the Social Science Tutor application here

Community through Academics and Leadership
General Information & Application
for all paid positions and credit/service opportunities
We’re pleased that you’re interested in joining our community of professional staff, graduate and
undergraduate instructors and tutors. So that we may give your application full consideration, please
read and follow carefully the instructions here and on the supplemental application forms.
Step 1: Completing the Application
Read and complete this application and the supplemental application(s) for the discipline area(s) to
which you are applying. The supplemental applications will provide you with specific details about
SLC programs and will answer many of your questions about the training tutors receive and the
commitment we will expect from them. Supplemental applications are available for the following SLC
Social Science*
Ethnic Perspectives
Study Strategies
Other Voices
* Note: the Social Science Supplemental Application is included in this down-load packet*
* Applications are reviewed as they are received, and interviews are on-going. Most SLC tutoring
programs begin by WEEK THREE, with Tutor Orientations as early as the end of WEEK TWO, so
candidates are encouraged to submit their application materials by the second week of classes. Some
positions may still be filled after these dates; check with the specific discipline area Program
Coordinator for details. Applications may be turned in at any point of the semester for consideration
the following semester.
* General applications and supplement(s), including any work samples requested, must be submitted
together to the SLC Reception Counter (or e-mailed to the discipline coordinator(s) if applications are
downloaded from the SLC website). Applicants applying for more than one discipline area must
submit a separate copy of the general application with each supplemental application submitted. All
applicants must submit a faculty/advisor recommendation; this recommendation, however, may be
submitted after the rest of the application.
Step 2: Application Review
Discipline area Program Coordinators will review submitted applications and schedule interviews with
applicants who satisfy the minimum requirements and who appear to meet the demands of the
position (for paid positions), or who appear to possess sufficient preparation for tutor-for-credit
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
Step 3: Interviewing, Selection and Notification
Candidates will be contacted by the discipline area Program Coordinators regarding the status of their
application. Those who are selected for interviews will be contacted by phone or e-mail to schedule
their interview time.
Please retain this page for your own information.
Information Regarding Paid Positions and Credit Opportunities
Requirements and Restrictions:
These requirements apply to all students conducting academic support within the Student Learning
Center, whether paid, enrolled in credit opportunities, or participating as auditors:
1. Students must have received a grade of "B" or better in the course(s) they will tutor (or comparable
courses) and should have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
2. Students cannot have more than two “Incomplete” grades.
3. Students must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation).
4. Students agree to abide by all University and SLC Policies.
Additional information specific to paid positions and credit/service opportunities is given below:
Tutoring for Pay:
Each semester the SLC has a limited number of paid positions available, dependent on
programmatic needs. Paid positions are competitive, and successful candidates generally have
relevant prior experience and/or training. Employment is on a semester basis; possibility of re-hire
is contingent upon satisfactory performance and SLC programmatic needs. Tutors are paid for
their attendance at all required Orientations and Training meetings.
Students may not be employed by the University more than 50% time during the fall or spring
semester in any combination of titles. Students may work up to 100% time during the summer
(from the end of spring semester to the beginning of the fall semester) and during the winter break.
Tutoring for Credit and Auditors/Service Opportunities:
The SLC offers opportunities for students to explore current issues and theoretical frameworks in
education while developing practical teaching skills and making a valuable contribution to the UCB
student community. Students accepted into SLC Tutoring Courses, whether enrolled for credit or
participating non-credit, all participate in weekly seminars which introduce students to educational
theory and pedagogy, explore current issues in the field and provide structured means for students
to reflect upon and analyze their SLC tutoring or teaching experience. The format and number of
hours of direct work with students varies according to the number of units taken (3 hrs/unit), and
is established by agreement with the Program Coordinator at the time of admission into the course.
Those wishing to participate as Field Studies students without receiving credit participate fully in
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
all aspects and requirements of the course. Through the SLC’s arrangements with a various
academic departments, we offer the following options for students:
• Education 97/197 (Field Studies) Courses (available for Math/Stat, Other Voices, Science, Social
Sciences, Study Strategies & Writing) This option is best for students who are completing or
considering a Minor in Education. Students with fewer than 60 units enroll in Education 97; upperdivision students (60 or more units) enroll in Education 197. A total of 3 units satisfies the Field
Studies requirement for the Education Minor.
• Departmental 300-Series (Pedagogy) Courses (available for Math, Chemistry & Writing) This
option may be best for students intending to pursue teaching within their discipline. Sophomore
standing or higher is required.
NB: These courses may be repeated for credit; please consult with your college advisor for details
specific to your course of study.
Please retain this page for your own information.
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
General Tutor Application
Name (print) ______________________________________________ Date ___________________
Local address _____________________________________________________________________________
Local Telephone (
) _____________________
Local address/phone valid until _________
E-mail address _________________________________________________
Permanent address_________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Telephone (
) ___________________
Class standing (as of the semester you wish to tutor):
Non-student (with B.A./B.S. degree)
Grad. Student
 Fr.
Subject area(s) you wish to tutor _____________________________________________________
Major/Department ___________________________ GPA in major _____ Cumulative GPA _____
Transfer students:
Previous institution ________________________________________
Semesters at UCB _______
Expected date of graduation (month/year) ______________________________
Applying to tutor:
for pay
for academic credit or as auditor
Complete this section only if you are applying for a paid position
How many semesters will you be available to work? __________
Are you eligible for work-study funds? Yes No
If yes, amount_________________
How many hours a week, on the average, can you work?
If we cannot offer you a paid position at this time, would you like to be considered…
for academic credit/auditor
no, applying for pay only
Ethnicity (for statistical purposes) __________________________
How did you hear about the Student Learning Center? (Check all that apply.)
Daily Cal
Flyer Recruitment table on Sproul
Class annct.
SLC Tutor (name) __________________ Previously used SLC services
Other ____________________________________________________________
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
• If you are applying for more than one discipline area, submit a copy of this general application with
each discipline supplement.
• Submit completed general application and supplement(s) to Reception Desk, Chavez Student
Center, or e-mail to the Program Coordinator listed on the supplement.
• You will be contacted by telephone or e-mail if we wish to schedule an interview.
Faculty/Academic Advisor Recommendation Form
To: Program Coordinator
In my professional opinion, ________________________________________________________
name of applicant
has the academic background and knowledge necessary to tutor students in
(Additional comments would be helpful but are not required.)
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
Name (print): ___________________________________________________________________
Position/Title: __________________________________________________________________
Department: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone number or e-mail address: _____________________________________________
Return this form to the applicant, send via campus mail to MC 4260/Chávez Student Center, or email as attachment to As an alternative to this form, the recommendation
information may be sent as an e-mail text to
Supplemental Application
Political Science
Ethnic Studies
This supplemental application is applicable to all prospective tutors (paid and credit) for the Social
Science Program. As a tutor, you will learn about the process of education by tutoring UC Berkeley
students in Social Science courses. You will learn about a variety of tutoring techniques. You will
also learn methods of analysis useful in succeeding in the Social Sciences. Tutoring sessions and
training sessions are held at the Student Learning Center and are supervised by the Student Learning
Center Social Science Coordinator. All tutors will be provided with constant feedback and will have
access to SLC resources in order to ensure student success.
All applications for the Social Science program will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all positions are
filled. Students will be contacted to provided notice that their application was received. Students will
then be contacted for an interview. The bulk of the Social Science positions will be filled during the
13th, 14th, and 15th week of the prior semester that the applicant would tutor. Thus, students are
encouraged to apply for the positions during those weeks. Applications will be accepted and reviewed
until all positions are filled.
Please fill out the general tutor application and this supplement. Upon completing both forms,
please return them to the reception desk of the Student Learning Center or to Rex de Guia in 124
Cesar Chavez Center.
ACADEMIC SUPPORT FORMATS (Individual Tutors and Study Group Leaders)
Two types of academic support formats exist in the Social Science Program: individual tutoring and
study groups.
Individual Tutors meet with students once a week. In these tutorial sessions, tutors help students
with study strategies to navigate the course, review course content, aid in writing and exam
preparation. Individual tutors usually have five to six tutees. Tutors are also required to attend a
weekly training seminar and pre-semester orientation so that they are adequately trained to meet the
rigors of tutoring. The time commitment ranges from approximately six to eight hours per week. All
positions are paid positions unless the tutor request to receive academic credit instead.
Individual Tutoring may be offered for the following classes: Anthro. 1,2,3; History 5, 7B; Political
Science 1,2,3; Psychology 1; Sociology 1, 3; Ethnic Studies 21AC, Asian American Studies 20A, 20B
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
Study Group Leaders meet with a group of students of five to ten once a week. In these sessions, the
Study Group Leaders draw on their expertise in the class in which they are supporting and facilitate
group study. Study Group leaders provide their study groups with study strategies in order to help
students approach the course methodically. Study Group Leaders utilize the power of the group to
review, synthesize, and analyze course material. In addition to leading the Study Group, Study Group
Leaders hold office hours to meet the individual needs of Study Group participants. Study Group
Leaders are required to attend a pre-semester orientation and weekly training seminars to help them
facilitate and lead their groups effectively. The time commitment includes two hours of Study Group
time, one hour of training each week, and three to four hours of preparation time/office hours per
week. In other words, the time commitment ranges from approximately six to eight hours per week. It
is highly recommended that the Study Group Leader have taken and succeeded in the course in which
they are providing academic support. All positions are paid positions unless the Study Group leader
request to receive academic credit instead. Leading Study Groups is a great opportunity for students
interested in graduate school or teaching.
Study Groups may be offered for the following classes: Anthro. 1, 3; Political Science 1, 2; History 7B;
Sociology 3
1. Students are eligible to tutor or lead study groups if they meet the
requirements and restrictions listed on the second page of the SLC General
Information and Application form. And
2. Must assist in the student outreach process at the beginning of the semester.
3. Must attend the pre-semester orientation and weekly training seminars.
4. If leading a study group, must attend lectures of the class that they are
supporting if they have not taken the class with the professor who is teaching
the course.
5. Students must have taken all courses (or courses academically equivalent) that
they will be supporting.
6. Students tutoring for Ed 97/197 credit are required to submit a four page
reflective paper at the end of the semester.
Thank you very much for your interest in tutoring. Undergraduates interested in receiving teaching experience in
preparation for graduate school or interested in education are strongly encouraged to apply.
For more information, please see Rex de Guia in 124 Cesar Chavez Center [(510) 643-1595], or email
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332
Student Learning Center
Supplemental Application
Last Name:
Year In School:
Preferred Tutoring Format:
(Please check one.)
First Name:
Study Group Leader ____
Individual and/or Study
Group Leader _____
Academic Background
List the courses you have completed in your major area with the name of the professor/instructor who
taught the course the semester you took it. (Please start with all lower division courses.)
Please list the courses that you prefer to tutor (Start with those in your field of study, followed by other
courses in the Social Sciences.)
List the courses you will be enrolled in while tutoring (all your classes):
Essay Question (Please use the space below or attach your response to answer the following question):
Pick a course that you would most prefer to tutor. Given your academic success in that course and taking
multiple learning styles into consideration, what advice and study strategies would you pass on to your
tutees to ensure that they succeed in that course?
U.C. Berkeley, Chavez Student Center
l.k., 8/15/06
(510) 642-7332