Special 1st year Ed-ition Volume 1, 2007. Education ‘Erald Sydney University Evangelical Union - Education Faculty Newsletter http://www.sueu.org.au/faculties/education Welcomations to ED EU!!! Our Vision: Welcome and Congratulations! It is so exciting that you will be joining the education faculty within the Sydney University Evangelical Union (SUEU)!! To be a visible and committed community that strives to present every ed student with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, encouraging and equipping Christians to serve both now and in the future. You are about to embark on a very magical time in your life – some would say it is the makings of your future and career, others would say prepare yourself for one big party. Either way, you have responded to a calling to join a faculty and union that will change your life for the better. The perks for being in the ed fac are endless… whether it is the splendiferous water coolers Contents: Ed-vice 1 Ed ‘Ellow Pages 2 Ed-warts 3 Find-a-Wor-Ed 4 that always supplies your bottle with cool and fresh water in the ed building, or the electronic doors that know when you are approaching or even the rich tapestry of people you will come across in ed with their quirks and zany personalities (and that’s just the lecturers!!!). physically as well as spiritually over the coming years but ED EU are a great foundation to stand upon as you begin your training as a Christian teacher; all the while growing in your faith and wisdom as you consider Christ with a fresh adult perspective. Yet the true joy of joining ED EU is the amazing fellowship you’ll find with other fun Christians in Education. Indeed, Education takes a special kind of person, and it is fantastic to know that God has chosen you to be a part of this faculty. You will be stretched We look forward to sharing with you in fellowship & friendship in the years ahead, together learning from the great teaching of God’s Word, as we ourselves learn how to teach! Welcome and Congratulations! ~ The Ed-itor Words of Ed-vice from previous 1st years… “Be brave and speak to someone in every lecture and tutorial in your first week – it helped me feel settled and I made some great friends!” “Bring a bible to Uni!” “Make the most of EU, get involved wherever possible—there won’t be many other opportunities in life to get teaching/training like it” “EU small groups really do let you get to know people who you just seem to already have a connection with - and these friends will be some of the best all throughout uni.” “Bring lollies to lectures...Yummmm :P” “Carry a map! Ask if you get lost! Don't sit through the wrong lectures!” “Print out readings & borrow the books you need for assignments well ahead of time (it’ll save you time later and also make you feel like you’ve done something towards your essays).” “Don’t be lazy. But don’t take uni work too seriously either!” ~ The Ed-itor “Keep an eye out for events by the edfac! Ministry hours, Prayer Brekkys and other things are great opportunities to hear educational speakers with great fellowship and prayer.” “Get hooked on EU Public Meetings for solid Bible teaching, Christian community, & a place to bring all your new uni friends to hear about Christ.” “Pray that God would strengthen you and use you for His glory as His son or daughter on campus.” Page 2 of 4 Education ‘Erald Ed ‘Ellow Pages! Ed-roducing your friendly Education faculty committee… Lucas Gillman (Faculty Leader) spoilerific@hotmail.com 0403 769 395 or 95803735 Degree: B Ed/B Arts 3nd year Church: Hurstville Presbyterian Church Music: Rockinly rockin’ rock music Random fact: I can't click my fingers properly Simple loves: That Jesus guy, friends, cooking, playing my guitar, watching my footy Fave Bible book: Titus Anthea Broadfoot (Staffworker) antheabroadfoot@yahoo.com.au 0422 082 280 or 9439 9184 Degree: Did B Sc at UNSW (!!) halfway through medicine at Usyd. Church: St Andrews Anglican, Roseville Petty hates: Walking into spider webs, when all the radio stations are playing bad music at the same time and messy kitchens Fave Bible Verse: ”This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: mot that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:9-10 Caz Andrews (Senior Staffworker) caz.and@ihug.com.au 0410 528 109 or 9351 7496 Degree: Did BA. B.Ed & B.Th Church: St Barnabas, Broadway Simple Loves: Reading the paper on my back deck with good coffee. Fave Bible verse: “For God, who said “Let light shine out of darkness”, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 Best thing about EU/Uni: That it is a great place to grow with good friends around you to encourage you onwards. James Galea (Committee Member) see_you_later_69@hotmail.com 0434 647 828 or 9832 9755 Degree: BEd/B Arts 2rd year Church: MBM Rooty Hill Anglican Best Movie: Godfather Random Fact: I’ve met the Queen of England! Simple Loves: Garlic, People, coffee, LOST and getting a great bargain on anything. Fave Bible verse: “For it is by grace you have been saved. Through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 Jess Cameron (Faculty Leader) jessc@pacific.net.au 0412 421 612 or 9498 1961 Degree: B Ed/B Arts 3nd year Church: St Martins Anglican Church Killara Simple loves: The beach, playing sport (netball & touch footy), concerts, coffee with friends and beer Fave Bible verse: “…and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!” Romans 8:28 Victor Shaw (Staff Worker) vicsha@gmail.com 0424 230 579 or 9869 7761 Degree: Did B Arts (Honours in Ancient History) Church: Epping Presbyterian Simple Loves: Reading, curries, Yum Cha, coffee, tea and a chat on all things Roman. Fave Bible verse: ”Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” Isaiah 49:15 Best thing about being in EU/Uni: Being challenged and encouraged to submit every aspect of my life to the Lordship of Christ. Yvette Barbarino (Commitee Member) ybarbarino@hotmail.com 0422 526 706 or 9402 0541 Degree: B Ed (Primary) 2nd year Church:Christ Church St Ives Simple loves: Live music, rainbow paddle pops, skim lattes and laughing Fave Bible Verse: “ Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:11-12 Best thing about EU/Uni: The amazing friends you make and the encouragement and challenges that those relationships bring. Alex Wharton (Committee Member) moo_man34@hotmail.com 0404 151 914 or 9399 5989 Degree: B Ed/B Arts 2nd year Church: St Jude’s Anglican, Randwick Simple loves: Candy, travel, group prayer and macaroni cheese Simple hates: Promite, dark chocolate and too much malt on my milkshake Fave Bible Verse: “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:5-6 Best thing about EU/Uni: The fellowship and friends that are so supportive and encouraging as well as ED EU!!! Education ‘Erald Page 3 of 4 ‘Ed-warts…school for the spiritually blessed’! As you embark on your very first year of ed-warts school for the spiritually blessed, it is important that you know a few things… You don’t need a muggle to tell you that the only real text book you need is the Bible, because “the word of God is living & active, sharper than any two-edged wand” (Heb 4:12.. sort of..) Like the Weasley family, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, so love and support each other! Support can also be found in your fellow sorting-hat faculty learders, Miss Jess-ione Granger as well as Mr. Lucas Weasley. If not here, then perhaps the staff workers, Professor Caz-gonagall, Mr. Victor Krum or Madam Anthea Promfrey. More often than not found in the medical ward (commonly known amongst the muggles as the chaplaincy hut). Grab your broom sticks and prepare to trek outside school walls, beyond the weeping tree to a location known as Bosch lecture theatre, where Education lectures are most commonly held. Don’t miss AnCon (Annual Conference), when all houses and faculties come together in the middle of the school year for a week of fellowship and soaking up God’s Word. There, a tournament is held, similar to quidditch, where we play for the ‘Lukabyo Cup’. The muggles call it “touch footy”. Don’t underestimate the power of the morning bite. Prayer breakfasts are great times to come together for prayer and fellowship and to practice defence against the dark arts in order to combat the evil forces of you-know-who. Small groups meet weekly within Ed-warts walls, and are a great place to meet for fellowship, a Bible study and prayer with other ed first year students. These groups read and study God’s word and use their prayer force all in one amazing hour! Sign up for one of these small groups today! Public Meetings are also times when other members of the Sydney Uni EU galaxy come together to learn from God’s Word. Choose from either Tues, Wed or Thurs at 1pm every week! AND Remember, faithful sons and daughters…GOD is your REAL Father!!! (1 John 3:1) Ed-warts Education ‘Erald Page 4 of 4 Weekend Away Ed-vertisement! What would Jesus teach? ‘Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.’ 2 Timothy 4.2-4 What: A chance to get to know your Christian peers in the Education Faculty at Sydney Uni & learn about how we as teachers can have a specific role in proclaiming the gospel! When: 13th-15th April 2007 Where: The Venue, Bulli How Much: $95 or $90 earlybird rate, $70 part time, $40 one day STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION AT SMALL GROUPS & PUBLIC MEETINGS! Find a Wor-Ed! Find the words in the list to discover the hidden message below with the letters leftover (send your answer to jessc@pacific.net.au & you may receive a PRIZE!!!) _______ __ ______ ___ __ _________ ____ S W E L C J O M N O C G E T O E E F F O C S N S E S B Y N U P R A I T U N I V E R S I T T S N O B I L T P L E E A A I L U E E U D U E F I T E V H C B C G M K T A E A A T L N I B A S C O F N F I D A O E I U N I O N C Z E S R R D A C N A Y R A C B H E V A N G E L I H ! C S M A L L G R O Ancon Anthea Away Bible Bosch Breakfasts Caz Christian Coffee Education Evangelical Faculty God Jess Jesus Lectures Lucas Manning Meetings Prayer Public N Y Y Y E N D Y S S V C U A D E T R A B A C C I A P D N R N S E R U T C E L S Saved Small groups Sydney Union University Vic Weekend