MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES Revision Date Annual Certification Original Date: April 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Date GENERAL Sampling Procedures 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Key Sections of this procedure include: All-Levels Sample from storage tanks or marine vessel Tank Spigot or Tap Sample Tank or marine vessel Zone or Spot Sample (Top, Upper, Middle, Lower, Outlet, Bottom) Single tank Composite Sample Marine vessel multiple compartments Composite Sample Pipeline Tap Spot Sample Note: Always inspect the sample station, drains and associated piping for proper operation prior to each use. And make sure all sample valves are closed prior to leaving the sample station. ! 83 Tank has a nitrogen blanket on the vapor space. Pumpers are required to have fresh air and standby person when sampling the tank. Note: Commercial jet fuel is one of the highest quality products produced by the petroleum industry. It is quite sensitive to contamination by water, particulates, and microscopic quantities of both petroleum and non-petroleum residues. Sampling of this product is a task that must be approached with a serious attention to detail by anyone performing the task. Labeling Guidelines: All samples drawn should be immediately tagged with the following information written in indelible ink: Product Name (abbreviations not acceptable) Sample source (i.e. tank number, barge number, truck etc.) Type of sample (i.e. Upper, Middle, Lower, All Levels, etc.) Individual’s name taking sample Date and time sample is obtained Samples being shipped must meet all Hazardous Material Shipping and IATA regulations (for air shipments) For samples which are drawn off company premises and are intended for transport through Public Domain (i.e. public highway or road), refer to Safety Requirements later in this document. 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 1 MEMPHIS REFINERY 106759898 STANDARD PROCEDURES May 22, 2008 Pg 2 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES ALL-LEVELS SAMPLING PROCEDURE An All Levels sample is a representative sample from all levels of the storage tank or marine vessel compartment being sampled. It is obtained from the top of the tank or marine vessel compartment by lowering a closed sample container to a point as close as possible to the height of the storage tank draw-off level or 10 % of the liquid depth above the bottom, then opening the sampling container and then quickly raising the container so that it is filled to between 75% -85% full upon reaching the surface. If less than 75% full or greater than 85% full the sample may not be used and the procedure must be repeated. Note: For aviation fuels, all sample containers shall meet requirements noted in Equipment Requirements section later in this document. Time Date Initial _____ _____ _____1. Ensure storage vessel to be sampled is segregated and blocked off from all external inflows and outflows of product. _____ _____ _____2. Go to sampling hatch. Prevent any potential static electrical discharges by touching hand to bare metal. _____ _____ _____3. Open hatch slowly to allow a bleeding of any built up pressure. _____ _____ _____4. Attach clean, dry cotton cord to lift eye on stainless steel sample basket. _____ _____ _____5. Place quart-sized sample container into stainless steel sample basket and secure with retainer link. This is now a sampling assembly. Touch sampling assembly to bare metal away from open sampling hatch in order to dissipate any potential static electrical charge. Submerge sampling assembly. Allow container to fill with product. Remove sampling assembly from product in tank. Note: All sample containers must be triple rinsed with product to be sampled prior to taking the actual sample. If the sample bottle in the sample assembly is the final sample bottle, it must be lowered, filled and emptied three times to be properly rinsed before taking the sample. If the sample bottle in the sample assembly is not the final sample container, product must be transferred to the sample container so that it can be triple rinsed by swirling product, emptying and refilling 3 times. _____ _____ _____6. 106759898 Once containers have been rinsed mount stopper/cork into neck of glass container and secure in sample basket. Lower the sample assembly slowly to a point about the height of the storage tank side outlet or 10 % of the liquid depth above the bottom. This should be accomplished by measuring the cord for the approximate depth before lowering the sampling devise. May 22, 2008 Pg 3 MEMPHIS REFINERY _____ _____ _____7. STANDARD PROCEDURES Give the cord a sharp jerk to release the stopper/cork. Quickly pull the basket out of the tank at a steady rate. The container should be 7585% full. Note: If the container is less than 75% full or completely full, the sample is not a representative All-Levels sample. Empty the contents back into the storage vessel and repeat process adjusting the rate at which the basket is drawn from the storage vessel until 75-85% fill is attained. _____ _____ _____8. Pour product into final sample container if the bottle in the sample assembly is not the final sample container. _____ _____ _____9. Repeat as necessary to fill the final sample container no more than 85% full. (to allow for expansion of fuel in sample) _____ _____ _____10. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____11. Dispose of all consumables (cotton cord, gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. Wipe sample basket with disposable cloth and store so that it is not exposed to weather. _____ _____ _____12. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book.” SPIGOT OR TAP SAMPLING PROCEDURE Sample drawn from a spigot or tap located at a specific point on the shell of a storage tank vessel. _____ _____ _____1. Ensure storage tank to be sampled is segregated and blocked off from all external inflows and outflows of product. _____ _____ _____2. Determine the type of sample required. Upper sample is taken from the middle of the upper 1/3 of the product. A distance of 1/6 of the depth of the liquid below the liquid surface. Middle sample is taken at the mid-point of the height of the product. Lower sample is taken from the middle of the lower 1/3 of the product. A distance of 5/6 of the depth of the liquid below the liquid surface. Outlet sample is taken with the sampling assembly at the level of the bottom of the tank’s outlet nozzle. Composite (sample based on table below) Tank Level Lower Less than 10 feet 106759898 Upper X Greater than 10 feet, less than 15 feet X Greater than 15 feet X May 22, 2008 Middle X X X Pg 4 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES _____ _____ _____3. Locate the Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) and read current liquid level in tank. If tank is not equipped with an ATG, use a manual tape and hand gauge liquid level from hatch on top of tank. _____ _____ _____4. The spigot(s) to be used are those closest to the locations described above for the sample being obtained. _____ _____ _____5. Touch hand to bare metal in order to dissipate any potential static charge. Open each spigot in turn and drain the full contents of the sample line out into the sump to insure the sample is representative of tank contents. If sample line volume is unknown, allow product to drain out the spigot for a minimum of 5 minutes. _____ _____ _____6. Place sample container under Upper most spigot and drain enough product to cover bottom inch of container. Screw container cap on hand tight. Rinse internal surfaces of container by swirling product around in a circular motion. _____ _____ _____7. Open container and pour product into sump. Repeat rinsing process twice more to ensure container is free of moisture and particulates. _____ _____ _____8. Fill sample container to approximately 85% full. Re-mount container cap and screw on until snug. Note: If visual contamination is observed in the sample bottle, more than one sampling may be required to clear it. If the first sample shows dirt and/or water visually, properly discard the sample; clean the sample container; check the sampling port to be sure it is free of rust, etc.; draw another sample and repeat the visual check. Particulate determination in the visual appearance test is sensitive to sampling procedures. The presence of a small number of particles may indicate, for example, that the sample tap may not be clean or the sample line was not flushed to provide a representative sample. The persistent presence of even a small number of particles, however, is cause for further investigation. _____ _____ _____9. Repeat sampling for other locations as necessary. _____ _____ _____10. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____11. Dispose of all consumables (cotton cord, gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. Wipe sample basket with disposable cloth and store so that it is not exposed to weather. _____ _____ _____12. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book.” 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 5 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES ZONE OR SPOT SAMPLING PROCEDURE Zone or Spot Sample - A sample taken at a specific location in a storage tank or vessel. For example, a Top, Upper, Middle, Lower, Outlet or Bottom sample obtained manually by lowering a closed sample container to a specific layer, opening it, allowing the container to fill completely, and then raising it to the surface of the product. Top sample is taken 6 inches below the surface of the product. Upper sample is taken from the middle of the upper 1/3 of the product. A distance of 1/6 of the depth of the liquid below the liquid surface. Middle sample is taken at the mid-point of the height of the product. Lower sample is taken from the middle of the lower 1/3 of the product. A distance of 5/6 of the depth of the liquid below the liquid surface. Outlet sample is taken with the sampling assembly at the level of the bottom of the tank’s outlet nozzle. Bottom spot sample is taken as close to the bottom of the tank or vessel as possible. Other Zone or Spot samples can be taken at various levels in the tank or vessel as a means to determine if the product has stratified or to locate a contaminant, e g., gasoline in jet fuel. Objective: Obtain a representative sample from a specific location within a storage tank or vessel. _____ _____ _____1. Ensure storage tank or vessel to be sampled is segregated and blocked off from all external inflows and outflows of product. Locate Automatic Gauge (ATG) and read current liquid level in storage vessel. If storage tank is not equipped with an ATG, use a manual tape and hand gauge liquid level. _____ _____ _____2. Go to sampling hatch. Prevent any potential static electrical discharge by touching hand to bare metal. _____ _____ _____3. Open hatch slowly to allow a bleeding of any built up pressure. _____ _____ _____4. Attach clean, dry cotton cord to lift eye on stainless steel sample basket. _____ _____ _____5. Place quart-sized sample container into stainless steel sample basket and secure with retainer link. This is now a sampling assembly. Touch sampling assembly to bare metal away from open sampling hatch in order to dissipate any potential static electrical charge. Submerge sampling assembly. Allow container to fill with product. Remove sampling assembly from product in tank or vessel. Note: All sample containers must be triple rinsed with product to be sampled prior to taking the actual sample. If the sample bottle in the sample assembly is the final sample bottle, it must be lowered, filled and emptied three times to be properly rinsed before taking the sample. If the 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 6 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES sample bottle in the sample assembly is not the final sample container, product must be transferred to the sample container so that it can be triple rinsed by swirling product, emptying and refilling 3 times. _____ _____ _____6. Once containers have been rinsed, mount stopper into neck of sample container. Again, touch sample basket to bare metal away from open sampling hatch in order to dissipate any potential static electrical charge. Lower the sample assembly to the appropriate level in the tank for the type of sample you are taking. Refer to level definitions at the beginning of this procedure. This should be accomplished by measuring the cord for the approximate depth before lowering the sampling device. Give cord a sharp jerk to release stopper/cork and wait several moments for sample bottle to fill. _____ _____ _____7. Pull sample assembly out of tank. If bottle in the sampling assembly is not the final sample container, decant product into final sample container and repeat as necessary until final container is approximately 85% full. _____ _____ _____8. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____9. Dispose of all consumables (cotton cord, gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. Wipe sample basket with disposable cloth and store so that it is not exposed to weather. _____ _____ _____10. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book.” SINGLE TANK COMPOSITE SAMPLE Blend of equal portions of the Upper, Middle and Lower samples obtained from a tank or marine vessel compartment. _____ _____ _____11. Ensure storage tank or vessel to be sampled is segregated and blocked off from all external inflows and outflows of product. Locate Automatic Gauge (ATG) and read current liquid level in storage vessel. If storage tank is not equipped with an ATG, use a manual tape and hand gauge liquid level. _____ _____ _____12. Determine method of sampling required (Zone/Spot Sampling or Spigot/Tap Sampling), take Upper, Middle and Lower samples according to the method of sampling being used. (Refer to procedures above) 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 7 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES _____ _____ _____13. Combine equal portions of Upper, Middle and Lower samples from the tank or vessel into one composite sample. _____ _____ _____14. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____15. Dispose of all consumables (cotton cord, gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. Wipe sample basket with disposable cloth and store so that it is not exposed to weather. _____ _____ _____16. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book.” MULTIPLE COMPARTMENT COMPOSITE SAMPLE Blend of individual All-Levels samples from several compartments of a marine vessel. Mixture is blended in proportion to the volume of product in each of the compartments. _____ _____ _____1. Ensure storage tank or vessel to be sampled is segregated and blocked off from all external inflows and outflows of product. Locate Automatic Gauge (ATG) and read current liquid level in storage vessel. If storage tank is not equipped with an ATG, use a manual tape and hand gauge liquid level. _____ _____ _____2. Using the All-Levels sample procedure, take all-levels samples from each compartment of the marine vessel. _____ _____ _____3. Combine the individual All-Levels compartment samples in proportion to the volume of product in each compartment into one multicompartment composite sample. _____ _____ _____4. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____5. Dispose of all consumables (cotton cord, gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. Wipe sample basket with disposable cloth and store so that it is not exposed to weather. _____ _____ _____6. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book. 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 8 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES PIPELINE TAP SPOT SAMPLE Pipeline Tap spot samples are taken from a flowing stream in a pipe using Tap Sample connections on the pipeline usually located at the point of product transfer on the pipeline receipt or marine vessel unloading line, the tank truck loading rack line, or the pipeline to the airport. _____ _____ _____1. _____ _____ _____2. Go to pipeline tap sample connection point. Place a container (not the sample container) under spigot and flush sample tap connection to clear residual product and particulate matter from line. _____ _____ _____3. Place sample container under spigot and drain enough product to cover bottom inch of container. Screw container cap on hand tight. Rinse internal surfaces of container by swirling product around in a circular motion. _____ _____ _____4. Repeat rinsing process twice more to ensure container is free of moisture and particulates. _____ _____ _____5. Once sample container has been rinsed, place container under spigot and fill sample container to approximately 85% full. Re-mount container cap and screw on until snug. _____ _____ _____6. Label sample per Labeling Guidelines on Page 1 of this procedure and deliver promptly to the Lab for testing. _____ _____ _____7. Dispose of all consumables (gloves, etc.) in a manner consistent with HAZMAT requirements. _____ _____ _____8. Log Samples into the appropriate “Pumper’s Lab Samples Received Log Book 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 9 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES PROCEDURE INFORMATION Purpose: Proper sampling is vital to assure that the sample being tested accurately represents the general characteristics and average condition of the aviation fuel. Special precautions, procedures, extreme care and good judgment must be used for samples. Correct sampling procedures are the most important steps in identifying both on specification or contaminated product. Improper sample containers or badly drawn, non-representative samples will invalidate laboratory tests. Samples should be taken in accordance with ASTM D 4057. References: American Petroleum Institute “Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards”, Chapter 8.1 Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products. American Society for Testing of Materials Manual 5, “Manual of Aviation Fuel Quality Procedures”, 2nd Edition ASTM D 4306 “Standard Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for Tests Affected by Trace Contamination”. Prerequisites: The product(s) involved in this procedure must be of adequate quality and quantity for the stated purpose. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the persons taking samples (pumpers, inspectors, dock operators, etc.) to carry out this procedure in a safe and timely manner. If problems are encountered (i.e. leaks) the person taking the sample has authority to stop the procedure to control the problem. Materials & Equipment: Proper sample bottles/cans and possibly metal seals must be available to perform this procedure. (see quality section for additional information) Stainless steel sample basket with cork or rubber stopper. Length of clean, dry, cotton cord equal to tank vessel height plus 10 feet. Safety: Special or Unique Hazards Benzene may be present in gasoline range products. Static electricity can be generated during this procedure. Extra caution should be taken to properly ground yourself and any equipment before gauging or sampling that may be required as part of this procedure. Engineering Controls: No unique engineering controls are applicable to this procedure. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Normal Tank Farm personal protective equipment must be worn at all times. This includes Hard Hats, Fire Retardant Clothing, Safety Glasses and Safety Shoes. Additional protective equipment may be required per permit requirements. 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 10 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES Safety Systems: For samples which are drawn off company premises and are intended for transport through Public Domain (i.e. public highway or road), the sample tag must include the location, facility, and/or municipality where the sampled storage vessel may be found. Samples transported in this manner must be secured in a U.S. Dept. of Transportation approved cargo box. The driver of the transport vehicle must have a written Bill of Lading detailing the name of the products being transported, the number of samples of each product, and their NFPA code. Jet-A fuel is a combustible. Keep samples and equipment away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Keep all containers closed when not filling or emptying them. Sample product in open areas with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Jet-A is not a naturally conductive media. Handling and pumping can cause the build-up of static electricity. Due care should be exercised at all times to prevent a spark or subsequent discharge of electricity by properly grounding of the body and all equipment used in the sampling process. Individuals should also refrain from wearing clothing made of synthetic fibers while sampling this product. When taking product samples into or with metal containers, e.g., white bucket, make a bonding connection between the sample container and the sampling source or disposal vessel to allow product to discharge static electricity. Shutdowns: None applicable Relief: None applicable Quality Requirements: Jet fuel sample containers should be new internally epoxy coated metal cans or new amber colored, hard borosilicate glass. Clear glass bottles shall only be used when performing visual inspections. Containers made of any other plastic material or of non-epoxy coated metal are unacceptable. Container caps or closures must also be of a compatible material. Internally coated metal containers are the preferred type of container used for Jet-A samples. The containers are lined internally with a pigmented baked epoxy phenolic finish which is free of any extractable curing agents. Some coatings contain curing agents which can leach into the fuel over a period of a few days, causing degradation of MSEP, water reaction, thermal stability and electrical conductivity properties of the Jet-A fuel. Only containers approved for aviation fuel by ASTM D 4306 should be used. New containers should be flushed three times with the container filled about 20 % with the product being sampled. Sample containers used for visual checks or sump sampling should be clear, hard borosilicate glass. All samples must be drawn by means which directly access the bulk of the product. No samples should be drawn through un-slotted gauge poles or stand-pipes on a storage vessel, since the product is usually not representative of what is in the tank. Stand pipe samples should only be taken from pipes with at least two rows of overlapping slots. Containers must be clean and dry before use. Any container that is suspect of having residues of commercial detergents, chemical surfactants, agricultural fertilizers, or other 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 11 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES surface active agents must be discarded. All sample containers should be rinsed with the intended product no less than three times before drawing the final sample. The exceptions to this are sump samples and visual check samples. The individual performing the sampling task must have clean hands or gloves. The equipment used for sampling must be maintained in a clean, dry condition in a clean dry environment. All equipment used must be inspected immediately before use. Upon completion of the act of drawing the sample, the sample container should be “capped” or closed immediately. All sample containers must be clean and free of observable moisture before usage. Sample containers to be used for diesel fuel conductivity testing shall be thoroughly cleaned with a cleaning solvent. Use isopropyl alcohol if water is suspected followed by analytical grade toluene. (a mixture of 50% volume analytical grade isopropanol and 50% volume analytical grade heptane is a satisfactory substitute for toluene.) Containers must then be air dried prior to use. Hydrocarbon Quality: Inventory: 106759898 Not applicable There will be no net impact on inventory while carrying out this procedure May 22, 2008 Pg 12 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES Operating Limits: Description Limits Consequences of Deviation Corrective and Avoidance Steps N/A 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 13 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES Chemical Safety: General information is provided here. Additional information is available from the MSDS sheets for individual chemicals in question. Chemical Name Properties Hazards Actions if Exposed In case of skin contact, immediately wash with Vapors can burn or explode on soap and water. Seek medical attention if contact with a source of ignition in irritation develops. the presence of air or oxygen. Hydrocarbon In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes Vapors can contain H2S Gas Liquids: Gasoline with water for 15 minutes including under the (All Grades) / Contact with liquid can be Flammable liquids eyelids, and seek medical attention. Gasoline Blend irritating to the skin and eyes. If swallowed seek medical attention Stocks / Naphtha Ingestion or inhalation in severe immediately. Do not induce vomiting. Feedstocks cases may result in death. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not See specific MSDS Sheets for breathing, give artificial respiration. Seek additional information. medical attention immediately. In case of skin contact, immediately wash with soap and water. Seek medical attention if Diesel is combustible. irritation develops. Can irritate skin and respiratory In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes Hydrocarbon A water white to tract. with water for 15 minutes including under the Liquids: Kerosene / yellow to yelloweyelids, and seek medical attention. Jet Fuels (All Concentrated vapors may cause brown, oily liquid Types), Low and nausea and dizziness. If swallowed seek medical attention with a petroleum odor High Sulfur Diesels immediately. Do not induce vomiting. See specific MSDS Sheets for additional information. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately. Contact with liquid can be In case of skin contact, immediately wash with Hydrocarbon Viscous - Dark Green irritating to the skin and eyes. soap and water. Seek medical attention if Liquids: Gas Oils, to Black Combustible irritation develops. Slurries, #6 Oil, Ingestion or inhalation in severe liquids Asphalts (All cases may result in death. In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes 106759898 May 22, 2008 Pg 14 MEMPHIS REFINERY STANDARD PROCEDURES General information is provided here. Additional information is available from the MSDS sheets for individual chemicals in question. Chemical Name Hazards Actions if Exposed Grades) See Specific MSDS Sheets for additional information. Hydrocarbon Liquids: Crude Oils Vapors can burn or explode on contact with a source of ignition in the presence of air or oxygen. Contact with liquid can be irritating to the skin and eyes. Ingestion or inhalation in severe cases may result in death. See specific MSDS for additional information. with water for 15 minutes including under the eyelids, and seek medical attention. If swallowed seek medical attention immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately. In case of skin contact, immediately wash with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation develops. In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes including under the eyelids, and seek medical attention. If swallowed seek medical attention immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately. Hydrocarbon Vapors with H2S 106759898 Properties Black - Flammable liquids Flammable Gas This is a toxic gas that can be fatal if inhaled. This gas is an eye and If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. respiratory irritant. Hydrocarbon vapors can burn or Seek Medical Attention immediately explode on contact with a source of Always use an air pack when rescuing or ignition in the presence of air or moving a person to fresh air so that you do oxygen. not also become a victim. See specific MSDS Sheets for additional information. May 22, 2008 Pg 15 MEMPHIS REFINERY 106759898 STANDARD PROCEDURES May 22, 2008 Pg 16