CS118 Computer Network Fundamentals, Fall 2006 Syllabus Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00am-11:50am in 9436 Boelter Hall Discussion Sections Friday 10:00am-11:50am in 4283 Boelter Hall Friday 12:00pm-01:50pm in 4283 Boelter Hall Instructor: Professor Deborah Estrin Email: destrin@cs.ucla.edu Office: 3531H Boelter Hall Telephone: (310) 206-3923 Tentative office hours: Mondays 11:50am-12:30pm and Wednesdays 9:00am-9:50am in 3531H Boelter Hall, but check online for exceptions. Teaching Assistant: Rafael Laufer Email: rlaufer@cs.ucla.edu Office: 3551J Boelter Hall Telephone: (310) 825-1340 Office hours: Tuesdays 4:30pm-6:30pm in 4428 Boelter Hall Purpose and content of the course: In this course we investigate the functions required to operate computer communications networks, and we develop a methodology for implementing the functions in procedures called "protocols". The course is organized around the layered protocol stack architecture using a "top-down" approach. Layers of the protocol stack are reviewed. Specific functions are defined and available alternatives are studied. Several examples of protocols and network architectures derived from existing public and private networks are presented. The course includes two projects, in which students learn about basic Unix communications protocols, develop simple applications on top of TCP/IP and carry out experiments in existing testbeds. Grading Items Homeworks Projects Midterm Final Percentage 10% 30% 30% 30% Reading Assignments In general there will be no specific reading assignments. However, the relevant sections from the textbook will be pointed out in class. It is recommended that you make yourself familiar with the material prior to class, and it is a good strategy to read the pertinent sections again right after class to make sure you understand them. Homework Assignments A problem set will be handed out each Monday and is due at the beginning of class on the following Monday. If you cannot attend a lecture, you may turn in your homework in the drop box A8 in 4428 BH (???) before 10:00am on the due date. Late homeworks will not be accepted. The solution to each homework problem should be written legibly on a separate sheet of paper that contains your name, the homework number, the problem number, and "CS 118 --Fall 2006". We will not attempt to grade messy and unreadable solutions. If a problem can be interpreted in more than one way, clearly state the assumptions under which you solve the problem. In writing up your homework you are allowed to consult any book, paper, or published material. If you do so, you are required to cite the complete bibliographical data of your source(s). You are requested to not consult either solutions to the textbook exercises or solutions available online from other courses at any university. Model solutions will be handed out and discussed during the discussion sections on the day after the homework is due. The graded problem sets will be returned a week later also during the discussion sections. If you have questions about the grading, please talk to the TA initially; but if the problem is not resolved consult the Professor. Graded problem sets that are not picked up in the discussion sections will be kept in the TA's office. Copies of all handouts, problem sets, and model solutions will be available on the CourseWeb website. Textbook: J. Kurose and K. Ross, "Computer Networking," 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2006. Course Outline Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6&7 Topics Computer Networks and the Internet Application Layer Transport Layer Network Layer and Routing Link Layer and Local Area Networks Mobile and Multimedia Networking # Lectures 2 2 4 4 4 2 Schedule Week 1 2 Date Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 3 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 4 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 5 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 6 Nov. 1 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 8 Nov. 20 9 Nov. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 10 Dec. 4 11 Dec. 6 Dec. 9 Event Syllabus handed out, homework #1 assignment. Lecture: Introduction and Applications 1. Lecture: Applications 2. Homework #1 due; homework #2 assignment. Lecture: Transport 1. Lecture: Transport 2. Homework #2 due; homework #3 assignment. Project #1 assignment. Lecture: Project Background. Guest Lecturer: Rafael Laufer. Lecture: Transport 3. Homework #3 due; homework #4 assignment. Lecture: Transport 4 – Advanced TCP. Chapter 1 1&2 2 Project #1 due. Lecture: Routing 1. Homework #4 due. Midterm Review; Review questions. Midterm Exam (in class) Lecture: IP 1 Homework #5 assignment. Guest Lecturer: Dr. Thanos Stathopoulos. Lecture: Routing 2 Project #2 assignment. Lecture: Routing 3 Homework #5 due; homework #6 assignment. Lecture: IP 2. Guest Lecturer: Dr. Thanos Stathopoulos. Lecture: Link/MAC 1 Homework #6 due; homework #7 assignment. Lecture: Link/MAC 2 Lecture: Link/MAC 3 Homework #7 due; Homework #8 assignment. Lecture: Mobility. Project #2 due. Lecture: Multimedia, Research Directions. Homework #8 due. Final review. Final exam (at 3:00pm-6:00pm on Saturday). 4 3 3 3 3 1, 2, and 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 8 3, 4, 5, 6 3, 4, 5, 6 Academic Integrity The work you submit in this course must be the result of your individual effort. You may discuss homework problems and general strategies with other students in the course, but you must not collaborate in the detailed development or actual writing of problem sets. It is your responsibility to protect your work from unauthorized access. In writing up your homework you are allowed to use any book, paper, or published material. However, you are not allowed to ask others for specific solutions, either in person or by using electronic forums such as newsgroups. Of course, during the administration of exams any form of cooperation or help is forbidden. Academic dishonesty has no place in a university; it wastes our time and yours, and it is unfair to the majority of students. Any dishonest behavior will be severely penalized and may lead to failure in the course.