DATE BOUND MOST IMMEDIATE From The Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, PEC Campus, Sector 12, Chandigarh To The Director, Public Relations, Cultural Affairs, Hospitality and Tourism, Chandigarh Administration. Memo.No. LCDAY -Arch-College-2015/ Dated, Chandigarh the Subject: Advertisement for Short Term Tender Notice for Temporary Illumination & Lighting of the Capitol Complex Buildings at Chandigarh from 9 October to 12 October 2015. Enclosed please find tender notice and CD of the tender regarding Short Term Tender Notice for the Temporary Illumination & Lighting of the Capitol Complex Buildings at Chandigarh from 9 October to 12 October 2015 for Chandigarh College of Architecture. You are requested to get the notice published in the local newspapers on 29.9.2015 (Tuesday) at the appropriate place/page. The bill may be sent to us duly verified for payment. Encl: CD Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture CHANDIGARH COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE: CHANDIGARH SHORT TERM TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited for the Temporary illumination/lighting of the Capitol Complex buildings for Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh. Sr. No. 1 Name of the Work & Time of Completion Temporary illumination & Lighting of the Capitol Complex Buildings and Monuments at Chandigarh EMD -Rs 10,000/ Tender Cost Rs 500/- Eligibility Contractor should have carried out similar work of temporary lighting of Govt./Semi Govt/municipal Buildings of value of Rs. 5 Lacs minimum CAPITOL COMPLEX, CHANDIGARH Date and time for sale of tender: Details can be had from: 3 Oct, 2015, 3.00 p.m. Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture Sector – 12, PEC Campus, Chandigarh. 160012.India. Ph.: +91-172-2740685,2740558 Fax: +91-172-2740686 Tender Documents can be downloaded from the web-site of O/o Principal/CCA. i.e. The undersigned reserves the right to rejct any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. Principal Chandigarh College of Architecture CHECK LIST DULY FILLED IN TO BE ATTACHED WITH THE TENDER 1 Whether Earnest Money is enclosed. Yes/No 2 Whether Technical specifications of material/equipment Yes/No attached? 3 Whether tender document duly signed by authorized Yes/No signatory Attached? 4 Whether affidavit duly attested by Notary/Executive Yes/No Magistrate regarding non-black listing of firm attached? 5 Whether a list of institutions/organizations where your firm Yes/No has worked on temporary structure recently, is attached. 6 Whether you are an authorized agent/dealer/distributor of Yes/No the firm/company/manufacturer and whether authority letter as issued by them in your favour attached? 7 Either Owner or Representative of the firm, who will Yes/No present at the time of opening of tender. The authorization letter is required, for Owner of the firm or Representative of the firm. Signature of authorized signatory With seal of the firm DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WITH THE TENDER 1 Tender document duly signed with the covering letter. 2 Photocopy of Earnest Money attached. 3 A list of institutions/organizations where your firm has worked for. 4 Technical specifications of the material used for temporary structure. 5 Affidavit duly attested by Notary/Executive Magistrate regarding non-black listing of firm. 6 Self attested copy of PAN, TIN and Service Tax. Signature of authorized signatory With seal of the firm CHECK LIST DULY FILLED IN TO BE ATTACHED WITH THE TENDER 1 Whether Earnest Money is enclosed. 2 Total cost of temporary structure. Draft to be attached. Rs. Signature of authorized signatory With seal of the firm IMPORANTS NOTE AND DATE 1. All the instructions contained in the Tender Form are important and required to be complied with. 2. Please ensure that Bid Guarantee submitted in envelops and should be put in an outer envelope, super scribing, name of the items, due date and time. Date and Time for sale of tender from 3.10.2015 at 10:00 AM onwards To 4.10.2015 till 10:00 a.m Last Date and Time for Receiving of Tender 4.10.2015 at 10.00 AM Date & Time of Opening of Tender by Committee 4.10.2015 at 11.00 AM Place of Opening of Tender Committee Room Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh CHANDIGARH COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, SECTOR 12, CHANDIGARH TENDER DOCUMENT 1. All the instructions contained in the Tender Form are important and required to be complied with. 2. Please ensure that Bid Guarantee submitted in envelops and should be put in an outer envelope, super scribing, name of the items, due date and time. Date and Time for sale of tender from 3.10.2015 at 9:00 AM onwards To 4.10.2015 till 5:00 PM Last Date and Time for Receiving of Tender 4.10.2015 at 10.00 AM Date & Time of Opening of Tender by Committee 4.10.2015 at 11.00 AM Place of Opening of Tender Committee Room Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh ANNEXURE - II From To The Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh Offer No. Dated : Subject: Submission of Tender for temporary Illumination & Lighting of Capitol Complex buildings and Monuments. Dear Sir, With reference to your above-mentioned notice inviting tenders, I/We hereby offer to execute the temporary lighting work of Capitol Complex buildings & Monuments and submit the tender document to the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh. I/We shall supply the temporary lighting truly and faithfully as set forth in the terms and conditions of the tender document. I/We shall be responsible for all complaints as regards to the quality of product and in case of any dispute; the decision of the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh shall be final and binding on me/us. A Demand Draft _____________________________ No. intended __________Dated for the ________drawn prescribed amount of on Rs. ____________________(Rupees ______________________ Only) in favour of Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh, payable at Chandigarh is enclosed as earnest money as desired. I/WE shall have no claim to the refund of earnest money prescribed against this tender in the event of my/our non-compliance of the contract, provided such contract is implemented within the period of validity of my/our tender. I/We further understand that my/our earnest money shall stand forfeited in case of unsatisfactory construction of the work, or if I/We withdraw my/our tender at any stage during the period of validity. My/Our tender along with terms and conditions with relevant columns and annexure duly filled in under my/our attestation and with each page of the tender paper including the enclosed terms and conditions signed by me/us (in the capacity of sole owner/general or special attorney attached) is submitted for your favorable consideration. I/We have read the terms and conditions carefully and have signed the same in token of our absolute and unqualified acceptance. My/Our tender constitutes a firm offer under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and is open to an acceptance in whole/my/our offer, if accepted on the attached terms and conditions will constitute a legal binding of Contract Act 1872. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, INSTRUCTIONS/GUIDELINES TO BE TENDERER/BIDDER The tenderer is required to go through the instructions before submission of tender document. 1. A copy of Tender Notice is enclosed as Annexure-I. 2. Tenders duly sealed in envelope and clearly super scribed as tender to execute the temporary lighting work of Capitol Complex Buildings & Monuments. Due on 4.10.2015 at 10:00 a.m. should be submitted with tender documents, Affidavit, Bid and Guarantee (in Envelop No.1) 3. Unsealed tender(s) will be rejected. 4. Offer should be preferably typed or written in neat/legible hand. 5. The tenderer(s) will be responsible to ensure that the tender is received on or before the due date and time in the office of Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh. 6. Each page of tender document should be signed by the tender(s) with stamp of the firm duly affixed on each page. 7. The tenderer, preferably, should fill the rates and amount in the price schedule and submit the bid to avoid any kind of mistake. However, the tenderer is free to submit the bids in his own format giving detailed specifications of the material he/she intends to used for construction. In case of any mistake in the specifications given by the tenderer in his own format, the specifications given in tender document shall be treated correct and final. 8. The tenderer should indicate specifically the sales tax, duties and levies chargeable against each item. 9. The tenderer must indicate the list of eminent institutions/organization particularly in Chandigarh and out of station, where the same temporary construction has been constructed during the last three years along with rates and specifications 10. The tender must be submitted alongwith the copies of 11. Sales Tax Registration Certificate The Tender Bid should be submitted in a single envelop. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER 1. Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed contractors for execution of temporary Lighting work of Capitol Complex buildings and Monuments as per specification for the proposed project, namely Lighting & Illumination of Capitol Complex buildings & Monuments, Chandigarh from 9th – 12th October, 2015. 2. The actual site will be handed over to the contractor only on 5 Oct., 2015 after 5.00pm and execution of Lighting & Illumination in all respects by 8 Oct., 2015 by 5.00pm. 3. The last date and time for submission of tender is 4.10.2015 closing on 10:00 a.m. tender received after the due date and time shall not be considered. 4. The contractor should have carried out minimum one project of similar nature to qualify for the bid. 5. After scrutiny of the information received in tender clarifications, if any, where ever necessary, will be obtained from the party. After necessary appraisal of the party’s experience and other details, technical short-listing will be done. 6. The Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh reserves all rights to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. This tender form is not transferable. 7. Tender Security (Earnest Money) Tender security (Earnest Money) amounting for Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft, any of the financial banks, in the name of Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh. 8. The tender security (Earnest Money) shall be valid for a period of 1 (one months from the date of opening of the tender by the college. No interest on any account will be payable by Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh on this amount. 9. The tender security (Earnest Money)/ performance guarantee will be forfeited; a) If a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity or b) In the case of the finally selected tender, if the tenderer fails: i. If at any stage any of the information/ declaration is found false. iii. In case of failure of the tenderer/supplier to execute the order as per the terms and conditions and to the full satisfaction of the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh, the performance security deposited by the firms shall be forfeited. 11. The Earnest money of successful tenderer will be retained as security for successful completion of the contract and shall be returned only after work is over and is handed back to the Authorities within the stipulated time. 12. Period of validity of tenders: Tender shall remain valid for one month from the date of tender opening. A tender valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh as non-responsive. i. The earnest money security shall be valid upto one month/beyond the completion of the mockup and the same will be released after exhibition period is over. ii. Tenderer must submit a list of their owners, partners etc and a undertaking in the shape of affidavit duly attested by Executive Magistrate/ Notary Public to the effect that the firm is not blacklisted by any Government Department/ Semi Govt. Deptt/ Corporation. In case of name of Tenderer finds mention in the list of blacklisted firms by any Government Department/ Semi Govt. Deptt/ Corporation said firm shall not be considered for this tender. iii. 13. Tenders received without Earnest Money will be rejected out rightly. No part of the contract will be sub-let by the successful tenderer without proper written permission of the Principal / CCA. 14. It shall be the responsibility of contractor to obtain requisite permission for electricity and all other essential connections at the premises for the duration of the lighting i.e. from the date/time the site is handed over to the contractor for lighting & illumination till the date/time the site is handed back to the local authority from whom it has been taken for the said use. 15. The specified work is to be carried out with strict adherence to the drawings enclosed with document. 16. The temporary electricity connection will be provided by the Electricity Department, UT Administration. All the security and site access will be taken on behalf of contractor by Principal, CCA. 17. The Principal/CCA reserves the right to alter any specification/details/finishes of the material/design at any time, and the contractor shall have to abide by the decision of the exhibition authority. 18. The specifications mentioned in the list enclosed are tentative and can be modified as per P/CCA orders. 19. In the event of date of receipt or opening of tender being declared a holiday in the office of the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh tenders will be opened on next working day at the same time. 20. 21. An Affidavit is essential, showing proprietorship of the Firm. TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) of the firm and certificate of registration from Sales department are mandatory. 22. The tender(s) shall be opened in the presence of intending tenderer(s) or their authorized representative(S) present at that time of opening. 23. Conditional offer shall be rejected. 24. Any attempt direct or indirect, to cast influence, negotiation on the part of the tender with the officials/authority to whom he will submit the tender or the tender accepting official/authority before the finalization of tenders will render the tenderer liable for exclusion from consideration. 25. No advance payment or payment against performa invoice will be made. Payment will be made after the final completion of mockup, its inspection, installation and erection to the satisfaction of the authorized representative(s) of the Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh. 26. All damaged or unapproved material shall be returned at the risk and cost of the tenderer and the incidental expenditure thereupon shall be borne by the concerned party. 27. The quoted prices must be mentioned showing Excise Duty and sales tax separately. 28. Rates should be quoted F.O.R. Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh including packing forwarding postage and freight charges etc. 29. Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh reserves all rights to reject the goods if the same are not found in accordance with the required description/specifications. 30. The defective equipment material from the store of Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh will be lifted at the entire cost and risk of the firm. Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh will not bear any expenses on this account and the material will be lying in the Chandigarh College of Architecture premises at tenderers risk and cost. Rates quoted in Indian Currency only shall be accepted irrespective of Foreign make of equipment/material which includes all kinds of charges, taxes, duties etc. 31. Period for which the offer will remain open. The tendering firms should keep their offers valid for start on 14.9.2015 at 9:00 a.m. and closing on 21.9.2015 at 10:00 a.m.. if the firms are unable to keep their offers open for the above said period, they should specifically state the period for which their offer would remain open but they must realize that such a provision may result in the rejection of their offers, provided, however, that in the event that the day upto which the offer is to remain open is declared holiday for the Chandigarh College of Architecture the offer shall remain open for the following day. 32. Any conditional tender or any deviation from the terms and conditions of the tender document shall render the tender liable to rejection. 33. Any quantity discounts must be specifically indicted in the price bid. JURISDICTION: - The courts of Chandigarh along will have the jurisdiction to try any matter, dispute or reference between the parties arising out of this purchase. It is specifically agree that no court outside and other than Chandigarh Court shall have jurisdiction in the matter. Clause 1: Works to be open to Inspection The progress of the work will be checked and supervised by the Authority appointed by the PCCA, regularly. Clause 2: Contractor to be liable for bad work The contractor shall be liable for damage if found that the work has not been carried out as per the specifications. The decision of the PCCA or the officer duly nominated by the Authority regarding this shall be final. Clause 3: Observation of Labor Laws The contractor is responsible for observing all the relevant labor laws in force during the execution of the contract. The contractor shall be responsible and liable during the execution of the contract and through the Raj Bhawan (Mockup) to make arrangements for the safety of men and material brought to the site. Clause 4: Adjudication of Dispute and differences Except where otherwise provided in the contract all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of the specifications, designs drawings and instructions herein before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any way arising out of or relating to the contract designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works, or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment there of shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the person appointed by the PCCA. ANNEXURE - III (To be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper duly attested by the 1st Class Magistrate). AFFIDAVIT I/We/M/s________________________________________________ having registered office at _________________________________ ______________ and manufacturing/supply base at ________________________________________ do hereby declare and solemnly affirm that I/We have not been Black-listed, by any State/UT/Central Government or any partner or shareholder either directly or indirectly connected with or has any subsisting interest in the business of my/our firm nor any legal proceedings have ever been initiated/pending or any penalty has ever been levied due to delay of non completion of work/catering service/supply order by any State/UT/Central Government or by any authority. Place :_______________________ DEPONENT Dated :______________________ Verification I/We do hereby solemnly declare and affirm that the above declarations are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs. No part of it is false and nothing has been concealed therein. Place :_______________________ Dated :______________________ DEPONENT SCHEDULE A Details of General/Standard Specification for the Lighting & Illumination of the Capitol Complex buildings and Monuments, Chandigarh. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Description of Items Qty. 100 Nos. (25 green different colours to be installed at Secretariat building as per the + 25 blue + 20 directions of Lighting Consultant. sodium/ orange + 30 white) Providing and fixing of 150 Watt/250Watt Metal Halide fitting 60 Nos. (30 Nos. on hire basis of warm/warm white colour to be installed at 150 Watts & 30 Secretariat building as per the direction of Lighting Consultant. Nos. 250 Watts) Providing and fixing of Computerized Fixture light L.E.D based 08 Nos. Providing and fixing of MH fitting of 400 Watts on hire basis of High Range of Double apartment in RGB colour upto 500 Watt each. The light is to be installed as per the directions of Lighting Consultant. 4. Providing and fixing of Computerized Colour changing light 02 Nos. with timer setting of different colours on hire basis to be installed on Secretariat building as per the direction of Lighting Consultant. 5. Providing and fixing of L.E.D. High Glow warm light strip 2500 Running minimum I.P. 67 Dimension Circuit 1 mtr. each of 12.0 Watt Feet minimum on hire basis. 6. Providing and fixing of L.E.D. Larri of pure white colour having 100 Nos. length 50 ft. each on Secretariat building on hire basis as per directions of Lighting Consultant. 7. Providing and fixing of par 64 lights with imported gel paper of 50 Nos. different colours as per requirement of Lighting Consultant. 8. Providing and fixing of tube light fittings with copper choke and 120 Nos. fatti of reputed make on hire basis at Secretariat building on balconies/recesses as per directions of Lighting Consultant. 9. Providing and fixing of Halogens lights of 500 watt on hire basis 150 Nos. to be installed on the different areas of the buildings i.e. Secretariat, High Court, Assembly Hall, etc. as per directions of Lighting Consultant. 10. Providing and fixing of halogen lights of warm colour of 150 75 Nos. watt on hire basis at different buildings i.e. Secretariat, High Court, Assembly Hall etc. as per the directions given. 11. Providing and fixing of L.E.D. par lights 3x54 watts with proper 50 Nos. settings in same colours changing at different buildings i.e. High Court, Secretariat, Assembly Hall, Open Hand Monument, etc. CONDITIONS 1. The illumination required is of the Capitol Complex Buildings in Chandigarh from 09 October to 12 October 2015, namely, the Punjab & Haryana Secretariat, Vidhan Sabha, Punjab & Haryana High Court and structures like the Open Hand Monument, Martyrs’ Memorial, Tower of Shadows, Geometric Hills, and select landscape area of the Capitol Complex for tree/shrub lighting, etc. 2. The work shall be done on site as per complete directions given by the Lighting Consultant, Prof. Pradeep Kumar Bhagat, Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture. 3. The quantity can be increased or decreased as per actual quantity required at site. 4. All the wires are to be of high quality and fire-retardent and should be taped properly to avoid any accident. 5. The work should be done by the contractor taking necessary safety precautions including fire safety measures.