Summary Astronomy Rough Notes Electromagnetic Spectrum, Spectral Types, Atoms and Spectra Seven types of electromagnetic (EM) radiation ROY G. BIV Long λ Short λ λ = 700 nm λ = 400 nm Low f High f Low energy High energy Radio Microwave Infrared “feel” video Visible Ultraviolet camera X-ray Gamma ray Slides - “Universe at all Wavelengths” or use Multiwavelength Astronomy Gallery Multiwavelength Astronomy Gallery onomy/index.html or or Why observe at all wavelengths? 1. Many sources don’t emit visible (want to see the entire universe - <10% visible). Ex: Cool H (Radio) New born stars (IR) Black holes (X and gamma) 2. Can tell the energy of the process and maybe the process Ex: 21 cm line H spin flip Locate H Locate arms of the galaxy 3. Some wavelengths (primarily longer) penetrate better Ex: Dust obscures galactic center in visible but not in radio Astronomy Rough Notes – Types of Spectra Types of Spectra (Continuous, Emission, Absorption) Diffraction grating Continuous spectrum Demo with incandescent bulb Describe: Rainbow like, All Source: Hot, dense object Ex: Filament of bulb, surface of sun (photosphere) Emission spectrum Demo with H gas tube (Note three lines: red, turquoise, violet) Describe: Bright line Source: Excited gas Ex: Gas discharge tube, gas clouds in outer space (Radio image of H in galaxy) Demo with He gas tube (Note: different lines, must be a gas, not H) Each element has a unique spectrum. Different gas has different spectrum. Demo with Ne gas tube (Note: different lines, gas, not H nor He) Absorption spectrum Demo with camera/bulb/liquids Describe: Dark line, Continuous with certain missing Source: Hot dense object shining through a cooler gas cloud/liquid Sketch: source/gas cloud/observer see text Show solar spectrum Absorption hot dense photosphere with gas around Show H lines Note mix of lines/mix of elements Use of spectra Composition Temperature Density Others Astronomy Rough Notes – Atoms and Spectra Play “The Ring of Truth” video, Part 6 “Doubt” Show through Nancy Houck and classification scheme Stop and review Annie Cannon classified tens of thousands of stars Classification scheme: (Hot) OBAFGKM (Cool) Sub class 0-9 (zero – 9) O, B0, B1, B2,…B9, A0, A1, A2,…A9, F0…M9 (Oh) (B zero) Why different lines? Why lines at all? Physics in late 1800s Start video again. Play from Nancy Houck section through the quantum ladder. Bohr Model of atom Quantum ladder Photon - tennis ball demo Explains both emission and absorption spectra Continue video from quantum ladder through Cecilia’s thesis All that “glows” is 90% H and 10% He Cecilia Payne (Established stellar temperature scale for stars, Figured out the recipe of the stars)