River Channel Changes.

Gregory, K.J. ed. (1977). River Channel Changes.
The context of river channel changes. The geomorphological context. Gregory, K.J.
Changeable rivers: some aspects of their mechanics and sedimentation. The river
system. Uniform steady flow in a rectilinear channel. Uniform steady flow in a uniformly
curved channel. Sediment transport and bed forms under uniform steady conditions.
Conclusion. Allen, J.R.L.
Simulation modelling of river channel erosion. Model development. Simulation of
eroding channel development. The limits of channel erosion. Conclusions. Pickup, G.
Peak flows, low flows, and aspects of geomorphic dominance. The hurricane Agnes
floods. Application to the magnitude-frequency scale. Application to former rates of fluvial
denudation. Problems of geomorphic dominance in mass-movement. Summary and
conclusions. Dury, G.H.
Channel pattern changes during the last Glaciation and Holocene, in the northern part
of the Sandomierz basin and the middle part of the Vistula Valley, Poland. The end of
the last Glaciation. Late glacial and Holocene. Mycielska-Dowgiallo
Hydraulic geometry and channel change. Thornes, J.B.
Short-term changes in hydraulic geometry. Sources of short-term variation. Changes in
channel state. Conclusion. Knighton, A.D.
Short-term changes in stream channel capacity. Types of channel change induced by
man. Feasibility study of channel morphometric relationships. Examples of man-induced
changes in stream channel capacity. Conclusion. Park, C.C.
Channel response to flow regulation: the case of the River Derwent, Derbyshire. Causes
and consequences of an altered flow regime. The river Derwent, Derbyshire. Channel
response to flow regulation. Conclusion. Petts, G.E.
10. Channel pattern changes. Defining geometry. Available evidence and available timespans.
Pattern changes. Some conclusions. Lewin, J.
11. Channel pattern changes of Hungarian rivers: the example of the Hernád River. The
Hernád River. Patterns of meander development. Conclusions. Laczay, I.A.
12. Rates of erosion on meander arcs. Field observations. Erosion rates. Interpretation.
Hughes, D.J.
13. Channel pattern change in divided reaches: an example in the coarse bed material of
the forest of Bowland. Measurement of change. Analysis of change. Discussion.
Hitchcock, D.
14. Confined meanders. Definitions and extent. Degrees of confinement. Patterns of
confinement. Processes in confinement. Conclusions. Lewin, J. & Brindle, B.J.
15. Meander migration: equilibrium and change. Steady state and dynamic equilibrium.
Statistical characterization of irregular meanders. A model for meander spectra. Ferguson,
16. The analysis of river-planform responses to changes in discharge. The field study area.
Methods of meander planform analysis. Results of the Beatton river planform analysis.
Interpretations and conclusions. Hickin, E.J.
17. The distribution and nature of changes in river channel patterns: the example of
Devon. Sources of evidence. Analysis. Conclusions. Hooke, J.M.
18. Underfit streams: retrospect, perspect, and prospect. The twenty-five year retrospect.
The state of the art. Immediate future prospects. Dury, G.H.
19. Network adjustments and progress towards theory. Gregory, K.J.
20. Event frequency in sediment production and channel change. Observations and
methodology. Event frequency and sediment production. Event frequency and channel
change. Discussion. Harvey, A.M.
21. Channel changes in ephemeral streams: observations, problems and models. A case
observation: southeast Spain. Controls of runoff, sediment movement, and morphology.
Dynamic models for ephemeral channel changes. Conclusion. Thornes, J.B.
22. Some downstream trends in the hydraulic, geometric, and sedimentary characteristics
of an inland distributary system. The Namoi-Gwydir distributary network. Similarity
patterns among stream sites. Discussion. Riley, S.J.
23. Interactions between channel change and historic mining sediments. River Ystwyth
study sites. Discussion. Conclusions. Lewin, J., Davies, B.E. & Wolfenden, P.J.
24. Urbanization, water redistribution, and their effect on channel processes. Hydrological
effects of water transfer. Channel form and process. Conclusion. Richards, K.S. & Wood, R.
25. Channel and network metamorphosis in northern New South Wales. Progress towards a
general approach. Northern New South Wales: New England. Conclusion. Gregory, K.J.
26. Studies of present-day and past river activity in the Polish Carpathians. Typology and
moulding of river channels. The course of fluvial transport. Reconstruction of fluvial
processes in the past. Froehlich, W., Kaszowski, L. & Starkel, L.
27. Maximum sediment efficiency as a criterion for alluvial channels. The general
hypothesis. Bed forms. Analysis of a channel reach in graded time-spans. Hydraulic
geometry. Conclusion. Kirkby, M.J.