ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITES available to all Secondary Students (November 2013) This document has been researched and published by the Gifted Advisory Council at Northern Secondary School, in an effort to assist all parents and students explore the expansive and diverse enrichment opportunities available to secondary students. Please note neither this list nor the individual programs, unless otherwise stated, is affiliated or endorsed by Northern Secondary School, Northern Gifted Advisory Council or the TDSB. AYJ GLOBAL SUMMER SCHOOL IN ASIA http://www.ayjglobal.com/index.php/programs/summer-highschool-credit-program.html Science, business, mathTDSB high school credits in Hong Kong, Shanghai or Taipei ASF INTERCULTURE CANADA / www.afscanada.org Volunteer-driven, non-governmental, non-profit Global education and international understanding through longer-term exchange programs. ASSE EXCHANGE / www.asse.com Study abroad longer-term exchange and summer programs (out of the States) Individual or group with teacher AVENUE ROAD SCHOOL OF THE ARTS/ www.avenueroadartsschool.com High-quality visual and performing arts instruction. Year-round, March Break and Summer programs. BAD DOG YOUTH ACADEMY/ www.baddogtheatre.com/youth-academy Improvisational classes for tweens and teens BARNARD PRE-COLLEGE SUMMER RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS (NYC) www.barnard.edu/precollege Summer in the City (4 weeks) Liberal Arts Intensive (1 week) i.e. Architecture, Broadway Music, Urban Planning Young Womens Leadership Institute (8 days) Dance in the City (10 days) Entrepreneurs in Training (10 days) S-Cubed – Summer Science Seminar – designed to encourage interest in the sciences among young women BLYTH & CO. STUDENT PROGRAMS / www.blythsummers.com Study and travel abroad while earning high school credits Accredited travel abroad summer programs in Europe, Australia/NZ, Central and South America. Community Service Programs also courses offered BOUNDLESS HIGH SCHOOL / www.boundlessadventures.org Offer a blend outdoor adventure activities with a range of high school courses that include outdoor education, leadership development, and co-op credits in the Ottawa Valley. BOYD ARCHEOLOGICAL FIELD SCHOOL / www.boydfieldschool.org Spend 2 weeks excavating an actual archeological site in southern Ontario while earning your gr.12 Interdisciplinary Studies Uni Prep Course (IDC4U) Bursaries available! BROADREACH ACADEMIC ADVENTURES / www.gobroadreach.com Established provider of International summer adventure and cultural learning programs. BRONFMAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIPS IN ISRAEL / www.bronfman.org 5 week all expense trip to Israel. Learn about Jewish heritage, develop leadership skills and social engagement. Must be 16 yrs of age; applications due early January. CADETS / www.cadets.ca/en/about-cadets.page? Dynamic, challenging and fun military-based training program for youth 12-18 CAMBRIDGE (UK) SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS / http://www.csvpa.com/en/courses/summer/ Summer programs offered to youths 15-18 interested in drama, art & design and portfolio preparation. CANADA WORLD YOUTH / www.cwy-jcm.org National non-profit organization creating a global movement of youth leadership through communitydriven development projects. Focus is on non-formal learning through hands-on experience and volunteer work while living with local host families – varied programs, ages 15+. CANADIAN COLLEGE ITALY – SUMMER ACADEMY ITALY / http://www.canadiancollegeitaly.com/ Located in Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy. Earn grades university prep 11 & 12 high school credits (English, Italian, History, Math, Visual Art) while studying in and exploring Italy. CANADIAN CROSSROADS INTERNATIONAL / www.cciorg.ca Volunteer organization commited to international development and social action. CANADIAN EDUCATION EXCHANGE FOUNDATION / www.ceef.ca Live abroad with a host family and host your partner in Canada Full immersion in a new culture and language for 3 months exchange CELTIC LEARNING/ http://www.celticlearning.com/programs.html Earn grades 11 & 12 high school credits while studying i Ireland, England and Italy. CHINA – Student Heritage Summer Camp (TDSB) / www.tdsbchinacamp.ca Available to students between the ages of 12-17 Opportunity to practise and improve Chinese language skills, visit communities and local families. COASTAL STUDIES FOR GIRLS / www.coastalstudiesforgirls.org Spend a semester in Maine enhancing your skills in science, technology and leadership. COURSERA/ www.coursera.org Choose from 400+ online learning courses in over 20 categories created by 85 Universities from 16 countries, free of charge. CUSO INTERNATIONAL / www.cusointernational.org/ DEEP RIVER SCIENCE ACADEMY / immersion/ www.drsa.ca/blog/index.php/programs/summer-science- 6 week summer science immersion program for motivated students with real laboratory research experience. Excellent opportunity for students to put their high school science to work on projects not available in the classroom , earn 2 co-op credits, work on a University-level lab report and fine-tune their presentation skills DIGITAL MEDIA ACADEMY/ www.digitalmediaacademy.org Technology camp offering children and teen summer courses in computer technology and the arts at prestigious universities across North America; available at UofT location. Animation, game design, robotics, digital film, music, photography and post-production courses. DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD / www.dukeofed.org Self-directed voluntary program that focuses on: Community Service, Skill Development, Physical Recreation, and Expedition / Exploration – ages 14-24. DR. BESSIE F. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCIENCE INTITUTE for PRE-UNIVERISTY STUDENTS Please see www.weizmann.ca for the application. Due March 14 2014. A month long research position in Rehovot, Israel. For high school students graduating in June 2014 EARTHWATCH / www.earthwatch.org/teenteams “Teen Teams” 15-18 yrs old – educational and environmental awareness travel Trips such as Biodiversity in Brazil, Archeological digs in Britain, Shark Conservation in Belize Work with leading scientists, learn new skills and change the planet; earn volunteer hours EDX / www.edx.org Online learning courses from MIT, Harvard, Berkeley – no charge, no age restricition EDUTRAVEL / www.edutravelforcredit.com Travel for Credit Program (including the gr10 Civics & Careers credit) Students will have the opportunity to travel across Canada and beyond, earning a wide variety of Ontario high school credits in a safe and fun environment. ENCOUNTERS CANADA EXCHANGE / www.encounters-rencontres.ca Spend a week with Encounters with Canada - Canada's largest youth forum! Every week of the school year, 120 to148 teens from across Canada (ages 14-17) come to Ottawa, where they discover their country through each other, learn about Canadian institutions, meet famous and accomplished Canadians, explore exciting career options, develop their civic leadership skills and live an extraordinary bilingual experience. GAP ADVENTURES / www.gadventures.com/trips/activity/volunteer Planeterra - Community projects and international charities / Sustainable tourism www.planeterra.org GAP YEAR ABROAD / www.gapyearabroad.ca Learn, travel, volunteer or work opportunities to meet your needs. GEORGIA HARDY TOURS/ www.ghardytours.com Summer credit courses offered throughout Europe and Costa Rica Community Service & March Break trips Celtic Summer (in association with Georgia Hardy Tours) GLOBAL JOURNEYS INC. / www.global-journeys.com Students join Global Journeys from across Canada and the US to earn an Ontario secondary school credit or equivalent, when they participate in our programs that take place throughout Europe, New Zealand, Australia, South and Central America, Southeast Asia, China, Africa, Bermuda and Canada. GOABROAD.COM / www.goabroad.com/highschool-study-abroad Online database for study abroad programs, volunteer travel and international internships. HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM / www.summer.harvard.edu/programs/secondary-school Residential summer programs for high school students. HOLLAND BLOORVIEW KIDS REHAB HOSPITAL / Volunteer opportunities www.hollandbloorview.ca/volunteer IMMERSION EDUCATIONAL TOURS / www.immersioneducationaltours.com Get your French credits in Switzerland, visual arts, english or mandarin in Beijing, and Biology in Costa Rica. ISE - International Student Exchange / www.iseontario.on.ca Exchange programs in Europe, Quebec and Costa Rica LEAD / www.lead.org non-profit organization dedicated to building leadership capacity for sustainable development. LYCEUM (GREECE) / www.thelyceum.ca Study in Greece for the summer. Ontario curriculum McMASTER UNIVERSITY, Hamilton LEAP Progarm www.leap.mcmaster.ca “The LEAP Summer Program (Grades 9 to 12) has been developed for high school students with a keen interest in tackling topics in some of the most innovative areas of engineering today. This program is offered each year in July and August at McMaster University. High school students from around the world participate in LEAP and also have an option to experience university life in our residence.” Subjects include engineering, technology, design and bioengineering. Engineering Physics Summer Internships for High School Students www.geneticsensing.com/summer-internship The Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster is pleased to offer up to four paid summer internships for high school students completing Grade 11 or 12 in June 2013. Each eight-week internship will be supervised by one of McMaster’s Engineering Physics faculty members in the following areas of research: Photovoltaics, Nuclear Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Microelectronics, Photonics. GoEngGirl – Sat Oct 19, 2013 www.eng.mcmaster.ca/youth.html Day session exploring “the exciting field on engineering through this special event for girls in grades 7 to 10.” MEI – INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY / www.meiacademy.com Earn credits while studying abroad, summer, a semester or a year. Volunteer opportunities as well. NACEL STUDY ABROAD / www.nacel.org/canada Not for profit organization dedicated to promoting international understanding and language education. Ages 15-17 NEUCHATEL Jr. COLLEGE – SWITZERLAND / www.njc.ch/site-uploads/NJC_Insert-2013.pdf Gr.10/11 summer french courses in Switzerland OCEAN EDUCATIONS / www.oceaned.com Marine and Environmental Science Program Interdisciplinary study program while receiving IDC4U credit in Ontario OLYMPIA SPORTS CAMP / www.olympiasportscamp.com Olympia Sports Camp is the only residential outdoor camp in Canada focusing on sport specific development, camp activities, and life skills training ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CENTRE www.oelccaso.com Offering a variety of courses in leadership, athletics, arts & music for student in grades 9-12 ONTARIO SCIENCE CENTRE SCHOOL/ www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/oscschool The Ontario Science Centre Science School presents students with an opportunity to gain University Preparation science credits during an enriched semester at the Ontario Science Centre. Students acquire a solid academic background in classes that are small and informal with experienced, enthusiastic and imaginative teachers. Science School labs are housed in the heart of the Science Centre. Credits available: Biology SBI4U, Chemistry SCH4U, Physics SPH4U, Advanced Functions MHF4U (First Semester ONLY), Calculus and Vectors MCV4U (Second Semester ONLY) OSEF – Organisme Sejours Educatifs Fancais / www.osef.ca 1 month or 3 month exchange with France students 13-17 years old OUTWARD BOUND CANADA/ www.outwardbound.ca Experiential education program that inspire personal growth through shared experiences in rock climbing, canoeing, hiking, sea kayaking, white water rafting. Offering Duke of Ednbourgh Award expedition/exploration credits. OXBRIDGE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS/ www.oxbridgeprograms.com Live and study in the historic and scholarly centres of learning that are Oxford and Cambridge in England, Barcelona in Spain, and Paris and Montpellier in France. PEEL SUMMER ACADEMY / www.peelsummeracademy.com A unique summer residential program for intellectually gifted offered by the Peel District School Board, in partnership with the University of Toronto. PROJECTS ABROAD / www.projects-abroad.ca/projects/2-week-high-school-specials/ Two week international volunteer opportunities for high school students. QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY - ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS/ www.esu.queensu.ca/programs/high-school EMC – week-long program (during school year, usually May) offers “gifted and highly motivated students to come to Queen’s University for a week to study a subject of their choosing at an advanced level. It is designed to allow participants the freedom to interact and learn in an environment sensitive to their level of development. The residential program further simulates a “Total University Experience” with students staying on campus in residence for the duration of the program, eating breakfast and dinner each day in the cafeteria, as well as participating in extra-curricular activities each evening.” SEEQ summer program – (August) www.esu.queensu.ca/programs/summer-programs/seeq-august “Offers students in grade 8 to 11 a week-long university experience at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, where bright students take a challenging academic course during the day, and participate in fun and interesting social activities in the evenings, while getting to live in residence, eat in the dining hall, and see what life as a Queen’s University student is like for a week.” REACH CAMBRIDGE – UK / www.reachcambridge.com Residential summer courses at Cambridge University, UK. REAL PROGRAMMING / www.realprogramming.com “Real Programming 4 Kids teaches kids and teens how to use real game industry-standard computer programming software just like the pros. Creating and programming a video game offers the most complete application of math, physics, creativity, problem solving, and communication skills.” RENAISSANCE SCHOOL – ITALY / www.ccilanciano.com Coeducational boarding high school providing students with a university preparatory education which follows the Ontario curriculum in a unique Italian setting. ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE / www.rotary.org Study abroad for a year while living with local families and earning credits SHAD VALLEY / www@shad.ca Shad Valley is a four week summer enrichment program. Students spend a month living in residence at one of our host university campuses across Canada. The program is offered to students currently completing grades 10-12. With workshops and lectures that focus on the sciences, engineering, technology and entrepreneurship, the program provides an academically stimulating, mind expanding adventure for top well-rounded students. STUDENTS ON ICE / www.studentsonice.com Unique opportunity of educational ship-based expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic Create change, inspire, educate, give cause for hope, and raise awareness globally about the impacts of Climate Change and other environmental issues facing the Arctic Regions. STUDENT TRAVEL SCHOOLS / www.stsfoundation.ca/en Student exchange opportunity in over 20 countries; scholarships available SUMMER CAMPS – Directories / http://www.camps.ca http://www.ourkids.net/camp SUNIA – UNITED NATIONS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS / www.sunia.ca Experience an internationally-oriented program designed specifically for students aged 15-19 Explore the dynamics of international affairs with diplomats from the United Nations and the Canadian Department of National Defence while enjoying the beauty of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. SWAP – STUDENT WORK ABROAD PROGRAM / Live and work abroad www.swap.ca TALL SHIPS ADVENTURE / www.tallshipsadventure.org An exciting program for youth to develop skills in teamwork, communication and leadership, while learning to sail. No experience is necessary and bursaries are offered. THE IRISH EXPERIENCE / www.irishexperience.net / Summer credit courses grades 11 & 12. www.celticsummer.com THE SECOND CITY www.secondcity.com/training/toronto/coursecatalog Youth and teen improvisation and comedy writing classes, intensives and camps. TORONTO SPORTS LEADERSHIP PROGRAM www.torontosportleadershipprogram.com National level training and sports certification THE UMBRELLA FOUNDATION / www.umbrellanepal.org/volunteer Volunteer opportunities, local and abroad UNITED PLANET / www.unitedplanet.org Short-term (weeks) and longer term (months) international volunteer 'quests'. UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS / www.st-andrews.ac.uk/admissions/ug/int/summerschools/ Study for 4 weeks in Scotland during the summer Creative writing and Scottish studies UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Faculty of Arts & Sciences www.artsci.utoronto.ca/futurestudents/academics/hsprograms Programs, conferences and contests for high School Students Summer Academy offers grade 12 students the opportunity to take 1/2 credit courses over summer Summer Programs in Medicine and Law (YSP) www.ysp.utoronto.ca Law: “During the Law YSP, students currently enrolled in grades 10 through 12 can spend between one and five weeks at the Faculty of Law discussing advanced legal concepts, learning about the reality of the Canadian legal system, and applying their knowledge in a variety of stimulating environments.” Medicine: “From its home in the University of Toronto’s Medical Sciences Building, in the heart of Toronto’s “Medical Discovery District”, the Med YSP offers students currently enrolled in grades 10 and 11 four unique one-week modules that each introduces a major medical discipline.” DEEP- DaVinci Engineering Program – Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering – Outreach Office www.outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca/preuniversityprograms.htm Girls Jr. DEEP Saturdays – for gr.9 girls. DEEP Math – March Breaks Programs for gr/9-12 Skule Sisters – Mentorship; pairing female high school students with female engineering students. DEEP Summer Academy – gr.9-12 “DEEP Summer Academy is designed for highly motivated high school students with an aptitude for science and math. This program has been designed to expose bright young minds to concepts usually presented in the upper years of an undergraduate degree or in graduate school.” ScienceUnlimited @ Utoronto / www.scienceunlimited.utoronto.ca/home Science Unlimited offers students entering Grade 11 a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in a week of workshops and activities from 6 separate U of T departments. Summer Mentorship Program (SMP) www.fnh.utoronto.ca/Prospective-Students/High-School-Student-Programs.htm SMP is a four-week summer program that provides promising students with the opportunity to explore university education and professional careers, obtain hands-on experience through experiments, lectures and special projects, earn a GLN40 - Navigating the Workplace credit towards completion of their high school diploma, and gain valuable mentoring from a variety of professionals. Dept of Kinesology and Physical Ed / Camp UofT Junior Blues www.physical.utoronto.ca/ChildrenAndYouth.aspx UTS (University of Toronto School) – Outshine Summer Experiences http://www.utschools.ca/uploads/Summer/Summer_E-Brochure_Domestic_2.pdf Science, Urban Planning & Architecture and Integrative Thinking camps for teens on UofT campus. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO – High School Enrichment Programs www.uwaterloo.ca/find-out-more/counsellors/enrichment-programs From accounting, to computer science, to math, physics, science – many one day seminars, talks, conferences, competitions and awards. Waterloo Unlimited www.unlimited.uwaterloo.ca/programs “Waterloo Unlimited is a unique enrichment opportunity for high school students in grades 10, 11, and 12. Offered during the school year, Unlimited brings together curious, motivated, well-rounded teens from across the country. Rather than focusing on enrichment in a particular subject, each Waterloo Unlimited experience revolves around a different transdisciplinary theme—such as"change" or "design". 3 day seminars, usually offered in November, March and May of each year. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO – Engineering / http://www.eng.uwo.ca/academy Western Engineering Summer Academy is designed specifically for enriched Grades 9 to 12 high school students looking for a challenge this summer. The four courses that were offered in 2013: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering), Mechatronics Engineering and Chemical Engineering. VOLUNTEER ABROAD / www.volunteerabroad.ca Cross-cultural learning, conservation, teaching and community development. Not for profit organization and local communities working together to develop and implement programs. VOLUNTEER CANADA / www.volunteer.ca WIEZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE - ISRAEL / www.wiezmann.ac.il 6 top Science students from Canada travel to Israel for a unique summer program. Scholarships are available W.I.L.D. – WHITEWATER LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL / www.whitewater.ca/aboutwild.html Whitewater guide training program Learn about ecosystems, rivers, leadership skills, responsible tourism, risk management and group dynamics YES Canada / www.youthedservices.ca/index.php Exchanges & International living experiences for 3 months, 1 semester, or a full academic year. YMCA – YWCA – CAMPS AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Summer leadership training programs Trippers, Yak Pack, Leaders in Training, Leaders, etc… YORK UNIVERSITY – FINE ARTS SUMMER INTENSIVE PROGRAMS/ www.finearts.apps01.yorku.ca/fasi FASI programs are oriented towards high school students and arts explorers, are up to 2-weeks long in length and are designed specifically for eager students considering university-level fine arts training. FASI offers workshops, boot camps, and intensives geared towards your artistic development in Dance, Digital Media, Film, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. YOUTH CHALLENGE (United Way) / www.youthactionjeunesse.ca This is about taking action, changing lives and making a difference YOUTH CHALLENGE INTERNATIONAL / www.yci.org Volunteer positions for youth working in Guyana, Vanuatu and Costa Rica International co-operation and understanding through dynamic living and working exchanges between the people and cultures of different nations. YOUTH FOR UNDERSTANDING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE / www.yfu.ca Volunteer 6 week summer, semester and year programs Cross cultural issues YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMPS CANADA / www.ylcc.com COMPETITIONS & AWARDS McMASTER Engineering and Science Olympics – http://olympics.mcmaster.ca/about/ Registration Sept, held in October UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO French Contest: April for Grade 12; Contest website updated in Oct.;French Dept. @ 416.926.2302 Aristotle Philosophy Essay Competition : 1200 word essay for all Canadian high school students, price to top 3; Cert. of Distinction to Top 10 University of Toronto National Biology Competition (NBC) :50 multiple-choice, late April, grade 11,12 curriculum. Scholarships, certificates and prize awarded. Register with participating school. Physics Olympiad UofT Prep for Grade 10+ and Chemistry Olympiad for Grade 11,12 register with school in Oct.