Top Priority - UP Reorganization Coordination Department

Top Priority
No. 915/28-1-2002
Lov Verma,
Member Secretary,
State Advisory Committee &
Secretary, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
1. All Principal Secretaries / Secretaries
Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
2. All Heads of Departments/Heads of Officer
Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
Uttaranchal Coordination section -1
Lucknow dated July 15, 2002
Subject: Division of State services cadres and final allocation of personnel under U.P. Reorganisation
Govt. of India has constituted State Advisory Committee under Sec-76, UP Reorganisation
Act,2000, for bifurcating posts between Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal and for the final allotment of the
personnel. The said Committee held its third meeting on 02-07-2002 at Nainital. Principles, procedure and
system for allocation of posts and final allotment of personnel was finalised in this meeting. Minutes of the
aforesaid meeting have been sent to all Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries vide G.O. no. 884/28-1-2002
dated 09 July, 2002.
As per the principles finalised by the SAC, following system and procedure for allocation of posts
and final allotment of personnel is laid down, to be followed by all departments on the basis of punctuality
and highest priority.
(A) Division of posts
Each department shall make available information regarding the sanctioned posts in every cadre in
every pay scale as on cut- off date i.e. 08-11-2000. For getting the information regarding posts in undivided
Uttar Pradesh, proforma p-1, p-2, p-3 and p-4 respectively vide G.O. no. 166/28-1-2001 dated 14 Mar, 2001
and G.O. no. 1535/28-1-2001 dated 24-09-2001 alongwith proforma 'A' & 'B' vide G.O. no. 848/28-1-2002
dated 28-01-2002 have been prescribed. Information on the prescribed proformae has not been received
from many departments as yet. Those departments which have not furnished the information on the
prescribed proformae, will ensure that it is furnished immediately.
Norms and procedure for Allotment of the personnel of State services cadres to State of
First and foremost, persons who have opted be allotted against the cadre posts to the State of
Uttaranchal. (Option means the first option exercised by an employee on or before 15-06-2001 and
in which no change is permissible.)
If vacancies still exist, domiciles of Uttaranchal be allotted to fill up the vacancies. Domiciles of
Uttaranchal means those personnel in whose service records any one of the 13 districts of that State
has been declared as the home district as on 01-04-2000.
If the vacancies still exist, the junior most in the relevant cadre and in the same pay-scale as on the
appointed day be allotted.
In compliance of the Govt. of India guidelines, only in respect of cases falling under sub-para 3,
reservations to Scheduled Castes/Tribes/Other Backward Classes and others be ensured. In addition,
as far as possible, junior most personnel of each batch be allotted on the pro-rata basis having regard
to the total no. of personnel in that batch of that cadre.
If both husband and wife are in govt. service, allotment would be in accordance with the option of
the senior spouse. Seniority would determined with reference to the higher pay-scale. However, as
per the Govt. of India G.O. dated 11-09-2001, in case of an employee finally allotted to Uttaranchal,
the husband/wife of the wife/husband shall be allotted Uttaranchal only, and not Uttar Pradesh.
Female employees would be allotted only according to their option, subject to the condition that if
their husbands are covered above sub-para(2) or (3), they would be allotted to Uttaranchal only, and
not Uttar Pradesh.
Those employees who are due to retire within two years will be allotted Uttaranchal only as per their
Handicapped employees, if they are not covered by Govt. of India G.O. dated 11-09-2001, would be
allotted to states only according to their option.
G.O. no 1134/ka-1/13(12)/2000 dated 06-11-2000 is amended to the extent aforementioned. If any
personnel is working against a post allocated for Scheduled Tribes, a vacancy shall be given to Uttaranchal.
If Inter se seniority has not been fixed between departmental personnel and direct recruits, in the batch of a
(particular) year, or, in other words, if in a batch, departmental personnel or direct recruits have been placed
either above or below, the personnel would be allotted by splitting that batch into two batches.
Few departments may experience difficulties in allotting juniormost personnel and determining the
reservation policy in accordance with para 2(B), 3 and 4, for resolving which examples are given in
Enclosure-1. If any department still has doubts/difficulties, they can contact Secretary or Joint Secretary,
Uttaranchal Coordination Department for resolving the same.
List of personnel being allotted to Uttaranchal immediately after the final division of posts cadrewise for Uttaranchal shall be given in proforma P-5 (Enclosure-2). Information be kept ready in the said
proforma so that it can be available to the department at short notice.
Other Issues
If, in implementing the above policy, departments or employees come across genuine and hardship
cases, a representation accompanied with evidence can be submitted to the State Advisory Committee for
its disposal/decision.
It is expected that all departments shall ensure action as aforementioned on top most priority basis.
Enclosure- As above.
Yours Sincerely
Sd/(Lov Verma)
Member Secretary
State Advisory Committee
Government of Uttar Pradesh
No.:-915/28-1-2002,Dated As above
Copies to following for information and necessary action:1.
Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttaranchal, Dehradun.
Sri R.K. Chandra, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Personnel and Pensions, Government of India,
Lok Nayak Bhavan, Third Floor, Khan market, New Delhi.
Sri R.R. Prasad, Director,(S.R.)Ministry of Personnel and Pensions, Government of India, Lok
Nayak Bhavan, Third Floor, Khan market, New Delhi.
Secretary, Reorganisation, Govt. of Uttaranchal, Dehradun.
Secretary, Governor's Secretariat, Uttar Pradesh.
Secretary, Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council, Uttar Pradesh.
Secretary, Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad.
By order
Sd/(Lov Verma)
Member Secretary
State Advisory Committee
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Enclosure of G.O. N0. 915/28-1-2002 dtd 15 July, 2002
Certain departments may experience difficulties in allotting junior most personnel and fixing reservations
according to para 2(B), 3 and 4 of the above G.O. which can be resolved by following examples :-
Example-1 If in any cadre 1995 batch had 100, 1996 batch 200, 1997 batch 300 and 1998 batch 400 personnel
and out of them, 100 personnel were to be allotted to Uttaranchal, on pro rata basis of the strength of the
batch, the ratio of no. of personnel
= 100 : 200 : 300 : 400
= 1 :2:3:4
Division of vacancies according to reservation= General- 50, Other Backward Classes- 27,
Scheduled Castes -21, Scheduled Tribes- 2
Pro rata total of the batches- 1+2+3+4= 10
Allotment of personnel batch wise
Batch General seats =50
Other Backward classes= 27
Scheduled castes= 21
1995 -1/10×50=5
1/10×27= 2.7=3
1/10×21 = 2.1= 2
1996 -2/10×50=10
2/10×27= 5.4= 5
2/10×21 = 4.2= 4
1997 -3/10×50 =15
3/10×27= 8.1= 8
3/10×21= 6.3= 6
1998- 4/10×50=20
4/10×27= 10.8= 11
4/10×21= 8.4= 8+1
Total-3+5+8+11= 27
Total-2+4+6+9= 21
Example-2 If the no. of members in the batches is as follows 1995 370,1996 290, 1997 490 in 1998 190 and
vacancies are 70, then
Pro rata ratio= 370: 290: 490: 190
= 37: 29: 49: 19
= 1.94: 1.52: 2.57: 1
= 2: 2: 3: 1 Ratio total= 2+2+3+1= 8
General seats =35
Other Backward
Classes= 18.9= 19
Scheduled Castes= 14.7=15
Note:- If one vacancy is falling short because of round(ing of) figure(s), that vacancy, owing to round(ing
of) figure(s) shall be adjusted in the largest batch. Similarly, if the vacancy increases in any category, it will
be decreased from that category, as has been demonstrated in above examples.
Example-3 If batches are more and personnel are less. For example, batches are-4 and 3 personnel have
to be allotted
Total No. of employees in the batch
As, on the basis of calculation by pro rata method, personnel to be allotted from 1975 batch comes
to zero, which is against policy and Government Order. Therefore, these three posts/ personnel be
allotted as follows:year
Total No. of employees in the Allotment of employees
1972 37
1973 29
1 General
1974 13
1 Other Backward Classes
1975 03
1 Scheduled Castes
By order
Sd/(Lov Verma)
Member Secretary
State Advisory Committee
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Name of Department-
Name of cadre -
Sl. No
Name of employee
Designation Pay-scale
Junior most