TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Recognition of Prior Learning Kit VETis School Teachers 9427 1555 Level 4 North Wing 25 Aberdeen Street, Perth, 6003 TrainingExcellence@central.wa.edu.au Page 1 of 22 © Centre for Training Excellence 2014 This publication is copyright to Centre for Training Excellence apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. No part may be reproduced without written permission. These resources have been specifically developed for Central Institute of Technology students only. Whilst every precaution has been taken to supply complete and accurate information, Central Institute of Technology assumes no responsibility for any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in or accompanying this publication. Version Created: 08/03/11 Reviewed: 26/06/2014 VS Author(s) Kate Oliver Vivienne Scott Printed by PrintCentral TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Page 2 of 22 CONTENTS Overview Of The Recognition Process ..........................................................................................4 Self Assessment ...................................................................................................................5 Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL) Instructions ..........................................................................7 Success Tips For Your RPL Submission ..........................................................................................7 Submitting Your Evidence .............................................................................................................8 RPL Candidate Question Bank Instructions ...........................................................................9 Learning Design Cluster ...............................................................................................................10 Assessment Cluster .....................................................................................................................12 Delivery And Facilitation Cluster .................................................................................................14 RPL Workplace Document List ............................................................................................ 17 Assessment Evidence Guide Instructions....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Third Party Report .......................................................................................................................19 RPL Application Form & Assessor Summary ...............................................................................21 Page 3 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit Overview Section Overview of the Recognition Process STEP 1 Complete a Self Assessment and select units to be completed by RPL STEP 2 Complete the Question Bank STEP 3 Collect the Workplace Documents and Manager signs the Third Party Report STEP 4 Submit Portfolio of Evidence, and attend Interview (if required) If not ready for RPL, the candidate is to be provided with training options. Attend gap training for any units not completed by RPL Central issues TAE40110 Cert. IV in TAA qualification Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 4 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit Self Assessment Section Self Assessment As the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment can be obtained in a variety of ways, please read the instructions below and complete the Individual Learning Plan for your self assessment. 1. Conversion from TAA40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment to TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Some units from the TAA40104 qualification have been deemed equivalent to units from the TAE40110. Conversion will require the completion of a Conversion Form, a Currency Verification Form (proof of current application of skills) and the submission of your TAA40104 academic record (with completed units listed). The Conversion and Currency Verification Forms can be obtained from CBS Training. 2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Please review the Workplace Documents List and the Question Bank on the pages following. If you have developed the documents listed and are able to answer the questions provided then you may be a good RPL candidate. This process involves submitting your workplace evidence and being interviewed. To complete units via RPL, please see the instructions and forms following in this RPL Kit. 3. Gap Training and Assessment If you are unable to complete units using the two methods above, you will be able to enrol into training. This process involves attending workshops and completing assessments external to the workshops. The conversion or RPL processes must be completed before enrolling into training. Please contact Centre for Training Excellence for registration and course information. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Individual Learning Plan Completion method Requires 7 Core Units Unit No TAEDES402A Unit title Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs TAEASS401A Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS402B Assess competence TAEASS403B Participate in assessment validation TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace Convert RPL Training GAP training for RPL GAP Requires 3 Elective Units Unit No Unit title TAEASS301B Contribute to assessment TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools BSBCMM401A Make a presentation TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills Convert Training Elective Unit from another currently endorsed Training Package or Accredited course (Please provide national Code & Title) Unit No Unit title Name: Centre for Training Excellence Detail Completion method Date: © Central Institute of Technology 5 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit Self Assessment Section Page Left Blank Intentionally Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 6 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Instructions Section Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Instructions There are instructions and forms contained throughout the RPL Kit that provide advice and templates for collecting evidence. Read the Kit in its entirety before commencing your RPL submission. Your RPL submission will consist of three forms of evidence: 1. Responses to Questions Provide explanatory notes against the questions provided in the RPL Candidate Question Bank, supplied in this Kit. These questions may form the basis for an interview and help verify your workplace evidence. 2. Workplace Documents Gather workplace documents that you have completed (they must have been your own work). Ensure that all documents are correctly completed (have the correct national codes, titles, and unit components as well as signatures where required). A list of example documents have been provided in the RPL Workplace Document List, supplied in this Kit. 3. Third Party Report This document is to be completed by your supervisor who will be contacted to verify your evidence. Please see Third Party Report, supplied in this Kit. Success Tips for Your RPL Submission Please see the RPL Workplace Document List for a description of the documents below. All documents provided must: be written and developed by the applicant (candidate) themselves be accompanied by a copy of the relevant units from NTIS, Training Package disk or photocopied from the Training Package (footer must show the source and pg numbers) include correct National and SIN codes Learning Plans must: include two Learning Plans that contain differentiated learning program designs to reflect particular needs, contexts and timelines (at least one Learning Plan must be based on a Training Package unit or cluster) include evidence of how delivery content is mapped to the unit elements Lesson Plans must: demonstrated use of instructional design include 2 consecutive Lesson Plans (40mins minimum each) from one of the Learning Plans above & 1 Lesson Plan that must be to a different group Assessments Instruments must: address the whole competency standard be mapped to the whole competency standard (including elements and associated performance criteria, essential skills & knowledge and critical aspects and sufficiency in evidence guide) as shown on an assessment matrix or plan include documented evidence of an example of reasonable adjustment and the reason for the adjustment. See http://www.vetinfonet.det.wa.edu.au/progdev/docs/vet_reasonable%20adjustment.v10.hr.pdf for a free book on reasonable adjustment) include 3 assessments (must be not all be the same AQF level) Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 7 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Instructions Section Validation of Assessment forms must: be dated and signed by all parties include completed action plan Moderation of Assessment forms must: be dated and signed by all parties include completed action plan Submitting Your Evidence Please submit your evidence in a file in the following format: 1. Assessment Evidence Guide with your Workplace Documents mapped to the units (see instructions in the Assessment Evidence Guide Section) 2. Notes against each applicable question in the Questions Bank 3. Numbered Workplace Documents in numerical order as per your mapping in the Assessment Evidence Guide 4. Completed Third Party Report 5. Completed RPL Application Form & Assessor Summary 6. Make sure your name is on all forms and do not send the original/only copy of your submission Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 8 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ RPL CANDIDATE QUESTION BANK INSTRUCTIONS Please complete any of the following questions relevant to the units for which you are applying. These questions will form the basis of an interview and will be reviewed in conjunction with your other evidence. Please note that although the questions are arranged in clusters (Learning Design, Assessment or Delivery and Facilitation) questions often relate to units from other clusters. To identify the questions that are relevant to the units for which you are applying please see the note at the beginning of each cluster and unit codes in the right hand column. Cluster Question Bank Sample Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 9 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ LEARNING DESIGN CLUSTER TAEDES401A TAEDES402A Design and develop learning programs (core) Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs (core) Please answer the questions below plus questions: 13. RPL Candidate Question Bank 1. Describe the National Training Framework. Including: a. AQTF e. b. AQF c. The current arrangements and body that f. registers Training Packages g. d. Training Packages (list any packages you work within) 2. Where do you source information to keep up to date with your training package, or AQF changes) updates? Unit Mapping Accredited Courses (list any accredited courses you delivery) Accreditation bodies Industry Training Councils RTO accredited course, and VET sector (e.g. AQTF and TAEDES401A 2.1 Required Knowledge TAEDES402A Required Knowledge TAEASS301A Required Knowledge TAEDES401A2.1 2.2 Required Knowledge TAEDES402A 1.3 & Required Knowledge TAEASS301A Required Knowledge TAEASS401A1.1 TAEASS403A Required Knowledge 3. How have you used your RTO’s policies and procedures in the design of the delivery and assessment strategies of your learning programs? TAEDES401A 2.3, 3.2 Required Knowledge TAEDES402A 1.3 TAEASS301B 2.1 TAEASS402A 1.1 Required Knowledge, TAEASS403B Required Knowledge, TAEASS502B 1.3 TAEDEL401A Required Knowledge TAEDEL401A 3.2 BSBCMN401A Required Knowledge 4. What strategies did you use to identify characteristics of your learners and how have you accommodated these characteristics in the delivery and assessment strategies of your learning programs? TAEDES401A1.3 1.4 TAEASS402B 3.3 TAEDEL401A 1.2 Required Knowledge TAEDEL402A 3.1, 3.2 TAEDEL301A 1.1 BSBCMN401A1.2 Required Skills 5. How have you met the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) requirements of the programs? TAEDES401A 1.3 TAEASS402B 3.3 TAEDEL401A 1.2 Required Knowledge TAEDEL402A 2.1, 3.2 TAEDEL301A 1.1 6. What strategies did you use to engage key stakeholders in the building, review and approval of your learning programs? TAEDES401A 1.4 4.2 4.4 TAEDEL402A 1.1, 2.3 Required Knowledge 7. A. What parts of the training package are you allowed to contextualise? B. How have you contextualised your programs’ delivery and assessment strategies to reflect your learner group’s workplace or industry requirements (address delivery and assessment contextualisation)? TAEDES402A E4 Required Knowledge TAEASS401B 1.1, Required Knowledge TAEASS502B 1.1, 1.3 TAEDEL401A 3.1 Required Knowledge Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 10 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ 8. How have you selected the units for your learning program so that they meet your learner group’s requirements? Include how you unpacked the qualification rules and how you accounted for any licensing requirements or prerequisite units. TAEDES402A Required Knowledge 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 TAEASS401B Required Skills 9. What actions have you taken to find review existing resources to aid delivery. For example a) Sought advice from Colleagues b) Sought advice from Industry groups or bodies c) Reviewed and selected published resources d) Reviewed and selected internally produced resources e) Reviewed and rejected existing resources and developed own. TAEDES401A Required Knowledge TAEDEL301A 1.4 TAEDEL401A2.1 3.2 BSBCMN401A 1.3 Required Knowledge 10. What measures do you take to ensure a safe learning and assessment environment (including hazard identification, risk assessment and the implementation and monitoring of controls, and emergency procedures)? Provide two actual examples. TAEDES401A 4.5 Required Knowledge TAEASS301B Required Knowledge TAEASS401B 1.1 TAEASS402B 3.5 Required Knowledge TAEASS403B Required Knowledge TAEASS502B Required Knowledge TAEDEL401A 1.1, 1.3 TAEDEL402A 1.3 TAEDEL301A 1.2 BSBCMN401A Required Knowledge TAEADES402ARequired Knowledge AEASS401B Underpins E2 E3 11. How do you incorporate the four dimensions of competency into your training and assessment? Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 11 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ ASSESSMENT CLUSTER TAEASS401B TAEASS402B TAEASS403B TAEASS301B TAEASS502B Plan assessment activities and processes (core) Assess competence (core) Participate in assessment validation (core) Contribute to Assessment (elective) Design and develop assessment tools (elective) Please answer the questions below plus questions: 3, 7, 9. RPL Candidate Question Bank Unit Mapping 12. How have you planned for Recognition of Prior Learning in your assessment process? TAEASS401B 1.1 Required Knowledge 13. What are, and explain how you have applied, the Principles of Assessment when planning for assessment? TAEASS301B Required Knowledge TAEASS401B Required knowledge TAEASS402B Required knowledge TAEASS403B 2.2 Required knowledge TAEASS502B Required knowledge 14. Explain how you plan to ensure that candidate evidence meets the four rules of evidence and how you collect different type s of evidence (direct, indirect and supplementary)? TAEASS301B Required Knowledge TAEASS401B 2.1 Required knowledge TAEASS402B Underpins element 4 Required knowledge TAEASS403B Required knowledge TAEASS502B Required knowledge 15. What provisions have you made for Reasonable Adjustments in your assessment activities? Provide an example of an actual reasonable adjustment you have made for a candidate. TAEASS301B Required Knowledge TAEASS401B 3.1, Required Knowledge Required Skills Critical Aspects TAEDES402B 5.2 TAEASS502B Required knowledge 16. What interpersonal and communication skills do you use during the a) assessment process to support the candidate? b) assessment process to give feedback to students? c) validation and moderation process? TAEASS301B Required knowledge TAEASS402B 3.2 TAEASS403B Required Skills TAEASS401B Required Skills Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 12 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ 17. What are your RTO’s requirements to record and report your assessment decisions? TAEASS402B E 5, 6.2 TAEASS301B E4 TAEDEL401A Required knowledge TAEDEL402A 6.3, 7.1 Required Knowledge 18. Why do assessors need to validate (and moderate) and explain the legal and ethical responsibilities of assessors? TAEASS403B Required knowledge 19. Give an example of where you have implemented changes to your own assessments as a result of participating in a validation. TAEASS301B.4.2 TAEASS401B 3.5 TAEASS401B Required Knowledge TAEASS403B 3.3 TAEASS502B Required knowledge 20. How have you worked with another assessor to identify the purpose of assessment, the benchmarks for assessment and how you will gather evidence for assessment? TAEASS301B E1, 2.2 Required Knowledge TAEASS403B 1.2 21. Provide two examples that demonstrate why your chosen assessment method is appropriate for collecting quality evidence? What tools did you develop? TAEASS502B 2.1, 2.3 22. Describe competency based assessment including how criterion-referenced assessment is distinct from norm-referenced assessment. Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology TAEASS402B Required Knowledge TAEASS403B Required Knowledge 13 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ DELIVERY AND FACILITATION CLUSTER TAEDEL401A TAEDEL402A TAEDEL301A BSBCMM401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning (core) Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace (core) Provide work skill instruction (elective) Make a presentation (elective) Please answer the questions below plus questions: 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. RPL Candidate Question Bank Unit Mapping 23. What are your RTO’s requirements to record and report your training delivery? TAEDEL301A 4.2, TAEDEL401A 5.4 TAEDEL402A 7.1 24. Please provide examples of delivery techniques you use that would demonstrate basic knowledge and application of a. basic learning theories b. sound knowledge and application of adult learning principles c. learner styles d. strategies to engage students e. strategies and skills to manage student behaviour TAEDES401A Required Knowledge TAEDEL301A E 2, E3, Required Knowledge, Required Skills TAEDEL401A 4.3, 5.3 Required Knowledge TAEDEL402A 3.1, 3.2 Required Knowledge 25. Explain how you have identified and allocated work that provides on the job learning opportunities? TAEDEL402A 1.2 Required Knowledge 26.. What interpersonal skills and communication techniques do you use to engage the learners? (such as coaching, questioning, facilitating discussion, monitoring of participants). Provide two examples. TAEDEL301A Required Knowledge Required skills TAEDEL401A 4.2 4.4 5.2 TAEDEL402A 4.3 BSBCMM401A 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Required Skills 27. How have you changed/ improved your training/delivery in response to student feedback and your personal reflection of your delivery? a) Provide one example from workplaced delivery. b) Provide one example from classroom delivery TAEDEL301A 4.1 TAEDEL402A 6.2, 6.3 ,7.3 Required Knowledge TAEDEL401A 4.1 5.1,5.4 BSBCMM401A 3.3 Required Skills Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 14 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ 28. Describe techniques used to evaluate the effectiveness of your facilitation and presentation skills TAEDEL301A 3.1, 3.2 29. Describe how you have monitored student learning and made adjustments to the deliver sessions to reflect specific needs and circumstances TAEDEL401A 5.1,5.2 LLN UNIT TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills RPL Candidate Question Bank Unit Mapping 30. Identify two critical LLN skills that are essential for students who are undertaking your course and explain how those skills are critical for your industry sector. TAELLN411 Required Knowledge 31. List and explain at least 2 cultural and social sensitivities that need to be considered when communicating with students about their LLN support requirements. TAELLN411 Required Knowledge 32. Where would you find information about student LLN support? TAELLN411 Required Knowledge 33. Explain what LLN support is available for students and lecturers at your organisation and how you have accessed that support. TAELLN411 Required Knowledge 34. Explain how you have evaluated TAELLN411Required Knowledge a. your ability to meet the LLN needs of your students when training. b. your ability to meet the LLN needs of your students when assessing. Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 15 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Question Bank Section Participant Name: ______________________________ Page Left Blank Intentionally Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 16 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Document List Section RPL Workplace Document List TAE40110 Cert IV TAA for Institute of Professional Learning VETiS teachers To help you gather workplace evidence a suggested documents list has been complied below. This list has been generated holistically; i.e. one document can meet the requirements of a number of units. Please note generic titles have been used to identify documents; the documents may have a different title in your school or partnering RTO. To help identify the documents in your workplace a description of the purpose and evidence they should supply has been provided below. NO RPL Workplace Document List 2 x Workplace Inspection Checklist 1 2 3 A Workplace Inspection Checklist is a completed OHS inspection checklist (of a learning environment) that includes hazard identification, risk assessment and the implementation and monitoring of controls. 2 x Learning Plans. Learning Plans provide an overview of how the unit/s is to be delivered (delivery schedule) and assessed (assessment plan). Please provide Learning Plans: For Training Package units of competency With unit/s of competencies attached Please provide evidence of planning assessment including Assessment instructions Tool to collect evidence (e.g. checklists, questions) Marking guide Assessment Matrix or evidence of mapping the assessments to the unit/s of competency (including elements, performance criteria, required knowledge and skills, critical aspects). All assessment tools must be trialed (validation of assessment tools is considered trialing, see section 3) 2 x Completed Validation of Assessment forms for the assessment instruments above 1 x Moderation of Assessment form with student’s evidence and your feedback to students Validation forms document evidence of two or more assessors having reviewed an assessment tool to ensure it meets all parts of the unit/s of competency and the principles of assessment. CORE ELECTIVES TAEDES401A TAEASS402AB TAEDEL402A BSBCMM401A TAEDEL401A TAEASS401B TAEASS402B TAELLN411 BSBCMM401A TAEASS401B TAEASS402B TAEASS403B Moderation forms document evidence of two or more assessors having reviewed a sample of marked assessments to ensure that different assessors are making consistent assessment decisions based on the rules of evidence. 4 5 Both validation and moderation evidence must include evidence of identified improvements and actions implemented. 2 x examples of using inclusive delivery methods to meet diverse or special needs of learners (as identified in relation to the ACSF) Please include completed documents below : Example of 2 students ACSF levels from validated assessment tool Completed Individual Student Needs Checklist for 2 students Proof or accessing and implementing appropriate support for 2 students in • Delivery (teaching) • Assessment An Individual Student Needs Checklist is a questionnaire that identifies the support requirements of learners including individual characteristics or special needs that could impact of their learning or assessment success. Evidence should include identifying the need and support actions (see above). ACSF is the Australian Core Skills Framework 3 Lesson Plans consisting of : 2 x consecutive Lesson Plans (must be work skills) (40mins minimum each) from one of the Learning Plans above 1 x Lesson Plan to a different group Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology TAELLN411 TAEASS402B TAEDEL401B TAEDEL402B TAEDEL401A TAELLN411 17 of 22 TAEDEL301A TAEDEL301A BSBCMM401A TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Document List Section Lesson plans document how a lesson or session is going to be delivered. They demonstrate instructional design and can include: details of energisers, methods to engage the student in the lesson topic, sharing the lesson’s objective/s, theory delivery methods (e.g. PPT, group discussions, videos etc), skill delivery methods (e.g. demonstrations), methods to check for understanding/progress, guided and independent practice, giving and receiving feedback, conclusion to the lesson. 2 x samples of learning resources 6 7 Learning resources can include workbooks, PowerPoint, handouts, videos etc as documented as a method/resource in the lesson plan. Explain how you have ensured these resources are at the correct ACSF levle for this student cohort 2 x examples of delivery evaluation - including the evaluation of strategies you used to provide LLN support Evaluations include a record of the feedback gathered and continuous improvements implemented 8 1 x Third Party Report completed by Supervisor Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology TAEDEL401A TAELLN411 TAEDEL301A BSBCMM401A TAEDEL401A TAEDEL402A TAELLN411 TAEDEL301A BSBCMM401A All Units All Units 18 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit Third Party Report Section THIRD PARTY REPORT Candidates, all people who verify your work are to complete the details below to ensure validity. (You may need multiple copies of this form.) TAE4010 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Candidate’s name Referee’s name (Name of person providing this evidence and signing the form) Referee Position/title Referee Workplace Referee Workplace address Referee Telephone Numbers Referee Email address This report was completed via interview by Assessor independently by referee Interview conducted by (if applicable) Date of interview As part of the assessment for TAE4010 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment the candidate requires evidence from a third party (employer, supervisor or equivalent). This evidence will be used to validate the candidate’s skills and experience. Instructions A letter of support from the organisation validating a range of tasks performed by the candidate over a period of time is useful in identifying competence. Instructions: Candidates please tick the units you will be completing by RPL Supervisors/Referee please complete the “To whom it may concern” section (please ensure phone number is current) Supervisors/Referee please initial the units that the candidate has regularly completed the activities (described in the statements) to an acceptable workplace/industry standard within your organisation. Supervisors/Referee please complete the signature and date section at the bottom of page 2 of the Third Party Report. To whom it may concern Re: _________________________________ who is a ___________________________. (insert candidate’s name) (insert industry/job title). I certify that the above-named person has: worked at ____________________________ for a period of ________________________ (insert name of workplace) √ Units Applied for (insert length of time). Core Units TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs Centre for Training Excellence Supervisor Initial Relevant Units The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to conceptualise, design, develop and review learning programs to meet an identified need for a group of learners. This person is able to identify the parameters of a learning program, determine the design, outline the content and review its effectiveness The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to use training packages and accredited courses as tools to support industry, organisation and individual competency development needs. As well as the communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with others using training products. © Central Institute of Technology 19 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit √ Units Applied for Third Party Report Section Supervisor Initial Relevant Units Core Units Continued TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAEASS401B Plan assessment activities and processes The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to plan, organise and deliver training for individuals within a group. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to plan, organise and facilitate learning for individuals in a workplace. Specifically the candidate is able to guide learning through work. TAEASS402B Assess competence The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to plan and organise the assessment process, including recognition of prior learning (RPL), in a competency-based assessment system. The candidate is also able to develop simple assessment instruments. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to assess the competence of a candidate. TAEASS403B Participate in assessment validation The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to participate in an assessment validation process. √ Units Applied for Supervisor Initial Relevant Units Elective Units TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction BSBCMM401A Make a presentation TAEASS301B Contribute to assessment TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and group instruction and demonstrate work skills, using existing learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning environment. The candidate is able to review success of both the training provided and one's own personal training performance and makes changes based on feedback received. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review a presentation to a target audience. The candidate demonstrates well developed communication skills in presenting a range of concepts and ideas. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the assessment process. This includes collecting evidence for assessment and making and recording an assessment decision as per organisational procedures and policies. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to design and develop assessment tools, including tools used in formative, summative and recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment. The tool is used to guide the collection of quality evidence in the assessment process and includes the specific instruments for collecting evidence, as well as information about assessment methods and the procedures to be followed in conducting the assessment. The candidate has the skills and knowledge required to identify language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skill requirements of training and the work environment, and to use resources and strategies that meet the needs of the learner group. Yes No I understand the evidence/tasks the candidate has performed on which I am required to comment. I verify the workplace examples submitted as part of this Conversion Process application are representative of the everyday tasks undertaken by the candidate in their role as a trainer and assessor of Nationally Recognised Qualifications. I am willing to be contacted if further verification of my statements is required. If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on the number provided above. Yours sincerely, Signature: Centre for Training Excellence Date: © Central Institute of Technology 20 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit RPL Application Form RPL APPLICATION FORM & ASSESSOR SUMMARY Applicants: please complete white fields only Surname: First name: Address: Phone nos: Work: Home/mobile: Email: Student ID Date of birth: if known : Are you currently enrolled in the unit(s) for which you are seeking recognition? YES Course: TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Campus: E-Central (Centre for Training ExcellenceSection) NO Date of 1st interview: Contact lecturer: Applicant declaration I submit this application for Recognition of Prior Learning for the units listed below. I declare that all evidence presented is, to the best of my knowledge, authentic and unaltered. I understand that fees are payable before my application can be processed. Signature: Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY ASSESSMENT TEAM Assessor: _____ ________ Portfolio: ___ ___ Cost Centre: __ __ Others Present/Co-assessors: Role: Role: STUDENT ADMINISTRATION AND SYSTEMS USE ONLY Funding Source Profile Y/N Fee for Service: Y/N Other (please state): CASH REGISTER PAYMENT IMPRINT Date By Application logged in Register: ___ /___ /___ _________ Enrolment Entered in CMIS: ___ /___ /___ _________ Amount Due: $_______.___ If Nil Due Advise Reason: _____________________________ Payment Advice Letter Sent (Student not on Campus): Result(s) Entered: Centre for Training Excellence ___ /___ /___ _________ ___ /___ /___ _________ © Central Institute of Technology 21 of 22 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RPL Kit Student: Family name RPL Application Form First name Student no. (if applicable) UNITS/MODULES APPLIED FOR (continue overleaf if required) This qualification requires ten (10) units consisting of seven (7) core units plus three (3) elective units. Please detail your three elective units below. Notes: Alternative TAE electives from those provided below are detailed in the TAE40110Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification packaging rules. Rules can be accessed by: http://www.ntis.gov.au/?/trainingpackage/TAE10/Qualification/TAE40110/rules One elective may be selected from another currently endorsed Training Package or Accredited course, from Certificate III or above, and must contribute to the vocational outcome of the qualification. RESULT SIN NO UNIT of COMPETENCY/MODULE NAME Hour s EVIDENCE See key below Successful Yes No CORE UNITS TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client need TAEASS401B Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS402B Assess competence TAEASS403B Participate in assessment validation TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace 3 TAE ELECTIVE UNITS (select) TAEASS301B Contribute to assessment TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction BSBCMM401A Make a presentation TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills Elective Unit from another currently endorsed Training Package or Accredited course (Please provide national Code & Title) Total hours Key to Evidence D Written documents Q Existing qualifications W Workplace assessment I S A Interview (details below) Samples of work Written Assignment or Upfront Assessment O Other, details below ASSESSOR USE ONLY: SUMMARY OF INTERVIEW / OTHER EVIDENCE USED IN ADDITION TO MATRIX (Page 3) Total Assessment Time Assessor Name & signature Date PORTFOLIO AREA USE ONLY Date Name Application Received by: ____ /____ /____ __________________________ Application Recorded in Register: ____ /____ /____ __________________________ Assessment Completion Recorded in Register: ____ /____ /____ __________________________ Sent to Awards Centre for Result Entry: ____ /____ /____ __________________________ Advise Letter Sent to Applicant: ____ /____ /____ __________________________ Centre for Training Excellence © Central Institute of Technology 22 of 22