Special 1st year Ed-ition Volume 1, Issue 1 Education ‘Erald Sydney University Evangelical Union - Education Faculty Newsletter http://www.sueu.org.au/faculties/education Welcome to ED EU!!! Our Vision: Welcome to the SUEU Education Faculty!!! You’ve wisely selected the best (& most modest) faculty in the EU! To be a visible and committed community that strives to present every ed student with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, encouraging and equipping Christians to serve both now and in the future. Soon you will discover for yourself the burdens of being in the Ed Fac… hiking along to Bosch lecture theatre, pleading desperately with the prac office to get a good school placement, writing copious amounts of lesson plans, & learning how to entertain yourself during boring lectures & tutes. (Sudokus & a pillow come in handy!) Contents: Ed-vice 1 Ed ‘Ellow Pages 2 Edi Knights 3 Find-a-Wor-Ed 4 However, you will also soon realise that the benefits of being an ED EUer far outweigh the costs... Tra Bacci café is great for overdosing on caffeine & EU fellowship, the special water cooler in the Ed foyer always supplies fresh cold water for your bottle, & the secret magical automatic doorways of the Ed building truly are amazing. And if all that’s not enough, ED EUers are just ridiculously good-looking! Yet the true joy of joining ED EU is the fellowship you’ll find with other fun Christians in Education, as you embark upon the next few years of training yourself how to be a Christian teacher, growing in faith & wisdom as you consider Christ with a fresh adult perspective. We look forward to sharing with you in fellowship & friendship in the years ahead, together learning from the great teaching of God’s Word, as we ourselves learn how to teach! ~ The Ed-itor Words of Ed-vice from previous 1st years… “Be brave and speak to someone in every lecture and tutorial in your first week – it helped me feel settled and I made some great friends!” 1st “Don’t stress about 2nd year Ed - really!” and “Make the most of EU, get involved wherever possible—there won’t be many other opportunities in life to get teaching/training like it” “EU small groups really do let you get to know people who you just seem to already have a connection with - and these friends will be some of the best all throughout uni.” “Bring lollies to lectures...Yummmm :P” “Bring a bible to Uni!” “Stay calm! Ask if you get lost! Don't sit through the wrong lectures!” “Take full advantage of the splendiferous water coolers that the Ed Building has.” “Print out readings & borrow the books you need for assignments well ahead of time (it’ll save you time later and also make you feel like you’ve done something towards your essays).” “If you need some good coffee, (& want to bump into a stack of EU-ers) Tra Bacci café in Manning is the place to go!” “Get hooked on EU Public Meetings for solid Bible teaching, Christian community, & a place to bring all your new uni friends to hear about Christ.” “Pray that God would strengthen you and use you for His glory as His son or daughter on campus.” ~Thanks to Timmy Burton, Louise Colley, Steve Gardner, Dan Jones, Lisa Mah & Merilyn Pidgeon Page 2 of 4 Education ‘Erald Ed ‘Ellow Pages! Let me introduce you to your friendly Ed Committee… Dan Jones (Faculty Leader) naddy_yob@hotmail.com BEd/BA (Secondary: Humanities) 4th year Church: West Ryde Baptist Ryde East Primary/ North Sydney Boys High Simple Loves: My wife, beer, chocolate (in that order) Petty hates: Styrofoam, uni admin, guys in pink shirts Fave Bible verse: “They demolished the sacred stone of Baal & tore down the temple of Baal, & people have used it for a latrine to this day.” 2 Kings 10:27 Random fact: My toy clown when I was young was called "Happy" Best thing about EU/Uni: the friends & the freedom to do what you want with what you learn Lisa Mah (Staffworker) alfie_mah@yahoo.com.au Full Name: Lisa Pi Shio Mah Degree: Staff worker? Evangelical Formosan Church of Sydney School: Abbotsleigh Fave Bible verse: depends on my mood! maybe Romans 8? Random fact: born in brazil, belo horizonte Simple Loves: smell of coffee and toast Best thing about EU/Uni: you get to go to EU public meetings and listen to great talks Caz Andrews (Senior Staffworker) caz.and@ihug.com.au Degree: Did BA. B.Ed & B.Th Church: St Barnabas, Broadway School: Maroubra Junction High School Random fact: Studied at UNSW Simple Loves: Reading the paper on my back deck with good coffee. Fave Bible verse: “For God, who said “Let light shine out of darkness”, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Cor 4:6 Best thing about EU/Uni: That it is a great place to grow with good friends around you to encourage you onwards. Louise Colley (Committee Member) louisecolley@yahoo.com BEd/Arts (English & Drama) 3rd year Full Name: Louise Ann Colley Nicknames: Lu, Lulu, Lousie & Colleyflower St Anne's Church at Strathfield Meriden Anglican Girls School at Strathfield Random Fact: I have a phobia of raw meat! Simple Loves: CHOCOLATE & more CHOCOLATE!!! Fave Bible verse: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 Helen Fuller (Faculty Leader) helenbessie@hotmail.com BEd/BSci(Psyc) 4th year (Maths & School Counselling) Church: St Andrews Anglican Wahroonga Waitara Primary/Hornsby Girls High Loves the beach, music & sudokus! Random fact: My great-grandfather was a Prime Minister Fave bible verse: “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom 5:8 Best thing about Uni: Encouragement & support from friends in small group helps you survive as a Christian at Uni! Steve Gardner (Staffworker) stephen.m.gardner@gmail.com Degree: Did BArts Church: St Andrews Anglican Wahroonga School: Turramurra High Random fact: As a child playing David in a Sunday school play, I knocked out an old man in church with my sling! He wasn't quite as formidable an opponent as Goliath but it was still quite an achievement for a child! Simple Loves: Windy walks & Michael Bolton records Fave Verse: “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” 1Peter3:18 Best thing about being in EU/Uni: Watching the word of God go out around campus, watching it grow in people as they submit more and more to Jesus’ Lordship Jess Cameron (Committee Member) jessc@pacific.net.au BArts/BEd 2nd year (Drama & History) St Martins Anglican Church Killara Killara High School (finished 2004) Enjoys the beach, playing sport (netball & touch footy), concerts, coffee with friends, musicals (currently performing in Joseph) Fave bible verse: “& we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!” Romans 8:28 Lucas Gillman (Committee Member) spoilerific@hotmail.com B Ed/Arts 2nd year St. George Christian School Hurstville Presbyterian Church Music: Rock...for more details ask me about favourite bands in person, we can have a conversation that way! Random fact: I can't click my fingers properly Simple loves: That Jesus guy, friends, cooking, playing my guitar, watching my footy Education ‘Erald Page 3 of 4 How to become an… Ed-I Knight! The only real textbook you need is the Bible, because “the word of God is living & active, sharper than any two-edged light-saber” (Heb 4:12.. sort of..) Beware of the Arts Faculty Stormtroopers! Sometimes they sneakily invade the local Ed hangout (Tra Bacci café bottom level of Manning). Like Leia & Luke, we are all brothers & sisters in Christ, so love & support each other! Support can also be found in your fellow Ed-I knights - Ryan Smartt-walker, Helen-Solo, & Obi-Dan-Kenobi - as well as the Staffworkers – Lisa3PO, Caz-da, & Steve-bacca. Get used to traveling to a galaxy far, far away (otherwise known as Bosch lecture theatre) for Education lectures. Don’t miss AnCon (Annual Conference), when all other members of the Sydney Uni EU galaxy come together in the middle of the year for a week of fellowship & soaking up God’s Word. Don’t underestimate the power of the prayer-force. Prayer breakfasts are great times to join together to practice using the good side of the force together. Ed-I Councils (otherwise known as small groups) are great places to meet fellow Ed-I Knights, read God’s Word, & use the force of prayer in fellowship together for one hour each week! Sign up for an Ed-I Council today! Public Meetings are also times when other members of the Sydney Uni EU galaxy come together to learn from God’s Word. Choose from either Tues, Wed or Thurs at 1pm every week! & Remember, Luke, GOD is your REAL Father!!! (1 John 3:1) Education ‘Erald Page 4 of 4 Weekend Away Ed-vertisement! TEACHING FOR ETERNITY! ‘Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.’ 2 Timothy 4.2-4 What: A chance to get to know your Christian peers in the Education Faculty at Sydney Uni & learn about how we as teachers can have a specific role in proclaiming the gospel! When: 7th-9th April 2006 Where: Chittick Lodge, Gerringong How Much: $85 (or $80 earlybird rate) STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION AT SMALL GROUPS & PUBLIC MEETINGS! Find a Wor-Ed! Find the words in the list to discover the hidden message below with the letters leftover (send your answer to helenbessie@hotmail.com , & you may receive a PRIZE!!!) _______ __ ______ ___ __ _________ ____ S W E L C J O M N O C G E T O E E F F O C S N S E S B Y N U P R A I T U N I V E R S I T T S N O B I L T P L E E A A I L U E E U D U E F I T E V H C B C G M K T A E A A T L N I B A S C O F N F I D A O E I U N I O N C Z E S R R D A C N A Y R A C B H E V A N G E L I H ! C S M A L L G R O Ancon Bible Bosch Breakfasts Caz Christian Coffee Dan Education Evangelical Faculty Helen Jesus Lectures Lisa Manning Meetings Prayer Public Ryan Saved N Y Y Y E N D Y S S V C U A D E T R A B A C C I A P D N R N S E R U T C E L S Small groups Steve Sydney Tra Bacci Union University