The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness
Scene 1
1. What is the boy doing?
2. What time is it?
3. Where is the movie?
4. What bridge do you see?
a. the Bay Bridge
b. The Golden Gate Bridge
5. Where is the homeless man sleeping?
6. Where is the father going?
a. to work b. to the park
7. Where is the son going?
a. To daycare
c. home
b. home
c. to the park
7. Why does the father talk to the custodian?
8. What does the custodian say?
9. Does the custodian speak English?
10. Is the custodian angry?
11. Is the father angry?
12.What is this part of the father’s life story called?
a. Walking b. Riding the bus. C. Taking BART
13.What does the father have on his lap while he’s waiting for the bus?
14.What does the homeless man ask him?
15.What does the homeless man think it is?
16.Does the doctor want to buy the machine?
Scene 2
1. Whose car has the yellow boot? Chris’s car
2. Why does his car get towed? too many tickets
the doctor’s car
doesn’t work
At their house:
3. Does he sell his machine? ___________
4. Did Chris pay the taxes? ____________
5. Is Linda happy? ____________
6. Where does she have to go? ___________
7. What is the man on TV talking about? music
8. Is Chris watching TV? _____________________________
9. What is Chris doing? ____________________________
Scene 3
1. Do you have to go to college to be a stockbroker?
2. Do you have to be good with numbers to be a stockbroker?
3. Do you have to be good with people to be a stockbroker?
4. Chris says, “ I still remember that moment. They all looked so dammed
_____________________ to me.”
5. What time is he going to try to be home?
6. Does his wife think he can be a stockbroker?
7. Have they paid their rent?
Pursuit of Happyness Scenes 1-3
Fill in the blanks with the following words: father,
Christopher, married, salesman, scanners, works, daycare, didn’t, wants, needs,
angry, son
Chris Gardner is a (1) _________. He has a (2) ___________. He is (3) ___________.
His son is called (4) ______________. He goes to
(5) _____________. His wife (6) _________.
He is a (7) _____________. He sells (8) ________. He
(9) _________ a different job.
He (10) ____________ pay his rent. His wife feels
(11) ____________. He (12) ___________ money.
Scene 4
1. What does the sign say? __________________________________
2. What is this part of his life called?
a. Being stupid.
b. Being smart
c. Riding the bus.
3. How many people get a job after the internship?
a. 10
b. 5
c. 20
d. 1
4. Is happiness a noun or an adjective? __________________________
5. Is “fuck” spelled right? __________________
6. What does it mean?
a. It shows anger.
b. It’s a bad word.
c. Don’t say it.
7. Why is the father angry at the daycare?
a. Too much T.V.
b. No English.
c. unhealthy snacks
8. How much is the daycare? __________________________
9. What does the lady say about TV? __________________________
10. Does she think it’s O.K.? _______________________________
Scene 5
1. At the office, Chris wants to show he is good with numbers and good with people. T F
2. What is this part of his life called?
a. Running b. Walking c. Riding the bus.
3. Who says “That was my stolen machine?”
a. Mr. Twissel
b. the girl
c. Chris
4. Do the man and the woman in the bus sell machines? __________
5. Who takes the picture of Chris and Linda? a. landlord
6. Are they happy? ______________
b. Christopher
Scene 6
Chris counts 1, _______, _____________
What is the birthday gift? _______________________
Who is the gift for? ________________________
What word does Linda say ? _________________________
Who says “It’s going to be fine”
Who says “I don’t care.”
Scene 7
Who yells “Taxi!” Chris
Where is Mr. Twissel going? ____________________
Why does Chris get in the taxi with Mr. Twissel?
a. He wants to sleep
Linda Mr. Twissel
b. He wants to go to Noe Valley
c. He wants to talk with Mr Twissel
What does Chris say that he can do?
a. fly an airplane b. solve the puzzle
c. fix machines
Does Mr. Twissel believe him? __________
Does Chris solve the puzzle? ______________
What does Mr. Twissel say to him? ________________________
Chris tells the taxi:
a. “Drive downtown” b. “Just flip around” c. “I’m getting out of here”
Scenes 4-7 REVIEW
Fill in the blanks with the word:
fight basketball
taxi guitar
basketball TV two
Chris goes to an office. The sign says. “taking _____________.” He gives his
machine to a woman. She is playing the ___________. Chris talks with a man about a job.
The _____________ takes his machine. Chris runs after her. Chris does not get his machine
Chris and Christopher go to daycare. Christopher wants a _______________ for his
birthday. Christopher watches TV at daycare. Chris is not happy about _____. He does not
want his son to watch a lot of TV.
Chris sees the woman with his machine. He runs after her. He gets his ___________
back. He comes home with _______ machines.
Christopher has a birthday. Linda and Chris give him a ______________.
Christopher likes the basketball. Chris and Linda have a __________. Linda is not happy.
Chris rides in a ___________ with Mr. Twistle. Chris talks with Mr. Twistle. Mr.
Twistle has a puzzle. Mr. Twistle can’t do it. Chris does it. Mr Twistle thinks Chris is
Scene 8
1. Does he have money to pay for the taxi? YES NO
2. What does the taxi driver say? __________________________________
3. Chris is running from?
a doctor
4. Does Chris get in the train? YES
a stockbroker
the taxi driver
5. Is the machine INSIDE or OUTSIDE the BART Doors?
6. Who does Chris call?
the doctor
the taxi driver
7. Is Chris going home? YES NO
8. What does Linda say?
I’m dancing
I’m studying
9. What is the name of the president on the nickel?
Bill Clinton
I’m leaving
Thomas Jefferson
10.What does pursuit mean? __________________________________
11.Are Linda and Christopher home? YES NO
12.Who calls?
Mr. Twissle
13. He tells Chris to come for
an interview
play games
14.What is his phone number? (415) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ extension _ _ _ _
Scene 9
1. How much money? $19 $25
2. Is Linda happy? Yes No
3. Chris says, “ Christopher is living with __________”
4. Christopher asks, “Where’s __________”
my basketball Mom
5. Christopher asks, “Where do I ____________tonight?”
6. What do they eat for dinner? _______________________
7. Who knocks at the door? a. doctor b. Linda
8. Does Chris pay rent? YES NO
9. Does Chris have to move? YES
10.Chris is: a. worried
b. happy
c. sleepy
c. the landlord
Scene 10
1. Chris is: sleeping
eating painting
2. Who knocks at the door? the landlord the doctor
the police
3. Why is Chris in jail? He didn’t pay his parking ________________.
4. Who does Chris call? _______________
5. Who will pick up Christopher? Linda Chris
Pursuit of Happiness: Chris’s Interview (Scene 11)
1. What clothes is Chris wearing?
Is Chris wearing a tie? ____
Is Chris wearing a suit? ____
2. What clothes are the other men wearing?
Are they wearing ties? _____
Are they wearing suits? _______
3. What does the woman say? A. Chris B. Mr. Chris C. Mr. Gardner
4. Is Gardner his A. first name B. last name ?
5. What does Chris do? A. Shake hands. B. Give hugs
6. Does Chris A. look at the men asking questions. B. look only at the table.
7. How does Chris say his name? A. First name B. First Name Last Name C. Last
8. Do they ask about Chris’s school? _________
9. What was Chris’s job? A. He was a cook. B. He was a painter. C. He was in the
10.Write down three questions they ask Chris:
Scene 12
1. Mr. Twistle says, “Now you can call me ___________”
2. Did Chris get the internship job? YES NO
3. Is there a salary for the internship job? YES NO
4. Is Chris worried about money? YES NO
5. How long is the internship? 6 years
6 months
6. Now, he can make money: a. as a stockbroker
6 days
b. sell more machines
7. Chris is waiting for: a. Linda and Chris b. Mr. Twistle c. the landlord
Review Scenes 8 – 12
Fill in the blanks with the word:
doesn’t, gets, makes, runs, makes, loses, goes, takes, left, paints, calls, spends, pay,
wants, take, does, person
Chris ______ into a taxi. He ____________ have enough money. The taxi driver
_________ after him.
Chris _________ on BART. He __________ his scanner.
He _____________ a phone call. He ___________ his wife. He ___________ the
bus. He _________ home.
His wife and Christopher _________. Mr. Twizzle ______. He __________ to talk to
Christopher about the internship.
His landlord. He ____________ his apartment. The police take him to
_____________ his parking tickets. He _____________ the night in jail until his check
clears at 9:30am.
He calls his wife. He ___________ her to pick up Christopher and keep him for
the night. Linda wants to ___________ Christopher to the park after daycare.
Chris _____________ to his appointment with Mr. Twizzle. His interview
_____________ well. The internship ____________ not pay any salary. One
______________ gets a job at the end of the program.
Scene 13
1. Where is Linda going? ___________________
2. She will work at: a. a bank b. store
c. in a restaurant
3. Where will Christopher live? with Linda with Chris
4. Who says, “Tell him that I love him, ok?”
5. Is Linda happy? YES NO
Linda Chris
Scene 14
1. What are Chris and his Dad doing?
a. Moving out
b. Moving to a motel
c. both a and b
2. What day is it?
3. What are Christopher and his Dad going to do?
a. Sell bone density scanners
b. play basketball c. both
4. Does Christopher like to play basketball?
5. Is his Dad good at basketball?
6. What does his Dad say to Christopher about basketball?
a. His Dad is below average.
b. b. Don’t shoot the ball around all day and all night
c. Don’t ever let somebody tell you “You can’t do something.”
d. If you want something, go get it, period.
e. all of the above
Scene 15
1. Why did Christopher and his Dad move to a motel?
a. Chris is getting a better job. b. Chris doesn’t have money to pay the rent.
c. both of the above
2. When is Christopher’s Mom coming back?
a. Next week
b. Next month
c. Never
d. Chris doesn’t
3. Christopher tells his Dad a story. What is the story about?
a. God b. A man who drowns c. A man who goes to heaven
a. all of the above
4. What does Chris buy for Christopher?
a. Candy
b. A toy
c. A pet
d. Clothes
Scene 16
1. What is this part of Chris’ life called?
a. Internship
b. Running
c. Riding the bus d. Being stupid
2. What is Chris learning to do?
a. Be a stockbroker
b. Be a teacher
d. A and C
c. Be a salesman
3. How many minutes does Chris get for a break?
a. ten
b. fifteen
c. twenty
d. five
4. How does Chris say goodbye to the man?
a. It was nice talking to you.
b. It was good talking to you, sir.
5. What happened to Chris?
a. He got hit by a car
b. He lost his shoe
6. Why doesn’t Chris go to the hospital?
a. He’s O.K.
b. He’s in a competitive internship with Dean Witter.
7. What does the man at the office say?
a. You’re walking funny
b. Hey man, you’re missing a shoe
c. You’re crazy.
8. What does Christopher say?
a. You’re funny.
b. Dad, you don’t have a shoe.
c. You were running in the street.
d. Don’t do that, you can get hurt.
e. b, c, and d
c. A and B
Scene 17
1. What does Chris’ teacher ask him to do?
a. Get him a donut. b. Get him some coffee c. Hand out the books.
2. What does the motel manager say? ______________________________
3. What is Chris doing?
a. Talking on the phone. b. Talking to clients
c. A and B
4. What does Chris’s teacher ask him to do?
a. Put money in the parking meter.
b. Move his car.
Scene 18
1. Why is Chris in a hurry?
a. He has an appointment.
b. He has to pick up Christopher.
2. How does Chris get to his appointment?
a. He walks
b. He runs.
c. He takes a cab.
3. Is he late for his appointment?
4. Does he get a parking ticket?
5. What are Chris and Christopher going to do on Saturday?
a. Play basketball
b. Go to doctor’s offices and make sales calls
c. Possibly go to a football game.
d. b and c
Scene 19
1. What does probably mean?
a. a good chance
b. maybe
c. not
2. What does possibly mean?
a. we might, we might not
b. maybe
3. Where are Chris and his client and their children going?
a. to a football game
b. to a basketball game
c. to Candlestick park
d. a and c
4. What happened to Chris?
a. He got stung by a bee
b. He broke his arm
c. He pretended to get stung by a bee.
c. a and b
Scene 20
1. After 4 months, did Chris sell all of their scanners?
2. What does Chris receive in the mail?
a. a tax bill.
b. an electricity and gas bill
b. a phone bill
3. What is this part of Chris’ life called?
a. Riding the bus. b. Internship c. Paying taxes
4. How much money is left in Chris’s bank account?
a. $100
b. $21.33
c. $121.33 d. $1.33
5. Who is Chris talking to on the phone?
a. the IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
b. his landlord
c. the motel manager
6. How much does the man owe Chris?
a. $14
b. $40
c. $60
d. $400
Scene 21
1. What is Christopher doing?
a. playing on the playground
b. riding a bicycle
c. playing basketball
2. Why doesn’t the doctor buy the machine?
a. It’s too expensive
b. It doesn’t work.
Scene 22
1. Why are Chris and Christopher’s things outside their motel room?
a. They left them there.
b. The motel manager moved them outside because Chris didn’t pay his bill.
2. Where are they going?
a. To another motel
b. Chris doesn’t know
c. To New York
Scene 23
1. Does Christopher think the bone scanner is a time machine? ___________
2. What does Chris ask Christopher to do?
a. push a black button
b. get his stuff
3. Why?
a. They are going to travel through time.
b. He wants Christopher to have fun.
4. What do they pretend to see?
a. Animals
b. Dinosaurs c. Toys
d. Candy
5. Where do they go?
a. to the BART restroom b. to a cave c. to a motel
Scene 24
1. What does Mr. Twistle ask Chris? ___________________________________
2. Chris says, “I’m going to… A. San Jose B. Sacramento C. Oakland.
3. Is Chris going golfing? _____________
4. How does Chris feel? A. Tired B. Happy C. Sad D. Worried
5. What does Chris ask the woman? We need a _________________.
6. Can Chris and Christopher stay together at the woman’s shelter? ___________
7. Why are they waiting in line?
A. Watch a movie B. Get on the Bus C. Room to sleep
8. Why does Chris fight the man?
A. Only four rooms left. B. Chris was in line first. C. A & B
9. What is Christopher’s favorite color? _________________________
Scene 25
Christopher helps Chris put on his A. jacket B. hat C. tie
Can they leave their clothes in the room?
A. They are going to have a different room later.
B. They have to wait in line again.
C. They are going to buy new clothes.
D. A & B.
Chris is talking with A. a client
Chris is running
A. to lose weight
B. a student
B. to get to work
C. the boss.
C. to get to Glide Church by 5:00.
Why is Christopher crying? A. He lost his toy. B. He was stung by a bee.
Is Chris angry? __________
What do the people sing about? A. Mountains B. Hard times C. A&B
Chris is the first second third fourth fifth student done with the test.
10. Does Chris finish the whole test? ___________
11. How much money for the taxi? $______________
12. There are no more… A. rooms
B. toys
C. people.
Scene 26
1. What is Christopher eating? ______________. Is Chris eating? _______
2. What are they drinking? _________________
3. Where do they sleep? A. BART B. hotel C. Church
4. Why does Chris give blood? A. He’s sick. B. To get money.
5. What does Chris buy at the store? A. Milk. B. Bulb for scanner C. paper
6. Christopher asks, “Did _______ leave because of me?”
Chris says, “ Don’t even think something like that” Mom left because of ______
7. Does Chris fix the machine? _______
8. How much does the Doctor pay for the machine? $____________
Scene 27
1. How much money does Chris get? $
2. Where do they go to stay? A. church B. hotel C. the cave
3. Where do they go after work? A. church B. post office C. the beach.
4. Chris sees Jay in A. the bathroom B. his office C. the elevator
5. Is Chris nervous? _____________
6. Jay says A. You’ve done a fantastic job. B. You’ve done a bad job.
Scene 28
1. Chris’s teacher says, “ Chris,
2. Does Chris get the job?
3. Does Chris want to work as a broker?
4. Is he happy?
Is he sad?
5. What is this part of his life called?
Viewing Guide
What did you hear?
What did you see?
What character is the same as you?
What character is different from you?
Say three things to (Chris)
Who changed the most in the movie?
Who is a good person?
Ask (Chris) three questions:
Draw a picture from the movie.
What did you learn from watching the movie?
Pursuit of Happyness
Under the pictures write:
What is his name? _His name is ________________
Every day, he_______________________________.
He likes____________________________________.
His name is _____________________________.
He is a _________________________________, but he
wants to be a _______________________________.
Every day he ______________________________.
Chris rides a taxi with Mr. Twissle.
Does he have money for the taxi?
1) ____________________________
2) The taxi driver _______________________ after Chris.
A. runs B. run C. sings D sing
Chris is late.
Does he call his wife on a pay phone?
3) _____________________________
Linda says, “I’m leaving.”
Are Linda and Christopher home when Chris gets home?
4) ______________________________________________
Chris never pays his parking tickets.
Does he go to jail?
5) ____________________________
6) In the morning, Chris __________________ to his interview.
A. runs B. run C. walks D walk E drives F drive
Does he miss his interview?
Does the interview go well?
Goal Setting
Chris was a soldier.
He worked in the navy.
Now he is a salesman.
He is working in hospitals.
He wants to be a stockbroker.
He wants to work in an office.
Your Turn:
I was a _________
I worked_________
Now, I am a _________
I __________________
I want to be a _________
Review Activity
Put the sentences in the right order. Number them 1, 2, 3…
Linda tells Chris, “I’m leaving.”
Chris doesn’t pay rent. He has to move. He has to paint the house.
Christ gets the job. He is worried about money. There is no salary for
the internship.
Chris is painting. The police knock at the door. He did not pay his
parking tickets. Chris goes to jail.
Chris goes to an interview. He is wearing blue jeans. He is not
wearing a tie. He is not wearing a jacket. He is dirty.
Chris rides in a taxi with Mr. Twissle. Chris doesn’t have money for
the taxi. The taxi driver chases him.
Alternate Scene 11
Scene 11
1. What is Chris wearing?
2. Is Chris wearing a tie? YES
3. Is Chris wearing a suit? YES
4. Is Chris wearing good clothes for an interview? YES
5. Chris was first second third in his class.
6. Is Chris smart? YES