Curriculum of MAHARISHI CENTRAL UNIVERSITY at a glance OFFERING TOTAL KNOWLEDGE TO EVERY STUDENT 1. FACULTY OF LAW LAW is the science and art of maintaining order for a mistakefree, fulfilling life. The ideal of law is the eternally lively field of Cosmic Law, the Constitution of the Universe, which maintains order on the supreme level of existence and is equally evolutionary for everyone at all times. The field of Total Knowledge of law is founded in the Constitution of the Universe, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the European assembly of National Leaders resolves to provide mistake free action to individual life in order to create an integrated, positive and invincible national consciousness, rendering the administration of society free from punishment. V EDIC E XPRESSION OF T OTAL K NOWLEDGE TO E VERY S TUDENT NIRGUÔ BRAHM SAGUÔ BRAHM ÅTMÅ = SMÂITI ´ (Memory) SHRUTI ´ (Veda) VISHWA ´ (Diversified Universe) SAGUÔ BRAHM NIRGUÔ BRAHM ´ (Unified Universe) This is the Beginning and the End of Total Knowledge, Transcendental Consciousness, the Seat of Unity, the Origin of Diversity. Here is the Field of Invincibility—All Possibilities. This level of intelligence open to the awareness of some people in every country will produce the basis of all possibilities—silence and dynamism together enlivened in their collective national consciousness. A few citizens in every country opening this level of intelligence to their consciousness will have the spontaneous experience of the silent level of their personal and national consciousness—and will produce total awakening on the level of their consciousness with the total spontaneous ability to handle all phases of diversity from the quiet level of unity—the quiet level of infinite creativity in the self-referral silent level of consciousness. This we uphold as the blessings of Guru Dev, the Teacher of all teachers. We have been teaching this program of Transcendental Meditation in our countries and we have had glimpses of these experiences at times. Therefore, convinced by this program’s ability to create a permanent state of positivity, coherence and integration in national consciousness, we resolve to devote our time in spreading this Technique amongst the citizens of our country; and to create organizations to teach the nature of consciousness to as large numbers as possible. Today, in this assembly of 24 national leaders of european countries and ten other national leaders who are present here in the European assembly, we resolve to practically establish the program of this resolution in our countries. The Vedic science of total reality establishes the ultimate principle of totality everywhere: ‘Adi rantyen saheta’ If the same thing is found at the beginning and at the end, then know that everything in the middle is also the same—if the same thing is what is there in the beginning and the end, then know that between beginning and end everything is the same. This establishes oneness in the multifarious division of space and time—Unified Field in terms of modern language, and Brahm Consciousness in terms of Vedic terminology. 2. FACULTY OF EDUCATION EDUCATION is the science and art of unfolding values hidden from view. The ideal of education is to unfold Total Knowledge for every student, so that nothing remains hidden from view. All knowledge has its holistic basis in the unmanifest transcendental field of life, at the basis of everything and everyone. The field of Total Knowledge, the supreme field of education, is located in the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to immediately create schools, colleges, and universities to deliver to every student an education that provides Total Knowledge and promotes total brain functioning—Enlightenment—full human potential, with the ability to know anything and achieve anything. This will bring invincibility to every nation, and will create an example for all other educational institutions in the country. 3. FACULTY OF HEALTH HEALTH CARE is the science and art of realizing perfect health. The ideal of perfect health is realized by handling health from the level from which it emerges in the field of immortality. Enlivening the transcendental, unmanifest field of immortality at the basis of existence spontaneously nourishes and integrates all levels of life. This is the field of Total Knowledge of health, located in the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to establish Maharishi Colleges of Vedic Medicine with their spas, clinics and hospitals and production facilities for healthy medicines in every country, avoiding negative side effects, enlivening the inner intelligence of the body and strengthening the healing power within the physiology; and providing total knowledge of health and enlightenment for everyone. 4. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE is the science and art of agreeing with the culturing intelligence of Total Natural Law, in order to create fully nourishing and vital food, the basis of perfect health for the individual and the nation. The total culturing intelligence of Nature operates at every stage of growth and evolution, and at every level of life. Supreme agriculture, Total Knowledge of agriculture, utilizes the science and technology of Total Natural Law, with its basis in the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to promote the best practice of organic agriculture utilizing the knowledge of Total Natural Law to produce pure, healthy food in favour of healthy life in our world. 5. FACULTY OF TRADE AND COMMERCE TRADE AND COMMERCE is the science and art of providing balance for the material welfare of the whole population of every country. Balance of world economy can be brought about through the field of trade and commerce, and abundance can be made available to all, by harnessing the infinite creativity of Total Natural Law available at every point in creation at the transcendental level of existence. This is the field of Total Knowledge of trade and commerce, available in the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to foster abundance in every nation through trade and commerce, by harnessing the infinite creativity and bountiful nature of Total Natural Law, thereby eliminating poverty and promoting material and spiritual affluence for every citizen of every country. 6. FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION is the science and art of organizing problem-free progress, leading to fulfilment for everyone. Ideal administration has a parental role for everyone. Ideal, problemfree administration is available in the Constitution of the Universe, which administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order and equally upholds all life in a nourishing and evolutionary manner. This is the field of Total Knowledge of Administration organized from the field of all positivity, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to provide administration on a par with the orderly administration of the universe by establishing a group of Yogic Flyers of at least the square root of 1% of the population, in order to directly enliven the Unified Field of Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe, in national life and bring the dawning rule of eternal silence for perfection of administration—an eternal end to the suffering caused by the present level of administration in the world—and create a fresh wave of prosperity in national life 7. FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE is the science and art of establishing structures where the part is in tune with the whole—the individual structure is in tune with its cosmic potential. This is the ideal of Architecture—designing fortune-creating homes, cities, and nations from the level of the Cosmic architecture, the eternal design of the universe in accordance with the structuring dynamics of the field of Total Knowledge, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to eliminate the great amount of suffering, anxiety, sickness, and negativity that prevails amongst members of families due to wrong orientation of homes, and to create a better destiny for every family in every nation by building Fortune-Creating Homes, with all buildings designed according to the principles of ancient Vedic architecture—Maharishi Sthapatya Veda—which is supportive of the cosmic potential of life, the reality of everyone. 8. FACULTY OF DEFENCE DEFENCE is the science and art of protection. The ideal of defence is to develop a state of perfect protection— invincibility—which prevents the very birth of an enemy and averts the danger before it arises. This is achieved by enlivening Invincibility from its source in the eternal, indestructible, unmanifest field of Total Natural Law. This is the field of Total Knowledge of Defence, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to actualize invincibility in practical life on all levels of individual and national life by establishing a prevention wing of Yogic Flyers. 9. FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION is the science and art of unifying. Ideal communication is grounded in the eternal state of togetherness, the self-referral state of Unity, the field of infinite correlation and bliss. With the development of perfect communication the goal is achieved directly; and such ideal communication is upheld by the application of the most advanced computer technology. The extreme value of communication, Total Knowledge of communication, is therefore available in the extreme self-referral value of consciousness, the Åtmå of everyone, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to use both of these sciences, computer science and the Science of Being, to create ideal communications for all twelve Ministries – twelve Ministries where the twelve are separate and where the twelve are simultaneously united at the level of Being, the Self of everyone, the source of spirituality, the Unity of Being, Transcendental Consciousness. Twelve is a fortunate number: it is comprised of 1 and 2 – it is 1 and it is 2; it is unity and it is diversity. The European National Leaders make this resolution aware that they are on one side and their whole nation is on the other. This Resolution materializes the relationship of the leader with the whole nation through communication in practice, to lead the nation to perfection, all positivity, integration – Invincibility. 10. FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE is the systematic exploration of the laws of Nature governing every aspect of life, inner and outer, while TECHNOLOGY is the application of this knowledge to create whatever is desired. The ideal of science and technology is the complete knowledge of total Natural Law, the Unified Field, with spontaneous mastery of the mechanics of transformation within this field of totality. Supreme science and technology is the realization of the unmanifest and the process of manifestation within the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to use the complete knowledge of the Science and Technology of the Unified Field to provide a mistake-free path for reliable achievements—from the field of all possibilities—putting the ambitious aspirations of everyone and every nation on the royal road to success. 11. FACULTY OF RELIGION AND CULTURE RELIGION is the supreme science and art of connecting back to the source of all life—investigating everywhere the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent to discover the source of all life in the Light of God. The fulfilment of religion and culture is living life in accord with all the laws of Nature as a result of direct experience of the field of Total Knowledge, the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEREFORE, the Congress of European Nations resolves to enliven Total Natural Law for the life of every nation to be in conformity with the traditional culture of the country, which emerges from the unique geographical and astronomical conditions of the nation, and in the same stroke to provide fulfilment to all religions by aligning individual life with the supreme value of evolution, the light of almighty God. 12. FACULTY OF POLITICS AND ECONOMY POLITICS and ECONOMICS are the science and art of living unity in diversity—through politics that differentiates and economy that unifies; both find fulfilment in their common basis, actualizing invincibility. Total Knowledge of politics and economy is available in the field of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, which is located at the source of every individual’s life, in his own Åtmå, his own Self. It is one’s own Self that everyone lives by—living Total Natural Law is a direct result of living one’s own life on the level of one’s own Being, and this is easy to live, for everyone and every nation. Politics and economy are just an expanded version of Åtmå—the self-referral nature of life of everyone. THEREFORE the Congress of European Nations resolves to make available this knowledge, which is everyone’s own natural possession, to actualize the abundance that is available at every point of creation, creating a permanent state of invincible, unbreakable union, giving rise to invincibility for every nation and permanent world peace. It is very essential to bring the awareness of everyone on the self-referral level of his own Åtmå, and we resolve to hold training programs which will unfold this level of the Transcendental Consciousness of everyone. Economics and politics will cease to be a matter of differences and dissensions and we will create a unified world of permanent peace, affluence, and invincibility.