BUS 499 Capstone Permission Form* (*If you are taking one or more pre-requisites concurrently with the capstone, you need to fill out this form to get a permission number to enroll in it. The permission number will not be given out to students until after the normal registration period is closed.) Name _____________________________ Student ID ______________________ Email _____________________________ Phone ______________________ ALL of the following courses are pre-requisites for BUS 499 Capstone. If you are planning to take capstone with any of its pre-requisites, you need to fill out this form to get a permission number. Please send a hard copy of the form to Sage Hall 2149 or a soft copy electronically to: john-andrew.morris@csuci.edu. Please use X to mark which courses you have already Passed, currently In Progress, & will be taking concurrently with the capstone. Course Ext Description Passed ACCT BUS MIS ECON ECON ENGL FIN MATH MGT MGT MKT 300 320 310 310/329 311/320 483/330 300 329 307 326 310 Applied Managerial Accounting Business Operations Management Information Systems Int. MicroEcon./Mgmt. Econ. Int. MacroEcon./Money & Banking Technical Visual Comm./Int. Writing Business Finance Statistics Management of Organizations Scientific and Professional Ethics Principles of Marketing In Progress1 Concurrently with capstone2 1. You are taking these courses a semester before the capstone course. 2. You will be taking these courses concurrently with the capstone course. How many units you have left after this semester (the semester before you take the capstone) that you have to take to graduate (You need 120 units minimum to graduate): _____________ If you will not meet all the pre-requisites before the semester in which you seek to enroll in Capstone, please indicate: Your plan for completing the pre-requisites, and Why an exception to the pre-requisites should be made in your case to allow you to enroll? Indicate your desired Capstone Section#: 1st choice [ ] 2nd choice [ ] required field If permission to enroll is granted, how would you prefer to be contacted? ADVISOR (for official use only) [ ] Approve [ ] Deny (Place x in front your choice) [ ] Email [ ] Phone Section# _________ Permission# ______________ Advisor Signature ____________________