT resources the range of programming and authoring tools and methodologies that may be used, and how e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 44 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS to select appropriate ones likely documentation requirements and how to establish these the importance of checking that the specifications are capable of delivering the agreed learning objectives, and how to do so. standards CE 31 sources of current standards identify and assess current standards for their relevance to the product's requirements how to investigate the risks associated with different formats and distribution systems, and the risks associated with them how to estimate the costs, specify and select distribution formats select and apply suitable conventions, methods and media to produce drawings and associated graphical information select methods, media and systems for producing drawings Produce detailed specifications 1. specifications are complete, accurate, comply with design information and relevant documentation and meet the recognised technical conventions required. They can include. storyboards sketches algorithms, scripts working drawings finished visuals 2. specifications are based on identified, applicable, current source information, including any relevant supplier and cost information. 3. when specialist skills are required, appropriate experts are consulted and relevant technical information is expressed accurately in the specifications. 4. technical clauses are selected from standard sources and drafted, which define the quality, type and standard of the resources, products and standards of design and operation required. 5. supporting information is in the required formats, complete, accurate and conforms to recognised conventions, and is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used. 6. specifications and supporting information are produced within agreed deadlines and checked for accuracy before release. 7. records of specifications and supporting information are complete, accurate and up-to-date. CE 32 Develop learning resources according to specifications To perform competently in this element, you must ensure that you : 1. define and agree on the method of development which is most relevant to the objectives and to the experience and abilities of the development team: prototyping, incremental etc. 2. design, develop and test user interface with learning activities to ensure they meet client and users requirements. 3. draft resources, help instructions, user manuals and technical documentation according to technical specifications. 4. develop the complete learning resource. 5. import the resource to the delivery platform(s), test that it functions correctly – interaction with LMS, e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 45 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS links with the competence database. 6. test, with a representative sample of typical users covering the different roles (learner, tutor, manager, etc.), the usability and capability of the resources to meet the agreed learning objectives and its manageability. 7. deliver finished KILT-based learning resources to commissioners and obtain their acceptance. 8. review the design and development process and identify ways in which the process could be improved in the future. CE 4 Develop simulations Introduction This competency is about designing, and developing simulations. Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Learning technologies modelling and simulation authoring tools user interface Simulation and modelling CE 41 when to use simulation to support learning the different types of simulations discrete events and continuous simulations how to create a model useful to support practice Write simulation specifications 1. identify when the simulation is the most appropriate learning resource 2. establish the objective of the simulation: demonstration support practice 3. identify the type of simulation which is the most appropriate to the learning needs ‘pseudo simulation’ – controlled playback of a sequence of static screens (typically used in software training), e.g. process or continuous simulation discrete event simulation modelling guided practice free exploratory microworld 4. define the complexity of the model required to support the objective and identify the competences and the tools required to build the simulation 5. write a draft specification explaining the type of simulation(s) that should be developed 6. get feedback from colleagues and/or clients and adjust the draft accordingly e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 46 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS CE 42 Collect subject matter expertise Identify subject matter in relation with learning strategy, objectives and needs Identify experts, sources Formulate needs and agreement with experts Design the integration of content, format, CE 43 Develop simulations 1. identify the sources of information for building a model of the simulation, e.g. product documentation video recording interview with subject matter experts 2. collect and organise the information useful to build the model 3. define the user-interaction and the type of feed-back provided: intrinsic: the response of the ‘model’ of the simulation, such as a lit bulb in an electricity simulation extrinsic: the responses external to the ‘model’ of the simulation, such as help, advice, corrections 4. define the interaction between the simulation and the other components of the learning package and management system. 5. select method and the tools most appropriate to develop the required simulation, according to the competence of the development team, possible future updates, user interface, host and delivery system, required tracking, etc. 6. when relevant, develop and test a prototype in order to validate the choice. 7. test, pilot and review the simulation 8. deliver CE 5 Develop simple learning resources Introduction This competency is about developing basic learning resources using authoring tools to adapt existing resources or to create new resources. Glossary of Terms Used Colleagues refers to all those you work with, including people working at the same or different levels and subordinates. Deliverables are measurable outputs to be delivered at various points during a project. Learning programmes is a generic expression covering any structured approach to learning that may involve a range of different learning activities, resources and technologies. Learning resources refers to all resources used to supporting learning activities in order to acquire skills, knowledge to improve performance. This includes documents (digital or analogical), tools, job aids, electronic performance support systems, etc. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 47 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS Knowledge and skills required To perform competently, you need to know, understand and be able to apply: Legal and contractual legal and contractual implications of using media and software legal and organisational requirements regarding the provision of a healthy, safe and secure environment for working and learning the law of copyright and how this may restrict the use of certain resources Learning technologies how to select the authoring software matching the expected outcomes and the competences of the author how to access reliable sources of information on developments in KILT The value of different media (text, image, sound, simulation) and how to select and combine them in an optimum way to provide relevant learning experiences How to obtain media: sources, people etc. Organisational context CE 51 the organisation’s ethical code and/or equal opportunities policies to ensure the suitability of KILT timescales, deadlines and budgets those responsible for the learning environment and equipment, and how to obtain their support and advice Use authoring tools to adapt learning resources 1. obtain the agreement of interested parties to carry out the adaptation of existing learning resources. 2. identify and assess authoring tools for their capability to modify existing learning resources in order to create the expected learning experience from combining existing components. 3. select authoring tools which offer the greatest potential for adapting existing learning resources cost-effectively. 4. operate authoring tools efficiently, and identify and remedy promptly any bugs or difficulties in achieving the performance required by the specification . 5. opportunities to improve the efficiency of operations within the constraints of the production are identified accurately and implemented. 6. finished products are produced within agreed deadlines, are assessed thoroughly and confirmed as meeting specifications. 7. finished products and associated documents are stored securely and made available to those who require them. CE 52 Use authoring tools to create basic learning resources 1. assess the pros and cons of in-house development vs commissioning. 2. authoring tools are identified and assessed for their capability to support the author to create the expected learning experience from combining existing components. 3. selected authoring tools are those which offer the greatest potential for meeting requirements based on the author(s) abilities, complexity of the learning resource and its operation. 4. when existing tools are inadequate to the task or to the author, assess alternatives such as commissioning the development, training the author or acquiring another tool. e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 48 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016 EIfEL COMPETENCIES FOR E-LEARNING PROFESSIONALS 5. authoring tools are operated efficiently and bugs and difficulties in achieving the performance required by the specification are identified and remedied promptly. 6. opportunities to improve the efficiency of operations within the constraints of the production are identified accurately and implemented. 7. finished products are produced within agreed deadlines, are assessed thoroughly and confirmed as meeting specifications. 8. finished products and associated documents are stored securely and made available to those who require them. CE 53 Integrate authored learning resources in the learning environment 1. test the compatibility of the authored learning resources with existing resources 2. test, with a representative sample of learners, the usability and capability of the authored learning resources to meet the agreed learning objectives 3. establish systems for gathering information on the use of the authored resources and evaluating their effectiveness 4. involve learners and colleagues in evaluating the effectiveness of the authored resources 5. gather complete, valid and up-to-date information about the use of the authored resources 6. evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of abilities 7. provide information about the effectiveness of the designed materials to those authorised to have it CE 6 Develop performance aids 1. identify when performance aids are more relevant than training when performance problems need to be solved 2. review the initial specification and get the agreement of the project’s sponsor 3. define the form of the performance aid guidelines job aid other 4. Select the media most relevant to deliver the performance aid. Media could be: a cardboard placed near a computer screen or other equipment a computer help file a guide integrated within the software application itself other 5. Develop, test, pilot and review the performance aid e-learning standards © EIfEL Page 49 First Draft for Comment: 06/03/2016