Beat the casino on your next trip. Roulette Craps Blackjack Slots Video Poker Horse Racing Casino Gambling: The Absolute Minimum Part 4 of 4 by George Backus Can You Really Make A Living Doing This? So, you want to be like Maverick, huh? Move to Las Vegas, spending your days sipping champagne at the baccarat table with other high-rollers like James Bond in Dr. No, right? You can admit it. I won’t laugh. My first advice, though: Don’t quit your day job just yet. There are quite a few professional gamblers to be sure, but usually only the best of the best attempt to make gambling their sole source of income. I doubt very seriously that Jimmy the Greek ever turned down his network salary, or that the writers of gambling books regularly return royalty checks to their publishers. By and large, the pros work on paper-thin margins, and they know their games better than you, or I, or any fifty of our friends all put together, ever have or probably ever will. But if you really want to give it a shot, hey, go for it. I wish you the best of luck. But if I may be so bold as to offer a few suggestions and things to consider (and a lot of these are appropriate for the casual gambler, too): Reread the “first advice” paragraph above. Have some other form of income that’ll at least pay the day-to-day expenses (housing, eating, and transportation come to mind). If you become moderately successful at it, go ahead and make gambling your only income source - but not until you’ve built up a cushion to last through the losing streaks (and there will be losing streaks). In the same vein, have enough of a bankroll - separate from your living expenses to last through the inevitable beginning missteps and turns of luck. Some authorities recommend $10,000, some recommend $25,000, some recommend more. You’ll have to be your own authority on this one. Don’t be a one-trick pony. Develop at least some expertise in as many games as you feel comfortable with. You’ll have your favorites, and ones that you’re better at than others. But no matter how much you think you luuuuuuuuuv one specific game, if it’s all you play, it’s gonna get old eventually. (Besides, you can become a semi-expert in a lot of them within 15 minutes.) In NYSE/NASDAQ lingo: Diversify. Know your game(s) cold. If you have to think real hard about what the correct move should be for any given situation, you’re not ready. Practice, practice, and practice some more (preferably at a simulation program or just with a deck of cards or a pair of dice and some free change). Read the books on your games - some of them will be pure hogwash, but there are usually some good hints and tips in even the worst of them. It’s assumed here that you currently have an employer who’s picking up at least a portion of your 401(k) and/or health insurance. Keep in mind that these kinds of things will henceforth be your responsibility, as will such things as Social Security and Medicare. There may be tax advantages to things like filing under “Schedule C,” where you can start deducting things like mileage and other “costs of doing business.” Check with your tax advisor about this one. In addition to the tax situation, it’s a good idea to keep track of your wins and losses anyway - to look for trends, places for improvement, and the like. Discipline, discipline, discipline. Let me repeat that: Discipline, discipline, discipline. If you’ve set a loss limit for any particular game at three losses, or five units, or a certain dollar amount, or time spent at the table, or the current phase of the moon, or whatever, stick to it! Don’t get caught into a “just one more hand/spin/roll” habit. It’s like eating potato chips, and “just one more” can easily lead to “just one more more” which leads to… You get the point. This is what often turns a guaranteed winning session into a guaranteed losing session. Tied closely to Discipline is Focus. When you’ve got $500 on the table is not the time to be thinking about where you want to have dinner. You’ve got one job, and one job only, ahead of you - and it’s hard enough as it is. Don’t get cocky. Just as soon as you think you know everything and you’ve got it all figured out is when some game, someone, or something will come along to prove just how little you do know. And if you need another shot of Anti-Cockiness Serum, consider that “Gambler” ranks just above “Lawyer” and “Politician” on lists of the most-respected professions. (I think they’re all still ranked above “Mass Murderer” and “Pond Scum”, but I wouldn’t bet on it.) Don’t get greedy. Pride goeth before a fall, and all that. Read Gambling for a Living, by David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth, published by Two Plus Two Publishing at (See the “Books” and “Web Sites” sections for further information.) If I haven’t scared you off, and you still want to give it a shot, these guys can nudge you in the right direction. Keep a low profile. I’ve mentioned this before. This may be considered more a personal preference of mine than an ironclad rule-of-thumb. But there are also practical reasons. Flashy players attract attention. But while some players may be thinking of the possibility of attracting the attention of their favorite celebrity or the latest Playboy (or Playgirl) centerfold, I’m thinking more here of the possibility of attracting the attention of robbers and the Taxman. So if you’re really set on making a grand entrance with an entourage, at least make a bodyguard and a tax accountant part of it. Etiquette Some of this may come under the title of “Forced Etiquette.” Think of it as always having your mommy there, ready to slap your wrist if you transgress. Dealers won’t slap your wrist (usually), but they will, if necessary, gently point out that “that’s not the way we do things here” and you’re expected to listen and learn. Many of these have a basis in common sense (which I’ll explain as we go along)… Once you place a wager, guess what? It’s not your money anymore. It’s not the casino’s money either. It’s in that limbo called “action,” where it can go either way. Casinos get rather testy when people start reaching for chips that are out there in the betting locations, whether they originally put them there or not. The point? Don’t you dare touch those chips once they’re put “in play.” Not even in a game like Let It Ride, where you can withdraw bets. The dealer will handle it. In a similar vein: If the cards are dealt face down, it’s obviously okay to pick them up to see just what on earth you have. But if the cards are dealt face up, they’re not really to be touched by you. In Blackjack, if you want a hit, tap your finger on the cards; if you want to stand, wave your hand, palm down, over the cards; if you want to go to the bathroom, raise your hand and ask to be excused. (One of the reasons for the hand signals is so the “eye in the sky” can later review them on tape in case of any serious disagreement.) If you’re playing a game where you actually touch the cards, keep them in view of the dealer and any other players at all times. Not that you’d keep a few spare Aces in your shoe or anything (would you?), but why risk the wrath of the casino and the other players? In Craps, keep those hands in view at all times when you’re rolling the dice - and keep them off the table when someone else is rolling. Speaking of disagreements, I would not want to be the one to engage a dealer or pit boss (or any casino employee, for that matter) in a heated disagreement - even if I was right. This is where casino security would step in. Consider that their job is to “keep the peace” around there, pardner, and would you want to sit next to some frothing-at-the-mouth maniac berating the dealer? (It’d be bad for business, and casinos are a business.) This doesn’t mean that you should sit still for an obvious mistake - but it behooves you to pursue it in a low-key fashion. That “free” drink the cocktail waitress brought you wasn’t really “free” - not to her, anyway. Many casinos basically charge her a minimum amount - fifty cents or so, sometimes more - for every drink she picks up. So when you’re tipping the waitress, you’re tipping her and reimbursing her for the cost of the drink. Just something to keep in mind. Helpful dealers (and the vast majority of them are) deserve a tip now and again, too. Thou shalt not touch the dealer in any way, shape, or form; nor shall you expect the dealer to touch you. This is really pretty basic for all casinos and all games. If you want to change money for chips, you put the money on the table - don’t try to hand it to the dealer, they’ll politely tell you to just lay it down. Don’t expect them to hand you the chips, either - they’ll put them on the table and slide them over to you. After a roll, the dice will never be handed to you - they’ll be pushed over with the stick. When and if you do any toking, the chip(s) go on the table - not handed to the dealer. You’d be amazed how easy it is for a good mechanic to palm a $1000 chip or a loaded die and pass it on to a confederate, so the casinos would just as soon everything be transacted at arm’s length. What About Internet Gambling? Okay, so you can forget about the “Etiquette” section - you can scratch and burp and curse and be socially unacceptable and even play in your underwear (or less) for all your computer cares. Forget about memorizing anything - you can have your whole stack of reference material and notes and cards and cheat sheets sitting right next to you. Forget about that loudmouth sitting next to you giving you unwanted hints about everything you do (well, probably forget about that loudmouth sitting next to you…). Casino gambling without the casino - and without all those messy people around. For the budding misanthropes among us, it sounds perfect - give these companies a credit card number, download some software, and you’re off, pointing-and-clicking your way to untold wealth (or bankruptcy, whichever comes first). But not too fast, there, me bucko. So far, gambling over the Internet is illegal in the United States. That’s why the gambling sites are based in other countries. I doubt that agents from the government will be knocking down your door if you sign up, but consider this: Not being exactly legal also means that it’s not being exactly regulated. Say what you will about Las Vegas or Atlantic City or Tunica, the casinos in those places are watched very closely by the states to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. Should an online/offshore casino decide to close up shop (and move to Argentina with all your winnings), who ya gonna call? Hint: It won’t be your state’s attorney general - it’s out of his jurisdiction. So, caveat emptor once again. Me, I rather like the hustle and bustle and humanity of a “brick and mortar” casino. Besides… If you’re gambling at home, you’ve got to fetch your own drinks. But, if you want to give it a shot, go for it. Just be careful! Sites like and (Casino on Net) are popping up every day - visiting casino web sites like the ones listed in the “brick and mortar” casinos section will usually pop up quite a few more. Several sites in the “Web Sites” section are also portals for online casinos. is a good directory site specializing in online casinos. And there’s always the Yahoo! or AltaVista or Google searches for “casino”. Many online casinos have an option to allow you to play many games without risking any “real” money. If you’re attracted to online gambling, definitely do that first. Update: CNN reported (on June 7, 2001) that there’s a movement in Las Vegas to get Internet gambling legalized, at least in Nevada. I don’t know what legal ramifications that would have for the rest of the country, but stay tuned. Update to the Update: On June 15, 2001, Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn signed the bill that permits online gambling in Nevada - should the federal government allow wagering over the Internet. Yep, One More Update: According to the Associated Press (thru CNN) on June 14, 2002, Citibank has begun blocking all online gambling transactions, as part of an agreement with the state of West Virginia. Bank of America, MBNA, and Chase Manhattan have also begun blocking such transactions. In many cases, regulators have expressed the concern that it’s apparently just all too easy for underage junior to get daddy’s credit card information and gamble the family into a very, very deep hole. Miscellaneous Tables, Notes, Etc. Almost every casino has brochures available for the games they offer. Usually, they’ll include playing tips, house rules, and what bets are available (but you’ll never see what games not to play or what bets not to make, naturally). Still, it’s worth picking up a couple on the games you’re planning to play and spending a few minutes in the coffee shop looking them over. Average Games/Hour Craps 30 Roulette 50 Blackjack 60 Baccarat 80 Slots 400+ Video Poker 400+ * (2 minutes/game) (1 minute/game) (9 seconds/game) * Some Video Poker players have been clocked at from 500-600 games per hour. Needless to say, standing between them and their machines may be hazardous to your health. Take a few minutes to “reset” yourself after a session - especially if you’re going to jump into a different game. Like the erstwhile Roulette croupier (see that section for details), you’ll probably tend to lock-in to a pattern of playing and/or betting - which may or may not be appropriate for the game you’re going to. Take your time. The casino’s not going anywhere. Fairly-Standard Chip Colors Chip Amount $ 1 $ 5 $ 25 $ 50 $ 100 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 5,000 Chip Color White/Light Blue Red Green Blue Black Purple Orange Gray (When you hear a dealer say something like “black action”, they’re telling the pit boss that someone at the table is getting serious and betting black ($100) chips. If it happens while you’re playing, don’t get all weird about it. It’s as much for your protection as it is the casino’s. Well, maybe a little more for the casino’s protection, since that’ll trigger a little tighter scrutiny to make sure no one’s doing anything untoward, but their umbrella will also protect you from the rain just as well.) Accept the fact that you will have losing sessions. A person not prepared to lose shouldn’t be gambling in the first place. On a brighter note, if you can pull in 5-10% of your stakes relatively consistently, you’re doing pretty good. If you’re gambling on a consistent basis, be sure to chart your progress - on a game-by-game basis or an aggregate basis, whichever you choose. Often, it’s considerably easier to work with things on an at-a-glance basis. If a trend is consistently down, down, down, it’s probably time to give that particular game a rest for a while until you figure out what’s happening. (I find that spreadsheets work well for this. I have a few Excel 97 spreadsheets that I personally use pretty extensively, and I’ll be happy to e-mail them to you - just e-mail with your request and they’ll be winging their merry electronic way to you ASAP. They’re not particularly elegant or ornate, but they work for me. Oh, and they’re free if you want ‘em…) If you have any questions, corrections, glowing comments, effusive thanks, gifts of money, love letters, hate mail, or suggestions, e-mail or snail mail to: George Backus 34207 Lee Hwy. Glade Spring, VA 24340-4533 If you’d like to receive a semi-regular semi-newsletter containing updates, corrections, new games, new information and the like, e-mail me (once again, at or snail-mail me (at the above address). Let me know whether you’d prefer the print version (for which I’ll obviously need your mailing address) or the e-mail version (for which I’ll obviously need your e-mail address). Either way, it’s free for the people who’ve bought this book. (Your physical and/or e-mail address will never be given or sold to anyone else. That’s a promise.) And once again, good luck. Appendix A: Resources First off, a(nother) disclaimer: I neither work for, nor am I associated with, the sellers of books, the sellers of equipment, or any web sites listed. To my knowledge, I’m not related to anyone who is, either. And if you obtain anything listed here, I won’t get one penny out of it. These listings are things I’ve learned from, books I’ve found useful (whether I agree with everything written in them or not), things I use or have used, things that’ve given me ideas - nothing more, nothing less. Caveat Emptor, in all things. Books Books, books, and more books. If,,, (see next section), or your local bookstore doesn’t have it and it isn’t listed on any of the sites mentioned, you can probably get much of the same information off the web sites themselves. Either way, this is a decent starter set, even though I don’t necessarily agree with everything in each book. You’ll soon discover that there are almost as many books on gambling as there are gamblers. American Casino Guide Also available through the site. Casino Gambling Jerry L. Patterson Perigee, 2000 Casino Gambling for Fun and Profit J. Edward Crowder, Ph.D. Writer’s Showcase (an imprint of, Inc.), 2000 The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gambling Like a Pro Stanford Wong and Susan Spector Gambling for a Living David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth Available through the site. the Unofficial Guide™ to Casino Gambling Basil Nestor Macmillan, 1999 Winning Strategies for Video Poker Lenny Frome Compu-Flyers, 1997 109 Ways to Beat the Casinos Walter Thomason, editor Bonus Books, Inc., 2000 Web Sites If you don’t have access to the Internet (or don’t have a friend who does), most of this section will unfortunately be less than worthless to you. If you do have access, you may have already found these sites. Either way, I’m including them here mostly to show that there is a wealth of information out there. (There’s also a wealth of misinformation and uninformation. Take everything with a grain of salt until you’ve checked it out for yourself.) In any comments, I normally left out the fact that every site has links to lots of other sites (and they have links, and they have links, and so on and so on…). That much goes without saying. Many also offer e-mail newsletters. Don’t take the presence or absence of comments as an endorsement or lack thereof. This is also why the list is in a nice, neutral alphabetical order. And this is only a partial list, obviously. One of the quickest routes to insanity is trying to keep up with all the sites that pop up and die daily… American Casino Guide One of the best sources for information about where you can find casino gambling, it includes the basic directory listings for casinos, and room rates (if you’re looking to stay a while), phone numbers, games offered, and other miscellaneous information. The site also includes gambling news, promotions, and products. You can order the print version of American Casino Guide here. Las Vegas on 25 cents a Day From their own listings: Free Crap, Free Eats, Free to See, Cheap Eats, Gamble Cheap, Sleep Cheap - and Trip Reports, too! Irreverent, to say the least. (But they’re honest enough to point out that the only way to really do Las Vegas on 25 cents a day is to win the jackpot on that first quarter.) A2Z Las Vegas Visitors Guide In addition to their directory, this site also has a section on each casino/resort that contains visitor’s ratings and comments. I sometimes wonder how many of the negative comments were left by some of the competitors, but it makes for interesting reading. Some of the comments are the type that make you go “Hmmmmm…” Stanford Wong’s site. Lots of free information, in addition to the members-only section. Excellent tutorials on many casino games (for which membership is not necessary). A Casino Gaming Portal: This site also contains online gaming guides (for Craps, Video Poker, Blackjack, Poker, and Roulette, as I write this) that cover some of the finer points. Addresses of Real Casinos Worldwide Gaming Rules of Real Casinos Worldwide Worldwide Casino Phone Directory Casino Center Casino Chip Gallery Home Page Wouldn’t it be a hoot to play your next Wednesday-night poker game with genuine (obsolete) $1, $5, and $25 chips from the Sahara casino? Well, you can. The $1 chips sell for $4 (each), the $5 chips go for $6 (each), and the $25 ones are $12 (each). You could always substitute $1 Bellagio or Mandalay Bay or Mirage chips - they’re only $3 each. It shouldn’t cost you much more than $2,000 for enough chips to have a decent poker game, if you limit your raises. Be sure to frisk your guests as they’re leaving. Or, if you’re really feeling expansive, get yourself an old (obsolete) $1000 Dunes chip - only $80. Tell people you forgot you had it in your pocket several years ago, and by the time you discovered you had it, it was too late. They’ll marvel at what a high-roller you are. Or they’ll marvel at what a dummy you were for “forgetting” you had it in the first place. Casino City They have an excellent casino directory, in addition to a bookstore, magazines, playing strategy tips, a great collection of links to other sites, and a game information section. CasinoClassifieds Pssst… Hey, buddy…Yeah, you… C’mere… Wanna buy a casino? Yes, there’s a category for that here, along with almost everything else you, as a gambler, might want. (One of the casinos I saw was only $20 million. Cheap.) Jerry Patterson’s site CasinoGuru: Learn to play smart for free! Lots of news from the industry. For those interested in Internet gambling, they have “The Black List” of sites that, for one reason or another, have earned their displeasure. LOTS of links. “The CheapoVegas Guide to a Better Vacation” - brought to you from the folks at (see listing above). Join Casino Boy as he reviews Las Vegas hotels, casinos, and dining. As is the site, it’s also pretty irreverent - and pretty funny and on the mark, too. The Vegas Report A spinoff from the political site, it’s written by a Las Vegas resident. It’s very good at giving you a flavor of the place. Warning, though: There’s occasionally some extra-salty language sprinkled here and there, it’s a little risqué at times, and it’s probably not what you’d call apolitical. Flushing Amusement, Inc. Frank Scoblete’s site. Rolling Good Times Online Gamblers Anonymous I would be worse than remiss if I didn’t mention this site. They have chapters in every state. Call 1-800-GAMBLER or 213-386-8789 (in Los Angeles) for further information. Gambler’s Book Shop 630 South 11th Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 A little bit of everything, and a great place for finding books specific to certain games. Call 1-800-522-1777 to request a free catalog. Gambler’s General Store Along with the chips you bought from (which is a subsidiary of Gambler’s General Store), wouldn’t you also like a Blackjack or Craps table to put in the den? Maybe a slot machine or two? This is the place to get ‘em. (But before you pick up that vintage one-armed bandit during your next trip to Las Vegas, keep in mind that many localities prohibit private ownership of such things.) Gambling Community Home GamblinK Online Gambling Magazine. Internet casino and sportsbooks, gambling news, etc. The Game Master Online The Insider’s Guide® to Las Vegas Las Vegas Advisor 3687 S. Procyon Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89103 (702) 252-0655 Anthony Curtis’ site, one of the best ones out there. His company (Huntington Press, same address) also publishes cheat sheets (or, in more Politically Correct terms, “strategy cards”) for just about all variations of Video Poker, in flavors from “Rank Amateur” to “Knows-More-Than-Should-Be-Allowed-By-Law” (my descriptions). If you’re into Video Poker, they’re highly recommended (and reasonably priced, too). This is the official web site of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Las Vegas Reservations Systems Online A subsidiary of, offering discount hotel and airfare packages and reservations. Las Vegas Online Entertainment Guide Like, this site also has a “Las Vegas Trip Reports” section, sometimes covering several hotels and restaurants in one posting. Midwest Casino Guide Move To Las Vegas Relocation Directory Primarily a Poker site. Phil Hellmuth’s site Relocating in Las Vegas Magazine A little bit of everything - online gaming, casino hotel reservation availability, links to casinos and hotels, travel deals… BJ Conditions and Specials (Henry Tamburin) John Grochowski’s column in the Chicago Sun-Times. Two Plus Two Publishing David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth’s site. Weighted towards Poker, but they also carry books and info on almost every casino game you might be interested in. U.S. casinos by state Michael Bluejay’s Las Vegas Guide The Wizard of Odds (Michael Shackleford) I wish I’d thought of that name. Michael Shackleford is a mathematician who specializes in deriving the odds for casino games to the nth degree. If you’re looking for a way to pick up that extra 0.01% advantage, this is probably the guy who can help you do it. Software Before you sit down at a table gambling real money, it’ll help to sit down at your PC and risk some virtual money. Believe me, it’s a lot less painful - and keep in mind that airlines won’t even let their pilots fly 777’s without some simulation time first. There are many programs available that target one game, but these three seem to offer a decent mix of what you’ll run up against. They all have their strong points and weak points. I can hear some people now, though: “These are games, for crying out loud!” That they are. But how would one classify Blackjack, Craps, and all the others? You’ll never find a more dispassionate dealer than your computer. It won’t fumble the cards, the payoffs are 100% accurate, and computers just love generating random numbers to decide what the next card or the next roll of the dice should be. And even in games with complex rules, your computer won’t even break a sweat deciphering who wins, who loses, and how much. If the rules can be written down clearly enough for a human dealer to understand them, they can be translated to computer code. And one other nice thing: Many computer gaming programs have an option (that you can turn on or off), that’ll tell you if you’re about to do something incredibly stupid. It hurts less than having your partner whomp you upside the head. Other than that, my advice - if you’re using programs and simulations as training tools - is to play them as if you were playing for real. It’s easier to learn discipline and focus in the comfort of your home than it is to learn it with $100 (or $1000, or more) in real money at a real table. Set your beginning bank, use your increment and exit strategies (as applicable), develop your own style and lock-in your basic strategies where it’ll only cost you a few pennies in electricity. The only part of these programs that won’t necessarily be true-to-life are the poker games (not video poker, poker against human opponents). As of this morning, they still haven’t found a way to simulate the vagaries of human nature. Yet. All are available through or your local friendly retailer. (And I still don’t get a cut from any of them.) Avery Cardoza’s Casino 2000 Cardoza Entertainment One of the better game programs available (also, one of the least expensive). Windows 95/98, etc. Includes Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Keno, Video Poker, and Slots. Hoyle Casino 2000 / Hoyle Casino 5.0 Sierra Attractions / Sierra On-Line, Inc. Windows 95/98/2000/ME and Macintosh (Power PC or Power Mac, including iMac, System 7.5.3 or higher. Includes Poker, Keno, Roulette, Blackjack, Video Poker, Horse Racing, Slots, Pai Gow Poker, Let It Ride, Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Craps. Microsoft Casino: Mirage Resorts Edition Microsoft Windows 95/98, etc. Includes Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Baccarat, Video Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Video Keno, Slots, Big 6 Wheel, and Caribbean Stud Poker. Simulated play at The Mirage®, Treasure Island at The Mirage®, and Bellagio®. Beautiful graphics and pictures, but it may cause some smaller machines to choke. Additionally, a quick Google/Yahoo!/(Your-Favorite-Search-Engine-Here) search for “gambling simulations” or “gambling programs” will usually bring up enough downloadable software to fill up the hard drive on many computers. And nicest of all, many of them are either free or reasonably-priced shareware programs. (By the way, the last time I did a Yahoo! search for “gambling simulations” it also found a lot of stock market simulation programs. Now why doesn’t it surprise me that a search for gambling also dredged up the stock market?) Appendix B: Selected Casinos in the U.S. (including Web Sites and Telephone Numbers, where available) There are, I believe, 38 states where casino gambling is legal. I’ve only listed casinos in nine of them, and I know I didn’t even get all of those included. Some, I left out on purpose (for example, if I knew that a casino was a slots-only operation, I normally excluded it) - many, I’m sure I just plain missed. I have nothing for - or against - any of the establishments listed (or not listed, as the case may be). Those with Internet access are, once again, blessed with a slight advantage here. Wherever possible, I’ve listed the casino’s web site, in addition to what appears to be their main information number. Some of the web sites also offer gaming tips, online reservations, online slot/players club registration, and e-mail newsletters. Most of the sites are also perhaps a little prone to overkill, but remember that you’re dealing with a lot of glitz and glamour here - would you expect a web site promoting a casino to be any less flashy? And keep in mind that some of the special offers that I’ve noted in footnotes (like “Offers 10x odds on Craps” or “Offers single-deck Blackjack”) may or may not still be in effect when you inquire. Casinos pick up and drop “specials” all the time. This list is as up-to-date as I could make it, as of May, 2001. Connecticut Foxwoods Resort Casino Ledyard, CT Mohegan Sun Casino 800-PLAY-BIG Uncasville, CT 888-226-7711 Illinois Alton Belle Riverboat Casino Alton, IL 800-711-GAME Casino Queen E. St. Louis, IL 800-777-07777 Empress Casino Hotel Joliet Joliet, IL 888-4EMPRESS Grand Victoria Casino Harrah’s Joliet Casino 847-888-1000 Joliet, IL Hollywood Casino - Aurora Elgin, IL Aurora, IL Jumer’s Casino Rock Island Rock Island, IL 800-477-7747 Par-A-Dice Riverboat Casino East Peoria, IL Players Island Casino - Metropolis Metropolis, IL Indiana Argosy Casino and Hotel - Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg, IN 888-ARGOSY-7 Belterra Casino and Resort Balterra, IN Blue Chip Casino Michigan City, IN 888-879-7711 Caesars Indiana Elizabeth, IN 888-ROMAN-4-U Casino Aztar Evansville, IN Grand Victoria Casino & Resort Rising Sun, IN 800-GRAND-11 Harrah’s East Chicago East Chicago, IN Horseshoe Casino Hammond Trump Hotel Casino Hammond, IN 866-711-SHOE Gary, IN 888-21-TRUMP Iowa Ameristar Casino Council Bluffs Council Bluffs, IA 712-328-8888 Belle of Sioux City Casino Sioux City, IA Bluffs Run Casino Council Bluffs, IA CasinOmaha Onawa, IA (Note ) Catfish Bend Casino Fort Madison, IA (Note ) Dubuque Diamond Jo Casino Dubuque, IA Harvey’s Casino Hotel - Council Bluffs Council Bluffs, IA Isle of Capri Casino - Bettendorf Bettendorf, IA 888-782-9582 Isle of Capri - Marquette Marquette, IA 800-4-YOU-BET Rhythm City Casino Davenport, IA WinneVegas Sloan, IA (Note ) Kansas Casino White Cloud White Cloud, KS Golden Eagle Casino Horton, KS (Note ) 888-GO-4-LUCK Harrah’s Prairie Band Casino Mayetta, KS Sac & Fox Casino Powhattan, KS 800-990-2946 Louisiana Argosy Casino Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA 800-676-4847 Bally’s Casino Lakeshore Resort New Orleans, LA Boomtown Casino Westbank Harvey, LA 800-366-7711 Casino Magic - Bossier City Bossier City, LA Casino Rouge Baton Rouge, LA 800-44-ROUGE Cypress Bayou Casino Charenton, LA Grand Casino Coushatta Kinder, LA 318-738-1370 800-58-GRAND Harrah’s New Orleans New Orleans, LA Harrah’s Shreveport Shreveport, LA Hollywood Casino Shreveport Shreveport, LA Horseshoe Casino Hotel - Bossier City Bossier City, LA 800-895-0711 Isle of Capri Casino & Hotel - Bossier City Bossier City, LA 800-THE-ISLE Isle of Capri Casino & Hotel - Lake Charles Westlake, LA 800-THE-ISLE Paragon Casino Resort Marksville, LA Players Island Hotel & Casino - Lake Charles Lake Charles, LA Treasure Chest Casino Kenner, LA 504-443-8000 800-298-0711 Mississippi Ameristar Casino - Vicksburg Vicksburg, MS 601-638-1000 800-700-7770 Bayou Caddy’s Jubilee Casino Greenville, MS (Note ) Casino Magic - Bay St. Louis Bay St. Louis, MS 228-467-9257 800-5-MAGIC-5 Copa Casino Gulfport, MS 800-WIN-COPA Grand Casino Gulfport Gulfport, MS 866-GULFPORT Harrah’s Vicksburg Casino Hotel Vicksburg, MS Isle of Capri Resort & Casino - Lula Lula, MS 888-782-9582 Isle of Capri Resort & Casino - Natchez Natchez, MS 888-782-9582 Isle of Capri Casino - Vicksburg Vicksburg, MS 800-THE-ISLE Rainbow Hotel Casino Vicksburg, MS 800-503-3777 Silver Star Resort & Casino Philadelphia, MS 800-557-0711 Mississippi - Biloxi Beau Rivage Hotel and Casino Boomtown Casino - Biloxi Casino Magic - Biloxi Grand Casino Biloxi Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino 228-386-7111 888-595-2534 800-627-0777 228-386-4600 800-5-MAGIC-5 866-4-BILOXI 228-436-3000 Isle of Capri Casino - Biloxi Palace Casino Resort President Casino Broadwater Resort 800-THE-ISLE 228-385-3500 800-THE-PRES Treasure Bay Casino Resort 800-PIRATE-9 Mississippi - Robinsonville (Tunica) Bally’s Saloon/Gambling Hall Hotel Fitzgerald’s Casino/Hotel Gold Strike Casino Resort 800-38BALLY 800-766-5825 888-24K-STAY Grand Casino Tunica Harrah’s Tunica Hollywood Casino Tunica 866-4-TUNICA Horseshoe Casino Hotel 800-303-7463 Isle of Capri Casino - Tunica 800-THE-ISLE 662-363-0711 800-456-0711 Sam’s Town Tunica Sheraton Casino and Hotel 662-363-4900 Mississippi - Tunica (see Mississippi - Robinsonville (Tunica)) Nevada Avi Resort and Casino Barley’s Casino & Brewing Co. Barton’s Club 93 Buffalo Bill’s Resort & Casino Cactus Pete’s Resort Casino Carson Nugget Carson Station Hotel/Casino Laughlin, NV 800-AVI-2-WIN Henderson, NV (Note ) Jackpot, NV (Note ) Primm, NV Jackpot, NV 800-821-1103 Carson City, NV 775-882-1626 800-426-5239 Carson City, NV 877-519-5567 Carson Valley Inn Minden, NV CasaBlanca Resort & Casino Mesquite, NV Colorado Belle Hotel & Casino Laughlin, NV Commercial Casino Elko, NV Edgewater Hotel and Casino Laughlin, NV 800-677-4837 Eldorado Casino Henderson, NV Eureka Casino Hotel Mesquite, NV 702-346-4600 800-346-4611 The Fiesta Henderson Henderson, NV 888-899-7770 The Flamingo Laughlin Laughlin, NV 800-FLAMINGO Gold Strike Hotel & Gambling Hall Jean, NV Golden Nugget Laughlin Laughlin, NV Hacienda Hotel and Casino Boulder City, NV 702-293-5000 Harrah’s Laughlin Casino & Hotel Laughlin, NV The Horseshu Hotel and Casino Jackpot, NV 800-432-0051 Jokers Wild Henderson, NV 702-564-8100 Nevada Landing Hotel & Casino Jean, NV Ormsby House Hotel Casino Carson City, NV (Note ) Piñon Plaza Casino Resort Carson City, NV 877-519-5567 Pioneer Hotel & Gambling Hall Laughlin, NV Primm Valley Resort & Casino Primm, NV Railroad Pass Hotel & Casino Henderson, NV 702-294-5000 800-654-0877 Ramada Express Hotel & Casino Laughlin, NV Red Garter Hotel & Casino W. Wendover, NV Red Lion Inn & Casino Elko, NV River Palms Resort Casino Laughlin, NV Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino Laughlin, NV Saddle West Hotel/Casino & RV Park Pahrump, NV 775-727-1111 800-433-3987 Stagecoach Hotel & Casino Beatty, NV State Line/Silver Smith Hotel Casinos W. Wendover, NV 702-664-2221 (State Line) 702-664-2231 (Silver Smith) Stockmen’s Hotel & Casino Elko, NV Sunset Station Casino Henderson, NV Topaz Lodge & Casino Gardnerville, NV 775-266-3338 Virgin River Hotel & Casino Mesquite, NV 800-346-7721 Whiskey Pete’s Hotel & Casino Primm, NV Winners Hotel/Casino Winnemucca, NV 800-648-4770 Nevada - Lake Tahoe Bill’s Casino Caesars Tahoe Stateline, NV (Note ) Stateline, NV 888-829-7630 Cal-Neva Resort Spa & Casino Crystal Bay, NV 800-CAL-NEVA Crystal Bay Club Casino Crystal Bay, NV 775-831-0512 Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Stateline, NV Harvey’s - Lake Tahoe Horizon Casino Resort Stateline, NV Lake Tahoe, NV 800-648-3322 Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Incline Village, NV 775-832-1234 Lakeside Inn and Casino Stateline, NV 775-588-7777 800-624-7980 Tahoe Biltmore Lodge and Casino Crystal Bay, NV 775-831-0660 800-BILTMOR Nevada - Las Vegas Aladdin Resort & Casino Arizona Charlie’s Hotel/Casino Strip 702-785-5555 800-342-2695 Arizona Charlie’s East Hotel/Casino Boulder Hwy. Strip 877-951-0002 Bally’s Las Vegas Strip 888-742-9248 Barbary Coast Hotel & Casino Strip 888-227-2279 Barcelona Hotel & Casino 800-223-6330 Bellagio Strip 702-693-7111 Binion’s Horseshoe Casino and Hotel Downtown 702-382-1600 800-622-6468 Boardwalk Casino - Holiday Inn Strip Boulder Station Hotel & Casino Boulder Hwy. Strip 800-683-7777 Caesars Palace Strip 877-427-7243 California Hotel & Casino Downtown 702-385-1222 Casino Royale & Hotel Strip 800-854-7666 Castaways Boulder Hwy. Strip Circus Circus Hotel & Casino Strip 702-734-0410 877-2CIRCUS El Cortez Hotel & Casino Downtown 702-385-5200 Excalibur Resort Hotel/Casino Strip 877-750-5464 Fiesta Casino Hotel N. Las Vegas Fitzgeralds Casino & Holiday Inn Downtown Flamingo Hilton Las Vegas Strip Four Queens Casino Hotel Downtown Fremont Hotel & Casino Downtown Gold Coast Hotel and Casino 702-631-7000 800-731-7333 800-274-LUCK 702-697-2900 702-385-4011 800-634-6045 702-385-3232 800-634-6460 Strip 888-402-6278 Golden Gate Hotel & Casino Downtown 702-385-1906 800-426-1906 Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino Downtown 702-385-7111 Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Strip 702-693-5000 800-HRD-ROCK Harrah’s Las Vegas Strip Hotel San Remo Casino & Resort Strip 702-739-9000 Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino Strip 702-731-3311 Casino Information: 800-351-7400 (Press “1”) Jerry’s Nugget N. Las Vegas 702-399-3000 Key Largo Casino & Quality Inn Strip Lady Luck Casino Hotel Downtown Las Vegas Club Casino Hotel Downtown Las Vegas Hilton Strip Luxor Las Vegas Strip Main Street Station Hotel & Casino 800-523-9582 702-385-1664 800-634-6532 888-732-7117 888-777-0188 Downtown 702-387-1896 800-713-8933 Mandalay Bay MGM Grand Hotel Casino Strip Strip The Mirage Strip Monte Carlo Resort & Casino 702-891-7777 877-880-0880 702-791-7111 Strip 702-730-7777 888-529-4828 Nevada Palace Hotel & Casino Boulder Hwy. Strip 702-458-8810 800-634-6283 New Frontier Hotel & Casino Strip 702-794-8330 800-421-7806 New York-New York Hotel & Casino Strip Orleans Hotel & Casino Strip 702-365-7111 800-ORLEANS O’Shea’s Casino Strip (Note ) Palace Station Hotel and Casino 800-544-2411 Paris Casino Resort Strip 702-946-7000 Plaza Hotel Casino Downtown 702-386-2110 800-634-6575 The Regent Las Vegas N. Las Vegas 877-869-8777 Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino Strip Riviera Hotel & Casino Strip Sahara Hotel and Casino Strip 800-634-3420 702-737-2111 Sam’s Town Hotel & Gambling Hall Boulder Hwy. Strip 702-456-7777 800-897-8696 Santa Fe Station Hotel & Casino 702-658-4900 800-6-STATIONS Showboat Hotel & Casino Silverton Hotel Casino & RV Resort south of the Strip 702-263-7777 866-668-6688 Stardust Resort & Casino Strip Table Games: 800-824-6033 Room Reservations: 800-634-6757 Stratosphere Hotel & Casino Strip 800-998-6937 Suncoast Hotel and Casino N. Las Vegas 702-636-7111 877-677-7111 Terrible’s Hotel and Casino Texas Station N. Las Vegas 800-654-8888 Treasure Island Strip 702-894-7111 Tropicana Casino & Resort Strip Vacation Village Hotel-Casino Strip 702-897-1700 800-658-5000 The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino Strip 877-2VENICE Westward Ho Hotel & Casino Strip 702-731-2900 800-634-6803 800-634-3488 Wild Wild West Gambling Hall and Casino Nevada - Reno Atlantis Casino Resort Boomtown Hotel Casino Circus Circus Hotel Casino/Reno Club Cal-Neva/Virginian Hotel and Casino Comstock Hotel Casino Eldorado Hotel/Casino Fitzgeralds Casino/Hotel - Reno Flamingo Reno 775-825-4700 800-723-6500 800-648-3790 775-786-5700 800-648-5966 800-535-LUCK 775-322-1111 Harrah’s Reno Peppermill Hotel Casino Reno Ramada Inn Speakeasy Casino Reno Hilton The Sands Regency Casino Hotel 775-826-2121 800-648-6992 775-329-7400 800-648-3553 Silver Legacy Resort Casino Sundowner Hotel Casino New Jersey - Atlantic City Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resort Bally’s Park Place 888-537-0007 Bally’s Wild Wild West Caesars Atlantic City 888-241-8545 Claridge Casino Hotel 800-847-LUCK 800-442-GAME Harrah’s Casino Hotel 609-441-5000 Resorts Casino Hotel 800-336-6378 Sands Hotel and Casino 800-ACSANDS Showboat Casino-Hotel Tropicana Casino and Resort 800-THE-TROP Trump Marina Hotel Casino Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort 609-441-2000 800-777-1177 609-441-6000 609-449-1000 800-825-8888 Appendix C: The Absolute Minimum of The Absolute Minimum These are copies of the “Absolute Minimum” boxes from each of the appropriate sections, stripped of any surrounding explanations and tacky comments. Well, most of the tacky comments… Blackjack1: The Absolute Minimum Do you have a Blackjack (An Ace and any 10-level card)? If so, you need go no further. If not, go to Blackjack2… Blackjack2: The Absolute Minimum Does the casino offer surrender, and if so, do you have one of the requisite hands? If so, surrender the hand. If not, go to Blackjack3… Blackjack3: The Absolute Minimum Did the dealer announce, “Insurance, anyone?” This one’s easy. Don’t take insurance. Go straight to Blackjack4… Blackjack4: The Absolute Minimum Do you have a pair, and if so, does the situation meet the requirements for splitting? If so, split the pair and play each hand individually. If not, go to Blackjack5… Blackjack5: The Absolute Minimum Based on whether you have a hard or soft hand, using the appropriate rules, do you have a hand eligible for doubling? If so, double-down and cross your fingers. If not, go to Blackjack6… Blackjack6: The Absolute Minimum Follow the rules in the appropriate table and repeat this step until… You’ve gone as far as you dare, within the basic strategy guidelines, or You bust (go over 21). Caribbean Stud Poker: The Absolute Minimum “Bet” - if you hold any pair or greater; “Bet” - if you hold an A-K-J or greater; or “Bet” - if you hold an A-K and you have a card that matches the dealer’s upcard. Otherwise, fold. Craps1: The Absolute Minimum Bet the Pass Line… 1. Make a Pass Line bet. 2. Cheer, yell, shout, cross your fingers, pray, whatever seems appropriate (within the bounds of decency). Craps2: The Absolute Minimum Take odds on the Pass Line… 1. Take the odds on the Pass Line bet, after a point is established, by placing the appropriate amount behind the original bet. 2. Keep cheering, yelling, shouting, crossing your fingers, and/or praying. Craps3: The Absolute Minimum Bet the Come Line and take the odds… 1. Bet on the Come Line, just as you did the Pass Line. 2. If a “point” number is rolled, take the odds on the bet after it’s moved to the appropriate number - if you feel like it. (The dealer will take care of the physical placement of the odds bet - don’t try to reach across the table and place it yourself…) 3. Keep cheering, etc. Craps4: The Absolute Minimum Place the 6 and/or the 8… 1. Bet on the “Place 6” or the “Place 8” or both. (Put the money on the table and ask the dealer to place the bets for you.) 2. Don’t confuse this with the “Big 6” and “Big 8” bets! 3. You know the rest of the routine by now. Craps/The Dark Side1: The Absolute Minimum Bet the Don’t Pass Line… 1. Make a Don’t Pass bet. 2. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Craps players tend to be a superstitious lot, and keeping a low profile is my recommended way of “playing the don’t.” Craps/The Dark Side2: The Absolute Minimum Lay odds on the Don’t Pass Line… 1. Lay the odds on the Don’t Pass bet, after a point is established. 2. Just stand there quietly, and don’t make catcalls at the shooter to make them lose concentration. Craps/The Dark Side3: The Absolute Minimum Bet the Don’t Come and lay the odds… 1. Bet on the Don’t Come line, just as you did the Don’t Pass Line. 2. If a “point” number is rolled, lay the odds on the bet after it’s moved to the appropriate number (optional, naturally). 3. Keep playing it cool… Craps/The Dark Side4: The Absolute Minimum Place the 6 and/or the 8… 1. Bet on the “Place 6” or the “Place 8” or both. (Put the money on the table and ask the dealer to place the bets for you.) 2. Don’t confuse this with the “Big6” and “Big 8” bets. 3. Shhhhh….. Let It Ride1: The Absolute Minimum Let your first bet ride if: You have a pair or 10s or better; You have three consecutive cards to an open-ended Straight Flush; or You have 3 almost-consecutive cards to a Straight Flush, with at least two high (10 or higher) cards. Otherwise, withdraw your first bet. Let It Ride2: The Absolute Minimum Let your second bet ride if: You have a pair of 10s or better; You have four cards to a Flush; or You have 10, J, Q, and K of any suit. Otherwise, withdraw your second bet. Pai Gow Poker: The Absolute Minimum If you have… Five Aces (4 Aces and the Joker) Any Straight or any Flush (including a Straight Flush) Four of a Kind Full House Three of a Kind Three Pair Two Pair One Pair None of the above Go to… Pai Gow Poker1 Pai Gow Poker2 Pai Gow Poker3 Pai Gow Poker4 Pai Gow Poker5 Pai Gow Poker6 Pai Gow Poker7 Pai Gow Poker8 Pai Gow Poker9 Pai Gow Poker1: The Absolute Minimum Do you have five Aces (4 Aces and the Joker)? If so: 5-card = A-A-A-x-x 2-card = A-A If not, go to Pai Gow Poker2… Pai Gow Poker2: The Absolute Minimum Do you have any Straight or any Flush (including a Straight Flush)? If so… (with no pair): (including 1 or 2 pairs): (including a 3-of-a-Kind): (including two 3-of-a-Kinds): (including a Full House): 5-card = lowest complete Straight/Flush 2-card = 2 remaining cards 5-card = lowest complete Straight/Flush 2-card = pair or 2 remaining cards 5-card = complete Straight/Flush 2-card = pair 5-card = lower 3-of-a-Kind 2-card = pair from the higher 3-of-a-Kind 5-card = 3-of-a-Kind 2-card = pair If not, go to Pai Gow Poker3… Pai Gow Poker3: The Absolute Minimum Do you have Four-of-a-Kind? If so… AAAA: 5-card = A-A-x-x-x 2-card = A-A 8888 thru KKKK without an Ace: 5-card = 2 of the 4 2-card = 2 of the 4 8888 thru KKKK with an Ace: 5-card = 4-of-a-Kind 2-card = A-x 2222 thru 7777 5-card = 4-of-a-Kind 2-card = 2 highest cards If not, go to Pai Gow Poker4… Pai Gow Poker4: The Absolute Minimum Do you have a Full House? If so: 5-card = the 3-of-a-Kind 2-card = the pair If not, go to Pai Gow Poker5… Pai Gow Poker5: The Absolute Minimum Do you have Three-of-a-Kind? If so… AAA: KKK: 222 thru QQQ: (two sets of Three-of-a-Kind): 5-card = A-A-x-x-x 2-card = Ace and next highest card 5-card = K-K-x-x-x 2-card = King and next highest card 5-card = Three-of-a-Kind 2-card = 2 highest cards 5-card = lower Three-of-a-Kind 2-card = pair from higher Three-of-a-Kind If not, go to Pai Gow Poker6… Pai Gow Poker6: The Absolute Minimum Do you have Three Pair? If so: 5-card = 2nd and 3rd highest pairs 2-card = highest pair If not, go to Pai Gow Poker7… Pai Gow Poker7: The Absolute Minimum Do you have Two Pair? If so… (one pair = AA): (and one Ace): (and no aces): If not, go to Pai Gow Poker8… 5-card = A-A-x-x-x 2-card = lower pair 5-card = both pairs 2-card = A-x 5-card = higher pair 2-card = lower pair Pai Gow Poker8: The Absolute Minimum Do you have One Pair? If so: 5-card = pair 2-card = 2 highest remaining cards If not, go to Pai Gow Poker9… Pai Gow Poker9: The Absolute Minimum If you’ve got a Grand-High Nothing (and it appears that you do, if you’ve reached this point), don’t despair. Try this: 5-card = highest card 2-card = 2nd and 3rd highest cards Rank of Poker Hands, Highest to Lowest (Single-Deck Games) (Aces are always high, except when used as part of an A-2-3-4-5 straight.) 1. Five of a Kind - Five cards of the same rank. (Occurs only in games with wild cards.) 2. Straight Flush - Five cards in sequence in the same suit. Between two such hands, the highest-ranking cards wins: A-K-Q-J-10 (called a Royal Flush) beats K-Q-J-10-9, and lower. 3. Four of a Kind - Any four cards of the same rank. Between two such hands, the four higher cards win. 4. Full House - Three of a kind and a pair. Between two full houses, the hand whose three of a kind are composed of the highest ranking cards is the winner. 5. Flush - Any hand of five cards all the same suit. Between two flushes, the hand containing the highest-ranking card wins. 6. Straight - Any five cards in sequence but not the same suit. Between two straights, the hand with the highest-ranking card at the head of the sequence is the winner. 7. Three of a Kind - Three cards of the same rank. Between two such hands, the higher ranking three of a kind wins. 8. Two Pair - Two cards of any one rank and two cards of any other rank, with an unmatched card. The highest-ranking pair is the winner; if these pairs are the same, the hand with the higher of the two other pairs is the winner. If still tied, the highest-ranking extra card is the tie-breaker. 9. One Pair - Any two cards of the same rank. The pair composed of the higher-ranking cards between two players wins. If still tied, the highest-ranking unmatched card is the tie-breaker. 10. High Card - In a hand with unmatched cards, the winning hand is decided by the rank of the highest card. If tied, the second-highest card is used as the tie-breaker (and so on, if necessary, down the ranks). Slots: The Absolute Minimum Study the payout chart on the machine! This will often determine whether you want to play one coin (to make your money last), or the maximum amount allowed (to take advantage of any bonuses). In the same vein, though, I personally usually play “full coin” (the maximum allowed) if reasonable and appropriate. Avoid progressives. The odds against you are way too high. If you’re in it just for the enjoyment of playing, feed the coins in by hand. This’ll slow it down and make your money last longer. Put aside at least half of a big win (which may mean that you’ll have to cash out the entire amount and re-insert the remainder). You cannot consistently win at slots. Keep that in mind. Three Card Poker: The Absolute Minimum 1. Play any Pair or Greater. 2. If no Pairs, etc., but your hand is greater than or equal to Q-6-4, play it. 3. Otherwise, fold. Video Poker: The Absolute Minimum 9/6 Jacks or Better Strategy * Keep (in descending order): Royal Flush Straight Flush 4 of a Kind 4-cards to a Royal Flush Full House Flush Straight 3 of a Kind 4 cards to a Straight Flush 2 Pair High Pair (Jacks or Better) 3 cards to a Royal Flush 4 cards to a Flush Low Pair (10s or Lower) 4 cards to a Straight 3 cards to a Straight Flush 2 cards to a Royal Flush 3 High Cards (Jacks - Aces) 2 High Cards 1 High Card (Everything else - discard all cards and draw five) * This strategy also works with most 8/5 and 6/5 machines. Video Poker: The Absolute Minimum Learn the strategy for your game, or carry a cheat-sheet with you. Play “full coin,” if possible and practical. Don’t stretch the “double up” bet more than one play (if that). Use your loss-limit and win-limit strategies. Baccarat: The Absolute Minimum Bet on the banker and pay the commission. Don’t make the “tie” bet. Keno: The Absolute Minimum Get yourself a brochure or handout at the casino and shop around for the best payoffs. Keep your bets low. On a straight ticket, play no more than 8 numbers. Play “way” tickets whenever possible. An employee will explain the casino’s process to you, if you need it. Larger bets do not mean “bonus” payoffs will be made (like in Slots or Video Poker). Remember that in many casinos, winning tickets must be redeemed before the next game begins. That’ll usually give you about five minutes. Forget about shelling out any money for a “system.” Sit back, order a drink, and enjoy the game. Just don’t expect to win enough to pay off the mortgage. Or buy a Ferrari. (But if it happens, can I have a ride?) Red Dog: The Absolute Minimum If the “spread” is 7 or greater, make the “Raise” bet (which is equal to the original “Ante” bet). Otherwise, let sleeping Red Dogs lie. Spanish 21: The Absolute Minimum Play like “regular” Blackjack. Just use standard basic Blackjack strategy, if you don’t have access to more detailed strategies - or just don’t care to learn them. Beat the casino on your next trip. Roulette Craps Blackjack Slots Video Poker Horse Racing