Entrepreneurship Syllabus

Course Syllabus
Course Description:
Entrepreneurship is a specialized business course designed to provide students the skills needed
to effectively organize, develop, create, and manage their own business. This course is based
upon the Marketing Education Framework which includes business, management, and
entrepreneurship; communication and interpersonal skills; economics; and professional
development foundations. Emphasis is placed on the function of marketing: distribution,
financing, marketing-information management, pricing, produce/service management, promotion
and selling. Additional topics to be addressed or assessment of personal skills, the components
of the free enterprise system and its place in our global economy, human relations and
interpersonal skills, the importance of business ethics, and the role quality and service play in
business. Students will develop a written business plan for a business of their choice.
Entrepreneurship Academy is designed as the capstone course in a specialized sequence of
marketing and marketing related courses, which provide instruction in marketing, management,
and entrepreneurial fundamentals as they relate to starting and operating a business. This
curriculum is based upon the National Standards for Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship,
and Business Administration. Entrepreneurship Academy is a specialized marketing course
designed to enable students to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills needed to effectively
organize, develop, create and manage their own business. Topics addressed include assessment
of entrepreneurial skills, the importance of business ethics, and the role of entrepreneurs in a
global economy. Instructional strategies may include a school-based enterprise,
computer/technology applications, real and/or simulated occupational experiences, and projects
available through the FBLA/DECA program of co-curricular activities. Students who are enrolled
in this course will work shifts in the school store which will operate before school.
Essential Outcomes:
Define Entrepreneurship
Identify the economic environment as it relates to entrepreneurship
Categorize types of businesses
Explore behavioral characteristics and traits of an entrepreneur
Examine motives for starting your own business
Assess the advantages of owning a business versus working for someone
Recognize the components of a business plan
Assess and evaluate the various ways to start your own business
Explain the sources of technical assistance available to entrepreneurs
Justify the importance of defining a target market and marketing niche
Course Content: (Chapters Covered, Labs, Activities, Projects)
All chapters, activities and projects are utilized in the Entrepreneurship Ideas in Action textbook.
Supplementary materials are included for additional projects.
C H S Grade Scale
In Entrepreneurship grades will be figured as follows:
18 week grade =
Tests and Projects: 60%
In-Class assignments: 40%
Semester Grade =
18 week grade: 85%
Final exam: 15%
No extra credit points will be offered
Mr. Taylor & Mr. Walls
AOF Entrepreneurship
98-100 A+
94-97 A
91-93 A88-90 B+
84-87 B
81-83 B78-80 C+
74-77 C
71-73 C68-70 D+
64-67 D
60-63 D59 –Below F
Lessons and common assessments for this course have been developed collaboratively using
best practice as a guide and Indiana State Standards as a framework. Students will be expected
to complete formative evaluations during each semester and final summative exams at the end of
each semester. Students all receive a study guide as well as a review session to prepare for the
summative exams.
Late Work Policy:
Student is expected to complete makeup work within 2 days of absence unless permission is
given for extension of time. Makeup tests and/or quizzes are given the day the student returns to
class. No assignments will be accepted late or incomplete unless prior approval is given by me.
Late or incomplete assignments will receive the grade of “0”.
Class Expectations:
This course requires a considerable amount of assignments and activities
We will be doing 3 major projects throughout the semester. We will complete a
demographics research project, an inventions project, and we will write a business plan.
Tests and quizzes are given during and after each chapter or unit (units typically consist
of 3 – 4 chapters)
Student organization and creativity of work are key to success in this course
Classroom Rules:
1. Be in your seat and ready to learn when bell rings
2. Be prepared for class: textbook, workbook, pencil, and notebook. Failure to bring these
materials to class will result in a detention before school. Students will then be sent to
their locker to retrieve the forgotten materials
3. Complete and submit assignments on time
4. Be an active part of the learning process
5. Respect the teacher, other students, and yourself
6. No food, drinks, or candy brought into the classroom
7. If you forget your ER book, you will be sent to your locker to get it. If you return to class
after the bell rings…you will be given a detention.
8. Detentions are served in my room in the mornings before school
The course assessment, evaluation methods, and classroom rules and expectations are subject to
change as deemed necessary by me and are not all inclusive.
Mr. Taylor & Mr. Walls
AOF Entrepreneurship