Guidance Note on RC/UNCT Working Relations/Code of Conducts Based on and made for UNCTs 17 October 2007 1. Purpose and Context The purpose of this guidance note is to help facilitate the working arrangements amongst the UN country team (UNCT) to ensure clarity of the norms, roles, responsibilities and accountability of its members in their work in the team, including reciprocal performance appraisal and dispute resolution.1 The strategy to achieve this is an agreement on behaviors, norms and working arrangements to bring greater coherence to UN programmes and activities. This paper should serve as a guide for general parameters to be adapted the particular UNCT and country situation and developed into a compact or agreement which should be agreed upon by the UNCT. It is not intended to be a legal or prescriptive mandate. Several UNCTs and UNDG working groups, including the informal ASGs/ADGs committee, have called for guidance and examples on UNCT Codes of Conduct in 2007. This Guidance Note on UNCT Working Arrangements is a response to this request and recent calls for increased coordination, coherence and accountability of the RC system (both the RC as well as all the members of the UNCT) in responding in a cohesive manner to national and international priorities. This call has been laid out in UN reforms since 1997 and recently including the 2004 TCPR (Res. 59/250), the 2005 World Summit Outcome document, the Framework for Accountability for the United Nations Security Management System, and the High Level Panel report on System-wide coherence. This Guidance note is based on UNCT examples of codes of Conduct and is line with and directly linked to the Principles for Enhancing the Leadership Role of the Resident Coordinator for UN Operational Activities for Development and Accountability Framework of the Resident Coordinator System (RC Accountability Framework), the RC Job description and the 1999 ACC Guidelines on the Functioning of the Resident Coordinator System.2 This guidance is based country examples including: 1. Bangladesh UNCT: UN System Reform in Bangladesh (a briefing paper for the Dhakabased group of likeminded bilateral partners 11 Oct 2006) 2. Malawi UNCT: Role of the UN Malawi in a Changing Aid Environment, July 2006 3. Mozambique: UNCT Core Management Principles and UNCT TOR 4. Pakistan: Terms of Reference for the UNCT in Piloting UN Reform in Pakistan 5. Rwanda: Code of Conduct UNCT Rwanda UNCT Examples of Codes of Conducts contain the following sections: 1. UNCT Code/Day to Day Working Norms 2. Clarification of UNCT Members Roles and Responsibilities 3. Clarification of RCs Role and Responsibility 4. Membership of UNCT or Delivering as One initiatives, Meetings and Decision Making 5. RC System Support and Functioning (RC Unit/RC Office and UNCT TGs) 6. NRAs Coordination and Inclusion 7. UNCT Accountability and Appraisal 8. Other : Some UNCT have sections such as the following 1 A/RES/250 (TCPR, para 55-58) RC Accountability Framework Background documents include: 2 TCPR 2004 TCPR (Res. 59/250), Principles for Enhancing the Leadership Role of the Resident Coordinator for UN Operational Activities for Development and Accountability Framework of the Resident Coordinator System (Accountability Framework) UN Reform System in Bangladesh Draft, 11 October 2006 Role of the UN Malawi in a Changing Aid Environment, July 2007 RC Job Description Draft May 2007 1999 ACC Guidelines on the Functioning of the Resident Coordinator System 1 a. Communications b. Relations with the Staff Council This guidance note takes as a departure point areas from the existing codes of conduct, which should be the minimum standards of agreed elements for a UNCT to guide their work, which are applicable to all UNCTs large, small, normal or complex development situations. Each UNCT should set out the specific parameters for their Code of Conduct and include the sections they see relevant among those listed in the outline. 2. UNCT norms/day to day working relations The UNCT members agree to clearly set out and agree on the relevant leadership roles, responsibilities of the team members and working arrangements/norms. A cornerstone of day to day working relationships should be based on building on the strength of the team. Furthermore, all agencies heads have to manage the dual responsibility of supporting their agency mandate and the interest of the UN System/UNCT. In considering norms and day to day working behaviors UNCTs could start to consider core parameters such as those from country examples listed below. UNCT Day to Day Norms/Core Principles3: 1. Inclusiveness, 2. Transparency and accountability 3. Integrity and ethics 4. Creativity 5. Teamwork , Respect and Trust 6. Participatory management 7. Open Communications and timely dissemination of information 8. Quality performance and oversight 9. Support Structures (RC Unit or Coordination Unit) 10. Realistic Plans Work Plans (for UNCT, TWG, OMT, UN Communications Group etc), to ensure quality results 11. Time Management 12. Personal and Professional Development The following are examples of working relations/behaviors which UNCT members might agree to in their Code of Conduct.4 5 The members of the UNCT recognize that, the UN system can reinforce each other to greater effect in reaching proclaimed UNDAF goals/national priorities by mobilizing their comparative and collective strengths, their wide range of skills, mandates, and assets together and that, they can mutually benefit from this working coherence. The overarching principle of achieving this greater coherence and impact at the country level is creating an enabling environment, working in a team spirit and collegial style, which will facilitate others to achieve critical results in response to national priorities and under national leadership. UNCT Members agree to the following behaviors: 1) To pro-actively seek opportunities for enhancing the UN system coherence; 2) To ensure that the expertise and resources of his/her agency contribute to address the development challenges which the UNCT have prioritized within a reasonable time frame; 3 Based on the Pakistan and Mozambique Code of Conducts Core Principles. Bangladesh UNCT: UN System Reform in Bangladesh (a briefing paper for the Dhaka-based group of like minded bilateral partners 11 Oct 2006) 5 Malawi UNCT: Role of the UN Malawi in a Changing Aid Environment, July 2006 4 2 3) To invest time and effort to better understand each others’ agency mandates and to share his/her own and to respect each others’ mandates. 4) To resolve our differences collegially among ourselves; 5) To consult with each other regularly before meeting with government and developmental partners in order to deliver a common message. 3. RC and UNCT Members Roles and Responsibilities A UNCT code of conduct could set out the specific parameters for the role and responsibility for the RC and for the UNCT which might include the elements below. a. RC as leader of the UNCT This section might include: 1. RC leads the team in strategic development of UNDAF and joint programmes 2. Advocates and mobilises resources for UNDAF/Joint Programmes and UNCT priorities 3. Coordinates with UNCT and TGs UNDAF implementation 4. Monitors, Evaluates and reports on the UNDAF 5. Represents the UNCT on behalf of the Secretary-General 6. Represents and supports inclusion of NRAs The RC, as the leader of the UNCT, works on behalf of the UN System (UNS) and in consultation with country representatives of the UNS and assumes overall responsibility for, and coordination of, the operational activities for development of the UNS carried out at the country level.6 The RC is responsible for coordination of the UNCT in strategy, planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development programs at the country level, namely the UNDAF and UNCT joint programmes. The RC should provide strategic leadership, overall programme oversight, advocacy, resource mobilization and allocation for UNDAF and joint programmes, management of pooled funds, and monitoring, evaluation and reporting of UNCT progress on the UNDAF and joint programmes. RC should lead the UNCT in developing tools for increased coherence in the country including CCA, HACT, aideffectiveness tools, amongst others. The RC is the Designated Official for Security (DO) and accountable to the Secretary-General for the management of the UN security system in the country. The RC, on behalf of the UNCT, will promote the development of a wide range of partnerships to advance all programmes of the United Nations, including mobilising resources for the UNCT members to complement agencies own efforts. The RC is the primary interlocutor for the UNCT with the Head of State or Government in support of the UNCT, its members and its UNDAF results, accompanied by agency representatives when agency specific matters are discussed.7 Agency representatives interact with the government through the line ministries. In the case of a crisis, individual agency representatives may also work directly with top government leaders, as necessary. The UN system agencies should come together in humanitarian situations as they do in development situations, working towards creation of humanitarian country teams (IASC teams), whereby the RC is normally RC/HC and all UNCT partners will be part of UNCT. Key NGO partners will also be invited to the team, following IASC practice. The RC may have representational responsibilities for agencies present or not, based on agreements with each agency at the country and headquarters. The RC should work closely 6 7 ACC Guidelines (1999), para 9, RC Job Description and Principles of Accountability A/55/950 (1997), Action 10(b); ACC Guidelines (1999), para 17. 3 with non resident agencies (NRAs) to be fully informed of the mandate, priorities and requirements of the agency. At the same time, NRAs will take necessary measures to ensure that they have technical staff at regional/sub-regional level to support when called upon. The RC may be granted additional responsibilities on behalf of another agency as per their request and agreements between the agencies. The RC in leadership role of the UNCT will look out for all agencies and not give preference to any agency in the UNCT. 4. UNCT Members Role and Responsibilities Each UNCT code of conduct sets out the specific parameters for the role and responsibility for UNCT members, which might include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definition and Membership of UNCT Support for UNDAF Priorities Overseeing and participation in TGs and OMT Mobilizing resources and funds Accountability and Appraisal of UNCT Members a. UNCT Membership, Meetings and Decision Making The UNCT is an interagency coordination and decision making body at the country level. The main purpose of the Country Team is to plan and work together, through the Resident Coordinator system, to ensure the delivery of tangible results in support of the development agenda of the Government.8 According to the ACC guidelines on the functioning of the RC system, “the UN country team is composed of representatives of the UN funds and programmes, specialized agencies and other UN entities accredited to a given country. It could also include representatives of the Bretton Woods institutions (see GA resolution 53/192, preamble 6)”. However, in addition to this “Core” UNCT most UNCTs also have an “Expanded UNCT” which includes membership of UN staff who are not accredited but have substantive representation and decision making authority in the host country which is delegated from their Headquarters. NRAs accredited to the country can also be considered as part of the expanded UNCT. Such members may participate in UNCT Meetings, Theme Groups and Working Groups as schedule and resources allow. b. UNCTs Role and Responsibility The UNCT may wish to set out specific TORs for their role for example: Oversee development and implementation of the UNDAF, endorsing the annual work plans; oversee work of Theme Groups (and participate and lead specific groups); Oversee the Operations Management Team (OMT) work; review the overall performance of the UNCT and propose and take action for enhancing its performance based on agreed upon management performance indicators; review work and make adjustments e.g. establishment of working groups or task forces. The UNCT is the main decision making body which meets monthly in normal circumstances with a rotational Chair. UNCT members develop operational programmes for development to support UNDAF priorities, noting that additional activities may be required complementary to UNDAF priorities for sector priorities.9 The UNCT will help develop proposals regarding 8 9 Mozambique UNCT TORs A/RES/59/250 (TCPR 2004), para 50. 4 pooling country level fund raising and joint financing, based on the agreed needs and priority of the country, as expressed in the UNDAF.10 c. UNCT Accountability and Appraisal All UNCT members, including the RC, are accountable for their role in the team in helping support national and international priorities, particularly those members that take on leadership roles (eg in Theme Groups). Thus, RCs and UNCT members will be appraised on their performance in their contribution to the team. The RC is appraised in an inter-agency Regional Director’s Team (RDT) Meeting. UNCT members will be appraised on role and results in the UNCT by their individual agency’s processes as well as in RDT Appraisal Meetings. Towards this end, UNCT Members should: 1. set results together for UNCT and as individuals in their contributions and agreed on results for the RC 2. participate in 180 peer assessments on competencies as well as results 3. Fill in appraisal forms in reviewing their own progress and for appraisal of RC. 4. Support each other and the team in improving competencies identified in the 180/appraisals. d. Dispute Resolution/ Redress To avoid misunderstandings or disputes the UNCT might set out an agreement/code of conduct as the sample attached. UNCT members should make all efforts to resolve disputes at the local level and escalate disputes only by exception, (i.e. when the first level fails to find agreement). 5. Making RC System Function Smoothly (UNCT Coordination, RC System Support and Theme Groups) A UNCT code of conduct should set out the specific parameters for UNCT Coordination Support/Unit and workings of Theme Groups which might include the following: a. RC System Coordination Unit To coordinate the work of the UN system at the country level, each RC/UNCT should have a Coordination Support Office/Unit with the commensurate capacity to support these new roles and demands. UNCT members will proactively support the RC unit including technical support, analysis, planning, tracking and reporting processes, information management, communications, advocacy etc. This Unit should have the minimum staffing and resources required to complete this important coordination function. Technical expertise on substantive issues should be provided by agency staff not the RC Office, which should have a supportive/facilitative role. When an activity agreed by the UNCT requires sufficient implementation capacity for the proposed project/activity, an agency should be identified to implement on behalf of the team. The RCO should not be an implementing Unit. b. Theme Groups As tasked by the UNCT, the UN Theme Groups carry out programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for specific UNDAF priorities. The UNCT member leading the Theme Group assumes responsibility for and accountable for the agreed work plan results. 10 Malawi UNCT Code 5.3.3. 5 Annex 1 Sample UNCT Working Arrangement/Code of Conduct (Bangladesh) (for clearer text see below) 6 UNCT Principles of Engagement Bangladesh October 2006 We the heads of Agency of the undersigned agencies and entities operating in Bangladesh commit ourselves and our staff to the following principles of Engagement: 1) To uphold fundamental principles and standards of the United Nations; 2) To ensure that our programmes are aligned with the national development plans and priorities of Bangladesh and are in the best interests of the people of Bangladesh; 3) To pursue a rights based approach to development programming; 4) To collaborate constructively, respectfully and in the spirit of one UN system; 5) To pro-actively seek opportunities for enhancing the UN system coherence, coordination and harmonization of our programmes and activities; 6) To invest time and effort to better understand each others’ different agency mandates, activities and operating arrangements; 7) To share information in a spirit of cooperation and collegiality; 8) To communicate and interact with one another respectfully and courteously; 9) To consult with each other fully before meeting with government and development partners when pursuing matters that relate to UN joint programming or activities with a view to deliver common messages to government and development partners; 10) To resolve our differences collegially among ourselves. Under no circumstances will we speak disparagingly of another UN agency, or in any way undermine another UN agency; 11) To make it our priority to support the formulation and execution of mutual response and action when the reputation of the UN system at large or of specific UN agency is at stake; 12) To avoid pettiness and institutional turf issues in the interest of the common good; 13) To be patient and understanding and to pro-actively promote the interests of the whole UN system in Bangladesh; 14) To endeavor to ensure internal coherence between our respective sub-offices, country offices, regional offices and headquarters; 15) We recognizing the high transaction costs associated with large partnerships and agree to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of joint activities to avoid imposition of unnecessary burdens on each other and on our partners; 16) To first defer to RC guidance in the event of unresolved differences between UN agencies. <NAMES AND SIGNATURES> 7 Annex 2 Elements of Delivering as One Codes/One Leader Documents Mozambique Pakistan Rwanda Vietnam 1. Clarification of UNCT members roles (UNCT code/norms) Y Y Y Not yet 2. RC leads programme and Strategic Vision (UNDAF+ 1 plan) Oversees M&E and Reports RC leads advocacy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3. 4. RC in Representation for other UNCT members at highest level 6. RC Resource mobilization for UNCT for JPs/One UN 7. RC Resource Allocation for UNCT 8. Membership of One UN/UNCT Set out Y UNCT does Y Y Y 9. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *participation in UNCT regardless of their status of accreditation or representation approval of proposals and funds Liaise w staff assoc. Details on RCO 5. RC Unit/RC office managed by RC supporting RC and UNCT TGs 10. NRAs Coordination /Inclusion 11. Security (DO) Stipulated 12. 180 Feedback – UNCT accountability/Appraisal 13. Other Y Y Y* inclusive 8 Outline of UNCT Code/One Leader Pakistan 1. UNCT Code- norms 2. One Leader a. RC leads UNCT, b. Proposals thru UNCT c. Inclusiveness d. RC Unit Supported by others e. RC Unit serves as Secretariat and Technical Assistance for RC and TGs 3. Responsibility of UNCT 4. Decision Making Mechanism 5. Membership/Inclusiveness 6. Role of RC 7. Role of UNCT 8. Frequency of meetings Rwanda 1. Principals of Interaction 2. Table of Functions of members 3. RC as Leader a. Resource Mobilization b. Allocation c. HR-RCO d. Advocacy e. Security f. Ass.ts RC and UNCT g. Accreditation to President Mozambique 1. UNCT Core Prinicipals 2. TORs UNCT a. UNCT Role b. RC Role c. HOA d. Membership and (accredited UNCT) e. Meetings f. Secretariat (RCO g. Feedback Mechanism h. Annex = Key Coordination/TG Working Groups Vietnam 1. RC designated Rep of SG & empowered leader 2. RC accredited to the Head of Government. 3. The participating Agencies appoint their respective Country Directors who would develop and manage their country programmes. 4. The RC appointed to be their Representative. 5. RC provides strategic leadership to the participating Agencies 6. The RC represents the participating Agencies at the level of Head of State or Govt, bringing agency colleagues along where issues related to their mandates will be discussed. CDs meet with line ministries 7. In Humanitarian Crisis CDs may also work directly with Govt leaders as necessary 8. RC determines Funds allocation UNCT Codes/Norms Contain: Pakistan UNCT Core Principles: 13. Inclusiveness, 14. Transparency 15. Integrity and creativity 16. Teamwork , Respect and Trust 17. Open Communications (incl to UN staff assoc) 18. Support Structures (UN System support) 19. Realistic Plans (through TWG, OMT, UN Communications Group), 20. Time Management 21. Personal and Professional Development Mozambique UNCT Core Management Principles: Transparency and accountability: Integrity and ethics: Creativity: Team work, respect and trust: Participatory management: Open communication and timely dissemination of information: Quality performance and oversight: Stronger intersectoral linkages to improve programme efficiency and effectiveness: UNCT support structures: (system-wide mechanisms for peer support, conflict resolution and issue management) Realistic planning: realistic workplans and related annual work schedules Time management: Personal and professional development. Rwanda UNCT Code UNCT Members agree to : 1. adhere to the UN Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service of UN staff 2. use clear communication, good listening, flexibility, negotiation and mutual respect 3. represent his/her own agency, and also the entire UN in all their external interactions 4. bring the issues of their agencies mandate to bear, but in a way that does not undermine the advocacy work of other UNCT members 5. acknowledge disagreements openly and constructively within the team. UNCT under RC guidance will hear different opinions to reach a consensus; if impossible - majority 6. when representing UNCT, be briefed before the meeting and reported back to UNCT 7. NOT to fund-raise for their agency incountry, except for the activities linked to humanitarian emergencies. In-country fundraising should be directed to mobilization for One Programme as a whole. 8. NO additional activities, except humanitarian emergencies, be developed without agreement of the RC following discussion with the UNCT 9