C CO OU UR RS SEE S SYYLLLLAABBUUSS A ACCCC 330000 FFR RA AU UD DE EX XA AM MIIN NA AT TIIO ON N FFO OR RM MA AN NA AG GE ER RS S S SPPRRIIN NG G2 2000077 Randall E. LaSalle, Ph.D., CPA Office: 305 Anderson Hall Office Phone: (610) 738-0553 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Other hours available by appointment Office email: rlasalle@wcupa.edu Homepage: http://courses.wcupa.edu/rlasalle Home Phone: (610) 388-7023 Required Textbooks: Fraud Examination & Prevention by W. Steven Albrecht and Chad Albrecht (2004) Publisher: South-Western ISBN: 0-538-72689-X Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Control: Creating a Culture of Compliance by Martin T. Biegelman and Joel Bartow (2006) Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 978-0-471-73927-2 Course Description: Introduction to skills and knowledge necessary to prevent, detect, and investigate frauds. Prerequisites: Financial Accounting (ACC 201) Course Objectives: This course seeks to develop and integrate students’ knowledge of law, criminal justice and accounting for the purpose of obtaining a more comprehensive view of occupational fraud which extends beyond the limited framework of accountancy or any other single disciplinary framework. Teaching Methodology & Expectations: The primary teaching methodology is viewing videos of international experts in the field of fraud examination. Classroom discussions and lectures are also incorporated. Students are expected to read assigned chapters prior to the class in which it is reviewed. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled sessions of the course. Absences impair both student proficiency and the letter grade. The semester average will be reduced by 3 percentage points for each absence in excess of three. See addendum for examples and procedures. Academic Dishonesty Policy for this course Any act of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for this course. Accommodations for persons with disabilities The instructor wishes to make accommodations for students with disabilities. Please make your needs known by contacting the instructor and/or the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities at 610-436-3217. Sufficient notice is needed in order to make accommodations possible. Grading: There will be approximately 30 quizzes given throughout the semester, a mid-term exam and a final exam. The quiz average will count 70% of the grade, the mid-term examination will count 15%, and the final exam will count 15%, There will be no make-up quizzes. CCO OU UR RS SEE O OU UT TLLIIN NEE A ACCCC 330000 FFR RA AU UD D EEX XA AM MIIN NA AT TIIO ON N FFO OR RM MA AN NA AG GEER RS S –– S SPPRRIINNGG 22000077 Day Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Mon. Weds. Fri. Dates Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Mar. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Apr. 2 Apr. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 9 Apr. 11 Apr. 13 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 23 Apr. 25 Apr. 27 Apr. 30 May 2 May 4 Topic Introduction Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 1: The Nature of Fraud Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 1: The Nature of Fraud Video: Cross the Line: Ethical Lessons for Financial Professionals Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Code of Professional Ethics Video: Other People’s Money: The Basics of Asset Misappropriation No class Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 13: Fraud Against Organizations Video Segment 1 - Introduction Video Segment 2 – Fraud Theory Approach; Introduction to Fraudulent Financial Transactions Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 2: Who Commits Fraud and Why - Part 1 Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 2: Who Commits Fraud and Why - Part 2 Video Segment 3–Fraudulent Financial Statements; Net Worth Methods; Intro. to Employee Frauds No class Video Segment 4 – Employee Fraud Schemes Video Segment 5 – Fraud Prevention; Introduction to Legal Elements Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 3: Fighting Fraud: An Overview Video Segment 6 – Elements of Fraud; Bribery and Corruption; Economic Extortion Video Segment 7 - Conflicts of Interest; Embezzlement; Larceny; Miranda Warnings Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 4: Preventing Fraud Video Segment 8 – Charging Process; Trial and Appeal; Civil Actions Video Segment 9 - Evidence Mid-Term Exam No class – Spring Break No class – Spring Break No class – Spring Break Video Segment 10 – Documenting Evidence; Chain of Custody; Privileges; Expert Testimony Video Segment 11 – Investigation of Suspected Fraud; Interview Theory and Application Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 5: Recognizing the Symptoms of Fraud Video Segment 12 – Interviewing Principles; Evaluation of Deception Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 6: Proactive Approaches to Detecting Fraud Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 6: Proactive Approaches to Detecting Fraud - continued Video Segment 13 – Admission Seeking Interviews Video Segment 14 – Admission Seeking Interviews; Signed Statements; Public Records Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 7: Investigating Theft and Concealment – Part 1 Video Segment 15 – Sources of Information Video Segment 16 – Sources of Information; Introduction to Criminology Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 7: Investigating Theft and Concealment – Part 2 Video Segment 17 – Punishment; Overview of Theories of Crime Causation Video Segment 18 – Deterrence Theories Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 8: Conversion Investigation Methods Video Segment 19 – White-Collar Crime; Embezzlement Video Segment 20 – Categories of White-Collar Crime; Ethical Principles for Fraud Examiners Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 9: Inquiry Methods and Fraud Reports Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 9: Inquiry Methods and Fraud Reports Albrecht & Albrecht Chapter 10: Financial Statement Fraud No class: Reading day FINAL EXAMINATIONS: Section 01 (MWF 8-8:50): final exam is Monday May 7th 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Section 02 (MWF 9-9:50): final exam is Wednesday May 9th 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ADDENDUM TO COURSE SYLLABUS ATTENDANCE POLICY ACC 300 FRAUD EXAMINATION FOR MANAGERS SPRING 2007 Attendance is an important component of this course and is required for all students. The General Rule: The semester average will be reduced by 3 percentage points for each absence in excess of an allowance of three. The Limited Exception: If a student has four or more excused absences, the student should provide evidence of each those absences at the end of the semester. In this situation, the instructor may, at his sole discretion, increase the allowance up to the number of excused absences. In no case will the allowance be increased to more than six. Example 1: Scenario Student has a 90 average on the quizzes and a 70 average on the exams. However, she missed 19 classes due to morning sickness associated with her pregnancy. Example 2: Student has a 90 average on the quizzes and a 70 average on the exams. However, she missed 6 classes; three of which were due to travel to away games for the collegiate sport she plays. Example 3: Student has a 90 average on the quizzes and a 70 average on the exams. However, he missed 6 classes because he didn’t feel like getting up in time for class. Example 4: Student has a 90 average on the quizzes and a 70 average on the exams. However, she missed 6 classes; four of which were due to travel to away games for the collegiate sport she plays. Example 5: Student has a 90 average on the quizzes and a 70 average on the exams. However, he missed 12 classes; four of which were due to travel to away games for the collegiate sport he plays and four were attributed to a documented illness. Grade Calculations Quizzes 90 * .70 = 63.0 Exams 70 * .30 = 21.0 Weighted Average = 84.0 Less: (19-3) * 3 = (48.0) Semester Average 36.0 Semester Grade F Quizzes 90 * .70 = 63.0 Exams 70 * .30 = 21.0 Weighted Average = 84.0 Less: (6-3) * 3 = (9.0) Semester Average 75.0 Semester Grade C Quizzes 90 * .70 = 63.0 Exams 70 * .30 = 21.0 Weighted Average = 84.0 Less: (6-3) * 3 = (9.0) Semester Average 75.0 Semester Grade C Quizzes 90 * .70 = 63.0 Exams 70 * .30 = 21.0 Weighted Average = 84.0 Less: (6-4) * 3 = (6.0) Semester Average 78.0 Semester Grade C+ Quizzes 90 * .70 = 63.0 Exams 70 * .30 = 21.0 Weighted Average = 84.0 Less: (12-6) * 3 = (18.0) Semester Average 66.0 Semester Grade D