1. Introduction : 1.1. Indian Railways has decided to construct a Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) each in Howrah-Delhi and Mumbai-Delhi sectors. The axle load projected to run on this DFC is 30 tons. 1.2. Board (ME) has nominated a core group for finalizing the technical Specifications pertaining to track and bridges, consisting of EDCE(P), EDCE(B&S) & ED/W from Railway Board, ED/Track & ED/B&S from RDSO and Dean from IRICEN. The terms of reference of the committee are: Review the genesis of Maximum Moving Dimensions on IR and also identify factors limiting its relaxation on the existing network. Compare standards presently prevalent on IR with those obtaining on some of the major freight railway system world over. Study international experience in rolling stock designs with a view to determining their relevance to both existing as well as future traffic streams of IR. Recommend and optimal Maximum Moving Dimensions for the Eastern and Western corridors of the DFC project and other new lines that could be taken up in future. Recommend the Maximum Moving Dimensions on feeder routes for Eastern Corridor and Western Corridor keeping in view running of 25 tonne axle load wagons of coal and steel traffic on Eastern Corridor and double stack containers on Western corridor. Suggest an implementation strategy for upgrading feeder routes on the existing IR network to standards proposed for feeder routes. 1.3. A sub-group of the committee consisting of following officers was deputed to USA and Australia to study the implementation of heavy axle load in railway systems of these countries. 1.4. Shri V. K. Jain, EDCE/Planning, Railway Board Shri Anirudh Jain, ED/Track, RDSO Shri P. K. Sanghi, ED/Works, Railway Board Shri Suresh Gupta, Dean, IRICEN This report is based on the discussions held by the group with eminent Railway personalities of these two countries, systems prevailing in those railways, best practices based on literature survey and their own experience on Indian Railway. 1 2. Observations at a Glance: The observations made by the group are briefly stated below: 2.1. US Railroads and visit to Zeta Tech Associates, Cherry Hill, New York: 2.2. Track km is about 2 lac 75 thousand km. Most US Railways are privately owned and runs only freight trains. AMTRAK operates all US long distance passenger trains. Rail Road employment has fallen from 4 lac 50 thousand workers in 1980 to 1 lac 55 thousand in 2003. Average annual wage is 62 thousand dollar per annum. Track gauge is 1435 mm. Economic regulation of US Rail Road is the responsibility of the Surface Transportation Board (STB). Safety regulation is the responsibility of the Federal Rail Road Administration (FRA). Association of American Rail Roads (AAR) is a private trade association and its principal roles are to set mechanical standards for rolling stock, settle accounts between multiple rail carriers, sponsors rail road related research etc. USA is running double stack container since 1977. Its axle load is 30 T, although a number of Rail Roads have begun purchasing stock with 32.5 and 35.5 designed axle load. But main axle load is 30 T Traction is diesel. Structurally 60 kg rails are sufficient to support 30 T axle load. However, USA is mainly using 67 – 71 kg rails on timber and concrete sleepers. On timber sleeper, spacing is 20” from centre to centre and on concrete sleeper, spacing is 24” from centre to centre. Hardness of the rail is 380 BHN. Rail grinding is must for higher axle load operation. One machine with 120 stone is able to grind about 10000 km in a year. Operational speed is 20 kmph. Mainly grinding has been outsourced. Rail lubrication on curves is essential. Thick Web Switches with swing nose crossing is essential. Elastic fastening is mainly safe lock (e-clip). There are about 25000 number of rail fractures per year. Number of accidents on rail fracture account is about 100. Track is inspected by a staff twice a week on freight route. TRC – 3 to 6 months depending on traffic density. No regular inspection by Supervisors or officers. Hard ballast is used and ballast cushion is more than 300 mm. Transportation Technological Centre Inc (TTCI), Pueblo: A large number of research projects regarding rail hardness track fittings, ballast and bridge monitoring are in progress. TTCI has developed laser based Rail Flaw Inspection System. This will cover the entire rail cross-section at a speed of 32 kmph. TTCI has developed a proto type of Ultrasonic Crack Wheel Detection System. This system is capable of inspecting the wheel at a speed of 8 kmph. 2 TTCI has developed proto type laser based Ultrasonic Crack Axle Detection System. This can detect any defect in axle body at a speed upto 32 kmph. 2.3. BNSF Railways, Los Angeles: Average length of train is 7000 feet which is going to be extended to 8000 feet. Train load is 10000 to 11000 tonne. Entire Habard yard is covered by 22 Video Cameras and visual view is available in Control room. This helps in safety. 50% of security has been outsourced. Commodities had been divided in high density and low density. Low density commodity is being moved on wagons with articulated bogies. Fuel saving is 10 – 15%. Truck chassis can be directly loaded on wagons. 145 chassis are carried per train. 2.4. APM Terminal and PIER 400, Los Angeles: This is owned by MAERSK, an International Agency dealing in container movement. It deals 10000 TEUs per week. 150 cameras are provided to monitor the entire activity on PIER. There are 12 tracks of 2200 feet length. Generally a single train of 7000 feet length is accommodated on 4 lines. Entire operation is computerized. 2.5. Alameda Corridor, Los Angeles: This is passing through heavily habitated area and connecting to ports. Total length is about 20 miles, out of which, 10 miles pass through a trench. This was constructed in less than 4 years (1998-2002) at a cost of about Rs. 2.2 billion dollar. There are 3 lines. Rail section is 136 LB (67 kg) on concrete sleeper. Lines are bi-directional. Track is inspected by a staff twice a week. No regular inspection by Supervisor or Officer. AREMA standard is being followed in inspection. 2.6. Australian Rail Track Corporation, Sydney: Total length of track under ARTC is about 10000 km. Total number of employees is about 25000. 1.1. For controlling overloading, motion weight bridges have been installed immediately after loading point. In case any wagon is found to be overloaded, excess material is removed there itself and no overloading wagon is allowed to go. Rail grinding is a normal feature and done through Service Contracts. For sharp curves of radius less than 400 m, grinding is done after passage of 10 GMT and for straight track, grinding is done after passage of 20 GMT. CWRs are continued through bridges. 3 Their Bridge standards are given in Australian standard for Bridge Design AS 5100 – 2004. Clearances between MMD and line side structures are determined based on Kinematic envelop. Generally, clearance between static MMD and line side structures is more than 600 mm. 2.7. Transport Management Group (Tmg), Sydney: 2.8. Australia is running 40 t axle load wagons in iron ore routs in BHP (Billiton). The work of segregating freight and passenger traffic is presently going on. Iron ore wagons are conventional 3 piece bogies. They are using a software for developing kinematic envelope. There are around 100 railway companies in Australia. Double stack containers are running between Perth and Broken Hill. Queens Land Railways is running upto 150 kmph on Narrow Gauge (1067 mm) Coal traffic is having 30 MT axle load and they are thinking of 32.5 MT. Rail grinding is a must beyond 25 T. By proper grinding and managing wheel & rail profile life of rail can be doubled Queensland Railway, Brisbane: QR has approximately 9500 km of narrow gauge, standard gauge & dual gauge track throughout the state of Queensland. But the whole of 26 tonnes axle load route is on narrow gauge (1067 mm). QR is the biggest mover of freight in Australia, transporting almost 161.8 million tones in 2005. QR operates 1000 train services daily and moves more than 4,40,000 tonnes of freight. QR transports 160000 commuters on long distance and metropolitan suburban journeys each day. QR operates rolling stock ranging in axle load size from 15.75 to 26 tonnes. QR operates the innovative tilt train which can travel at speeds up to 160 km. Centre to centre track spacing is 4.2m minimum. The complete track is on Continuous Welded Rails (CWR) including those on bridges. QR has got some lines of dual gauge track on concrete sleepers with three rail seats. In Metro rail also grinding is being done for noise purpose. Swing nose crossing is better for heavy axle load operation. Length of one train is 1800 m, train loads are in range of 10000 Tons, 6 X 4000 HP locomotives haul these trains. There are no passenger services on heavy axle coal lines. 4 3. RAIL ROADS IN USA: 3.1. Most U.S. railways are privately owned. Exceptions include tracks owned by states and cities to provide commuter rail service, some freight tracks owned by states with operation usually contracted to private rail operations, and the Alaska Railroad (1,181 track miter.) owned by the State of Alaska. Privately owned railroads do not operate passenger trains. 3.2. The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), which operates all US longdistance passenger trains, has a monopoly on long-distance passenger service. Amtrak owns about 722 route miles of railroad (almost all in the northeastern US), but contracts with private railroads to operate trains over most of its national passenger network. The private freight railroads are therefore limited to carrying only freight. They may not compete with Amtrak. However, both Amtrak and freight railroads may act as contractors, operating commuter service for a state or local authority. 3.3. US freight railroads are divided for regulatory reporting purposes into Class I ($260 million or more in annual revenues in 2001), Class II ($20.5 million to $260 million), and Class III companies (less than $20.5 million). Class I railroads are required to make very detailed annual reports of financial and operating statistics to the Surface Transportation Board, the Federal body which regulates the economic activities of railroads. Class I railroads account for 73% of US railroad mileage, 89% of employees, and 91% of freight revenues. 3.4. Class II and Class III railroads have been further divided by the Association of American Railroads into “regional” companies ($40 million to $255.9 million in revenues or more than 350 track miles) and local lines (less than $40 million, less than 350 mi.) Category Number Class I Regional Local Totals 7 31 518 556 Miles Operated 97,496 15,641 28,937 140,246 Employees 157,699 7,422 28,937 176,899 Total Revenue ($000) $39,131,200 $1,409,600 $1,455,728 $42,159,800 3.5. Virtually all Class I railroad employees belong to labor unions. Job classifications and pay rules are governed by union agreements. Average annual earnings are close to $80,000 including fringe benefits. Labor costs account for 41% of US railway operating expenses. Class II railroads are generally not unionized. Job classifications are less restrictive, and pay is somewhat lower. 3.6. There are a number of commuter railway systems operated by state and local governments. These are operators operate over their own tracks in some cases, but may also contract with private freight railways or with Amtrak for operation (in some cases operating trains with their own personnel, in others contracting with the private railroads or Amtrak to supply train crews). They are generally limited by statute to providing local passenger service only. Freight service on publicly-owned commuter railroads is usually provided by private, for-profit freight railroads, which pay the public organization a fee to use the track. 5 3.7. Government Regulation and Operation in United States: 3.7.1. Economic regulation of US railroads is the responsibility of the Surface Transportation Board (STB) which also regulates some trucking and pipeline transportation. The STB has authority over some rates (in areas where rail carriers are found to have “market dominance”) as well as abandonment, line extensions, mergers, and financial transactions such as the issuance of stock. Through a series of revisions to the law, the US government has substantially reduced STB authority in recent years, and the freedom from regulation has benefited the US rail industry. 3.7.2. As part of its regulation of rates, the STB also mandates the type of accounting system railroads must use. The uniform Railroad Costing System (URCS) is an STB-developed system which railroads are required to use to determine costs for regulatory purposes. In areas where the STB finds market dominance, rates are limited to a certain maximum percentage above variable cost (as defined using URCS). 3.7.3. Formerly, all railroad tariffs had to be published and publicly available. Railroads are now allowed to enter into contracts (the terms of which may be kept secret) to move many types of commodities, notably coal. In these contracts, the shipper guarantees a minimum shipment quantity over a specified time period in return for a lower rate. 3.7.4. At the other extreme, railroads are free to change rates on many competitive commodities as often as they wish, in order to fill otherwise empty cars on a backhaul movement or to take advantage of temporary overcapacity on a route. One US railroad has begun selling “futures” in car supply’ shippers can, for a price, obtain a promise to deliver a freight car at a specified future time. Price is set by auction, and the certificates guaranteeing delivery may be traded once they are purchased. 3.8. Safety regulation is the responsibility of the Federal Railroad Administration, which sets standards for track and equipment, as well as for the “certification” of locomotive engineers (train drivers). FRA also oversees a small subsidy program for unprofitable branch lines, as well as some research activities. 3.9. Standards for the interchange of equipment are set by a non-profit industry association called the Association of American Railroads (which see). While this body has no statutory authority, its mechanical standards are accepted by railroads in all three North American countries. 3.10. Government operation is limited to the passenger carrier Amtrak, to some state- or locally-owned carriers of suburban traffic, and to a very limited number of small freight operations. Amtrak’s contractual agreements with private railroads are under the jurisdiction of the STB, which can be asked by either party to resolve disputes. Amtrak operations, and the operations of local authorities providing suburban commuter service, fall under the same FRA safety regulations as those of private freight carriers. 6 3.11. The Association of American Railroads (AAR): 3.11.1. AAR is a private trade association, supported by the dues payments of its members. Its principal roles are to set mechanical standards for the interchange of rail equipment, settle accounts between multiple rail carriers participating in movement of traffic (“interline settlements”), sponsor railroad-related engineering research, and represent the rail industry before the US Congress and the executive branch of the federal government. 3.11.2. Master Car Builders’ Association, formed in the 1870s to standardize components such as car coupling devices and braking systems, is the oldest predecessor of today’s AAR. Starting in the 1890s, the various specialized industry groups began to merge, and in the 1920s formed the Association of American Railroads. In 1979 the last major independent standards organization, the American Railway Engineering Association (AREA) effectively became part of AAR. AREA sets standards and specifications for railroad track components. In 1995, however, AREA once again became independent, and has now merged with two other associations to form the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance Association (AREMA). 3.11.3. While membership in AAR is voluntary, all North American railroad equipment must meet AAR standards to be eligible for unrestricted interchange. In a recent court case, an association of private (non-railroad) owners of freight cars challenged an AAR order requiring the installation of radio-frequency tags on freight cars, on the ground that AAR’s authority was limited only to items affecting safety. The court rules that, since the railroads are private, the AAR standards are in effect contractual conditions for use of railroad tracks. Owners of freight cars may choose not to follow the standards, but railroads may chose not to handle the freight cars. 3.12. Permanent Way Maintenance: 3.12.1. All Class I railroads perform most of their own maintenance, with specialized “gangs” which replace rails, renew ties (sleepers), or surface and align the track. Some U.S. railroads have adopted the European practice of renewing the entire track structure in one pass by taking mega block of 10 to 15 days, especially when replacing wood ties with concrete ties or when installing concrete ties. However, much of the U.S. and Canadian track maintenance (and virtually all in Mexico) is performed in phases. Individual components are replaced with as little disruption as possible to the traffic. 3.12.2. Since much of the North American rail network is single track, it is not usually possible to occupy the track continuously for maintenance. Gangs are often limited to only a few hours per day of work, which is one reason why so much work is performed out of face. The need to work under traffic also limits the use of nonrailroad personnel, due to safety and insurance issues. Smaller railroads, which cannot generate enough work to keep specialized gangs busy for an entire work season, will use contractors to perform maintenance, however. 3.12.3. Large railroads typically use contractors only to perform specialized services such as rail grinding and rail inspection, which also require specialized (and very expensive) equipment. However, as the mechanization of maintenance work continues to progress, and “windows” for track maintenance become harder to 7 obtain due to increasing traffic, even some larger railroads are beginning to use contractors for basic track components renewals. 3.12.4. Track components life has been extended, sometimes dramatically, by such practices as “profile grinding” (which restores worn rail head to a like-new contour), and by on-board lubrication (in which a locomotive equipped with lubricators spreads a thin film of lubricant on the gauge face of the rail). Rail life has been approximately doubled on busy mainline railroads as a result of these practices. The use of resilient rail fasteners, especially in mountain territory with heavy curvature, has extended tie life, and use of geotextiles has lengthened surfacing cycles. 3.12.5. As track component life increases, turnouts have become a larger part of the total maintenance expense, and recently several railroads have begun investigating premium turnout components. These premium components include manganese or explosive-hardened conventional frogs (crossings), swing-nose frogs (crossings), concrete turnout ties, and tangential-geometry turnouts with reduced entry angles. The extra cost of these premium components generally is only economically justified on lines with very heavy tonnage. 3.12.6. Rail Roads in USA are controlled by the Surface Transportation Board. There are more than 550 Rail Roads in USA which cooperate with each other under the banner of Association of American Rail Roads. In fact the AAR has Member Rail Roads from USA, Canada and Mexico and works as a single rail network, largest in the world. 3.13. Introduction of Heavy Axle Loads in North America: 3.13.1. Competition from Road sector forced American railroads to increase axle loads about 20 years back. Nothing happened for about 10 years, it was then realized that rail life had declined from 1 billion gross tons to 250 million gross tons for newly installed rail. 3.13.2. Track Structure underwent dramatic changes, as may be seen from the table below: Track Structure Earlier, in the 60s RAIL - Weight - Hardness - Quality BASE PLATES FASTENINGS SLEEPERS – Wood Concrete Spacing - Wood Spacing –concrete BALLAST –under sleepers Cleanliness RAIL GRINDING RAIL INSPECTION 75 to 121lb (38 to 60kg) 240 Brinell VERY DIRTY 6 x 9 inches 2 or 3 CUT SPIKES 6”x8”x 8’ 19.5” to 21” 3” to 5” Lime stone Never Cleaned Almost never 2 years 8 Track Structure Today, for heavy axle routes 132 to 141lb (66 to 70kg) 380 Brinell CLEAN 8 x 18 inches 5 CUT SPIKES or ELASTIC in CURVES 7”x8”x81/2’ HARDWOOD 380 kg 19.5” to 21” (2000 Nos. per Km) 24” (1660 Nos. per km) 12”, Granite Cleaned about once in 10 to 15 years 3 months to 3 years 3 months to 2 years 4. Places Visited in USA: During the 5 days’ stay in USA the study team visited the following firms: i. ii. iii. iv. v. M/s.Zetatech Associates at, Cherry Hill near New York TTCI at, Pueblo BNSF at, Los Angeles ALAMEDA Corridor at, Los Angeles and APM Terminal at, Los Angeles Discussions held and points noted during the visits to these places are briefly summarized below: 5. M/s. Zetatech Associates: 5.1. The matter about axle load to be adopted by Indian Railway for the Dedicated Freight Corridor was discussed. Dr. ALLAN ZAREMBSKI, President of M/s. Zetatech Associates opined that Indian Railways may learn a lot from US experience. The experience of Swedish Railways may also come in handy as they have recently upgraded their axle loads from 20t to 25t in general and to 30t on iron ore routes. 5.2. He was of the opinion that even with double stack containers the probability of containers giving an axle load of more than 30 tonne is remote. It was suggested that weight of about 1000 containers handled over a known period of time may be analyzed to generate a simulation which will indicate the axle loads expected with bulk of the containers. It is expected that most of the double stack containers will give axle loads in the range of 25t to 30t and only a few may exceed the 30t limit. It should be possible to stack the containers in such a manner that the 30t limit is never exceeded. 5.3. Electric traction in double stack container is possible and Swedish Railways are operating double stack containers with electric traction. 5.4. US Rail Roads have adopted 30t axle loads on larger part of their network and standards have been laid by AREMA. Most of the Rail Roads like US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Sweden, Brazil and China are following AREMA Standards. Nobody is following UIC Standards, in fact UIC has no standards for 30t axle loads. 5.5. In US Rail Roads following Track Standards have normally been adopted, for reasons discussed hereunder: 5.5.1. Minimum hardness of rail in US is 300BHN. For heavy haul, premium rails, 380 to 400 BHN are used. Premium rail starts at 340 BHN, 132 to 141 lbs/yd rails are most used in US. Structurally 115 lbs/yd is okay but it wears out too quickly and for high density it is not advisable. Life cycle costing, heavier rail (68kg) is cheaper than 57kg. 9 5.5.2. Generally rails have following hardness: Standard carbon rail - 260 to 300 BHN Head Hardened rail - 340 to 360 BHN Low Alloy Head Hardened rail – 360 to 400 BHN 5.5.3. Sleepers are mostly timber, PSC sleepers have also been used extensively. Timbers are laid at 20” C/C and size of sleeper is 8 ½’ x 7” x 8”. Concrete sleepers are laid 24” C/C and size of sleeper is 8½‘ x 7” x 10”. Spacing of concrete sleepers is more mainly because they offer much higher lateral ballast resistance. 5.5.4. Wheel is 260 to 280 BHN. When asked that normally wheel hardness is about 20 BHN more than Rail, Dr Zarembski advised that in heavy haul it is always higher for rails. 36” dia wheel is standard and causes 100,000 psi ( 70 Kg/mm2, 700 MPa) contact stress. For 33 ton axles 36” wheel is used but for 36 ton axles the wheel dia is 38”. 5.5.5. Ballast cushion is kept more than 300mm. Granite type ballast with abraision better than 20% is a must for Heavy Haul. Coal dust causes big problem by way of contamination. Very high void ratio is required in rail ballast to provide resilience. This is opposite to Highway where we want as dense and void less sub-base as possible. 5.5.6. Pandrol fastening is the most commonly used elastic fastening even on wooden sleepers. 20mm Pandrol has been used in AAR whereas 18mm is popular in Europe. Vossloh fastenings have not done well in North America. 5.5.7. In Heavy Haul, 6 hole fish plates are to be used. 5.6. While load is transferred from wheel to rail in a very small contact patch, causing stresses exceeding yield point, it is transferred to about 6 - 10 sleepers by the rail. Normally observed levels of stress at various levels of track structure are as follows: Contact stress > 100000 psi > yield stress Rail bending stress < 25,000 psi Tie bearing < 200 psi Ballast bearing stress < 85 psi Subgrade bearing < 20 psi ( 70 Kg/mm2, 700 MPa) ( 18 Kg/mm2, 180 MPa) ( 0.14 Kg/mm2, 1.4 MPa) ( 0.06 Kg/mm2, 0.6 MPa) ( 0.014 Kg/mm2, 0.14 MPa) 5.7. Geo textiles and geogrids shall be used. Geogrids also provide structural strength. 5.8. Expressing strong reservations against use of ballast less track in heavy haul freight corridors, Dr Zarembski mentioned that there have been very-very few successful cases for ballastless track in Heavy Haul. Improper subgrade and poor drainage etc are the main causes for failure. Dr Zarembski stated that he has never seen a ballastless track which never breaks. Generally, there is very large variation in soil type, drainage, moisture and hence no single design of ballastless track will suit. 10 5.9. Dynamic Augments as high as 4 and even higher have been measured. Current AAR freight limit is 90 Kilo pounds (kips) (40 MT) for dynamic wheel load. Out of round Wheel is as big a problem as flat tyre. Almost 0.1% to 0.5% of all freight car wheels give dynamic load > 75kips 5.10. Most freight axles are parallel and not radial (self steering). This gives a high angle of attack. In addition to having a tendency to derail, higher angle of attack imposes higher contact stresses at the gauge corner leading to flaw initiation at the gauge corner. If one can get self steering bogies, he will do a great favour to track. 5.11. Effects of Heavy Haul: 5.11.1. Heavier axles will impose heavier Lateral loads causing problems of side wear, Track geometry disturbance and buckling. 5.11.2. Heavier load causes more uplift of rail ahead of wheel even with PSC in Heavy Haul. So there are increased chances of buckling. 5.11.3. Longitudinal forces due to traction and breaking are much higher in Heavy Haul particularly on grades, 60 kips (27 Tonnes) per rail have been measured. These shall not be ignored in rail stress calculations. 5.11.4. Rails fatigue out so much faster than wear out in heavy haul operations. This statement should decide the rail section rather than rail stress calculations. 5.12. In US about 20,000 rail breaks occur in about 300,000 km of track. Average 100+ derailments happen annually due to broken rail, averaged on last 8 years. It is revealing that these figures are comparable to Indian Railways statistics. 5.13. If there are 4 to 5 defects per mile per year, it is time to change the rail. 5.14. Walking inspection twice a week for freight lines. For passenger lines the frequency is more. TRC once in 3 to 4 months. USFD once a month to once a year. The Inspectors have a certain qualification. His Supervisor only verifies the defects reported. 5.15. In a curve high rail is ground on field side and low rail on gauge side. This causes high wheel to travel on a larger radius to negotiate the curve. 5.16. Rail Grinding: 5.16.1. Dr Zarembski is a renowned personality in the field of rail grinding. He has vast experience in this field. He provided lot of insight into this field. The discussion is briefly summarized below: 5.16.2. The concept of rail grinding was first introduced in the early 20th century because of the need to remove defects from the surface of the rail head, thus avoiding the need to replace these expensive rail assets. Rail grinding was used in this manner for over 50 years as a limited tool for cleaning up the surface of the rail head. 11 5.16.3. In the 1970s and 1980s, the idea of using rail grinding to not just “clean up” existing defects but to control the contact between the wheel and the rail and prevent the occurrence of these defects emerged from the mining railroads of Western Australia. This idea, which became known as profile grinding, became the seed from which the modern concept of preventive rail maintenance grinding emerged. 5.16.4. During this period, the application of rail grinding was extended to numerous types of rail surface defects that included: corrugations, joint batter, weld batter, engine burns, flaking and shelling, as well as the grinding of mill scale from new rail. This mode of grinding for defect elimination, often referred to as “rail rectification,” remained the primary use rail grinding from the early applications in the 1930s until the 1980s. 5.16.5. During the period starting in early 1980, this defect elimination or rail “rectification’ approach started to give way to the rail “maintenance” or “preventive” grinding approach. This latter approach was aimed at eliminating defects before they emerge on the rail head and at the reduction in the rate of rail surface degradation, either wear-or fatigue-based. This is accomplished through control of the wheel-rail interface, and reduction in associated wheel-rail interface forces, by means of rail profile grinding techniques to control the shape of the rail head and the wheel-rail contact zones. By controlling the location and shape of the contact zone between the rolling stock wheel and the rail head, it was found that wheel-rail forces can be reduced and rail degradation can be slowed with a resulting significant extension of the life of the rail asset. 5.16.6. It has also led to improvements in wheel-rail dynamic interaction behaviour, and the reduction of wheel-rail forces both in the vertical and horizontal planes. This reduction in dynamic interaction, and associated wheel-rail forces, results in improved rail life, noise reduction and reduced damage to both the track structure and the rolling stock, benefits which far exceed the cost of the grinding program itself. 5.16.7. Rail grinding is widely used in all modes of railway operations, ranging from heavy axle load freight operations to very high-speed interurban passenger operations to moderate speed commuter rail operations, and finally to the lighter axle load transit operations (including both heavy rail and light rail transit). 5.16.8. Grinding stones is the biggest operation cost for machines. If some body is offering a service at Rs 250 million per year, he is likely to include it. With so many service providers in the fray, it is advisable to go for a service contract rather than buy a machine. This also gives safeguards against obsolescence. Some of the service providers are: HARSCO Rail Technology LORAM SPENO International 12 5.17. It is an established fact that no sooner has the design and maintenance of the track structure been brought to a level appropriate to the operation of the railroad than the railroad makes use of this well engineered track structure to improve its operating efficiencies by increasing the weight of the cars. 36-ton [32.5 tonne] axle loads represent the design loads for railroad operations in North America today. However, limited experience in the mining railroads of Western Australia together with extensive research and testing in the United States is already opening the way for a future increase in this load limit to 39 tons [35.5 tonnes]. While European railways have tried to keep their load levels to 25 to 27.5 tons [22.5 to 25 tonnes], the demands of modern railroad economics are also forcing them to increase loadings, with the recent introduction of 33-ton [30-tonne] axle loads for iron ore freight operations in Sweden leading the way. 5.18. The static load, however, is only a portion of the picture. Dynamic augments to the static loads, due to dynamic effects of track geometry imperfections, rail or wheel surface defects, increased operating speeds, or stiffness transitions, can dramatically increase these load levels. In fact, until recently, extremely highdynamic impact loads with dynamic impact loads with dynamic impact factors approaching four, had the ability of causing severe track damage and associated component failure. Only recently has the use of wayside force measurement systems allowed for the monitoring and control of these very high forces. With the use of these monitoring systems, railroads in North America recently introduced a 90,000 lb [41,000 kg] dynamic wheel-load limit, which still represents a factor of almost three times the static wheel load. While these load levels are quite rare, field measurement of dynamic wheel loads have found that between 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent of all freight car wheels on high-density corridors that see heavy 286,000 lb [130,000 kg] cars (with 36,000 lb [16,364 kg] static wheel load) experience dynamic load levels exceeding 75,000 lbs [34,000 kg], more than double the static load. 13 6. Visit to Transportation Technology Centre Inc (TTCI): 6.1. The Transportation Technology Centre, Inc, Pueblo, Colorado (TTCI) is a solution providing organization with skills and experience in the field of research, development and evolution testing of transportation systems. TTCI is owned by US Federal Railroad Administration and is operated in the private sector by the Association of American Railroads. 6.2. The Transportation Technology Centre (TTC), created as an Act of the United States Congress in 1968, is world-class facility offering a wide range of unique capabilities for research, development, testing, consulting, and training for railway-related technologies. The site 21 miles (34 Km) northeast of Pueblo, Colorado, is owned by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and is operated and maintained by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) under a care, custody, and control contract with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Located on 52 square miles of rolling prairie. TTC is an isolated and secure facility with a vast array of specialized testing facilities and tracks. The site also enables testing of all types of freight and passenger rolling stock, vehicle and track components, and safety devices. 6.3. The Team had the opportunity of visiting test tracks of TTCI and associated facilities; where TTCI’s experts demonstrated the actual operation and functioning of TTCI’s Facility for Accelerated Service Test FAST and Track Loading Vehicle. 6.4. During these meetings the president of TTCI, Mr. Roy Allen participated in extensive technical discussions along with his team of experts. A lot of synergy was observed between the technology/ research projects undertaken at TTCI for North American railroads and various technical projects IR is currently pursuing to improve its productivity and safety. 6.5. TTCI has developed a number of devices which detect poorly performing vehicle and raise an alarm at appropriate time whenever a freight car is required to be taken out of service. Devices, presently being used, include truck performance measurement systems, acoustic bearing monitoring systems, and wheel impact load detectors. 6.5.1. These devices continuously feed data to a large database of vehicle performance data. The network of data collection center and the data base is managed by a computer software in numerous application layers that allow a user to have full access to the performance data at levels that are most beneficial and useful for that user. 6.5.2. The database is designed to incorporate new types of monitoring devices, such as wheel profile measurement systems and truck hunting measurement systems, whenever they become available as field usable units. Data from these new devices will be automatically included in user outputs, without user interventions, where appropriate. 6.5.3. Specific measurement components are as follows: Truck Performance Detectors (TPD) Trackside Acoustic Detection Systems (TADS) 14 Wheel Impact Load Detectors (WILD) Wheel Profile Measurement System Event Notification Systems 6.5.4. This Integrated Railway Remote Information Service is a proprietary of TTCI under the name of InteRRISTM. Some of the advantages of the system are: 6.5.5. Derailments are probabilistic events. A combination of events usually must take place in order for a derailment to occur. Elimination of any one of these events is usually all that is necessary to prevent the derailment. InteRRISTM identifies the vehicles that are at the highest risk of increasing derailment probability. This allows railway vehicle operators the ability to make the proper decision to break the derailment probability chain of events. 6.5.6. Unplanned train stops due to vehicle defects holdup precious assets, create delays (not just this train but other trains), and result in late customer deliveries. By using the predictive, trending capabilities of InteRRISTM, railway vehicle operators can plan for or completely eliminate such disruptions to their operations. 6.5.7. Poorly performing vehicles require more energy to move than properly performing vehicles. This energy comes from increased horsepower and thus increased fuel consumption required to move trains. InteRRISTM provides information that will identify the vehicles that require more fuel. The railway vehicle operator then has the ability to make an intelligent decision about proper remedial actions. 6.6. Track Loading Vehicle: 6.6.1. TTCI has developed a Track Loading Vehicle consisting of a long Under Frame, supported on two bogies. It has a third, central bogie, having one axle to apply the loads. Different types of axles are provided in three replaceable bogies. Thus the Vehicle is capable of carrying out various types of tests, based on the central loading vehicle being used. 6.6.2. Test Capabilities: Vertical Track Strength: Vertical load tests provide information on the strength of the track support, this includes the ballast as well as the sub-grade. Poor ballast conditions and soft sub-grade supports are the main causes of poor track geometry conditions. Automated, continuous testing technique employed by the TLV helps in identifying weak sleeper to ballast or soft sub-grade conditions. Dynamic Track Modulus can also be computed from two separate TLV runs (40 k and 10 k). This testing technique has been successfully used to help determine effective maintenance and remedial activities. In addition to the above, the vertical load capability can also be used to identify incompatible bridge approaches. It can also be used to assess the effectiveness of various sub-grade improvement techniques like blanket, sub-ballast, Geo-textiles, concrete base etc. TLV is also equipped with a Cone Penetrometer. TLV can be stopped or brought back to identified weak spots to conduct a Static Cone Penetration Test. This helps in identifying ballast and sub-grade conditions like soil type, layer depths and 15 soil strength. These tests are very effective in diagnosing a soft track condition and to suggest a remedy. 6.6.3. In general, the machine helps to: 6.7. Locate the source of marginal vertical support. Assess existing track for up-grade to higher operating speeds or heavier axle loads. Identify large stiffness variations indicating inadequate track support or abrupt increase in stiffness (at bridge approaches). Prioritise Track maintenance. Determine effective remedies to vertical support problems. Test Track: 6.7.1. TTCI has got more than 50 miles (81 kms) of specialized railroad test track. It has extensive track facilities for electric and dual mode high-speed passenger, transit, commuter, and freight testing. These tracks are regularly used for track structure and vehicle performance testing, track worthiness, life-cycle and component reliability, and ride comfort evaluation. Test facilities have several loops for different types of testing. These are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs. A plan of the Test Tracks is also enclosed. 6.7.2. Railroad Test Track: The Railroad Test Track (RTT) is the used for vehicle performance and specification compliance testing and is maintained to permit operating speeds up to 165 mph (267.3 kmp). The 13.5-mile (21.7 km) oval track is a full-scale test track for heavy-duty main line electrification operations. 6.7.3. Transit Test Track: Transit Test Track, basically meant for evaluation of Rolling Stocks for Mass Transit Systems, is a 9.1-mile track, equipped with a third rail power system and used for vehicle performance and specification compliance testing. Investigation of vehicle performance is possible at speeds up to 80 mph (129.6 kph) over six segments of different track structures including continuous welded and jointed rail, and wood versus concrete ties. 6.7.4. High Tonnage Loop: The most utilized and versatile track at TTC is the 2.7-mile (4.3km) High Tonnage Loop (HTL) known as the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST loop). The original FAST program (1976-1988) used maximum axle loads of 33 tons. FAST is a one million gross tons-per-day durability test bed for many types of rails, fasteners, crossties, ballasts, subgrade materials, wheels, and freight car suspension systems. 6.7.5. Precision Test Track: The Precision Test Track (PTT) is a 6.2-mile (9.9 km) track used primarily for vehicle dynamic behavior, safety compliance, and freight damage prevention impact tests. Construction consists of standard track materials maintained to include specified track perturbations used in conjunction with the performance of vehicle track worthiness testing. 6.7.6. Wheel/Rail Mechanism Track: The Wheel/ Rail Mechanism Track (WRM) is used for the evaluation of rail vehicle safety compliance in curving. The WRM track is a 3.5-mile (5.6 km) loop configured to determine vehicle performance on nominally smooth track and on track with perturbations designed to include known poor 16 performance modes. The WRM track offers test sections for constant curving (3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, and 12 curves), curve entry and exit spiral negotiation, dynamic curving (10-degree curve with simultaneous cross level and gauge misalignments), and limiting spiral negotiations (10-degree curve with severe change in the rate of change in super-elevation). 6.7.7. Impact Facility Track: The FRA is currently conducting research into rail equipment crashworthiness by reviewing relevant accidents and identifying options for design modifications. TTCI has built an impact barrier on the Impact Facility Track, 0.75-mile (1.2 km) tangent track that facilitates destructive impact testing. 6.7.8. Above test facilities have been developed at TTCI over the years. They claimed that theirs’ is the only operational Test Track in the world, at present. 6.8. TTCI undertakes Strategic research Initiative SRI aimed at increasing productivity and cost containment. 6.9. US ton consists of 2000 pounds against 2240 pounds in a British tonne or 1000 kg in Metric Ton. Thus, the US ton is 10% less than British Tonne or Metric Ton. Presently 39 Ton (35 MT) freight cars are running in FAST and 36 Ton (32.5 MT) in revenue service. 6.10. While discussing points and crossings, it was understood that Premium Castings for Frogs are required. Explosive hardening is only on the surface and may chip off under heavy axle load. Movable switch crossings shall be used for axle loads above 25 tons. 6.11. Bridge evaluation is done by physical evaluation based on visual inspection, study of the load spectrum and measurement of strains in critical components. Rating of bridge is done based on residual life and capacity to take higher axle loads. 6.12. About 8 billion dollars are spent annually on replacement of infrastructures. (Track and Signal) of this 340 Million is on bridges. 6.13. Provision of rubber pad under the sleeper reduces vertical track modulus. This is extensively being used on ballasted deck bridges so as to reduce dynamic augment as a stiffer track gives higher DA. This also eliminates the problem of change in track stiffness as track moves from formation to a concrete slab. 6.14. BIANITIC RAILS give a very low wear life in spite of high hardness, though it gives very high fatigue performance. 6.15. 136 RE is presently used but 141 RE rail is increasingly being adopted. Rail installation costs a lot of money so it is advisable to go for a higher section in the first instant itself. 6.16. Gas pressure welding technique has been improved and is being used in a limited manner while AT welding is extensively used. Efforts are on to improve the quality, mostly reliability of Thermit welds. 6.17. TTCI has developed and patented a software, WRTOL, for rail grinding. GEOTRACK and NUCAR are some of their other track related softwares. 17 6.18. Rail Breaks have a heavy Economic Impact in addition to causing delays, derailments and maintenance problems. Annual size of the problem is about $455M. Main Cost Drivers are: Inspection: $127M Repair & Maintenance: $149M Train Delays: $70M Rail Flaw Related Derailments: $109M 6.19. With an objective to improve the reliability and accuracy of rail defect detection systems, thereby increasing the safety of railway transportation, TTCI focused in 2005 on developing a prototype laser-based ultrasonic rail inspection system capable of detecting rail head (including transverse defects masked by surface spalling and shelling), rail web, and rail base defects on a single rail at speeds up to 20 mph. For this, TTCI partnered with Tecnogamma (Treviso, Italy). After completing prototype design and software and optimizing system hardware, successful proof test at Tecnogamma (lab) was carried out. The laser system was received at TTCI in May 2005. System setup tests were performed on UPRR hi-rail vehicle. The system is still under development. 6.19.1. Laser based system is contact less and air works as a couplant with 2 to 3 inches gap between the rail and the transducer. Surface and bulk waves are generated simultaneously in the rail head. 6.19.2. Bulk waves are attenuated only by internal defects; surface waves only by surface defects. Bulk waves propagate through the web up to the rail head, where they are detected by the air coupled transducer. 6.19.3. An internal defect along the wave path causes its attenuation. This results into detection of the defect. 6.20. Due to the risks involved while dealing with lasers, development of a protable rail testing equipment based on laser is taking time. However, TTCI has fully developed and installed a laser based system for flaw detection in axles, capable of detecting flawed axles as they move over the inspection pit. 6.21. Similarly, an in motion wheel disc defect detector has also been successfully developed. 6.22. General opinion of the experts at TTCI was that the new corridor shall be over designed to reduce maintenance. More emphasis shall be on preventive maintenance. 6.23. One test is better than opinion of a 100 experts but we need an expert to devise the test and interpret the results. Though Indian Railways are capable of carrying out its own tests and making opinions, it can learn from experience of others and avoid costly mistakes as well as save time. TTCI is willing to help Indian Railways in its pursuit to increase the axle loads. 6.24. There are bridge loading standards on the lines similar to IR to which bridges falling on various classes of rail roads are designed. Most common loading 18 standards are Cooper E90 and Cooper E 80. Chapter 15, 19 and 29 of AREMA Manual for track give detailed instructions for bridges. 6.25. Most of the bridges are over 100 years old. Based on construction material, bridges are of 3 types. Steel bridges constitute about 54% of the total bridge length. Share of Concrete and wooden bridges are 18% and 28%, respectively. Wooden bridges are mostly small span bridges, thus their number is high. These are being replaced by pre- cast concrete bridges. 6.26. Pre-cast bridges are assembled on battered steel pile groups driven into ground to serve as foundation. These steel piles extend right up to the pier cap. The top ends of the steel piles, mostly RSJs are embedded into the recess provided in pre-cast pier cap by grouting. On top of the pier cap, pre-cast slabs are supported. Even the wing walls are pre-cast. 6.27. AAR is using pre-cast, pre-stressed slabs and girders in their concrete bridges. Problem of development length is faced in smaller spans. To study the effects of various forces coming from heavy haul, a bridge having two PSC spans of 35’ and 55’ respectively are under testing. Concrete of 9000 psi (650 kg/cm2) or higher is used in pre-cast components. 6.28. Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Heavy Axle Loads on Bridges: 6.28.1. TTCI is engaged in Strategic research to improve performance of bridges. Following steps are taken to mitigate the problems of bridges: 6.28.2. Reduce forces applied to railroad bridges and components by: Reduce forces other than weight of train Reduce dynamic and impact forces Reduce out-of-plane distortion stresses Reduce adverse residual stresses Reduce adverse thermal force effects Improve stress distribution in bridges 6.28.3. Strategically enhance capacity of railroad bridges by: Repair & mitigation techniques Strengthening techniques Selective member replacement Improved assessment & inspection techniques Improved materials for bridge use 6.28.4. Bridge Life Extension – Demonstration in Progress, One 65’ + one 55’ released welded plate girder put in HTL. The girder was fabricated in February 1957 and was removed from revenue service due to distress. It is being monitored under traffic in FAST. 33 documented cracks Significant tension flange crack Over 1,000 MGT of HAL traffic accumulated 19 6.28.5. Reduction in Imbalanced loads Reduction of thermal CWR forces into bridges Bridge approaches – vehicle dynamics Bridge deck fastening systems Fabrication tolerances in concrete bridges Effects of train speed on bridge stress state Alternative ties/ sleepers for open deck bridges 6.28.6. To Summarise the problems associated with different types of bridges and the direction in which TTCI is working is indicated below: Bridge Type Concern Selected Ongoing Projects Steel Age, Fatigue rating Concrete Impact, Durability Wooden Age, Decay Rating FAST Steel Bridge – Cracks & Repairs Ultrasonic Impact Treatment Lateral Bracing Stresses Alternative Ties on FAST Bridges HPC Span in FAST SOA Bridge Waterproofing Membranes at FAST (Many completed projects 1995-2002) 6.29. Mr Albert, vice President, Marketing, TTCI has vast experience of field and research. He has contributed immensely in the implementation of heavy axle load on AAR. He may be invited to India to educate IR people on HA. 6.30. Composite rubber pads with 3 layers, consisting steel plate sandwiched between a layer of rubber and a layer of harder plastic are being successfully used on concrete sleepers. 6.31. Some railroads have used composite sleepers, more commonly known as plastic ties in AAR, in plain track. Composite sleepers are not used on Girder Bridges in their systems because C/C of girders is 6’-6” and Gauge 4 - 8 ½”, problems in bending and shear are expected. Further, wooden sleeper is freely available in USA. 6.32. Most commonly used sleeper types, in plain track, are wooden and concrete. Steel sleepers are used in track for limited purpose only, primarily where low head room is available under a bridge. 20 6.33. Good wide shoulder of nice ballast material shall be used to avoid buckling in CWR. No SEJs are provided in CWRs. 6.34. Depending upon standards of construction and maintenance, tracks are classified into following 9 categories: Class Track of Permissible Speed Permissible Speed for Freight Trains, for Passenger Trains, kmph kmph Excepted 10 NA Class 1 10 15 Class 2 25 30 Class 3 40 60 Class 4 60 80 Class 5 80 90 Class 6 NA 110 Class 7 NA 125 Class 8 NA 160 6.35. Three piece bogies (Casnub Bogies in India) have a high Angle of Attack due to their tendency to go out of square. In wider gauges, it is difficult to maintain squareness of bogies. Thus, instances of Bogies damaging the track are more in wider gauge. TTCI’s experience in Brazil has shown that it is more difficult to maintain 1600mm track. So choice of right Bogie is important in Indian conditions having the widest gauge, 1676 mm. 6.36. AAR is still working with static envelop for MMD/SOD. Clearances are added to static envelops to arrive at planting distance of track side structures. Centre to centre distance of tracks used to be 13’ normally but in all new constructions, 20’ distance is being ensured, mainly to ensure safety of men and machine working on adjoining tracks. 6.37. AREMA’s Track Manual for Railway Engineering, Vol.-4, Chapter - 28-03-30 to 28-333 deals with SOD and clearances. 21 7. VISIT TO BNSF and CALIFORNIA INTERMODAL FACILITIES, LOS ANGELES: 7.1. Discussions were held with Mr. Chad M. Engroff, Senior Hub Manager and Mr. Trini M. Jimenez, Director, Government Affairs. 7.2. Los Angeles Intermodal Facilities is the busiest in the United States, averaging approximately 1,10,000 lifts per month. The Loss Angeles Facilities offers premium stack and regular TOFC/COFC service to United Parcel Service, LTL, Shippers, J.B. Hunt, perishable customers, international shippers and Inter-model Marketing Customers. 7.2.1. The Inter-modal Facilities works 24 hours 7 days a week. 7.2.2. They handle 26 Inter-modal train per day on an average. 7.2.3. Operational Statistics: 7.2.4. 2005 Lift Volume Avg. Lifts Per Day Avg. Lifts per Minute Avg. Lifts Per Acre 2005 Gate Inspections : : : : : 1,338,374 3,667 2.54 6,225 1,676,490 Other Important Features: Track centre : 15 ft Average lead of train : 800 to 1500 miles. They have not experienced any problem with articulated bogies in the last 20 years. Entire yard is covered by 22 cameras and control can see any area of the yard. 8. Visit To Alameda Corridor On 02.06.2006: 8.1. Detailed discussions were held with officers from Alameda Corridor Authority. These were succeeded by a site visit to the corridor. Following officers participated in the discussions: Mr. Arthur B. Goodwin, P.E., Director of Planning Mr. Dan Davis, Construction Relations Manager Ms. Connie A. Rivera, Public Affairs Manager Mr Alex Wardrop, 8.2. $2.4 billion Alameda Corridor, 20 mile long Rail Expressway linking Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach to the transcontinental rail yards near down train Loss Angeles. Opened on April 15 2002, for revenue operation, the A.C. improves the flow of Cargo in and out of the ports while minimizing the effect of freight movements on local communities. 22 8.3. Brief Construction Details: 8.4. 20 miles of railroad tracks (two mainlines) 10 miles of Mid-Corridor Trench, 33 feet deep and 50 feet wide. More than 750 underground and overhead utilities relocated or reconstructed. Bypass track built to ensure continuous rail service during construction. More than 4 million cubic yards of excavation. Estimated 450,000 tons of contaminated soils were removed and properly disposed. 27,000 holes dug and rebar cages built to support the trench wall pilings 2,200 pre-cast concrete struts installed across the trench top. 30 bridges built to carry street traffic over the trench. Corridor Benefits: Eliminated 200 street-level railroad crossings. Reduced train emissions by as much as 28 percent. Slash noise pollution from trains by 90 percent. Reduce emissions from automobiles and trucks idling at railroad crossings by up to 54 percent. Cut noise pollution from at-grade crossing by 90 percent. Reduced train transit time from ports to downtown rail yards from 203 hours to 3040 minutes with Corridor train speed up to 45 mph. 8.5. Alameda Corridor Transport Authority is governed by 7 Member Board representing the cities and ports of Long Beach & Los Angeles (2 ports each of cities and one from the port), Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). 8.6. Track Structure: Rails Rail Hardness : : 136 lbs. (68 kg per m). Tangent track non-head hardened rail & curved track head-hardened rails). Sleepers : Concrete sleepers 19.5” centre to centre. Ballast cushion: 30 Inches. Centre to centre spacing : 15’ Mid corridor stretch : 33 ft deep and 50 ft. wide. Speed : 45 miles p/h. Train loads : 220 containers. Train spacing : 1.5 to 2 miles Geometry car : Runs once in a year. USFD : Once in a year. Grinding : Once every year. Vertical clearance between rail top and bottom of strut : 24’-8”. Steepest gradient in the corridor: 3.2%. Maximum number of trains in a day: 67 trains.(capacity is 150 trains per day). Lubrication of gauge face of rail: There are 19 curve lubricators. 23 8.7. Initially only two tracks were laid. The third track was also laid expeditiously, much before it was actually needed, to keep it out side the purview of a forthcoming Federal legislation that required 20’ centre to centre distance to provide minimum safety distance to Men and machines working on a track from trains running on adjacent track. 9. VISIT TO APM Terminal, Los Angeles: 9.1. APM Terminals Authority signed a renewable 25 year lease with the Port of Los Angeles, and is the largest single proprietary terminal in the world. With a total acreage of 484 acres, including 343 acres of container, it can accommodate 8,000 wheeled and 17,000 grounded containers. 9.2. The centerpiece of the terminal is a 40-acre on-dock rail facility with over 5 miles of working track, which can accommodate 4 double stack trains. By moving containers bound for inland destinations, directly at the on-dock rail facility and through the Alameda corridor, over 1,000 truck moves per day are eliminated, resulting in reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality. 9.3. Mr. Eric Waltz, Director, Terminal operations gave a brief about the terminal and took the team around to see the operations: One ship contains 7000 to 8000 containers (in 20ft container unit). 60% load of one ship is handled by trains. 8 to 10 trains are formed per shift. Facility of direct loading from ship to train is not available. One ship is handled in 24 hours. In 16 crane shifts. There are 2 berths available: o Length of first Bay : 7200 ft (It can accommodate 4 ships). o Length of second Bay : 2,300 fts (It can accommodate 2 small ships). Thus a total of 6 ships can be berthed at a time. The facility is available in 485 Acres of reclaimed area. There are total 12 tracks of 2200 ft long. These 12 tracks are in four groups A, B, C & D. Each containing 3 tracks. Any container which is coming to the facility is out within 5 to 7 days. The examination of rail car has been outsourced. Defective wheels are changed here itself. Hooking to the engine is not required. They are having a special arrangement for checking the break-power. 24 10. Visit to Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd., New Castle, New South Wales: 10.1. Following officers from ARTC side participated in discussions: Mr. Tonny Frazer, Corridor Manager, Hunter Valley Mr. Bob Taylor, Delivery Manager, Hunter Valley Mr. Richard Crooks, Corridor Manager, North Coast & North West. 10.2. Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) was created after the Common Wealth and State Govt. agreed in 1997, to the formation of ‘one stop shop’ for all operations seeking access to the National Interstate Rail Network. 10.3. ARTC currently has responsibility for the management of over 10,000 route kilometers of standard gauge interstate track in South Australian Victoria & Western Australian, and South Wales. ARTC also manages the Hunter Valley Coal Rail Network in New South Wales (311 km) and other regional rail links in New South Wales (651 km). 10.4. Hunter Valley Coal Network: It is a dedicated freight network. Gauge Track length : : Standard gauge 1435 mm The network consists of 661 track kilometers & 548 route kilometers. Power : Diesel Traction Speed allowed : 100 tonne wagons (25 t axle load) are permitted to run at 80 km/h loaded. 120 tonne wagons (30t axle load) at 60 km/h loaded. Generally freight (23 t) run up to 110 km/h. Turn around time : About 25 hrs for a route of 370 km Track structure : 60 kg per metre rail on concrete sleepers. For 395 kms – H.H. rails have been used. Head hardening is achieved by heat treatment. CWR is carried through bridges also. Centre to centre distance : It is varying from 3.8 m to 4 m. For all new track, the minimum centre to centre distance is 4 m. The problem of mud pumping have been found in some locations. Elastic fastenings : Mostly Pandrol clips have been used. Turnouts : Mostly on concrete sleepers. But some are still on wooden sleepers. Some thick web switches have also been used. CMS crossings are mostly used. Some swing nose crossings have also been used. 90% sleepers are concrete sleepers 10% are wooden. Sleeper spacing : 600 mm center to center for coal routes (1667/km) Others 650 mm c/c Maximum train load : 10,800 tonnes. i.e. 90 wagons of 120 t capacity each. Maximum loaded grade : 1 in 80 to 1 in 90 25 On 1 in 40 grade 4200 tonnes ( 40 x 200) are also running. On an average 50 loaded trains are running in 24 hours. Curvature is generally more than radius 600m. However, there are 4% curves of radius less than 600. Sharpest curve is of 240 m radius. Others 1540mm. Curvature : Lubrications : Tack geometry measurements : Track geometry measurement cars are running 3 times a year. For judging the health of track they are using Track Condition Index. General : Track side lubricators are used for curves sharper than 4 degree. Their coal wagons are bottom discharge and due to this they are having problems of ballast fouling by coal particles. Under cutting of ballast have not been done so far. But they are planning to do now. 10.5. For controlling overloading, motion weight bridges have been installed immediately after loading point. In case any wagon is found to be overloaded, excess material is removed there itself and no overloading wagon is allowed to go. 10.6. Rail grinding is a normal feature and done through Service Contracts. The cost of rail grinding is A$ 3000 to $ 4000 per km. For sharp curves of radius less than 400 m, grinding is done after passage of 10 GMT and for straight track, grinding is done after passage of 20 GMT. 10.7. CWRs are continued through bridges. All bridges are ballasted track. No problem is experienced on this account. Their Bridge standards are given in Australian standard for Bridge Design AS 5100 – 2004. 10.8. Their Major Bridges are on concrete piles. Bridge design is based on wheel loads of a number of wagons. Bridge design is based on ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state method. Frequency of inspection is condition based. 10.9. Clearances between MMD and line side structures are determined based on Kinematic envelop. Generally, clearance between static MMD and line side structures is more than 600 mm. 26 11. VISIT TO TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT GROUP (TMG), SYDNEY: 11.1. Following officers of M/s TMG International participated in the discussions: Dale Coleman, Managing Director Henry Mooser, Principal Consultant – Rolling Stock Peter Thornton, Director Alex Wardrop, Director – Rail Operations Robin Walpole, Principal Engineer – Track & Rail Infrastructure 11.2. Points noted in the discussions are as follows: Australia is running 40 t axle load wagons in iron ore routs in BHP (Billiton). The work of segregating freight and passenger traffic is presently going on. Iron ore wagons are conventional 3 piece bogies. Some articulated wagons are used. Cant: 125mm cant for heavy haul traffic on standard gauge. They are using a software for developing kinematic envelope. The iron ore routes are privately owned. There are around 100 railway companies in Australia Double stack containers are running between Perth and Broken Hill The train from Sydney to Perth is taking about 60 hrs. for 4000 km journey with maximum speed of 150 kmph on standard gauge. Queens Land Railways is running upto 150 kmph on Narrow Gauge (1067 mm) Coal traffic is having 30 MT axle load and they are thinking of 32.5 MT. Rail grinding is a must beyond 25 T Proper grinding and managing wheel & rail profile life of rail can be doubled An Alignment software was demonstrated. This software is based on satellite imagery. It can show different alignments subject to given terms of reference and also calculate the schedule of quantity and thereafter can give the cost of various alignment options. However, it does not give exact engineering estimate but allow us to compare different option giving some sort of abstract estimates. 27 12. Visit To Queensland Railways (QR), Brisbane: 12.1. Discussion with Senior QR Managers & Civil Engineering Delegates was held, following officers participated: 12.2. Mr. Brian Hageman, Manager Civil Engineering Services Mr. Graham Brown, Group Manager Network Infrastructure Mr. Mark Boyce, Principal Civil Engineer (Track) Mr. Doug Sands, Principal Engineer (Civil & Structures) Mr. Wayne Sue Tin, Project Design Engineer Mr. Peter Neil, Senior Civil Engineer Points noted during the discussion are as follows: Queensland Railways (QR) has more than 13,200 employees, making it one of Queensland’s largest employers. QR has total assets of almost $8.6 billion with the rail network valued at some $ 3.8 billion. QR is the biggest mover of freight in the nation, transporting almost 161.8 million tones in 2005. QR on daily basis operates 1000 train services and moves more than 4,40,000 tonnes of freight. Operates 400 dedicated coal train services per week as to 35 coal mines. QR transports 160000 commuters on long distance and metropolitan suburban journeys each day. QR is already a significant national freight operator providing service in New South Whales, Victoria, South Australia & Western Australia. QR operates rolling stock ranging in axle load size from 15.75 to 26 tonnes. QR operates one of the fastest commuter rail service with Gold Coast Train reaching speeds of 140 km. QR operates the innovative tilt train which can travel at speeds up to 160 km. QR has approximately 9500 km of narrow gauge, standard gauge & dual gauge track throughout the state of Queensland. But the whole of 26 tonnes axle load route is on narrow gauge (1067 mm). QR has approximately 14 million sleepers currently in track consisting of concrete steel and timber. QR has approximately 1600 turnouts through the network. Generally turnouts are 1 in 16 but in coal route 1 in 25. 28 Size of ballast - 55 mm. QR has 10 km of timber bridges. However, there are no timber bridges on 26 tonnes axle load routes. Most of the timber bridges are on 15.75 tonnes axle load routes and some are on 20 tonnes axle load routes. Centre to centre track spacing is 4.2m minimum. The complete track is on Continuous Welded Rails (CWR) including those on bridges. They are using method of lifting the track to measure stresses in rails (at stress-free temperature). QR has got some lines of dual gauge track on concrete sleepers with three rail seats. Dimension of 26 tonne axle load wagon: - Length Width Height : 15,000 mm. : 3200 mm. : 4200 m There is a problem of ballast fouling by coal dust. In very heavy traffic route grinding is required even every 2ix week. Deep screening is done once in every 3-4 years. Grinding has helped in increasing the life of rail. In Metro rail also grinding is being done for noise purpose. Swing nose crossing is better for heavy axle load operation. To control overloading, weigh are installed at loading point. There are a total of 28 weigh bridges. These weigh bridges are certified every 2 years. Weigh bridges are located immediately after loading area. Length of one train is 1800 m. Train load : 10000 Tons. No. of engines - 6 X 4000 HP Loop length: 2100 m Traction - Diesel. There are no passenger services on heavy axle coal lines. Inspection of track - Inspection is being done on physical waking every 2nd day. On coal route, some track vehicle run the entire track for inspection purpose. 29 13. Visit To QR Freight Facilities At Acasia Ridge: Only container traffic is handled here. Queensland National is not handling double track container traffic. They are handling 4 trains per day to different destinations. 80% containers of QR & 20% containers are of other users. One wagon is able to load 3 no. of 20 ft. containers. Piecemeal traffic is accepted at this facility which is loaded into container. Most of the containers are waterproof. They have refrigerated containers working on diesel generators. One container has sufficient diesel for 67 days. 30 14. Summary of Observations: 14.1. In North America as well as in Australia, the track Structure underwent changes along with introduction of Heavy axle traffic. Rails, sleepers, ballast cushion etc are all heavier than those that are normally used in an ordinary mixed traffic scenario. Indian Railways should gear up to bring in similar up gradation: Item Gauge IR, Present Status 1676 mm North American Railroads 1435 mm Axle Load 22.82 MT 30 MT RAIL - Weight 60 and 52 kg per m. 136 RE i.e. 68 kg per m. Rail - Grade 260 BHN Premium Rail with 380 to 400 BHN Sleepers Mono Block PSC FASTENINGS Sleeper Spacing Ballast RAIL GRINDING RAIL INSPECTION 14.2. Mostly hard wood, Mono Block PSC in some cases. Elastic, Pandrol Elastic, Pandrol Type Type 60 cm, 1660 per 50 cm, 2000 per km km in case of wooden sleepers and 60cm or 1660 per km for PSC Crushed Rock, LA Crushed Rock, LA abrasion value abrasion value 30% 20% Not existing Implemented fully, need based concept By manual USFD, need based concept. USFD car under need based concept averaging once in 3 to 4 months. Australian Railroads 1067mm and 1435 mm. In BHP: 1435 mm. 25 MT, 30 MT on some dedicated freight lines, 37.5 MT on BHP Billiton Iron Ore line. 60 kg per m. 68 kg per m in dedicated freight lines for 30 MT and 39 MT axle loads 340 to 380 BHN, Premium Rail with 380 to 400 BHN in BHP. Mono Block PSC Elastic, Pandrol Type 60 cm, 1660 per km Crushed Rock, LA abrasion value 20% Implemented fully in a need based concept on dedicated freight lines. Once a year on other lines. USFD car under need based concept averaging once in 3 to 4 months. Indian Railways may learn a lot from US experience. The experience of Swedish Railways may also come in handy as they have recently upgraded their axle loads from 20t to 25t in general and to 30t on iron ore routes. 31 14.3. Even with double stack containers the probability of containers giving an axle load of more than 30t is remote. 14.4. For heavy haul, premium rails, 380 to 400 BHN are used. Premium rail starts at 340 BHN, 132 to 141 lbs/yd rails are most used in US. IR is presently using 260 BHN, 90 UTS rails. Use of premium rails needs to be considered. 14.5. Ballast cushion shall be kept more than 300mm. Granite type ballast with abraision better than 20% is a must for Heavy Haul. 14.6. Pandrol type fastening is the most commonly used elastic fastening and is giving satisfactory performance. Fast Clip has also been used on some systems. IR may continue to use its existing elastic fastenings with some improvement in Clip and an improved rubber pad. Fast Clip may also be tried. 14.7. Geo textiles and geogrids shall be used. Geogrids also provide structural strength. 14.8. Ballastless track is not advisable in heavy haul. 14.9. Heavier load causes more uplift of rail ahead of wheel even with PSC in Heavy Haul. So there are increased chances of buckling. Heavier sleepers and better ballasting are called for to mitigate this. 14.10. Longitudinal forces due to traction and breaking shall not be ignored in rail stress calculations. 14.11. Rails fatigue out so much faster than wear out in heavy haul operations. 14.12. It is an established fact that no sooner has the design and maintenance of the track structure been brought to a level appropriate to the operation of the railroad than the railroad makes use of this well engineered track structure to improve its operating efficiencies by increasing the weight of the cars. This fact should be kept in mind while deciding the standards for construction, particularly bridge standards. 14.13. TTCI has developed a number of devices to enhance train safety which detect poorly performing vehicles and raise an alarm at appropriate time whenever a freight car is required to be taken out of service. Devices, presently being used, include truck performance measurement systems, acoustic bearing monitoring systems, and wheel impact load detectors. Data from these is fed to a central net work of computers. The system is known and patented as InteRRISTM . Derailments are probabilistic events. IR shall also establish a system like this. 14.14. In the test track at TTCI is the most utilized and versatile track is 2.7-mile (4.3km) High Tonnage Loop (HTL). This track is known as the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST loop). FAST is a one million gross tons-per-day durability test bed for many types of rails, fasteners, crossties, ballasts, subgrade materials, wheels, and freight car suspension systems. Indian Railways require such a track to test various track components. 14.15. Movable switch crossings shall be used for axle loads above 25 tons. 32 14.16. Rubber pad under the sleeper is being extensively used on ballasted deck bridges so as to reduce dynamic augment. This also eliminates the problem of change in track stiffness as track moves from formation to a concrete slab. 14.17. In AAR 136 RE (68 Kg/m) is presently used but 141 RE (71 Kg/m) rail is increasingly being adopted. Rail installation costs a lot of money so it is advisable to go for a higher section in the first instant itself. On this analogy, IR should go in for 68 kg rail in the DFC. 14.18. TTCI has developed and patented a software, WRTOL, for rail grinding. This or an equivalent software shall be obtained by IR. 14.19. New corridor shall so designed as to keep the maintenance cost at the minimum. 14.20. There are bridge loading standards on the lines similar to IR to which bridges falling on various classes of rail roads are designed. Bridge loading standards for DFC shall be fixed considering the future requirements. 14.20.1. TTCI is engaged in Strategic research to improve performance of bridges. Steps taken to mitigate the problems of bridges are Reduce forces applied to railroad bridges Reduce forces other than weight of train, Reduce dynamic and impact forces, Reduce out-of-plane distortion stresses, Reduce adverse residual stresses, Reduce adverse thermal force effects, Improve stress distribution in bridges. Similar strategy is required on IR for feeder routes. 14.21. Strategically enhance capacity of railroad bridges by Repair & mitigation techniques, Strengthening techniques, Selective member replacement, Improved assessment & inspection techniques, Improved materials for bridge use. 14.22. Good wide shoulder of nice ballast material shall be used to avoid buckling in CWR. No SEJs are provided in CWRs. 14.23. Three piece bogies (Casnub Bogies in India) have a high Angle of Attack due to their tendency to go out of square. In wider gauges, it is difficult to maintain squareness of bogies. Thus, instances of Bogies damaging the track are more in wider gauge. TTCI’s experience in Brazil has shown that it is more difficult to maintain 1600mm track. So choice of right Bogie is important in Indian conditions having the widest gauge, 1676 mm. We should try to get self steering bogies. 14.24. AAR is still working with static envelop for MMD/SOD. Clearances are added to static envelops to arrive at planting distance of track side structures. Centre to centre distance of tracks used to be 13’ normally but in all new constructions, 20’ distance is being ensured, mainly to ensure safety of men and machine working on adjoining tracks. 14.25. Centre to centre distance of tracks shall be kept 5300 mm, as provided in the existing SOD of IR. 33 14.26. To keep lateral force, and tendency of gauge corner fatigue under check, self Steering bogie for rolling stock may be used. This provides a suspension arrangement between the two wheel sets of a bogie, which ensures a virtually pure rolling motion of the wheel set in a curve and adequate hunting stability on straight track. The main advantages of steering bogies are: 14.26.1. Reduced flange and lateral rail wear, 14.26.2. Improved lateral to vertical wheel/rail force ratios, 14.26.3. Lower curving resistance, and 14.26.4. Better derailment and hunting stability. 34 15. RECOMMENDATIONS: 15.1. Track Structure: 15.1.1. Going by the International practice, DFC shall be laid with 68 kg Rails from the very beginning. Premium rails with hardness 380 BHN or more shall be desirable. Initially 136 RE section can be used, once IR establishes its own conformal profile, based on average wheel profiles running on the system, a new profile for head may be designed, keeping foot and web unchanged. 15.1.2. Heavier axle load will cause more uplift of rail ahead of wheel. Heavier axle load will also impose higher flange forces and therefore it is, thus, desirable to use heavier sleepers for the dedicated freight corridor to safeguard against buckling. RDSO has designed a new PSC Sleeper for 30 ton axle load, this may be perfected and used. It will not be out of place to mention that the weight of concrete sleepers in North America for heavy axle route is about 380 kg against 285 kg for IR’s existing sleeper. 15.1.3. Sleeper spacing of 60 cm center to center i.e. 1660 sleepers per Km is recommended if new design, heavier, PSC Sleeper is used. In case existing sleeper is to be continued, the spacing shall be 55 cm center to center i.e. 1818 per km. 15.1.4. Elastic fastenings of existing type, with suitable design changes to ERC, Insert, Pad and liners may be used. Pad thickness shall be a minimum 10mm. Fast Clip may also be tried. 15.1.5. Ballast Cushion of 350 mm hard, granite type ballast with Aggregate abrasion value maximum of 20 to 25% is proposed. Other specifications may be as existing. 15.2. Curvature should be limited to 700m (2.5 degree). This will avoid imposition of permanent speed restrictions up to 100 kmph. Existing provisions for Cant and Cant Deficiency are considered adequate. In fact, this being a dedicated corridor, without differential of speed, a more realistic approach to Cant Deficiency may be adopted. 15.3. Ruling Gradient shall be decided based on topography, loads to be carried and the haulage capacity. 1 in 150 compensated, except at isolated places where cost of providing such a gradient is exorbitant may be considered. 15.4. Thick web switches with Swing Nose Crossings of premium castings are recommended for Points and Crossings. 15.5. Formation width in embankment/ Cutting and centre to centre spacing shall be as follows: Single line Double line Centre to centre spacing of tracks 35 6.85m (As existing) 12.35m 5.50m 15.6. Thickness of sub-ballast/ of blanketing shall be decided as per RDSO guidelines. 15.7. Proposed MMD to be adopted on Dedicated Freight Corridor shall be as follows: 15.7.1. Width: 3500mm. 15.7.2. Height: 7100mm, to be used only for double stack containers. In case of other wagons, the height may be in the range of 4 to 5 m only. 15.7.3. Sides shall be tapered inwards from a height of 4880 mm to give a top width of 3200 mm. 15.7.4. This MMD shall be the MMD for DFC to be adopted for such services as are confined only to the DFC. 15.7.5. Running of larger wagons on existing network is possible only on specific sections, built as per Schedule–I after removing all existing infringements permitted under schedule-II and imposition of suitable speed restrictions wherever actual clearance becomes less than 380 mm. A wagon can be constructed, beyond the MMD width, say 3500 mm, with suitable precautions. Height at center of these wagons shall be restricted to 4495mm and at side to 4205mm. These wagons shall be door less or have only sliding doors. Routes shall be identified and modifications carried out to COP and over head structures/OHE, where ever required. These wagons shall be confined to identified and modified routes only, so as to provide vital links to DFC. 15.8. Bridges: 15.8.1. For facilitating a speedy construction, pre-cast pre-stressed concrete ballasted type bridges with suitable sub-structure may be adopted. Extensive use of steel, not only in Super-structure but also in sub-structure may expedite construction. 15.8.2. The possibility of permitting LWR on Pre-stressed concrete ballasted type bridges should be explored as in the case of American & Australian Railways. 15.9. Maintenance Aspects: 15.9.1. A suitable track recording car may be run once in 4 to 6 months for recording track geometry. 36 15.9.2. Rail grinding will be a must for heavy haul operation. The system of preventive grinding will have to be introduced. The frequency of grinding may have to be decided based on experience gained on Indian Railways. 15.9.3. A system of USFD testing, capable of covering almost the entire head (>94%), entire web and area of foot immediately below web will have to be deployed. This should be with Data Logging facilities so that defect generation rates and defect growth rates of successive runs can be compared and a need based frequency of testing for each section may be decided. 15.9.4. Walking inspection shall be once in two days by a skilled person like PWM. 15.9.5. To keep lateral force, and tendency of gauge corner fatigue under check, self Steering bogie for rolling stock may be used. 37 MMD for Dedicated freight Corridor FIG. 1:- MMD FOR DEDICATED FREIGHT CORRIDOR (DFC) 38