16th January 2013 To: Area and Group Secretaries in Scotland

16th January 2013
Area and Group Secretaries in Scotland, Honorary Officers, SCEC and
SC Agenda Committee members, Board of Trustees Delegates, Affiliated
From: Kareen Robertson, Communications & Finance Officer
Further to the Notice of our Annual General Meeting & Conference sent out in December, I am
pleased to provide further details of the meeting. Please find enclosed:
two copies of the booking form for delegates and/or non-voting observers (to be returned
to the office by Thursday, 14th February)
This is the main opportunity in the year for Areas and Groups to help formulate, influence and
debate the Ramblers’ policy in Scotland. It is important therefore, that Area/Group Office
Bearers make an effort to encourage ALL Groups and Areas to send their full quota of
delegates. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with other members from around Scotland.
The Annual Conference will run from Friday evening to Saturday and will finish around 4 pm.
Registration on Friday will be from 5.30 pm with dinner starting at 7.30 pm. Formal business
of Scottish Council will commence on Saturday, at 10 am with registration from 9 am. Lunch
and refreshments will be provided during the day on Saturday. This year’s Conference is
likely to include presentations on Ramblers Routes, news of members’ activities and an
update on Ramblers Scotland’s campaigning work. In addition there will be a short walk
around Glasgow City Centre after lunch to demonstrate the Medal Routes and Ramblers
Routes projects. We also hope to have a senior politician/public figure to give an after dinner
talk on the Friday.
The conference on Saturday and dinner on the Friday will take place in the Holiday Inn, West
Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2RL (next to Buchanan Street Bus Station) and for those wishing to
attend on Friday evening accommodation and breakfast will be provided in the Holiday Inn
Express (next door). For further information about the hotel go to:
http://www.labonneauberge.co.uk/ (hotel restaurant)
or contact the Ramblers Scotland office.
Who can Attend?
The Honorary Officers of the Council, retiring members of the Scottish Council Executive
Committee, retiring members of the Agenda Committee who are not otherwise members of
Scottish Council, two delegates nominated by each Area, one delegate nominated by each
Group, up to three representatives nominated by the Board of Trustees and one delegate
nominated by each organisation affiliated to the Council. The costs for delegates attending
the conference are covered by Ramblers Scotland but please note that we are unable to
meet the cost of delegates from affiliated organisations.
In addition, other members may attend as non-voting observers, subject to accommodation
being available. Such members may be paid for out of Area/Group funds if the Area/Group
wishes to meet this expenditure. Members whose expenses are not being met in this way
must pay their own costs for the Conference, or that part they attend. Please note these
members would not have voting rights.
Furthermore, a limited number of guests may be invited to attend the Conference, on the
recommendation of the Scottish Council Executive Committee, and their expenses will be met
by Scottish Council.
Please could Area and Group Secretaries make sure that a
copy of this letter and enclosed papers are sent on to the
delegates intending to attend the Conference. Please
make additional copies of the booking form for other
members if necessary.
Dates for receipt of motions from Areas and Groups to the Ramblers Scotland Office are:
2 February 2013
16 February 2013
Motions affecting the Constitution and Standing Orders
Motions on Policy or Domestic issues
Motions determine the Ramblers constitution, policy and domestic matters within Scotland. A
motion needs to have been proposed, seconded and agreed by a Group or Area with the
committee’s agreement or by the Affiliated Organisation. An Agenda Committee, elected at
Scottish Council 2012, will have powers over the competence of motions submitted. (See
Standing Orders para A3.) Motions should include the name, telephone number/email
address of a contact person who can be consulted at short notice by the Convener of the
Agenda Committee.
An official delegate from your Group, Area or Organisation should make a short proposing
speech for the motion at the conference and the motion must then be seconded by an official
delegate. This can be done by a brief speech or formally with the phrase “I formally second
this motion”. There is no limit on the number of motions put forward and all competent
motions received will be circulated to delegates three weeks prior to the Conference.
Nominations for Honorary Officers
Nomination Forms for Honorary Officers were distributed with our mailing in December.
Please ensure these are returned to this office by Saturday, 16 February 2013. Names of
those proposed candidates will be circulated to delegates three weeks prior to the
Conference. The nomination forms for members of the Scottish Council Executive committee
will be sent out at that time.
Glasgow has excellent transport links – regular bus and train service from all over Scotland as
well as a good road network. The hotel is located in the city centre next door to the Buchanan
Street bus station. It is a 5 min walk from Queen St and 10 min walk from Central Railway
For those arriving by car, there are plenty car parks nearby. Car park details will be sent out
with final mailing. If you require details of rail times in advance these can be obtained from
National Rail enquiries - 08457 48 49 50 (www.nationalrail.co.uk) or ScotRail –
08457 55 00 33 (www.scotrail.co.uk). Bus details can be found on the Citylink or Megabus
websites on www.citylinkonlinesales.co.uk or www.megabus.com/uk/, or by telephoning
0871 266 3333.
Reasonable travel expenses – rail/bus fares and petrol costs – may be claimed for
reimbursement. However, it is expected that, where possible, those attending the conference
will share transport to minimise costs to Ramblers Scotland. We do not pay expenses for
additional Ramblers members attending the conference as observers, or delegates from
affiliated bodies.
Breakdown of Prices for the Conference
The all inclusive cost for observers attending the Conference is £72.50 or £15 if you are
attending on Saturday only. While Ramblers Scotland covers costs for delegates, please
note that anyone attending who wants a single room must pay a £32.50 supplement. Please
refer to Booking Form for other options.
All observers and representatives of affiliated organisations are asked to pay in advance.
Please make your cheque payable to Ramblers’ Association Scotland, and send it with your
booking form. Please also indicate on the booking form if you have any specific dietary or
mobility requirements. If a single room is required, please remember to include a cheque in
respect of payment for this. Please bear in mind that cancellation charges for
accommodation will take effect 4 weeks prior to the conference. Therefore, Groups or
Areas will be responsible for cancellation charges so every effort should be made to
find a replacement delegate/visitor. The cancellation charge is 100% of the cost.
We hope that all the Scottish Areas and Groups and affiliated bodies will be represented at the
Conference, along with many members attending as ‘non-voting observers’ and look forward
to receiving your booking forms. More information about the Conference will be sent to
delegates and observers once the booking forms have been returned.
Any queries regarding bookings for Scottish Council should be directed to myself by emailing
kareen.robertson@ramblers.org.uk, or by phoning me on 01577 861222.
Kind Regards,
Kareen Robertson