E623000 Introduction to Computer / 3 credits / 1st S
Introduction to computer and FORTRAN language, coding and program design,
format of input and output, operator rules, declare variable name, control statement,
subroutine and function, data file erection and application, library programs. (Y.B.
E620700 Applied Mechanics / 3 credits / 1st S
Introduction vectors concurrent force systems, moment, friction, truss, rigid
frame, centroid, moment of inertia, virtual work, and principle of stability. (H.T.Hu)
E620300 Introduction to Operations Research / 3 credits / 2nd F
In this course we introduce basic theories in operations Research and their
application in engineering. Topics include mathematical formulation, linear
programming, network optimization, integer programming, nonlinear programming,
and applications. Students will learn optimization technologies in planning,
decision making, and system managing. (Y. Lee)
E620610 Engineering Mathematics 1-2 / 6 credits / 2nd F&S
1. Ordinary differential equations, matrices and system of equations, vector
2. Power series solution of ordinary differential equations, Bessel functions,
Legendre Polynomial, Laplace transforms. (P. L. Chen)
E630610-20 Engineering Mathematics 3-4
Functions of several variables, topics in higher-dimensional calculus, Frourier
series, Fourier transforms, Curvilinear coordinates, partial differential equations,
solutions of PDE of mathematical physics.
Solution of PDE of mathematical physics, theory of complex variables,
variational calculus.
E625910 Materials Mechanics / 6 credits / 2nd F&S
1. Tension, compression and shear, axially loaded members, torsion, shear force
and bending moment, stresses in beams, analysis of stress and strain.
2. Deflections of beams, statically indeterminate beams, asymmetric bending,
columns, energy methods, failure criteria. (H.T.Hu)
E620200 Transportation Engineering / 3 credits / 2nd S
This course introduces various transportation systems, including highway, marine,
railroad, air, and pipeline. We also cover related topic such as logistic systems,
public transportation, safety, planning, and other related fields. (Y. Lee)
E631000 Soil Mechanics / 3 credits / 2nd S
Soil and rock weathering, natural properties of soil, analysis and classification,
permeability and capillary phenomena, flow net and seepage, consolidation, shear
strength, earth pressures, slope stability, fill and compaction. (C.H.Yu)
E635500 Railroad Engineering / 3 credits / 2nd S
This course introduces the mechanism and characteristics of rail transportation,
location criteria, design and analysis of railway structure, including subgrade,
ballast, slab track, tie, and rail. (C.M. Kuo)
E630200 Algorithms Engineering / 3 credits / 3rd F
This Course aims to build students' ability to perform system analysis and do
computer coding by introducing various computing algorithms as well as the C
programming language. Topics include the C language, data structures, complexity
analysis, numerical analysis, sorting and searching, network algorithms,
computational geometric. The C language is used solely in the course. No prior C
programming knowledge is assumed. (Y. Lee)
E636100 Design of Concrete Structures / 3 credits / 3rd F
Design codes, design method, reinforced concrete frame. Design example:
working-stress design method. Design example: strength design method. Slab
design; beam design, stress analysis for reinforced concrete frame, grider design,
column design, foundation design. (K.H.Su)
E621000 Engineering Materials and Testing / 3 credits / 3rd F
Standard testing methods, cements and admixtures, concrete, clay products,
ferrous metals and alloys, and polymers. The nature and properties of engineering
materials. The basic principles involved in manufacturing processes, in engineering
applications, and in limitations and failures of various materials. (J. S.Huang)
E638400 Foundation Engineering / 3 credits / 3rd F
Distribution of pressure, allowable bearing capacity and settlement, types of
foundation, spread footing, pile foundation, subsoil exploration and investigation.
E633800 Intermediate Soil Mechanics / 3 credits / 3rd F
Formation of soil, Soil classification, Compaction, Seepage, Consolidation. (A
C.C. Huang)
E638160 Numerical Analysis / 3 credits / 3rd F
Solution of nonlinear equations, solving sets of equations, interpolating
polynomials, numerical differentiation and numerical integration, numerical
solution of ordinary differential equations, boundary-value problems and
characteristic-value problems, curve-fitting and approximation of functions.
E627500 Fluid Mechanics / 3 credits / 3rd F
1. Introduction 2. Fundamental concept 3. Fluid statics 4. Basic equations in
integral form for a control volume 5. Introduction to differential analysis of fluid
motion 6. Incompressible inviscid flow 7. Dimensional analysis and similitude
E630710 Theory of Structures / 6 credits / 3rd F&S
1. Analysis of Statically determinate plane truss, cable, arch, influence line,
elastic displacement of structures, analysis of space truss, applications of elastic
strain energy, analysis of statically indeterminate truss.
2. Introduction to rigid frames, conjugated beam method, three moment equation,
method of the least work, force method, slope deflection method, moment
distribution method, method of column analogy, rigidity and stiffness of
non-uniform cross-sectional beam, influence line of continuous beams. (Y.J.Chion)
E646800 Slope Stability and Soil Retaining Structure / 3 credits / 3rd S
Failure mechanism of slope, Theories of slope stability, Methods of slope
stability, Computer program design, case study. (C.C. Huang)
E646800 Slope Stability and Earth Structures / 3 credits / 3rd S
The course concentrates on two problems: slope stability and design of earth
structures. Slope stability covers classification of landslide cases and causes of
slope failure, limit equilibrium procedures, stability of embankment and earth fills.
slope(?)Failure investigation and remedial measures. Earth structures cover earth
pressure theory, types of earth structures, design of retaining walls, etc. (C.C.huang)
E630800 Reinforced Concrete Design / 3 credits / 3rd S
Concrete and reinforcement: design methods and requirements. Design of
rectangular sections in bending; shear strength and diagonal tension, bond and
development of reinforcement, design of T-sections in bending, floor systems
design, column design, and foundations. (K.H.Su)
E636300 Structural Steel Design / 3 credits / 3rd S
Properties of structural steel, design of tension and compression members, beams
design, design of members under tension (or compression) and bending, bolted
connections, welded connections. (J. Chen)
E633800 Intermediate Soil Mechanics / 3 credits / 3rd S
This course is for further study of special topics in soil mechanics. The course
concentrates on three topics: water in soils, consolidation and settlement analysis of
clayey soils, and shearing properties of soils. Both the theoretical point of view and
the solving of practical problems are emphasized. (S. H. Ni)
E642200 Foundation construction / 3 credits / 3rd S
This course introduces methods which use(used?) in foundation construction
works. They include excavation methods, cassion method, bottom-up method,
top-down method, slope cut method, bracing cut method, rail-lagging method,
Soldier pile and Lagging method, sheet pile method, diaphragm wall method,
soil-mixing wall method, internal bracing methods and anchoring method. (J.S.
E631300 Introduction of Construction Engineering/3credits/3rd F
(1) Introduction (2) Earthmoving and foundation engineering works (3) Concrete
works (4) Bridge construction works (5) Tunneling and shielding construction
works. (Tsai, Jiin-Song)
E646700 Design of Concrete Mixtures / 3 credits / 4th F
Elements of concrete mix design, testing process, theories of proportioning,
applied proportioning, factors affecting concrete strengths, making of concrete,
placing, finishing, and curing of concrete, specifications, sampling and testing.
(Y.M. Wang)
E633000 Engineering Probability / 3 credits / 4th F
Discussion of basic concepts and methods in probability and statistics. Their
practical applications in civil engineering are emphasized. (L.L.Hong)
E641300 Experimental Mechanics / 3 credits / 4th F
Fundamentals of measurement, error analysis, first order system, second order
system, transducer principles, strain gages, motion measurement, photoelasticity,
computer aided experimental systems. ( C.C.Huang)
E641900 Matrix Structural Analysis / 3 credits / 4th F
Basic concepts of structural analysis, stiffness method for trusses stiffness
method for beams and frames, programming for stiffness method, matrix
condensation and coordinate transformations, flexibility method, matrix methods
and energy principles. (Y.B.Wang)
E642600 Airport Planning and Design / 3 credits / 4th F
This course consists of strategic level and technical level for airport construction.
In strategic aspect, we introduce various levels of airport planning in a global view,
location process, and contents of airport master plan. In technical aspect, we focus
on the design and layout facilities, e.g. runway orientation, length, profile,
pavement, taxiway exits, terminal types, etc. (C.M. Kuo)
E642500 Prestressed Concrete / 3 credits / 4th F
Introduction, materials, prestress losses, flexural design, shear, bond, cable
layout, Anchorage zone analysis, deflection. ( K. H. Su)
E640400 Earthquake Engineering / 3 credits / 4th S
This course gives fundamental concepts in seismic phenomenon principles of
seismic resostant(?)design. It contains an introduction of earthquake, source and
seismic waves, faults, triggering mechanism, intensity and magnitude, seismic force
analysis, response analysis, seismic resistant design, and building codes. A special
request(feature?) for this course is a project which includes a building model
needed to be accomplished. (J.S. Tsai)
N670100 Deep Excavation method / 3 credits / 4th S
This course gives lectures relating to deep excavation works. Topics covered in
class include bearing analysis of mat foundation, compensated foundation, lateral
earth pressure theory, design and analysis of sheet piles, bracing cuts, lateral earth
pressure distribution, design earth pressure, bracing analysis, bottom heave analysis,
piping analysis, ground settlement and lateral movement, and cases studied. ( J.S.
N650800 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Members / 3 credits
Progress in concrete technology, concrete properties (long-term behavior, cyclic
behavior, failure criteria), design philosophy, flexural behavior (strength,
deformation, ductility, moment redistribution), Axial load and bending behavior
(short column, long column, biaxial bending, ductility, restrained column),
beam-column joint, shear behavior. (K. H.Su)
N661900 Advanced Prestressed Concrete Members / 3 credits
Continuous beam, partial prestress, torsion (skew bending theory, truss analogy
based on softening and spalling concepts). (I.K. Fang)
N661500 Fracture Mechanics
Stress concentration, analysis of crack-tip fields, mode of fracture, brittle and
ductile materials, fracture criteria J-integral, COD, stability of crack propagation.
( J.C.Sung)
N687000 Energy and Variational Principles
Energy and variational principles, variational methods of approximation,
application in structural mechanics. (C.P. Wu)
N655500 Finite Element Methods
Finite element analysis of one-dimensional problems, finite element analysis of
two-dimensional problems, research topics in structural mechanics. (C.P. Wu)
N656000 Random Vibration
Study of the basic concepts of probability as well as the meaning and property of
stochastic processes, followed by analysis of the stochastic responses of any linear
continuous systems, subjected to random forced vibration or base excitation. (L.L.
N652600 Advanced Soil Mechanics / 3 credits
Physical chemistry of soil, theory of pressure distribution, theory of
consolidation, theory of shear strength, theory of earth pressure, dynamic properties
of soil, directed reading. (C.H. Yu)
N663800 Elements of Material Science / 3 credits
Engineering requirements of materials, atomic bonding, atomic arrangements,
structural imperfections and atomic movements, electronic structures and processes,
metallic phases and their properties, organic materials and their properties, ceramic
phases and their properties, multiphase materials and equilibrium relationships,
reactions within solid materials, modification of properties through changes in
microstructure composite materials. (Y.M.Wang)
N6655000 Composite Materials Mechanics / 3 credits
Particular composite, fiber-reinforced composite, laminated composite,
micromechanics, macromechanics, effective properties, overall mechanical and
physical behaviors, flexure, vibration and buckling analysis of laminated plates,
selected topics. (C.B. Yen)
N650600 Theory of Elastic Stability / 3 credits
Fundamentals of stability, columns, beam-columns, rigid frames, plates, dynamic
stability. (Y.J.Chiou)
N655100 Plastic Analysis of Structures / 3 credits
Summary of plasticity, the theorems of limit analysis, bar structures, plates, plane
stress and plane strain problems, axisymmetric problems, linear programming,
cyclic loading and shake down, slip line theory, slope stability, limit design.
N655600 Plasticity / 3 credits
The framework of plastic constitutive relations, yield surface, loading surface,
normality, convexity, flow rule, hardening rule, plastic behavior of bar structures,
axisymmetric problems, torsion, plates, deformation theory and incremental
analysis, numerical analysis, theorems of limit analysis, shake down theorems.
N655400 Advanced Theory of Elasticity / 3 credits
Variational approach and solutions, Anisotropic elasticity, Lekhnitskii complex
potential approach, notch problems, inclusion problems, deformations of solids of
revolution, fundamental solutions of elasticity. (J.C.Sung)
N650200 Boundary Element Method / 3 credits
Approximate solutions of boundary value problems, boundary integral equations,
potential problems, interpolations and boundary elements, diffusion problems,
elastostitics, transient and nonlinear problems, fundamental solutions, coupling of
bounding element method with other numerical schemes. (J.Q. Tarn)
N650000 Theory of Elasticity / 3 credits
Cartesian tensors, stress tensor, strain tensor, constitutive laws of materials,
generalized Hooke's law, principle of virtual work, plane strain, plane stress and
axisymmetric problems, variational principles and applications, fundamental
solutions. (J.Q. Tarn)
N662400 Interaction of Soils and Pile Structures / 3 credits
This course deals with the response of soil-pile structure interaction under axial
and lateral loading. The piling methods and ultimate design of pile capacity with
static and dynamic approaches are reviewed. The effects of installation of piles on
the soil-pile interaction are applied in developing solutions for beams on
foundation, pile under lateral loading, piles under axial loading, and pile groups
under inclined and eccentric loading. Mindlin's equations applied to analyzing the
elastic response of soil and pile subjected to both axial and lateral loading are
discussed. The T-z curves and p-y curves used to analyze the nonlinear response of
soil and piles subjected to axial and lateral loading respectively are also discussed.
The combinations of elastic and nonlinear approaches applied to analyzing the pile
groups are discussed. Computer programs are used in the solutions. The course
objectives are to establish the concept (of)soil-pile structure interaction and to
present practical solutions to a number of important problems. (S.H. Ni)
N657800 Soil Dynamics / 3 credits
The course deals with the response of soil and soil-structure interaction both
under low-amplitude dynamic loading such as that generated by machinery,
vehicular traffic, and conventional blasting and under high-amplitude dynamic
loading such as that generated by earthquake excitation. Field and laboratory
methods used to evaluate dynamic soil properties are discussed. Analytical methods
used to design surface, embedded, and pile-supported foundations undergoing
transient or steady state vibration are covered. Problems associated with vibration
transmission and isolation in soil are also discussed. Mechanisms of earthquake
generation and characteristics of resulting ground motion are reviewed.
Stress-strain behaviors of soil under cyclic loading and analytical techniques used
to model such behavior are discussed. Liquefaction and degradation of soil
properties are considered. Methods used to determine response spectra, free-field
ground motion, and soil-structure interaction are also discussed. (S.H.0Ni)
N654900 Operation Research / 3 credits
In this course we introduce theories and applications in Operations Research.
Topics include formulation, linear programming, network optimization, integer
programming, nonlinear programming. (Y. Lee)
N663900 Transportation Systems Analyze / 3 credits
This course covers the components of a transportation system as well as their
interactions. Topics include supply, demand, and equilibrium between supply and
demand, transportation network equilibrium, and optimization of transportation
system. (Y. Lee)
N655210 Pavement Analysis (I) / 3 credits
This course aims to establish a sound background of pavement knowledge and to
train the students how to deal with pavement structure. It contains introduction of
pavement engineering, historical review of pavement analysis, rigid pavement
analysis, flexible pavement analysis, application of finite element method,
backcalculation. (C.M. Kuo)
N655220 Pavement Analysis (II) / 3 credits
With background of Pavement Analysis (I), several in-depth investigations of
special topics are covered in this course. Some of the topics include discussion and
modification of pavement design guides, impact of environmental loading,
reexamination of functions of base courses. Training of independent research and
presentation skills is the major concerns in this course. (C.M. Kuo)
N661000 Plate and Shell / 3 credits
As a basic concept, the discussion and solutions of rectangular plates with
various edge conditions arise in the beginning of this course. Also, the analysis of
the bending for thin rectangular plates and the uniformly and concentrate loading
for circular plates are mentioned. Based on the theory, the solutions of plates on
elastic foundation, compression of plates buckling and plates with small initial
curvature are obtained. As for the large deformation for a plate, geometrically
non-linear analysis of circular plates subjected to arbitrary load is included in this
course. For practical application, the analysis of direct and bending stresses in
shells and buckling of shells are eventually the topics of our study. (P.L.Chen)
N670100 Deep Excavation method / 3 credits
This is an advanced course in which subjects for practical practices of diaphragm
wall design and construction are first emphasized. Theories of internal bracing
design and construction are introduced next. Protection measures of adjacent
building of excavation are also included. All subjects are given by practical case
analysis. (J.S. Tsai)
N652500 Theoretical Soil Mechanics / 3 credits
1.Critical State Strength of Soil 2. Behavior of Soil before Failure 3. Cam Clay
Model 4. Stability of Soil Structures using Bound Methods 5. Limit Equilibrium
Method 6. Applied Laboratory Stress Paths 7. Elastic Stress Paths (J.W. Chen)
E649000 Failure Theory of Soil / 3 credits / 4th F
1.Failure Criteria 2. The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria 3. Tests for the Shear
Strength of Soils 4. Stress Paths 5. Behavior of Saturated Sands during Drained and
Undrained Shear 6. Stress-Strain-strength Characteristics of Cohesive Soils 7. Pore
Pressure Parameters 8. Stress Paths during Undrained loading-Normally
Consolidated and Overconsolidated Clays. (J.W. Chen)
N652900 Seepage and Groundwater / 3 credits
1. Horizontal Confined Flow 2. Shallow Unconfined Flow 3. Combined Shallow
Confined and unconfined Flow 4. Shallow Unconfined Flow with Rainfall 5.
Transient Shallow Flow 6. Flow Net Method 7. Method of Fragments 8. Analogue
method (Physical Methods). (J.W. Chen)
N651400 Slope Area Development / 3 credits
Disaster in slope area, Mechanism and Prevention of slope failure, Drainage
system design, Case study. (C.C. Huang)
N651300 Reinforcement and Improvement of Soil / 3 credits
Theory of soil reinforcement, Application of soil reinforcing technology, Failure
mechanism of reinforced structures, Stability analysis and design of reinforced
slopes. (C.C. Huang)
N659200 Decision Analysis and Risk Management / 3 credits
1.Introduction of Decision Making. 2.Methodology of Decision Making Analysis.
3. Risk Assessment. 4. The Application of Risk Assessment. (C.W. Feng )
N659100 Construction Disputes and Resolutions / 3 credits
The current construction dispute resolution methods are mainly reconciliation,
arbitration, and litigation through the reconciliation committee of public
construction council (PCC), Arbitration Association of ROC, and the court,
respectively. (C.T.Chang)