
Hello, and welcome to the weekly update from the Disability
Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU). If you would like to be removed
from this list or kept up to date another way, please reply to this email
and let us know.
DARU has been funded by the State government. It is run by a
governance group, including members of the Victorian Disability
Advocacy Network (VDAN), and the Victorian Council of Social
Service (VCOSS). DARU’s staff currently includes a Co-ordinator,
Sharon Granek, and a Resource Librarian Viccy Gurr.
We are always happy to hear from people who are interested in what
we do. If you have a question, an idea, some news you’d like to see
in the next update, or even if you just want to tell us something we’re
doing is good or bad, get in touch! Call us on 03 9639 5807 or email
Please note that material contained in the DARU Update copy does
not necessarily reflect the policy of DARU or the views of any staff
members. Statements in the DARU Update do not comprise advice
and readers should avail themselves of professional advice where
'No place to go' for disabled offenders
U.K. online forum for Disability Advocates
ABC Advisory Council
2020 Youth Summit
Pathways 9
BrainLink/BIM performance group.
Community Vision Building: A Series of Events for Families Hosted
by the Personalised Lifestyle Assistance project
Forum - Responding to Abuse Against People with a Disability
Make Written Information Accessible
Thinking & Memory in MS
Board Member Wanted
Policy and Health Promotion Manager
Project Worker - ABI Case Management Review
'No place to go' for disabled offenders
Sarah-Jane Collins February 21, 2008
A judge has launched a scathing attack on sentencing options for
intellectually disabled offenders after being forced to jail a man rather
than place him in a secure psychiatric hospital.
"If you are intellectually disabled and a criminal offender there is
literally no place for you to go," County Court judge, Liz Gaynor said.
"It's simply outrageous. I think judges have to take the opportunity
wherever they can (to speak out). It's just disgraceful."
Judge Gaynor said recent changes to Victoria's Disability Act and
Sentencing Act had constrained the judiciary and made it impossible
to deliver sentences that balanced the needs of the public and rights
of the offender. "The courts are no longer free to act in an appropriate
way," she said.
For the full story click here
U.K. online forum for Disability Advocates
Caroline McAleese, Information Officer with Action for Advocacy in
London is inviting all Australian Advocates to participate in the UK
advocacy network group "Action for Advocacy regular online forums.
 Find out how others deal with tricky advocacy dilemmas
 Exchange views and ideas about things relating to your role
 Have an input and find out about the latest advocacy sector
Although this is a UK based discussion forum, there will e many
shared views, resources and ideas.
For more information click onto the Action for Advocacy website:
ABC Advisory Council
Craig Wallace has recently been appointed to the ABC Advisory
Council and is looking for people with disabilities who might be willing
to be considered for part of an ABC disability viewers and listeners
group which could be called upon for comments on particular
programmes or issues. This is an informal initiative to support and
feed into his role as a Council member and not an ABC committee or
The purpose of the Advisory Council is to facilitate communication
between the community and the ABC Board; on its own initiative
provide advice to the ABC Board in relation to ABC programs and
program policies; provide constructive advice on ABC programs and
programming issues in response to requests from the Board and
senior management; provide an overview for the Board of community
concerns and interests; and carry out community consultation
programs seeking community views on ABC programming initiatives
and policies. Members of the Council write program notes on
different areas of interest and provide general feedback up to the
ABC Board.
Craig’s areas of interest on the Council is to provoke disability
perspectives in programming and content: TV, digital, online,
podcasts and radio.
Craig suggests that the disability group will consist of about 1/2 dozen
people to keep it manageable with a mix of experiences. If you are
interested send Craig an email to the OzAdvocacy group,
OZAdvocacy@yahoogroups.com outlining:
 Which State or Territory you are from
 Your experience of disability
 A brief description of your ABC
viewing/listening/downloading patterns
 Contacts including email and a phone number
When: 22 July to 3 August 2008
Where: Black Box, The Victorian Arts Centre
'connected08' is a major initiative of State Trustees who first
launched the exhibition in 2003 as part of its work to support
Victorians living with disability. The annual exhibition has evolved into
a showcase for the work of artists with disabilities or an experience of
mental illness, and is a wonderful celebration of the strength and
diversity of the Victorian disability arts sector.
'connected08' also marks State Trustees' first collaboration with Arts
Access Victoria to deliver what State Trustees’ Managing Director,
Tony Fitzgerald describes as "a further expansion of our commitment
to helping Victorians living with a disability to reach their full
Artists from community projects, supported residential
accommodation, workplace employment and training initiatives, as
well as independent artists and studios are encouraged to submit
their work to be considered for the exhibition.
A new initiative in 'connected08' is that submissions will be accepted
from visual artists and craftspeople who work across ALL artforms.
This includes artists working with traditional, experimental and
technology-based artforms including; painting; drawing; sculpture;
photography; new media and experimental artforms; video; audio /
sonic art.
Jane Trengove will be the Curator for 'connected08'. Jane is a highly
respected and successful visual artist, exhibiting most recently at
Sutton Gallery in Melbourne. Jane also works with Arts Access
Victoria in the capacity of Industry and Audience Development
Manager and holds a Master of Visual Arts from VCA.
'connected08' will feature prizes for the best works, to be judged by
a panel of three persons, representing the arts and disability sectors.
Entries close 5pm, Monday 14 April 2008.
For more information, contact: Adam Rozsa, Artistic Project Manager,
Arts Access Victoria, Tel: 03 9699 8299 TTY: 03 9699 7636 Fax: 03
9699 8868
Email: connected08@artsaccess.com.au
Application forms to submit artwork are available on the artsaccess
website. http://www.artsaccess.com.au/
2020 Youth Summit
Young Australians are invited to participate in the 2020 Youth
Summit, which will be held in the lead up to the Australia 2020
Summit in Canberra in April.
One hundred young people between 15 and 24 from around Australia
will discuss the ten critical areas on the agenda for the Australia 2020
summit, as well as options for the establishment of an ongoing
Australian Youth Forum.
For more information go to http://www.australia2020.gov.au/youth/
Seminar Supported Living Arrangements for People with
Disability – A National Review
When: Tuesday 13 May
Where: UNSW Sydney
Australian disability supported living policy is in a state of change due
to high unmet demand, international trends in approaches to disability
policy and policy opportunities and constraints in the housing and
disability sectors. This research applies a framework of goals in
disability housing and support policy from disability theory to analyse
the facilitators and barriers to adequate housing and support in
Australia. National comparison offers insight into the range of
approaches taken by the states and territories to address the
changing policy context. The analysis informs application and limits to
disability theory in the policy change.
For more information click here
Pathways 9
When: December 3 to December 5 2008
Where: Sofitel Melbourne.
The Pathways Conference: Post Secondary Education for People
with Disabilities is held every two years and will be held in Melbourne
in 2008.
The Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability and the
Pathways 9 Organising Committee invites you to be part of Pathways
9.The Conference will also showcase the talents of people with
disabilities in the domain of the artistic expression, interweaving
entertaining with theoretical content. Focusing on the student cycle,
Pathways 9 will cover topics that span pre-enrolment, transition,
orientation, participation, employability, academic requirements and
the progression to employment or research higher degrees.
Information about the conference, including dates, preliminary
program, keynote speakers and abstract submission details can be
found at the Pathways 9 website http://www.pathways9.org
BrainLink/BIM performance group.
When: Fridays beginning mid April
Where: Ross House Flinders Lane Melbourne
Registration: Contact Lyn on 0418 811 143
People with an ABI who have singing and performance skills are
invited to join our new BrainLink/BIM performance group. Sessions
will be led by Jarek Czechowicz who is also including some wonderful
skilled musicians in the project. There will also be opportunities for
some people to assist in other ways.
If you are a person with ABI who is interested or a carer or worker
who knows of someone who might fit this group please give Lyn a
Community Vision Building: A Series of Events for Families
Hosted by the Personalised Lifestyle Assistance project
Registration: Close of registration is 24th March, 2008. Early
registration is recommended due to limited places of 30-40
For more information contact Deb Rouget, Personalised Lifestyle
Assistance project. Monday-Thursday, 0412 001 388
This is a unique opportunity for families who are interested in
assisting their family member with a disability to pursue personalised
lifestyle options that include natural pathways, valued roles and
contribution to the community.
Forum - Responding to Abuse Against People with a Disability
When: Monday 14 April 2008, 2-5pm
Where: Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre (ACACIA Room)
Corner Bell Street and St Georges Road, Preston 3072
Registration: Contact DISTSS: Tel: 03 8686 5622 Email:
Cost: $44
Abuse towards people with disabilities often occur in many subtle
ways and can have a significant impact on the quality of life of
individuals. Abuse in the disability sector is not often discussed,
researched or thought about, however we all know that it is there.
This forum will provide a platform to discuss strategies regarding the
protection and support for people with a disability.
Forum content will include:
 Understanding of the prevalence of abuse
 Diverse types of abuse commonly experienced by many people
with a disability
 Support available for victims of abuse
 Strategies for reporting abuse
 Strategies for identifying abuse
Keynote speakers
 Arthur Rogers - Director of Disability
 Colleen Pearce - Public Advocate
 David Sykes - Disability Commissioner’s office
 Keran Howe - Victorian Women with Disabilities Network
Make Written Information Accessible
When: Wednesday 16th April, Wednesday 21st May, Wednesday 23rd
Where: Scope 830 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill 10a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Registration: Contact Communication Resource Centre (03) 9843
2000 crc@scopevic.org.au
Cost: $154 (includes GST) per person
The Australian Bureau of Statistics suggest up to 48% of the
population have difficulty interpreting information given to them. We
all need written information that we understand. Information allows
us to make meaningful choices, access services and be included in
our community.
Easy English simplifies written information and can add illustrations
in a meaningful way. This makes it easier for the reader to
understand and remember information. This full day workshop will
take you through the steps to consider when developing Easy
English. Research and other resources will also be discussed. This
is an interactive workshop. You will have time to begin your own
Easy English document or brochure. Please bring along a document
or information that you have identified as needing to be developed
into an accessible format.
Handouts will include: Easy English Writing Style Guide and
 Do you write fact sheets, fliers and brochures, meeting agendas
and minutes, procedures and policies, consent forms or websites?
 How many people who visit or work in your organisation can read
the information you provide?
 Do you know about the current legislation and government policies
about making written information accessible?
Charter of Human Right and Responsibilities Workshops
When: February to June 2008
Where: Level 3 380 Lonsdale St. Melbourne
Registration: Further information and registration forms can be
downloaded here
Cost: $45 administration charge
These workshops are designed for not-for-profit organisations and
groups to better understand and apply the rights and obligations
contained in the Charter.
Thinking & Memory in MS
When: Wednesday 12 March, 7pm to 9.30pm.
Where: The Nerve Centre, 54 Railway Road, Blackburn.
Registration: No cost, but registration is essential. Contact Andrea
Salmon, Tel: 03 9845 2765 Email: asalmon@mssociety.com.au
Thinking & Memory in MS is a program for people living with multiple
sclerosis, their family and friends, wanting to better understand the
possible changes that might occur and everyday cognitive
management strategies.
Presented by Dr Katie Kirby, Neuropsychologist, this session will
explore common MS related thinking and memory changes and their
management in the context of both the larger MS symptom picture
and everyday cognitive management strategies.
Project Essentials
When: 18 March 9 - 4:30pm
Where: YACVIC Boardroom, Level 2,172 Flinders St, Melbourne
Cost: $35 VCOSS Members, $70 Non-members
Learn how to make better use of resources and overcome common
On completion of the workshop, participants should be able to:
 identify and analyse stakeholder requirements
 scope a project - objectives and deliverables
 prepare a project plan including a budget and schedule
 develop risk management strategies
 develop a communication plan
 implement and control a project
 report on project progress
 conduct a project assessment to capture project learnings
 plan a project implementation review
Besides a comprehensive set of notes, participants are provided with
a set of templates to plan and record projects.
To register for this event click here
For more information contact: Kate Johnson, Clearinghouse
Coordinator kate.johnson@vcoss.org.au or Laura Mondon, Sector
Development Admin Assistant laura.mondon@vcoss.org.au 03 9654
The ENABLE NEWSLETTER is a free service of the Secretariat for
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of the
Division for Social Policy and Development, within the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United Nations Secretariat
in New York.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its
Optional Protocol are serviced by a joint Secretariat, consisting of
staff of both the United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (DESA), in New York, and the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva. Currently
working in the Secretariat are Patricia David, Vanessa Edwards,
Akiko Ito, Sayre Nyce, Renzo Ramella, Thomas Schindlmayr, Nicola
Shepherd, Ann Syauta, Joop Theunissen, Simon Walker, and
Adriana Zarraluqui.
To subscribe to the ENABLE NEWSLETTER, go to
Contact information: http://www.un.org/disabilities
The establishment and provision of the Statewide Self-Advocacy
Resource Unit was advertised in Saturday's Age and Herald Sun.
An information session will be held at 11-00am on Wednesday 12
March at DHS Conference Room 7.22 Level 7 50 Lonsdale St
Copies of submission specifications, including an easy English
summary and large print can be obtained from Sharon Unstead on
(03)9096 7248 or downloaded from the Disability Services website
For further information contact Dean Dadson Senior Project Officer
on 9096 0248 email dean.dadson@dhs.vic.gov.au
Closing date for submissions is 11 April 2008.
Disability Services Minor Works and Equipment Grants Funding
Round has commenced. Documents can be downloaded from the
Funded Agency channel on https://fac.dhs.vic.gov.au/home.aspx
Applications close on 11 April 2008
Board Member Wanted
Housing Resource & Support Service Inc. (HR&SS) is a not-for-profit
organisation for people of diverse abilities who wish to live
independently in the community. HR&SS provides case
management, brokerage, community development, accessible
housing, planning and individualised support packages within the
disability sector.
A vacancy currently exists on the HR&SS Board. The constitution of
HR&SS requires that all members of the Board must have a disability.
We welcome applications from persons of diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds, and persons from Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander backgrounds.
Whilst possessing previous experience on committees or boards
operating within a governance model, applicants must be able to
demonstrate skills and experience in one or more of the following
areas: Finance or accountancy, Legal issues, Strategic
planning, Marketing and communication skills
Current time commitments to the Board approximate at two-hour
monthly meetings during business hours and working groups as
HR&SS has a commitment to social justice and equal participation for
all within the community. For more information please visit
www.hrss.com.au or contact: Janice Florence, Information Manager
HR&SS, Housing Resource and Support Service Inc. Level 2, 60
Leicester Street, CARLTON 3053 Tel: 9340 5112 Email:
Policy and Health Promotion Manager
Women’s Health Victoria is an independent Victorian state-wide
women’s health promotion organisation. We work mainly with health
professionals and policy makers to influence and inform health policy
and service delivery for women in Victoria.
We are seeking a woman for this new position with well developed
policy analysis, advocacy and health promotion skills to manage a
new team we are developing.
Position description is available on www.whv.org.au or by phoning
(03) 9662 3755
Applications must respond to the key selection criteria, be marked
confidential and addressed to Marilyn Beaumont, Executive Director,
Women’s Health Victoria, GPO Box 1160, Melbourne 3001, or email
whv@whv.org.au Applications close 12 noon, 14 March 2008
Project Worker - ABI Case Management Review
Melbourne City Mission is currently seeking an experienced individual
to work in responding to the recommendations of the 2007 Acquired
Brain Injury (ABI) Case Management Review Report.
The Case Management Action Group (CMAG), an affiliation of
disability case management services within the North and West
region is managing the project. CMAG is auspiced by Melbourne
In your role as Project Worker you will respond to the
recommendations of the review, as well as working to build and
strengthen best practice approaches to ABI Case Management.
This is a full-time fixed term position of 6 months. The role is
classified under the SACS Award as a Social Worker Class 4 Year 2.
Access to tax-free salary packaging arrangements, which can add
significant value to earnings, is also available.
Additional information is available by visiting the ‘jobs page’ on our
website on http://www.melbournecitymission.org.au/jobs/currentvacancies/project-worker.html or by contacting Willa Longmuir or
Frances Riggs on 9487 9200.
Applications close Friday 14th March 2008 and should be forwarded
to –
Willa Longmuir
Melbourne Citymission
230 Normanby Avenue
or by e-mail to – wlongmuir@mcm.org.au