Career Orientation Architecture & Construction Day 1 Introduction Unit: Architecture and Construction Title: Introduction- Day 1 Objectives: Define the cluster Identify the pathways for the cluster List and describe the occupations of the pathways Identify and define vocabulary for the occupations Resources needed: Butcher paper and markers Teacher created power point presentation Hand out for notes from the power point Hand out for business and occupations in the Sheridan area Motivational Activity: 1. In groups of four, the students will brainstorm for occupations they think are included in the cluster. 2. Each group will share the occupations they have selected with the class. 3. The teacher will write down the occupations on the board. Lesson Content: Teacher will present the power point for the cluster as students take notes. Value: 25 points Closure: 1. What is the definition of architecture and construction? 2. What are some words associated with the cluster? 3. What does OSHA stand for? 4. What does the agency do? 5. What are some jobs associated with Architecture and Construction? Architecture and Construction (Introduction) Student Notes from Power Point Name______________________ Date_________ Group ___________ Cluster name:_________________________________ Architecture:_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Construction:_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Job Pathways: 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ Vocabulary: 1. architect____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. survey____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. contractor____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. design____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. construction____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. maintenance- ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. operations____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8. aptitude____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 9. architecture____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 10. OSHA____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ List at least occupations for Architecture and Construction. 1.____________________________________ 2.____________________________________ 3.____________________________________ 4.____________________________________ 5.____________________________________ 6.____________________________________ 7.____________________________________ 8.____________________________________ 9.____________________________________ 10.___________________________________ Architecture & Construction Day 2 Unit: Architecture and Construction Title: Architecture and Construction Jobs in the Sheridan Area Objectives: Review the terms from yesterday’s power point presentation Students will identify the businesses and occupations in the Sheridan area that are part of the cluster-Architecture and Construction. Students will recognize the different levels of education or training required for many of the jobs. Resources Needed: o Newspapers from the area (The Arkansas DemocratGazette, The Sheridan Headlight, & The Pine Bluff Commercial) o Telephone directories from Little Rock, Sheridan, and Pine Bluff o Butcher Paper o Markers Motivational Activity: 1. In groups of 3, the students will identify businesses and jobs using the newspapers and telephone directories. 2. As the students find occupations they feel are related to the cluster, they will list them on the butcher paper each group will be given. 3. They will post them on the board at the front of the room. 4. They will also discuss with the entire class about the occupations they have found. Lesson Content: Teacher led discuss of the notes they took yesterday in class from the power point. Closure: 1. How many different types of jobs did we find? 2. What are the jobs you would be most interested in? 3. What training or education would a person need to be eligible for particular jobs? Architecture & Construction Day 3 Unit: Architecture and Construction Title: Commercial Roofing in Architecture and Construction Objectives: Students will understand what commercial buildings are. Students will be introduced to the different aspects of commercial roofing. Students will gain knowledge of the jobs and the education and training it takes for them. Students will understand there are many occupations in clusters that are not readily recognized. Students will understand that the job clusters are interdependent. Resources Needed: Guest speaker-Wade Lunday- President of Lunday and Associates Motivational Activity: Introduction of speaker by having students tell what they already know about him. Lesson Content: Presentation by Wade Lunday on the different aspects of commercial roofing with emphasis on the types of jobs and the education or training required for each. Closure: 1. What jobs did Mr. Lunday discuss that you were unaware belonged to the commercial roofing business? 2. What are the jobs you would be most interested in? 3. Do you think you would be interested in any of the jobs Mr. Lunday discussed? 4. How are the different clusters interdependent? Architecture & Construction Day 4 Unit: Architecture and Construction Title: Hands-On Activity and Review for Architecture and Construction Test Objective: Students will review for test on Friday Students will begin the activity “Design and Draft” Resources Needed: Study guide for test (notes from power point) Note cards Design and Draft activity worksheet Graph paper Ruler Pencil Sample plans Motivational Activity: Have students make flash cards for terms for test on Friday. Lesson Content: Teacher led discussion of notes and review for test. Hands-On Activity: See attached activity on Design and Draft Closure: 1. Remind students of test for Friday. 2. Have students put supplies away to complete the Design and Draft activity after the test on Friday. Design and Draft NAME OF ACTIVITY UNIT: Exploring the 16 Occupational Clusters TASK: Define the 16 career cluster classification system. ACTIVITY TYPE: Integration APPROXIMATE TIME: One to two class periods MATERIALS: Graph paper, ruler, pencil, sample plans VALUE: 25 points PROCEDURE: 1. Show students several examples of floor plans. If you have access to a blueprint, explain to students the terms “elevation” and “specification.” 2. Tell students that they have been hired to design a house for a client. The house plan should have rooms with approximately the following dimensions: Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Master Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bathroom Bathroom 20 x 24 14 x 16 14 x 14 20 x 22 14 x 16 14 x 14 10 x 16 9 x 12 HINT: If students have difficulty using these dimensions, remind them that closets, built-ins, etc. count in the square footage of a room. 3. Remind students to add hallways and closets, doors and windows. Kitchen and bathroom fixtures may also be added. ENRICHMENT: Use a computer program such as 3-D Home Architect or other inexpensive CAD software and allow students to design a home of their own specifications. Architecture & Construction Day 5 Unit: Architecture and Construction Title: Test on Architecture and Construction Objective: Students will complete a test over architecture and construction Students will complete the activity “Design and Draft” Resources Needed: Study guide for test (notes from power point) Flash for vocabulary cards Design and Draft activity to complete Motivational Activity: Have students study flash cards and notes from the power point for 15 minutes. Lesson Content: Students to take test. VALUE: 100 Points Hands-On Activity: Complete the hands-on activity “Design and Draft” Closure: 1. Have students turn in tests. 2. Have students turn in completed Design and Draft Activity Architecture and Construction Test Name__________________ Date________ Match the following words with the correct definition: 1. ____architecture A. building structures 2. ____ maintenance B. the person who designs buildings and oversees their construction C. to draw the plans for 3. ____ survey 4. ____ architect 5. ____ OSHA 6. ____ construction 7. ____ aptitude 8. ____ design D. to determine the form, extent, and position of a tract of land E. one that contracts to build a building F. a special branch of the government in charge of setting safety and inspecting places of work G. to make a drawing, pattern or sketch 9. ____ contractor H. designing and constructing structures that enclose space to meet human needs I. recognizing or noting a fact or occurrence 10. ____ operations J. upkeep of property or equipment 11. ____ architect K. natural ability Short Answer: List the three job pathways of the cluster-Architecture and Construction 1. _____________________________ 2._____________________________ 3._____________________________ List 5 occupations from the cluster. You may want to recall some of the jobs Mr. Lunday spoke about. 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________