Thursday 11th July 2013

Quorn Medical Centre PPG
Quorn Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Annual General Meeting
Followed by regular scheduled meeting
Participation Date
Liz Wells
Shirley Godber
Thursday 11th July 2013
7pm – 8.30pm
Quorn Medical Centre
PPG Representatives: Shirley Godber (SG) Secretary, Geoff Hearn (GH), Pauline Knowles
(PL), Paul Lock (PL), Geoff Smith (GS), Judith Smithard (JS), Mike Stead (MS , Virtual PPG
Practice Representatives: Dr Chris Barlow (CB), Karen Festa (KF), Liz Wells (LW), Chair
Apologies: David Cawdell, Louise Freeman, Alex Goacher, Emily Newton, Harry Raw,
Brett Taylor and new members Helen Edwards, Kate Houlder and Jacqui Tuckley
The Chair, Liz Wells, introduced Karen Festa, new secretary to the Practice.
No patients attended this meeting, apart from those named above as PPG
Liz read out the statement of group actions for the past year. The statement is given in
full below: -
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
AGM Report 11/7/13
Our group formed on 1st December 2011.
We are affiliated with NAPP and they are extremely supportive.
14 patients applied to be panel members and 12 patients attended the first meeting.
Since then our numbers have ebbed and flowed and now in addition to the PPG Panel,
we also have a small Virtual PPG.
Dec 2011 - January 2012:
February 2012 – April 2012:
May 2012 – to date:
Liz Wells, Practice Manager & PPG Chair
Sandra Clark took over as Chair.
Liz Wells, Practice Manager & PPG Chair
Shirley Godber has been the PPG Secretary since January 2012 to date.
As our PPG evolved it transpired that we were all very keen to promote health
awareness. This involved creating displays on our patient notice boards and PPG notice
boards as follows: Page 1 of 7
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May 2012 Mental Health Awareness Week
June 2012 National Falls Awareness Week
July 2012 National Childhood Obesity Week
October 2012 World Psoriasis Day
We also arranged two events for patients to attend: September 2012 World Alzheimer’s Day: A member of the Alzheimer’s Society gave a
talk on recognising symptoms and signposting for patients.
November 2012 Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month:
Dr Barlow gave a presentation on testicular cancer; Dr Frost gave a presentation on
Prostate cancer. There were Q&As and patients had the opportunity to handle
anatomical models which were loaned by both the Maurice Shock Medical Sciences Dept
at Leicester University and the Clinical Sciences Dept at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.
In addition to this Elaine Glasius and Judith Pitt-Brooke gave presentations on
acupuncture and physiotherapy respectively to follow on the importance of men’s health.
Planned displays for 2013 are as follows: 19.8.13 – 25.8.13
1.10.13 – 31.10.13
1.12.13 – 31.12
Learning Disability Week
World Heart day
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Planned events for 2013 are as follows: Pre-Diabetes: date to be arranged
We have run patient surveys for the last 2 years and based on the results and comments
placed in our PPG feedback box we have made changes as a result of this.
The intention was to meet 4 times per year, but until we were established we met on a
monthly basis and then bi-monthly. We are very proud of what we have achieved as a
PPG and we hope to continue to grow. The minutes of our meetings are displayed on the
Practice website and on the PPG notice board.
We currently have 11 patients on the PPG Panel and 9 on the Virtual PPG. We hope in
the future that our group will grow in numbers and that we will continue to provide
informative health awareness displays and events.
Liz further pointed out a board which she and the secretary had put together of some of
the year’s achievements.
Liz explained that she had spoken to NAPP (National Association for Patient
Participation) who informed her that, the way the group is currently set up (i.e. with nonpatient Chair and un-adopted constitution) an AGM was not strictly necessary. The group
expressed the wish to have an AGM and were looking to formally adopt a constitution
once this had been agreed. (The draft constitution is currently used as guidance).
There have been nine recent applications received to become part of the PPG and Liz is
in the process of following these up.
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There being no other business under the AGM, the group continued with the regularly
scheduled meeting.
Apologies – see as recorded above
Matters Arising from previous meeting - Action points were reviewed:
Item 2 – further action point. SG explained that she hadn’t contacted the pub as she
thought that the pre-diabetes event might attract more people than Movember and that
there would be displays to look at – this meant that the room at the pub wouldn’t be large
enough and that the village hall would seem more appropriate. It was agreed that this
should be considered (see item 5 below).
Item 4 – APs 1 & 2. Done.
MS raised a question under Item 4 in the minutes and asked whether the Practice was
satisfied with the way the appraisal was carried out as he understood that non-qualified
staff were being used to carry out the appraisals. Both CB and LW said that they were
very satisfied and queried whether MS meant the CQC (Care Quality Commission)
assessments that would be undertaken (at some future point). The Practice appraisal
was carried out by the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and all staff used were
appropriately qualified/experienced to do so. CB said the group would be informed when
the Practice receives notice of the CQC assessment.
MS raised a further question regarding the appraisal, stating that he was surprised that
staff training wasn’t mentioned. CB said that the CCG set the agenda and this wasn’t part
of the appraisal. LW stated that the CCG are already aware of the amount of training that
is undertaken by the Practice. Every practice has to undertake certain set training e.g.
basic life support, use of defibrillators, safeguarding etc. Each member of staff has an
individual training plan as part of their annual appraisal. It was also pointed out that the
Drs have medical indemnity insurance; all Drs have to ensure that delegated tasks are
carried out by competent staff.
Item 5 – AP1 LW expressed her disappointment that none of the group collected posters
for the PPG awareness week. LF and other practice staff put together a display for the
week on the PPG boards.
AP2 – SG said that unfortunately she had been too late in getting an article into the Quorn
village news section of the Echo in time for the PPG Awareness week.
Item 6 LW said that she had only one offer from the group to take forward one of the
events/displays chosen by the group – this was PK who offered to put together a display
for Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.
LW stated that if no-one volunteered to lead on any of the events, they would not happen
e.g. the agreed event for National Transplant week in July did not happen as, despite
subsequent email from LW, no-one put themselves forward.
PL stated that he was not aware that in suggesting a calendar event, the member would
become responsible for ensuring it happened and this was not clear in the minutes. LW
said that she thought everyone was clear on this from the discussion at the last meeting.
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SG acknowledged the absence of this being recorded. She further commented that
getting involved in events is the only thing the panel is involved in outside of the meetings;
if we don’t take responsibility for this then what are we doing?
AP3 – LW being done. PPG details to be added in pocket of new patient leaflet.
Item 9 – AP1 Done. Lizzie Warren, Planning and Engagement support officer, WLCCG to
attend a future meeting.
PPG Awareness week feedback – LW advised that LF and other Practice staff had
created a display and distributed resources/balloons around the waiting areas. Use of
balloons created interest (particularly with children). Nine applications to join the PPG
had subsequently been received and LW was in the process of contacting them all. Two
potential members seemed very keen to become involved.
CB asked if this was an annual event. LW wasn’t sure but all agreed it could be. CB
suggested the timing could be better – perhaps May. GS suggested talking to NAPP who
would welcome feedback.
Action Point – LW to feed this back to NAPP
Future Events - LW reiterated the list of events/months chosen and that volunteers
would be needed and suggested that the panel buddy up in pairs: July 8-14 National Transplant week not undertaken
August 19-25 Learning Disability week
September 29 World Heart day
October – Breast Cancer Awareness month
December - Decembeard
LW said that most of the displays produced to date had been done by practice staff and
PL said that we need event planning. LW stated that she is happy for whoever is taking
on the event to use the Practice facilities in her office and that most of the events would
have resources available through the appropriate websites. The group member would
need to contact the leading organisation to obtain resources (posters, leaflets etc) as
most of them would be displays, the organising wouldn’t take too much time. LW would
then make sure that this information and links are also placed on the Practice website.
JS was concerned about giving out misleading information as we aren’t experts. CB said
he was willing to look over the display for accuracy, if this was felt necessary.
PK asked if she could put the Breast Cancer Awareness display up on Sept 27 th and this
was agreed by LW. JS said she would assist PK in producing the display.
The Pre-diabetes event was discussed and it was agreed that we should aim for Oct 3 rd
(or close to) at the village hall.
Action Point - LW to speak to Parish Council office re: availability
Action Point – CB/LW to liaise with Nuffield re: displays/resources
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Patient Survey – It was previously agreed that the next survey should be available for
the start of the flu season. LW said that several suggestions had been made for changes
to the next survey including removal of most of the nurse questions, to brighten it up (with
images) and to keep it the same to achieve three years of comparison data.
SG suggested however that the questions that gave the same level of answers for both
previous years should be reviewed for possible removal. PL said that the opening times
question should have a yes/no response.
GS said that the key questions should be at the front with ‘go to...’ expansion questions
GH reminded LW that a box is to be added for written comment. He further suggested
adding a question about the PPG, e.g. are you aware of the Patient Participation Group?
(as suggested by PL at the last meeting). PK wondered whether patients felt that they are
perhaps automatically part of the group. LW said that the wording at the front could state
something like “created by the Practice Patient Participation Group”.
All agreed that GH’s suggestion of putting the questionnaires on the chairs in waiting
areas had been successful; however LW said that only 34 of the last completed
questionnaires were completed online and paper replies were inputted outside of Practice
hours. PL/SG and GH offered to assist with inputting of future paper questionnaire
Action Point – LW to make survey amendments and send out for review.
Action Point - Members to review and make comments by return.
GS suggested that there be a prize draw for completing the survey online. However,
since the meeting, LW realised this would be unfeasible as the surveys are anonymised.
Electronic Health Record Event – LW discussed a workshop she had attended on the
use of the Electronic Health Record. She asked the speaker if they would speak to the
group. With the interest shown, this event will be held in conjunction with two other PPGs.
The session will allow members to understand the opt in/opt out system and be able to
signpost patients appropriately for more information. LW said that the CCG is assisting
with the logistics of arranging this event (as other Practices want to hold similar events).
Action Point – LW to progress this with CCG and advise group with developments.
Constitution – The group had been asked to review the constitution and suggested
changes were discussed; PL said that he had reviewed constitutions for two other local
PPGs which had a wider coverage of equality issues and questioned whether this is
something we wished to include. SG suggested that it should perhaps include Disability
Discrimination and Equal Opportunities legislation. After discussion, JS said that would
be advisable to look into this further.
Action Point – LW to speak to NAPP for advice.
There was discussion over the number of officers required. NAPP had advised LW that
only three officers were required; Chair, Vice chair and Secretary, as President, vice
president and Treasurer were only required where fundraising was part of the remit. All
agreed to opt for just the three officers but to leave in the option to fundraise. PL
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suggested that there may be a need to elect a treasurer and suggested additional
wording around this responsibility being handed to one of the elected members.
GH suggested keeping the paragraph on accounts again with an eye on possible future
It was noted that the date on the draft constitution needed to be removed as this was not
NAPP also stated that Practice staff could not be counted as part of the quorum. It was
therefore agreed to reduce the quorum to four.
LW said that once the constitution is formally adopted, any changes would need to go to
the AGM. PL cautioned against being too prescriptive as this could stop the group
making minor amendments. CB stated that this however could lead to constant change.
On reflection it was agreed to keep this paragraph in.
Action Point – LW to make amendments and circulate for approval.
LW stated that she was, tonight, tendering her resignation as Chair, as the group should
be patient-led however she would be happy to continue in the role until a new Chair is
found or until end of March 2014 whichever is the sooner. She also made it clear that if
no-one came forward by the given date, Quorn PPG would fold. LW also explained that
the role of PPG Chair is additional to her role as Practice Manager and she is finding it
difficult to do both, given the amount of time each role requires. She reiterated how proud
she was of the groups achievements to date.
GH led the thanks to Liz for the way in which she helped to set up the group and her
leadership to date.
Any Other Business – SG said that, as she has been Secretary since inception of the
group, she would be happy for someone else to now take on the position. Anyone
interested should speak to LW.
Feedback Box – (see attached document)
Staffing update – LW said that a new Doctor is joining the Practice on 30th August – Dr
Amit Bharkhada. He has indicated that he would like to attend a meeting of the PPG. The
group welcomed this idea.
Sue Porter, Practice Nurse, joined the Practice on 8th July 2013. Sue comes from an
A&E background and is in the process of attending essential skills training. Becky, the
Healthcare assistant has now returned to work on a phased return basis.
LW reported that the extended hours surgeries are working well and now also includes
nurses appointments.
GH asked about the latest news on the proposed extension. LW said that quotes were in
for the loft conversion and Charnwood Borough Council are to be instructed to release the
first pot of (section 106) money.
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GH then asked if the £8,000 of funding (attached to PPG) is still available for the
forthcoming two years.
Action Point – LW to follow up.
GH reminded the group of the funding brief that he compiled at the start of the PPG. He
offered to update this and send to the group for information. This was agreed.
Action Point – GH to update funding briefing document and circulate
Date of next meeting. This was to be November, however was agreed to be brought
forward to Sept 5th as a) event to take place early October and b) Survey to be ready by
then for distribution.
PL tendered his apologies for the next meeting.
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